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An extensive analysis of Ulysses observations of the solar wind speed V from 1990 to 2008 is undertaken. It is shown that the evolution of V with heliocentric distance r depends substantially on both the heliolatitude and the solar activity cycle. Deviations from the predicted Parker’s profile of V(r) are so considerable that cannot be explained by a scarcity of measurements or other technical effects. In particular, the expected smooth growth of the solar wind speed with r is typical only for the solar activity maximum and for low heliolatitudes (lower than ±40°), while at high latitudes, there are two V(r) branches: growing and falling. In the solar activity maximum, V increases toward the solar pole in the North hemisphere only; however, in the South hemisphere, it decreases with heliolatitude. In the minimum of solar activity, the profile of V(r) at low heliolatitudes has a local minimum between 2 and 5 AU. This result is confirmed by the corresponding data from other spacecraft (Voyager 1 and Pioneer 10). Unexpected spatial variations in V at low heliolatitudes can be explained by the impact of coronal hole flows on the V(r) profile since the flows incline to the ecliptic plane. To reproduce the impact of spatial variations of V in the polar corona on the behavior of V at low heliolatitudes, a stationary one-fluid ideal MHD-model is developed with account of recent results on imagery of the solar wind speed in the corona up to 5.5 solar radii obtained on the basis of combined observations from SOHO/UVCS, LASCO, and Mauna Loa.  相似文献   

Nonquasineutral electron current filaments with the azimuthal magnetic field are considered that arise due to the generation of electron vorticity in the initial (dissipative) stage of evolution of a current-carrying plasma, when the Hall number is small (σB/en e c ? 1) because of the low values of the plasma conductivity and magnetic field strength. Equilibrium filamentary structures with both zero and nonzero net currents are considered. Structures with a zero net current type form on time scales of t < t sk = (r 0ω pe /c)2 t st, where t sk is the skin time, t st is the typical time of electron-ion collisions, and r 0 is the radius of the filament. It is shown that, in nonquasineutral filaments in which the current is carried by electrons drifting in the crossed electric (E r ) and magnetic (B θ) fields, ultrarelativistic electron beams on the typical charge-separation scale r B = B/(4πen e ) (the so-called magnetic Debye radius) can be generated. It is found that, for comparable electron currents, the characteristic electron energy in filaments with a nonzero net current is significantly lower than that in zero-net-current filaments that form on typical time scales of t < t sk. This is because, in the latter type of filaments, the oppositely directed electron currents repel one another; as a result, both the density and velocity of electrons increase near the filament axis, where the velocities of relativistic electrons are maximum. Filaments with a zero net current can emit X rays with photon energies ? ω up to 10 MeV. The electron velocity distributions in filaments, the X-ray emission spectra, and the total X-ray yield per unit filament length are calculated as functions of the current and the electron number density in the filament. Analytical estimates of the characteristic lifetime of a radiating filament and the typical size of the radiating region as functions of the plasma density are obtained. The results of calculations are compared with the available experimental data.  相似文献   

A study is made of the structure of a relativistic current filament with the azimuthal magnetic field Bθ in the range 4πn e m e c2?B θ 2 n i m i c2, when the plasma quasineutrality near the filament axis is violated and a narrow peak in electron density is formed there. The ion dynamics in a strong radial electric field of the filament on time scales of about several inverse ion plasma frequencies ω pi ?1 is investigated. The initial ion pressure prevents the ion plasma component from compression to infinitely high densities under the action of the electric field and leads to the formation of a dense hot plasma core near the axis of the Z-pinch on time scales of about a dozen ω pi ?1 . The compression of the ion component in the axial region gives rise to a collisionless “unloading” shock wave that propagates away from the axis and is accompanied by the vanishing of the radial ion velocity behind the shock front, the accumulation of positive charge near the axis, and the formation of a steady-state ion density profile. It is shown theoretically that ion-ion dissipation manifests itself as the destruction of the hot core of the formed Z-pinch on picosecond time scales. This may serve to explain the explosions of “hot points” in a current-carrying plasma.  相似文献   

New experimental data on the implosion of plasma of nested kapron?tungsten arrays are obtained at the Angara-5-1 facility. The mode of plasma implosion is implemented in which a shock wave region forms in the space between the inner and outer arrays where a transition from the super-Alfvénic (V r > V A ) to sub-Alfvénic (V r < V A ) plasma flow takes place. Specific features of the formation and decay of the shock region are studied using laser shadow imaging and X-ray frame photography. The plasma density in the transition region is estimated. By comparing the experimental data with the results of simulations of quasi-steady implosion of a nested array with allowance for extended plasma production, the physical conditions are determined at which the implosion mode with the formation the shock region takes place. Stable compression of the plasma of the inner array was observed during the implosion of combined nested arrays with a fiber outer array and tungsten inner array. Suppression of magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor instability during the compression of the inner array plasma results in the formation of a compact radiating Z-pinch and generation of a soft X-ray pulse with a peak power of 4 TW and duration of about 5 ns.  相似文献   

Results from experimental studies of implosion of nested wire and fiber arrays at currents of up to 4 МА at the Angara-5-1 facility are presented. Depending on the ratio between the radii of the inner and outer arrays, different modes of the plasma flow in the space between the inner and outer arrays were implemented: the sub-Alfvénic (V r < V А ) and super-Alfvénic (V r > V А ) modes and a mode with the formation of the transition shock wave (SW) region between the cascades. By varying the material of the outer array (tungsten wires or kapron fibers), it is shown that the plasma flow mode between the inner and outer arrays depends on the ratio between the plasma production rates ?in /?out in the inner and outer arrays. The obtained experimental results are compared with the results of one-dimensional MHD simulation of the plasma flow between the arrays. Stable implosion of the inner array plasma was observed in experiments with combined nested arrays consisting of a fiber outer array and a tungsten inner array. The growth rates of magnetic Rayleigh?Taylor (MRT) instability in the inner array plasma at different numbers of fibers in the outer array and different ratios between the radii of the inner and outer arrays are compared. Suppression of MRT instability during the implosion of the inner array plasma results in the formation of a stable compact Z-pinch and generation of a soft X-ray pulse. A possible scenario of interaction between the plasmas of the inner and outer arrays is offered. The stability of the inner array plasma in the stage of final compression depends on the character of interaction of plasma jets from the outer array with the magnetic field of the inner array.  相似文献   

Ozone is an air pollutant that negatively affects photosynthesis in woody plants. Previous studies suggested that ozone-induced reduction in photosynthetic rates is mainly attributable to a decrease of maximum carboxylation rate (Vcmax) and/or maximum electron transport rate (Jmax) estimated from response of net photosynthetic rate (A) to intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) (A/Ci curve) assuming that mesophyll conductance for CO2 diffusion (gm) is infinite. Although it is known that Ci-based Vcmax and Jmax are potentially influenced by gm, its contribution to ozone responses in Ci-based Vcmax and Jmax is still unclear. In the present study, therefore, we analysed photosynthetic processes including gm in leaves of Siebold’s beech (Fagus crenata) seedlings grown under three levels of ozone (charcoal-filtered air or ozone at 1.0- or 1.5-times ambient concentration) for two growing seasons in 2016–2017. Leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were simultaneously measured in July and September of the second growing season. We determined the A, stomatal conductance to water vapor and gm, and analysed A/Ci curve and A/Cc curve (Cc: chloroplast CO2 concentration). We also determined the Rubisco and chlorophyll contents in leaves. In September, ozone significantly decreased Ci-based Vcmax. At the same time, ozone decreased gm, whereas there was no significant effect of ozone on Cc-based Vcmax or the contents of Rubisco and chlorophyll in leaves. These results suggest that ozone-induced reduction in Ci-based Vcmax is a result of the decrease in gm rather than in carboxylation capacity. The decrease in gm by elevated ozone was offset by an increase in Ci, and Cc did not differ depending on ozone treatment. Since Cc-based Vcmax was also similar, A was not changed by elevated ozone. We conclude that gm is an important factor for reduction in Ci-based Vcmax of Siebold’s beech under elevated ozone.  相似文献   

MHD oscillations with m/n = 4/1 and 3/1 that arise at the periphery of the TUMAN-3M tokamak in the initial stage of a discharge are investigated. It is found that these oscillations lead to a significant modulation of the electron density n e , which is attributable to the accumulation of plasma within a magnetic island. Numerical simulations of the modulation structure made it possible to determine the radius of the resonant surface and the radial width of the island and to evaluate the characteristic density gradient in the island. The gradient was found to be ten times larger than that of the unperturbed profile of n e (r) near the resonant surface. This points to reduced plasma transport within the magnetic island.  相似文献   

A study is made of the relaxation of plasma rotation in nonaxisymmetric toroidal magnetic confinement systems, such as stellarators and rippled tokamaks. In this way, a solution to the drift kinetic equation is obtained that explicitly takes into account the time dependence of the distribution function, and expressions for the diffusive particle fluxes and longitudinal viscosity are derived that make it possible to write a closed set of equations describing the time evolution of the ambipolar electric field E and the longitudinal (with respect to the magnetic field) plasma velocity U0. Solutions found to the set of evolutionary equations imply that the relaxation of these two parameters to their steady-state values occurs in the form of damped oscillations whose frequency is about 2vT/R (where vT is the ion thermal velocity and R is the major plasma radius) and whose damping rate depends on the ion-ion collision frequency and on the magnetic field parameters. In particular, it is shown that, for tokamaks with a slightly rippled longitudinal magnetic field, the frequency of oscillations in the range q>2 (where q is the safety factor) is, as a rule, much higher than the damping rate. For stellarators, this turns out to be true only of the central plasma region, where the helical ripple amplitude ? of the magnetic field is much smaller than the toroidal ripple amplitude δ=r/R.  相似文献   

Long-termed intersexual friendly relationships between males and females of the Brauner’s lizard are characterized by high levels of spatial association and high frequency of affiliative behavior between partners (see report 1). In present article we consider changes in the frequency of affiliative behavior in males (Am) and females (Af) after the first appearance of female on the male’s territory and conditions for the transition of lizard to stable residency (SR). Generally, Am becomes stable during the first days of initial period and does not change later. This fact suggests that in most instances male’s choice criteria are some peculiarities of the female’s exterior. In the initial period, Af is always low, however, gradually rises to the level of Am if Am is high. The main condition of female’s SR is high Am of the owner of the territory where female establishes her comfort areas. Hence, social partner choice in female is based on male’s behavior, and high Am triggers the formation of friendly interrelations. Significant correlation between social and sexual interrelations is absent. As can be judged by female’s reactions to male’s sexual behavior, his sexual activity is rather a factor of social disintegration. Structure of costs for social partner search is different in males and females, and these differences well harmonize with differences in gender strategies of partner choice. The social strategies are well interpreted in terms of the optimal foraging theory.  相似文献   

This study reports the effects of RF power and filling gas pressure variation on the plasma parameters, including the electron number density n e , electron temperature T e , plasma potential V p , skin depth δ, and electron energy probability functions (EEPFs) in a low-pressure inductively coupled helium plasma source with magnetic pole enhancement. An RF compensated Langmuir probe is used to measure these plasma parameters. It is observed that the electron number density increases with both the RF power and the filling gas pressure. Conversely, the electron temperature decreases with increasing RF power and gas pressure. It is also noted that, at low RF powers and gas pressures, the EEPFs are non-Maxwellian, while at RF powers of ≥50 W, they evolve into a Maxwellian distribution. The dependences of the skin depth and plasma potential on the RF power are also studied and show a decreasing trend.  相似文献   

The applicability of emission of the N 3Λσ triplet states of molecular hydrogen for spectral diagnostics of the positive column of a dc glow discharge in hydrogen at translational gas temperatures of 360–600 K, specific absorbed powers of 0.8–4.25 W/cm, gas pressures of p = 0.3–15.0 Torr, reduced fields of E/N = 30–130 Td, and electron densities of n e = 4.0 × 109–6.5 × 1010 cm–3 is analyzed by using an advanced level-based semi-empirical collisional?radiative model. It is found that secondary processes make the main contribution to the population and decay of the N 3Λσ = a 3Σ+ g , c 3Π u , g 3Σ+ g , h 3Σ+ g , and i 3Π g triplet states. The dipole-allowed transitions e 3Σ+ g a 3Σ+ g , f 3Σ+ g a 3Σ+ g , g 3Σ+ g and k 3Π u a 3Σ+ g can be used for spectral diagnostics of a dc discharge within a simplified coronal model.  相似文献   

Results are presented from laboratory modeling of the dynamics of space cyclotron masers. A selfoscillatory mode of cyclotron instability in the nonequilibrium plasma of an ECR discharge in a magnetic mirror trap is found. The plasma comprises two electron populations: the background population with a density of N e ~ 1013–1014 cm?3 and temperature of T e ≈ 300 eV and the energetic population with a density of N e ~ 1010 cm?3 and temperature of T e ≈ 10 keV. Quasi-periodic pulsed precipitation of energetic electrons from the trap, accompanied by microwave bursts at frequencies below the electron gyrofrequency in the center of the trap, is detected. The study of the microwave plasma emission and the energetic electrons precipitated from the trap shows that the precipitation is related to the excitation of whistler-mode waves propagating nearly parallel to the trap axis. The observed instability has much in common with phenomena in space magnetic traps, such as radiation belts of magnetized planets and solar coronal loops. The experimental results demonstrate the opportunity of laboratory modeling of space cyclotron masers. The main tasks and possibilities of such modeling are discussed.  相似文献   

The physiological state of the leaves of the small-leaved linden (Tilia cordata), silver birch (Betula pendula), and northern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis) under urban conditions was assessed via recording the kinetics of chlorophyll under fluorescence induction. Different sensitivities of the plants to adverse growing conditions were revealed. The most sensitive parameters of the fluorescence JIP test, viz., PI ABS , F V/F 0, and F V/F M, were identified as indicators of the physiological state of the urban phytocoenosis. Recommendations for the application of the method for monitoring studies are presented.  相似文献   

Extensive research has found that nighttime transpiration (E n) is positively correlated to the vapour pressure deficit (VPD), that suggested E n was highest during the night under high temperatures and low humidity along with high soil water availability, typically for the riparian forest in the extreme arid region of China. This study used the heat ratio method to measure sap velocity (V s) for mature and saplings Populus euphratica Oliv., and then E n was conservatively calculated as total nocturnal sap flow (F s, the product of V s and sapwood area A s) between 01:00 to 06:00. A gas exchange system was used to measure the leaf transpiration rate (T r) and stomatal conductance (g s) of saplings. For mature trees, nighttime V s was extensive and logarithmic correlated to VPD (similar to daytime). For saplings, g s and T r was extensive in different months, and also a strong logarithmic relationship was found between V s and VPD for both daytime and nighttime periods. Both of stem sap flow and leaf gas exchange suggusted the occurrence of E n, whether mature or sapling trees. E n contribution to daily transpiration (E d) was high just as expected for P. euphratica, which was confirmed by proportional E n to E d (E n/E d) means taken in 2012 (24.99%) and 2013 (34.08%). Compared to mature trees, E n/E d of saplings in 2013 was lower with means of 12.06%, that supported further by the shorter duration times and less T r,n (16.64%) and g s,n (26.45%) of leaf, suggesting that E n magnitude is associated to individual the tree size, that effect to stored water of individual trees, although this hypothesis requires further research.  相似文献   

RecA first forms a filament on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), thereby forming the first site for ssDNA binding and, simultaneously, the second site for binding double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). Then, the nucleoprotein filament interacts with dsDNA, although it can bind ssDNA as well. The resulting complex searches for homology sites and performs strand exchange between homologous DNA molecules. The interaction of various ssDNAs with the second DNA-recognizing site of RecA was studied by gradually increasing the structural complexity of the DNA ligand. Recognizing ssDNA with the second site, the protein interacts with each nucleotide of the ligand, forming contacts with both internucleotide phosphate groups and nitrogen bases. Pyrimidine oligonucleotides d(pC) n and d(pT) n interacted with the second site of the RecA filament more efficiently than d(pA) n did. This was due to a more efficient interaction of the RecA filament with the 5′-terminal nucleotide of pyrimidinic DNA and to the difference in specific conformational changes of the nucleoprotein filament in the presence of purinic and pyrimidinic DNAs. A comparison of thermodynamic characteristics of DNA recognition at the first and second DNA-binding sites of the filament showed that, at n > 10, d(pC) n and d(pN) n were bound at the second site less tightly than at the first site. At n > 20, the second site bound d(pA) n more efficiently than the first site. The difference in d(pN) n affinity for the first and second sites increased monotonically with increasing n. Possible mechanisms of a RecA-dependent search for homology and DNA strand exchange are discussed.  相似文献   

The goal of this work was to elucidate the mechanism of inhibition of the actin-activated ATPase of myosin subfragment-1 (S1) by the calponin-like protein from mussel bivalve muscle. The calponin-like protein (Cap) is a 40-kDa actin-binding protein from the bivalve muscle of the mussel Crenomytilus grayanus. Kinetic parameters Vmax and KATPase of actomyosin ATPase in the absence and the presence of Cap were determined to investigate the mechanism of inhibition. It was found that Cap mainly causes increase in KATPase value and to a lesser extent the decrease in Vmax, which indicates that it is most likely a competitive inhibitor of actomyosin ATPase. Analysis of Vmax and KATPase parameters in the presence of tropomyosin revealed that the latter is a noncompetitive inhibitor of the actomyosin ATPase.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of concentration on nitrogen uptake patterns for a suburban stream in Maryland and addressed the question: How does NO3 ? uptake change as a function of concentration and how do uptake patterns compare with those found for NH4 +? We applied a longitudinal (stream channel corridor) approach in a forested stream section and conducted short-term nutrient addition experiments in late summer 2004. In the downstream direction, NO3 ? concentrations decreased because of residential development in headwaters and downstream dilution; NH4 + concentrations slightly increased. The uptake patterns for NO3 ? were very different from NH4 +. While NH4 + had a typical negative relationship between first-order uptake rate constant (K c ) and stream size, NO3 ? had a reverse pattern. We found differences for other metrics, including uptake velocity (V f ) and areal uptake rate (U). We attributed these differences to a stream size effect, a concentration effect and a biological uptake capacity effect. For NO3 ? these combined effects produced a downstream increase in K c , V f and U; for NH4 + they produced a downstream decrease in K c and V f , and a not well defined pattern for U. We attributed a downstream increase in NO3 ? uptake capacity to an increase in hyporheic exchange and a likely increase in carbon availability. We also found that K c and V f were indirectly related with concentration. Similar evidence of ‘nutrient saturation’ has been reported in other recent studies. Our results suggest that higher-order uptake models might be warranted when scaling NO3 ? uptake across watersheds that are subject to increased nitrogen loading.  相似文献   

A 1.4 Kb fragment of Bacillus licheniformis ATCC 14580 encoding β-glucosidase was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. β-Glucosidase expressed by E. coli harboring cloned gene was located entirely in the intracellular fraction. Recombinant β-glucosidase protein was purified to homogeneity level and the molecular weight was found to be 53 kDa using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis. It gave maximum activity at 50°C and pH 6. K m and V max were 0.206 mM and 1.26 U/mg, respectively, with p-nitrophenyl-β-D-glucopyranoside, while activation energy Ea, enthalpy of activation ?H and entropy of activation ΔS were found to be 66.31 kJ/mol, 64.04 kJ/mol and 48.28 J/mol/K, respectively. The pKa1 and pKa2 of the ionizable groups of active site residues involved in Vmax were found to be 5.5 and 7.0, respectively. When the recombinant β-glucosidase protein was used as a member of consortium with endoglucanase and exoglucanase for the saccharification of wheat straw, 123% increase in saccharification was observed.  相似文献   

On the basis of the winter bread wheat cultivar Obryi, two independent disomic addition lines BC12F with the chromosome of the E. sibiricus St genome are created. A practical algorithm for determining the probabilities of transmission of the odd chromosome separately through male and female gametes in selfpollination of hemizygous hybrids from the equation p2–(1 + f1f4) × p + f1 = 0 is proposed, where p is the probability of the formation of viable gametes with the considered chromosome and f1 and f4 are the empirical frequencies of the corresponding homozygotes with and without the trait. The probability of transmission of an alien univalent chromosome through pollen (p) is associated with the frequency of its transmission through the egg cell (p) in backcrosses and in self-pollination (1–f4) by the equation p = 1–f4/(1–p). The calculated empirically dependent estimates of the probabilities of transmission of the added chromosome through the egg cell p = 18.7% and through pollen p = 4.3% correspond to the empirical frequencies obtained for backcrosses. The coefficients of the gamete selection V = 0.748 and V = 0.172 are calculated, and the expected segregation for the alien trait controlled by a dominant gene located in the added chromosome is determined—with the trait: without the trait is 0.222: 0.778 in F2; 0.187: 0.813 in equational and 0.043: 0.957 in certational backcrosses.  相似文献   

On-line control over the plasma density in tokamaks (especially, in long-term discharges) requires reliable measurements of the averaged plasma density. For this purpose, a new method of density measurements—a pulsed time-of-flight plasma refractometry—was developed and tested in the T-11M tokamak. This method allows one to determine the averaged density from the measured time delay of nanosecond microwave pulses propagating through the plasma. For an O-wave, the measured time delay is proportional to the line-averaged density and is independent of the density profile (f?f p ) τok o \(\tfrac{1}{{f^2 }}\mathop \smallint \limits_l \) N(x dx. A similar formula is valid for an X-wave: τX = ≈ k x \(\tfrac{{f^2 + f_c^2 }}{{(f^2 - f_c^2 )^2 }}\mathop \smallint \limits_l \) N(x)dx. Here, f is the frequency of the probing wave, f p is the plasma frequency, l= 4 a is the path length for two-pass probing in the equatorial plane, a is the plasma minor radius, k O and k X are numerical factors, f c is the electron-cyclotron frequency at the axis of the plasma column, and f p ?f c , f. Measurements of the time delay provide the same information as plasma interferometry, though they do no employ the effect of interference. When the conditions f p ?f c , f are not satisfied, the measured time delay depends on the shape of the density profile. In this case, in order to determine the average density regardless of the density profile, it is necessary to perform simultaneous measurements at several probing frequencies in order to determine the average density. In ITER (Bt ~ 5T), a spectral window between the lower and upper cutoff frequencies in the range of 50–100 GHz can be used for pulsed time-of-flight X-wave refractometry. This appreciably simplifies the diagnostics and eliminates the problem of the first mirror. In this paper, the first results obtained in the FTU tokamak with a prototype of the ITER pulsed time-of-flight refractometer are presented. The geometry and layout of experiments similar to the planned ITER experiments are described. The density measured by pulsed time-of-flight refractometry is shown to agree well with the results obtained in FTU with a two-frequency scanning IR interferometer. The results obtained are analyzed, and the future experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

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