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The immunocompetent cell population, lysozyme activity, chemiluminescence response and antibody titre were assessed in great sturgeon Huso huso after intraperitoneal immunization with formalin-inactivated whole cells of Aeromonas hydrophila . Generally an increase was seen in indices of immunocomptent cell counts of immunized fish compared to the control group. The neutrophil count was higher in immunized fish from day 29. Lysozyme activity in liver and spleen samples of immunized fish was initially significantly higher than unimmunized fish, but was not different in serum and kidney. Antibody titre and respiratory burst in immunized fish were mainly significantly higher than unimmunized fish.  相似文献   

Li P  Li ZH  Hulak M  Rodina M  Linhart O 《Theriogenology》2012,78(1):102-109
The aim of this study was to investigate the response of Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) sperm to external cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) and their susceptibility on the induction of motility and swimming behavior. An in vitro spermatozoa motility assay was used by a computer-aided Motion-Analysis system. Sperm motility was inhibited by 60 mm NaCl (∼140 mOsm/kg) and 0.7 mm KCl solutions (∼ 21.4 mOsm/kg). The Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions were not able to inhibit spermatozoa motility. By contrast, Na+ within a limited concentration range (between 45 and 55 mm) was able to reverse the inhibitory effect of K+ at the critical concentration (0.7 mm). Ca2+ and Mg2+ were also able to reverse the K+-mediated spermatozoa motility restriction at concentrations starting at 0.01 and 0.1 mm, respectively. These results provide evidence for the role of K+ in suppressing spermatozoa motility, and suggest that Ca2+, Mg2+, and possibly Na+ trigger motility in Russian sturgeon sperm.  相似文献   

In the larval bester, a hybrid sturgeon of beluga Huso huso and sterlet Acipenser ruthenus, development of cartilage around the notochord began 7 days post hatch (dph) (14·0 mm, total length, LT). The vertebral cartilage develops in the following sequence: basidorsals and basiventrals, neural canals, neural spines and ribs. The development of ribs remained incomplete in the largest specimen (181 dph, 179 mm LT) that was examined. Endoskeletal development of the fins began 4 dph for the dorsal and anal fins, 6 dph for the pectoral fin and 10 dph for the caudal and pelvic fins. Complete elements of all fins were observed by 91 dph and complete ossification of fin rays was observed by 122 dph in the double‐stained specimens. Observation of the histological sections, however, suggested that ossification occurred soon after the formation of the organic matrix in the fin rays. Dorsal scutes were first visible by 25 dph, followed by the lateral and ventral scutes, which were visible by 37 and 44 dph, respectively. The number of scutes was fixed at 44, 59 and 91 dph and ossification was complete by 59 (dorsal) and 91 dph (lateral and ventral scutes) in the double‐stained specimens. Ossification occurred soon after the formation of the scute organic matrix in the histological sections. Four types of scales were observed in the H. huso×A. ruthenus hybrid. Median predorsal, preanal and small scales on the anterior section of the head were visible by 59 dph. Scales on the caudal fin were visible by 91 dph and a variable assemblage of scales anterior to the anal fin was visible by 122 dph. Both the scutes and scales developed in a process that is similar to that of intramembranous ossification.  相似文献   

Because the sex of sturgeon cannot be determined externally until the pre‐spawning phase, they are currently sexed by means of minor surgery. Although the survival rate is nearly 100%, this surgery is invasive. One effective solution is to use DNA markers to diagnose the sex. In this study we employed bulked segregant analysis methodology to screen for genetic markers associated with the sex of the beluga (Huso huso). DNA bulks (male and female) were created by combining equal amounts of genomic DNA from 10 fish of both sexes. A total of 310 randomly amplified polymorphic DNA primers was used to screen the bulks, resulting in 4146 bands that were present in both sexes. Our results suggest that either the sex‐specific DNA in sturgeon may be comprised of sequences not complementary to 310 random decamer primers or that sex chromosomes are weakly differentiated in the sturgeon genome.  相似文献   

The covering of the eggs in Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii consists of three envelopes (the vitelline envelope, chorion and extrachorion) and is equipped with multiple micropyles. The most proximal to the oocyte is the vitelline envelope that consists of four layers of filamentous and trabecular material. The structural components of this envelope are synthesized by the oocyte (primary envelope). The chorion encloses the vitelline envelope. The extrachorion covers the external surface of the egg. Examination of the arrangement of layers that comprise the egg envelopes together with the ultrastructure of follicular cells revealed that the chorion and extrachorion are secondary envelopes. They are secreted by follicular cells and are built of homogeneous material. During formation of egg envelopes, the follicular cells gradually diversify into three morphologically different populations: 1) cells covering the animal oocyte region (cuboid), (2) main body cells (cylindrical) and (3) micropylar cells. The apical surfaces of follicular cells from the first two populations form processes that remain connected with the oocyte plasma membrane by means of gap junctions. Micropylar cells are located at the animal region of the oocyte. Their apical parts bear projections that form a barrier to the deposition of materials for egg envelopes, resulting in the formation of the micropylar canal.  相似文献   

The influence of three different initial stocking densities (SD) in flowthrough systems was evaluated on growth performance and feed utilizaition in beluga, Huso huso, and ship sturgeon, Acipenser nudiventris, juveniles in three different grow‐out phases for 228 days. In each grow‐out phase, fish were randomly distributed in 18 concrete square tanks (2.0 × 1.0 × 1.2 m3; 2 m3 of volume) according to the experimental SD. At the first phase, both fish species were subjected to three SD including 1.5, 3 and 6 kg/m2 for 60 days. In the second phase, fish were submitted to three SD including 3, 6 and 9 kg/m2, whereas in the third phase, beluga were stocked at 6, 9 and 12 kg/m2 and ship sturgeon were stocked at 6, 8 and 10 kg/m2 and each phase lasted for 12 weeks. In both species, the growth performance and feed intake (FI) significantly decreased with increasing SD at the end of the first phase (p < 0.05). In the second phase, growth performance and FI in beluga decreased with increasing SD, whereas in ship sturgeon neither growth nor FI were affected by SD. Interestingly, the growth performance and feed utilization in both species were not decreased with increasing SD in the third phase indicating adaptability of these species to high stocking density during grow‐out period. According to the result of this study, the appropriate initial SD for beluga within the range of 100–500, 500–2,000 and 1,500–3,000 g were at 1.5, 6 and 12 kg/m2, respectively in an open flow‐throw system. Regarding to ship sturgeon, initial SD at 1.5 and 10 kg/m2recommended for fish within the range of 100–300 and 300–1,200 g, respectively in an open flow‐throw system.  相似文献   

The review describes the changes in natural reproduction of three important sturgeon species in the Volga–Caspian basin: (a) the beluga (Huso huso Linneaus, 1758), (b) the Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt &Ratzeburg, 1833), and (c) the stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus Pallas, 1771). Since the past 60 years, these species responded to severe influences of natural and anthropogenic factors. On the basis of original and published data, an analysis has been made of (a) the numbers of larvae migrating from spawning sites (according to plankton net survey), (b) fecundity and histological anomalies in gonad development, (c) the numbers of adult sturgeons in the Caspian Sea and of spawners migrating to the Volga River (according to trawl and beach seine survey), and (d) foraging resources for the sturgeons. The results show that their natural reproduction in the Volga–Caspian basin has declined drastically during the past decades under the impact of (a) fluctuations of the Caspian Sea level and flow discharge from the Volga River, (b) blockage of sturgeon migration routes and loss of spawning sites because of dam construction, (c) water pollution in the lower reaches of the Volga River and in the Caspian Sea, and (d) intensive and selective illegal and unreported fishing. The relative significance of these factors has been changing during the study period.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the interaction of feeding times with two dietary fat levels on physiological responses to handling stress in juvenile Beluga sturgeon. Fish were fed with two different diets (high energy; HE: 24% fat and low energy; LE: 12% fat) for 8 weeks at two feeding times; 09:00 and 16:00 (during the day) or 21:00 and 04:00 (during the night). At the end of the trial, blood samples were taken and the resting fish were held in a net out of water for 90 s as the handling stressor. Three hours after application of stress, post‐stress blood was taken. Cortisol, glucose, and lactate concentrations were considered as stress indicators. The mean values of cortisol and lactate levels did not reveal a significant difference between pre‐ and 3‐hr post‐stress samples, but the average concentration of glucose showed a significant difference. Cortisol, lactate and glucose concentrations were not influenced by the difference in the diets. Moreover, the cortisol and lactate concentrations were not affected by the different feeding times, while glucose levels were significantly affected by the feeding times with the lowest level in fish fed during the day. With respect to stress indicators, the results revealed that feeding times affected pre‐ and post‐stress secondary response to handling stress, but the rate and magnitude of metabolites (cortisol, glucose and lactate) were not affected by dietary fat levels. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the best feeding times with the interaction of feed ingredients in sturgeon farming.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary l ‐carnitine on growth performance, whole body composition and feed utilization were studied in beluga, Huso huso. Fish were randomly allocated in 15 tanks (30 fish per tank) and triplicate groups were fed to satiety during 84 days one of five isonitrogenous (41% CP) and isoenergetic (20 MJ kg?1) diets, each differing in l ‐carnitine content [0 (control), 300, 600, 900 and 1200 mg kg?1 diet]. At the end of the trial, fish grew from 19‐ to 23‐fold in weight, from 8.4 g to a maximum of 191 g. Fish fed 300–600 mg l ‐carnitine had the highest specific growth rate (SGR, 3.69 and 3.72% day?1) and protein efficiency ratio (PER, 0.95 and 0.99), and the lowest feed conversion ratio (FCR, 1.4 and 1.3) than the other groups (P < 0.0001). SGR, PER and FCR were the poorest for fish fed 1200 mg l ‐carnitine, while fish fed the unsupplemented and 900 mg l ‐carnitine supplemented diet showed intermediate performance. Body lipid concentration decreased significantly from 5.8 to 5.1% (P < 0.0001) with dietary l ‐carnitine supplementation increasing from 0 to 300 mg. Energy content was significantly lower in fish fed the 900 and 1200 mg l ‐carnitine diet (5.8 MJ kg?1), when compared with the other treatment groups (6.4–6.6 MJ kg?1). The results indicated that feeding sturgeon on diets supplemented with 300 mg l ‐carnitine kg?1 diet improved growth performance, and stimulated protein‐sparing effects from lipids.  相似文献   

This study aimed to parameterize the effects of body and meal sizes on the gastric evacuation (GE) of farmed Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) fed on live food (whiting fish) or commercial pellets. The radiography technique was used to monitor the evacuation of food from the stomach into the intestine at postprandial time. Acipenser gueldenstaedtii of different body sizes (total length ranged 82–105 cm) were fed on meal sizes ranged from 23 to 72 g composed of either live food or commercial pellets (had a 20% of BaSO4 as a radiopaque material). The square root model was found to adequality describe the process of GE in A. gueldenstaedtii independently of meal type and size. The effects of fish size on GER was described by simple power model and can be summarized by , where ρL was 0.000053 for live food and 0.000062 for commercial pellets (estimated from combined GE data), St is stomach contents (g), L is fish total length (cm) and t is time (h). The results of this study will provide a useful tool to estimate the stomach fullness of A. gueldenstaedtii at postprandial time t. Such information should assess the feeding strategy to minimize feed wastage and optimize the fish growth.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(3):418-442
The head is considered the major novelty of the vertebrates and directly linked to their evolutionary success. Its form and development as well as its function, for example in feeding, is of major interest for evolutionary biologists. In this study, we describe the skeletal development of the cranium and pectoral girdle in Siberian (Acipenser baerii ) and Russian sturgeon (A. gueldenstaedtii ), two species that are commonly farmed in aquaculture and increasingly important in developmental studies. This study comprises the development of the neuro‐, viscero‐ and dermatocranium and the dermal and chondral components of the pectoral girdle, from first condensation of chondrocytes in prehatchlings to the early juvenile stage and reveals a clear pattern in formation. The otic capsules, the parachordal cartilages, and the trabeculae cranii are the first centers of chondrification, at 8.4mm TL. These are followed by the mandibular, then the hyoid, and later the branchial arches. Teeth form early on the dentary, dermopalatine, and palatopterygoid, and then appear later in the buccal cavity as dorsal and ventral toothplates. With ongoing chondrification in the neurocranium a capsule around the brain and a strong rostrum are formed. Dermal ossifications start to form before closure of the dorsal neurocranial fenestrae. Perichondral ossification of cartilage bones occurs much later in ontogeny. Our results contribute data bearing on the homology of elements such as the lateral rostral canal bone that we regard homologous to the antorbital of other actinopterygians based on its sequence of formation, position and form. We further raise doubts on the homology of the posterior ceratobranchial among Actinopteri based on the formation of the hyoid arch elements. We also investigate the basibranchials and the closely associated unidentified gill‐arch elements and show that they are not homologous. J. Morphol. 278:418–442, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The structure of the pronephros in Russian sturgeon larvae, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt, at different stages of early postembryonic development (from hatching till 14 days old), was studied with histological and electron microscopy methods. The formed pronephros is represented by a system of bilaterally located pronephric tubules and an external single glomus, which is not integrated directly into pronephric tubules and is located in closed pronephric chamber. The glomus is positioned below the dorsal aorta and is vascularized by its capillaries. The thin structure of the glomus has the same characteristic features that are typical of and needed for the functions of any filtering organ. By the time when larvae transfer fully to exogenous feeding, the pronephros undergoes significant degradation and it is replaced by the mesonephric kidney which develops during the period of function of the pronephros. The peculiarities of the pronephros in acipenserids are discussed comparatively with the same organ in teleosts and amphibians.  相似文献   

A survey of three mitochondrial DNA regions (control region, NADH5, cytochrome b) and comprehensive sequencing of the control region (631–646 bps) was conducted to examine whether subspecies and geographic populations within three species of Eurasian sturgeons, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, A. stellatus, and Huso huso, are genetically distinct. Neither subspecies nor populations exhibited diagnostic distinction or reciprocal monophyly in any gene region examined. For the control region, molecular variance analyses (amova ) indicate that most of the variance is because of differences among haplotypes within subspecies (H. huso: 99.6%; A. stellatus: 95.0%; A. gueldenstaedtii: 81.0%) and populations (A. gueldenstaedtii: 76.1%). Significant pairwise F‐values were found for all pairwise comparisons except for Sea of Azov and Caspian Sea A. gueldenstaedtii and Caspian Sea and Black Sea A. stellatus and H. huso. Only weak genetic differentiation is apparent between select subspecies and populations, reflective of biogeographic and management history. High genetic diversity within A. gueldenstaedtii suggests the possibility of additional population structure. Future research and management projects should consider these results.  相似文献   

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