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Summary Segmental pattern in Drosophila melanogaster is set up via a set of cell-cell interactions mediated by the products of the segment polarity genes. Among these is the armadillo gene, whose product seems to be required for the reception of an intercellular signal encoded by the wingless gene. As part of our effort to relate the structure of the armadillo protein to its function within the cell, we have examined the evolutionary conservation of the armadillo gene during insect evolution. We have cloned the armadillo gene from the housefly, Musca domestica, which diverged from Drosophila 100 million years ago. The Musca protein is 97.5% identical to that in Drosophila, while the noncoding sequences have diverged extensively. This remarkable degree of conservation at the protein level is mirrored in the expression pattern of the armadillo protein. Antibodies against the Drosophila protein cross-react with a Musca protein of the appropriate size. We have also used these antibodies to show that the Musca armadillo protein has a pattern of expression in larval and adult tissues similar to that of Drosophila armadillo. We discuss the implications of conservation of structure and expression for the cellular role of the armadillo protein and its mammalian homologs.Offprint requests to: M. Peifer  相似文献   

Blowflies use discrete and ephemeral substrates to feed their larva. After they run out of food, the larvae begin to disperse in order to find adequate places for pupation or additional food sources, a process named post-feeding larval dispersal. Briefly state the aspects and why they are important were studied in a circular arena of 25 cm in diameter and covered with wood shavings to a height of 40 cm allowing post-feeding dispersal from the center of the arena. Larvae of both Chrysomya albiceps and C. megacephala were used in five experiments for each species. For each pupa location, determined as distance from the center, depth, and weight were evaluated. Statistical tests were done to verify the relation between weight, depth and distance for pupation and for larvae of two species shows that the media distance is significantly different for two species and for C. megacephala this distance is greater than the distance for C. albiceps. The depth too is different for each species, as the larvae of C. megacephala buries deeper than C. albiceps. With relation of weight, there is no statistic evidence that have any difference between weights for pupation for each species.  相似文献   

Summary In Drosophila melanogaster, the gene Sex-lethal (Sxl) controls the processes of sex determination, dosage compensation, oogenesis and sexual behaviour. The control of Sxl is by alternative splicing of its primary RNA. We have identified a gene, female-lethal-2-d (fl(2)d), which is needed for the female-specific splicing of Sxl RNA and which also has a vital function independent of Sxl. Here we analyse other aspects of the gene fl(2)d. Specifically, we have analysed the effect of the temperature-sensitive mutation fl(2)d 1 on the viability of adult flies homozygous for this mutation. We have found that the viability of the mutant females is reduced, while that of the mutant males is not affected. In addition, the capacity of the mutant females to be inseminated is considerably reduced, whilst all the mutant males are able to inseminate females. These effects on females are suppressed by Sxl M1. However, the fat body cells of fl(2)d 1 homozygous females are able to synthesize yolk proteins at the restrictive temperature. We have also carried out, in males, a clonal analysis of fl(2)d 2, a mutation lethal in both sexes. We have found that the clones are fully viable. We conclude that the gene fl(2)d seems to be necessary during the adult life of females for the processes that require Sxl + activity. Moreover, the Sxl-independent vital function of fl(2)d seems to be required in both sexes only during larval development. Offprint requests to: L. Sánchez  相似文献   

A gene encoding a proto-oncogene, a myb-related gene named Atmyb1, was cloned from Arabidopsis thaliana, and its nucleotide sequence was determined. The Atmyb1 gene contains an intron of 494 bp, and there are no highly homologous sequences present in the A. thaliana genome, but evidence was found that other myb-related genes exist. In the 5 flanking region, we found several typical cis-acting elements found in plant promoters. Sequence comparisons revealed that the ATMYB1 protein has a putative DNA-binding domain with two repeats of tryptophan clusters, which is common in MYB-related proteins in plants, while animal MYB-related proteins contain DNA-binding domains with three repeats of tryptophan clusters. The putative DNA-binding domain of the ATMYB1 protein has higher homology with that of the human c-MYB protein than with those of other plant MYB proteins.  相似文献   

Rates of ovarian development in relation to temperature were determined for autogenous females of the screw-worm fly, Chrysomya bezziana. Percentage durations of the different ovarian stages (scaled 2–10) were estimated on the basis of observed lengths of the developing oocytes. Mean durations (h) of each ovarian stage was determined at 20, 25, 28 and 35°C. A model of ovarian development rate (%/d) in relation to temperature (T) is presented, the fitted curve being give by R(T)=EXP (–2.73+0.362T–0.0055T2).  相似文献   

Chrysomya albiceps is a facultative predator and cannibal species during the larval stage. Very little is known about cannibalism and prey size preference, especially in blowflies. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the influence of prey size and larval density on cannibalism by third-instar larvae of C. albiceps under laboratory conditions. Our results indicate that no cannibalism occurs by third-instar larvae on first- and second-instar larvae, but third-instar larvae do eat second-instar larvae. The functional response on second-instar larvae is consistent with Holling type II. The consequences of consuming second-, compared to first- or third-, instar larvae as well as the implications of cannibalism for the population dynamics of C. albiceps are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In the heterozygousF/f female-producing females of the strictly monogenic blowflyChrysomya rufifacies the gene product of the dominant or epistatic female sex realizerF which causes sexpredetermination is thought to be synthesized either by cells of the germ line (oocytes, nurse cells or oogonia) or by somatic cells and then transferred into the oocytes. To determine the possible site of synthesis, reciprocal transplantations were made of prepupal ovaries between female-producing (thelygenic; t) and male-producing (arrhenogenic; a) females ofChrysomya rufifacies. In another series of experiments prepupal host females of the wild t-type and a-type were each provided with one additional ovary either from a0type (f/f) or a t-type (F/f) prepupa (neither were distinguishable by their phenotypes). In all these experiments the donor females were marked by the recessive sex-linked mutation white (w/w); white eyes, white Malpighian tubules). In a considerable number of cases the implanted ovaries were in contact with the host's own oviduct and grew normally, but the rate of hatched adults was somewhat reduced. Crosses between such host females andw/w males (f/f) produced female or male offspring with white eyes from the eggs of the implantedw/w ovary, as well as flies with wild-type eyes (+/w) which had developed in the host's own ovaries. In all cases so far examined, the genetically thelygenic (or arrhenogenic) host females with an additional ovary implanted from an arrhenogenic (thelygenic) donor, produced progeny of both sexes: sons (daughters) from the eggs of the donor's ovary and daugthers (sons) from the eggs of the host's own gonads.These results demonstrate that the ovaries of the t-females ofChrysomya rufifacies at least from the early prepupal stage, are autonomous for the product of theF gene. Transplantations of the premordial germ cells (pole cells) are planned to find out whether the predeterminingF gene product is synthesized before the prepupal stage, by somatic cells outside the ovary or by somatic (follicle) cells of the ovary itself.Dedicated to Professor Dr. Hans Bauer with gratitude in commemoration of his 75th birthday  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequence of the Azotobacter vinelandii ntrA gene has been determined. It encodes a 56916 Dalton acidic polypeptide (AvNtrA) with substantial homology to NtrA from Klebsiella pneumoniae (KpNtrA) and Rhizobium meliloti (RmNtrA). NtrA has been shown to act as a novel RNA polymerase sigma factor but the predicted sequence of AvNtrA substantiates our previous analysis of KpNtrA in showing no substantial homology to other known sigma factors. Alignment of the predicted amino acid sequences of AvNtrA, KpNtrA and RmNtrA identified three regions; two showing>50% homology and an intervening sequence of <10% homology. The predicted protein contains a short sequence near the centre with homology to a conserved region in other sigma factors. The C-terminal region contains a region of homology to the subunit of RNA polymerase (RpoC) and two highly conserved regions one of which is significantly homologous to known DNA-binding motifs. In A. vinelandii, ntrA is followed by another open reading frame (ORF) which is highly homologous to a comparable ORF downstream of ntrA in K. pneumoniae and R. meliloti.  相似文献   

We have isolated Glel homologue (named as spglel) as a partial multicopy suppressor of the synthetic lethality of rael-167 elfl-21 in fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The spglel is also able to complement partially temperature-sensitive phenotype of rael-167 only at a lower restrictive temperature. The spglel gene contains one intron and encodes a 480 amino-acid protein with predicted molecular weight of 56.2 kDa. We showed that spglel gene is essential for vegetative growth and functional Glel-GFP protein is localized mainly in NPC. The accumulation of poly(A)(+) RNA in the nucleus is exhibited when expression of spglel is repressed or over-expressed. These results suggest that the spGle1 protein is also involved in mRNA export in fission yeast.  相似文献   

Ma YP  Fang XH  Chen F  Dai SL 《Plant cell reports》2008,27(4):647-654
FLO/LFY homologue genes were initially characterized as floral meristem identity genes and play a key role in flower development among diverse species. The inflorescence organization of chrysanthemum differs from typical dicotyledons such as Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum as clear sepals are absent, and instead, a pappus, a rudimentary sepal, is formed. To understand the mechanism of reproduction of chrysanthemum at the molecular level, DFL, a FLORICAULA/LEAFY homologous gene, was cloned from Dendranthema lavandulifolium, which is one of the original species of chrysanthemum. The DFL gene consists of a 1,236-bp open reading frame and encodes a putative protein of 412 amino acids, which is 63% identical to LFY and 70% to FLO. The expression patterns of DFL during the flower development were analyzed, and RT-PCR results showed that DFL was strongly expressed in the flower bud. In situ hybridization experiments showed that it is strongly expressed in the inflorescence bract, petal and stamen primordial tissues throughout the inflorescence development. Its expression signals were also detected in stems, leaf primordial tissues and developing inflorescence bracts.  相似文献   

The mammillary body, a ventral specialization of the caudal hypothalamus, lies close to the transition between epichordal and prechordal parts of the forebrain (Puelles and Rubenstein, 2003). This report examines its presumed causal connection with either prechordal or notochordal mesodermal induction, as well as the timing of its specification, in the context of early ventral forebrain patterning. It was recently found that the ephrin receptor gene EphA7 is selectively expressed in the mammillary pouch from early stages of development (HH14: García-Calero et al., 2006). We used mammillary EphA7 expression as well as ventral hypothalamic expression of the gene markers Nkx2.1 and Shh to analyze experimental effects on mammillary specification and morphogenesis after axial mesoderm ablation at stages HH4+ to HH6. Progressively delayed ablation of the prechordal plate revealed its sequential implication in molecular specification of the entire ventral forebrain, including the mammillary and tuberal regions of the hypothalamus. We observed differential contact requirements for induction by the prechordal plate of all the forebrain regions expressing Shh and Nkx2.1, including distant subpallial ones. In contrast, ablation of the anterior notochordal tip at these stages did not elicit significant patterning changes, particularly no effects on mammillary EphA7 expression or mammillary pouch development.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the rpoN gene, formerly designated hno, and flanking DNA regions of the aerobic hydrogen bacterium Alcaligenes eutrophus has been determined; rpoN codes for the RNA polymerase sigma factor 54 involved in nitrogen regulation and diverse physiological functions of gram-negative bacteria. In A. eutrophus hydrogen metabolism is under control of rpoN. The Tn5-Mob insertion in a previously isolated pleiotropic mutant was mapped within the rpoN gene. The derived amino acid sequence of the A. eutrophus RpoN protein shows extensive homology to the RpoN proteins of other organisms. Sequencing revealed four other open reading frames: one upstream (ORF280) and three downstream (ORF130, ORF99 and ORF > 54) of the rpoN gene. A similar arrangement of homologous ORFs is found in the rpoN regions of other bacteria and is indicative of a conserved gene cluster.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of mulberry (Morus indica cv. K2) chloroplast genome (158,484 bp) has been determined using a combination of long PCR and shotgun-based approaches. This is the third angiosperm tree species whose plastome sequence has been completely deciphered. The circular double-stranded molecule comprises of two identical inverted repeats (25,678 bp each) separating a large and a small single-copy region of 87,386 bp and 19,742 bp, respectively. A total of 83 protein-coding genes including five genes duplicated in the inverted repeat regions, eight ribosomal RNA genes and 37 tRNA genes (30 gene species) representing 20 amino acids, were assigned on the basis of homology to predicted genes from other chloroplast genomes. The mulberry plastome lacks the genes infA, sprA, and rpl21 and contains two pseudogenes ycf15 and ycf68. Comparative analysis, based on sequence similarity, both at the gene and genome level, indicates Morus to be closer to Cucumis and Lotus, phylogenetically. However, at genome level, inclusion of non-coding regions brings it closer to Eucalyptus, followed by Cucumis. This may reflect differential selection pressure operating on the genic and intergenic regions of the chloroplast genome.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.Communicated by Y. Tsumura  相似文献   

Myrosinase (thioglucoside glucohydrolase, EC is in Brassicaceae species such as Brassica napus and Sinapis alba encoded by two differentially expressed gene families, MA and MB, consisting of about 4 and 10 genes, respectively. Southern blot analysis showed that Arabidopsis thaliana contains three myrosinase genes. These genes were isolated from a genomic library and two of them, TGG1 and TGG2, were sequenced. They were found to be located in an inverted mode with their 3 ends 4.4 kb apart. Their organization was highly conserved with 12 exons and 11 short introns. Comparison of nucleotide sequences of TGG1 and TGG2 exons revealed an overall 75% similarity. In contrast, the overall nucleotide sequence similarity in introns was only 42%. In intron 1 the unusual 5 splice border GC was used. Phylogenetic analyses using both distance matrix and parsimony programs suggested that the Arabidopsis genes could not be grouped with either MA or MB genes. Consequently, these two gene families arose only after Arabidopsis had diverged from the other Brassicaceae species. In situ hybridization experiments showed that TGG1 and TGG2 expressing cells are present in leaf, sepal, petal, and gynoecium. In developing seeds, a few cells reacting with the TGG1 probe, but not with the TGG2 probe, were found indicating a partly different expression of these genes.  相似文献   

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