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The patterns of orientation of individual mesenchyme cells have been evaluated in the hindlimb of the mouse embryo during the period of transition from early aggregation (Day 12) to cartilage formation (Day 13). Orientation was measured by determining the angular relationship between the Golgi-nucleus axis of each cell relative to either the longitudinal limb axis or the center of the cartilaginous aggregate. Patterns were assessed qualitatively and quantitatively in horizontal, vertical, and transverse sections of the proximal, middle, and distal precartilage mesenchyme. These analyses showed that the mesenchyme cells are oriented predominantly toward the longitudinal axes of both the early (Day 12) and late (Day 13) aggregates.  相似文献   

Unprimed or KLH-primed rabbit lymph node cells were pulsed with cholera enterotoxin or KLH for 2 hr and washed. KLH-treated LNC were mixed with equal numbers of CT-treated LNC or boiled CT-treated LNC. Cocultivation of CT-treated LNC with KLH-treated cells resulted in at least a 100% increase in antibody synthesis compared to control cultures. Delaying cocultivation for 24 hr reduced enhancement to 25%. Thus it appears that an early event—before 24 hr—is involved in CT enhancement. Using 125I-CT, it was shown that these effects were not due to CT carry-over. When KLH- and CT-pulsed LNC were cultured in chambers separated by polycarbonate membranes (0.2- to 0.4-μm pore size) antibody production was enhanced 50–80%. Supernates of CT-treated LNC also enhanced antibody production by KLH-treated LNC. These results suggest that CT triggers the release of soluble factor(s) which enhance(s) antibody synthesis by antigen-primed and antigen-challenged LNC.  相似文献   

Mullerian inhibiting substance (MIS), a secreted testicular product responsible for regression of the Mullerian ducts in the male mammalian embryo, was purified 7000 fold, exploiting the glycoprotein nature of this important fetal regressor to achieve enhanced purification. The present procedure employs media incubation of newborn calf testis, passage through DEAE Bio-Gel A and CM Bio-Gel A and sequential lectin affinity chromatography on wheat germ lectin (WGL)-Sepharose 6MB and concanavalin A (Con A)-Sepharose 4B. Strongly bioactive MIS was released from both lectin columns in the bound glycoprotein fraction only after elution with lectin-specific sugar. Carbohydrate analysis of the highly purified glycoprotein fraction eluted from Con A indicated the presence of both N-acetyl glucosamine and mannose, as would be expected from its sequential lectin affinity, as well as of galactose, galactosamine and N-acetyl neuraminic acid. Electrophoresis of this fraction on polyacrylamide-SDS gels showed an identical band pattern after staining with either Coomassie blue or periodic acid-Schiff reagent, further indicating that MIS is a glycoprotein.  相似文献   

We have developed an in vitro system for the activation of T cells in order to get a better insight into the genetic and molecular mechanisms involved in the generation of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) effector T cells. Low doses of fowl γ-globulin (FγG) as well as the synthetic polypeptide (T,G)-A-L were bound to splenic adherent cells and served as immunogens for the in vitro sensitization of lymphocytes. In parallel, (T,G)-A-L-specific T cells were activated in vivo in irradiated recipient mice. The ability of the in vitro- and in vivo-activated cells to mediate DTH responses was determined in naive recipient mice by the radioisotopic ear assay. Twenty to thirty × 106 “educated” cells were sufficient to elicit significant DTH responses. Irradiation of the spleen cells prior to their transfer resulted in higher responses. The DTH reactivity was transferable by nylon wool-enriched T cells but not by a Thy 1.2-depleted population indicating the T-cell dependency of the response. The in vitro and in vivo antigen-activated T-cell population exhibited also helper-cell activity as determined by their cooperation with B cells in adoptive transfer experiments.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the effect of purified human α-fetoprotein (AFP) on several in vitro correlates of cell-mediated immunity. AFP (100 μg/ml) had no effect on antigen-induced migration inhibitory factor (MIF) production or on the ability of T cells to bind sheep erythrocytes. In contrast, AFP had a twofold effect on mitogen-and antigen-induced lymphocyte proliferation. In a dose-dependent fashion (1–100 μg/ml), AFP was mitogenic to lymphocyte cultures and also suppressed tritiated thymidine incorporation by PHA- and SK-SD-stimulated cultures. Albumin had somewhat similar effects on lymphocyte proliferation but only at 100 μg/ml. The reason for the latter was not clear since the albumin preparation was free of any detectable AFP. Our studies suggest that human AFP may not have any biologically significant immunosuppressive function.  相似文献   

In the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, metamorphosis occurs in response to two releases of ecdysone that occur 2 days apart. Epidermis was explanted from feeding final-instar larvae before the first release of ecdysone and was cultured in Grace's medium. When exposed to 1 μg/ml of β-ecdysone for 24 hr and then to hormone-free medium for 24 hr, followed by 5 μg/ml of β-ecdysone for 4 days, the epidermis produced tanned pupal cuticle in vitro. During the first 24 hr of exposure to β-ecdysone, the epidermis first changed its cellular commitment to that for pupal cuticle formation (ET50 = 14 hr), then later (by 22 hr) it became committed to tan that cuticle. Then, for most of the pupal cuticle to be tanned, at least a 12-hr period of culture in hormone-free medium was required before the cuticle synthesis was initiated. Consequently, some events prerequisite to sclerotization of pupal cuticle not only occur during the ecdysone-induced change in commitment but also during the ecdysone-free period. When the tissue was preincubated in 3 μg/ml of juvenile hormone (JH I or a mimic epoxygeranylsesamole) for 3 hr and then exposed to both ecdysone and juvenile hormone for 24 hr, it subsequently formed larval cuticle. The optimal conditions for this larval cuticle formation were exposure to 5 μg/ml of β-ecdysone in the presence of 3 μg/ml of epoxygeranylsesamole for 48 hr. When the epidermis was cultured in Grace's medium for 3 days and then exposed to 5 μg/ml of β-ecdysone for 4 days, 70% of the pieces formed pupal cuticle. By contrast, if both ecdysone and JH were added, 77% formed larval cuticle. Therefore, the change from larval to pupal commitment of the epidermal cells requires not only the absence of JH, but also exposure to ecdysone.  相似文献   

Highly purified platelet factor 4 (PF4) was found to be a potent stimulator of human granulocyte elastase activity against native elastin and solubilized α elastin. Heparin neutralized this stimulation of elastolysis by PF4, but independently stimulated granulocyte elastase activity. Chondroitin sulfate, a constituent of the PF4 carrier molecule, also stimulated granulocyte elastase activity. The stimulation of granulocyte elastase by PF4 occurs at known serum concentrations of PF4.  相似文献   

Most cells have a morphological polarity with the centrioles and Golgi apparatus occupying one pole of the cell and the nucleus the other. This structural polarity often correlates with functional polarity as in secretory epithelia where the Golgi apparatus moves to the pole of the cell from which secretory materials are exreted. In limb development an interaction of unknown mechanism occurs between the epithelium and mesenchyme. We have evaluated the pattern of cell polarity using silver impregnation of the Golgi apparatus in limb epithelium and mesenchyme of mouse embryos from day 9.5, when limbs are first visible, to day 15, when cartilage formation is complete. Cells in the epithelium almost always have the Golgi apparatus in the apex of the cell, i.e., oriented away from the basement membrane. The layer of mesenchyme cells just beneath the basement membrane initially has only 16 to 25% of the cells oriented toward the basement membrane. A marked shift in orientation occurs between days 12 and 13 so that from days 13 to 15 up to 53% of the mesenchyme cells are oriented toward the basement membrane. This shift in orientation occurs more slowly in the mesenchyme at a depth of four cells below the basement membrane. This changing pattern of mesenchymal cell polarity occurs at a time when there is an apparent increase in the amount of extracellular matrix, especially in the region just below the basement membrane.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A2 modification of lipid-protein interactions of normal O,Rh(D) positive erythrocyte membranes increased the fluorescence intensity of the membrane bound probe, 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate (ANS) and increased the N-1-[14C]-ethyl maleimide ([14C]-NEM) labeling of sulfhydryl groups in two proteins of molecular weight >200,000. In marked contrast, phospholipase A2 modification of the rare phenotype O,Rhnull membranes resulted in no significant increase in ANS fluorescence or labeling of sulfhydryl groups by [14C] NEM. Since the O,Rhnull erythrocytes demonstrated an increased osmotic fragility and decreased survival time, the fluorescence and sulfhydryl labeling data support the conclusion that hydrophobic bonding between β-fatty acid side chains and non-polar regions of asymmetric proteins is necessary for maintaining the native structure of the O,Rh(D) positive membrane. Comparative studies with phospholipase C or D implied that ionic bonding played a similar though less important structural role in both membranes.  相似文献   

The complex carbohydrates at the cell surfaces of two TA3, murine mammary carcinoma ascites sublines (the strain-specific, TA3-St subline and the nonstrain-specific, TA3-Ha line) were compared by binding studies with 125I-labelled concanavalin A (con A), Ricinis communis agglutinin (RCA), and eel-serum agglutinin (ESA). The TA3-Ha cell bound equal amounts of con A, 1.5-fold more RCA, and 4-fold more ESA than the TA3-St cell. Binding-inhibition studies by these lectins and two others [wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA) and potato lectin (STA)] suggest complementary binding-sites between con A and both RCA and ESA. Quantitative agglutination studies with the five lectins, and inhibition determinations by both neuraminidase-treated and untreated epiglycanin revealed that TA3-St, but not TA3-Ha, cells were agglutinated by con A, and that epiglycanin inhibited this agglutination, as well as the agglutination of rabbit erythrocytes by con A. The presence of a con A receptor on epiglycanin was also suggested by the binding of epiglycanin to con A-Sepharose, and its specific elution with methyl α-d-manno-pyranoside. TA3-St cells were agglutinated at a 10-15-fold lower concentration of either STA or RCA than TA3-Ha cells, but both cells were agglutinated by the same concentration of WGA and ESA. Inhibition by epiglycanin of agglutination of TA3-St cells by either STA or ESA occurred at a concentration lower than that of TA3-Ha cells, but epiglycanin inhibited RCA agglutination of TA3-Ha cells at a concentration  相似文献   

The addition of KLH to KLH-primed rabbit lymph node cell cultures induced an anamnestic antibody response. The further addition of prostaglandins of the E series, but not PGF1α, enhanced this antibody response manifold. The addition to these cultures of prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors together with KLH inhibited antibody production. At the concentration (10?4) required to inhibit antibody synthesis, by a variety of criteria one of these inhibitors, indomethacin, was shown not to exert its effects through cytotoxicity. By contrast, two other inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis, Ro-20-5720 and Ro-3-1314, inhibited antibody synthesis because of their cytotoxicity. The inhibition of the antibody response by indomethacin did not occur when PGE1 or PGE2 was added concurrently to these cultures, clearly showing that inhibition was due to a deficiency of prostaglandins. These findings strongly suggest that induction and/or regulation of the in vitro anamnestic antibody response of KLH-primed lymph node cells to 1 and 100 μg KLH requires continued prostaglandin synthesis. Potential mechanisms for the regulation of the antibody response by prostaglandins are discussed.  相似文献   

A method is described for the quantitative analysis of eicosanoids (arachidonic acid metabolites, nee, prostaglandins) by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography following formation of the ester derivative with p-(9-anthroyloxy)phenacyl bromide. The lower limit of detection of the eicosanoid ester is 280 pg (ultraviolet—254 nm) and approximately 50 pg (fluorescence 249 emission, 413-nm cutoff). We separated the esters of seven common eicosanoids by reverse-phase chromatography with acetonitrile and water. Thromboxane B2 chromatographs as two species and coelutes with PGF. Separation of all others is adequate, including the three metabolites of prostacyclin (6-keto-PGF, 6-keto-PGE1, 13,14-dihydro-6,15-diketo-PGF). We obtained good correlation between radioimmunoassay and derivative analysis of standard 6-keto-PGF extracted from lactated Ringer's solution with standard technique, as well as 6-keto-PGF quantitation from tissue culture medium that had contained pulmonary endothelial cells. This method should be applicable to analysis of eicosanoids extracted from biological matrices.  相似文献   

Irradiated BALB/c spleen-cell populations actively cytotoxic to BL/6 alloantigens (modulator cells) were capable of suppression of the in vitro generation of BALB/c anti-BL/6 cellular cytotoxicity. This suppression was abrogated by anti-θ serum plus complement. The suppression was dose dependent on the number of modulator cells and correlated directly with the magnitude of their cytotoxicity. By varying the number of stimulator cells, specific suppression for a relevant stimulator cell and nonspecific suppression for an irrelevant stimulator cell were demonstrated in the same cultures. These data suggest that cytotoxic cells caused specific suppression in mixed lymphocyte culture by lysing stimulator cells although evidence for other nonspecific suppressor factors was seen. A model was proposed suggesting that cell populations possessing high levels of cytotoxicity may feed back negatively on an ongoing immune response by competing with proliferating T cells for cellular antigen.  相似文献   

Cell resistance to the catecholaminergic neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine was studied in various cell lines: human neuroblastoma lines SK-N-MC. SK-N-SH, and SK-N-SH-SY5Y; and non-neuroblastoma lines CHO-K1, S-180, C-6, and L-M, the latter three of which synthesize nerve growth factor. Cells were treated one day after seeding for 1 h with 6OHDA. Cytotoxicity of the drug was quantified as the percent live cells, determined by the trypan blue exclusion test, 24 h after treatment. At 100 μg/ml, 6OHDA lethal toxicity was confined mainly to neuroblastoma cells. However, drug specificity was dependent not only on cell type, but also on cell density and presence of NGF. Thus, the non-neuroblastoma cell strain S-180-A, which produces less NGF than its parent line S-180, lost resistance to toxicity at low cell density, and even at high density was less resistant than SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cells. Moreover, when mouse β-NGF (500 BU/ml) was administered to human neuroblastoma clones SY5Y and IN one day after seeding for 24 h before drug treatment, the cell survival rate increased significantly, although only SY5Y cells were protected by a lower concentration (1 BU/ml) of exogenous NGF. Finally, cell line S-180 became susceptible to 6OHDA killing when incubated one hour with high titer anti-mouse β-NGF immediately prior to drug treatment, whereas cell line C-6 did not. NGF was therefore proposed to have an important, though not determinative, role in cell resistance to 6OHDA toxicity.  相似文献   

Adult rat hepatocytes in primary cultures are stimulated to synthesize DNA in response to rat serum, whereas rat plasma is considerably less active. Biological activity is present in rat platelets and is secreted during aggregation in response to thrombin. The material secreted by rat platelets is heat labile and is sensitive to digestion with trypsin, suggesting that it is a protein. When assayed on 3T3 cells this material also stimulates DNA synthesis; however, the trypsin-sensitive activity is heat stable (100 degrees C, 10 min). These results indicate that rat platelets contain hepatotrophic activities which by virtue of their heat sensitivity are distinct from heat-stable platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-like mitogenic activities required by 3T3 cells for growth. It is possible that hepatotrophic platelet factors might be involved in mediating liver regeneration in the rat after partial hepatectomy.  相似文献   

Differential gene expression has been observed in hormone-dependent rat mammary carcinomas during their growth and regression. A 22K MW protein, a prominent in vitro translation product of the growing as compared to the regressing tumor, was identified as the c-rasH-21,000-dalton transforming protein (p21) using a monoclonal antibody that reacts specifically with Harvey-related p21 species. The amount of p21-translated protein sharply decreased in the translation products of the regressing tumors within 6 hours post ovariectomy or dibutyryl cyclic AMP treatment. The results show that an enhanced expression of the c-rasH oncogene is associated with hormone-dependent growth of mammary carcinomas in vivo and that suppression of this oncogene precedes the tumor regression induced by either hormone withdrawal or dibutyryl cyclic AMP treatment.  相似文献   

Glucagon and dibutyryl cyclic AMP inhibited glucose utilization and lowered fructose 2,6-bisphosphate levels of hepatocytes prepared from fed chickens. Partially purified preparations of chicken liver 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase and fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase were activated and inhibited by fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, respectively. The sensitivities of these enzymes and the changes observed in fructose 2,6-bisphosphate levels are consistent with an important role for this allosteric effector in hormonal regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in chicken liver. In contrast, oleate inhibition of glucose utilization by chicken hepatocytes occurred without change in fructose, 2,6-bisphosphate levels. Likewise, pyruvate inhibition of lactate gluconeogenesis in chicken hepatocytes cannot be explained by changes in fructose 2,6-bisphosphate levels. Exogenous glucose caused a marked increase in fructose 2,6-bisphosphate content of hepatocytes from fasted but not fed birds. Both glucagon and lactate prevented this glucose effect. Fasted chicken hepatocytes responded to lower glucose concentrations than fasted rat hepatocytes, perhaps reflecting the species difference in hexokinase isozymes.  相似文献   

The involvement of glycoconjugates in the insulin-receptor interactions in mouse liver is tested by digestions of membranes with various enzymes. Trypsin decreased the binding of [125I]insulin to liver membranes. After digestion with β-galactosidase no “high affinity” receptor sites could be detected. The effects observed with plant lectins confirm the involvement of galactoconjugates in the insulin binding process. Sophora japonica and Ricinus communis lectins (with galactose specificity) and concanavalin A largely inhibit the binding process of insulin and those effects concern the “high affinity” receptor sites. Other lectins (wheat germ agglutinin, Dolichos) and enzymes (α-l-fucosidase, β-N-acetyl-hexosaminidase and neuraminidase) are without effect on insulin binding.Comparative studies performed on diabetic mouse liver membrane (KK mice), previously characterized by decreased number of insulin receptors, are in good agreement with qualitatively similar receptor sites in both non-diabetic (control) and diabetic mice. Effects of enzymes and lectins yielded same results as compared to control membranes. Plasma membrane proteins and glycoproteins in both types of mouse are indistinguishable with respect to enzymic and chemical analysis. Sodium dodecyl sulphate acrylamide gel electrophoresis shows identical patterns. Moreover, the decrease in the number of insulin receptors is easily reversed with diet restriction. These data are consistent with the similarity of receptor sites in control and diabetic liver membrane.  相似文献   

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