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The species composition, distribution and abundance of the Tubificidae (8 spp.) and Naididae (at least 4 spp.) in the Guangzhou reach of the Lower Pearl River were investigated. Limnodrilus spp. (particularly L. hoffmeisteri) constitutes the greatest part in nearly all samples, which were taken in both clean and polluted parts of the reach. In the polluted sites, total oligochaete densities reach values of up to 700 000 ind. m–2. The importance and problems of using oligochaetes as indicators of organic pollution are discussed.  相似文献   

Sang Qi 《Hydrobiologia》1987,155(1):199-208
Densities of the 8 most important species or genera of the 15 taxa found at a series of stations along the Guangzhou Reach of the Pearl River are given. Shannon-Weaver diversity index values were low throughout the area studied. No clear correlations were found between oligochaetes and NH3-N or a combination of 6 chemical factors (COD, NH3-N, NO3-N, Cr, Pb, Hg). However, when the main groups of the benthos, including the oligochaetes, were taken together, and a BPI (Biological Pollution Index) approach used, a correlation between the macroinvertebrate community and the combined chemical factors was noted.  相似文献   

A synoptic study of the aquatic ecosystems in the Dutch province of Overijssel revealed the presence of 33 oligochaete taxa in the fendland area of N.W. Overijssel. The material was collected at 101 sampling sites in 1981. Oligochaetes were grouped by means of a normal and inverse cluster analysis. Although most oligochaetes are quite biquitous, differences in occurrence and abundance were observed and related to minor differences in environmental parameters.  相似文献   

A series of recent studies have been completed by the authors involving: 1) determining the lethal tolerances of 12 oligochaete species classified (from ecological studies) as tolerant, moderately tolerant and intolerant to selected chemical toxicants and environmental factors under defined bioassay conditions with and without sediment; 2) determining lethal tolerances of candidate species to toxicants in combination with a range of abiotic factors; 3) measuring respiratory stress imposed by exposure to individual and combined sublethal concentrations of toxicants and environmental factors; and, 4) determining differences in lethal tolerance and respiratory stress between individual and mixed species. Surprisingly few previous studies have been done in this area considering the importance of oligochaetes as field pollution indicators. The results of the above major studies coupled with histopathological work are reviewed. Data from these studies substantiate the present use of oligochaete species assemblages as indicators of organic pollution and suggest their use in the laboratory for toxicant screening tests. The range of responses of different oligochaete species to individual and combined stress is complex, particularly in mixed species, which provides useful indications of specific stress factors. The application of these experimental laboratory studies to field situations is described.  相似文献   

The present study suggests that the Santa Eufemia-Ereñozar karst unit in northern Iberian Peninsula is a biodiversity hotspot for groundwater oligochaetes, due to (1) the presence of a high number of stygobiotic species (corresponding to 18% of the total stygobionts known in southern Europe); (2) the comparatively high number of oligochaete species collected (corresponding to 35% of the total epigean and hypogean oligochaete species in the region); and (3) the presence of 5 species endemic to the region. A list of the oligochaete taxa found in the karst unit is presented and a conservation ranking of the cavities in the karst is proposed based on the application of four biodiversity indices (Species richness, Rarity, Vulnerability and Complementarity) to the oligochaete taxa. Vulnerability was evaluated for the first time for groundwater oligochaete taxa and it provided a useful tool to assess the protection status of oligochaetes in karstic systems. Groundwater conservation management strategies could incorporate biodiversity data from the present study.  相似文献   

筑坝扩容下高原湿地拉市海植物群落分布格局及其变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖德荣  袁华  田昆  杨杨 《生态学报》2012,32(3):815-822
基于遥感与地理信息系统技术、结合实地调查与验证,对高原湿地拉市海筑坝扩容13a来湿地植物群落类型、物种组成、空间分布格局进行研究,对比分析筑坝扩容前后植物群落变化特征。结果表明,拉市海当前分布有水葱 (Scirpus tabernaemontani)、两栖蓼 (Polygonum amphibium) 等2个挺水植物群落,鸭子草 (Potamogeton tepperi)、菱 (Trapa bispinosa)等2个浮叶植物群落,穗状狐尾藻 (Myriophyllum spicatum)、篦齿眼子菜 (Potamogeton pectinatus)、菹草 (Potamogeton crispus)、穿叶眼子草 (Potamogeton perfoliatus)、小叶眼子菜 (Potamogeton pusillns)等5个沉水植物群落,草甸植被分布于湖周。湿地植物物种共计61种,隶属于25科、48属,物种丰富度随沉水→浮叶→挺水→草甸逐渐增加。沉水植物群落分布面积最大(615.08 hm2),其次是草甸(214.60 hm2)、浮叶植物群落(140.01 hm2),挺水植物群落分布面积最小 (9.34 hm2),群落垂直层次随沉水→浮叶→挺水呈复杂化的趋势。筑坝13a来,拉市海植物群落类型从单一的沉水型植物群落发展成为由沉水、浮叶、挺水型组成的、水平空间多样化配置的湿地植被系统,其中穗状狐尾藻、篦齿眼子菜、小眼子菜等植物群落在筑坝蓄水13a后没有发生演替得以保留,而扇叶水毛茛(Butrachium bungei)、马来眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus)和轮藻(Chara spp.)群落发生演替而消失。研究掌握了筑坝扩容下拉市海湿地植物群落分布格局及其变化特征,为科学评估筑坝蓄水对湿地生态系统的影响提供了基础性数据,同时也为水文改变下高原湿地生态系统的保护、管理以及资源可持续利用提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Nineteen species of Naididae and fourteen species of Tubificidae were found in collections from inland waters in Israel and Sinai. The local distribution patterns of the majority of these species were determined. The ranges of several physical and chemical variables characterizing the habitats of each species were defined. A correlation was found between the distribution patterns of some species and the following variables: salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, current velocities and stability of the habitats.  相似文献   

Macrobenthic fauna was sampled in inland waters with unstable environmental parameters in the SW Netherlands. The distribution of 23 species of aquatic oligochaetes was related to chlorinity. Oligochaetes and other macrofaunal taxa were grouped by cluster analysis. Brackish-marine oligochaetes appeared to have a similarly large tolerance for chlorinity variations, as is known for the better researched euryhaline macrofauna.Communication no. 221.  相似文献   

The Enchytraeidae are essentially terrestrial oligochaetes but many species have marked aquatic tendencies. Over two thirds of recorded Irish species were found in soils which were submerged or frequently flooded and 35% showed a distinct preference for these conditions. Relatively few species were living in soils subject to drought. Red blood was present in 28 species, all but one from soils with more than 55% water. Cognettia sphagnetorum and C. glandulosa developed red blood in very wet conditions. In a survey of Irish wetlands, samples were taken from bog, heath, marsh, fen, margins of lakes and rivers, and saltmarsh. The influence of various environmental parameters was determined using ordination techniques. Magnesium and pH were found to be the most important factors. A high level of magnesium distinguished coastal sites and pH 5.2 separated two clusters representing acid peat and marsh-fen-aquatic sites. Groups of indicator species characterized each of the three clusters. The ecological distribution of the indicator species is described, and their usefulness in classifying enchytraeid communities is discussed.  相似文献   

The hyporheic zone and its interactions with coarse surface sediments is increasingly reported by aquatic ecologists because the water exchanges between surface and subsurface are important factors for the understanding of the ecosystem functioning. However, the hyproheic oligochaete assemblages have received less attention than other assemblages such as crustaceans. In addition, studies investigating the incidence of pollution in watercourses have mostly focused on the benthic zone and have neglected the hyporheic zone. Some examples are given from an unpolluted glacial river (Roseg), polluted plains rivers (Moselle, Rhône) and a protected wetland in an urbanized environment. The hyporheic zone kept the memory of past and present incidences of pollution, in particular when downwellings of polluted surface waters to the hyporheic zone predominated. The Active hydrologic Exchange Describers between surface and subsurface (AED oligochaete species) were the same in the glacial river Roseg, the rivers Rhône and Moselle and the urbanized wetland. The predominance of pollution-tolerant species like Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri was observed in polluted groundwater as well as in polluted surface coarse sediments. Moreover, the urbanized wetland exhibited a high species richness, suggesting that the hyporheic zone is a reservoir of species. The oligochaete communities enable biologists to simultaneously assess the pollution incidence, the permeability of coarse habitats, the water exchanges between surface and subsurface, and give an approximate measure of the metabolic activities in the sediments. Consequently, the simultaneous study of surface and hyporheic oligochaete assemblages is of great interest when considering the ecological functioning of watercourses and the incidence of pollution inputs.  相似文献   

Progress in cohort cultures of aquatic Oligochaeta   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1  
Our laboratory work on the life cycle of aquatic Oligochaeta has been extended to the tubificids Potamothrix hammoniensis and P. heuscheri, as well as to the lumbriculid Bichaeta sanguinea.Basically we measured the duration of the time required for the embryonic development inside the cocoons, at different temperatures. In addition, cohorts of these species were cultured and the time required to attain the sexual maturation and the cocoon laying stages were estimated.The results concerning these three species are consistent with the field observations, as far as their value as indicator species is concerned, and contribute to a further understanding of the role of biotic factors in determining the distribution and succession of some aquatic Oligochaeta.  相似文献   

Twenty-six species of aquatic oligochaetes are reported from Texas, including 18 Naididae, seven Tubificidae, and one Glossoscolecidae. Illustrations are provided for ten species recorded for the first time from the state: Chaetogaster cristallinus, Nais elinguis, Nais pardalis, Pristina acuminata, Pristina sima, Stylaria lacustris, Aulodrilus limnobius, Ilyodrilus templetoni, Limnodrilus claparedianus, and Sparganophilus tamesis. Species accounts include presently known distributions in Texas and ecological and morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper aims to describe the ecology and determine the distribution of Oligochaeta according to sediment type, depth and other environmental factors in 21 lakes of the National Park of the Lithuanian SSR. Diagrams are included showing the distribution of the lakes according to the index of density and biomass of Oligochaeta in the trophic structure of biocenosis of the zoobenthos. Light is thrown on the problem of sediment composition as a significant factor in the distribution and development of aquatic Oligochaeta.  相似文献   

Liang Yanling 《Hydrobiologia》1987,155(1):195-198
The aquatic oligochaetes in mainstream of the Changjiang River have not been studied previously. Since 1983, benthic samples have been collected mainly from mid-upper reach of the river. Altogether 19 species belonging to 4 families of the Oligochaeta were found. Among them, Nais inflata is the commonest species throughout the river, whereas Nais sp., Arcteonais lomondi, Limnodrilus silvani, Rhyacodrilus riabuschinskii and Telmatodrilus sp. ae recorded from China for the first time.Quantitatively, the aquatic oligochaetes constitute the majority of zoobenthos in the mainstream. In 1984, the standing crop of the Tubificidae was 231–343 ind·m-2 in density and 0.73–0.97 g·m-2 (wet weight) in biomass, and that of the Naididae was 21–4982 ind·m-2 and 0.003–1.75 g·m-2 (wet weight) respectively.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships between five subfamilies of Tubificidae and ten other families of microdrile oligochaetes were estimated by a Wanger parsimony analysis using PAUP (Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony, by D. L. Swofford). As the apomorph character state is ambiguous for some characters, different assumptions of directionality as well as deletions of some characters are tested in a number of analyses. A general pattern is evident from the study; (1) the majority of the aquatic families are members of a large monophyletic group (the order Tubificida in a somewhat restricted sense) defined by the shared possession of atria (generally with well developed external prostate glands), but the family Tubificidae is paraphyletic within this group; (2) the Enchytraeidae appear to form a second group (the Enchytraeida) together with the exclusively marine Capilloventridae and Randiellidae, all three families characterized by the anterior location of the spermathecae; (3) the Haplotaxidae are a plesiomorph family, which stands out as a branch of its own and constitutes the ancestral part of a group comprising also all the megadriles (the Haplotaxida). However, monophyly of the Haplotaxida is likely only if the haplotaxid octogonadial condition is assumed to be derived from the tetragonadial condition characterizing most microdriles, a situation not envisaged by previous authors. The implications of the parsimony method are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrates were collected in running waters in Italy, analyzed with correspondence analysis (CA) and with the calculation of 8 biotic indices. Then the CA ordination axes were correlated with 19 environmental variables and with biotic indices.The first CA axis is easily interpreted as an upstream-downstream gradient and is correlated with physical factors (particle size, slope etc.), whereas the second axis separated permanent waters from temporary ones.The first CA axis correlated with many biotic indices suggesting that biotic indices are strongly influenced by physical factors. Multiple regressions with 2 biotic indices as criterion and the 19 environmental factors as predictor variables confirm the importance of physical factors in determining the values of the biotic indices.The advantages and drawbacks of the use of CA instead of biotic indices is discussed.  相似文献   

The role of oligochaetes in the management of waters   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
To better understand the role of an aquatic oligochaete in the management of water quality, it was determined if oligochaetes were representative of water quality, if indices based on oligochaetes were widely applicable to access water quality, and if oligochaete assemblages were related to environmental factors other than organic pollution. It was found that if only one monitoring sample a year was taken in December, about 73% of the more common species were collected. Seasonality did not seem to affect the taxa collected except for forms in low presence, e.g., Nais. Several indices we used were not applicable to regulated streams. Oligochaete ordination procedures revealed only a partial picture of the environmental conditions of regulated streams.  相似文献   

In the course of a preliminary sampling program, oligochaetes were collected along two transects in soft sediments in Lake Baikal. The number of oligochaetes present in the samples was counted, without distinguishing between species. The results suggest an exponential decrease in number of individuals (N) relative to depth (11,165 N m–2 at 21 m, 265 N m–2 at 1200 m). Most oligochaetes were found in the top 7 cm of sediment. The orange colour of the sediments suggests a high oxygen availability, even at the greatest water depths.
Résumé Au cours d'un programme d'échantillonnage préliminaire, les oligochètes du lac Baïkal ont été récoltés dans le sédiment mou prélevé le long de deux transects. Les oligochètes présents dans les échantillons ont simplement été dénombrés, sans identification déspèces. Les résultats suggèrent une diminution exponentielle du nombre d'individus en fonction de la profondeur du lac (11165 N m–2 à 21 m, 265 N m–2 à 1200 m). La plupart des oligochètes ont été trouvés dans les 7 premeirs cm de la couche supérieure du sédiment. La couleur orangée du sédiment suggère une grande disponibilité en oxygène, même aux profondeurs les plus grandes.



Emerging aquatic insects link aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems across the Earth. Their diversity, abundance and functional importance means their emergence is an important phenological event. Nevertheless, aquatic insect emergence is understudied at a global scale compared to other phenological events, despite changing phenology being one of the most significant ecological responses to climate change. Here, we quantitatively describe the global patterns, and key proposed drivers, of seasonal aquatic insect emergence, to further understand how these patterns might change in the future.



Time Period


Major Taxa Studied

Emerging aquatic insects.


We extracted monthly emergence data from 86 studies across 163 sites to construct 1053 annual emergence curves. We parameterized the curves using two complementary metrics of seasonality, which were modelled against geographical and climatic variables to determine the direct and indirect relationships between them.


We found clear global trends in aquatic insect emergence patterns across latitude and underlying climates. Between-month variation and temporal restriction of emergence increased from the equator to the poles, going from small, aseasonal fluctuations in the warm, thermally stable tropics to large, seasonal peaks at cooler, thermally unstable higher latitudes. While emergence trends were associated with gradients of precipitation, temperature was the dominant climatic driver of the latitudinal trend.

Main Conclusions

These findings suggest that with climate warming, aquatic insects will emerge over longer periods, diluted in abundances and displaying less seasonal emergence patterns with smaller between-month fluctuations. This may result in disruption of ecosystem functions seasonally dependent on aquatic insects, such as riparian predation, pollination and disease transmission. The cross-ecosystem life cycle of aquatic insects means changes to their seasonal patterns of emergence will have impacts in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

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