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(1) The kinetics of the reduction by duroquinol of the prosthetic groups of QH2: cytochrome c oxidoreductase and of the formation of ubisemiquinone have been studied using a combination of the freeze-quench technique, low-temperature diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy, EPR and stopped flow. (2) The formation of the antimycin-sensitive ubisemiquinone anion parallels the reduction of both high-potential and low-potential cytochrome b-562. (3) The rates of reduction of both the [2Fe-2S] clusters and cytochromes (c + c1) are pH dependent. There is, however, a pH-dependent discrepancy between their rate of reduction, which can be correlated with the difference in pH dependencies of their midpoint potentials. (4) Lowering the pH or the Q content results in a slower reduction of part of the [2Fe-2S] clusters. It is suggested that one cluster is reduced by a quinol/semiquinone couple and the other by a semiquinone/quinone couple. (5) Myxothiazol inhibits the reduction of the [2Fe-2S] clusters, cytochrome c1 and high-potential cytochrome b-562. (6) The results are consistent with a Q-cycle model describing the pathway of electrons through a dimeric QH2: cytochrome c oxidoreductase.  相似文献   

The reduction of duroquinone (DQ) and 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-6-decyl-1,4-benzoquinone (DB) by NADH and ethanol was investigated in intact yeast mitochondria with good respiratory control ratios. In these mitochondria, exogenous NADH is oxidized by the NADH dehydrogenase localized on the outer surface of the inner membrane, whereas the NADH produced by ethanol oxidation in the mitochondrial matrix is oxidized by the NADH dehydrogenase localized on the inner surface of the inner membrane. The reduction of DQ by ethanol was inhibited 86% by myxothiazol; however, the reduction of DQ by NADH was inhibited 18% by myxothiazol, suggesting that protein-protein interactions between the internal (but not the external) NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase and ubiquinol:cytochrome c oxidoreductase (the cytochrome bc1 complex) are involved in the reduction of DQ by NADH. The reduction of DQ and DB by NADH and ethanol was also investigated in mutants of yeast lacking cytochrome b, the iron-sulfur protein, and ubiquinone. The reduction of both quinone analogues by exogenous NADH was reduced to levels that were 10 to 20% of those observed in wild-type mitochondria; however, the rate of their reduction by ethanol in the mutants was equal to or greater than that observed in the wild-type mitochondria. Furthermore, the reduction of DQ in the cytochrome b and iron-sulfur protein lacking mitochondria was myxothiazol sensitive, suggesting that neither of these proteins is an essential binding site for myxothiazol. The mitochondria from the three mutants also contained significant amounts of antimycin- and myxothiazol-insensitive NADH:cytochrome c reductase activity, but had no detectable succinate:cytochrome c reductase activity. These results suggest that the mutants lacking a functional cytochrome bc1 complex have adapted to oxidize NADH.  相似文献   

The electron transfer from ubiquinol-2 to ferricytochrome c mediated by ubiquinol:cytochrome c oxidoreductase [E.C.] purified from beef heart mitochondria, which contained one equivalent of ubiquinone-10 (Q10), was investigated under initial steady-state conditions. The Q10-depleted enzyme was as active as the Q10-containing one. Double reciprocal plots for the initial steady-state rate versus one of the two substrates at various fixed levels of the other substrate gave parallel straight lines in the absence of any product. Intersecting straight lines were obtained in the presence of a constant level of one of the products, ferrocytochrome c. The other product, ubiquinone-2, did not show any significant effect on the enzymic reaction. Ferrocytochrome c non-competitively inhibited the enzymic reaction against either ubiquinol-2 or ferricytochrome c. These results indicate a Hexa-Uni ping-pong mechanism with one ubiquinol-2 and two ferricytochrome c molecules as the substrates, which involves the irreversible release of ubiquinone-2 as the first product and the irreversible isomerization between the release of the first ferrocytochrome c and the binding of the second ferricytochrome c. Considering the cyclic electron transfer reaction mechanism, this scheme suggests that the binding of quinone or quinol to the enzyme and electron transfer between the iron-sulfur center and cytochrome c1 are rigorously controlled by the electron distribution within the enzyme.  相似文献   

The transdielectric charge separation reaction catalyzed by the ubiquinol-cytochrome c2 oxidoreductase is achieved in two fractional steps. We present a detailed analysis which addresses the nature of the charge transferred, the redox groups directly involved in charge separation and the contributions of each to the full charge separation catalyzed by the enzyme. Accounting for light saturation effects, reaction centers unconnected to cytochrome c2 and the fraction of total cytochrome bc1 turning over per flash permits detailed quantitation of: (1) the red carotenoid bandshift associated with electron transfer between ubiquinol at site Qz and the high- (2Fe2S center, cytochrome c1) and low-potential (cytochrome bL, cytochrome bH) components of cytochrome bc1; (2) the blue bandshift accompanying reduction of cytochrome bH by ubiquinol via site Qc (the reverse of the physiological reaction); and (3) the effect of delta psi on the Qc-cytochrome bH redox equilibrium. Studies were performed at pH values above and below the redox-linked pK values of the redox centers known to be involved in each reaction at equilibrium. The conclusions of this study may be summarized as follows: (1) there is no transdielectric charge separation apparent in the redox reactions between Qz and cytochrome bL, 2Fe2S and cytochrome c1 (in agreement with Glaser, E. and Crofts, A.R. (1984) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 766, 223-235), i.e., charge separation accompanies electron transfer between cytochrome bL and cytochrome bH; (2) the redox reactions between cytochrome bL and cytochrome bH and between cytochrome bH and Qc constitute the full electrogenic span; (3) electron transfer between cytochrome bL and cytochrome bH contributes approx. 60% of this span; (4) electron transfer between cytochrome bH and Qc contributes 45-55% as calculated from the blue bandshift or the delta psi-dependent equilibrium shift; (5) there is no discernable pH dependence of the Qz-cytochrome bH or Qc-cytochrome bH charge-separation reactions; (6) cytochrome bL, Qz, 2Fe2S, and cytochrome c1 are on the periplasmic side out of the low dielectric part of the membrane while cytochrome bH is buried in the low dielectric medium; (7) electron transfer is the predominant if not the sole contributor to charge separation; (8) Qz and Qc are on opposite sides of the membrane dielectric profile.  相似文献   

Bovine heart ubiquinol: cytochrome c oxidoreductase in Triton X-100 is split with guanidine into a number of fractions. A new method for measuring antimycin binding is developed using extraction with pentanol of the reversibly bound antimycin. By this method and the normal titration method, antimycin-binding capacity is found in a fraction containing a small subunit with a molecular mass of about 12000. This polypeptide was associated with cytochrome c1 but is probably not the 'hinge protein'. Fractions that contain cytochrome b did not show binding by the pentanol-extraction method.  相似文献   

Beef heart mitochondrial ubiquinol:cytochrome c oxidoreductase has been crystallized in the shape of hexagonal bipyramids. At present the crystals diffract X-rays to 4.7 A. From preliminary analysis the diffraction pattern appears to be consistent with space group P6(1)22 or P6(5)22 and with unit cell parameters a = b = 212 A and c = 352 A.  相似文献   

1. The EPR signal in the g = 2 region of the reduced QH2: cytochrome c oxidoreductase as present in submitochondrial particles and the isolated enzyme is an overlap of two signals in a 1 : 1 weighted ratio. Both signals are due to [2Fe-2S]+1 centers. 2. From the signal intensity it is computed that the concentration of each Fe-S center is half that of cytochrome c1. 3. The line shape of one of the Fe-S centers, defined as center 1, is reversibly dependent on the redox state of the b-c1 complex. The change of the line shape cannot be correlated with changes of the redox state of any of the cytochromes in QH2: cytochrome c oxidoreductase. 4. Lie the optical spectrum, the EPR spectrum of the cytochromes is composed of the absorption of at least three different b cytochromes and cytochrome c1. 5. The molar ratio of the prosthetic groups was found to be c1 : b-562 : b-566 : b-558 : center 1 : center 2 = 2 : 2 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1. The consequences of this stoichiometry are discussed in relation to the basic enzymic unit of QH2 : cytochrome c oxidoreductase.  相似文献   

The effect of pH on the oxygen kinetics of cytochrome c oxidase incorporated into phospholipid vesicles is studied. The pH profiles of the oxygen kinetics of energized and deenergized oxidase vesicles are similar. An effect of pH on the slope of the reciprocal plot of rate against oxygen concentration is observed, and this may indicate that protons are involved in the rate limiting step of the reaction between oxygen and reduced oxidase. In contrast to the pH dependence of the oxygen kinetics, the binding of CO to the oxidase is not pH dependent.  相似文献   

The rate of reduction of cytochrome c by ascorbate and by 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6,7-dimethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropteridine was examined as a function of ionic strength and of binding to phospholipid vesicles (liposomes). Binding of cytochrome c to liposomes, which occursat low ionic strength, decreases the rate of reduction by ascorbate by a factor of up to 100, which can be primarily explained on electrostatic grounds. In the absence of liposomes, kinetics of reduction by the neutral pteridine derivative showed no ionic strength dependence. Binding of cytochrome c to liposomes increased the rate of reduction by pteridine. An estimation of the binding constant of cytochrome c to liposomes at 0.06 M ionic strength, pH 7, is given.  相似文献   

The presence of ubiquinol:cytochrome c2 oxidoreductase was shown in the membranes from a photosynthetic bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas palustris. Some properties of the enzyme in situ were investigated. The optimal pH of this enzyme activity was 7.0 in the intact membranes. The activity was inhibited by both antimycin and myxothiazol. Maximal activity (Vmax) was 3-4 mol cytochrome c (c2) reduced/mol cytochrome c1.s. Apparent activity of the enzyme with horse heart cytochrome c as the electron acceptor decreased as the concentration of salts in the reaction mixture increased, whereas when R. palustris cytochrome c2 was used as the electron acceptor, the activity increased as the concentration of salts increased. Moreover, the activity of the enzyme did not depend on the species or concentration of anions but on both the concentration and valency of the cations of the salts. These salt effects were thought to be due to the change of effective concentration of cytochrome molecules caused by cations near the membrane surface, which was net negatively charged. Apparent Km for ubiquinol-1 was about 80 microM irrespective of the species of cytochrome and the presence of salts.  相似文献   

Myxothiazol, an inhibitor of the ubiquinol oxidase site of the ubiquinol:cytochrome c2 oxidoreductase complex, has been shown in the present work to inhibit a part of the electrogenic process indicated by phase III of the carotenoid change, in addition to the part of the change inhibited by antimycin. This finding shows that there is an antimycin-insensitive, but myxothiazol-sensitive portion of the slow phase, which indicates the existence of an electrogenic event within the ubiquinol:cytochrome c2 oxidoreductase complex, in addition to that linked to oxidation of cytochrome b-561 which has been previously characterized. Redox titrations show that the appearance of the new electrogenic step is correlated with the amount of cytochrome b-561 available in the oxidized form before the flash. The rate of the antimycin-insensitive and myxothiazol-sensitive portion of the carotenoid change correlates well with the rate of reduction of cytochrome b-561. No carotenoid change associated with reduction of cytochrome b-566 was seen. These findings suggest that the newly identified electrogenic process is linked to electron transfer between cytochrome b-566 and b-561. Calculations of the contribution of this new electrogenic step to the total electrogenic event within the complex show that electrons passing from cytochrome b-566 to cytochrome b-561 pass about 35-50% of the distance across the whole membrane.  相似文献   

We have obtained evidence for conformational communication between ubiquinol oxidation (center P) and ubiquinone reduction (center N) sites of the yeast bc1 complex dimer by analyzing antimycin binding and heme bH reduction at center N in the presence of different center P inhibitors. When stigmatellin was occupying center P, concentration-dependent binding of antimycin occurred only to half of the center N sites. The remaining half of the bc1 complex bound antimycin with a slower rate that was independent of inhibitor concentration, indicating that a slow conformational change needed to occur before half of the enzyme could bind antimycin. In contrast, under conditions where the Rieske protein was not fixed proximal to heme bL at center P, all center N sites bound antimycin with fast and concentration-dependent kinetics. Additionally, the extent of fast cytochrome b reduction by menaquinol through center N in the presence of stigmatellin was approximately half of that observed when myxothiazol was bound at center P. The reduction kinetics of the bH heme by decylubiquinol in the presence of stigmatellin or myxothiazol were also consistent with a model in which fixation of the Rieske protein close to heme bL in both monomers allows rapid binding of ligands only to one center N. Decylubiquinol at high concentrations was able to abolish the biphasic binding of antimycin in the presence of stigmatellin but did not slow down antimycin binding rates. These results are discussed in terms of half-of-the-sites activity of the dimeric bc1 complex.  相似文献   

D E Robertson  F Daldal  P L Dutton 《Biochemistry》1990,29(51):11249-11260
Seven single-site mutants in six residues of the cyt b polypeptide of Rhodobacter capsulatus selected for resistance to the Qo site inhibitors stigmatellin, myxothiazol, or mucidin [Daldal, F., Tokito, M.K., Davidson, E., & Faham, M. (1989) EMBO J. 8, 3951-3961] have been characterized by using optical and EPR spectroscopy and single-turnover kinetic analysis. The strains were compared with wild-type strain MT1131 and with the Ps- strain R126 (G158D), which is dysfunctional in its Qo site [Robertson, D.E., Davidson, E., Prince, R.C., van den Berg, W.H., Marrs, B.L., & Dutton, P.L. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 584-591]. Mutants selected for stigmatellin resistance induced a weakening in the binding of the inhibitor without discernible loss of ubiquinone(Q)/ubiquinol(QH2) binding affinity to the Qo site or kinetic impairment to catalysis. Mutants selected for myxothiazol or mucidin resistance, inducing weakening of inhibitor binding, all displayed impaired rates of Qo site catalysis: The most severe cases (F144L, F144S) displayed loss of affinity for Q, and evidence suggests that parallel loss of affinity for the substrate QH2 was incurred in these strains. The results provide a view of the nature of the interaction of Q and QH2 of the Qpool with the Qo site. Consideration of the mutational substitutions and their structural positions along with comparisons with the QA and QB sites of the photosynthetic reaction center suggests a model for the structure of the Qo site.  相似文献   

Two sets of studies have been reported on the electron transfer pathway of complex III in bovine heart submitochondrial particles (SMP). 1) In the presence of myxothiazol, MOA-stilbene, stigmatellin, or of antimycin added to SMP pretreated with ascorbate and KCN to reduce the high potential components (iron-sulfur protein (ISP) and cytochrome c(1)) of complex III, addition of succinate reduced heme b(H) followed by a slow and partial reduction of heme b(L). Similar results were obtained when SMP were treated only with KCN or NaN(3), reagents that inhibit cytochrome oxidase, not complex III. The average initial rate of b(H) reduction under these conditions was about 25-30% of the rate of b reduction by succinate in antimycin-treated SMP, where both b(H) and b(L) were concomitantly reduced. These results have been discussed in relation to the Q-cycle hypothesis and the effect of the redox state of ISP/c(1) on cytochrome b reduction by succinate. 2) Reverse electron transfer from ISP reduced with ascorbate plus phenazine methosulfate to cytochrome b was studied in SMP, ubiquinone (Q)-depleted SMP containing 相似文献   

The structural genes for the Rieske Fe-S protein (petA), cytochrome b (petB) and cytochrome c1 (petC) subunits of the ubiquinol:cytochrome c2 oxidoreductase (bc1 complex) of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata have been cloned by complementation, using a mutant defective in this complex. The location of these genes on the obtained plasmid, pR14A, was determined using synthetic mixed oligonucleotide probes corresponding to highly conserved amino acid sequences of these proteins from various organisms. Their correct identity was established by partial sequencing. The petA, petB and petC genes were found to lie close to each other in this order, spanning two adjacent EcoRI fragments of 2.7 X 10(3) and 1.3 X 10(3) base-pairs, respectively. An insertion-deletion mutation, covering most of petB and all of petC and an insertion mutation, located in petB were constructed in vitro and were introduced into the chromosome of an otherwise wild-type strain by gene transfer agent-mediated genetic crosses. The bc-1 mutants obtained were defective in photosynthesis but, as expected, they could grow by respiration because of a branched respiratory pathway. Therefore, in R. capsulata a functional bc1 complex is essential in vivo for photosynthesis but not for respiration. Further, in the respiratory pathway the branch point must be before the bc1 complex, most likely at the quinone pool. These mutants were also proficient in anaerobic growth in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide, indicating that a functional bc1 complex is not required for this pathway. Several other insertions and deletions, located outside of the pet gene cluster, were also constructed. The ability of these latter mutants to grow photosynthetically suggested that no other gene essential for photosynthesis is located in the proximity of the pet cluster. The plasmid pR14A was shown to complement in trans the bc-1 insertion or insertion-deletion mutants, indicating that the pet genes were expressed in R. capsulata. Cross-hybridization experiments showed that the pet cluster was quite distinct from other known genes involved in photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Kinetic microplate-based assays for both mitochondrial NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) and succinate:cytochrome c oxidoreductase using insect submitochondrial particles as the source of the enzyme activities have been developed. These assays have been used to design high-throughput screens for inhibitors of these mitochondrial electron transfer activities to assess their intrinsic in vitro efficacies as potential pesticides. These methods can be used to test up to 60 compounds per day without the use of automated sample handling and diluting technology. The accuracy, specificity, and reproducibility of the microplate methods compared well with conventional spectrophotometer-based assays.  相似文献   

N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) has been reported to inhibit steady-state proton translocation by cytochrome bc(1) and b(6)f complexes without significantly altering the rate of electron transport, a process referred to as decoupling. In chromatophores of the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides, this has been associated with the specific labeling of a surface-exposed aspartate-187 of the cytochrome b subunit of the bc(1) complex [Wang et al. (1998) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 352, 193-198]. To explore the possible role of this amino acid residue in the protonogenic reactions of cytochrome bc(1) complex, we investigated the effect of DCCD modification on flash-induced electron transport and the electrochromic bandshift of carotenoids in Rb. sphaeroides chromatophores from wild type (WT) and mutant cells, in which aspartate-187 of cytochrome b (Asp(B187)) has been changed to asparagine (mutant B187 DN). The kinetics and amplitude of phase III of the electrochromic shift of carotenoids, reflecting electrogenic reactions in the bc(1) complex, and of the redox changes of cytochromes and reaction center, were similar (+/- 15%) in both WT and B187DN chromatophores. DCCD effectively inhibited phase III of the carotenoid bandshift in both B187DN and WT chromatophores. The dependence of the kinetics and amplitude of phase III of the electrochromic shift on DCCD concentration was identical in WT and B187DN chromatophores, indicating that covalent modification of Asp(B187) is not specifically responsible for the effect of DCCD-induced effects of cytochrome bc(1) complex. Furthermore, no evidence for differential inhibition of electrogenesis and electron transport was found in either strain. We conclude that Asp(B187) plays no crucial role in the protonogenic reactions of bc(1) complex, since its replacement by asparagine does not lead to any significant effects on either the electrogenic reactions of bc(1) complex, as revealed by phase III of the electrochromic shift of carotenoids, or sensitivity of turnover to DCCD.  相似文献   

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