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An attempt was made to develop simple, inexpensive, rapid means of determining body composition in Antarctic fur seals ( Arctocephalus gazella ). Measurements of total body water ( TBW ) and total body lipid ( TBL ), obtained by hydrogen isotope dilution, were compared to the results of bioelectrical impedance analysis ( BIA ) and morphometric indices of body condition in 52 adult females. TBW was weakly correlated with BIA measurements of resistance ( v = -0.30, P < 0.03). Conductor volume (length2/resistance) was more highly correlated with TBW ( r = 0.75, P < 0.0001) and the inclusion of mass into the predictive equation improved the correlation further ( r = 0.95, P < 0.0001). A body condition index (mass/length) previously used in pinniped studies was positively correlated to TBL ( r = 0.77, P < 0.0001) validating its use as a relative index of condition. However, body mass alone was highly correlated to TBW ( r = 0.94, P < 0.0001) and appears to provide a simple, rapid means of estimating body composition in adult females. This technique may also be applicable to juvenile male Antarctic fur seals.  相似文献   

The analysis of pinniped scats has been used to quantify their diet, using prey remains to identify species and to estimate the numbers and sizes of prey consumed. There are, however, potential biases involved with scat analysis and, for this method to be used successfully, these biases need to be quantified. Thirty-six Antarctic fur seals ( Arctocephalus gazella ) were fed meals of exclusively either fish, squid, or krill and their scats were collected and analyzed. The major sources of error in the analysis of prey remains from scats were the differential erosion and passage rate of items in relation to their size. However, using simple correction functions, such as those which model otolith erosion, it is possible to reduce these errors. Using plastic beads as dietary markers showed recovery rates were negatively related to their size. Larger squid beaks had lower recovery rates than smaller beaks, but there was no size-related bias in the recovery rates of krill carapaces. Only 33% of the squid beaks and 27% of the otoliths originally fed were recovered from the scats. Recovery rates were greater for squid (77%) and fish (50%) eye lenses and these structures gave a better estimate of numbers eaten. Differences found between experimentally derived and published regression equations (used to calculate prey sizes eaten from prey remains) highlights the need for regression equations based on local prey characteristics, if these are to be used with any success to describe the prey eaten.  相似文献   

Previous studies of fur seals suggest that the attendance patterns and consequent temporal patterning of energy transfer from mother to pup follows a latitudinal cline. While data from subpolar, tropical, and some temperate latitude species support the postulated cline, data for the temperate latitude Juan Fernández fur seal do not. Maternal foraging trips and associated visits ashore were the longest of all otariids studied to date. The first foraging trip postpartum averaged 10.2 d ( n = 51 females, range 1–22.5), foraging trips combined averaged 12.3 d ( n = 100, range 1.0-25.0), and visits ashore averaged 5.3 d ( n = 91, range 0.3-15.8) over the three seasons of study. Only duration of lactation was intermediate between subpolar and tropical strategies as predicted. Dive records suggest that these females feed almost exclusively at night at depths of less than 10 m and at distances of more than 500 km offshore. The prey species of this fur seal, primarily myctophids and squid, migrate to the surface at night and are patchily distributed. Foraging trip length varied between years in conjunction with shifts in seasurface temperature and type of prey consumed. We suggest that distribution of prey, irrespective of latitude, dictates foraging patterns of fur seals and leads to the exceptionally long foraging trips and visits ashore observed in this species.  相似文献   

Breeding colonies of the antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella on Heard Island (53°10'S, 73°30'E) are situated on the sheltered northern and eastern coasts on flat vegetated terrain near streams and pools. Pupping in the 1987/88 summer began on 21 November, with 90% of births in 26 d. The median birth date was 11 December. Pup counts at Heard Island made in seven breeding seasons from 1962/63 to 1987/88 show an exponential rate of increase of 21%, which may be inflated due to undercounting in early years. The total of 248 births in 1987/88 represents an exponential increase of 37% since the previous year, but pups may have been undercounted then. Based on the number of pups born, the breeding population is estimated at 870–1,120. During the breeding season, the largest number of animals ashore was 835. Many non-breeding fur seals began hauling out from early January and 15,000 animals were estimated to be ashore by late February, a fat larger number than expected from the size of the breeding population. Both the breeding and non-breeding components of the population may be augmented by immigration. The source of immigrants may be undiscovered breeding colonies of this species in the northwestern sector of the Kerguelen Archipelago or the concentration at South Georgia. Further censuses are required at Heard Island to monitor the population growth.  相似文献   

This study describes a method for extracting post-canine or incisor teeth from live antarctic fur seals ( Arctocephalus gazella ) and southern elephant seals ( Mirounga leonina ) respectively and their use to determine age in a field situation. Dental elevators were used to loosen the teeth from the alveolus and periodental ligament. Most teeth were removed within l-2 min and a total of 214 and 81 teeth were collected by this method from antarctic fur seals and southern elephant seals respectively. No seal recaptured at intervals up to a year after a tooth was extracted showed signs of infection or distress related to removal of the tooth. Teeth were thin-sectioned for the purpose of aging. In both species cementum growth layer groups were a more satisfactory indicator of age than dentinal growth layer groups. Estimates of age from cementum growth layers were confirmed for Antarctic fur seals using seals which had been tagged as pups up to 16 yr before sampling.  相似文献   

Keith  Reid 《Marine Mammal Science》2002,18(2):469-482
The growth rates of Antarctic fur seal ( Arctocephalus gazella ) pups estimated from weighing cross-sections of the population were compared with measured/ inferred changes in the availability of their main prey species, Antarctic krill ( Euphausia superba ) from 1989 to 2000. There was no relationship between growth rate and mass at weaning and there were counter-intuitive indications of higher growth rates in years of low krill availability. Biases reflecting changes in the component of the population available for sampling appear to invalidate the widely held assumption that interannual differences in growth rate can reliably be derived from differences in the slope of a linear relationship based on cross-sectional population samples. A new index was developed, based on the deviation of pup mass at age in each year compared to the multiyear mean, that was not dependent on assumptions of linearity. The indices of growth deviates produced a more logical relationship with other indices of pup development and related more appropriately to variations in prey availability. The potential impact of methodological biases on the interpretation of growth rate suggests that comparisons of growth rates should not rely on assumptions regarding the underlying growth pattern.  相似文献   

This study reports some of the first foraging behavior data collected for male fur seals. A nonbreeding male Australian fur seal, Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus , captured at a commercial salmon farm in southern Tasmania, Australia, was relocated 450 km from the site of capture. The animal was equipped with a geolocating time-depth recorder that recorded diving behavior and approximate location for the 14.4 d that it took the seal to travel down the east coast of Tasmania and be recaptured at the salmon farm. During its time at sea, the seal spent most of its time over the relatively shallow shelf waters. It spent 30% of its time ashore on a number of different haul-out sites. The deepest dive was 102 m and the maximum duration was 6.8 min. "Foraging" type dives made up 31.2% of the time at sea and had a median duration of 2.5 min and a median depth of 14 m. The seal performed these dives more commonly during the latter part of its time at sea, while it was on the east coast. Unlike other fur seal species studied to date, there was no evidence of a diurnal foraging pattern; it made dives at all times of the day and night.  相似文献   

We analyzed 19 dive records obtained from female antarctic fur seals ( Arctocephalas gazella ) during three austral summer breeding seasons on Seal Island, Antarctica, to assess the extent of individual variation and the potential for using time-depth recorder (TDR) statistics to detect annual changes in six measures of foraging behavior. We report the mean values and typical variability among individuals for dive duration, dive depth, proportion of time submerged, transit time, vertical distance dived, and diving intensity. Dive duration was the least variable and vertical distance dived was the most variable among individual seals. The results were used to estimate the sample sizes required to detect—with acceptable precision and power—differences in the six measures between sites, years, or species. Statistics that vary most among individuals require the largest sample sizes to reliably detect a given percentage difference between annual means. Interestingly, we also observed the most significant interannual differences in those same statistics. These results emphasize that specifying the magnitude of the (interannual, intersite or interspecific) difference that is biologically significant to the study population is an important, though sometimes difficult, component of TDR survey design.  相似文献   

The diet of Arctocephalus australis was studied through fecal analysis, from September of 1995 to May of 1998, in Isla de Lobos (35°01'50"S-54°53'00"W), Uruguay. A total of 539 scats analyzed indicated that the weakfish ( Cynoscion guatucupa ), the cutlasfish ( Trichiurus lepturus ), the anchoveta ( Engraulis anchoita ), the anchovy ( Anchoa marinii ), and cephalopods were the main prey consumed by these fur seals. Prey richness was higher during January. The diet of A. australis varied between years, apparently related to changes in prey availability. C. guatucupa and E. anchoita decreased while T. lepturus and cephalopods increased from 1996 to 1998. South American fur seals fed on fish ranging in length from 5.4 to 104.8 cm and from 0.7 to 629.9 g in wet mass. However, the mean mass of the main items was never more than 200 g. Observations suggests that A. australis is a trophic generalist with the potential to prey on a wide range of species, although most of the diet is comprised of relatively few species. Fur seals and artisan fisheries both took C. guatucupa , with fur seals taking younger individuals (1–2 yr) than artisan fisheries (> 3 yr).  相似文献   

We estimated the number of live Australian fur seal pups using capture-markresights, direct ground counts, or aerial photography at all breeding sites following the pupping season of November-December 2002. Pups were recorded at 17 locations; nine previously known colony sites, one newly recognized colony and seven haul-out sites where pups are occasionally born. In order of size, the colonies were Lady Julia Percy Island (5,899 pups), Seal Rocks (4,882), The Skerries (2,486), Judgment Rocks (2,427), Kanowna Island (2,301), Moriarty Rocks (1,007), Reid Rocks (384), West Moncoeur Island (257), and Tenth Island (124). The newly recognized site was Rag Island, in the Cliffy Group, where we recorded 30 pups. We also recorded pups at the following haul-out sites: Cape Bridge-water (7 pups), Bull Rock (7), Wright Rock (5), Twin Islet (1), The Friars (1), He des Phoques (1), and Montague Island (1). In total, we estimate there were 19,819 (SE = 163) live pups at the time of the counts. We discuss trends in pup numbers and derive current population estimates for the Australian fur seal.  相似文献   

The composition and properties of commercial oil collected from Uruguayan fur seals ( Arctocephalus australis Zimmermann) during 1985, 1986 and 1987 are reported. Oil recovered from some organs (kidney, heart, liver) and blubber were also analyzed. All have compositions similar to oils from other marine animals in commercial use, containing high percentages of long chain and polyunsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

The baculum in Arctocephalus p. pusillus reaches up to 14.1 cm in length, 13.5 g in mass, and 1.3 g/cm in density (= mass/length). A pubertal growth spurt occurs between 2 and 3 yr of age, when bacular length increases by 28%, mass by 124%, and density by 77%; concurrently, body length increases by 14%. A second, weaker spurt occurs at social maturity (9-10 yr of age). Testes grow most rapidly between 1 and 2 yr of age, when testicular length increases by 29%. After 3 yr of age, growth in bacular and testicular length slows, and bacular mass continues to increase approximately linearly. Bacular and testicular lengths average 6.8% and 3.4% (respectively) of body length in adults, compared with 9.9% and 5.7% in the promiscuous harp seal ( Pagophilus groenlandicus ). Bacular length, mass, and density, and testicular length, are positively allometric to body length over growth; bacular length is isometric to testicular length. Among animals of the same age, bacular length and mass are positively allometric to body length in young animals, with negative allometry or isometry thereafter; testicular length is isometric to body length in young animals and negatively allometric thereafter. Patterns of early growth and allometry of the baculum and testes are interpreted as adaptations for mating opportunities, years before territoriality is possible. The baculum and testes of adult Cape fur seals and other otariids are small compared with those of most phocids, because sperm competition among male otariids is weak.  相似文献   

Adult Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) were immobilized with Zoletil® ( n = 172), ketamine ( n = 30), ketamine mixed with diazepam ( n = 23) and with ketamine mixed with xylazine ( n = 45). Response to all drugs was highly variable. There was a relationship between dose rate and level of immobilization in females given Zoletil®. Males were slightly more sensitive to Zoletil® than females but this could have been due to the greater body mass and lower mass-specific metabolic rate of males. The dose required to achieve a level of immobilization declined with greater body mass for Zoletil® and ketamine but not for ketamine-diatepam. Ketamine and ketamine-sedative mixtures commonly caused mild tremoring and occasionally caused convulsions. Neither reaction was seen with Zoletil®. Mean doses were, Zoletil® 1.5 mg/ kg, ketamine 6.9 mg/kg, ketamine-diazepam 6.3 mg/kg ketamine and 6.3 μg/kg diazepam, and ketamine-xylazine 7.3 mg/kg ketamine and 0.62 mg/ kg xylazine. Zoletil® performs at least as well on Antarctic fur seals as ketamine but it may cause respiratory depression. The dose of ketamine required for Antarctic fur seals was greater than for most other species of seals.  相似文献   

Like most otariids species, the Subantarctic fur seal breeds on land in large, dense colonies. Pups are confronted by the long and repetitive absences of their mother throughout lactation. At each mother's return, pups have to find her among several hundreds of congeners. This recognition process mainly relies on acoustic signals. We performed an acoustic analysis on 125 calls from 20 females recorded during the 1999–2000 breeding season on Amsterdam Island (Indian Ocean). Ten variables were measured in both temporal and frequency domains. To find the acoustic parameters supporting individual signature, we assessed the differences between individuals using Kruskall-Wallis univariate analysis of variance. For each variable, we also calculated the potential of individuality coding (PIC) as the ratio between the between-individual coefficient of variation and the mean value of the within-individual coefficients of variation. We found that the frequency spectrum, the characteristics of the frequency modulation of the initial and middle part of the call and the call duration exhibit an important individual stereotypy (PIC values ranging between 1.5 and 3), whereas features relative to amplitude and the frequency modulation of the final part of the call are weakly individualized (PIC values between 1 and 1.2).  相似文献   

The population sizes, trends, exploitation, and life history parameters for the ten fur seal species and subspecies are summarized. The largest population is that of Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus with approximately two million seals, and the smallest is A. townsendi with approximately 7,000 individuals. Most populations are legally protected, although controlled harvesting may occur. None of the fur seal populations is currently known to be decreasing. Data are presented for parameters related to the survival of pups, juveniles, adults, and territorial males, and to reproduction, including the age of attainment of territorial status, aggregation sizes, age of first parturition, pregnancy rates, sex ratios of young animals, and information on the birth seasons of the different species. Since pinnipeds are often of concern in fisheries management, their daily consumption rates are of importance, and consequently data on body masses are summarized and the paucity of data on consumption rates as a function of body mass noted. A simplified age-structured model is developed, and the results of this model are compared with results from more detailed models based on two published life tables for Callorhinus ursinus. This comparison shows that the use of the simplified age-structured model is justified to explore changes in population growth rate. However, the simplified model does show exaggerated age structure effects compared to the more detailed models. This model is used to compare the population dynamics of those species for which sufficient data are available. Areas in which limited, or no, data are available for the different fur seal species are highlighted.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in the diving behavior of marine mammals. However, identifying foraging among recorded dives often requires several assumptions. The simultaneous acquisition of images of the prey encountered, together with records of diving behavior will allow researchers to more fully investigate the nature of subsurface behavior. We tested a novel digital camera linked to a time-depth recorder on Antarctic fur seals ( Arctocephalus gazella ). During the austral summer 2000–2001, this system was deployed on six lactating female fur seals at Bird Island, South Georgia, each for a single foraging trip. The camera was triggered at depths greater than 10 m. Five deployments recorded still images (640 × 480 pixels) at 3-sec intervals (total 8,288 images), the other recorded movie images at 0.2-sec intervals (total 7,598 frames). Memory limitation (64 MB) restricted sampling to approximately 1.5 d of 5–7 d foraging trips. An average of 8.5% of still pictures (2.4%-11.6%) showed krill ( Euphausia sulperba ) distinctly, while at least half the images in each deployment were empty, the remainder containing blurred or indistinct prey. In one deployment krill images were recorded within 2.5 h (16 km, assuming 1.8 m/sec travel speed) of leaving the beach. Five of the six deployments also showed other fur seals foraging in conjunction with the study animal. This system is likely to generate exciting new avenues for interpretation of diving behavior.  相似文献   

We studied the ontogeny of hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit and erythrocyte counts in the Galapagos fur seal ( Arctocephalus galapagoensis , Heller 1904). Two hundred and fifty-three animals were sampled between the ages of 22 d and > 8 yr, of which 46 were adult females. Body mass increased steadily with age from 6.1 ± 1.2 kg in 1-mo-old pups ( n = 27) to 28.5 ± 3.3 kg in adult females. Even adult females increased in mass with age. Hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), and red blood cell (RBC) values all increased in a logarithmic fashion with age up to 2 yr. Blood values for pups were Hct: 35.5 ± 4.1%; Hb: 12.9 ± 1.3 g/dl; RBC: 4.1 ± 0.3·106/μl. Half-year-old fur seals (Hct: 42.1 ± 3.2%; Hb: 15.7 ± 1.3 g/dl; RBC: 4.9 ± 0.5·106/μl; n = 50) were the oldest age group to show significantly lower blood values than adult females ( P < 0.001 for all three parameters). Yearling blood values (Hct: 47.2 ± 3.6%; Hb: 17.3 ± 1.6 g/dl; RBC: 5.6 ± 0.4·106/μl; n = 56) did not differ significantly from those of adult females ( P < 0.32; P < 0.26; P < 0.23, respectively). Blood values of adult females were lower than those of 2-yr-olds (Hct: 49.6 ± 2.4%; Hb: 18.5 ± 1.2 g/dl; RBC: 5.7 ± 0.3·106/μl; n = 31). These differences were significant only for RBCs ( P < 0.003). Up to the age of 1 yr, age was the best predictor for blood values, thereafter mass tended to be a better predictor. Female juveniles between the ages of 150 and 600 d had higher blood values than same-age males. The relationship of blood value development to diving activity is briefly described and the results are compared to values of other marine mammals. Ontogeny is discussed in relation to the development of these blood values in terrestrial mammals.  相似文献   

Neck collars of man-made marine debris were seen on 208 Antarctic fur seals (and removed from 170) during the 142 days of the 1988–1989 pup-rearing season at Bird Island, South Georgia. This represents at least 0.1% of the total Bird Island population and a minimum of 0.4% of animals in the best covered areas; a maximum value might approach 1%. Polypropylene straps (packaging bands) formed 59% of collars, nylon string (16%), fishing net (13%) and six other materials comprised the rest. Males accounted for 71% of entanglements, 88% of which were of young (1–4 yr old) animals; females accounted for 64% of animals older than this. Obvious physical injury was being caused to 30% of animals and only on 19% of animals was the collar loose enough potentially to come off. The magnitude of the problem at South Georgia is similar to that with northern fur seals at the Pribilof Islands, where a significant population decline has occurred concurrently. Antarctic fur seals are still increasing in numbers but stricter controls on the jettisoning of debris into the Southern Ocean ate needed if the entanglement problem is not to increase beyond the level of a potential threat.  相似文献   

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