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Geographic gradients in body size: a clarification of Bergmann's rule   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1997 marked the sesquicentenary of the publication by Carl Bergmann of the observation that, in general, large-bodied animal species tend to live further north than their small-bodied relatives. This has been dubbed Bergmann's rule in his honour. However, more than 150 years on, we appear to be little closer to a general understanding of the rule, or even to any consensus as to whether it exists. This is due in large part to confusion about the taxonomic level at which the rule is considered to operate, and to the conflation of pattern and mechanism. In this paper, we attempt to resolve this confusion by highlighting its sources, and by providing a definition of Bergmann's rule that is practical and useful, yet that retains the essential features of its original formulation. We conclude by briefly reviewing the mechanisms proposed to explain Bergmann's rule as we define it.  相似文献   

On the validity of Bergmann's rule   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
Aim We reviewed the occurrence of Bergmann's rule in birds (ninety‐four species) and mammals (149 species), using only studies where statistical significance of the results was tested. We also tested whether studies using different characters as surrogates of body size have a different tendency to conform to Bergmann's rule, whether body size and nest type (in birds) have an influence on the tendency to conform to the rule, and whether sedentary birds conform to the rule more than migratory birds. Location Worldwide. Methods We reviewed published data on geographic and temporal variation in body size, using only studies where the statistical significance of the results was tested. We asked how many species conform to the rule out of all species studied in each order and family. Results Over 72% of the birds and 65% of the mammal species follow Bergmann's rule. An overall tendency to follow the rule occurs also within orders and families. Studies using body mass in mammals show the greatest tendency to adhere to Bergmann's rule (linear measurements and dental measurements show a weaker tendency); while in birds, studies using body mass and other surrogates (linear measurements and egg size) show a similar tendency. Birds of different body mass categories exhibit a similar tendency to follow Bergmann's rule, while in mammals the lower body size categories (4–50 and 50–500 g) show a significantly lower tendency to conform to the rule. Sedentary birds tend to conform to Bergmann's rule more than migratory species. Nest type does not affect the tendency to conform to Bergmann's rule. Main conclusions Bergmann's rule is a valid ecological generalization for birds and mammals.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Body size of the ant lion Myrmeleon immaculatus follows Bergmann's rule – an increase in body size towards higher latitudes. The hypothesis that ant lion body size is larger in the north as an adaptation for starvation resistance was tested.
2. In a laboratory experiment testing starvation resistance, survivorship curves differed among 10 ant lion populations for both a starved and a fed treatment.
3. The average number of months survived by each population was correlated positively with latitude for both treatments. Across both treatments and all populations, large individuals survived longer than small individuals; however individuals from high latitudes had higher survivorship, even after factoring out variation due to initial body size.
4. These results suggest that starvation resistance may be an adaptation for coping with reduced prey availability in high latitudes. Starvation resistance may contribute to latitudinal gradients in body size of ant lions and other ectotherms.  相似文献   

Abstract Bergmann's rule is currently defined as a within-species tendency for increasing body size with increasing latitude or decreasing environmental temperature. This well-known ecogeographic pattern has been considered a general trend for all animals, yet support for Bergmann's rule has only been demonstrated for mammals and birds. Here we evaluate Bergmann's rule in two groups of reptiles: chelonians (turtles) and squamates (lizards and snakes). We perform both nonphylogenetic and phylogenetic analyses and show that chelonians follow Bergmann's rule (19 of 23 species increase in size with latitude; 14 of 15 species decrease in size with temperature), whereas squamates follow the converse to Bergmann's rule (61 of 83 species decrease in size with latitude; 40 of 56 species increase in size with temperature). Size patterns of chelonians are significant using both nonphylogenetic and phylogenetic methods, whereas only the nonphylogenetic analyses are significant for squamates. These trends are consistent among major groups of chelonians and squamates for which data are available. This is the first study to document the converse to Bergmann's rule in any major animal group as well as the first to show Bergmann's rule in a major group of ectotherms. The traditional explanation for Bergmann's rule is that larger endothermic individuals conserve heat better in cooler areas. However, our finding that at least one ectothermic group also follows Bergmann's rule suggests that additional factors may be important. Several alternative processes, such as selection for rapid heat gain in cooler areas, may be responsible for the converse to Bergmann's rule in squamates.  相似文献   

Aim The aim of this study is to test whether Bergmann's rule, a general intraspecific tendency towards larger body size in cooler areas and at higher latitudes, holds for birds throughout the world. Location This study includes information on species of birds from throughout the world. Methods I gathered data on body size variation from the literature and used two general meta‐analytical procedures to test the validity of Bergmann's rule in birds: a modified vote‐counting approach and calculation of overall effect sizes. Related species may show similar body size trends, thus I performed all analyses using nonphylogenetic and phylogenetic methods. I used tests of phylogenetic signal for each data set to decide which type of statistical analysis (nonphylogenetic or phylogenetic) was more appropriate. Results The majority of species of birds (76 of 100 species) are larger at higher latitudes, and in cooler areas (20 of 22 species). Birds show a grand mean correlation coefficient of +0.32 for body size and latitude, and ?0.81 for body size and temperature, both significant trends. Sedentary species show stronger body size trends in some, but not all, analyses. Neither males nor females consistently have stronger body size trends. Additionally, the strength of body size trends does not vary with latitude or body mass. Conclusions Bergmann's rule holds for birds throughout the world, regardless of whether temperature or latitude (as a proxy) is used. Previous studies have suggested that Bergmann's rule is stronger for sedentary than migratory species, males than females and temperate than tropical taxa. I did not find strong support for any of these as general themes for birds, although few studies of tropical taxa have been conducted. The processes responsible for Bergmann's rule remain somewhat of a black box; however, fasting endurance is probably a more important factor than the traditional hypothesis of heat conservation.  相似文献   

Aim We analysed body‐size variation in relation to latitude, longitude, elevation and environmental variables in Ctenomys (tuco‐tucos), subterranean rodents in the Ctenomyidae (Caviomorpha). We tested the existence of inter‐ and intraspecific size clines to determine if these rodents follow Bergmann's rule, to compare intra‐ and interspecific size trends and to assess the relevance of the subterranean lifestyle on these trends. Location South America, south of 15° latitude. Methods This paper is based on 719 specimens of tuco‐tucos from 133 localities of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, representing 47 named species and 32 undescribed forms. Intraspecific analyses were performed for Ctenomys talarum Thomas, 1898 and the Ctenomys perrensi Thomas, 1896 species complex. Head and body length and weight were used for estimating body size. Geographical independent variables included latitude, longitude and altitude. Environmental independent variables were mean minimal and maximal monthly temperature, mean annual temperature, mean minimal and maximal precipitation, and total annual precipitation. To estimate seasonality, the annual variability of the climatic factors was calculated as their coefficients of variation and the difference between maximum and minimum values. Mean annual actual evapotranspiration (AET), and mean annual, January (summer) and July (winter) potential evapotranspiration (PET) values were also calculated for each locality, as well as annual, summer and winter water balance (WB). Statistical analyses consisted of simple and multiple regression and nonparametric correlation. Results Body size of Ctenomys decreases interspecifically from 15°00′ S to 48°15′ S and from 56°33′ W to 71°46′ W, and is positively correlated with ambient temperature and precipitation. The best predictors of body size according to multiple regression analyses were mean annual temperature, the difference between mean maximum and minimum annual temperatures, annual PET, the difference between summer and winter PET, and annual and winter water balance. These patterns are repeated, but not identically, at a smaller geographical scale within the species C. talarum and the superspecies C. perrensi. Main conclusions Tuco‐tucos follow the converse to Bergmann's rule at the interspecific level. At the intraspecific level some parallel trends were observed, but the smaller scale of these analyses, involving a very reduced variation of environmental factors, necessitates caution in interpreting results. The subterranean lifestyle probably insulates these rodents from the external temperature. The observed latitudinal body‐size gradients are more probably related to seasonality, ambient energy, primary productivity and/or intensity of predation.  相似文献   

Aim Bergmann's rule generally predicts larger animal body sizes with colder climates. We tested whether Bergmann's rule at the interspecific level applies to moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) along an extended elevational gradient in the Ecuadorian Andes. Location Moths were sampled at 22 sites in the province Zamora‐Chinchipe in southern Ecuador in forest habitats ranging from 1040 m to 2677 m above sea level. Methods Wingspans of 2282 male geometrid moths representing 953 species were measured and analysed at the level of the family Geometridae, as well as for the subfamily Ennominae with the tribes Boarmiini and Ourapterygini, and the subfamily Larentiinae with the genera Eois, Eupithecia and Psaliodes. Results Bergmann's rule was not supported since the average wingspan of geometrid moths was negatively correlated with altitude (r = ?0.59, P < 0.005). The relationship between body size and altitude in Geometridae appears to be spurious because species of the subfamily Larentiinae are significantly smaller than species of the subfamily Ennominae and simultaneously increase in their proportion along the gradient. A significant decrease of wingspan was also found in the ennomine tribe Ourapterygini, but no consistent body size patterns were found in the other six taxa studied. In most taxa, body size variation increases with altitude, suggesting that factors acting to constrain body size might be weaker at high elevations. Main conclusions The results are in accordance with previous studies that could not detect consistent body size patterns in insects at the interspecific level along climatic gradients.  相似文献   

One of the most widely recognized generalizations in biology is Bergmann's rule, the observation that, within species of birds and mammals, body size tends to be inversely related to ambient temperature. Recent studies indicate that turtles and salamanders also tend to follow Bergmann's rule, which hints that this species-level tendency originated early in tetrapod history. Furthermore, exceptions to Bergmann's rule are concentrated within squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes), suggesting that the tendency to express a Bergmann's rule cline may be heritable at the species level. We evaluated species-level heritability and early origination of Bergmann's rule by mapping size-latitude relationships for 352 species onto a tetrapod phylogeny. When the largest available dataset is used, Bergmann's rule shows significant phylogenetic signal, indicating species-level heritability. This represents one of the few demonstrations of heritability for an emergent species-level property and the first for an ecogeographic rule. When species are discretely coded as showing either Bergmann's rule or its converse, parsimony reconstructions suggest that: (1) the tendency to follow Bergmann's rule is ancestral for tetrapods, and (2) most extant species that express the rule have retained this tendency from that ancient ancestor. The first inference also generally holds when the discrete data or size-latitude correlation coefficients are analyzed using maximum likelihood, although the results are only statistically significant for some versions of the discrete analyses. The best estimates of ancestral states suggest that the traditional adaptive explanation for Bergmann's rule-conservation of metabolic heat-was not involved in the origin of the trait since that origin predates the evolution of endothermy. A more general thermoregulatory hypothesis could apply to endotherms and some ectotherms, but fails to explain why salamanders have retained Bergmann's rule. Thus, if thermoregulation underlies the origin of a Bergmann's rule tendency, this trait may have been continuously maintained while its cause changed. Alternatively, thermoregulation may not underlie Bergmann's rule in any tetrapod group. The results also suggest that many extinct groups not included in our analyses followed Bergmann's rule.  相似文献   

Aim Geographic variation in body size and heterozygosity were surveyed for discrete populations of the ant lion, Myrmeleon immaculatus DeGeer, collected from the central and northeastern United States. Location Collection sites were located in the central and eastern United States ranging from western Oklahoma to northern New York. Methods We collected 872 M. immaculatus larvae from thirty-four collecting sites. At each site, we randomly sampled ant lion pits and collected between fifteen and fifty-two larvae in total. Larvae were preserved in 95% ETOH for morphological analysis and frozen in a ?80°C freezer for protein electrophoresis. We measured the body size of eighty-five preserved adult M. immaculatus obtained from museum collections using head width as an indicator of body size. Five enzymes [GPI (glucose phosphate isomerase), MDH (malate dehydrogenase), PEP (peptidase), DIA (diaphorase) and SOD (superoxide dismutase)] were used in the heterozygosity analyses. Results Larval and adult body size increased with latitude, but decreased with elevation. Average heterozygosity, measured at five polymorphic loci, also increased significantly with latitude. Minimum temperature variance was the best predictor of body size, whereas precipitation and maximum temperature were the best predictors of heterozygosity. Populations were genetically differentiated from one another and showed a pattern of isolation by distance, as measured by Wright's Fst values and Nei's genetic distances. Main conclusions Sampling artifacts, heat conservation, character displacement, cell-size variation, density-dependent mortality, and differential dispersal probably cannot account for latitudinal variation in ant lion body size. Our results implicate the importance of diurnal photoperiod, which varies with latitude, but not with elevation. Because photoperiod often controls growth, diapause, and metamorphosis, it may be an important determinant of latitudinal clines in body size and life history of insects.  相似文献   

Large‐scale patterns of body size variation are described by well‐known generalizations such as Bergmann’s rule; the generality and underlying causes of these patterns have been much debated. Intraspecific extension of this rule was tested in various ectotherms, and evidence was found for both Bergmann and converse Bergmann clines. In this study, we explored spatial patterns of variation in a widespread amphibian, the Common toad (Bufo bufo), along a 2240 km latitudinal gradient across Europe. We tested for covariation of adult body size, age and growth parameters with latitude, altitude, length of activity period and mean temperature during this period using both original and literature data. We selected 13 European populations, representing a latitudinal range from 43 to 63°N and altitudinal range from 15 to 1850 m a.s.l. The length of activity period (12–33 weeks) and Tmean (6.6–15.6°C) significantly decreased as latitude and altitude of these populations increased. Mean body size decreased as latitude increased (not with altitude), and increased with Tmean (not with length of activity period). Mean and minimal adult age increased with latitude and altitude, longevity increased with altitude only. Age increased as length of activity period decreased (not with Tmean). The growth coefficient (0.32–0.92 in males, 0.18–0.74 in females, available for six populations) decreased as altitude increased, and increased as both length of activity period and Tmean increased; latitudinal trend was non‐significant. Our analysis shows that B. bufo clearly exhibited a converse Bergmann cline along latitudinal gradient, but not along altitudinal gradient; the main effect of elevation was on age. The effects of ecological conditions also differed: body size increased with Tmean, while age parameters were related to the length of activity period. This study highlights that, to identify causal factors underlying general ecogeographical rules, we have to take into account different phases of the life cycle, co‐variation among life history traits and ecological factors acting on each of these traits. In amphibians with complex life cycles, lack of appropriate demographical or ecological data may affect our understanding of the variety of observed body size patterns.  相似文献   

Bergmann's rule is the propensity for species‐mean body size to decrease with increasing temperature. Temperature‐dependent oxygen limitation has been hypothesized to help drive temperature–size relationships among ectotherms, including Bergmann's rule, where organisms reduce body size under warm oxygen‐limited conditions, thereby maintaining aerobic scope. Temperature‐dependent oxygen limitation should be most pronounced among aquatic ectotherms that cannot breathe aerially, as oxygen solubility in water decreases with increasing temperature. We use phylogenetically explicit analyses to show that species‐mean adult size of aquatic salamanders with branchial or cutaneous oxygen uptake becomes small in warm environments and large in cool environments, whereas body size of aquatic species with lungs (i.e., that respire aerially), as well as size of semiaquatic and terrestrial species do not decrease with temperature. We argue that oxygen limitation drives the evolution of small size in warm aquatic environments for species with aquatic respiration. More broadly, the stronger decline in size with temperature observed in aquatic versus terrestrial salamander species mirrors the relatively strong plastic declines in size observed previously among aquatic versus terrestrial invertebrates, suggesting that temperature‐dependent oxygen availability can help drive patterns of plasticity, micro‐ and macroevolution.  相似文献   

The island rule and a research agenda for studying ecogeographical patterns   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
We are currently experiencing a resurgence of interest in ecogeographical rules, which describe general trends in morphology and related traits along geographical gradients. In order to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the generality and underlying causal mechanisms for these patterns, we recommend a new, more integrated research agenda. In particular, we recommend studies that simultaneously consider different clines in morphology, geographical ranges and diversity as intricately related phenomena; all being ecological, evolutionary and biogeographical responses of organisms to selection regimes that vary non-randomly over space and time, and among species with different ecological and evolutionary histories.  相似文献   

Aim  To test Bergmann's rule (which predicts a larger body size in colder areas within warm-blooded vertebrate species) in three partially sympatric species of larks ( Galerida theklae , Galerida cristata and Galerida randonii ) that occur in Morocco.
Location  Morocco.
Methods  Restriction fragment length polymorphism techniques applied on cytochrome b haplotypes were used to discriminate G. cristata and G. randonii , and to investigate the effects of interspecific hybridization in their contact zone. A comprehensive statistical framework was then designed to test Bergmann's rule in our three Galerida species (using altitude as a proxy for cold temperatures), while controlling for the possible influence of interspecific hybridization and competition and accounting for spatial autocorrelation. The method we propose is conservative in the sense that potentially confounding factors are adjusted so as to maximize their influence on the variable of interest.
Results  Bergmann's rule was strongly supported in G. theklae and G. randonii . However, body size did not respond to altitude in G. cristata , a result that was not simply explained by species-specific differences in geographical ranges and altitudinal span. In G. cristata , we detected a tendency for body size to increase with aridity, in agreement with an alternative definition of Bergmann's rule. However, since G. cristata also hybridizes with G. randonii in a contact zone located in the most arid part of the range of G. cristata , we could not tease apart the relative contribution of selection and hybridization in driving this pattern.
Main conclusions  This study highlights the need for careful statistical designs that allow meaningful variables to be picked out from large sets of potential factors. When taking these factors into account, we found that Bergmann's rule was still strongly supported in two out of the three species examined.  相似文献   

Aim To describe broad‐scale geographical patterns of body size for European and North American amphibian faunas and to explore possible processes underlying these patterns. Specifically, we propose a heat balance hypothesis, as both heat conservation and heat gain determine the heat balance of ectotherms, and test it along with five other hypotheses that have a possible influence on body size gradients: size dependence, migration ability, primary productivity, seasonality and water availability. Location Western Europe and North America north of Mexico. Methods We processed distribution maps for native amphibian species to estimate the mean body size in 110 × 110 km cells and calculated eight environmental predictors to explore the relationship between environmental gradients and the observed patterns. We used least squares regression modelling and model selection approaches based on information theory to evaluate the relative support for each hypothesis. Results We found consistent body size gradients and similar relationships to environmental variables within each amphibian group in Europe and North America. Annual potential evapotranspiration, a measure of environmental energy, was the strongest predictor of mean body size in both regions. However, the contrasting responses to ambient energy in each group resulted in opposite geographical patterns, i.e. anurans increased in size from high‐ to low‐energy areas in both continents and urodeles showed the opposite pattern. Main conclusions Our results support the heat balance hypothesis, suggesting that the thermoregulatory abilities of anurans would allow them to reach larger sizes in colder climates by optimizing the trade‐off between heating and cooling rates, whereas a lack of such strategies among urodele faunas would explain why these organisms tend to be smaller in cooler areas. These findings may also have implications for the role of climate warming on the global decline of amphibians.  相似文献   

Bergmann's rule states that endotherms have a large body size in high latitudes and cold climates. However, previous empirical studies have reported mixed evidence on the relationships between body size and latitude, raising the question of why some clades of endotherms follow Bergmann's rule, whereas others do not. Here, we synthesized the interspecific relationships between body size and latitude among 16,187 endothermic species (5422 mammals and 10,765 birds) using Bayesian phylogenetic generalized linear mixed models to examine the strength and magnitude of Bergmann's rule. We further assessed the effect of biological and ecological factors (i.e., body mass categories, dietary guild, winter activity, habitat openness, and climate zone) on the variations in the body mass–latitude relationships by adding an interaction term in the models. Our results revealed a generally weak but significant adherence to Bergmann's rule among all endotherms at the global scale. Despite taxonomic variation in the strength of Bergmann's rule, the body mass of species within most animal orders showed an increasing trend toward high latitudes. Generally, large-bodied, temperate species, non-hibernating mammals, and migratory and open-habitat birds tend to conform to Bergmann's rule more than their relatives do. Our results suggest that whether Bergmann's rule applies to a particular taxon is mediated by not only geographic and biological features, but also potential alternate strategies that species might have for thermoregulation. Future studies could explore the potential of integrating comprehensive trait data into phylogenetic comparative analysis to re-assess the classic ecogeographic rules on a global scale.  相似文献   

Body size is a key feature of organisms and varies continuously because of the effects of natural selection on the size-dependency of resource acquisition and mortality rates. This review provides a critical and synthetic overview of body size variation in insects from a predominantly macroecological (large-scale temporal and spatial) perspective. Because of the importance of understanding the proximate determinants of adult size, it commences with a brief summary of the physiological mechanisms underlying adult body size and its variation, based mostly on findings for the model species Drosophila melanogaster and Manduca sexta . Variation in nutrition and temperature have variable effects on critical weight, the interval to cessation of growth (or terminal growth period) and growth rates, so influencing final adult size. Ontogenetic and phylogenetic variation in size, compensatory growth, scaling at the intra- and interspecific levels, sexual size dimorphism, and body size optimisation are then reviewed in light of their influences on individual and species body size frequency distributions. Explicit attention is given to evolutionary trends, including gigantism, Cope's rule and the rates at which size change has taken place, and to temporal ecological trends such as variation in size with succession and size-selectivity during the invasion process. Large-scale spatial variation in size at the intraspecific, interspecific and assemblage levels is considered, with special attention being given to the mechanisms proposed to underlie clinal variation in adult body size. Finally, areas particularly in need of additional research are identified.  相似文献   

Two patterns commonly emerge when animal body size is analyzed as a function of latitudinal distribution. First, body size increases with latitude, a temperature effect known as Bergmann's rule, and second, the converse to Bergmann's rule, a pattern in which body size decreases with latitude. However, other geographic patterns can emerge when the mechanisms that generate Bergmann's and the converse to Bergmann's clines operate together. Here, we use phylogenetic comparative analysis in order to control for phylogenetic inertia, and we show that bumblebees exhibit the converse to Bergmann's rule. Bumblebee taxa are distributed worldwide in temperate and tropical regions. The largest species are found in places with high water availability during the driest time of the year. Nonetheless, large body size is constrained by extreme temperatures. Bumblebees’ body size could be related to a higher extent to the size of food rewards to be harvested than to the energetic advantages of thermoregulation. Moreover, we found that the body size of eusocial and cuckoo species responded in the same way to environmental variables, suggesting that they have not diverged due to different selective pressures.  相似文献   

Aim  We examine the effect of island area on body dimensions in a single species of primate endemic to Southeast Asia, the long-tailed macaque ( Macaca fascicularis ). In addition, we test Allen's rule and a within-species or intraspecific equivalent of Bergmann's rule (i.e. Rensch's rule) to evaluate body size and shape evolution in this sample of insular macaques.
Location  The Sunda Shelf islands of Southeast Asia.
Methods  Body size measurements of insular macaques gathered from the literature were analysed relative to island area, latitude, maximum altitude, isolation from the mainland and other islands, and various climatic variables using linear regression.
Results  We found no statistically significant relationship between island area and body length or head length in our sample of insular long-tailed macaques. Tail length correlated negatively with island area. Head length and body length exhibited increases corresponding to increasing latitude, a finding seemingly consistent with the expression of Bergmann's rule within a single species. These variables, however, were not correlated with temperature, indicating that Bergmann's rule is not in effect. Tail length was not correlated with either temperature or increasing latitude, contrary to that predicted by Allen's rule.
Main conclusions  The island rule dictating that body size will covary with island area does not apply to this particular species of primate. Our study is consistent with results presented in the literature by demonstrating that skull and body length in insular long-tailed macaques do not, strictly speaking, conform to Rensch's rule. Unlike previous studies, however, our findings suggest that tail-length variation in insular macaques does not support Allen's rule.  相似文献   

Aim To examine and visualize clines in size and shape of Cercopithecus aethiops Linneus, 1758 (Primate, Cercopithecidae) skulls, and to investigate environmental factors which might best explain the observed variation. Location Sub‐Saharan Africa. Methods Eighty‐six three‐dimensional anatomical landmarks were used to describe 306 skulls of adult C. aethiops sampled over its entire distribution. Geometric morphometric methods for the quantitative analysis of form variation were applied. Size and shape variables were computed and regressed onto geographical coordinates and environmental variables (elevation, temperature, rainfall, moisture and Shannon rainfall diversity index) using both linear and curvilinear models. Components (geographical, environmental, spatially structured environmental and residual) of ecogeographical variation in skull form were partitioned using partial regression. A novel approach for summarizing and visualizing nonlinear patterns of clinal variation using surface rendering of three‐dimensional shapes is presented. Results Clinal variation in size and shape was highly significant, and was best described by curvilinear models. There were strong similarities between females and males. The cline in size was especially pronounced, explaining up to about 40% of observed variation, and was mainly longitudinal rather than latitudinal. A major trend of clinal shape variation also occurred from west to east, and corresponded to an expansion of the face relative to the neurocranium in the west. In the east, skulls also tended to be deeper and with narrower zygomatic arches. Geography and the spatially structured environmental component were the major contributors to the explained variance in size in both sexes, but the proportion of variance explained by the latter was smaller in females. In contrast, geography and environment explained similar amounts of variation in shape and their contribution was about twice that of the spatially structured environmental component. About 60–80% of variation in skull form was not explained by any variable in the analysis. The main factors influencing skull size differed in females and males, with rainfall being very influential in males. Both female and male skull shapes were strongly affected by average annual rainfall. Main conclusions A strong spatial and environmental basis to variations in African vervet monkey skull form was evident. However, the observed pattern did not conform to predictions based on Bergmann's rule. Rainfall consistently emerged as an important predictor, which may contribute to intraspecific variation in the size and shape of vervet monkey skulls through its effect on habitat productivity.  相似文献   

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