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生物技术的发展为枣种质资源的研究、创新及新品种培育提供了更多的途径。本文综述了近年来我国枣生物技术的研究进展,主要包括离体培养、分子标记、基因工程3个方面的内容。目前,生物技术是枣传统育种的有效补充,已成为枣遗传改良、种质资源创新和科学研究的重要技术。  相似文献   

中国基因组学研究进展与发展态势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20 世纪 90 年代初,以完成人类基因组全序列测定和注释为核心任务的人类基因组计划在美国的领导下兴起.自1999年中国加入人类基因组计划到现在的10年时间里,中国基因组学得到了快速的发展,建立了先进的基因组学技术平台,并出色完成了多项重大基因组科学研究项目,对我国生命科学各个领域的发展产生了重要影响.结合我国基因组学研究现状,《中国科学C辑·生命科学》(Sci China Ser C-Life Sci) 2009年第1期发表了中国基因组学专题,综述了基因组测序、分型,功能基因检测技术和生物信息学分析技术,以及肝癌、免疫和环境与工业微生物的基因组学研究等方面的研究工作.  相似文献   

In recent years, Chinese neuropharmacologists have done a lot of basic and practical work in neuropharmacology, especially in the fields of pain, drug dependence, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, having obtained some exciting results that are of great significance for the development of neuropharmacology. Here I would like to review recent progress in the research fields of neuropharmacology in China.  相似文献   

Recent Progress in Understanding Early Tetrapods   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This paper reviews significant discoveries and interpretationsmade for Paleozoic tetrapods over the past twenty-five years.In that span twelve significant, new localities have been found,including the oldest ever at about 370 million years in age.About 60 new genera have been described; five providing importantinsight into the early evolution of land vertebrates. The numberof exceptionally well known taxa with multiple, excellentlypreserved specimens has doubled to eight from four. The veryearliest tetrapods have been discovered to have been polydactylous,the ear region to have had a complicated early evolution andthe specialized tooth type found in Recent amphibians has beenfound in a group of Lower Permian temnospondyl amphibians, indicatingan evolutionary relationship. Perhaps the most significant advancein understanding the evolution of early tetrapods is that thebasal amniote groups have become better characterized and astart has been made in providing a defensible hypothesis fortheir relationships. The ascendancy of cladistics, functionalmorphology and plate tectonics has changed the way paleontologistsview fossils resulting in more defensible phylogenies and behavioraland biogeographical scenarios. These approaches to understandinghave, perhaps, had a more profound impact than any of the newfossil discoveries.  相似文献   

Recent Progress in Arabidopsis Research in China: A Preface   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In 2002, a workshop on Arabidopsis research in China was held in Shanghai, when a small group of Chinese plant scientists was working on this model species. Since then, we have witnessed the rapid growth of Arabidopsis research in China. This special issue of Journal of Integrative Plant Biology is dedicated exclusively to the Fourth Workshop on Arabidopsis Research in China, scheduled on November 30, 2005, in Beijing. In addition to reports collected in this special issue, the Chinese Arabidopsis community has been able to make significant contributions to many research fields. Here, I briefly summarize recent advances in Arabidopsis research in China.  相似文献   

中国翼手目研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蝙蝠在中国的种类丰富,共有7科30属120种.本文主要从蝙蝠种类、生态学、生理和生化、遗传学和分子生物学5个方面对中国翼手目的研究现状和进展作了论述,分析了存在的问题,并对研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

中国茶树种质资源研究的主要进展和展望   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
茶树种质资源是生产利用、品种创新和生物技术研究的物质基础,具有十分重要的价值和意义.本文系统阐述了近20年中国茶树种质资源考察收集、保存编目、鉴定评价、分子标记、遗传稳定性等研究的主要成就与进展.着重提出近期继续征集、在资源个体与基因水平上深入鉴定评价、加强种质创新不断提供新基因源、建立核心种质、建立种质资源共享平台等研究工作的建议和展望.  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代早期迄今,随着生命科学的飞速进展,我国在蛋白质生物化学与基因组研究领域取得了一些令人注目的成果,其中少数具有突破性意义。在蛋白质生物化学研究方面,蛋白质组技术获得重大改进,多反应监测(multiple monitoring-base multiplexed absolute quantitation,MRM)质谱可同时对几百个蛋白质进行靶标式分析,极大地促进了疾病标志物的鉴定。质谱法已成为群体蛋白质组学(population proteomics)研究靶向鉴定的优选途径。在世界上首次阐明了人源γ-分泌酶复合物(γ-secretase complex,γ-SSC)和人源葡萄糖转运蛋白1(glucose transporter 1,GLUT 1)的三维结构。虎纹捕鸟蛛毒素-Ⅰ(Huwentoxin-Ⅰ,HWTX-Ⅰ)结构-功能的系统研究,华南三地区人血型糖蛋白变种的筛查和鉴定,皆显现了重要进展。对某些蛋白质与朊病毒病、阿尔茨海默病、冠心病、肝病和衰老等的密切关系,开拓了新的探索;在基因组研究方面,如期完成我国承担的1%"人类基因组计划",开展了我国一些生物种属的基因组分析,包括栽培最广泛的亚种Indica稻米、棉花、海南袖珍猪和山西白猪、中国旱獭3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶(glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase,GAPDH)的部分互补脱氧核糖核酸(complementary deoxyribonucleic acid,c DNA)等。用4种小分子化学物质,从小鼠皮肤细胞成功创建诱导型多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells,i PSC),操作简化,安全性强,颇有创新。此外,对阐明某些基因与心脑血管病、高血压、全身性红斑狼疮(systemic lupus erythematosus,SLE)、肺腺癌、人巨细胞病毒(human cytomegalovirus,HCMV)感染以及某些类型白血病等的关联,也进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

Recent Progress on Rice Genetics in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Through thousands of years of evolution and cultivation, tremendously rich genetic diversity has been accumulated in rice (Oryza sativa L.), developing a large germplasm pool from which people can select varieties with morphologies of Interest and other important agronomic traits. With the development of modern genetics, scientists have paid more attention to the genetic value of these elite varieties and germplasms, and such rich rice resources provide a good foundation for genetic research in China. Approximately 100 000 accessions of radiation-, chemical- or insertion-induced mutagenesis have been generated since the 1980s, and great progress has been made on rice molecular genetics. So far at least 16 variant/mutant genes Including MOC1, BC1, SKC1, and Rfgenes have been isolated and characterized in China. These achievements greatly promote the research on functional genomics, understanding the mechanism of plant development and molecular design breeding of rice in China. Here we review the progress of three aspects of rice genetics in China: moving forward at the molecular level, genetic research on elite varieties and germplasms, and new gene screening and genetic analysis using mutants. The prospects of rice genetics are also discussed.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(86):269-282

There has long been a controversy concerning Man’s antiquity in the New World. Our oldest unquestioned sites are those of the Clovis Complex which date to 11,000-12,000 B.P. In this paper, an attempt is made to set up a testing program that might lead to the discovery of Pre-Clovis (Early Early Man) sites within the contiquous 48 states, should they exist. It is believed that the derived concepts also have application in other parts of the world. Rigorous standards are given for the “best site situation” necessary to solve the problem for everyone’s satisfaction. The methodology involves outlining a list of possible archaeo-geomorphic contexts in which to seek ancient sites, with the idea of determining if any of them are more likely to produce the best site situation than others. Nine archaeo-geomorphic contexts are discussed and evaluated. These include surface sites and the following subsurface sites: underwater, coastal, volcanic, eolian, slope, cave, alluvial, and depression or basin sites. It is concluded, by the process of elimination, that the latter seem to be our best bet to meet the aforementioned rigorous standards. A testing program is suggested on the High Plains where many basins occur, and where some of our better early sites have been found. How we should test is discussed in terms of locating basins, choosing basins to test, and testing procedures. Subsidiary benefits are seen resulting from this program even if the problem of Man’s antiquity should not be determined by this method of research.  相似文献   

Adaptive developmental plasticity can enable an organism to modify its phenotype rapidly, in response to local(and perhaps, unpredictable) conditions, by altering reaction norms during development. Previous studies on this topic have been dominated by western scientists, employing western study systems and approaches. Recently, the expansion of Chinese ecological research has seen a broadening of studies taxonomically(phylogenetically). Here, we briefly summarize research that has been conducted on developmental plasticity in Chinese reptiles over the past two decades, and suggest productive directions for future studies in this field. There are exciting research opportunities in this field in China, and we call for increased collaboration between western and eastern scientists to elucidate the role of developmental plasticity in evolutionary responses of organisms to environmental changes. As human activities increase the intensity and frequency of such changes, the need to understand responses of biological systems becomes an increasingly urgent priority.  相似文献   

刘武 《人类学学报》2013,32(3):233-246
兴起于上世纪80年代的现代人起源研究与争论在近10年来呈现出一些新的趋势或特点, 主要体现在对现代人起源与演化细节过程的关注。这些新的关注点涉及早期现代人的出现与扩散、中更新世晚期-晚更新世早期人类化石特征变异及演化, 以及早期现代人出现与演化过程中的健康与生存适应活动三个方面。围绕这些问题, 中国古人类学界开展了相关研究并获得了一些新的发现和认识。本文对近10年来早期现代人在中国出现与演化领域的研究进行了回顾, 并对相关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The appearance of anatomically modern Homo sapiens in Europe, the Near East, and Africa must represent either an in situ evolution of Neandertals or a migration. Those who suggest the latter claim a sudden replacement of Neandertals by anatomically modern Homo sapiens. However, the "evidence" actually cited claims only the sudden replacement of Middle by Upper Paleolithic industries. We criticize the migration explanation on two grounds. (1) There is no "sudden replacement" of Middle Paleolithic by Upper Paleolithic industries, but rather a gradual change in the frequencies of already present tools. Numerous sites in these areas exhibit transitional industries. (2) Concomitantly, there is no morphological evidence indicating a "sudden replacement" of hominids. There is no absolute association between anatomically modern Homo sapiens and Upper Paleolithic industries. Instead, the evidence clearly shows that early anatomically modern Homo sapiens is a late Middle Paleolithic local phenomenon .  相似文献   

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