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Details of mitosis in the chloromonadophycean alga Vacuolaria virescens Cienk. have been studied with the light microscope. The chromosomes are relatively large (up to μ in length at metaphase) and so mitotic stages are readily distinguishable. Chromosomes can be recognized in interphase nuclei as fine strands of chromatin. Contraction of these chromosomes marks the beginning of mitosis and continues progressively until the transition from metaphase to anaphase. Disintegration of nucleoli is complete by late prophase and nucleolar reformation begins in telophase. Some chromosomes exhibit less densely stained regions; centromeres are also present as indicated by their differential staining and by the behavior of chromosomes at metaphase and anaphase. At anaphase progeny chromosomes move apart parallel to the division axis of the nucleus. As anaphase progresses the chromosomes fuse at the polar surface of the progeny chromosome groups. This process continues in telophase and the chromosome groups become more spherical. By the end of telophase nucleolar reformation has begun and the chromosomes have relaxed to their interphase condition.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of mitosis is described in Thraustotheca clavata, an oömycete fungus. An intranuclear spindle develops between differentiated regions of the nuclear envelope which move apart, each associated with 180° oriented centriole pairs. The spindle contains low numbers of continuous and interdigitating microtubules in addition to chromosomal microtubules. Each kinetochore is attached to only one microtubule. Serial section analysis shows that at meiosis there are probably 12 chromosomes in the diploid nucleus, yet at mitosis the methods utilized in the present study suggest that there may be less than 12 kinetochores connected to each pole. At mitosis many of the kinetochores within a given spindle are not arranged in opposite pairs. The behavior of the spindle microtubules during mitosis is comparable to that of higher organisms but the rarity of short intertubular distances appears to preclude significant force generation by means of intertubular bridge mechanisms. Evidence is presented for a nuclear envelope-microtubule interaction which is capable of generating shear forces during both mitosis and interphase nuclear movements.  相似文献   

Kurabayashi , Masataka , Harlan Lewis , and Peter H. Raven . (U. California, Los Angeles.) A comparative study of mitosis in the Onagraceae. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(9): 1003–1026. Illus. 1962. —Mitotic cycles of 46 species of Onagraceae, representing 15 genera and all of the tribes, have been examined and were found to fall into 3 modally distinct groups: (1) the tribes Fuchsieae, Lopezieae, and Circaeae; (2) the Epilobieae and Jussiaeae; (3) the Onagreae and Hauyeae. All species characterized by translocation systems, whether complex heterozygotes or variable frequencies of individual translocations, belong to group 3. Group 1 has no definite chromocenters during interphase and the chromosomes contract more or less evenly along a gradient during prophase. Groups 2 and 3 have definite chromocenters during interphase and the chromosomes become differentiated at early prophase into dense proximal and diffuse distal regions; contraction of the chromosomes does not seem to follow a gradient. In group 2, the chromosomes within a genome are much more heterogeneous in size and in the relative proportions of the differentiated segments than in group 3. Only in species belonging to group 3 are all or most of the chromosomes metacentric, subequal in size, and uniformly differentiated. The differences between the groups and within group 3 are discussed in relation to the development of translocation systems. Chromosome numbers of 9 taxa are reported for the first time.  相似文献   

The multinucleate condition in the non-articulated laticifers of embryos of Euphorbia marginata arises as a result of mitosis. Successive stages of mitosis in the nuclei of the laticifer appear in the form of a wave. No sequence of mitotic stages has been noticed in the neighboring longitudinal tiers of cells. This difference in the mitotic pattern in the laticifer and other parenchymatous cells of the embryo suggests that the synthesis of factor(s) responsible for triggering mitosis occurs within the laticifer and does not diffuse to the surrounding cells. The mitotic waves originate distally from the meristems, either in the cotyledonary or hypocotyl portion of the laticifer, and move uni- or bidirectionally along its longitudinal axis. The mitotic stimulus does not start simultaneously in all the laticifers. The variable velocity of the mitotic substance results in aphasic mitotic waves in laticifers of the same embryo. Mitotic aberrations have not been observed in the dividing nuclei of the laticifer. A chromosome estimation made from a polar view of metaphase does not suggest polyploidization in the observed laticifers.  相似文献   


Selected tissues from chick embryos were fixed in 2% glutaraldehyde and 1% OsO4, both buffered at pH 7.6 with Veronal-acetate, and were embedded in Maraglas or Araldite. Two types of cell division have been noted. Generally, epithelial cells divide predominantly by a shortening of the chromosome-to-pole distance rather than by spindle elongation; mesenchymal cells undergo extensive spindle elongation. The presence of numerous continuous microtubules in cells that undergo extensive spindle elongation functionally implicates these tubules in the elongation process. In most embryonic epithelia, the cleavage furrow converges to a fixed site forming a mid-body near the anchoring desmosomes at the free surface; symmetrical furrow formation is typical of mesenchymal cells which lack desmosomes. The hypothesis of cleavage furrow formation and the fate of the mid-body that is formed during cytokinesis are discussed.  相似文献   

In the heterothallic yeast Hansenula holstii morphological variants consisting of a mother cell, stalk, and terminal cell are formed during vegetative growth. Tetrad distribution ratios of clones derived from mother and terminal cells differ. Preceding stalk formation endospore-like structures form in many cells. A causal relationship may exist between formation of the modified nuclei and change in the segregational patterns in the variants.  相似文献   

Nuclear division in P. monticola is in general similar to mitosis in higher organisms. Synchronous division of the nuclei in the dikaryon progresses with clamp development. Mitosis begins with the movement of the centriolar plaques into and under the forming clamp. The pull of the centriolar plaque on the attached nucleolus forms a long strand of nucleolar material. Chromosomes now appear as dense granules at the end of the nucleus proximal to the clamp. At this time the nucleolus moves adjacent to the centriolar plaque and contracted chromosomes. The nuclear membrane at least partially disintegrates, and the nucleolus is released into the cytoplasm where it may persist through telophase. A faintly staining spindle is often observed, and it produces a “double bridge” effect in separating chromatin. Somatic chromosomes are attached together forming strings that appear double and at least partially separated before metaphase.  相似文献   

似金隐藻有丝分裂及胞质分裂的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
似金隐藻(Cryptomonas chrysoidea)是从青岛附近渤海湾海水中分离得到的一种单细胞藻类。对它的胞质分裂和有丝分裂进行的观察表明,它的胞质分裂在有丝分裂的中期开始,细胞前端沟口处先开始分裂,继而沿纵轴纵沟处形成一收缩沟完成的。似金隐藻的有丝分裂过程中没有染色体和着丝点形成;核膜进入中期时完全消失,纺锤体呈桶状,微管通过染色质团中的通道或直接与染色质团块相联;在后期和末期,两块分开的染色质团十分靠近相应的色素体内质网膜。本文对其分裂过程进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The fine structure of rat thymic lymphocytes from early prophase to late telophase of mitosis is described, using material fixed at pH 7.3 either in 1 per cent OsO4 or in glutaraldehyde followed by 2 per cent OsO4. The structure of the centriolar complex of interphase thymocytes is analyzed and compared with that of centrioles during division. The appearance of daughter centrioles is the earliest clearly recognizable sign of prophase. Daughter centrioles probably retain a secondary relation to the primary centriole, while the latter appears to be related, both genetically and spatially, to the spindle apparatus. The nuclear envelope persists in recognizable form to help reconstitute the envelopes of the daughter nuclei. Ribosome bodies (dense aggregates of ribosomes) accumulate, beginning at late prophase, and are retained by the daughter cells. Cytokinesis proceeds by formation of a ribosome-free plate at the equator with a central plate of vesicles which may coalesce to form the new plasma membrane of the daughter cells. Stages in the formation of the midbody are illustrated.  相似文献   

It has previously been established that the epidermal chalone inhibits epidermal mitotic activity more powerfully in the presence of adrenalin, although adrenalin itself is not a mitotic inhibitor. It is now shown that in low concentrations hydrocortisone has little if any antimitotic activity, that when it is present together with chalone and adrenalin it does not markedly increase their antimitotic activity, but that it does act to prolong the mitotic depression which they induce. It is known that, without hydrocortisone, adrenalin rapidly escapes from epidermal cells so that the chalone action is weakened. It appears that the role of hydrocortisone may be to reduce the rate of adrenalin loss and thus to prolong the chalone-adrenalin activity. It is also shown that the rate of loss of adrenalin from epidermal cells is inhibited, though to a much lesser extent, in the presence of excess chalone.  相似文献   

The handicap principle holds that costly sexual signals can reliably indicate mate quality. Only individuals of high quality can afford a strong signal—the cost of signaling is relatively lower for high‐quality signalers than for low‐quality signalers. This critical property is difficult to test experimentally because the benefit of signaling on mating success, and cost of signaling on other components of fitness, cannot easily be separated in obligate sexual organisms. We therefore studied the facultatively sexual yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which produces pheromones to attract potential mates. To precisely measure the cost of signaling, the signal was reduced or removed by deleting one or both copies of the pheromone‐encoding genes and measuring asexual growth rate in competition with a wild‐type signaler. We manipulated signaler quality either by changing the quality of the assay environment or by changing the number of deleterious mutations carried. For both types of treatment, we found that the cost of signaling decreased as the quality of the signaler increased, demonstrating that the yeast pheromone signal has the key property required for selection under the handicap principle. We found that cells of high genetic quality produce stronger signals than low‐quality cells, verifying that the signal is indeed honest.  相似文献   

The behavior of the nucleolus during mitosis was studied by electron microscopy in neuroblast cells of the grasshopper embryo, Chortophaga viridifasciata. Living neuroblast cells were observed in the light microscope, and their mitotic stages were identified and recorded. The cells were fixed and embedded; alternate thick and thin sections were made for light and electron microscopy. The interphase nucleolus consists of two fine structural components arranged in separate zones. Concentrations of 150 A granules form a dense peripheral zone, while the central regions are composed of a homogeneous background substance. Observations show that nucleolar dissolution in prophase occurs in two steps with a preliminary loss of the background substance followed by a dispersal of the granules. Nucleolar material reappears at anaphase as small clumps or layers at the chromosome surfaces. These later form into definite bodies, which disappear as the nucleolus grows in telophase. Evidence suggests both a collecting and a synthesizing role for the nucleolus-associated chromatin. The final, mature nucleolar form is produced by a rearrangement of the fine structural components and an increase in their mass.  相似文献   

The structure of centric, intranuclear mitosis and of organelles associated with nuclei are described in developing zoosporangia of the chytrid Rhizophydium spherotheca. Frequently dictyosomes partially encompass the sides of diplosomes (paired centrioles). A single, incomplete layer of endoplasmic reticulum with tubular connections to the nuclear envelope is found around dividing nuclei. The nuclear envelope remains intact during mitosis except for polar fenestrae which appear during spindle incursion. During prophase, when diplosomes first define the nuclear poles, secondary centrioles occur adjacent and at right angles to the sides of primary centrioles. By late metaphase the centrioles in a diplosome are positioned at a 40° angle to each other and are joined by an electron-dense band; by telophase the centrioles lie almost parallel to each other. Astral microtubules radiate into the cytoplasm from centrioles during interphase, but by metaphase few cytoplasmic microtubules are found. Cytoplasmic microtubules increase during late anaphase and telophase as spindle microtubules gradually disappear. The mitotic spindle, which contains chromosomal and interzonal microtubules, converges at the base of the primary centriole. Throughout mitosis the semipersistent nucleolus is adjacent to the nuclear envelope and remains in the interzonal region of the nucleus as chromosomes separate and the nucleus elongates. During telophase the nuclear envelope constricts around the chromosomal mass, and the daughter nuclei separate from each end of the interzonal region of the nucleus. The envelope of the interzonal region is relatively intact and encircles the nucleolus, but later the membranes of the interzonal region scatter and the nucleolus disperses. The structure of the mitotic apparatus is similar to that of the chytrid Phlyctochytrium irregulare.  相似文献   

Gametophyte germlings from unialgal cultures of Membranoptera platyphylla were examined with the electron microscope. The events of mitosis were observed in dividing cells near the thallus apex. In prophase the nucleus is spindle-shaped and surrounded by microtubules and a layer of endoplasmic reticulum. A unique organelle, the polar ring, is present at each pole; its junction is not clear. At metaphase the nuclear envelope is intact except for fenestrations at the poles. Spindle microtubules are attached to distinct kinetochores on the chromosomes and continuous pole-to-pole microtubules are present. The nucleolus has dispersed but, its granular components are still evident in the nucleoplasm. As the chromosomes separate, the nucleus elongates and finally constricts in the middle to produce 2 daughter nuclei.  相似文献   

Actidione, reportedly a specific inhibitor of protein synthesis, was found to reduce the incorporation of labeled amino acids into proteins of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum without drastically inhibiting the incorporation of nucleic acid precursors into RNA. This inhibitor was found to completely block the ensuing mitosis if it was added at any time between telophase and late prophase. Plasmodia given Actidione in late prophase (about the time of nucleolar dissolution) went on through telophase to reconstruction even though nuclear amino acid incorporation was drastically reduced during that period.  相似文献   

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