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Synthesis and Secretion of Transferrin by Cultured Mouse Hepatoma Cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mouse hepatoma cell (Hepa-1) in tissue culture has been shown to synthesize and secrete three electrophoretically distinct transferrins. Each of these forms of transferrin has a molecular weight of 77,000, as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The concentration of each form is indicated by its staining intensity, which is highest in the form with the fastest mobility and lowest in the form with the slowest mobility. The relative rate of transferrin synthesis has been determined in log-phase and stationary-phase cells; the data indicate that the relative rate of synthesis increases twofold in stationary-phase cells. When the incorporation of [3H]leucine into transferrin reaches steady state, the rate of secretion is equal to the rate of synthesis; the rate of secretion also increases twofold in stationary-phase cells. Our studies also show that transferrin synthesis accounts for 0.98% of the total protein synthesis in log-phase cells and for 1.8% in stationary-phase cells. This is the level of synthesis that has been determined by in vivo studies. We conclude that after continuous culture for several years these hepatoma cells have maintained one of the characteristics of the differentiated liver cell, namely, the ability to synthesize and secrete transferrin.  相似文献   

Mouse neuroblastoma clone N1E-115 has muscarinic acetylcholine receptors that mediate cyclic GMP synthesis. This receptor-mediated response is not significantly higher than background until the cells have been maintained in the stationary phase for at least 1 week. The basis of the influence of time in culture on the cyclic GMP response was investigated. The relative amount of cyclic GMP synthesized by intact cells was measured by radioactively labeling the GTP pool with [3H]guanine, incubating cells with agonists, and then chromatographically isolating [3H]cyclic GMP. Carbamylcholine-, ionophore X-537A-, and sodium azide-induced cyclic GMP formation increased with time in culture to a maximum of 13-, 9-, and 2.5-fold above basal, respectively. There was no change in the number or the apparent affinity of the muscarinic receptors as measured by [3H]quinuclidinyl benzylate ([3H]QNB) binding. In addition, there was no change in the apparent affinity of the receptors for agonist as measured by the ability of carbamylcholine to displace the specific binding of [3H]QNB. Guanylate cyclase activity per milligram protein and per cell in-creased six- and sevenfold, respectively, from day 0 to day 22. However, this increase in guanylate cyclase appeared to precede the marked increase in sensitivity of the cells to agonists. These data suggest that, in addition to guanylate cyclase and muscarinic receptors, there is another factor which is responsible for the development of this muscarinic receptor-mediated response.  相似文献   

Surface Proteins of Cultured Mouse Cerebellar Cells   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Surface proteins of cultured monolayer cells from embryonic and early postnatal C57BL/6J mouse cerebella were identified by a lactoperoxidase-catalysed 131iodine labelling technique. Major iodinated polypeptides have molecular weights of approximately 200, 145, 120, 100, 85, 65, 50, and 30 X 103 (P200, P145, ?) as estimated by sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Membrane glycoproteins, of apparent molecular weights 200, 145, 100, 85, and 50 X 103, are detected by biosynthetic labelling with [3H]fucose. The two major iodinated proteins are the glycoproteins P200 and P145. P145 is released from the cells into the medium together with other surface proteins. No changes in the patterns of labelled cerebellar cell surface proteins are detectable between embryonic day 17 and postnatal day 10. A pattern similar to the one seen with cerebellum is obtained with embryonic day 12 and 17 cerebral cortex. Cultured retinal cells from 2-day-old mice, skin fibroblasts, and l -cells display a distinctly different pattern, which does not contain P145 as a major iodinated component. In granule cell-enriched fractions of cerebellar cells the two glycoproteins P200 and P145 are proportionately increased, while three proteins, P100, P85, and P50, are more abundant in the glial cell-enriched fraction. These three polypeptides are also enriched in cells obtained from staggerer mutant mice. An antiserum against 4-day-old cerebellar cells (anti-NS-4) precipitates the 145 and 200 X 103 molecular weight proteins, from lysates of both embryonic cerebral and postnatal cerebellar cells. From lysates of mouse retinal cells, anti-NS-4 antiserum precipitates two proteins with molecular weights of 140 and 210 X 103. Rohrer H. and Schachner M. Surface proteins of cultured mouse cerebellar cells. J. Neurochem. 35, 792–803 (1980).  相似文献   


In rat HTC hepatoma cells overexpressing human insulin receptors, insulin stimulated glycogen synthesis by 55–70%. To study postreceptor signaling events leading to insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis in these cells, we have employed pathway-specific chemical inhibitors such as LY294002, rapamycin and PD98059 to inhibit phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K), p70 ribosomal S6 kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase/MAPK, respectively. LY294002 (50 μM) completely abolished insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis whereas rapamycin (2–20 nM) partially inhibited it. Neither LY294002 nor rapamycin significantly affected the basal glycogen synthesis. However, PD98059 (100 μM) significantly inhibited the basal glycogen synthesis without affecting insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis. In these cells, insulin at 100 nM decreased glycogen synthase kinase 3α (GSK3α) activity by 30–35%. LY294002, but neither rapamycin nor PD98059, abolished insulin-induced inactivation of GSK3α. These data suggest that insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis in rat HTC hepatoma cells is mediated mainly by PI3K-dependent mechanism. In these cells, inactivation of GSK3α, downstream of PI3K, may play a role in insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis.  相似文献   

Synthesis of Sulfatide by Cultured Rat Schwann Cells   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
Abstract: The 35S sulfolipids synthesized by purified cultures of rat Schwann cells, fibroblasts, and a rat cell line (RN2) were studied. Schwann cell 35S sulfolipids were almost entirely [35S]sulfatide, as shown by TLC in two different solvent systems with unlabeled authentic sulfatide run in the same track. RN2 and fibroblasts did not synthesize significant amounts of sulfatide, by the same criteria. Previous studies failed to detect any characteristic myelin components, including sulfatide, on Schwann cells after several days in culture (Brockes et al., 1980a; Mirsky et at., 1980). My results show that Schwann cells continue to synthesize some sulfatide in the absence of neurons.  相似文献   

The choroid plexus (ChP) epithelium is a multifunctional tissue found in the ventricles of the brain. The major function of the ChP epithelium is to produce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that bathes and nourishes the central nervous system (CNS). In addition to the CSF, ChP epithelial cells (CPECs) produce and secrete numerous neurotrophic factors that support brain homeostasis, such as adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Accordingly, damage and dysfunction to CPECs are thought to accelerate and intensify multiple disease phenotypes, and CPEC regeneration would represent a potential therapeutic approach for these diseases. However, previous reports suggest that CPECs rarely divide, although this has not been extensively studied in response to extrinsic factors. Utilizing a cell-cycle reporter mouse line and live cell imaging, we identified scratch injury and the growth factors insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) as extrinsic cues that promote increased CPEC expansion in vitro. Furthermore, we found that IGF-1 and EGF treatment enhances scratch injury-induced proliferation. Finally, we established whole tissue explant cultures and observed that IGF-1 and EGF promote CPEC division within the intact ChP epithelium. We conclude that although CPECs normally have a slow turnover rate, they expand in response to external stimuli such as injury and/or growth factors, which provides a potential avenue for enhancing ChP function after brain injury or neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Somatic cell hybrids were derived by fusing tumourigenic and melanogenic melanoma (PAZG) cells with normal diploid male mouse cells in vivo. Their chromosomal composition was equivalent to the sum of both parental genomes and included a Y chromosome lacking in the melanoma parent. Our study showed that in PAZG x C57BL hybrids (MP), tumourigenicity was suppressed but pigmentation was expressed.  相似文献   

Effects of l-tryptophan and its metabolites were evaluated on synthesis of nerve growth factor (NGF) in cultured mouse astroglial cells. l-Tryptophan stimulated NGF production in a dose-dependent fashion. Serotonin and quinolinic acid slightly increased NGF synthesis. l-Kynurenine had a marked stimulatory effect on NGF synthesis at a dose of 100 μm. In contrast, kynurenic acid had no effect.  相似文献   

Creatine Transport in Cultured Cells of Rat and Mouse Brain   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
Astroglia-rich cultures derived from brains of newborn rats or mice use a transport system for the uptake of creatine. The uptake system is saturable, Na+-dependent, and highly specific for creatine and Na+. Kinetic studies on rat cells revealed a Km value for creatine of 45 microM, a Vmax of 17 nmol x h-1 x (mg of protein)-1, and a Km value of 55 mM for Na+. The carrier is competitively inhibited by guanidinopropionate (Ki = 15 microM). No such transport system was found in neuron-rich primary cultures from embryonic rat brain. It is hypothesized that creatine transport is an astroglial rather than a neuronal function.  相似文献   

Novikoff cells (strain N1S1-67) and L-67 cells, a nutritional mutant of the common strain of mouse L cells which grows in the same medium as N1S1-67 cells, were infected with mengovirus under identical experimental conditions. The synthesis of host-cell ribonucleic acid (RNA) by either type of cell was not affected quantitatively or qualitatively until about 2 hr after infection, when viral RNA synthesis rapidly displaced the synthesis of cellular RNA. The rate of synthesis of protein by both types of cells continued at the same rate as in uninfected cells until about 3 hr after infection, and a disintegration of polyribosomes occurred only towards the end of the replicative cycle, between 5 and 6 hr. The time courses and extent of synthesis of single-stranded and double-stranded viral RNA and of the production of virus were very similar in both types of cells, in spite of the fact that the normal rate of RNA synthesis and the growth rate of uninfected N1S1-67 cells are about three times greater than those of L-67 cells. In both cells, the commencement of viral RNA synthesis coincided with the induction of viral RNA polymerase, as measured in cell-free extracts. Viral RNA polymerase activity disappeared from infected L-67 cells during the period of production of mature virus, but there was a secondary increase in activity in both types of cells coincidental with virus-induced disintegration of the host cells. Infected L-67 cells, however, disintegrated and released progeny virus much more slowly than N1S1-67 cells. The two strains of cells also differed in that replication of the same strain of mengovirus was markedly inhibited by treating N1S1-67 cells with actinomycin D prior to infection; the same treatment did not affect replication in L-67 cells.  相似文献   

A survey of growth responses of tissue-culture cells to vitamins and amino acids was undertaken to explore the potentialities of tissue culture in the assay of growth factors. An antagonist of the nutrient was included in each test system to improve its sensitivity. Addition of an antimetabolite was advantageous in the thiamine and phenylalanine assays. Tissue-culture assays of tryptophan and of phenylalanine supplemented with β-2-thienylalanine compared favorably with microbial assays, and may serve as confirmatory or supplementary test systems. The sensitivity of cultured tissue cells to minute amounts of a variety of physiologically active substances suggests their employment in hormone and toxic compound assays.  相似文献   

Schizosaccharomyces pombe has four α-amylase homologs (Aah1p-Aah4p) with a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) modification site at the C-terminal end. Disruption mutants of aah genes were tested for mislocalization of vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y (CPY), and aah3Δ was found to secrete CPY. The conversion rate from pro- to mature CPY was greatly impaired in aah3Δ, and fluorescence microscopy inidicated that a sorting receptor for CPY, Vps10p, mislocalized to the vacuolar membrane. These results indicate that aah3Δ had a defect in the retrograde transport of Vps10p, and that Aah3p is the first S. pombe specific protein required for vacuolar protein sorting.  相似文献   

本工作采用荧光探针Fura-2AM观察了外源性神经节苷脂GM3和GD3对SMMC-7721人肝癌培养细胞钙的影响,证明GM3和GD3均能升高细胞内钙浓度([Ca2+]i),但程度上有极大差异。10nmol/mLGM3或1.0nmol/mLGD3可使[Ca2+]i上升高是明显,与对照相比[Ca2+]i分别增加215~250%和42%。进一步用Verapamil阻断钙通道和内质网钙释放、去除细胞外Na+以抑制Na+-Ca2+交换以及去除细胞外Ca2+在无外钙内流等系统观察了GM3和GD3的作用方式,结果提示GM3升高[Ca2+]i的机制是一个同时增加内质网钙释放、激活钙通道并伴有质膜Ca2+-ATP酶激活的综合结果;而GD3则主要抑制Na+-Ca2+交换系统。  相似文献   

Addition of insoluble mycelial walls of a fungus, Chaetomiumglobosum, stimulated the induction of chitinase and phenylalanineammonia-lyase (PAL), as well as the accumulation of phenolicacids in cultured carrot cells. Mycelial wall fragments solubilizedby chitinase treatment also elicited accumulation of phenolicacids. The induction of chitinase and PAL were highly dependenton the age of the carrot cell cultures, as are other defenseresponses, including phytoalexin production. (Received April 2, 1986; Accepted August 22, 1986)  相似文献   

The migration of Schwann cells is critical for development of peripheral nervous system and is essential for regeneration and remyelination after nerve injury. Although several factors have been identified to regulate Schwann cell migration, intrinsic migratory properties of Schwann cells remain elusive. In this study, based on time-lapse imaging of single isolated Schwann cells, we examined the intrinsic migratory properties of Schwann cells and the molecular cytoskeletal machinery of soma translocation during migration. We found that cultured Schwann cells displayed three motile phenotypes, which could transform into each other spontaneously during their migration. Local disruption of F-actin polymerization at leading front by a Cytochalasin D or Latrunculin A gradient induced collapse of leading front, and then inhibited soma translocation. Moreover, in migrating Schwann cells, myosin II activity displayed a polarized distribution, with the leading process exhibiting higher expression than the soma and trailing process. Decreasing this front-to-rear difference of myosin II activity by frontal application of a ML-7 or BDM (myosin II inhibitors) gradient induced the collapse of leading front and reversed soma translocation, whereas, increasing this front-to-rear difference of myosin II activity by rear application of a ML-7 or BDM gradient or frontal application of a Caly (myosin II activator) gradient accelerated soma translocation. Taken together, these results suggest that during migration, Schwann cells display malleable motile phenotypes and the extension of leading front dependent on F-actin polymerization pulls soma forward translocation mediated by myosin II activity.  相似文献   

在后基因组时代,DNA-蛋白质的相互作用是研究基因表达调控的一个重要领域.染色质免疫沉淀技术(chromatin immunoprecipitation assay,简称CHIP)是目前唯一研究体内DNA与蛋白质相互作用的方法.对与ChIP有关的实验条件进行了优化,获得了较优的实验条件,并运用ChIP实验筛选出了转录因子activator protein-2 alpha (AP-2a)的未知靶基因,对于进一步研究AP-2a的功能和调控网络打下了基础.  相似文献   

CloneSelectTM成像系统是一种以影像为基础的用于分析细胞生长的可视检测系统.本研究采用人结直肠癌HCT116细胞系,运用CloneSelect成像系统和MTT方法分别检测药物阿的平的细胞毒性,并采用Bland Altman作图法比较两种实验方法获得的pEC50值,分析两种研究方法获得的结果的一致性. 结果表明,CloneSelectTM成像系统和MTT法获得的pEC50值具有较好的一致性.与MTT方法相比,基于影像的CloneSelectTM成像分析技术检测快速、无损伤且结果更准确,获取资料不损伤细胞,允许后续其它时间点或动力学检测. 研究提示,这种新的以影像为基础的检测技术可以替代MTT方法,用于分析不同药物的抗细胞增殖活性.  相似文献   

Abstract: The influence of divalent cations on glycosphingolipid metabolism was examined in the NB41A mouse neuroblastoma clonal cell line. HPLC methods were utilized to quantitate the effects on neutral glycolipids and monosialogangliosides. NB41A cells were shown to contain GM3, GM2, GM1, GD3, and GD1a by HPLC and TLC. The neutral glycosphingolipids consisted of glucosylceramide (GlcCer), lactosylceramide (LacCer), GaINAc(β1→4) Gal(β1→4)Glc(β1→1)Cer (GgOse3Cer), and GaINAc(β1→3)Gal(α1→4) Gal-(β1→4)Glc(β1→1)Cer (GbOse3Cer) according to their HPLC behavior. Cells grown in the presence of 1.85 mm -EGTA showed a two- to threefold increase in GM3 whereas other glycosphingolipids were only slightly affected. When cells were grown in the presence of 1.45 mm -EGTA plus 0.4 mm -EDTA a similar increase in GM3 was observed but this change was now accompanied by decreases in GM2, GM1 GgOse3Cer, and GbOse4Cer. The EGTA-EDTA effects were reversed when growth was in the presence of Ca2+ sufficient to bind all chelator. Mn2+ replacement reversed the chelator effects differentially; GM2 and GM1 levels were the most sensitive to increases in Mn2+ concentration; GgOse3Cer and GbOse4Cer were also sensitive, whereas GM3 was the least affected. These results suggest calcium serves an important regulatory role on GM3 levels and that manganese concentration may regulate the levels of galactosamine-containing glycolipids in mouse NB41A neuroblastoma cells.  相似文献   

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