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Neural tissues from adult, castrated male guinea pigs were examined for their capability to concentrate and metabolize [1,2-3H]testosterone (T) and [1,2-3H]dihydrotestosterone (DHT), both in vitro and in vivo. In vitro uptake of DHT and T was greater in the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary than in the cerebral cortex. With DHT as the substrate, the 800×g particulate concentration of this compound was highest in the hypothalamus, although in this tissue, particulate concentration was less than that of the cytoplasm. In the cerebral cortex 5α-androstane-3,17-dione was the most abundant metabolite, whereas 5α-androstane-3,17-dione, 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol, and 5α-androstane-3β,17β-diol were all present in equivalent amounts in the hypothalamus and pituitary. Incubation with T resulted in the formation of DHT, 4-androstane-3,17-dione, and a compound with the mobility of 5α-(or 5β-)androstane-3,17-7-dione. The radioactivity associated with DHT was the most prevalent in the pituitary (1.3%), and least prevalent in the cerebral cortex (0.6%), and in all cases cytoplasmic concentration of this compound exceeded the concentration in the particulate fraction. Recrystallization failed to confirm the presence of estradiol-17β. Although there were no apparent tissue differences in the uptake of DHT or T 1 hour after their injection, intracellular distribution varied. In all tissues examined, that percentage of total radioactivity attributable to DHT was greatest in the 800×g particulate preparations, particularly in the hypothalamus. Thus neural tissues in the guinea pig, as in other species, exhibit differential uptake and metabolism of androgen through which physiological and behavioral effects may be mediated.  相似文献   

The percentages of bound testosterone (17 beta-hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one; T) and dihydrotestosterone (17 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-androstan-3-one; DHT) and their unbound concentrations were determined in pregnant rabbits and their fetuses from the 18th day of gestation to birth. T and DHT were also measured in fetal testes. In the testis, the total T/total DHT ratio, very high at 22 days (73.7 +/- 15.2), decreased until birth (6.7 +/- 0.8). In male fetuses the concentrations of total and unbound circulating T and DHT were always low and did not show any peak during sexual organogenesis. The percent binding of T (from 73.0 +/- 0.5 to 77.6 +/- 0.6) and DHT (from 76.5 to 83.7 +/- 1.1) in fetuses were similar in both sexes and significantly lower than those measured in mothers (T: from 87.2 +/- 0.6 to 91.6 +/- 0.9; DHT: from 87.3 +/- 0.9 to 93.8 +/- 0.9).  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of steroids entering the epididymis in rete testis fluid on testosterone (T) metabolism by the epididymal epithelium, principal cells were isolated from the proximal caput, distal caput or corpus epididymidis by enzymatic dissociation and elutriation and were cultured at 34 degrees C within a floating collagen matrix. The culture medium was supplemented with T, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), T plus estradiol-17 beta (T + E) or T plus progesterone (T + P) at concentrations which were approximately physiologic. Metabolism of T by principal cells incubated for 2.5 days with DHT was lower (P less than 0.05) than for control cells cultured with T. Inclusion of E or P in the culture medium lowered (P less than 0.05) metabolism of T by principal cells from each region. However, principal cells cultured with T + P for 2.5 days and then washed and cultured for 12 h with T alone, metabolized T as well (P less than 0.05) as cells never exposed to P. In marked contrast to the persistent suppressive effect of DHT, the suppressive effect of P on metabolism of T is rapid, direct and rapidly reversible. Thus, metabolism of T by principal cells in the epididymal epithelium may be modulated by steroids (E + P) in rete testis fluid or by steroids (DHT) produced locally in the epididymis.  相似文献   

Serum testosterone (T) and 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) were measured in young, adult and old Albino Wistar male rats using a sensitive and reliable radioimmunoassay, after separating T from DHT by thin layer chromatography. The mean plus or minus S.E.M. for T in young, adult and old rats were 62 plus or minus 11, 250 plus or minus 27 and 125 plus or minus 25 (ng/100 ml) respectively. Serum T was increased in adults (P less than 0.001) and decreased in old rats (P less than 0.01). The mean plus or minus S.E.M. for serum DHT was 8 plus or minus 2, 19 plus or minus 2 and 17 plus or minus 1 (ng/100 ml) for young, adult and old rats respectively. DHT was increased in adults (P less than 0.001), but did not change in old rats.  相似文献   

Serum estradiol (E2), testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) were measured in juvenile (pre-pubertal) male rhesus monkeys injected with either 8 mg or 80 mg of testosterone propionate (TP). After one week, the three steroids were elevated and remained essentially unchanged for the duration of the study. There was little difference in serum E2 or DHT when comparing the two groups of steroid-treated monkeys. In contrast, T levels were consistently greater in the animals given the high dosage of TP.  相似文献   

Steroid metabolism in hepatoma tissue culture (HTC) cells derived from a male rat was investigated. Steroids in ethanol were incubated with the cells for various lengths of time. Volume of ethanol never exceeded 1% of incubation volume. Thin-layer and paper chromatography were used. Incubation was with tritiated steroids. It was demonstrated that testosterone as well as dihydrotestosterone is transformed. The main enzyme activities detected were 5alpha-reduction and 3alpha-, 3beta, and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenation. The pattern of metabolism was reproducible and varied with time, substrate concentration, and number of cells incubated. Some steroids interfered with androgen metabolism. 17beta-estradiol, 17-epitestosterone, and progesterone competed for the 17beta-hydroxyprogesterone dehydrogenase. it is concluded that 3beta and 17beta reduction in the HTC cells may be catalyzed by the same enzyme which might differ considerably from the 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase assayed in intact liver cells. A hepatoma derived from a female rat also produced considerable amounts of 3beta-derivatives of testosterone.  相似文献   

Abstract. Thymidine kinase (TK) and its isoenzymes were studied in relation to age of Ehrlich ascites tumour cells growing in vivo. Various steps of the pathway of thymidine through deoxynucleotide metabolism were studied: [3H]-thymidine cellular uptake and incorporation into DNA; the cellular nucleotide pools; and the concentration of thymidine in ascites. In addition, the proportion of cells in the various parts of the cell cycle and the bromodeoxyuridine labelling index were determined.
Four isoenzymes at pi 41, 5-3, 6–9 and 8-3 were identified using isoelectric focusing. The TK activity declined with age of the tumour by about 90%, mostly due to a decrease of the isoenzyme at pi 8-3. However, this decline was neither related to the changes in DNA synthesis rate of the cells with tumour age, nor to the proportion of cells in S-phase or the bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labelling index. In contrast, the contribution of DNA synthesis via the thymidine salvage pathway relative to the total DNA synthesis increased from less than 1% at exponential growth to about 15% at plateau phase of growth. Blocking of DNA synthesis by aphidicolin did not change the TK activity. We therefore conclude that changes in TK activity and changes in cell growth are epiphenomena rather than causally related to each other.
All nucleotide pools decreased with tumour age. The inhibition of TK by an increase in the deoxythymidine triphosphate pool could therefore be excluded. With a decrease of the TK activity during tumour growth, increasing amounts of TdR were excreted by the cells and accumulated in the ascites fluid. To explain our results on TK activity we propose a substrate cycle in which thymidine monophosphate supplied by de novo synthesis is dephosphorylated and is then either phosphorylated by TK to thymidine monophosphate or excreted by the cell.  相似文献   

Thymidine kinase (TK) and its isoenzymes were studied in relation to age of Ehrlich ascites tumour cells growing in vivo. Various steps of the pathway of thymidine through deoxynucleotide metabolism were studied: [3H]-thymidine cellular uptake and incorporation into DNA; the cellular nucleotide pools; and the concentration of thymidine in ascites. In addition, the proportion of cells in the various parts of the cell cycle and the bromodeoxyuridine labelling index were determined. Four isoenzymes at pI 4.1, 5.3, 6.9 and 8.3 were identified using isoelectric focusing. The TK activity declined with age of the tumour by about 90%, mostly due to a decrease of the isoenzyme at pI 8.3. However, this decline was neither related to the changes in DNA synthesis rate of the cells with tumour age, nor to the proportion of cells in S-phase or the bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labelling index. In contrast, the contribution of DNA synthesis via the thymidine salvage pathway relative to the total DNA synthesis increased from less than 1% at exponential growth to about 15% at plateau phase of growth. Blocking of DNA synthesis by aphidicolin did not change the TK activity. We therefore conclude that changes in TK activity and changes in cell growth are epiphenomena rather than causally related to each other. All nucleotide pools decreased with tumour age. The inhibition of TK by an increase in the deoxythymidine triphosphate pool could therefore be excluded. With a decrease of the TK activity during tumour growth, increasing amounts of TdR were excreted by the cells and accumulated in the ascites fluid. To explain our results on TK activity we propose a substrate cycle in which thymidine monophosphate supplied by de novo synthesis is dephosphorylated and is then either phosphorylated by TK to thymidine monophosphate or excreted by the cell.  相似文献   

During the transition of Ehrlich mouse ascites tumour cells from the proliferating into the resting phase of growth a tremendous loss of purine and pyrimidine compounds was quantitated by ion-pair reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. This change is accompanied by a distinct decline in the incorporation rates of adenine, hypoxanthine, and adenosine. Inorganic phosphate stimulates the low rate of hypoxanthine incorporation of cells in the plateau phase, but lacks any effect on the high rate during proliferation. The mitochondria suffer structural deteriorations and decrease in their cellular content in the course of the plateau phase; however, other changes were not seen by morphometric analysis. The interrelations between nucleotide metabolism, mitochondrial content and the rates of formation and consumption of ATP are discussed.  相似文献   

In vivo bioluminescence imaging is becoming a very important tool for the study of a variety of cellular and molecular events or disease processes in living systems. In vivo bioluminescence imaging is based on the detection of light emitted from within an animal. The light is generated as a product of the luciferase-luciferin reaction taking place in a cell. In this study, we implanted mice with tumour cells expressing either a high or a low level of luciferase. In vivo bioluminescence imaging was used to follow tumour progression. Repeated luciferin injection and imaging of high and low luciferase-expressing tumours was performed. While low luciferase-expressing tumours grew similarly to vector controls, growth of the high luciferase-expressing tumours was severely inhibited. The observation that a high level of luciferase expression will inhibit tumour cell growth when an animal is subjected to serial in vivo bioluminescence imaging is potentially an important factor in designing these types of studies.  相似文献   

The cathepsin activity of different rat organs has been compared with their capacity for amino acid uptake. These data, together with the cathepsin activity of mice submaxillary glands under different conditions of protein synthesis, suggest a relation between cathepsin activity and protein synthesis.  相似文献   

1. The ribosome content of the rat ventral prostate gland is controlled by the concentrations of circulating androgens and the polyribosomal complement of the total population of ribosomes is acutely dependent on androgenic stimulation. After the administration of testosterone to castrated rats in vivo, there is a pronounced increase in the amounts of heavy (150-240S) polyribosomes. 2. These results are consistent with a pronounced increase in the mRNA and rRNA content of the prostate gland after the administration of testosterone in vivo. 3. From studies conducted both in vitro, the heavy prostate polyribosomes formed after androgenic stimulation are particularly active in protein synthesis. 4. The androgen-stimulated increase in the formation of prostate polyribosomes has a mandatory requirement for sustained RNA and protein synthesis. 5. Since the androgen-mediated increase in prostate polyribosomes may also be suppressed by the concomitant administration of certain anti-androgenic steroids in vivo, the response in polyribosome formation is probably initiated by the binding of a metabolite of testosterone, 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone, in the prostate gland. 6. The relevance of these findings to the pronounced increase in protein synthesis in androgen-dependent tissues after hormonal stimulation is discussed.  相似文献   

J C Butte  J A Moore  R Kakihana 《Life sciences》1979,24(25):2343-2349
Current evidence indicates that the secretion of testosterone during perinatal life is essential in organizing the male brain which subsequently directs the male pattern of gonadotrophin (GTH) secretion and adult male sexual behavior in the rat. It has been hypothesized that testosterone is converted into estradiol enzymatically in the brain prior to its action. In the absence of testosterone and with the resultant low levels of estradiol, female patterns of gonadotrophin secretion and behavior result. In order to investigate this hypothesis further, the endogenous levels of gonadal steroids in the plasmas and brains of 24–48 hr old male and female rats were determined. Pooled samples were analyzed for testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and estradiol by radioimmunoassay. Testosterone levels in male brain and plasma samples were significantly (10-fold) higher than those in the female brain and plasma samples. Brain levels of estradiol were significantly higher in the male than in the female neonate, while plasma levels were identical. Whether the higher level of estradiol in the male brain is due to enzymatic conversion from testosterone within the brain differences in permeability or some other mechanism cannot be stated at this point. The significantly higher brain levels of both testosterone and estradiol in male neonates do fit the pattern predicted by the present concept of sexual differentiation. Dihydrotestosterone levels in brain and plasma of male rats were about 25% of those of testosterone. However in females the brain levels of dihydrotestosterone were significantly higher than testosterone even though the plasma levels of these hormones were identical. This may reflect a protective mechanism through which permeability of testosterone is lowered in the neonatal female brain during the critical period or simply a functional conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone in the female during this period.  相似文献   

The activity of acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT; EC was measured in fibroblast homogenates from Niemann-Pick Type C (NPC) and Type D (NPD) patients to determine whether these cells exhibit similar defects in the regulation of cholesterol esterification. ACAT activity in normal cells cultured in the absence of serum lipoproteins responded rapidly (within 6 h) to the addition of serum and reached peak levels at 12-24 h, whereas little stimulation of activity in NPC cells was observed. In contrast, ACAT activity in NPD fibroblasts (cell lines from four different patients) began to increase between 6 and 12 h after serum addition, reaching levels up to 50% of normal values at 24 h. ACAT activity in NPC and NPD cell extracts could not be stimulated by preincubation with normal cell homogenates, nor was complementation between NPC and NPD homogenates observed. Addition of 25-hydroxycholesterol to fibroblasts cultured in delipidated serum increased ACAT activity for all three cell types, although stimulation in NPD cells was less than that observed in NPC cells. ACAT activity of deoxycholate-solubilized homogenates reconstituted into phosphatidylcholine vesicles was independent of the presence of serum lipoproteins during culture and dependent on cholesterol present in the vesicles for all cell types. However, ACAT activities of mutant fibroblasts in vesicles plus cholesterol were significantly (about 40%) lower than control levels. These results suggest that the metabolic lesions in NPC and NPD cells are biochemically distinct and that both may involve factors in addition to the availability of cholesterol substrate for the ACAT enzyme.  相似文献   

1. The effects of starvation post partum (24 h) and tumour growth pre partum on the initiation of lactation in the rat were studied. 2. Tumour growth decreased food intake at 24 h, but not at 2 days post partum. 3. Pup growth rate increased with hyperphagia; starvation and tumour burden decreased pup growth, and starvation decreased maternal body weight. 4. Starvation decreased gastrointestinal-tract mass; tumour growth decreased gastrointestinal-tract and mammary-gland mass. 5. Mammary-gland DNA-synthesis rate was high immediately post partum, but decreased by day 3 of lactation; starvation and tumour burden decreased this rate, and also decreased gastrointestinal-tract DNA-synthesis rate. 6. Arteriovenous differences for glucose and lactate across the mammary gland did not change with time, nor were they affected by the tumour. Starvation decreased arterial glucose and lactate, and the gland extracted less glucose but produced lactate. 7. Mammary-gland lipogenesis was sensitive to starvation and to tumour growth. 8. In contrast with the gradual development of mammary-gland lipogenic enzyme activities, lipoprotein lipase activity was high in the gland by 2 days post partum; starvation or tumour burden decreased the activity. 9. The mammary gland is sensitive post partum to decreased food intake, and to tumour presence. The effects of the latter are apparently independent of hypophagia.  相似文献   

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