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对水稻BT型和WA型细胞质的雄性不育系,相应保持系和恢复系以及杂种的mtD-NA用12个线粒探针进行了RFLP分析,结果如下:(1)BT型和WA型不育系的mtDNA在组织结构上存在差异;(2)不育系的mtDNA与其保持系间存在显著差异,推测mtDNA与水稻的cms有关;(3)atp9探针检测到WA型不育系与F1之间的多态性,Frag36探针检测到BT型不育系与F1之间的多态性,Frag9探针检测到WA型和BT型不育系与其F1之间的多态性,证明核恢复基因影响mtDNA的结构;(4)对mtDNA的结构变异与细胞质雄性不育的关系进行了分析与探讨。  相似文献   

3种小麦细胞质雄性不育系及其杂种线粒体DNA的RFLP分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
对细胞质分别来源于提莫菲维(T.timotheevii),粘果山羊草(Ae.kotschyi),偏凸山羊草(Ae.venyricosa)的3种普通小麦的雄性不育系,相应保持系和恢复系及其上的mtDNA用12个线粒体基因探针进行了RFLP分析,结果为:⑴T、K、V型不育系的mtDNA在组织结构上存在显著差异;⑵T、K、V不育系的mtDNA与共同的保持系间显著不同,失测mtDNA与小麦cms有关;⑶在  相似文献   

BT型细胞质雄性不育水稻及其三系的线粒体DNA研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用RAPD技术对BT型水稻胞质雄性不育系秀A及其保持系秀B、恢复系湘晴以及杂种F1代的线粒体DNA进行了比较分析。结果表明不育系与其保持系间存在显著差异;不育系与其F1之间mtDNA也存在差异。在引物OPJ-08的扩增产物中,秀A扩增出一条分子量为800bp的多态性片段,在引物OPK-10的扩增产物中,杂种F1扩增出一条分子量为900bp的片段。把这两片段回收、克隆并制备探针,OPJ-08800的Southern杂交结果显示不育系与其F1杂交图谱存在多态性;OPK-10900的Suthern杂交结果显示不育系与其保持系同存在差异。推测这两片段与育性可能有一定的联系。  相似文献   

细胞质雄性不育水稻线粒体基因组的RFLP分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用RFLP技术,比较研究了在农业生产上广泛应用的9种细胞质雄性不育体系的线粒体基因组,结果表明:1)9种水稻雄性不育细胞质的遗传相似性变化范围为0.615~1.000。所有配子体雄性不育细胞质的遗传相似性变化范围为0.6431.000,其中QXA,DY1A和YM15A这3种细胞质的遗传相似性为1.000。所有孢子体雄性不育细胞质的遗传相似性为1.000,2)在配子体细胞质雄性不育水稻中,用3个探针(atpa,atp9+nad6,cox2)与2种内切酶(HindⅢ,BamHⅠ)的组合未发现不育系与保持系之间的多态性,但在探针atp6,cob,和had2的杂交带型中找到了不育系和保持系之间的一些差异。YTA和YTB在5个探针.内切酶组合(atp61HindⅢ,coblHindⅢ,atp61BamHⅠ,coblBamHⅠ,nad21BamHⅠ)中存在差异。3种细胞质(QX,SJ,DY1)的不育系和保持系之间的差异是相同的,都出现在atp6/HindⅢ,atp6/BamHⅠ,cob/BamHⅠ等3个组合中。YM15A和YM15B在4个组合(atp6/HindⅢ,atp6/BamHⅠ,cob/BamHⅠ,nad2/BamHⅠ)中存在差异。LYA和LYB的差异出现在cob/HindⅢ,cob/BamHⅠ,nad2/BamHⅠ这3个组合中;3)在孢子体细胞质雄性不育水稻中,所有不育系的带型是一样的,所有保持系的带型也一样。不育系和保持系的差异出现在atp6/HindⅢ,cob/HindⅢ,atp6/EcoR,Ⅰcob/EcoRⅠ,cox1/EcoRⅠ,atp6/BamHⅠ,cob/BamHⅠ,cox1/BamHⅠ,cox2/BamHⅠ等9个组合中。这些结果在分子水平上揭示了9种雄性不育细胞质的线粒体基因组存在结构多样性,并为其细胞质雄性不育分子机理的研究打下了基础。  相似文献   

红莲型细胞质雄性不育水稻线粒体DNA的RFLP分析   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
李小明  郑用琏  张方东  朱英国 《遗传》2000,22(4):201-204
应用RFLP技术,研究了红莲型不育系、保持系、杂种一代及野败型、马协型不育系的线粒体基因组。结果表明,红莲型不育系与保持系线粒体基因组之间在多个基因区域存在明显差异,为红莲型细胞质雄性不育分子机理研究提供了线索;红莲型不育系与野败型不育系的线粒体基因组之间存在显著差异,马协型不育系与野败型不育系的线粒体基因组之间存在一定差异,在分子水平揭示了不育胞质的多样性。 Abstract:Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was used to analyze rice mitochondrial genome.The results indicated obvious differences between mt genome of rice cytoplasmic male sterile line and its maintain line of Honglian type,which further clued CMS mechanism research.Mitochondrial genome difference between sterile line of Honglian type and Wild Abortive type was obvious,some difference between sterile Maxie and Wild Abortive was also detected,it offered molecular evidence for cytoplasmic heterogeneity.  相似文献   

红莲型细胞质雄性不育水稻线粒体DNA的AP-PCR分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了研究红莲型细胞质雄性不育与线粒体基因组的关系。以水稻红莲型粤泰细胞质雄性不育系A和保持系B及杂种一代F1为材料。应用AP-PCR分析,用10个单引物对其线粒体DNA进行扩增。实验结果表明,不同的引物在3种材料间均有不同程度的差异。为红莲型细胞质雄性不育分子机理的研究提供了线索;此外,在引物6F1的扩增图谱中找到一条在YTA和F1中特异的带TAF6F2,Sounthern分析TAF6F2不育胞质的特异性,可能与红莲型水稻细胞质雄性 不育性状的形成有关。  相似文献   

姚鸿  王斌 《遗传学报》1998,25(1):67-73
msD2-CA8057是新育成的具有粗厚山羊草(Ae.crasa,6x)胞质的D2型小麦细胞质雄性不育系。采用RFLP和RAPD方法对该不育系及其具有普通小麦(T.aestivum)胞质的保持系CA8057和恢复系保-769-22-6的线粒体DNA进行分析和比较,发现该不育系的线粒体DNA组织结构明显不同于其保持系,也不同于其恢复系。Southern结果表明,该不育系线粒体基因组在atpA、atp9、cob和coxⅡ基因上或附近具有显著的组织结构差异。RAPD分析证实了这一点。相反,RFLP和RAPD结果都表明保持系与恢复系之间线粒体基因组结构非常相似。这支持了该不育系的胞质遗传特点来源于与普通小麦胞质差异较大的野生型胞质的事实。推测这种胞质差异与育性有关  相似文献   

普通小麦三种细胞质雄性不育系线粒体DNA的比较研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
对细胞质分别来源于粘果山羊草(Ae.kotschyi)、偏凸山羊草(Ae.ventricosa)、提莫菲维(T.timopheevi)的3种普通小麦雄性不育系,其相应保持系和共有的一种恢复系的mtDNA进行了RFLP比较分析。发现K型和V型不育系的mtDNA在组织结构上不同于T型,说明K、V型不育系是有别于T型的两种新不育类型。K型、V型不育系的mtDNA与保持系和恢复系显著不同,推测mtDNA与小麦细胞质雄性不育性有关。实验同时发现T型不育系与其保持系的mtDNA非常相似,对这种相似性的原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   

小麦K型及V型细胞质雄性不育系线粒体DNA的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用RFLP(restrictionfragmentlengthpolymorphism)和RAPD(radomlyamplifiedpolymorphicDNA)技术对具有相同核遗传背景的小麦K型不育系K149A、V型不育系V149A及相应保持系149B的线粒体DNA进行了比较分析。结果表明它们之间线粒体DNA的结构显著不同,atpA,atp9,coxII,cob等线粒体功能基因有组织结构上的差异。推测线粒体DNA是小麦K、V型雄性不育系胞质不育困子的载体。但由于不育系与保持系间线粒体DNA差异甚大,难以确定究竞哪些差异确与雄性不育有关。仅仅比较不育系和保持系间线粒体DNA的差异是限制本领域取得突破性进展的症结所在。基于“核质工作”的思路,把“雄性不育-育性恢复”作为一个整体来考虑,并重视比较不育系和杂种F1代之间线粒体DNA的结构和表达的差异,所得结果对寻找和鉴定cms因子,进而阐明cms的形成机理有积极意义。  相似文献   

Wild abortive cytoplasmic male sterility has been extensively used in hybrid seed production in the tropics. Using protoplast fusion between cytoplasmic male sterile and fertile maintainer lines; we report here, transfer of wild abortive cytoplasmic male sterility to the nuclear background of RCPL1-2C, an advance breeding line which also served as maintainer of this cytoplasm. In total, 27 putative cybrids between V20A and RCPL1-2C and 23 lines between V20A and V20B were recovered and all of them were sterile. DNA blots prepared from the mitochondrial DNA of the cybrid lines from both the sets were probed with orf155 that is known to exhibit polymorphism between the mitochondrial DNA of the male-sterile and fertile maintainer lines. Hybridization of orf155 to 1.3 kb HindIII-digested mitochondrial DNA fragment of the cybrids showed transfer of mitochondrial DNA from wild abortive cytoplasmic male-sterile line to the maintainers, viz. RCPL 1-2C and V20B. Expression of male sterility was confirmed by the presence of sterile pollen grains and the lack of seed setting due to selfing in all the cybrid lines. These cybrids, on crossing with respective fertile maintainers set seeds that in turn, produced sterile BC1 plants. DNA blots from HindIII-digested mitochondrial DNA of these BC1 plants when probed with orf155 again exhibited localization of orf155 in wild abortive cytoplasm-specific 1.3 kb HindIII-digested mitochondrial DNA fragments. This demonstrated that the cytoplasmic male sterility transferred through protoplast fusion retained intact female fertility and was inherited and expressed in BC1 plants. Fusion-derived CMS lines, on pollination with pollen grains from restorer, showed restoration of fertility in all the lines. The results demonstrate that protoplasts fusion can be used for transferring maternally inherited traits like cytoplasmic male sterility to the desired nuclear background which can, in turn, be used in hybrid seed production programme of rice in the tropical world.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is a maternally inherited trait that causes dysfunctions in pollen and anther development. CMS is caused by the interaction between nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. A product of a CMS-causing gene encoded by the mitochondrial genome affects mitochondrial function and the regulation of nuclear genes, leading to male sterility. In contrast, the RESTORER OF FERTILITY gene (Rf gene) in the nuclear genome suppresses the expression of the CMS-causing gene and restores male fertility. An alloplasmic CMS line is often bred as a result of nuclear substitution, which causes the removal of functional Rf genes and allows the expression of a CMS-causing gene in mitochondria. The CMS/Rf system is an excellent model for understanding the genetic interactions and cooperative functions of mitochondrial and nuclear genomes in plants, and is also an agronomically important trait for hybrid seed production. In this review article, pollen and anther phenotypes of CMS, CMS-associated mitochondrial genes, Rf genes, and the mechanism that causes pollen abortion and its agronomical application for rice are described.  相似文献   

高等植物细胞质雄性不育分子机理的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
从线粒体DNA、叶绿体DNA和线粒体质粒DNA方面较详细地阐述了高等植物细胞质雄性不育的分子机理及最新进展;探讨了细胞核DNA和细胞质DNA之间的相互关系。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genome organization and cytoplasmic male sterility in plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plant mitochondrial genomes are much larger and more complex than those of other eukaryotic organisms. They contain a very active recombination system and have a multipartite genome organization with a master circle resolving into two or more subgenomic circles by recombination through repeated sequences. Their protein coding capacity is very low and is comparable to that of animal and fungal systems. Several subunits of mitochondrial functional complexes, a complete set of tRNAs and 26S, 18S and 5S rRNAs are coded by the plant mitochondrial genome. The protein coding genes contain group II introns. The organelle genome contains stretches of DNA sequences homologous to chloroplast DNA. It also contains actively transcribed DNA sequences having open reading frames. Plasmid like DNA molecules are found in mitochondria of some plants Cytoplasmic male sterility in plants, characterized by failure to produce functional pollen grains, is a maternally inherited trait. This phenomenon has been found in many species of plants and is conveniently used for hybrid plant production. The genetic determinants for cytoplasmic male sterility reside in the mitochondrial genome. Some species of plants exhibit more than one type of cytoplasmic male sterility. Several nuclear genes are known to control expression of cytoplasmic male sterility. Different cytoplasmic male sterility types are distinguished by their specific nuclear genes(rfs) which restore pollen fertility. Cytoplasmic male sterility types are also characterized by mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns, variations in mitochondrial RNAs, differences in protein synthetic profiles, differences in sensitivity to fungal toxins and insecticides, presence of plasmid DNAs or RNAs and also presence of certain unique sequences in the genome. Recently nuclear male sterility systems based on (i) over expression of agrobacterialrol C gene and (ii) anther specific expression of an RNase gene have been developed in tobacco andBrassica by genetic engineering methods.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial DNA was isolated from fertile and cytoplasmic male sterile lines of rice. Restriction analysis showed specific modifications in the male sterile cytoplasm. In addition to the major mitochondrial DNA, three small plasmid-like DNA molecules were detected by agarose gel electrophoresis in both cytoplasms. An additional molecule was specifically found in the sterile cytoplasm. These mitochondrial DNA modifications support the hypothesis of the mitochondrial inheritance of the cytoplasmic male sterility in rice.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was isolated from over 100 different maize nucleo-cytoplasmic combinations. DNA preparations were assayed for the presence of the 1.94kb mitochondrial plasmid by agarose gel electrophoresis and hybridization to a recombinant clone of the plasmid. The plasmid was present in all tested inbreds which carried N, male fertile, cytoplasm or the cytoplasmically male sterile (cms) groups,cms-T andcms-C. However, members of thecms-S group differed with respect to the presence of the plasmid. Cytoplasms I, J and S possessed the plasmid, whereas cytoplasms B, CA, D, G, H, IA, ME, ML, PS, RD and VG did not.Cms-S group lines which had spontaneously reverted to fertility (nuclear and cytoplasmic revertants) did not exhibit a concomitant change in 1.94kb plasmid levels, although all such lines showed the previously reported alteration in levels of the linear mtDNAs, S1 and S2. The presence or absence of the plasmid was not correlated with (i) frequency of reversion to fertility, (ii) the degree of male sterility expressed, (iii) the presence or absence of standard nuclear restorer to fertility genes and (iv) nuclear genotype. Latin American races carrying RU cytoplasm possessed the plasmid, as did sweet corn varieties. The relevance of the data tocms and evolution of thecms-S group is discussed.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 13 cytoplasmic male-sterile (cms) lines from diverse sources were characterized by Southern blot hybridization to pearl millet and maize mtDNA probes. Hybridization patterns of mtDNA digested with PstI, BamHI, SmaI or XhoI and probed with 13.6-, 10.9-, 9.7- or 4.7-kb pearl millet mtDNA clones revealed similarities among the cms lines 5141 A and ICMA 1 (classified as the S-A1 type of cytoplasm based on fertility restoration patterns), PMC 30A and ICMA 2. The remaining cms lines formed a distinct group, within which three subgroups were evident. Among the maize mitochondiral gene clones used, the coxI probe revealed two distinct groups of cytoplasms similar to the pearl millet mtDNA clones. The atp9 probe differentiated the cms line 81 A4, derived from P. glaucum subsp. monodii, while the coxII gene probe did not detect any polymorphism among the cms lines studied. MtDNA digested with BamHI, PstI or XhoI and hybridized to the atp6 probe revealed distinct differences among the cms lines. The maize atp6 gene clone identified four distinct cytoplasmic groups and four subgroups within a main group. The mtDNA fragments hybridized to the atp6 gene probe with differing intensities, suggesting the presence of more than one copy of the gene in different stoichiometries. Rearrangements involving the coxI and/or rrn18-rrn5 genes (mapped within the pearl millet clones) probably resulted in the S-A1 type of sterility. Rearrangements involving the atp6 gene (probably resulting in chimeric form) may be responsible for male sterility in other cms lines of pearl millet.  相似文献   

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