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1. In the epidermis non-specific esterase activity outlines a strongly reactive band between the stratum granulosum and the stratum corneum. In the epidermis of the palm, there is no such esterase-rich band. 2. The outer sheath of active hair follicles has strong enzyme activity. The degenerating hair bulb in catagen follicles is very strongly reactive, and clusters of cells around the hair club in quiescent follicles are rich in enzyme activity. 3. Strong enzyme activity is found in young sebaceous cells, while decaying sebaceous cells and newly formed sebum are unreactive. Old sebum, however, is very intensely reactive. 4. Only the "dark" cells of eccrine sweat glands show a reaction; the "clear" cells are negative. 5. The cells of axillary apocrine glands abound in enzyme.  相似文献   

The skin consists of an outer epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis. It includes nerves, blood vessels, glands and hair follicles. Epidermis is a continually renewing, stratified squamous epithelium. It is populated by keratinocytes (80 %) and dendritic cells (20 %) : melanocytes, Langerhans and Merkel cells. In standard histology, keratinocytes are arranged in layers that represent different stages of their differentiation while melanocytes and Langerhans cells appear as clear cells respectively between the basal and the supra-basal cells of epidermis. The Merkel cells cannot be clearly identified. Dendritic processes of the dendritic cells can only be recognized by immunocytochemistry. At the dermal-epidermal junction, a PAS reactive basement membrane follows the contour of the basal cells. Dermis consists of collagenous and elastic fibers embedded into an amorphous ground substance. Fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells and lymphocytes are its resident cells. Hypodermis is composed of adipocyte lobules defined by fibrous connective tissue septa. Hair follicle consists of 3 parts : the lower portion, from the base of the follicle including hair bulb to the insertion of the arrector pili muscle or buldge ; the isthmus, from the insertion of the arrector pili to the entrance of the sebaceous duct, and the infundibulum, from the entrance of the sebaceous duct to the follicular orifice. The lower portion is composed of the dermal hair papilla, the hair matrix, the hair, and the inner and the outer root sheaths. The hair matrix cells within hair bulb give rise to the hair and to the inner root sheath. With the electron microscope, one can obtain a more detailed view of the characteristic skin structures. Much of them can now be explained in terms of function and in many instances, in correlation with its biochemical composition. An attempt has been made in this paper to precisely give the location of molecules that are relevant in basic skin functions and understanding of auto-immune and genetic diseases.  相似文献   

Summary The glycoconjugates of the human fundic mucosa were characterized at the ultrastructural level by means of direct (Helix pomatia agglutinin-gold complex) and indirect lectin techniques (Concanavalin A and horseradish peroxidase-gold complex; wheat germ agglutinin and ovomucoid-gold complex). Surface mucous cells and mucous neck cells secreted O-glycoproteins with N-acetylgalactosamine and N-acetylglucosamine residues at the non reducing terminus of the saccharidic chain. The secretory granules of the mucous neck cells showed condensed areas slightly reactive to ConA. The results obtained in the chief cells suggest that these cells secrete N-glycoproteins rich in mannose and/or glucose residues. Transitional cells, presenting both morphological characteristics and lectin binding pattern intermediate to the mucous neck and chief cells have been observed. The surface of the intracellular canaliculi of the parietal cell was labelled by HPA, WGA and ConA. In the neck region of the gastric glands, immature parietal cells containing abundant mucous granules reactive to HPA, WGA and ConA were observed. The present results further corroborate the existence of a common cell precursor for surface mucous, mucous neck and parietal cells. In a further step, mucous neck cells gradually differentiate into chief cells the transitional cells being an intermediate stage.  相似文献   

The glycoconjugates of the human fundic mucosa were characterized at the ultrastructural level by means of direct (Helix pomatia agglutinin-gold complex) and indirect lectin techniques (Concanavalin A and horseradish peroxidase-gold complex; wheat germ agglutinin and ovomucoid-gold complex). Surface mucous cells and mucous neck cells secreted O-glycoproteins with N-acetylgalactosamine and N-acetylglucosamine residues at the non reducing terminus of the saccharidic chain. The secretory granules of the mucous neck cells showed condensed areas slightly reactive to ConA. The results obtained in the chief cells suggest that these cells secrete N-glycoproteins rich in mannose and/or glucose residues. "Transitional cells", presenting both morphological characteristics and lectin binding pattern intermediate to the mucous neck and chief cells have been observed. The surface of the intracellular canaliculi of the parietal cell was labelled by HPA, WGA and ConA. In the neck region of the gastric glands, immature parietal cells containing abundant mucous granules reactive to HPA, WGA and ConA were observed. The present results further corroborate the existence of a common cell precursor for surface mucous, mucous neck and parietal cells. In a further step, mucous neck cells gradually differentiate into chief cells the transitional cells being an intermediate stage.  相似文献   

Viable aerobic mesophilic bacteria are not evenly distributed on the skin of the volar forearm. An increase in the size of the area sampled did not result in a proportional increase in the number of the viable aerobic mesophilic bacteria recovered.  相似文献   

Summary The role of cytochemistry in human genetics is reviewed. In basic research, autoradiography and cytochemical staining procedures for DNA, RNA, proteins and other cell constituants have contributed to the understanding of the way DNA is localized, duplicated and translated. The development of new banding techniques for the identification of human chromosomes and parts of these together with somatic cell hybridization procedures have significantly contributed to the mapping of the human genome.Cytochemical methods have also been of great help in the elucidation of the responsible molecular defects in Mendelian disorders based on a single gene mutation. The combination of immunological methods and electron-microscopical cytochemistry now enables different posttranslational processing defects to be related to various subcellular compartments. Cytochemistry is also likely to be of importance for the direct demonstration of gene mutations using recombinant DNA technology.Examples are given of contributions of cytochemical methods to the early diagnosis and prevention of congenital disorders. The main examples are the early diagnosis of patients with a chromosomal aberration and of carriers with a balanced translocation. Early genetic counseling of couples at risk forms the basis for prevention of subsequent affected children. Cytochemistry also contributes to the early detection of heterozygotes of X-linked mutations. Finally, autoradiography and ultramicrochemical procedures have been of great help in improving the prenatal diagnosis of genetic metabolic diseases.In honour of Prof. P. van Duijn  相似文献   

Viable aerobic mesophilic bacteria are not evenly distributed on the skin of the volar forearm. An increase in the size of the area sampled did not result in a proportional increase in the number of the viable aerobic mesophilic bacteria recovered.  相似文献   

H Galjaard 《Histochemistry》1986,84(4-6):301-307
The role of cytochemistry in human genetics is reviewed. In basic research, autoradiography and cytochemical staining procedures for DNA, RNA, proteins and other cell constituents have contributed to the understanding of the way DNA is localized, duplicated and translated. The development of new "banding techniques" for the identification of human chromosomes and parts of these together with somatic cell hybridization procedures have significantly contributed to the mapping of the human genome. Cytochemical methods have also been of great help in the elucidation of the responsible molecular defects in Mendelian disorders based on a single gene mutation. The combination of immunological methods and electron-microscopical cytochemistry now enables different posttranslational processing defects to be related to various subcellular compartments. Cytochemistry is also likely to be of importance for the direct demonstration of gene mutations using recombinant DNA technology. Examples are given of contributions of cytochemical methods to the early diagnosis and prevention of congenital disorders. The main examples are the early diagnosis of patients with a chromosomal aberration and of carriers with a balanced translocation. Early genetic counseling of couples at risk forms the basis for prevention of subsequent affected children. Cytochemistry also contributes to the early detection of heterozygotes of X-linked mutations. Finally, autoradiography and ultramicrochemical procedures have been of great help in improving the prenatal diagnosis of genetic metabolic diseases.  相似文献   

The distribution of amyloid P component in normal human adult skin was studied using fluorescent immunohistochemical techniques on frozen sections. Amyloid P component is associated with elastic fibres of all sizes, and is present in the basement membrane of sweat gland ducts. It is not demonstrable in the basement membrane at the epidermo-dermal junction or in the secretory portion of the sweat glands. In the latter site there is however a spiral, fibrillar, elastic plexus closely related to the basement membrane.  相似文献   

The cytochemistry of Limulus eggs.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytochemical studies on uninseminated mature eggs of Limulus demonstrate the presence of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins in the egg envelopes and yolk. The vitelline envelope, cortical region and yolk are rich in 1,2-glycols, with the vitelline envelope, containing fewer reactive 1,2-glycol groups than other components of the egg. Neutral mucopolysaccharides are found in the cortical region and yolk, but only the cortical region of the eggs demonstrate the presence of sulfated mucosubstances (which are in part glycoprotein in nature) and glucose-6-phosphatase. Protein is evident in all egg components. Biochemical analysis demonstrate the protein in the egg envelopes of uninseminated eggs is composed of sixteen amino acids while that of developing eggs contain seventeen amino acid residues. Electrovalent linkages and non-S-S- covalent linkages between protein chains are shown to be instrumental in maintaining the stuctural integrity of Limulus egg envelopes. Neutral lipids, unsaturated lipids, phospholipids and fatty acids are demonstrated in yolk bodies and lipoproteins, unsaturated lipids and fatty acids constitute part of the egg envelopes. DNA is concentrated in the cortical region and the yolk bodies  相似文献   

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