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Experimental resolution values, half distances (HD), were determined for electron microscope radioautography with 14C as the source of radioactivity. These were about a factor of 1.5–2 times higher than for tritium. Grain distributions normalized in units of HD were found to fit the "universal" curves previously obtained for tritium.  相似文献   

A calibration method is described for measuring absolute radioautographic sensitivities under various experimental conditions. Sensitivities to 3H and 35S radiation, i.e. ratio of developed grains to radioactive decays in the specimen, were determined with Ilford L4 and Kodak NTE emulsions. The highest values obtained in monolayers of emulsion were ⅛ for 3H and 1/21 for 35S. The influence of various experimental parameters on sensitivity is described, and the possibilities for quantitative electron microscope radioautography are discussed.  相似文献   

The proximal tibial epiphyses of 18–21-day-old fetal rats have been studied by thymidine-3H radioautography. The results reveal that the label is incorporated into two types of osteogenic cells: (a) a spindle cell type (A cells) with characteristics generally associated with matrix production, including an extensive development of the endoplasmic reticulum and the presence of large intracellular accumulations of a dense, finely granular material, morphologically identifiable as glycogen; and (b) a rounded cell type (B cells) with morphological features similar in degree and kind to those of the developing neutrophilic leukocyte, including an abundance of free ribosomes and mitochondria and a complex Golgi apparatus associated with dense specific granules, morphologically identifiable with primary lysosomes. These results, along with the occurrence of recognizable, labeled, immature, perivascular forms of both of these A and B type cells, lead to the conclusion that the specialization of osteogenic cells into osteoclasts and osteocytes may involve separate pathways of cytodifferentiation.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis was studied in the visual cells of an insect (honeybee drone, Apis mellifera) by electron microscope radioautography. After a single injection of tritiated leucine, the radioactivity first appears in the cytoplasm of the visual cell which contains ribosomes. Later, part of this radioactivity migrates to the rhabdome, the visual cell region which is specialized in light absorption. A maximal concentration of radioactivity is reached there 48 hr after the injection of leucine. This pattern of protein synthesis and transport resembles that described in vertebrate visual cells (rods and cones), where newly synthesized proteins have been shown to contribute to the renewal of the photoreceptor membrane.  相似文献   

The distribution of infused tritiated norepinephrine (NE-3H) in small mesenteric arteries and intestinal arterioles in rats was investigated with electron microscopic radioautography. Silver grains, indicating the presence of the tritium label on the sections, were found lying mainly over axon bundles, but some were present over collagen and smooth muscle cells. Axons with the highest concentrations of silver grains had been sectioned at points where they were naked of Schwann cell sheath, were dilated into varicosities, and contained small granular vesicles. This finding was taken as confirmatory circumstantial evidence that the small granular vesicles were the sites of uptake and storage of NE. The short interval between the start of infusion and the fixation of the tissue appeared to rule out any process other than a direct uptake of NE by the peripheral axons. If axonal sites of uptake of NE-3H correspond to sites of release of NE, then the evidence suggests that such sites of release are widespread over the terminal part of the axon and are not confined to those parts of the axon which are in close contact with smooth muscle cells. Since the fixation and embedding procedures will remove NE which is not strongly bound to tissues, the localization of NE-3H in the radioautographs does not necessarily correspond to the distribution of all the NE present in vivo.  相似文献   

The distribution of radioactivity in association with sympathetic nerve terminals and intraneuronal organelles 30 min after the administration of tritiated norepinephrine (NE-3H) was studied by electron microscope radioautography with recently developed quantitative methods of analysis reported in the accompanying paper (Salpeter et al., 1969). Nerves from the pineal body and the adrenal capsule were examined. It was found that nerve terminals containing vesicles were heavily labeled. (These terminals were not necessarily in contact with some innervated structure.) There was no selective labeling of either the intraneuronal mitochondria or the relatively small population of large (~1000 A) dense core granules. Small vesicles (~500 A), some of which have a dense internal granule, could not be analysed separately because they are closely packed and occupy ~60% of the volume in terminals. Because of the extensive distribution of these small granular and agranular vesicles in the radioactive terminals, they remain the most likely site for norepinephrine binding. Yet although the vesicles were uniformly distributed within the nerve terminals, it appears that the radioactivity was not. There appeared to be a somewhat higher concentration of radioactivity at the periphery of the nerve terminals than in the center. The usefulness of the method of analysis used in this study for determining the location of bound H3NE pools in the nerve is discussed.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthesis was investigated by giving tritium (H3)-labeled glucose with carrier to fasted rats in vivo or incubating liver slices from fasted rats in vitro using a glucose-H3-containing medium. After 15 min or 1 hr, pieces of liver were fixed and radioautographed for light and electron microscopy. In vivo and in vitro, radioautographic reactions appeared over "glycogen areas" and over zones transitional between these areas and ergastoplasm. Treatment of sections by alpha amylase removed all but about 5% of the radioactivity, so that about 95% of it consisted of glycogen (synthesized during the 15 min or 1 hr elapsing after administration of glucose-H3). Within glycogen areas and transitional zones, most silver grains were over or very close to glycogen granules and smooth (or partly smooth) vesicles. Presumably, much of the label was added onto growing glycogen granules, in accord with the biochemical view that glycogen may serve as substrate for further glycogen synthesis. The few silver grains located far from glycogen granules—15% at the 15 min interval in vivo—approximated smooth (or partly smooth) vesicles of endoplasmic reticulum. This observation raised the possibility that smooth membranes play a role in glucose uptake at an early stage in de novo formation of glycogen granules.  相似文献   

The parathyroid glands of young rats were radioautographed after a single injection of the protein precursor tyrosine-3H in the hope of identifying the sites of synthesis and migration of newly formed protein in the gland cells. The same procedure was used after injection of the glycoprotein precursor galactose-3H. As early as 2 min after intravenous injection of tyrosine-3H, the label was mainly found in the rough endoplasmic reticulum suggesting that cisternal ribosomes are sites of protein synthesis. By 5 and 10 min, much of the label had migrated from the rough endoplasmic reticulum into the Golgi apparatus. By 20 and 30 min, some label had migrated from there into secretory granules. By 45 min and 1 hr, the label content of the cell had decreased, indicating release of labeled material outside the cell. At 2 min after intravenous injection of galactose-3H, the label was mainly present in the Golgi apparatus, where presumably galactose is taken up into glycoprotein. By 10 min, some label appeared in secretion granules and by 30 min release of the material to the outside of the cell was under way. In conclusion, it is likely that the tyrosine-labeled protein material consists mainly of the parathyroid hormone. The galactose-labeled carbohydrate material would be either associated with the hormone in the cell or be part of a distinct glycoprotein which may be the one present on the outer surface of the plasma membrane (cell coat).  相似文献   


This paper describes electron microscopic studies on the distribution of pectin within young plant cells. Dark-grown onion roots, from 1 to 3 mm. in length, were used. In order to make the pectic substances selectively dense to electrons, they were first reacted with basic hydroxylamine. This treatment produces pectic hydroxamic acids, which in turn were treated with ferric ion to form insoluble complexes. The tissue was imbedded, sectioned, and then observed by electron microscopy. Dense deposits of iron were found in the region of the middle lamella and in a second area near the surface of the primary wall. Transverse walls of varying maturity were noted. The pectin of the more frequent, immature cross-walls, leads directly into the inner reacting layer of the axillary (longitudinal) wall. The pectin of the more mature transverse walls becomes, on the other hand, intimately associated with the middle lamella pectin of the axillary wall. It is shown that the pectin of the middle lamella represents the hot water-soluble portion of the pectic substance, while the internal layer of the axillary wall and the transverse wall pectin represent the so called residual fraction. Hot versene extraction removes essentially all electron-dense material.  相似文献   

The cells of brains of 2- and 3-day old mice infected with street rabies virus were examined in the electron microscope. It was observed that characteristic rod-like or elongated particles were found within a "matrix" in the cytoplasm of nerve cells and of astrocytes. These rod-like particles can be separated into two types, on the basis of slightly different morphological features. One particle is 110 to 120 mµ wide and has double-membraned coats; the other is 120 to 130 mµ wide and is covered by a single limiting membrane. The former is closely associated with the endoplasmic reticulum. The biological relationship between the two types is unknown, but both types of particles are considered to be street rabies viruses because of their structural features. It is believed that segmentation and branching of elongated particles may play a role in virus multiplication. Negri bodies appear as dense round bodies containing various coarse structures but no virus particles.  相似文献   

A technic is described for high resolution intracellular autoradiography in the electron microscope. Cultures of LLC-MK2 monkey kidney cells were incubated for 72 hours in a medium containing 0.4 µcurie per ml of thymidine-H3. After labeling, the cells were fixed with osmium tetroxide and embedded in methacrylate. Ultrathin sections of the labeled tissue were taken up on Formvar-coated and carbon-stabilized electron microscope grids. A 150 to 450 A layer of silver metal was then evaporated onto the tissue. The coated grids were exposed to bromine vapor for 1.5 to 2 minutes under red light, allowed to dry for 1 minute, and then covered with a thin film of 1 per cent aqueous gelatin applied by means of a fine wire loop lowered over the grid supported on a glass peg. For autoradiographic exposure, the grids were stored 50 days in a light-proof container at 4°C with calcium chloride desiccant. Development was carried out for 5 minutes at 20°C in Promicrol (May and Baker, England) diluted 1:1 with water, followed by a 1 minute water wash and fixation for 2.5 minutes in 15 per cent aqueous sodium thiosulphate. After removal of the gelatin by immersion for 16 hours in water at 37°C, the autoradiograms were dried and examined in the electron microscope. Ultrastructural detail was fairly well defined and the cytoplasm of each labeled cell was covered with an electron opaque deposit of silver, suggesting that a polynucleotide containing thymidine may be synthesized in the cytoplasm. The matter is discussed.  相似文献   

The fine structure of cells at different stages of the mitotic cycle was studied in the blastomeres of 6-hour-old embryos of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. The material was fixed in 1 per cent osmium tetroxide in sea water, buffered with veronal-acetate to pH 7.5, embedded in Araldite, and sectioned with glass knives. The aster, as it forms around the centriole, has the appearance of the endoplastic reticulum, with elements oriented radially from the centrosphere to the periphery of the cell. Anaphase structures described include the kinetochores, with bundles of fine filaments extending toward the centrioles, as well as continuous filaments passing between the chromosomes. Two cylindrical centrioles composed of parallel rods are present in each of the anaphase asters. At late anaphase, elements of the endoplasmic reticulum condense on the surface of the chromosomes to form a double membrane which already at this stage possesses pores or annuli. At telophase bundles of continuous filaments can be seen in the interzonal region. These filaments, as well as those associated with the chromosomes, have a diameter of approximately 15 mµ, and appear physically different from the astral structure.  相似文献   

It is known that colonic goblet cells utilize glucose to synthesize the carbohydrate portion of mucus glycoprotein. To determine the intracellular site of this synthesis, glucose-H3 was injected into 10-g rats. At 5, 20, 40 min, 1, 1½, and 4 hr after injection, segments of colon were fixed and prepared for electron microscope radioautography. By 5 min after injection, label had been incorporated into substances present in the flattened saccules of the Golgi complex. At 20 min, both Golgi saccules and nearby mucigen granules were labeled. By 40 min, mucigen granules carried almost all detectable radioactivity. Between 1 and 4 hr, these labeled granules migrated from the supranuclear region to the apical membrane; here, they were extruded singly, retaining their limiting membrane. The evidence indicates that the Golgi saccule is the site where complex carbohydrate is synthesized and is added to immigrant protein to form the complete glycoprotein of mucus. The Golgi saccule, distended by this material, becomes mucigen granules. It is roughly estimated that one saccule is released by each Golgi stack every 2 to 4 min: a conclusion implying continuous renewal of Golgi stacks. It appears that the Golgi synthesis, intracellular migration, and release of mucus glycoprotein occur continually throughout the life of the goblet cell.  相似文献   

The distribution of diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP)-sensitive enzyme sites at the neuromuscular junction was determined quantitatively by electron microscope radioautography after incubation of muscle fragments in DFP-3H. Most of the sensitive sites were located in the subneural apparatus at a concentration of 90,000 sites per µ3 of cleft tissue or 12,000 sites per µ2 of postjunctional membrane surface area. A considerable concentration is also present in the teloglial cap. It has previously been demonstrated (Rogers et al., 1966) that one-third of the DFP-sensitive sites at the endplate can be reactivated by pyridine-2-aldoxime methiodide (2-PAM)—a compound which selectively reactivates phosphorylated acetylcholinesterase. In the present study, it was found that this ratio of 1:2 holds also on a fine-structural level. Muscle mast cells were found to have a heavy concentration of bound DFP.  相似文献   

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