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Classification of wetlands is extremely problematical, definition of the term wetland being a difficult and controversial starting point. Although considerable effort has gone into the development of national and regional wetland classifications, the only attempt at establishing a global system has been under the auspices of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance. In view of the fact that the Ramsar Convention has 70 Contracting Parties world-wide, it is suggested that the Convention's definition and classification system should be adopted generally for international purposes. Much of the world has been covered by preliminary wetland inventories, but there is an urgent need to extend coverage to those areas not yet included. It is essential that all inventory projects give adequate attention to meeting the real information needs of agencies and individuals which have an impact on the conservation and wise use of wetlands. Attention should also be given to providing for wide dissemination and regular updating of information and establishment of procedures for monitoring ecological change at the sites identified.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne spp. causes root-knot disease in tomato plants. Biological control of the disease may present economically feasible, agronomically durable and environmentally safe alternative of nematicides. A chitinolytic bacterial strain, Paenibacillus ehimensis RS820, previously isolated from the soil in Korea, produced lytic enzymes in higher amounts and inhibited the growth of phytopathogenic root-knot nematodes. Moreover, the juveniles and eggs of root-knot nematodes induced secretion of lytic enzymes by RS820 including chitinases, gelatinases and collagenases. Furthermore, mixed compost containing increased amounts of chitin and inoculated with RS820 was prepared in the present study. Use of the mixed compost not only reduced the disease caused by root-knot nematodes but also improved the plant growth. The extent of inoculation of the mixed compost with RS820 significantly influenced its ability to control the root-knot disease in tomato. The mixed compost also significantly altered the activity and density of the rhizosphere bacteria. Chitinase and gelatinase producing soil bacteria, as well as their enzyme activities, were significantly influenced by the mixed compost. The mixed compost proposed in the present study may represent a viable alternative to nematicides against the root-knot nematodes in tomato.  相似文献   

甲壳素/壳聚糖在酶固定化中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨金水  刘葳 《生物技术》2006,16(2):89-91
作为功能性材料,甲壳素与壳聚糖分布广泛,且具有一系列独特的性质:无毒性、凝胶性、生物适应性、降解产物的无毒性、显著的蛋白质亲和性等。正是由于这些特性,虽然甲壳素/壳聚糖材料目前尚未得到充分的开发利用,但是与其它一些酶的固定化载体相比,具有广泛的开发前景。该文综述了近年来甲壳素/壳聚糖在酶的固定化方面的一些研究成果。主要包括:甲壳素/壳聚糖的理化性质、载体不同制备方法的特色和差异、在食品工业、非食品工业、环保、酶的分离纯化以及医疗应用方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

Purine uptake has been studied in many protozoan parasites in the last few years, and several of the purine transporters have been cloned. In contrast, very little is known about the salvage of preformed pyrimidines by protozoa, and no pyrimidine transporters have been cloned, yet chemotherapy based on pyrimidine nucleobases and nucleosides has been as effective as purine antimetabolites in the treatment of infectious and neoplastic disease. Here, we surveyed the presence of pyrimidine transporters in Trypanosoma brucei brucei. We could not detect any mediated uptake of thymine, thymidine or cytidine, but identified a very high-affinity transporter for cytosine, designated C1, with a K(m) value of 0.048+/-0.009 microM. We also confirmed the presence of the previously reported U1 uracil transporter and found it capable of mediating uridine uptake as well, with a K(m) of 33+/-5 microM. A higher-affinity U2 uridine transporter (K(m)=4.1+/-2.1 microM) was also identified, but efficiency of the C1 and U2-mediated transport was low. Pyrimidine antimetabolites were tested as potential trypanocidal agents and only 5-fluorouracil was found to be effective. This drug was efficiently taken up by bloodstream forms of T. b. brucei.  相似文献   



The ankle brachial index (ABI) is a well-established tool for screening and diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). In this study we assessed the validity of ABI determination using a pocket Doppler device compared with automatic vascular laboratory measurement in patients suspected of PAD.


Consecutive patients with symptoms of PAD referred for ABI measurement between December 2006 and August 2007 were included. Resting ABI was determined with a pocket Doppler, followed by ABI measurement with automatic vascular laboratory equipment, performed by an experienced vascular technician. The leg with the lowest ABI was used for analysis.


From 99 patients the mean resting ABI was 0.80 measured with the pocket Doppler and 0.85 measured with vascular laboratory equipment. A Bland-Altman plot demonstrated great correspondence between the two methods. The mean difference between the two methods was 0.05 (P < .001). Multivariate linear regression analysis showed no dependency of the difference on either the average measured ABI or affected or unaffected leg.


Since the small, albeit statistically significant, difference between the two methods is not clinically relevant, our study demonstrates that ABI measurements with pocket Doppler and vascular laboratory equipment yield comparable results and can replace each other. Results support the use of the pocket Doppler for screening of PAD, allowing initiation of cardiovascular risk factor management in primary care, provided that the equipment operator is experienced.  相似文献   

Pristine tropical peat swamp forests (PSFs) represent a unique wetland ecosystem of distinctive hydrology which support unique biodiversity and globally significant stores of soil carbon. Yet in Indonesia and Malaysia, home to 56% of the world's tropical peatland, they are subject to considerable developmental pressures, including widespread drainage to support agricultural needs. In this article, we review the ecology behind the functioning and ecosystem services provided by PSFs, with a particular focus on hydrological processes as well as the role of the forest itself in maintaining those services. Drawing on this, we review the suitability of current policy frameworks and consider the efficacy of their implementation. We suggest that policies in Malaysia and Indonesia are often based around the narrative of oil palm and other major monocrops as drivers of prosperity and development. However, we also argue that this narrative is also being supported by a priori claims concerning the possibility of sustainability of peat swamp exploitation via drainage‐based agriculture through the adherence to best management practices. We discuss how this limits their efficacy, uptake and the political will towards enforcement. Further, we consider how both narratives (prosperity and sustainability) clearly exclude important considerations concerning the ecosystem value of tropical PSFs which are dependent on their unimpacted hydrology. Current research clearly shows that the actual debate should be focused not on how to develop drainage‐based plantations sustainably, but on whether the sustainable conversion to drainage‐based systems is possible at all.  相似文献   

为从土壤微生物的角度分析东洞庭湖不同植被类型湿地土壤质量状况,本研究选取了苔草、芦苇和柳树3种典型植被类型为对象,在平水期、丰水期和枯水期对其土壤微生物生物量碳(MBC)、氮(MBN)和酶活性进行监测,并分析其主要影响因子.结果 表明:1)3个水位时期,各植被类型湿地土壤MBC、MBN、蔗糖酶和纤维素酶活性(枯水期纤维...  相似文献   

湿地是重要的土地利用类型之一,在陆地生态系统碳循环中起重要作用。在缔约国向《联合国气候变化框架公约》提交的温室气体国家清单报告中,湿地作为“农业、林业及其他土地利用(AFOLU)”的一部分,因其不确定性较高而备受关注。自2006年以来,IPCC先后发布了《2006 IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》、《2013 IPCC 2006国家温室气体清单指南的增补:湿地》和《IPCC 2006年国家温室气体清单指南2019精细化》,为缔约国提供了清单编制的参考方法学。然而,IPCC指南中对湿地的定义和分类与中国现行的土地利用类型和并不统一,其提供的缺省参数对中国的研究亦未充分整合。因此,亟需在IPCC框架下开发适合中国的湿地温室气体清单方法学及参数库,以降低清单编制的不确定性。综述了IPCC湿地清单编制的方法学与中国湿地清单的研究进展,主要包括(1)比较了IPCC三部指南中的湿地清单的方法学,梳理了后两部对《2006 IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》在湿地类型、评估方法和缺省参数的更新内容;(2)比较了中国湿地清单编制与其他湿地温室气体研究结果的差异并探讨原因;(3)梳理了IPCC三部清单指南中湿地...  相似文献   

The option of weighting impact categories according to ISO 14042 on Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) is particularly difficult for global organizations, as they have to consider a wide range of values. The motivation for employing weighting is usually based on the desire to simplify LCIA output, especially in circumstances where product system tradeoffs occur. Looking globally at regional variations in legislation, consumer values, monetary valuation, existing weighting sets and expert opinions, no globally agreed upon weighting set is likely to be derived. This is due to both the inherent subjectivity of weighting and local variations in environmental imperatives. Hence, the authors recommend that LCIA quantitative weighting, especially those provided in pre-packaged software instruments, should not be employed. Admittedly, to use a spectrum of LCIA results for internal design decisions, some kind of tradeoff analysis has to be performed, especially if comparing competing design alternatives. However, this trade-off analysis should be done separately from the technical LCA study and should reflect values and visions of the global organization, as well as the circumstances of the targeted market, in a qualitative way. For any external communication, none of the quantitative weighting sets can be used.  相似文献   

Catalase from bovine liver was lyophilized from an aqueous solution containing chitin-graft-poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) (3), which was synthesized by the reaction of 52% deacetylated chitin (1) with living poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) (2). The rate of consumption of H2O2 in chloroform catalyzed by the lyophilized catalase with 3 was enhanced more than 10 times that by catalase without 3. The dispersibility and solubility of lyophilized catalase with 3 in chloroform were improved in comparison with catalase itself.  相似文献   

Kun Yan Zhu 《Insect Science》2013,20(2):158-166
Abstract Chitin synthase (CHS) is an important enzyme catalyzing the formation of chitin polymers in all chitin containing organisms and a potential target site for insect pest control. However, our understanding of biochemical properties of insect CHSs has been very limited. We here report enzymatic and inhibitory properties of CHS prepared from the African malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. Our study, which represents the first time to use a nonradioactive method to assay CHS activity in an insect species, determined the optimal conditions for measuring the enzyme activity, including pH, temperature, and concentrations of the substrate uridine diphosphate N‐acetyl‐d ‐glucosamine (UDP‐GlcNAc) and Mg++. The optimal pH was about 6.5–7.0, and the highest activity was detected at temperatures between 37°C and 44°C. Dithithreitol is required to prevent melanization of the enzyme extract. CHS activity was enhanced at low concentration of GlcNAc, but inhibited at high concentrations. Proteolytic activation of the activity is significant both in the 500 ×g supernatant and the 40 000 ×g pellet. Our study revealed only slight in vitro inhibition of A. gambiae CHS activity by diflubenzuron and nikkomycin Z at the highest concentration (2.5 μmol/L) examined. There was no in vitro inhibition by polyoxin D at any concentration examined. Furthermore, we did not observe any in vivo inhibition of CHS activity by any of these chemicals at any concentration examined. Our results suggest that the inhibition of chitin synthesis by these chemicals is not due to direct inhibition of CHS in A. gambiae.  相似文献   

Land‐use/land‐cover change (LULCC) often results in degradation of natural wetlands and affects the dynamics of greenhouse gases (GHGs). However, the magnitude of changes in GHG emissions from wetlands undergoing various LULCC types remains unclear. We conducted a global meta‐analysis with a database of 209 sites to examine the effects of LULCC types of constructed wetlands (CWs), croplands (CLs), aquaculture ponds (APs), drained wetlands (DWs), and pastures (PASs) on the variability in CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions from the natural coastal wetlands, riparian wetlands, and peatlands. Our results showed that the natural wetlands were net sinks of atmospheric CO2 and net sources of CH4 and N2O, exhibiting the capacity to mitigate greenhouse effects due to negative comprehensive global warming potentials (GWPs; ?0.9 to ?8.7 t CO2‐eq ha?1 year?1). Relative to the natural wetlands, all LULCC types (except CWs from coastal wetlands) decreased the net CO2 uptake by 69.7%?456.6%, due to a higher increase in ecosystem respiration relative to slight changes in gross primary production. The CWs and APs significantly increased the CH4 emissions compared to those of the coastal wetlands. All LULCC types associated with the riparian wetlands significantly decreased the CH4 emissions. When the peatlands were converted to the PASs, the CH4 emissions significantly increased. The CLs, as well as DWs from peatlands, significantly increased the N2O emissions in the natural wetlands. As a result, all LULCC types (except PASs from riparian wetlands) led to remarkably higher GWPs by 65.4%?2,948.8%, compared to those of the natural wetlands. The variability in GHG fluxes with LULCC was mainly sensitive to changes in soil water content, water table, salinity, soil nitrogen content, soil pH, and bulk density. This study highlights the significant role of LULCC in increasing comprehensive GHG emissions from global natural wetlands, and our results are useful for improving future models and manipulative experiments.  相似文献   

Wetlands, commonly called swamps in Uganda, are estimated to cover about 13% of the total land surface area (about 30,000 km2) of the country and represent a considerable ecological, social and economic value. In 1989, the Ugandan government formerly recognised that wetlands need to be conserved and contribute considerably to the National economy and rural livelihood. The present analysis is focused on the Nabugabo wetland ecosystem. Located in Central Uganda, it is an important part of the extensive system of wetlands that surround Lake Victoria. The Nabugabo wetland is a source of important resources that are basic to the local economy, including fishing, water utilization, agriculture, livestock, wetland plants for construction and more recently, tourism. Investment in the area is low and a large percentage of the local community depends on the wetland resources for basic sustenance needs. After achieving Ramsar status, demarcation and conservation activities were initiated by the local and national leaders. However, these conservation efforts have provoked conflicts between the land owners and the policy makers, in particular to the demarcation of areas for conservation In the present analysis, we examine the benefits, perceived by local leaders and community members, of the wetland and its services, as well as views towards its conservation and management. The results show that differences between the community leaders and member exist regarding the perceived benefits of the wetlands. Tourism, while providing some opportunities for local persons is not always viewed positively. Conservation activities are viewed positively but some questions remain as to whether such efforts help or hinder the local population, in particular regarding access to basic resources.  相似文献   

Wetlands are strategic areas for carbon uptake, but accurate assessments of their sequestration ability are limited by the uncertainty and variability in their carbon balances. Based on 2385 observations of annual net ecosystem production from global wetlands, we show that the mean net carbon sinks of inland wetlands, peatlands and coastal wetlands are 0.57, 0.29 and 1.88 tons of carbon per hectare per year, respectively, with a mean value of 0.57 tons of carbon per hectare per year weighted by the distribution area of different wetland types. Carbon sinks are mainly in Asia and North America. Within and across wetland types, we find that water table depth (WTD) exerts greater control than climate- and ecosystem-related variables, and an increase in WTD results in a stronger carbon sink. Our results highlight an urgent need to sustain wetland hydrology under global change; otherwise, wetlands are at high risk of becoming carbon sources to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Mineralization of N and P along a trophic gradient in a freshwater mire   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Release of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil of a peatland (fen) in The Netherlands was measured by means of an in situ incubation technique. Three sampling stations were chosen along a gradient in the plant productivity and water chemistry of the fen. The station with the highest biomass production was located near the ditch that supplied the fen with water in amounts matching water losses through evaporation and downward percolation to the groundwater. Water chemistry at this station strongly resembled that of the ditch water. The two stations remote from the ditch had much lower plant biomass, and significantly lower pH, conductivity, and calcium and bicarbonate concentrations. The vegetation at these two stations was characterized by a thick Sphagnum carpet.The release of inorganic N and P was much faster at the two stations remote from the ditch than at that located near the ditch. The differences in mineralization rate are probably due to the differences in water chemistry; phosphates are more soluble at low than at high pH. The fast N mineralization at stations with a thick Sphagnum carpet may be related to the chemical composition of Sphagnum litter. The difference in productivity is not explained by the N and P mineralization rates. Direct supply of N and P from the ditch are probably the main cause of the high productivity at the station bordering the ditch.  相似文献   

Worldwide, regularly recurring wildfires shape many peatland ecosystems to the extent that fire‐adapted species often dominate plant communities, suggesting that wildfire is an integral part of peatland ecology rather than an anomaly. The most destructive blazes are smoldering fires that are usually initiated in periods of drought and can combust entire peatland carbon stores. However, peatland wildfires more typically occur as low‐severity surface burns that arise in the dormant season when vegetation is desiccated, and soil moisture is high. In such low‐severity fires, surface layers experience flash heating, but there is little loss of underlying peat to combustion. This study examines the potential importance of such processes in several peatlands that span a gradient from hemiboreal to tropical ecozones and experience a wide range of fire return intervals. We show that low‐severity fires can increase the pool of stable soil carbon by thermally altering the chemistry of soil organic matter (SOM), thereby reducing rates of microbial respiration. Using X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared, we demonstrate that low‐severity fires significantly increase the degree of carbon condensation and aromatization of SOM functional groups, particularly on the surface of peat aggregates. Laboratory incubations show lower CO2 emissions from peat subjected to low‐severity fire and predict lower cumulative CO2 emissions from burned peat after 1–3 years. Also, low‐severity fires reduce the temperature sensitivity (Q10) of peat, indicating that these fires can inhibit microbial access to SOM. The increased stability of thermally altered SOM may allow a greater proportion of organic matter to survive vertical migration into saturated and anaerobic zones of peatlands where environmental conditions physiochemically protect carbon stores from decomposition for thousands of years. Thus, across latitudes, low‐severity fire is an overlooked factor influencing carbon cycling in peatlands, which is relevant to global carbon budgets as climate change alters fire regimes worldwide.  相似文献   

The widespread destruction and fragmentation of natural habitats around the world creates a strong incentive to understand how species and communities respond to such pressures. The vast majority of research into habitat fragmentation has focused solely on species presence or absence. However, analyses using innovative functional methodologies offer the prospect of providing new insights into the key questions surrounding community structure in fragmented systems. A key topic in fragmentation research is nestedness (i.e. the ordered composition of species assemblages involving a significant tendency for packing of the presence–absence matrix into a series of proper subsets). To date, nestedness analyses have been concerned solely with nestedness of species membership. Here, we capitalize on the publication of a recent nestedness index (traitNODF) in which the branch lengths of functional dendrograms are incorporated into the standard NODF nestedness index. Using bird community data from 18 forest‐habitat‐island studies, and measurements of eight continuous functional traits from over 1000 bird species, we conduct the first synthetic analysis of nestedness from a functional perspective (i.e. a nestedness analysis which incorporates how similar species are in terms of their ecological traits). We use two null models to test the significance of any observed functional nestedness, and investigate the role of habitat island area in driving functional nestedness. We also determine whether functional nestedness is driven primarily by species composition or by differences in species’ traits. We found that the majority (94%) of datasets were functionally nested by island area when a permutation null model was used, although only 11–22% of datasets were significantly functionally nested when a more conservative fixed‐fixed null model was used. Species composition was always the most important driver of functional nestedness, but the effect of differences in species traits was occasionally quite large. Our results isolate the importance of island area in driving functional nestedness where it does occur and show that habitat loss results in the ordered loss of functional traits. This analysis demonstrates the potential insights that may derive from testing for ordered patterns of functional diversity. Synthesis The widespread fragmentation of natural habitats around the world creates a strong incentive to understand how ecological communities respond to such pressures. A key topic in this research agenda is nestedness; however, to date, nestedness analyses have been concerned solely with species presence or absence. Using data from 18 bird‐habitat‐island studies we conduct the first synthetic analysis of nestedness from a functional perspective (i.e. a nestedness analysis which incorporates how similar species are in terms of their ecological traits). Our findings suggest that many bird‐habitat island communities are significantly functionally nested, although our results were sensitive to the null model used. Our study demonstrates the benefits of testing for ordered patterns of functional diversity.  相似文献   

1. This study highlights the use of waterbird communities as potential measures of river and floodplain health at a landscape scale. 2. The abundance and diversity of a waterbird community (54 species) was measured over 15 trips with four aerial and three ground counts per trip on a 300-ha lake in arid Australia. 3. Aerial survey estimates of individual species were significantly less precise (SE/mean) than ground counts across two (11–100 and > 1000) out of four abundance classes of waterbirds: 0–10, 11–100, 101–1000 and > 1000. Standard error/mean as a percentage decreased with increasing abundance from about 60% for the lowest abundance class to 18% for the largest abundance class. 4. Aerial survey estimates were negatively biased for species in numbers of less than 10 and greater than 5000 but unbiased compared to ground counts for other abundance classes. Aerial surveys underestimated numbers of waterbirds by 50% when there were 40 000 waterbirds. Three ground counts found about seven more waterbird species than four aerial surveys. One ground count took about 150 times longer than two aerial surveys and cost 14 times more. 5. Regression models were derived, comparing aerial survey estimates to ground counts for 31 of 36 species for which there were sufficient data. Aerial survey estimates were unbiased for most of these species (67%), negatively biased for six species and positively biased for one species. Estimates were negatively biased in species that occurred in small numbers or that dived in response to the aircraft. 6. River system health encompasses the state of floodplain wetlands. Waterbirds on an entire wetland or floodplain may be estimated by aerial survey of waterbirds; this is a coarse but effective measure of waterbird abundance. Aerial survey is considerably less costly than ground survey and potentially provides a method for measuring river and floodplain health over long periods of time at the same scale as river management.  相似文献   

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