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Using purified human T lymphocytes stimulated in serum-free media with adhered anti-CD3 + exogenous IL-2, we have shown that elevated [cAMP]i (mimicked by CPT-cAMP or induced by the physiological agonist PGE2) directly inhibits mitogen-induced 1) [3H]thymidine incorporation by PBMC, purified T cells, and isolated CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subpopulations; 2) expression of both high- and low-affinity IL-2 receptors; 3) plasma membrane expression of both p55 and p75 subunits of the IL-2 receptor; and 4) expression of p55 mRNA, but not p75 mRNA. The decrease in p55 mRNA is not due to enhanced mRNA metabolism. We conclude that elevated [cAMP]i, acting directly on T cells, inhibits mitogenesis by decreasing IL-2 receptor expression. We discuss the possible physiological relevance for the multiple stages of T cell activation that are sensitive to elevated [cAMP]i.  相似文献   

An IL-4-dependent T cell clone (LD8) was isolated from the murine IL-2-dependent cytotoxic T cell line C30.1. This clone has lost the capacity to proliferate in response to IL-2 after long-term culture in IL-4. LD8 cells express the p70, but not the p55, subunit of the IL-2R on their cell surface. The number of p70 IL-2R molecules on LD8 cells is comparable with the number of high-affinity IL-2R on the parental C30.1 cell line. LD8 cells can efficiently internalize IL-2 through the p70 IL-2R subunit. Following stimulation by IL-2, LD8 cells up-regulate p70 IL-2R mRNA, but do not express p55 IL-2R mRNA. IL-2-dependent proliferation of LD8 cells was reconstituted after introduction and expression of a human p55 IL-2R cDNA. To further investigate the role of p70 IL-2R, we have measured IL-2-induced proliferation of C30.1 cells in the presence of three anti-p55 IL-2R mAb (5A2, PC61, and 7D4) that recognize different epitopes. Under the experimental conditions used, the combination of anti-p55 IL-2R mAb prevents the formation of high-affinity IL-2R, but does not affect the binding of IL-2 to p70 IL-2R or IL-2 internalization. However, these three mAb inhibit proliferation of C30.1 cells even in the presence of IL-2 concentrations sufficient to saturate p70 IL-2R. Together these results demonstrate that p70 IL-2R alone is not sufficient to transmit IL-2-induced growth signals and that formation of p55-p70 IL-2R complex is required for IL-2-dependent proliferation of murine T cells.  相似文献   

Unstimulated PBL were examined for expression of IL-2R subunits, IL-2Rp55 and IL-2Rp75, by two-color flow cytometric analyses using mAb. NKH-1+ non-T non-B cells expressed IL-2Rp75 but not IL-2Rp55, and the IL-2Rp75 sites on purified NKH-1+ cells were determined to be 1630 sites/cell by binding of 125I-labeled TU27 mAb specific for IL-2Rp75. In the CD4+ T cell population, IL-2Rp55+ cells were significantly detected, but little or marginally of the IL-2Rp75+ cells. However, IL-2Rp75+ cells were significantly detected, but little of the IL-2Rp55+ cells in the CD8+ T cell population. The IL-2Rp75 sites on CD8+ T cells were estimated at approximate 180-410 sites/cell. In the CD4+ T cells, expression of IL-2Rp75 as well as IL-2Rp55 was induced by stimulation with PHA. IL-2Rp75+ cells, but not IL-2Rp55+ cells, were also detected in the CD14+ monocyte population. In the CD20+ B cell population, a small number of IL-2Rp55+ cells was detected, but little of the IL-2Rp75+ cells.  相似文献   

At least two different receptor molecules have been described that are capable of binding tumor necrosis factor alpha, a cytokine that plays an important role in inflammation and antitumor activity. Comparative analyses at the nucleotide sequence level suggest that these receptors are members of a newly defined protein family that also includes human and rat nerve growth factor receptors. In this study, we determine the chromosome assignments of the human TNF alpha receptor genes, one of which may have evolved as part of a conserved Hox locus-containing chromosome segment.  相似文献   

Expression of p70/75 IL-2-binding molecules and their functional roles in induction of Ig secretion by IL-2 were examined in human B cells. IL-2, at high concentrations induced higher levels of Ig secretion in Staphylococcus aureus strain Cowan I (SAC)-activated B cells than at low concentrations. About 50% of SAC-activated B cells, lacking Tac antigen, were also responsive to Ig secretion by IL-2, although the required dose of IL-2 was higher than that for Tac-positive B cells. H-31 antibody which recognizes Tac antigen did not inhibit the induction of Ig secretion by high concentrations of IL-2 in both Tac-negative and Tac-positive B cells, suggesting that IL-2 might induce Ig secretion through a receptor distinct from Tac antigens. In contrast, IL-2 was ineffective in the absence of SAC stimulation even at high concentrations. Upon analysis by SDS-PAGE, p70/75 IL-2-binding molecules were detected on Tac-negative SAC-activated B cells. Similar IL-2-binding molecules distinct from Tac antigen (p55) were detected in both Tac-positive B and T cells. However, neither p55 nor p70/75 IL-2-binding molecules could be detected in the absence of SAC stimulation. These observations suggest that p70/75 IL-2 binding molecules are induced in human B-cells in the presence or absence of Tac antigen by SAC stimulation and these determinants play an important function in the transduction of IL-2 associated signal for B cell differentiation.  相似文献   

IL2-PE40 is a chimeric protein composed of human interleukin 2 (IL2) genetically fused to the amino terminus of a modified form of pseudomonas exotoxin (PE). Internalization of IL2 via the individual p55 and p70 subunits of the IL2 receptor was studied using IL2-PE40 on several mouse and human cell lines expressing either the p55, the p70, or both IL2 receptor subunits. Internalization was assessed by measuring inhibition of protein synthesis caused by the toxin moiety of IL2-PE40. The results demonstrate that IL2 internalization is mediated by either the p55 receptor subunit or by the p70 subunit but is much more efficient when high affinity receptors composed of both subunits are present. IL2-PE40 is a powerful reagent for studying IL2 receptor interactions and for analyzing pathways of the immune response and its regulation.  相似文献   

The function of two alpha-helical regions of mouse interleukin-2 were analyzed by saturation substitution analysis. The functional parts of the first alpha-helix (A) was defined as residues 31-39 by the observation that proline substitutions within this region inactivate the protein. Four residues within alpha-helix A, Leu31, Asp34, Leu35 and Leu38, were found to be crucial for biological activity. Structural modeling suggested that these four residues are clustered on one face of alpha-helix A. Residues 31 and 35 had to remain hydrophobic for the molecule to be functional. At residue 38 there was a preference for hydrophobic side chain residues, while at residue 34 some small side chain residues as well as acidic or amide side chain residues were functionally acceptable. Inactivating changes at residue 34 had no effect upon the ability of the protein to interact with the p55 receptor. Disruption of the fifth alpha-helix (E), which had little effect upon biological activity, resulted in an inability of the protein to interact with the p55 receptor. Mutagenesis of the alpha-helix E region demonstrated that alpha-helicity and the nature of the side chain residues in this region were unimportant for biological activity. The region immediately proximal to alpha-helix E was important only for the single intramolecular disulfide linkage.  相似文献   

The proteins cross-linked to the IL-2R p55 subunit were biochemically compared in distinct cell populations that varied in their capacity to express high affinity IL-2R. We directly cross-linked p75 to p55 in the absence of IL-2 for the cell populations that bear only high affinity IL-2R. Furthermore, although no endogenous IL-2 production was detected, p75 was readily cross-linked to p55 for EL4J-3.4, a p55 transfectant of EL4 that bears high affinity IL-2R. These results strongly suggest that high affinity IL-2R exist as a preformed heterodimer of p55 and p75 which do not require IL-2 for their association. Furthermore, cross-linking of three other proteins of apparent Mr of 100,000, 135,000, and 180,000 to p55 was also seen, raising the possibility of a more complex subunit composition for the IL-2R.  相似文献   

TU27, a mouse IgG1 mAb directed at the p75 chain of the human IL-2R, was analyzed for its ability to interact with IL-2 binding on isolated p75 chains (YT-2C2 cells) and high affinity p55/p75 receptors (human alloreactive T cell clone 4AS), to inhibit IL-2-induced proliferation (4AS cells) and to cooperate with an anti-p55 chain mAb (33B3.1) for inhibiting IL-2 binding and proliferation. TU27 and IL-2 bound to the isolated p75 chain expressed by YT-2C2 cells with respective dissociation constants (Kd) of 1.3 and 1 nM. They cross-inhibited each other for binding with inhibition constants (Ki) in agreement with their respective Kd values. The nature of the interaction was, however, not purely competitive and suggested nonidentical epitopes for the two ligands on the p75 chain. On 4AS cells, IL-2 bound with high affinity (Kd = 50 pM) and TU27 with an affinity similar to that found on YT-2C2 cells. The binding of TU27 and IL-2 were also mutually exclusive on 4AS cells. However, the mechanism of interaction of TU27 with IL-2 was complex since the inhibitory potency of the antibody depended on temperature, antibody preincubation and time of assay. Data obtained at 4 degrees C in the presence of suboptimal, tracer-like concentrations of IL-2 indicated that the intrinsic affinity of TU27 for the high affinity configuration was 15-fold lower than for the isolated p75 chain and argued in favor of the affinity-conversion model (as opposed to the preformed complex model) in which p55 and p75 are dissociated in the absence of IL-2. At 37 degrees C, TU27 inhibited IL-2 binding only on short time assays (6 min). Longer time (30 min) of IL-2 binding resulted in an almost complete disappearance of the effect of TU27, suggesting that internalization of the high affinity p55/p75/IL2 complex enables the cells to escape from the inhibitory effect of TU27. In the presence of the 33B3.1 mAb, the interaction of TU27 with IL-2 resembled the one observed on YT-2C2 cells, suggesting that 33B3.1 is able to inhibit the IL-2-induced association of p55 and p75. Both antibody were found to synergize on 4AS cells, as a result of a cooperative mechanism in which 33B3.1 blocks the formation of the high affinity complex hence allowing TU27 to bind with higher affinity, and TU27 blocks IL-2 binding to the p75 chain. Proliferation studies corroborated the binding experiments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We previously established that Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas' disease, has the ability to suppress expression of the p55 component of the IL-2R by activated human PBMC. We explored in this work whether the parasite alters the expression of high affinity IL-2R, responsible for the internalization of IL-2 and signal transduction. Radiobinding measurements revealed that the trypanosome indeed inhibited the expression of high affinity IL-2R. Thus, a considerably smaller number of 125I-IL-2 molecules was necessary to saturate the IL-2R on PHA-stimulated PBMC cocultured with T. cruzi than those of control PBMC that had not been exposed to the organisms. Scatchard analysis of equilibrium binding data showed that, in the presence of T. cruzi, the number of high affinity IL-2R per cell was reduced by approximately 80%. The Kd for IL-2 binding to the fewer IL-2R expressed on PBMC exposed to T. cruzi was not significantly different from that of IL-2R on nonsuppressed PBMC. Independent measurements made after cross-linking 125I-IL-2 to its specific receptors with disuccinimidylsuberate showed that both the p55 and p70 components of the IL-2R were markedly suppressed and to comparable extents. These results demonstrate for the first time that T. cruzi suppresses the expression of high affinity IL-2R by human cells, including the p70 chain of the heterodimeric IL-2R. It is noteworthy that the in vitro model system we used in this work to study the mechanisms whereby T. cruzi may induce the immunosuppression that accompanies acute Chagas' disease also lends itself to the exploration of the regulatory mechanisms governing the expression of IL-2R by human PBMC.  相似文献   

The p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)), a common receptor for members of the neurotrophins (NT) family, was previously identified as a molecular determinant of brain metastasis. We have also reported that NT treatment of murine and human brain-metastatic melanoma cells affects their invasive capacities and increases the production of heparanase, an important and unique extracellular matrix (ECM) degradative enzyme. Neurotrophism can be a survival-support mechanism for brain-metastatic cells and a survival assay was devised to mimic the growth limiting conditions of rapidly expanding metastatic tumors prior to neoangiogenesis. We report that p75(NTR) promoted the survival of brain-metastatic melanoma cells but not melanocytes in stress cultures conditions. Secondly, melanoma cells fluorescently sorted for high p75(NTR) expression (p75(NTR-H) cells) had an up to a 15-fold greater survival than those sorted for low p75(NTR) expression (p75(NTR-L) cells). Thirdly, cells overexpressing p75(NTR) associated with the growth fraction and provided these cells with an inherent growth advantage. Finally, we observed an increased survival of sorted p75(NTR-L) cells, dependent upon treatment of NT members whose functional receptors are present on these cells. Together, these results delineate that p75(NTR)-mediated trophic support profoundly affects competitive melanoma-cell survival when the tumor cell microenvironment becomes growth limiting.  相似文献   

Hiroshi Takemoto   《FEBS letters》1989,250(2):331-335
Cross-linking of radioiodinated interleukin-2 to murine CTLL-2 cells enabled detection of 70 kDa, 85 kDa and 105 kDa complexes of IL-2 and its binding proteins under the high-affinity binding condition. A series of anti-interleukin-2 monoclonal antibodies (L15, L20, L23, L34, and L61) were tested for their activity to immunoprecipitate these cross-linked complexes. L61, which had strong neutralizing activity, precipitated only the 70 kDa complex. L15, L20, and L34, which also had neutralizing activity, precipitated not only the 70 kDa complex but also the 85 kDa complex. L23, which had practically no neutralizing activity, precipitated the 105 kDa complex as well as the 85 kDa complex. These results suggest that there are at least three distinct receptor binding sites for each receptor subunit on the interleukin-2 molecule, which are discernible by these monoclonal antibodies and that the 105 kDa complex may play a significant role in the formation of the high-affinity receptor complex and the signal transduction.  相似文献   

Few data exist on the modulation of cytokine receptor signaling by the actin or tubulin cytoskeleton. Therefore, we studied interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) signaling in phytohemagglutinine (PHA)-pretreated human T cells in the context of alterations in the cytoskeletal system induced by cytochalasin D (CyD), jasplaklinolide (Jas), taxol (Tax), or colchicine (Col). We found that changes in cytoskeletal tubulin polymerization altered the strength of several IL-2-triggered signals. Moreover, Tax-induced tubulin hyperpolymerization augmented the surface expression of the IL-2R ss -chain and enhanced the association of the IL-2R beta -chain with cytoskeletal tubulin. The IL-2R beta-chain, in turn, was constitutively associated with tubulin and, more weakly, actin. To exclude the possibility that these associations are artifacts caused by PHA, we confirmed them in T cells from TCR-transgenic DO 11.10 mice stimulated with their nominal antigen. We conclude that altered polymerization of cytoskeletal components, especially tubulin, is accompanied by modulation of IL-2 signaling at the receptor level.  相似文献   

In breast cancer cells, the neurotrophin receptor p75(NTR) acts as a prosurvival factor able to stimulate resistance to apoptosis, but its mechanism of action remains incompletely defined. In this study, we investigated the global proteome modification induced by p75(NTR) overexpression in breast cancer cells treated by the pro-apoptotic agent tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related-apoptosis-inducing-ligand (TRAIL). p75(NTR) was stably overexpressed in the MCF-7 breast cancer cells and the impact of a treatment by TRAIL was investigated in wild type vs. p75(NTR) overexpressing cells. Proteins were separated in two-dimensional electrophoresis, and regulated spots were detected by computer assisted analysis before identification by MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry. In the absence of TRAIL treatment, p75(NTR) did not induce any change in the proteome of breast cancer cells. In contrast, after treatment with TRAIL, fragments of cytokeratin-8, -18 and -19, as well as full length cytokeratin-18, were up-regulated by p75(NTR) overexpression. Of note, spectrin alpha-chain and the ribosomal protein RPLP0 were induced by TRAIL, independently of p75(NTR) level. Interestingly, the well known stress-induced protein HSP-27 was less abundant when p75(NTR) was overexpressed, indicating that p75(NTR) overexpression reduced TRAIL induced cell stress. These data indicate that overexpression of p75(NTR) induces proteome modifications in breast cancer cells and provide information on how this receptor contributes in tumor cell resistance to apoptosis.  相似文献   

Human recombinant interleukin-2 (IL-2) and a soluble recombinant form of the human p55 (Tac antigen) component of the IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) have been cocrystallized in 1.7-1.8 M ammonium sulfate, in the pH range 7.0-8.2. Variously glycosylated forms of both receptor and ligand can be cocrystallized under those conditions. The best crystals of the putative receptor-ligand complex involve the enzymatically desialylated receptor and unglycosylated IL-2. These crystals belong to the trigonal space group P3(1)2(1) or its enantiomorph, with unit cell dimensions a = b = 91 A and c = 119 A, and diffract to 3.5 A resolution. There is one receptor-ligand complex asymmetric unit, with a Matthews coefficient of 2.7, assuming the presence of one IL-2 molecule-receptor molecule. Interestingly, in addition to IL-2 (Mr = 14,000), the p55 IL-2 receptor (Mr = 44,000) and two fragments of the receptor, of apparent Mr = 35,000 and 25,000, respectively, in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the crystals are enriched in a reducible dimeric form of the desialylated receptor (apparent Mr = 90,000), as compared with protein solution from which the crystals grow. The overall amino acid content in the crystals is consistent with a 1:1 ratio of receptor to ligand. A native data set has been collected on a multiwire area detector and the search for suitable heavy atom derivatives is in progress.  相似文献   

The stimulation of activated human T lymphocytes with IL-2 results in increased tyrosine kinase activity. IL-2 treatment of Tac+ T cells stimulates the rapid phosphorylation of multiple protein substrates at M of 116, 100, 92, 70 to 75, 60, 56, 55, 33, and 32 kDa. Phosphorylation on tyrosine residues was detected by immunoaffinity purification of protein substrates with Sepharose linked antiphosphotyrosine mAb, 1G2. Although phorbol ester stimulated serine phosphorylation of the IL-2R alpha (p55) subunit recognized by alpha TAC mAb, IL-2 did not stimulate any detectable phosphorylation of IL-2R alpha or associated coimmune precipitated proteins. In fact, the tyrosine phosphorylated proteins did not coprecipitate with alpha Tac antibody and similar phosphoproteins were stimulated by IL-2 in IL-2R alpha- human large granular lymphocytes which express only the 70 to 75 kDa IL-2R beta subunit of the high affinity IL-2R. Anti-Tac mAb could inhibit IL-2-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation in activated T cells, which express both IL-2R subunits that together form the high affinity receptor complex, but not in large granular lymphocytes expressing only the IL-2R beta subunit. The data suggest that IL-2 stimulation of tyrosine kinase activities requires only the IL-2R beta subunit.  相似文献   

IL-12 is a key inducer of Th1-associated inflammatory responses, protective against intracellular infections and cancer, but also involved in autoimmune tissue destruction. We report that human Th2 cells interacting with monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DC) effectively induce bioactive IL-12p70 and revert to Th0/Th1 phenotype. In contrast, the interaction with B cells preserves polarized Th2 phenotype. The induction of IL-12p70 in Th2 cell-DC cocultures is prevented by IL-4-neutralizing mAb, indicating that IL-4 acts as a Th2 cell-specific cofactor of IL-12p70 induction. Like IFN-gamma, IL-4 strongly enhances the production of bioactive IL-12p70 heterodimer in CD40 ligand-stimulated DC and macrophages and synergizes with IFN-gamma at low concentrations of both cytokines. However, in contrast to IFN-gamma, IL-4 inhibits the CD40 ligand-induced production of inactive IL-12p40 and the production of either form of IL-12 induced by LPS, which may explain the view of IL-4 as an IL-12 inhibitor. The presently described ability of IL-4 to act as a cofactor of Th cell-mediated IL-12p70 induction may allow Th2 cells to support cell-mediated immunity in chronic inflammatory states, including cancer, autoimmunity, and atopic dermatitis.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of p55 andp75 tumor necrosis factor receptors 1 and 2 (TNFR1 and TNFR2,respectively) in TNF-induced alteration of endothelial permeability invitro and in vivo. Stimulation of TNFR1 with an agonist antibody or areceptor-selective TNF mutein increased the flux of125I-albumin through endothelial cell monolayers. Anantagonist anti-TNFR1 antibody, but not antagonist anti-TNFR2antibodies, blocked the activity of TNF in vitro. Stimulation of TNFR1,but not TNFR2, induced cytoskeletal reorganization associated withincreased permeability. SB-203580, a p38 mitogen-activated proteinkinase inhibitor, blocked TNFR1-induced cytoskeletal reorganization and permeability. A selective mouse TNFR1 agonist and human TNF, which binds to murine TNFR1, increased the leakage of trypan blue-albumin from liver vessels in mice. These results indicate that stimulation ofTNFR1 is necessary and sufficient to increase endothelial permeability in vitro and in vivo. However, an antagonist anti-murine TNFR2 antibodypartially inhibited the effect of murine TNF on liver vessels,suggesting that TNFR2 also plays a role in the regulation ofTNF-induced vascular permeability in vivo.


The Jurkat T cell line was stably transfected with an Epstein-Barr virus-based episomal replicon designed to express high levels of the HIV-1 Tat protein. After selection in hygromycin B, high-level Tat activity was detected in 3 of 18 transfected cell lines. After stimulation with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), Tat transfectants with high Tat expression showed diminished expression of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and the interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain (IL-2R) when compared to untransfected Jurkat cells or Jurkat cell lines transfected with the parent control plasmid. Sublines derived from the high-level Tat transfectants with reduced Tat activity showed normalization of PHA/PMA-induced IL-2 expression. Northern analysis showed diminished expression of IL-2 and IL-2R mRNA in the stimulated Tat transfectants. Inhibition of IL-2 and IL-2R expression by the HIV-1 Tat protein may contribute to the immune suppression that characterizes HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

The aim of the investigation was to study directly the IL-2 receptor (IL-2 R) and its subunits, p55 and p75 chains, either membrane-bound or soluble, on PBMC of patients with solid malignancies and, indirectly, the same patients’ PBMC ability to produce IL-2. Fifty-eight cancer patients, 29 men and 29 women, were studied: their mean age was 57.3 yr, range 35–79. Twenty-two healthy age-sex-matched subjects served as controls. The tumors were the most common and the most representative among human cancers, i.e., breast, lung, head and neck, digestive tract and liver, prostate and gynecologic cancers: they were generally in advanced stages and in 23 cases metastatic. The PBMC proliferative response to PHA, PHA plus IL-2, and IL-2 was evaluated along with the response to PHA in the presence of anti-p55, anti-p75 monoclonal antibodies, or both. Moreover, membrane-bound IL-2 R (p55 and p75 chains) on PHA-stimulated PBMC was detected, along with soluble IL-2 R in the serum and in the culture supernatants. The conclusions suggest that in solid malignancies: the membrane-bound IL-2 Rs, both p55 and p75 chains, are expressed normally, there is an high serum level of soluble IL-2 R, there is a normal release of soluble IL-2 R in culture, and there is an indirect evidence of a lack of IL-2 production. Therefore, no primary impairment of IL-2 R was found in solid tumors. Moreover, in our study we have found no difference in any parameter studied between patients with and patients without metastases.  相似文献   

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