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Glycoproteins from tobacco line xFxG1, in which expression of a hybrid β-(1→4)-galactosyltransferase (GalT) and a hybrid α-(1→3)-fucosyltransferase IXa (FUT9a) is combined, contained an abundance of hybrid N-glycans with Lewis X (LeX) epitopes. A comparison with N-glycan profiles from plants expressing only the hybrid β-(1→4)-galactosyltransferase suggested that the fucosylation of the LacNAc residues in line xFxG1 protected galactosylated N-glycans from endogenous plant β-galactosidase activity.  相似文献   

The N-terminal glycopeptide of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC),designated as the 16K fragment, is highly conserved throughoutvertebrates from amphibians to mammals and is likely thereforeto have an important functional role. In this paper, we reportthe first structural characterization of N-glycans attachedto asparagine-65 of a 16K glycopeptide. The 16K fragment wasisolated from bovine pituitaries and the N-glycans were analysedusing fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry together withsugar and linkage analysis. Sulphated-N-acetylgalactosamine-cappedantennae, typical of the pituitary glycohormones, were presentin the major acidic components. The POMC oligo-saccharides aredistinct from those of the pituitary glycohormones because thesulphate is exclusively located on the 3-arm of biantennarystructures and, in addition, a significant proportion of themolecules carry the Lewis x epitope. It is probable that thesedifferences reflect the absence of a tripeptide motif in POMCwhich fully conforms to the criteria previously defined forthe recognition sequence for the N-acetylgalactosamine transferasethat is specific for the pituitary glycohormones [Smith andBaenziger (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 89, 329–333].It remains to be seen whether the Lewis x epitope is involvedin selectin-mediated events, but previous studies suggest thatthe sulphated moieties are unlikely to play a major role inclearance. The Lewis x epitope is also present in the neutralN-linked oligosaccharides, together with a variety of otherantennae including a rarely found fucosylated GalNAc-GlcNAcstructure. FAB-MS glycoprotein Lewis x POMC sulphated-GalNAc  相似文献   

Epitope tagging provides a useful tool for immunological detection and cellular localization of proteins in vivo. Using T-DNA-mediated transformation, the detection of epitope-tagged proteins in planta is currently feasible only in transgenic plants, because an artificial expression of cDNA and gene constructs driven by plant promoters in bacteria obscures an early detection of epitope-tagged proteins in Agrobacterium-infected plant cells. We have developed a method for labelling plant coding sequences with intron-tagged epitope-coding domains that are not processed in Agrobacterium. Here we show that the expression of HA-epitope-tagged constructs encoding beta-glucuronidase and S-phase kinase-associated (AtSKP1/ASK1) proteins can be specifically and exclusively detected in cultured Arabidopsis cells as early as five days after Agrobacterium infection. This epitope-tagging approach offers an unlimited source of transformed material for purification and localization of proteins expressed individually or simultaneously in Agrobacterium-transformed plant cells.  相似文献   



A hallmark of prion disease is the transformation of normal cellular prion protein (PrPc) into an infectious disease-associated isoform, (PrPsc). Anti-prion protein monoclonal antibodies are invaluable for structure-function studies of PrP molecules. Furthermore recent in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that anti-PrP monoclonal antibodies can prevent the incorporation of PrPc into propagating prions.  相似文献   

We have determined the structures of N-glycans linked to major allergens in the mountain cedar (Juniperus ashei) pollen, Jun a 1. First, two kinds of the pollen glycoallergen (Jun a 1-A and Jun a 1-B) were purified from partially purified Jun a 1 by cation exchange chromatography. The N-glycans were liberated by hydrazinolysis from the two glycoallergens and the resulting sugar chains were N-acetylated and then coupled with 2-aminopyridine. Three pyridylaminated sugar chains were purified by reversed-phase HPLC and size-fractionation HPLC from Jun a 1-A and Jun a 1-B respectively. The structures were determined by a combination of exo- and endo-glycosidase digestions, two dimensional sugar chain mapping, and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) analysis. Structural analysis indicated that Lewis a epitope (Galbeta1-3(Fucalpha1-4)GlcNAcbeta1-) occurs in the N-glycans of the pollen allergens.  相似文献   

Although it has been found that plant endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase shows strong activity towards denatured glycoproteins and glycopeptides with high-mannose type N-glycans and free high-mannose type N-glycans bearing the chitobiosyl unit, the endogenous substrates for plant endoglycosidase have not yet been identified. Recently we purified and characterized an endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase from rice culture cells and identified the gene encoded. Furthermore, we found structural features of free N-glycans in the cells, indicating that high-mannose type species (Man(9-5)GlcNAc(1)) occur at concentration of several micromolar (microM). Hence, in this study we analyzed glycoform of N-glycans linked to glycoproteins expressed in rice culture cells to see whether endogenous glycoproteinous substrate occurs in reasonable amounts. Structural analysis revealed that more than 95% of total N-glycans linked to glycoproteins in the rice cells had the plant complex type structure, including Lewis a epitope-harboring type, although high-mannose type structures account for less than 5% of total N-glycans.  相似文献   

The isolation of neural stem cells (NSCs) from the brain has been hampered by the lack of valid cell surface markers and the requirement for long-term in vitro cultivation that may lead to phenotype deterioration. However, few suitable specific cell surface antigens are available on NSCs that could be used for their prospective isolation. The present study demonstrated that the expression of complex type asparagine-linked oligosaccharide ( N- glycans) was detected on brain cells dissociated from embryonic and adult brain using Phaseolus vulgaris erythroagglutinating lectin (E-PHA) which binds to biantennary complex type N- glycans, and demonstrated that E-PHA bound preferentially to purified NSCs, but not to neurons, microglia, or oligodendrocyte precursor cells. The labeling of dissociated mouse embryonic brain cells or adult brain cells with E-PHA enabled the enrichment of NSCs by 25-fold or 9-fold of the number of neurosphere-forming cells in comparison to that of unsorted cells, respectively. Furthermore, a lectin blot analysis revealed the presence of several glycoproteins which were recognized by E-PHA in the membrane fraction of the proliferating NSCs, but not in the differentiated cells. These results indicate that complex type N- glycans is a valuable cell surface marker for living mouse NSCs from both the embryonic and adult brain.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae shows great potential for development of bioreactor systems geared toward the production of high-value lipids such as polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, the yields of which are largely dependent on the activity of ectopically expressed enzymes. Here, we show that the addition of an N-terminal epitope tag sequence (either Myc or hemagglutinin) to oleate desaturase (FAD2) or omega-3 linoleate desaturase (FAD3) enzymes from plants, which catalyze consecutive reactions in the production of long chain omega-3 fatty acids, significantly increases their activity up to fourfold when expressed in yeast cells. Quantitative protein blotting using an antibody specific for native FAD2 revealed that the steady-state amount of the epitope-tagged FAD2 protein was also approximately fourfold higher than that of its untagged counterpart, demonstrating a direct relationship between the epitope tag-induced increase in enzyme amount and fatty acid product formation. Protein half-life and RNA blotting experiments indicated that the half-lives and mRNA content of the tagged and untagged FAD2 proteins were essentially the same, suggesting that the epitope tags increased protein abundance by improving translational efficiency. Taken together, these results indicate that the addition of an epitope tag sequence to a plant fatty acid desaturase (FAD) not only provides a useful means for protein immunodetection using highly specific, commercially available antibodies, but that it also significantly increases FAD activity and the production of polyunsaturated fatty acids in yeast cells.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) possess high proliferative potential and the capacity for self-renewal with retention of multipotency to differentiate into brain-forming cells. Several signaling pathways have been shown to be involved in the fate determination process of NSCs, but the molecular mechanisms underlying the maintenance of neural cell stemness remain largely unknown. Our previous study showed that human natural killer carbohydrate epitopes expressed specifically by mouse NSCs modulate the Ras-MAPK pathway, raising the possibility of regulatory roles of glycoprotein glycans in the specific signaling pathways involved in NSC fate determination. To address this issue, we performed comparative N-glycosylation profiling of NSCs before and after differentiation in a comprehensive and quantitative manner. We found that Lewis X-carrying N-glycans were specifically displayed on undifferentiated cells, whereas pauci-mannose-type N-glycans were predominantly expressed on differentiated cells. Furthermore, by knocking down a fucosyltransferase 9 with short interfering RNA, we demonstrated that the Lewis X-carrying N-glycans were actively involved in the proliferation of NSCs via modulation of the expression level of Musashi-1, which is an activator of the Notch signaling pathway. Our findings suggest that Lewis X carbohydrates, which have so far been characterized as undifferentiation markers, actually operate as activators of the Notch signaling pathway for the maintenance of NSC stemness during brain development.  相似文献   

Human alpha-1,3-fucosyltansferase (FucT) encoded by the FUT6 gene was displayed at the cell surface of yeast cells engineered using the yeast cell wall protein Pir1 or Pir2, and the FucT activity was detected at the surface of cells producing the Pir1-HA-FUT6 or Pir2-FLAG-FUT6 fusion proteins. To obtain higher activity, we engineered the host yeast cells in which endogenous PIR genes of the PIR1-4 gene family were disrupted. Among the disruptants, the pir1Delta pir2Delta pir3Delta strain with the PIR1-HA-FUT6 fusion gene showed the highest FucT activity, which was about three-fold higher than that of the wild-type strain. Furthermore, the co-expression of both the Pir1-HA-FUT6 and the Pir2-FLAG-FUT6 fusions showed an approximately 1.5-fold higher activity than that in the cell wall displaying Pir1-HA-FUT6 alone. The present method was thus effective for producing yeast cells that can easily synthesize various oligosaccharides, such as Le(x) and sLe(x), using Pir-glycosyltransferase fusions in combination with the deletion of endogenous PIR genes.  相似文献   

A tumor-homing peptide, F3, selectively binds to endothelial cells in tumor blood vessels and to tumor cells. Here, we show that the cell surface molecule recognized by F3 is nucleolin. Nucleolin specifically bound to an F3 peptide affinity matrix from extracts of cultured breast carcinoma cells. Antibodies and cell surface biotin labeling revealed nucleolin at the surface of actively growing cells, and these cells bound and internalized fluorescein-conjugated F3 peptide, transporting it into the nucleus. In contrast, nucleolin was exclusively nuclear in serum-starved cells, and F3 did not bind to these cells. The binding and subsequent internalization of F3 were blocked by an antinucleolin antibody. Like the F3 peptide, intravenously injected antinucleolin antibodies selectively accumulated in tumor vessels and in angiogenic vessels of implanted "matrigel" plugs. These results show that cell surface nucleolin is a specific marker of angiogenic endothelial cells within the vasculature. It may be a useful target molecule for diagnostic tests and drug delivery applications.  相似文献   

Structures at the plant cell surface   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

Antigen peptide fn20 representing Friend murine leukemia virus env122-141 (DEPLTSLTPRCNTAWNRLKL) is recognized by two independent Friend virus-induced, FBL-3 tumor-specific helper T-cell (Th) clones. We isolated more Th clones from mice immunized with fn20 peptide. We examined the fine structure of the peptide required to activate a large group of fn20-specific Th clones. A systematic analysis of peptides of decreasing lengths eliciting Th proliferation defined the minimum core length as 13 amino acids (LTSLTPRCNTAWN). Functional proliferation and competition assays with variant peptides with alanine substitutions permitted the assignment of five peptide residues in two major histocompatibility complex-interacting and three T-cell-receptor-interacting sites. Th clones were different in their reactivities toward peptides of various lengths and the variant peptides.  相似文献   

In addition to well-known cell wall peroxidases, there is now evidence for the presence of this enzyme at the plasma membrane of the plant cells (surface peroxidase). Both are able to catalyze, through a chain of reactions involving the superoxide anion, the oxidation of NADH to generate hydrogen peroxide. The latter is oxidized by other wall-bound peroxidases to convert cinnamoyl alcohols into radical forms, which, then polymerize to generate lignin. However, there are other enzymes at the surface of plasma membranes capable of generating hydrogen peroxide (cell wall polyamine oxidase), superoxide anion (plasma membrane Turbo reductase), or both (plasma membrane flavoprotein?). These enzymes utilize NAD(P)H as a substrate. The Turbo reductase and the flavoprotein catalyze the univalent reduction of Fe3+ and then of O2 to produce Fe2+ and \(O_2^{\bar \cdot } \) , respectively. The superoxide anion, in the acidic environment of the cell wall, may then dismutate to H2O2. These superoxide anion- and hydrogen peroxide-generating systems are discussed in relation to their possible involvement in physiological and pathological processes in the apoplast of plant cells.  相似文献   

The Linum usitatissimum (flax) L gene alleles, which encode nucleotide binding site-Leu rich repeat class intracellular receptor proteins, confer resistance against the Melampsora lini (flax rust) fungus. At least 11 different L resistance specificities are known, and the corresponding avirulence genes in M. lini map to eight independent loci, some of which are complex and encode multiple specificities. We identified an M. lini cDNA marker that cosegregates in an F2 rust family with a complex locus determining avirulence on the L5, L6, and L7 resistance genes. Two related avirulence gene candidates, designated AvrL567-A and AvrL567-B, were identified in a genomic DNA contig from the avirulence allele, whereas the corresponding virulence allele contained a single copy of a related gene, AvrL567-C. Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transient expression of the mature AvrL567-A or AvrL567-B (but not AvrL567-C) proteins as intracellular products in L. usitatissimum and Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) induced a hypersensitive response-like necrosis that was dependent on coexpression of the L5, L6, or L7 resistance gene. An F1 seedling lethal or stunted growth phenotype also was observed when transgenic L. usitatissimum plants expressing AvrL567-A or AvrL567-B (but not AvrL567-C) were crossed to resistant lines containing L5, L6, or L7. The AvrL567 genes are expressed in rust haustoria and encode 127 amino acid secreted proteins. Intracellular recognition of these rust avirulence proteins implies that they are delivered into host cells across the plant membrane. Differences in the three AvrL567 protein sequences result from diversifying selection, which is consistent with a coevolutionary arms race.  相似文献   

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