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Temperature-sensitive mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were isolated by insertional mutagenesis using the HIS3 marked retrotransposon TyH3HIS3. In such mutants, the TyHIS3 insertions are expected to identify loci which encode genes essential for cell growth at high temperatures but dispensable at low temperatures. Five mutations were isolated and named hit for high temperature growth. The hit1-1 mutation was located on chromosome X and conferred the pet phenotype. Two hit2 mutations, hit2-1 and hit2-2, were located on chromosome III and caused the deletion of the PET18 locus which has been shown to encode a gene required for growth at high temperatures. The hit3-1 mutation was located on chromosome VI and affected the CDC26 gene. The hit4-1 mutation was located on chromosome XIII. These hit mutations were analyzed in an attempt to identify novel genes involved in the heat shock response. The hit1-1 mutation caused a defect in synthesis of a 74-kD heat shock protein. Western blot analysis revealed that the heat shock protein corresponded to the SSC1 protein, a member of the yeast hsp70 family. In the hit1-1 mutant, the TyHIS3 insertion caused a deletion of a 3-kb DNA segment between the delta 1 and delta 4 sequences near the SUP4 locus. The 1031-bp wild-type HIT1 DNA which contained an open reading frame encoding a protein of 164 amino acids and the AGG arginine tRNA gene complemented all hit1-1 mutant phenotypes, indicating that the mutant phenotypes were caused by the deletion of these genes. The pleiotropy of the HIT1 locus was analyzed by constructing a disruption mutation of each gene in vitro and transplacing it to the chromosome. This analysis revealed that the HIT1 gene essential for growth at high temperatures encodes the 164-amino acid protein. The arginine tRNA gene, named HSX1, is essential for growth on a nonfermentable carbon source at high temperatures and for synthesis of the SSC1 heat shock protein.  相似文献   

J. H. McCusker  J. E. Haber 《Genetics》1988,119(2):303-315
We describe the isolation and preliminary characterization of a set of pleiotropic mutations resistant to the minimum inhibitory concentration of cycloheximide and screened for ts (temperature-sensitive) growth. These mutations fall into 22 complementation groups of cycloheximide resistant ts lethal mutations (crl). None of the crl mutations appears to be allelic with previously isolated mutations. Fifteen of the CRL loci have been mapped. At the nonpermissive temperature (37°), these mutants arrest late in the cell cycle after several cell divisions. Half of these mutants are also unable to grow at very low temperatures (5°). Although mutants from all of the 22 complementation groups exhibit similar temperature-sensitive phenotypes, an extragenic suppressor of the ts lethality of crl3 does not relieve the ts lethality of most other crl mutants. A second suppressor mutation allows crl10, crl12, and crl14 to grow at 37° but does not suppress the ts lethality of the remaining crl mutants. We also describe two new methods for the enrichment of auxotrophic mutations from a wild-type yeast strain.  相似文献   

Nonsense Mutations in Essential Genes of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
L. Riles  M. V. Olson 《Genetics》1988,118(4):601-607
A new method for isolating nonsense mutations in essential yeast genes has been used to develop a collection of 115 ochre mutations that define 94 complementation groups. The mutants are isolated in a genetic background that includes an ochre suppressor on a metastable plasmid and a suppressible colony-color marker on a chromosome. When the parental strain is plated on a rich medium, the colonies display a pattern of red, plasmid-free sectors on a white background. Mutants containing an ochre mutation in any essential yeast gene give rise to nonsectoring, white colonies, since cell growth is dependent on the presence of the plasmid-borne suppressor. Analysis of the data suggests that mutations are being recovered from a pool of approximately 250 genes.  相似文献   

P. J. Schatz  F. Solomon    D. Botstein 《Genetics》1988,120(3):681-695
Microtubules in yeast are functional components of the mitotic and meiotic spindles and are essential for nuclear movement during cell division and mating. We have isolated 70 conditional-lethal mutations in the TUB1 alpha-tubulin gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae using a plasmid replacement technique. Of the 70 mutations isolated, 67 resulted in cold-sensitivity, one resulted in temperature-sensitivity, and two resulted in both. Fine-structure mapping revealed that the mutations were located throughout the TUB1 gene. We characterized the phenotypes caused by 38 of the mutations after shifts of mutants to the nonpermissive temperature. Populations of temperature-shifted mutant cells contained an excess of large-budded cells with undivided nuclei, consistent with the previously determined role of microtubules in yeast mitosis. Several of the mutants arrested growth with a sufficiently uniform morphology to indicate that TUB1 has at least one specific role in the progression of the yeast cell cycle. A number of the mutants had gross defects in microtubule assembly at the restrictive temperature, some with no microtubules and some with excess microtubules. Other mutants contained disorganized microtubules and nuclei. There were no obvious correlations between these phenotypes and the map positions of the mutations. Greater than 90% of the mutants examined were hypersensitive to the antimicrotubule drug benomyl. Mutations that suppressed the cold-sensitive phenotypes of two of the TUB1 alleles occurred in TUB2, the single structural gene specifying beta-tubulin.  相似文献   

RAG. Reenan  R. D. Kolodner 《Genetics》1992,132(4):975-985
The MSH1 and MSH2 genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are predicted to encode proteins that are homologous to the Escherichia coli MutS and Streptococcus pneumoniae HexA proteins and their homologs. Disruption of the MSH1 gene caused a petite phenotype which was established rapidly. A functional MSH1 gene present on a single-copy centromere plasmid was incapable of rescuing the established msh1 petite phenotype. Analysis of msh1 strains demonstrated that mutagenesis and large-scale rearrangement of mitochondrial DNA had occurred. 4',6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining of msh1 yeast revealed an aberrant distribution of mtDNA. Haploid msh2 mutants displayed an increase of 85-fold in the rate of spontaneous mutation to canavanine resistance. Sporulation of homozygous msh2/msh2 diploids gave rise to a high level of lethality which was compounded during increased vegetative growth prior to sporulation. msh2 mutations also affected gene conversion of two HIS4 alleles. The his4x mutation, lying near the 5' end of the gene, was converted with equal frequency in both wild-type and msh2 strains. However, many of the events in the msh2 background were post-meiotic segregation (PMS) events (46.4%) while none (< 0.25%) of the aberrant segregations in wild type were PMS events. The his4b allele, lying 1.6 kb downstream of his4x, was converted at a 10-fold higher frequency in the msh2 background than in the corresponding wild-type strain. Like the his4x allele, his4b showed a high level of PMS (30%) in the msh2 background compared to the corresponding wild-type strain where no (< 0.26%) PMS events were observed. These results indicate that MSH1 plays a role in repair or stability of mtDNA and MSH2 plays a role in repair of 4-bp insertion/deletion mispairs in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Mutations affecting the synthesis of the sporulation amyloglucosidase were isolated in a homothallic strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, SCMS7-1. Two were found, both of which were deficient in sporulation at 34 degrees. One, SL484, sporulated to 50% normal levels at 30 degrees but less than 5% at 34 degrees or 22 degrees. The other, SL641, failed to sporulate at any temperature. Both mutants were blocked before premeiotic DNA synthesis, and both complemented spo1, spo3, and spo7. Genetic analysis of the mutation in SL484 indicated linkage to TRP5 and placed the gene 10 map units from TRP5 on chromosome VII. A plasmid containing an insert which complements the mutation in SL484 fails to complement SL641. We therefore conclude that these two mutations are in separate genes and we propose to call these genes SPO17 and SPO18. These two genes are (with SPO7, SPO8, and SPO9) among the earliest identified in the sporulation pathway and may interact directly with the positive and negative regulators RME and IME.  相似文献   

T. Stearns  D. Botstein 《Genetics》1988,119(2):249-260
Mutations in genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that code for proteins that interact with beta-tubulin were sought by screening for unlinked mutations that fail to complement mutations in the single beta-tubulin-encoding gene (TUB2). Among the first three noncomplementing mutations examined, two are linked to TUB2 while one is unlinked. The unlinked mutation was shown to be a conditional-lethal allele of the major alpha-tubulin-encoding gene (TUB1) and represents the first such mutation in that gene. The tub1-1 mutation itself causes a cold-sensitive cell-cycle arrest, and confers supersensitivity to the antimicrotubule drug benomyl. These phenotypes occur in the presence of a wild-type copy of the minor alpha-tubulin-encoding gene, TUB3; the combination of tub1-1 and a tub3 null mutation is inviable in haploids. Through further application of this method, new mutations in TUB2 and TUB3 were isolated as unlinked noncomplementers of tub1-1. The noncomplementation between tub1 and tub2 mutations is gene specific and allele specific, suggesting that the phenotype is due to an interaction at the protein level. We conclude that isolation of unlinked noncomplementing mutations is likely to be a generally useful method for isolating mutations in interacting gene products.  相似文献   

In response to an external source of adenine, yeast cells repress the expression of purine biosynthesis pathway genes. To identify necessary components of this signalling mechanism, we have isolated mutants that are constitutively active for expression. These mutants were named bra (for bypass of repression by adenine). BRA7 is allelic to FCY2, the gene encoding the purine cytosine permease and BRA9 is ADE12, the gene encoding adenylosuccinate synthetase. BRA6 and BRA1 are new genes encoding, respectively, hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase and adenylosuccinate lyase. These results indicate that uptake and salvage of adenine are important steps in regulating expression of purine biosynthetic genes. We have also shown that two other salvage enzymes, adenine phosphoribosyl transferase and adenine deaminase, are involved in activating the pathway. Finally, using mutant strains affected in AMP kinase or ribonucleotide reductase activities, we have shown that AMP needs to be phosphorylated to ADP to exert its regulatory role while reduction of ADP into dADP by ribonucleotide reductase is not required for adenine repression. Together these data suggest that ADP or a derivative of ADP is the effector molecule in the signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

L. P. Wakem  F. Sherman 《Genetics》1990,124(3):515-522
Approximately 290 omnipotent suppressors, which enhance translational misreading, were isolated in strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae containing the psi+ extrachromosomal determinant. The suppressors could be assigned to 8 classes by their pattern of suppression of five nutritional markers. The suppressors were further distinguished by differences in growth on paromomycin medium, hypertonic medium, low temperatures (10 degrees), nonfermentable carbon sources, alpha-aminoadipic acid medium, and by their dominance and recessiveness. Genetic analysis of 12 representative suppressors resulted in the assignment of these suppressors to 6 different loci, including the three previously described loci SUP35 (chromosome IV), SUP45 (chromosome II) and SUP46 (chromosome II), as well as three new loci SUP42 (chromosome IV), SUP43 (chromosome XV) and SUP44 (chromosome VII). Suppressors belonging to the same locus had a wide range of different phenotypes. Differences between alleles of the same locus and similarities between alleles of different loci suggest that the omnipotent suppressors encode proteins that effect different functions and that altered forms of each of the proteins can effect the same function.  相似文献   

M. Henry  C. Z. Borland  M. Bossie    P. A. Silver 《Genetics》1996,142(1):103-115
The NPL3 gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a protein with similarity to heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs). Npl3p has been implicated in many nuclear-related events including RNA export, protein import, and rRNA processing. Several temperature-sensitive alleles of NPL3 have been isolated. We now report the sequence of these alleles. For one allele, npl3-1, four complementation groups of suppressors have been isolated. The cognate genes for the two recessive mutants were cloned. One of these is the previously known RNA15, which, like NPL3, also encodes a protein with similarity to the vertebrate hnRNP A/B protein family. The other suppressor corresponds to a newly defined gene we term HRP1, which also encodes a protein with similarity to the hnRNP A/B proteins of vertebrates. Mutations in HRP1 suppress all npl3 temperature-sensitive alleles but do not bypass an npl3 null allele. We show that HRP1 is essential for cell growth and that the corresponding protein is located in the nucleus. The discovery of two hnRNP homologues that can partially suppress the function of Np13p, also an RNA binding protein, will be discussed in terms of the possible roles for Npl3p in RNA metabolism.  相似文献   

A. Aguilera  H. L. Klein 《Genetics》1988,119(4):779-790
Eight complementation groups have been defined for recessive mutations conferring an increased mitotic intrachromosomal recombination phenotype (hpr genes) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Some of the mutations preferentially increase intrachromosomal gene conversion (hpr4, hpr5 and hpr8) between repeated sequences, some increase loss of a marker between duplicated genes (hpr1 and hpr6), and some increase both types of events (hpr2, hpr3 and hpr7). New alleles of the CDC2 and CDC17 genes were recovered among these mutants. The mutants were also characterized for sensitivity to DNA damaging agents and for mutator activity. Among the more interesting mutants are hpr5, which shows a biased gene conversion in a leu2-112::URA3::leu2-k duplication; and hpr1, which has a much weaker effect on interchromosomal mitotic recombination than on intrachromosomal mitotic recombination. These analyses suggest that gene conversion and reciprocal exchange can be separated mutationally. Further studies are required to show whether different recombination pathways or different outcomes of the same recombination pathway are controlled by the genes identified in this study.  相似文献   

L. Karnitz  M. Morrison    E. T. Young 《Genetics》1992,132(2):351-359
Using a new selection protocol we have identified and preliminarily characterized three new loci (ADR7, ADR8 and ADR9) which affect ADH2 (alcohol dehydrogenase isozyme II) expression. Mutants were selected which activate ADH2 expression in the presence of an over-expressed, normally inactive ADR1 allele. The mutants had very similar phenotypes with the exception that one was temperature sensitive for growth. In the absence of any ADR1 allele, the mutants allowed ADH2 to partially escape glucose repression. However, unlike wildtype strains deleted for ADR1, the mutants were able to efficiently derepress ADH2. The mutations allowed a small escape from glucose repression for secreted invertase, but had no effect on the glucose repression of isocitrate lyase or malate dehydrogenase. The mutations were shown to be nonallelic to a wide variety of previously characterized mutations, including mutations that affect other glucose-repressed enzymes.  相似文献   

R. Schnell  L. D''Ari  M. Foss  D. Goodman    J. Rine 《Genetics》1989,122(1):29-46
In order to learn more about other proteins that may be involved in repression of HML and HMR in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, extragenic suppressor mutations were identified that could restore repression in cells defective in SIR4, a gene required for function of the silencer elements flanking HML and HMR. These suppressor mutations, which define at least three new genes, SAN1, SAN2 and SAN3, arose at the frequency expected for loss-of-function mutations following mutagenesis. All san mutations were recessive. Suppression by san1 was allele-nonspecific, since san1 could suppress two very different alleles of SIR4, and was locus-specific since san1 was unable to suppress a SIR3 mutation or a variety of mutations conferring auxotrophies. The SAN1 gene was cloned, sequenced, and used to construct a null allele. The null allele had the same phenotype as the EMS-induced mutations and exhibited no pleiotropies of its own. Thus, the SAN1 gene was not essential. SAN1-mediated suppression was neither due to compensatory mutations in interacting proteins, nor to translational missense suppression. SAN1 may act posttranslationally to control the stability or activity of the SIR4 protein.  相似文献   

Homologs of the Escherichia coli (mutL, S and uvrD) and Streptococcus pneumoniae (hexA, B) genes involved in mismatch repair are known in several distantly related organisms. Degenerate oligonucleotide primers based on conserved regions of E. coli MutS protein and its homologs from Salmonella typhimurium, S. pneumoniae and human were used in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify and clone mutS/hexA homologs from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Two DNA sequences were amplified whose deduced amino acid sequences both shared a high degree of homology with MutS. These sequences were then used to clone the full-length genes from a yeast genomic library. Sequence analysis of the two MSH genes (MSH = mutS homolog), MSH1 and MSH2, revealed open reading frames of 2877 bp and 2898 bp. The deduced amino acid sequences predict polypeptides of 109.3 kD and 109.1 kD, respectively. The overall amino acid sequence identity with the E. coli MutS protein is 28.6% for MSH1 and 25.2% for MSH2. Features previously found to be shared by MutS homologs, such as the nucleotide binding site and the helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif as well as other highly conserved regions whose function remain unknown, were also found in the two yeast homologs. Evidence presented in this and a companion study suggest that MSH1 is involved in repair of mitochondrial DNA and that MSH2 is involved in nuclear DNA repair.  相似文献   

K. T. Chun  M. G. Goebl 《Genetics》1996,142(1):39-50
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae reproduces by budding, and many genes are required for proper bud development. Mutations in some of these genes cause cells to die with an unusual terminal morphology--elongated or otherwise aberrantly shaped buds. To gain insight into bud development, we set out to identify novel genes that encode proteins required for proper bud morphogenesis. Previous studies screened collections of conditional mutations to identify genes required for essential functions, including bud formation. However, genes that are not susceptible to the generation of mutations that cause a conditional phenotype will not be identified in such screens. To identify a more comprehensive collection of mutants, we used transposon mutagenesis to generate a large collection of lethal disruption mutations. This collection was used to identify 209 mutants with disruptions that cause an aberrant terminal bud morphology. The disruption mutations in 33 of these mutants identify three previously uncharacterized genes as essential, and the mutant phenotypes suggest roles for their products in bud morphogenesis.  相似文献   

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