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动物耗氧量可用以了解不同动物生态习性及生理活动的特点。Pearson(1947)、You-sef等(1971)、Weigold(1980)等曾对鼩鼱科小型种类的耗氧量作了一些研究。四川短尾鼩是鼩鼱科中比较大型的种类,其耗氧量未见前人报道,耗氧量类型与前者种类是否一致?因此,我们在同一实验条件下对树鼩与四川短尾鼩的体温及不同坏境温度下的耗氧量,产热量作了测定和比较。材料与方法实验用树鼩(Tupaia glis)23只,四川短尾鼩(Anourosorex squamipes)26只。实验后检查,雄性动物附睾中有成熟精子,雌性处于非动情期。用小动物代谢测定器测定耗氧量。代谢室为长圆筒…  相似文献   

黑腹绒鼠(Eothenomys melanogaster)据秦耀亮报道,见于粤北海拔1,922米的石坑埪。1958年以来,我们先后在粤北石坑埪箭竹林和粤西大雾岭草丛捕获黑腹绒鼠13只,最近又在粤西大雾岭作了一些生态学方面的调查。结果报告如下。  相似文献   

印度尼西亚爪哇是最早于1891年发现爪哇猿人化石的地区,但在1940年以后的二十年中,除去1952年在中爪哇发现了魁人(Meganthropus)的一个下颌骨(Marks 于1953年作了报道)以外,没有其他新的发现。据最近报道,在中爪哇的桑吉浪(Sangiran)发现了猿人的部分头盖骨。  相似文献   

<正>目前,NANB肝炎的病原体仍不清楚。已有报道NANB肝炎成功地转染给黑猩猩,但没有描述病原体的特征,电镜和血清学试验也未检查到病毒样粒子(VLP)。最近,据宣布:加州福尼亚生物技术公司Chiron已分离到NANB肝炎病毒,但未作详细报道。本篇通迅报道了在具有NANB肝炎的黑猩猩和人血清中VLP的检测情况。 血清样品来自实验性感染NANB肝炎的六只黑猩猩。用输血后感染肝炎的一个病例所分离出的NANB肝炎病原体F株接种动物后,均发生NANB肝炎所特有的肝细胞管状结构持续阳性三年多的慢性肝炎;并且已发现来自一只黑猩猩的少量慢性期血清(接种后49—51周)在受体黑猩猩中引起肝炎,这显示肝细胞管状结构持续阳性是NANB肝炎病毒携带者的重要标志。在人的病例中,10例在临床  相似文献   

用染色体 Giemsa 分带技术对花粉母细胞减数分裂的研究,只在玉米、银莲花、黑麦、洋葱、紫万年青、小黑麦等少数几种植物中有过一些报道。关于芍药的 Giemsa显带,除 Friebe 有过一个简略的报道外,李懋学等曾对芍药品种间的体细胞染色体进行了 Giemsa 分带研究。但对芍药花粉母细胞的 Giemsa 分带还未有过研究。本文报道对芍药花粉母细胞减数分裂染色体的 Giemsa 显带。  相似文献   

遗传性下肢淋巴水肿亦称Milroy病或Nonne-Milroy-Meige综合征,由Milroy首先报道。其特征为出生后不久发生下肢水肿或/和乳糜样腹水。有关报道尚少见,作者曾对该病的一个家系作了简要报道。近年来又做了进一步的查询,现将新的结果报告如...  相似文献   

关于白头鹎指名亚种(Pycnonotus sinensis sinensis),郑作新、柏玉昆、李炳华、庞秉璋及胡忠信等人先后对其繁殖习性和食性作过研究报道。1983年10—11月和1984年元月我们在贺县黄田公社浩洞大队附近的狗耳山作珍贵动物野外调查时,曾对白头鹎的习性作了部份观察,1984年3—6月又在此对其的繁殖习性作了初步的观察,现报道如下: 一、习性狗耳山属南亚热带常绿阔叶林山地,主峰海拔高度为1540米,浩洞大队位于其南坡。白头鹎为当地的优势种类,秋冬季节在局部地区  相似文献   

大熊猫——剑齿象动物群的聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 中外学者对我国南方石灰岩溶洞出土的第四纪哺乳动物化石(按照以往的习惯,又可总称为广义的“大熊猫——剑齿象动物群”)已经进行了长期的、广泛的研究。最近有人(计宏祥,1977;黄万波,1979)对这段历史作了详尽的总结。从历史的回顾中可以看到,随着化石材料的不断积累,华南溶洞出土的第四纪哺乳动物化石已由单一  相似文献   

麋鹿茸与梅花鹿茸、(黄占)鹿茸雌二醇含量比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
麋鹿(Elaphurus davidianus)出现于更新世前期, 是典型的北方鹿类,有重要的经济价值和生态价值.麋鹿茸是传统的中药材,<本草纲目>曾有记载,并且认为其功用在于"滋阴益肾".但是关于麋鹿茸在药用价值方面的研究很少,迄今人们还不知道作为传统中药的麋鹿茸中类固醇激素含量的情况,而这些激素正是具有药用功效的生物活性物质.  相似文献   

昆虫足发育畸型,多于六足的现象。过去虽有报道,但为数甚少。1934年日本的加藤曾报道两例,一为木棉叩头虫(雄性,右中足三只),一为螽蟖(雄性,右后足又生出一瘤状足)。1956年我国何俊华(浙江农业大学)曾发现一“八足”雌蜂,经鉴定为螟黑纹茧蜂Bracon onukii watanabe.此虫中、后两对足正常,畸型在前胸腹面有两对足,多出两只过剩足。一只过剩足生在正常前  相似文献   

Whilst archaeological evidence for many aspects of life in ancient China is well studied, there has been much less interest in ancient infectious diseases, such as intestinal parasites in past Chinese populations. Here, we bring together evidence from mummies, ancient latrines, and pelvic soil from burials, dating from the Neolithic Period to the Qing Dynasty, in order to better understand the health of the past inhabitants of China and the diseases endemic in the region. Seven species of intestinal parasite have been identified, namely roundworm, whipworm, Chinese liver fluke, oriental schistosome, pinworm, Taenia sp. tapeworm, and the intestinal fluke Fasciolopsis buski. It was found that in the past, roundworm, whipworm, and Chinese liver fluke appear to have been much more common than the other species. While roundworm and whipworm remained common into the late 20th century, Chinese liver fluke seems to have undergone a marked decline in its prevalence over time. The iconic transport route known as the Silk Road has been shown to have acted as a vector for the transmission of ancient diseases, highlighted by the discovery of Chinese liver fluke in a 2,000 year-old relay station in northwest China, 1,500 km outside its endemic range.  相似文献   

梅花鹿鹿茸不同产品中氨基酸含量的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对二杠鹿茸、三杈鹿茸、鹿茸片、鹿茸血、鹿角、鹿角盘等鹿茸产品中氨基酸含量的测定研究,结果表明:鹿茸血中氨基酸含量最高,鹿茸片中的氨基酸含量次之,三杈鹿茸中的氨基酸含量高于二杠鹿茸中氨基酸含量,鹿花盘中的含量高于鹿角中的氨基酸含量,从而为鹿茸这一动物性中药材资源的功能评价、药理作用提供科学理论依据。  相似文献   

许昌人遗址位于河南省许昌市灵井镇,2005-2017年发掘,揭露面积500余平方米,2007、2014年在9号探方出土包括2颗"许昌人"头骨在内的5个古人类个体,大量的石制品和21种哺乳动物化石。头骨具有东亚古人类、欧洲尼安德特人和早期现代人的镶嵌特征,可能代表一种新型的古老型人类。石制品研究显示,石核类型多样,且以小型双锥形盘状石核为特色;小型工具类型分异明显、加工精细,显示出不同于旧石器时代早期遗址中的工具技术,而与西方旧石器时代中期遗址工具技术上的特点较为一致。此外,遗址出土7件软锤工具,以动物长骨或鹿角为原料,用以修理石质工具。软锤工具的发现,对于认识中国旧石器时代技术的发展有重要意义。通过对遗址形成过程的分析,"许昌人"生活时期的沉积环境经历了三个阶段:下部灰绿色滨湖相粉砂堆积所指示的水流动力相对较弱的沉积环境,中部综红色粉砂堆积所指示的水流动力相对较强的沉积环境,以及上部浅棕红色粉砂堆积所指示的相对冷湿、水动力仍然较强的沉积环境。尽管存在水动力强弱上的相对变化,但水动力总体上并不大,以低能量水流为主,文化遗物属于原地埋藏。今后将开展人类艺术行为能力、古人用软锤和压制法制作石器的技术、动物埋藏学和年代学等方面的深入研究。  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(2):182-202
Antlers are unique appendages. They are shed and rebuilt at intervals, and are synapomorphic for all living Cervidae (except for the Chinese water deer, Hydropotes inermis , in which they have presumably been lost). The antlerogenic process is controlled by a complex interaction of fluctuating levels of several hormones, most importantly testosterone. The oldest antler remains are recorded from the early Miocene; these have been interpreted as non‐deciduous appendages because of supposed permanent skin coverage and the lack of a burr (a well‐developed osseous protuberance around the base of the antler, which is always present in extant cervids). The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that antler shedding was possible in these early Miocene cervids. Antlers of all extant and eight Miocene cervid genera, including burr‐less antler fragments of the earliest cervids Procervulus , Ligeromeryx , and Lagomeryx were studied. An extensive comparative morphological analysis of external features of the antler, and of the abscission area and the base of the antler in particular, was undertaken. The results indicate that a regular, porous, and rugose abscission surface at the proximal end of the antler indicates antler shedding in both living and fossil cervids. The antler shedding mechanism must therefore have already been present in all early/mid Miocene cervid genera included in this study. On this basis, it is suggested that the presence of a burr is not prerequisite in order to shed antlers, that the presence of perpetual antlers has not yet been verified, and that the process of shedding and regeneration developed with the first appearance of these organs. This insight is particularly important for the systematic classification of early Miocene species as Cervidae, because the absence of the antler shedding and rebuilding mechanism would exclude them from the taxon Cervidae and from any relationship with extant cervids. J. Morphol. 278:182–202, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.  相似文献   

The Sika deer antler is well known for its unique ability to regenerate repeatedly and grow rapidly. Furthermore, it is a precious traditional Chinese medicine and has been widely used for more than 20 centuries. The major bioactive components within the antlers are water-soluble proteins, polypeptides, and free amino acids. Many studies have shown that water-soluble antler extracts play pivotal roles in wound healing, immune system modulation, anti-oxidation, and anti-inflammation. However, the exact effects on chondrocytes are still largely unknown. In this study, we prepared fresh, aqueous extracts from growing deer antlers in a rapid growth stage. We isolated the chondrocytes from neonatal mouse rib cartilage and investigated the effects of antler extracts on chondrocyte viability. We also used the RNA-Seq method to analyze the gene expression pattern under antler extract treatment. We demonstrated that fresh extracts from Sika deer antlers in a rapid growth stage significantly promoted chondrocyte viability and kept chondrocytes proliferating continuously, while blocking maturation and further differentiation. Additionally, our results indicated that antler extracts might serve as a potent anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory agent, and immune modulator to boost the abilities of chondrocytes against oxidative, inflammatory, and immune stresses. Thus, this study has greatly deepened our current knowledge of the molecular control of antler extracts on chondrocytes. It has also shed light on possible new strategies to further prevent and treat diseases of cartilage and other related diseases.  相似文献   

猫猫洞的骨器和角器研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
本文所记述的、磨制的骨器和角器是本省兴义县猫猫洞旧石器文化遗址首次发掘的重要成果。由于这里发现的骨器和角器在数量上超过以前全国发现的、旧石器时代晚期同类工具的总和,从而为我国旧石器时代骨器和角器的研究提供了较丰富的新资料。新的骨器和角器的发现和研究,增加了对当时人制造这类工具工艺的了解和丰富了我国旧石器文化的内涵。  相似文献   

Abstract: Past studies using penned deer provide conflicting results on the age when reliable predictions about antler growth potential in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) can be made. We captured wild whitetail males via aerial net gun on 12 ranches in 5 counties in south Texas, USA, from 1999 to 2007 to determine if a reliable juvenile-to-adult relationship in antler development existed. We individually marked and released captured animals at the trap site after we took antler and body measurements. We recaptured marked animals as possible in subsequent years or until we obtained final measurements after legal harvest. Amount of growth in the first set of antlers in whitetail males was a poor predictor of antler growth at maturity. By 4.5 years of age there were no differences (P > 0.05) in antler measurements regardless of the amount of development of the first set of antlers at 1.5 years. We concluded culling of yearling males based on number of antler points would have little positive effect on overall antler quality in future years.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) has been suggested as a measure of the sensitivity of development to a wide array of genetic and environmental stresses. It has been also suggested that antlers in red deer could be important during social and rutting displays. We used antler measurements of 51 males that were measured over subsequent seasons, from 3–8 years of age, and analysed three antler traits: antler weight, length, and the number of antler tines (antler size). We calculated absolute and relative FA. All three size traits were highly significantly intercorrelated. By contrast to this, the FA of the three traits, did not show such relationships. With increasing age, antler size and FA also increased. When testing the repeatability of FA and antler size, there was a principal difference in the pattern between FA and antler size, with the latter being much more consistent than the former. This suggests that antler size, not FA, may be a good predictor of the bearer's quality in mate selection. This fits well with the good-genes hypothesis that the development of extravagant secondary sexual characters can be an honest advertisement of heritable male quality.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 215–226.  相似文献   

麋鹿发情期主要活动的时间分配及行为研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
本文报道麋鹿在白天主要处于休息状态,早晨、黄昏是它们的摄食时间;成年雌体中的各项活动频率未显示出有明显差异;但雄鹿与雌鹿之间在活动时间分配上有明显差异,而且,雄鹿中的统治者与被统治者之间也表现出有所不同。在攻击行为方面,群内表现出有不同的特权形式;而在交往行为中,发现较多的频次出现于相同性别、年龄和同一阶层中。  相似文献   

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