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Behavioural and electrophysiological responses of reproductive and non‐reproductive female round gobies Neogobius melanostomus to water previously occupied by male round gobies (reproductive male water) were compared. Reproductive females spent more time than non‐reproductive females in a tank near the input of water conditioned from reproductive males. Also, reproductive females swam significantly faster than non‐reproductive females, suggesting that reproductive male odour may have activated spawning behaviour. Olfactory epithelial field potential measurement (electro‐olfactogram, EOG) showed that reproductive male water was a potent olfactory stimulus to reproductive females, but not to non‐reproductive females. Reproductive females responded significantly more than non‐reproductive females to solid‐phase (octadecylsilane) extracts of reproductive male water. Also, when these extracts were separated on reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), reproductive females showed noticeably greater responses than non‐reproductive females to the fractions that eluted between 30 and 40 min. The behavioural data support the hypothesis that reproductive male round gobies release compounds into the water that attract potential mates. The EOG data indicate that these compounds can be quantitatively extracted from the water and be partially purified by HPLC. The evidence is not sufficient to indicate whether or not the compounds are steroids. The relatively early elution time on HPLC, however, suggests that if these compounds are steroids, then it is more likely that they will be conjugated rather than free steroids.  相似文献   

Livestock grazing and the collection of bamboo shoots are the main threats to giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) habitat in the Liangshan Mountains in China. It is important to clarify the effect of these disturbances to the giant panda to formulate targeted management policies. Based on species distribution models and daily activity models, we investigated the effects of livestock grazing and bamboo shoot collection on giant pandas from May 2021 to July 2022. Our results indicated the giant panda's suitable habitat in the reserve covered 51.83 km2 (15.02% of the reserve area). Grazing and bamboo shoot collection led to losses of 19.08 km2 and 7.68 km2 of suitable habitat, respectively. Together, the 2 activities resulted in a loss of 28.35 km2 of suitable habitat, which was more than half of the area of panda habitat. The areas of suitable habitat for giant pandas significantly overlapped with the areas affected by both disturbances. Giant pandas did not show significant differences in daily activity rhythms under a single disturbance, but the daily activity rhythms of giant pandas differed when we compared the area combining the 2 disturbances with the undisturbed area. Our study reveals that the anthropogenic disturbances in the reserve have varying effects on the suitable habitat range and daily activity rhythm of giant pandas and evidence of a synergistic effect. Therefore, when formulating relevant conservation policies, it is important to fully evaluate the extent and characteristics of anthropogenic disturbances in shaping the population distribution and habitat preferences of the giant panda and other wildlife to enhance the efficacy of conservation management practices.  相似文献   

In the current study, we used male giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) bleats in a habituation–discrimination paradigm to determine whether females discriminate between the vocalizations of different males. We found that females habituated to the bleats of a specific male showed a significant dishabituation when they were presented with bleats from a novel male. Further playbacks, in which we standardized the mean fundamental frequency (pitch) and amplitude modulation of male bleats, indicated that amplitude modulation is the key feature that females attend to when discriminating between male callers. Our results show that female giant pandas can discriminate between the vocalizations of potential mates and provide a platform for further studies investigating the functional role of caller identity in giant panda sexual communication.  相似文献   

The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) breeding center in Wolong, China, has experienced a recent dramatic increase in reproduction, with the population nearly tripling in the past 7 years. Much of this success comes from the development of behavioral management strategies, guided by the application of scientific knowledge. Here we present statistics that illuminate where reproductive problems have occurred, and discuss remedial actions taken with individual animals. During each year of this study (1996–2000), 93% of the females experienced estrus, 72% copulated, and 51% gave birth. Two‐thirds of the males mated each year. Most instances of mating failure were attributed to male behavior. In nearly half of mating failures, the male mounted but did not copulate. In about one‐third of mating failures, the male lacked sexual motivation, and showed excessive aggression 20% of the time. The males varied, and some were more likely to show interest in estrous females in neighboring enclosures and/or mate successfully during introductions. Copulation time was unrelated to reproductive success, but more insemination events (matings and artificial inseminations (AIs) combined) may be related to twinning. We suspect that temperament, stress, and husbandry practices play a role in isolated cases of reproductive failure in females, both pre‐ and postcopulation. Pregnancy or conception failure occurred in 35% of females inseminated naturally or through artificial insemination (AI). Behavioral management at Wolong is holistic and emphasizes biological relevance, including enrichment and well‐being, intensive monitoring of signs of estrus, and male–female familiarization and olfactory communication during the mating season. Zoo Biol 23:15–31, 2004. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Seasonally reproducing animals show many behavioral and physiological changes during the mating period, including increased signaling for intrasexual competition and mate attraction. We collected 102 anogenital gland secretions(AGS) from marking trees in Foping Nature Reserve, and used gas chromatography mass spectrometry to analyze these chemical composition. Of these marks, all but one were from males, confirmed with DNA analysis. We found that several chemical constituents, especially volatile compounds, were present only during the mating season and that the relative abundance of many compounds changed as a function of breeding season, whereas nonvolatile compounds were lower in the mating season. This seasonal variation in chemical composition of AGS most likely plays an important role in governing giant panda reproduction, including mate location, attraction, and male-male competition. The chemical properties of many of these putative chemosignals—such as volatility and longevity—are suggestive of these roles, and undoubtedly contribute to successful reproduction for this species with a characteristically sophisticated chemical communication system. We also found a number of important differences between the chemical constituents of AGS from wild pandas and those found in previous studies with captive pandas, suggesting that inappropriate chemosignal composition may contribute to poor reproductive success in captive breeding programs.  相似文献   

In some vertebrate taxa, pheromones provide important information about species, sex, reproductive condition, kinship, and even individual identity. Because they possess highly developed nasal chemosensory systems, lizards are capable of many chemical discriminations, but many aspects of their pheromonal communication remain poorly understood even in major families. We report that males of a lacertid lizard, Podarcis muralis, are capable of differential response to surface chemical cues from conspecific males and females, from gravid and nongravid females, and from conspecific females and females of the closely related sympatric congener, P. bocagei carbonelli. In 60 sec trials in which stimuli from the femoral, cloacal, lateral, and upper body surfaces were presented to males on cotton swabs, males tongue-flicked at significantly higher rates to stimuli from conspecific females than males, from conspecific nongravid than gravid females, and from conspecific than heterospecific females. Responses to stimuli from conspecific males did not differ from those to distilled water. Together with previous findings that males can distinguish between chemical cues from familiar and unfamiliar males, these findings suggest that pheromones provide male P. hispanica important information regarding the presence of sexual rivals and the reproductive condition of potential mates without visually encountering other lizards. A growing body of literature indicates that lacertids are capable of sophisticated pheromonal discriminations that may play important roles in their social behavior.  相似文献   

Courtship vocalizations of male songbirds can profoundly enhance the reproductive physiology and behavior of conspecific females. However, no study has fully investigated the selectivity of conspecific song effects on reproductive development in birds. We studied the effects of conspecific and heterospecific song on reproductive development in domesticated (canaries) and wild songbirds (song sparrows). As expected, conspecific song enhanced follicular development. Unexpectedly, however, birds exposed to heterospecific song also underwent enhanced follicular development (compared to birds exposed to no song); conspecific and heterospecific songs were equally effective in enhancing ovarian development. In canaries exposed to 18L:6D, conspecific song induced oviposition earlier and at a greater frequency than in heterospecific and no song groups, with the fewest eggs being laid in the no song group. These results indicate that conspecific and heterospecific male song can enhance reproductive activity in female songbirds. Whether or not activation of the reproductive axis in female songbirds by heterospecific song occurs in the wild remains unclear. It is also unclear as to whether the ability of the reproductive axis to respond to heterospecific song performs a specific function, or whether it is simply a consequence of greater selection pressure acting upon behavioral responses to song.  相似文献   

Although activity patterns are an important component of the ecology of animals as they search for food, mates and appropriate habitats, substantial variation can be observed even within a single population. The source of this variation is the combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors acting at an individual level. We documented the activity patterns of the ovoviviparous intertidal gastropod Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) over a series of tidal cycles to assess how differences in movements of individuals with different reproductive attributes (non-gravid females, gravid females and males) might explain intra-population variability in activity. Four behaviors were measured for four consecutive tidal cycles for each of 3 months: the magnitude, frequency, and orientation of movements, and the use of shelters (i.e., crevices). In addition, we correlated movements with variations in several environmental factors (temperature, wind, humidity) during low tide to investigate the possible risk sensitivity of the different reproductive groups. All groups were more active and moved greater distances during high tide. Females, especially gravid females, appeared to be more risk-sensitive as they moved shorter distances and used shelters more often. Gravid females were also the only group with a negative relationship between air temperature and movement during low tide. We interpret these behaviors as a means to increase the probability of survival of the brooded offspring carried by the female. Males were the only group to consistently have directionality in their movements and showed evidence of an “up-down” behavior for remaining in a restricted zone. Reproductive attributes appear to be able to explain part of the intra-population variability in foraging activity in natural populations and should be taken into account in the design and interpretation of behavioral and ecological studies.  相似文献   

The scent-marking behaviour of male and female rats in response to conspecific odours was investigated in two experiments. The results of the first experiment indicated that exposure to conspecific odours generally led to an increase in marking rates. However, no sex differences were found, and large differences in marking responses according to the sex of the odour donor were only found for dioestrous females. These results do not suggest that the primary function of scent-marking in this species is sexual. In the second experiment, odour sources differed not only in the sex of the donor, but also in their relative familiarity to the animal being tested. This experiment showed that males marked more in response to odours from familiar (non-related) females. Females did not differ significantly on measures of marking but did display greater interest in odours from unfamiliar males. The results are discussed in relation to possible functions of marking in this species.  相似文献   

Livestock production is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity worldwide. However, impacts of livestock on endangered species have been understudied, particularly across the livestock–wildlife interface in forested protected areas. We investigated the impact of an emerging livestock sector in China's renowned Wolong Nature Reserve for giant pandas. We integrated empirical data from field surveys, remotely sensed imagery, and GPS collar tracking to analyze (1) the spatial distribution of horses in giant panda habitat, (2) space use and habitat selection patterns of horses and pandas, and (3) the impact of horses on pandas and bamboo (panda's main food source). We discovered that the horse distribution overlapped with suitable giant panda habitat. Horses had smaller home ranges than pandas but both species showed similarities in habitat selection. Horses consumed considerable amounts of bamboo, and may have resulted in a decline in panda habitat use. Our study highlights the need to formulate policies to address this emerging threat to the endangered giant panda. It also has implications for understanding livestock impacts in other protected areas across the globe.  相似文献   

We have tested the ability of male mound-building mice, Mus spicilegus, to discriminate on the basis of their social odours a) two males of their own species; and b) two males of the house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus. An habituation-dishabituation procedure was used. An experimental animal was presented with the scent from the same stimulus animal for four trials; on the fifth trial, scent from a second stimulus animal was presented. Male Mus spicilegus were able to discriminate the olfactory signatures of two mound-building mouse males but did not discriminate between the olfactory signatures of two house mouse males. The lack of inter-specific individual recognition is discussed in terms of specificity and attractive value of odour cues.  相似文献   

Mice in wild populations of the two subspecies Mus musculus domesticus and Mus musculus musculus may potentially compete for food. Because of the importance of olfaction in mice, we hypothesised that the presence of unfamiliar conspecific or heterosubspecific chemical cues could play a role in access to and use of food resources. We used an experimental design that tested this assumption with males from two strains, originated from wild populations of these subspecies, as subjects. Exploratory activity, latency of food approach, time and frequency on the food area, number of seeds eaten and foraging rate (number of seeds eaten/time on the food areax100) were compared for three different categories of odours (own, same strain and other strain odours) in both strains. In a foraging context, unfamiliar odours induced behavioural changes in male mice, especially an increase in exploratory activity from the more (same strain) to the less similar odour (different strain), and a reduction of time spent in the food area. Odour similarity related to genetic proximity in Mus and the cost-benefit ratio of an encounter are two possible explanations for the different processes involved in the treatment of odours in these two strains of mice.  相似文献   

Kaliszewicz, A. and Lipińska, A. 2011. Environmental condition related reproductive strategies and sex ratio in hydras. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 :1–7. Temperature and food supply appeared to affect sex ratio, sex composition and percentage of sexual individuals in three Hydra species: Hydra vulgaris, Hydra circumcincta and Hydra viridissima. We found three sexes present: females, males and hermaphrodites depending on environmental conditions. Hydra vulgaris appeared to be a species with a temperature‐dependent sex determination (TSD). The males and hermaphrodites were present only under rising temperatures, whereas females were observed exclusively at lowering temperatures. Hydras reproduced asexually at constant room temperature. Unlimited food affected sex ratios and induced the presence of males in H. circumcincta at lowering temperatures. Thus, H. circumcincta may be recognised as another Hydra species in which sex is determined by environmental factors (ESD). Under rising temperatures, the number of hermaphroditic individuals was higher when food supply was unlimited in all three species, indicating that hermaphrodites may need more energy to produce both male and female gonads. Both temperature changes and food supply positively affected asexual reproductive strategies in hydras, especially budding rates. Hydra circumcincta appeared to be less agile than other hydras and able to self‐fertilise. It is likely that self‐fertilisation is an adaptation to the low probability of meeting a mate belonging to the other clone.  相似文献   

In a recent PET study on processing of unfamiliar odours we observed that odour discrimination performance was superior during right compared with left nostril presentations, and that mainly the right cerebral hemisphere was activated. In the present study we investigated whether the asymmetric performance is present also during the processing of familiar odours. Seventy-one right-handed healthy subjects (age 21-49 years, 40 females) with normal nasal anatomy and olfactory thresholds participated. Forty pairs of odours (20 familiar and 20 unfamiliar) were presented in the same/different paradigm, alternating nostrils and balancing the order. The number of errors during the discrimination task was compared with respect to nostril and odour familiarity. The overall odour discrimination performance was superior on the right side. However, this difference was valid only for unfamiliar odours, whereas the performance for familiar odours was symmetrical. Familiar odours were easier to discriminate than unfamiliar ones. The present data are congruent with the idea of a semantic influence on odour processing. Odours seem to be processed with a right sided preponderance when not clearly familiar, and symmetrically when language becomes involved. Future studies on odour processing should therefore take into account odour familiarity and side of presentation.  相似文献   

野生大熊猫与放牧家畜的活动格局比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
活动格局是动物内在机制和环境作用所表现出来的昼夜活动节律及其活动水平的行为生态特征,影响着动物的能量代谢能力、觅食行为策略和进化适应。通过内置活动传感器的GPS颈圈,于2010—2012年在四川卧龙国家级自然保护区的"核桃坪"及其毗邻区域,采集了野生大熊猫和放牧家畜的大量活动数据。分别选择3只成年大熊猫和3个马群的代表性个体作为样本,引入活动强度、活动时间百分率、活动时间片段率和活动片段时长等指标进行了两者之间的比较,以揭示大熊猫和放牧家畜在时间利用方面的内在特征。结果表明:野生大熊猫和放牧家畜在活动强度、活动时间百分率和活动时间片段率等方面都具有极显著性差异(P0.0001),仅两者之间的活动片段时长无明显的统计学意义(P=0.4107)。野生大熊猫表现为活动水平低、活动时间少、活动片段率高和活动片段时长短等特征的活动格局,且不同月份(季度)之间变化较大(P0.0001);放牧家畜则呈现出相异的时间利用规律,即活动水平高、活动时间多、活动时间片段率稍低和活动片段时长略长等特性。不同的时间利用规律和不同的空间利用模式,造成动物之间对栖息地、食物资源和伴生动物的利用方式、影响强度和空间分布的截然不同。因而,合理规划和管控放牧家畜的散养区域与数量,是自然保护管理与社区经济发展相协调的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

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