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Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum cv. MD51) fiber cell walls were analyzed with an atomic force microscope to determine the effect of chemical treatments on cell wall organization and topography. Analysis of fibers in either air or water and without any staining or coating produced high-resolution images of cell wall microstructure which could be used for detailed quantitative analysis. Treatment of fibers with 1% H2O2 had little effect on surface morphology. Alkali removed much of the cuticle, some primary wall components, and revealed mostly thin-diameter microfibrils. Acidic Updegraff reagent fragmented the fibers, removed much of the cuticle, and revealed mostly thick microfibrils. The surface roughness of fibers treated sequentially with alkali and acid was quantitatively distinguishable from all other fiber types based on the standard deviation of the height data, amplification of surface area, and integration of the scan line data. Analysis of the fractal dimension enabled untreated and peroxide-treated fibers to be clearly distinguished from the other fiber types. Segmentation of the fractal data revealed specific portions of the fractal dimension which were especially useful for defining the size of structures that differentiated fiber types. Areas containing microfibrils could be quantitatively differentiated from non-microfibrillar areas. In water, some alkali-treated fibers had microfibrils that were relatively small in diameter while others appeared to consist of crystalline arrays of smaller fibrils. Received: 10 December 1996 / Accepted: 29 January 1997  相似文献   

We used atomic force microscopy (AFM), complemented with electron microscopy, to characterize the nanoscale and mesoscale structure of the outer (periclinal) cell wall of onion scale epidermis – a model system for relating wall structure to cell wall mechanics. The epidermal wall contains ~100 lamellae, each ~40 nm thick, containing 3.5‐nm wide cellulose microfibrils oriented in a common direction within a lamella but varying by ~30 to 90° between adjacent lamellae. The wall thus has a crossed polylamellate, not helicoidal, wall structure. Montages of high‐resolution AFM images of the newly deposited wall surface showed that single microfibrils merge into and out of short regions of microfibril bundles, thereby forming a reticulated network. Microfibril direction within a lamella did not change gradually or abruptly across the whole face of the cell, indicating continuity of the lamella across the outer wall. A layer of pectin at the wall surface obscured the underlying cellulose microfibrils when imaged by FESEM, but not by AFM. The AFM thus preferentially detects cellulose microfibrils by probing through the soft matrix in these hydrated walls. AFM‐based nanomechanical maps revealed significant heterogeneity in cell wall stiffness and adhesiveness at the nm scale. By color coding and merging these maps, the spatial distribution of soft and rigid matrix polymers could be visualized in the context of the stiffer microfibrils. Without chemical extraction and dehydration, our results provide multiscale structural details of the primary cell wall in its near‐native state, with implications for microfibrils motions in different lamellae during uniaxial and biaxial extensions.  相似文献   

The distribution of cellulose and callose in the walls of pollen tubes and grains of Nicotiana tabacum L. was examined by electron microscopy using gold-labelled cellobiohydrolase for cellulose and a (1,3)-β-D-glucan-specific monoclonal antibody for callose. These probes provided the first direct evidence that cellulose co-locates with callose in the inner, electron-lucent layer of the pollen-tube wall, while both polymers are absent from the outer, fibrillar layer. Neither cellulose nor callose are present in the wall at the pollen-tube tip or in cytoplasmic vesicles. Cellulose is first detected approximately 5–15 μm behind the growing tube tip, just before a visible inner wall layer commences, whereas callose is first observed in the inner wall layer approximately 30 μm behind the tip. Callose was present throughout transverse plugs, whereas cellulose was most abundant towards the outer regions of these plugs. This same distribution of cellulose and callose was also observed in pollen-tube walls of N. alata Link et Otto, Brassica campestris L. and Lilium longiflorum Thunb. In pollen grains of N. tabacum, cellulose is present in the intine layer of the wall throughout germination, but no callose is present. Callose appears in grains by 4 h after germination, increasing in amount over at least the first 18 h, and is located at the interface between the intine and the plasma membrane. This differential distribution of cellulose and callose in both pollen tubes and grains has implications for the nature of the β-glucan biosynthetic machinery. Received: 20 February 1988 / Accepted: 25 March 1998  相似文献   

A central issue in the understanding of Marfan syndrome deals with the functional architecture of fibrillin-containing microfibrils. Fibrillin-rich microfibrils are long extracellular matrix fibrillar components exhibiting a 50 nm periodic beaded-structure with a width of around 20–25 nm after rotary shadowing and a 10–12 nm diameter when observed in ultra-thin sections. They are composed of fibrillin monomers more or less associated with many other components which are, for the most part, poorly characterized up to date. They are known to be elastic but few data have been accumulated to understand their properties. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) allowed us to morphologically differentiate fibrillin-rich microfibrils from other fibrillar components and to investigate the thin structure of these beaded filaments in their native state. They showed, in AFM, a periodic beaded structure ranging from 50 to 60 nm and a width of about 40 nm. The different sizes of fibrillin-containing microfibrils previously observed after rotary shadowing and in ultra-thin sections was resolved with our technique and is revealed to be 10 nm in diameter. Each beaded microfibril appears to be composed of heterogeneous beads connected by 2–3 arms. An orientation of the microfibrils has been shown, and allows us to propose a complementary model of microfibrillar monomer association.  相似文献   

The atomic force microscope was used to image peritoneal macrophages after phagocytosis of latex beads with 0.45 m in diameter and of zymosan particles. The rigidity of the phagocytosed material allowed to image the live membrane at forces below 2 nn. Repeated scanning of the membrane unavoidably caused the protrusion of the beads and increased their virtual height. The influence of fixation by glutaraldehyde on the image and the corresponding force vs. distance curves were analyzed and compared. Short treatment with Triton X-100 enabled us to identify intracellular components, such as embedded latex beads, cell nucleus and cytoskeletal strands. The data demonstrate that it is possible to image living cells if they are bolstered by stiff material.The authors wish to thank Dr. H. Oberleithner for his generous support, helpful discussions and the suggestion of Triton treatment. The authors gratefully acknowledge Dr. I. Jahns for establishing the AFM technique at the Institute of Physiology. The work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Projekt No. La 315/4-1.  相似文献   

According to Roelofsen and Houwink's (1953, Acta Bot. Neerl. 2, 218–225) multinet growth hypothesis, microfibrils originally deposited transversely in the cell wall become gradually reoriented towards more axial orientations during cell elongation. To establish the extent of reorientation, microfibrils were studied during their deposition and elongation, using stylar parenchyma and transmitting tissue cells of Petunia hybrida L. At the inner surface of very young cells, microfibrils were deposited in alternating Z- and S-helical orientations. The following sequence in deposition, from the exterior to the interior side of the wall, could be inferred: Axial: 150°–180° (Z-helical), 0°–30° (S-helical); oblique: 110°–150° (Z-helical), 30°–70° (S-helical); transverse: 90°–110° (Z-helical), 70°–90° (S-helical). With the increasing pitch, the density of the deposited microfibrils increased as well, giving rise to an alternating helical texture. During elongation, only transversely S- and Z-helically oriented microfibrils were deposited and all microfibrils underwent a certain reorientation as described in the multinet growth hypothesis. The texture resembled that of young cells and the wall maintained its thickness. The extent of passive reorientation was in agreement with the theoretical calculations made by Preston.Dedicated to Professor Dr. A.B. Wardrop, Melbourne, on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Tobias I. Baskin 《Protoplasma》2001,215(1-4):150-171
Summary The hypothesis that microtubules align microfibrils, termed the alignment hypothesis, states that there is a causal link between the orientation of cortical microtubules and the orientation of nascent microfibrils. I have assessed the generality of this hypothesis by reviewing what is known about the relation between microtubules and microfibrils in a wide group of examples: in algae of the family Characeae,Closterium acerosum, Oocystis solitaria, and certain genera of green coenocytes and in land plant tip-growing cells, xylem, diffusely growing cells, and protoplasts. The salient features about microfibril alignment to emerge are as follows. Cellulose microfibrils can be aligned by cortical microtubules, thus supporting the alignment hypothesis. Alignment of microfibrils can occur independently of microtubules, showing that an alternative to the alignment hypothesis must exist. Microfibril organization is often random, suggesting that self-assembly is insufficient. Microfibril organization differs on different faces of the same cell, suggesting that microfibrils are aligned locally, not with respect to the entire cell. Nascent microfibrils appear to associate tightly with the plasma membrane. To account for these observations, I present a model that posits alignment to be mediated through binding the nascent microfibril. The model, termed templated incorporation, postulates that the nascent microfibril is incorporated into the cell wall by binding to a scaffold that is oriented; further, the scaffold is built and oriented around either already incorporated microfibrils or plasma membrane proteins, or both. The role of cortical microtubules is to bind and orient components of the scaffold at the plasma membrane. In this way, spatial information to align the microfibrils may come from either the cell wall or the cell interior, and microfibril alignment with and without microtubules are subsets of a single mechanism.Dedicated to Professor Brian E. S. Gunning on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

The optimisation of gluconic acid fermentation using immobilized Aspergillus niger on a highly porous cellulose support is described. Experimental results showing the effects of variations in oxygen partial pressure, glucose concentration and biomass concentration have been obtained with a continuous recirculation reactor. Levels of dissolved oxygen and glucose concentrations during fermentation significantly affect the production and fermentation time. The optimum biomass requirement on a porous cellulose support has been estimated to be 0.234 mg cm−2 for efficient bioconversion. Increasing the quantum of biomass beyond this value resulted in an overgrown biofilm, which affected productivity adversely. Morphological characteristics of immobilized A. niger have also been investigated.  相似文献   

Thimm JC  Burritt DJ  Ducker WA  Melton LD 《Planta》2000,212(1):25-32
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to image celery (Apium graveolens L.) parenchyma cell walls in situ. Cellulose microfibrils could clearly be distinguished in topographic images of the cell wall. The microfibrils of the hydrated walls appeared smaller, more uniformly distributed, and less enmeshed than those of dried peels. In material that was kept hydrated at all times and imaged under water, the microfibril diameter was mainly in the range 6–25 nm. The cellulose microfibril diameters were highly dependent on the water content of the specimen. As the water content was decreased, by mixing ethanol with the bathing solution, the microfibril diameters increased. Upon complete dehydration of the specimen we observed a significant increase in microfibril diameter. The procedure used to dehydrate the parenchyma cells also influenced the size of cellulose microfibrils with freeze-dried material having larger diameters than air-dried material. Received: 16 November 1999 / Accepted: 7 March 2000  相似文献   

Observations of intact reconstituted and native collagen fibres were performed with the atomic force microscope. The results are compared between the two types of fibres and with those obtained previously with the electron microscope on freeze-etched or negative stained samples. Some of the findings presented here indicate that the specimens observed in air with the atomic force microscope were still in a hydrated state.  相似文献   

Chemical force microscopy of cellulosic fibers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Atomic force microscopy with chemically modified cantilever tips (chemical force microscopy) was used to study the pull-off forces (adhesion forces) on cellulose model surfaces and bleached softwood kraft pulp fibers in aqueous media. It was found that for the –COOH terminated tips, the adhesion forces are dependent on pH, whereas for the –CH3 and –OH terminated tips adhesion is not strongly affected by pH. Comparison between the cellulose model surfaces and cellulosic fibers under our experimental conditions reveal that surface roughness does not affect adhesion strongly. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy reveal that both substrate surfaces have homogeneous chemical composition. The results show that chemical force microscopy can be used for the chemical characterization of cellulose surfaces at a nano-level.  相似文献   

Summary Wounding cells ofBoergesenia forbesii (Harvey) Feldmann induces the synchronous formation of numerous protoplasts which synthesize large cellulose microfibrils within 2–3 hours after wounding. The microfibrils appear to be assembled by linear terminal synthesizing complexes (TCs). TC subunits appear on both E- and P-faces of the plasma membrane, thus suggesting the occurrence of a transmembrane complex. The direction of microfibril synthesis is random during primary wall assembly and becomes ordered during secondary wall assembly. The average density of TCs during secondary wall deposition is 1.7/m2, and the average length of the TC is 510 nm. TC organization is similar to that ofValonia macrophysa; however, the larger TCs ofBoergesenia (510 nm vs. 350 nm) produce correspondingly larger microfibrils (30 nm vs. 20 nm).The effects of a fluorescent brightening agent (FBA), Tinopal LPW, on cell wall regeneration ofBoergesenia protoplasts was investigated. The threshold level of Tinopal LPW for interfering with microfibril assembly is 1.5 M. At 95 M Tinopal (for short periods up to 15 minutes), microfibril impressions have atypical spherical impressions at their termini. At longer incubations (24 hours), TCs and microfibril impressions are absent. When washed free of Tinopal, the protoplasts eventually resume normal wall assembly; however, TCs do not reappear until at least 30 minutes after the removal of Tinopal. In consideration of the presence of ordered TCs before FBA treatment, their random distribution upon recovery implies an intermediate stage of assembly or possiblyde novo synthesis.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy has been used to image the structure of pectin molecules isolated from unripe tomato and sugar beet tissue. The tomato pectin molecules were found to be extended stiff chains with a weight average contour length of LW = 174 nm and a number average contour length of LN = 132 nm (LW/LN = 1.32). A proportion of the pectin molecules (30%) were found to be branched structures. Chemical analysis of the sugar beet pectin extracts showed that the samples contained protein (8.6%). This protein proved difficult to remove and is believed to be covalently attached to the polysaccharide. Imaging of the extracted pectin revealed largely un-aggregated chains: a small fraction (33%) of which were extended stiff polysaccharide chains and a major fraction (67%) of which were of polysaccharide–protein complexes containing a single protein molecule attached to one end of the polysaccharide chains (‘tadpoles’). In addition the sample contained a small number of aggregated structures. The un-aggregated pectin molecules were found to be predominately linear structures with a small fraction (17%) of branched structures. The branched structures were all in the free polysaccharide fraction and no branched pectin chains were observed in the protein–polysaccharide complexes. Alkali treatment was found to remove the protein. For the alkali-treated, un-aggregated structures the average contour lengths were found to be LW = 137 nm, LN = 108 nm with LW/LN = 1.27. It is proposed that the ‘tadpole’ structures contribute to the unusual emulsifying properties of sugar beet pectin.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) indentation has become an important technique for quantifying the mechanical properties of live cells at nanoscale. However, determination of cell elasticity modulus from the force–displacement curves measured in the AFM indentations is not a trivial task. The present work shows that these force–displacement curves are affected by indenter-cell adhesion force, while the use of an appropriate indentation model may provide information on the cell elasticity and the work of adhesion of the cell membrane to the surface of the AFM probes. A recently proposed indentation model (Sirghi, Rossi in Appl Phys Lett 89:243118, 2006), which accounts for the effect of the adhesion force in nanoscale indentation, is applied to the AFM indentation experiments performed on live cells with pyramidal indenters. The model considers that the indentation force equilibrates the elastic force of the cell cytoskeleton and the adhesion force of the cell membrane. It is assumed that the indenter-cell contact area and the adhesion force decrease continuously during the unloading part of the indentation (peeling model). Force–displacement curves measured in indentation experiments performed with silicon nitride AFM probes with pyramidal tips on live cells (mouse fibroblast Balb/c3T3 clone A31-1-1) in physiological medium at 37°C agree well with the theoretical prediction and are used to determine the cell elasticity modulus and indenter-cell work of adhesion. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary The monoclonal antibodies JIM 5 (against unesterified pectin), JIM 7 (against methyl esterified pectin), MAC 207 (against arabinogalactan proteins, AGPs), and JIM 8 (against a subset of AGPs) were utilized singly or in combinations for immunogold labelling of germinated pollen grains and pollen tubes ofNicotiana tabacum. Pectins were localized in the inline of pollen grain, unesterified pectin being more abundant than the esterified one. AGPs were co-localized with pectin in the inline, but were present preferably close to the plasma membrane. In pollen tubes, AGPs, unesterified and esterified pectins were co-localized in the outer and middle layers of the cell wall. The density of the epitopes was not uniform along the length of the pollen tube, but showed alterations. In the pollen tube tip wall esterified pectin was abundantly present, but not AGPs. In the cytoplasm esterified pectin and AGPs were detected in Golgi derived vesicles, indicating their role in the pathway of the cell wall precursors. In the cell wall of generative cell only AGPs, but no pectins were localized. The co-localization of pectins and AGPs in the cell wall of pollen grain and pollen tube might play an important role, not only in maintenance of the cell shape, but also in cell-cell interaction during pollen tube growth and development.Abbreviations AGP arabinogalactan protein - BSA bovine serum albumin - GA glutaraldehyde - MAb monoclonal antibody - NGS normal goat serum - PFA paraformaldehyde  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts from pollen grains of Lilium longiflorum regenerate amorphous cellulosic cell walls in culture, during which some precursors of cellulose are polymerized, thus producing progressively harder cellulosic cell walls as the period of culture continues. It is presumed that the components of the cell wall regenerated during 1 week in culture differ from those of the intine of the pollen grain wall. The regenerated cell wall is formed by means of large smooth vesicles; in addition, numerous coated vesicles and pits aid in wall regeneration. The pollen tube that germinates from the 8-day-old cultured protoplast has numerous Golgi bodies and many vesicles which build the pollen tube wall. The tube wall has two layers just like a normal pollen tube wall.  相似文献   

Summary Mechanisms acting in pattern morphogenesis in the cell walls of two distant groups of plants, pollen of spermatophytes and diatoms, are compared in order to discriminate common principles from plant group- and wall material-specific features. The exinous wall in pollen is sequentially deposited on the exocellular side of the plasmalemma, while the siliceous wall in diatoms is formed intracellularly within an expanding silica deposition vesicle (SDV) which is attached to the internal face of the plasmalemma. Two levels of patterning occur in diatom and pollen walls: the overall pattern stabilises the wall mechanically and is apparently initiated in both groups by the parent cell, and a microtubule-dependent aperture and portula pattern created by the new mitotic (diatoms) or meiotic (pollen) cells. The parent wall in diatoms, and also the callosic wall in microspores, functions as anchor surfaces for transient, species-specific patterned adhesions of the plasmalemma to these walls, involved in pattern and shape creation. Patterned adhesion and exocytosis is blocked in pollen walls where the plasmalemma is shielded by the endoplasmic reticulum at the sites of the future apertures. In diatoms, wall patterning is uncoupled from the formation of a siliceous wall per se when the SDV and its wall is formed without contact to the the plasmalemma. Conversely, a blue-print pattern laid out in advance along the plasmalemma can be found in several diatoms. This highlights the key function of the plasmalemma and its associated membrane skeleton (fibrous lamina), and its orchestrated co-operation with elements of the radial filamentous cytoskeleton (actin?) in pattern formation. The role of microtubules during generation of the overall pattern may be primarily a transport and stabilizing function. Auxiliary organelles (spacer vesicles, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria) involved in diatoms for shaping the SDV, and a mechanism adhering and disconnecting this SDV together with spacer organelles in a species-specifically controlled sequence to and from the plasmalemma, are unnecessary for pollen wall patterning. The precise positioning of the portula pattern in diatom walls is discussed with respect to their role as permanent anchors of the cytoplasm to its wall, and in providing spatial information for nucelar migration and the next cell division, whereas apertures in pollen are for single use only.Abbreviations AF actin filaments - C/Ca callose - CF cleavage furrow - cPL cleavage plasmalemma - DV dense vesicles - ER endoplasmic reticulum - ET epitheca - HT hypotheca - mPL folded plasmalemma - MT microtubules - MTOC microtubule organising centre - PEV primexine (matrix) vesicles - PL plasmalemma - SDV silica deposition vesicle - Si silica - SL SDV-membrane - SPV spacer vesicles Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Eberhard Schnepf on the occasion of his retirement  相似文献   

A novel application of atomic force microscopy (AFM) in the rapid, label-free detection and identification of viruses is described. Multiplexed, miniaturized antibody domains were constructed using "ink-jet" protein arraying technology. The solid-phase affinity substrate termed the "ViriChip" was used in the immunocapture of bacteriophage fd, canine parvoviruses, and coxsackieviruses and analyzed by AFM. Immunocapture was found to be antibody-specific with a sensitivity of 10(8)pfu/ml in 30min. Virus binding was found to be linear for concentration between 10(8) and 10(10)pfu/ml and did not reach saturation through 4h.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) obtains a high resolution at nanometer. In the current study, we found that, before and after adding CD34, CD44 or CD29 antibodies, the AFM images of mouse adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSCs) had significant changes in both cell morphous (shape) and the average roughness of cell membrane. However, there was no significant difference in the cell shape and the average roughness of cell membrane, after adding CD45 or CD144 antibodies. Therefore, we could use the AFM to scan cell shape or to calculate the average roughness changes of cell membrane to analyze the existence of cell membrane antigen qualitatively.  相似文献   

Protoplasts isolated from cultured soybean cells (Glycine max (L.) Merr., cv. Mandarin) were used to study polysaccharide biosynthesis during the initial stages of cell wall-regeneration. Within minutes after the protoplasts were transferred to a wall-regeneration medium containing [14C]glucose, radioactivity was detected in a product which was chemically characterized as cellulose. The onset and accumulation of radioactivity into cellulose coincided with the appearance fibrils on the surface of protoplasts, as seen under the electron microscope. At these early stages, a variety of polysaccharide-containing polymers other than cellulose were also synthesized. Under conditions where the protoplasts were competent to synthesize cellulose from glucose, uridine diphosphate-[14C]glucose and guanosine diphosphate-[14C]glucose did not serve as effective substrates for cellulose synthesis. However, substantial amounts of label from uridine diphosphate glucose were incorporated into 1,3-glucan.Abbreviations ECM extracellular material - GLC gas liquid chromatography - GDP-glucose guanosine diphosphate glucose - UDP-glucose uridine diphosphate glucose - U enzyme units as defined by Sigma Chemical Corp., St. Louis, Mo., USA  相似文献   

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