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Of the several possible sources of tomato mosaic virus, seeds and root debris in the soil are considered to be of greatest importance. A survey of 374,000 seedlings on ten commercial holdings found 0.05% of them infected, and although these were removed virus had been spread to other young plants which did not show infection when transplanted into the growing houses, seven of twenty-two of which contained a few infected plants when sampled shortly after planting. Virus overwintering on clothing, and debris on structures, are thought to be of minor importance, and smoking tobacco is seldom a source of infection for the tomato crop. A further survey of seventy-eight samples from tomato crops in Britain confirmed the 1960-61 survey: all were infected with tomato strains of TMV, none with tobacco strains, but one of the 187 infected seedlings referred to above was carrying a tobacco strain. Petunia was not as satisfactory as a special cultivar of White Burley tobacco for distinguishing between the tobacco and tomato TMV isolates. Observations and tests on a commercial holding showed that TMV was readily carried from plants in infected glasshouses into clean ones by workers, and once introduced, spread rapidly within the crop.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of tomato mosaic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The epidemiology of tomato mosaic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The epidemiology of tomato mosaic   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Tomato mosaic virus derived from susceptible tomato plants (the standard virus) was cultured in resistant plants. Sap from non-inoculated leaves of resistant tomato plants infected with virus from the resistant host was more infective and contained more virus particles than leaf sap of resistant plants infected with the standard virus. Leaves of resistant tomatoes infected with virus from the resistant host also showed more obvious symptoms. Susceptible plants infected with virus from resistant plants not only showed fewer symptoms than when infected with standard virus, but samples were less infective and contained less virus up to 26 weeks, when values for infectivity were similar. This modification in activity was not reversible and was obtained with two lines of tomato having different types of resistance. Passage of virus from resistant plants through susceptible plants did not impair its ability to infect resistant plants.  相似文献   

Taking into consideration simultaneous infection of tomato leaves withCladosporium fulvum Cooke and TMV, the fungus infection inhibits the TMV reproduction. This inhibition occurs in the plant irrespective of the sequence of pathogen inoculation and reaches even 70 per cent. The fungus spores applied to the TMV purificate inhibit the TMV infection, as well.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of tomato brown root rot   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In the absence of nematodes, three different symptoms of disease, parts of the brown root rot complex (BRR), occurred on tomato roots surviving in soils infested with GSF (= grey sterile fungus) and Colletotrichum atramentarium (Berk. & Br.) Taubenh. In heavily infested soils brown lesions occurred throughout cropping, appearing within a week of planting. Corkiness and black dot, caused by GSF and C. atramentarium respectively, rarely occurred until the third month after planting but towards the end of the season the incidence of black dot sometimes suddenly increased greatly. Observations of crops growing in plots treated with different soil partial sterilants suggested that GSF was more damaging than C. atramentarium. Yield was not related to the incidence of black dot but was inversely proportional to the occurrences of brown lesions and corkiness. The relation with brown lesions was significant within 8 weeks of planting, when most brown lesions gave cultures of GSF, but later more of these lesions gave cultures of C. atramentarium than of GSF. Pathogenicity tests with pure cultures of GSF and C. atramentarium were done on agar media and by artificially infesting partially sterilized soils. Roots of undamaged seedlings on agar media developed 10 mm. brown lesions within 2 weeks of inoculating 10-day-old tomatoes with most GSF cultures isolated from: (1) rotted roots of Lycopersicon esculentum, Solanum capsicastrum, Capsicum annuum var. longum and C. frutescens; (2) browned zones of Lycopersicon hirsutum roots; and (3) apparently healthy roots of Cucumis sativus. After inoculation with C. atramentarium, small (c. 2 mm.) pink lesions developed, whereas none formed using Pyrenochaeta spp. In soil tests the greater root damage done by GSF, including root loss, was reflected in decreased aerial growth and smaller fruit yields; C. atramentarium affected neither. In the second year of soil infestation GSF decreased yields during 6 weeks of picking from 1.96 kg. in the uninoculated controls to 1.02 kg./plant. The pattern of damage done by GSF changed as plants aged. In soil, brown lesions occurred within a few days of planting but corkiness did not appear for 2–3 months, when stem lesions and leaf yellowing often developed simultaneously. A 50% root loss after 21 weeks did not affect fruit yields whereas a 40% loss within 11 weeks of planting was reflected by a 45% yield decrease.  相似文献   

The transmission of the carrot mosaic virus (CMV) by the aphidsAcyrtJiosiphon pisum HARRÍS,Cavariela aegopodii SCOP, andMyzus persicae SULZ was proved experimentally. It was observed simultaneously that CMV has a non-persistent character. CMV can be transmitted already 2 min after acquisition feeding by the aphidsMyzus persicae SDLZ andCavariella aego-podii Scop. When the time of acquisition feeding is prolonged to 4 min, CMV is transmitted also by aphidAcyrthosiphon pisum HAREÍs. The host range of the investigated virus wasalso determined and its transmission to 8 plant species, belonging to 4 families, was achieved. On the basis of studies of the vector virus relationship and of the host range, further proof was given for the different character of the Australian Carrot motley dwarf virus, theApivm virus 1 Roland and CMV. The experiments showed that preliminary starving of the aphids for 1 h increases their ability to transmit the virus by 3–3%.  相似文献   

Aims: To develop a highly sensitive and rapid protocol for simultaneous detection and differentiation of Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) in pepper and tomato. In this study, we use the multiplex PCR technique to detect dual infection of these two viruses. Methods and Results: A multiplex RT–PCR method consisting of one‐tube reaction with two primer pairs targeted to replicase genes was developed to simultaneously detect TMV and ToMV in seed samples of pepper and tomato. Specific primers were designed from conserved regions of each of the virus genomes, and their specificity was confirmed by sequencing PCR products. RT–PCR detected up to 10?6 dilution of total RNA extracted from infected leaves. Multiplex RT–PCR revealed the presence of both TMV and ToMV in three of 18 seed samples of tomato and one of 18 seed samples of pepper. Conclusions: The multiplex PCR assay was a cost effective, quick diagnostic technique, which was helpful in differentiating TMV and ToMV accurately. Significance and Impact of the Study: The multiplex PCR assay described in this study is a valuable tool for plant pathology and basic research studies. This method may facilitate better recognition and distinction of TMV and ToMV in both pepper and tomato.  相似文献   

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