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Kongsfjorden, a glacial fjord, is a typical fjord in the Spitsbergen (Svalbard archipelago) in the Arctic. The study supports a hypothesis that meiofauna and macrofauna are affected by natural environmental disturbances. Therefore, meiofaunal and macrofaunal analyses can be used to assess the effects of natural environmental disturbances in similar fjords in the Spitsbergen. Inputs from tidal glaciers create steep environmental gradients in sedimentation and salinity along the fjord. The magnitude of the glacial outflow diminishes towards the outer part of the fjord. Glacial-related physical stress causes reduced abundance, biomass and diversity among the meiofaunal assemblages in the inner part of the fjord. Based on quantitative and qualitative analyses of the composition of collected samples, three groups of meiofauna have been distinguished: one outer basin association and two in the inner, glacial bay. The presented results demonstrate that both the meiofauna and the macrofauna are affected on a similar scale by natural environmental disturbances. Therefore, as for macrofauna, meiofaunal analysis can be used to assess the effect of natural environmental disturbances.  相似文献   

Obelia dichotoma is a thecate hydroid with a worldwide distribution, occurring mainly on shallow water hard substrates. Since the trophic ecology of hydroids in polar waters is badly understood, the aim of the present work was to study qualitatively and quantitatively the diet of these organisms in an Arctic environment and to determine their trophic significance. For this purpose, the density of the hydroid population was documented, and simultaneously, zooplankton was sampled in two different years (1997 and 1998). Prey capture rates were estimated by analysing the gastrovascular content of the polyps in a diurnal cycle. Additionally, the digestion time of O. dichotoma was measured by laboratory feeding experiments using diatoms as food items. The analyses of the gastrovascular cavities of the polyps sampled during the diurnal cycles showed that O. dichotoma fed mainly on faecal pellets, organic matter and microalgae. Zooplankton prey was also observed, but gastrovascular contents and zooplankton abundance did not show any correlation in both years. The consumption rates of the hydroid populations differed between the 2 years. It was almost double (8.9 mg Carbon m?2) in 1998 compared to 1997 (5.5 mg Carbon m?2). The significance of the environmental variability in the feeding ecology and population dynamics of hydroids under Arctic conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

Information on herbivore-macroalgae interactions is extremely scarce for Arctic habitats. In this study, the potential of 19 macroalgae as food source for herbivores was investigated for the first time in Arctic waters (Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen) with emphasis on algal defense against grazing. Only two of the 19 tested macroalgae-associated invertebrates consumed macroalgae in measurable amounts, the locally abundant green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (OF Müller) and the amphipod Gammarellus homari (JC Fabricius). In the inner basin of the fjord, the dense macroalgal stock represents a potential food source. However, in this area, herbivory plays only a minor role. In contrast, in the outer basin of Kongsfjorden S. droebachiensis exerts a strong top-down control on macroalgal assemblages.Laboratory feeding assays in the with the two herbivores showed grazer-specific feeding preferences. The amphipod G. homari exhibits a preference for delicate red algal species like Devaleraea ramentacea, whereas the sea urchin S. droebachiensis significantly preferred more leathery seaweeds like Laminaria and Alaria. The red alga Palmaria palmata is a very attractive food for both herbivores, while the brown alga Desmarestia viridis and the red alga Ptilota gunneri are among the least preferred algae. To distinguish between physical and tissue-specific plant properties, which have a deterring or stimulating effect on the grazing behaviour, both grazers were offered intact algal tissue and artificial food in separate feeding assays. While physical and tissue-specific plant properties-especially in the Laminariales-deterred G. homari, these properties did not deter S. droebachiensis.This study provides insights into herbivore consumption in the benthic food web of Kongsfjorden. As a general potential top-down factor controlling primary production, herbivory needs to be quantified further in Kongsfjorden to develop adequate carbon flow models for this important reference site for the study of climate change on high latitude marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Marine benthic macrofauna communities are considered a good indicator of subtle environmental long-term changes in an ecosystem. In 1997/1998 and 2006, soft-bottom fauna of an Arctic glacial fjord Kongsfjorden was extensively sampled and major communities were identified along the fjord axis, which were related to the diminishing influence of glacial activity. Spatial patterns in community structure and species diversity were significantly different in the central basin of Kongsfjorden between periods while there was no change in the inner part of the fjord. In 1997/98, three faunal associations were distinguished with significant differences in species richness and diversity (H′) while in 2006 only two faunal associations were identified and there were no differences any more between the two formerly distinct associations in the central fjord. The increased input of Atlantic water due to a stronger West Spitsbergen Current may be the reason for unification of previous clear faunal division. The faunal association in the inner, well separated glacial part of the fjord, characterized by strong glacier influence, was protected from Atlantic water inflow and, hence, the macrobenthic fauna essentially remained unaffected. Reduced abundance of species typical for glacial bays in the central part of the fjord in 2006 may result from the decreasing effect of Blomstrandbreen glacier, strong increase of input of Atlantic water into the fjord and increased temperature of West Spitsbergen Current. Higher values of POC in 2006 than in 1998 are likely the effect of increased primary production resulting from warmer water temperatures.  相似文献   

The viable and non-viable fractions of the bacterial community in a 2347-year-old permafrost soil from Spitsbergen were subjected to a comprehensive investigation using culture-independent and culture-dependent methods. LIVE/DEAD BacLight staining revealed that 26% of the total number of bacterial cells were viable. Quantitatively, aerobic microcolonies, aerobic colony-forming units and culturable anaerobic bacteria comprised a minor fraction of the total number of viable bacteria, which underlines the necessity for alternative cultivation approaches in bacterial cryobiology. Sulfate reduction was detected at temperatures between -2 degrees C and 29 degrees C while methanogenesis was not detected. Bacterial diversity was high with 162 operational taxonomic units observed from 800 16S rDNA clone sequences. The 158 pure cultures isolated from the permafrost soil affiliated with 29 different bacterial genera, the majority of which have not previously been isolated from permafrost habitats. Most of the strains isolated were affiliated to the genera Cellulomonas and Arthrobacter and several of the pure cultures were closely related to bacteria reported from other cryohabitats. Characterization of viable bacterial communities in permafrost soils is important as it will enable identification of functionally important groups together with the as yet undescribed adaptations that bacteria have evolved for surviving subzero temperatures for millennia.  相似文献   

Our study deals with the lipid biochemistry of the krill community in the ecosystem of the high Arctic Kongsfjord (Svalbard). During the last decades, Kongsfjord experienced a change in krill species composition due to recent increased advection of Atlantic water masses carrying characteristic boreal as well as subtropical-boreal euphausiids into the ecosystem. The lipid biochemistry and trophic relationships of the species recently inhabiting the Arctic water masses are scarcely known, although a change in a krill population may have a significant impact on the ecosystem. A comparison of nutrition and energy storage strategies, stable isotopes, lipid profiles and fatty acid compositions showed remarkable differences between the krill species. These reflected the diverse feeding behaviours and specific adaptations to the environments of their origin: the boreal Meganyctiphanes norvegica and subtropical Nematoscelis megalops appear more carnivorous and have significantly lower mean lipid contents (29 and 10 %, respectively) and a different energy storage pattern (triacylglycerols and polar lipids, respectively) than the arcto-boreal Thysanoessa inermis, which consists of up to 54 % of lipids mainly stored as wax esters (>40 %). These differences may have significant implications for the rapidly changing marine food web of Kongsfjord—especially for higher trophic levels relying on the nutritional input of animal lipids.  相似文献   

Al-Handal  Adil Y.  Fricke  Anna  Wulff  Angela 《Polar Biology》2016,39(11):1913-1932
Polar Biology - The most dramatic effects of global climate change are predicted for the Arctic, and there is a raising concern about the lack of baseline information on microalgal biodiversity....  相似文献   

The actual Arctic biota shows a strong affinity with that of the Boreal Atlantic and Pacific ones, as a result of an active recolonization process after the Quaternary glaciations. The geographic distribution of sessile species is usually linked to larvae dispersive capabilities which can be directly related with time spent in the plankton. Ascidians larvae are lecitothorphic and short-lived, which suggest that ascidians could be not efficient dispersers. However, the solitary ascidian Styela rustica (Linnaeus, 1767) (Tunicata, Ascidiacea) shows a wide distribution pattern from the North Atlantic to the Arctic that, together with the relatively recent colonization of the Arctic system could indicate that this species efficiently disperses and colonizes new habitats. In this study we used ISSR-PCR markers to study the genetic structure of five populations of the ascidian Styela rustica at Kongsfjorden, west Spitsbergen (Svalbard archipelago). We analyzed whether this species presents a low genetic structure, as can be expected due to the historical process of recent post glaciations colonization, or if there is genetic differentiation at a local scale, caused by short-lived larvae and limited dispersal potential. The genetic diversity in each population assessed using the marker diversity index (M) ranged from 0.288 to 0.324. Population HN, situated close to a fast retreating glacier, showed the lowest diversity. Processes associated with deglatiation (icebergs calving from the glacier that scour the benthos and the increment of inorganic particulate matter on the water column) would drive to reduced population sizes and explain the reduced genetic variability observed in the HN population with respect to the others in the fjord. This suggests a possible linkage with the global warming process. Although the weak genetic structure found among the studied populations could indicate a founder effect, the genetic landscape shape analysis together with a positive relationship between genetic and geographic distances also suggest possible current gene flow among populations in the fjord.  相似文献   

Cold-adapted, complex polysaccharide-degrading marine bacteria have important implications in biogeochemical processes and biotechnological applications. Bacteria capable of degrading complex polysaccharide substrates, mainly starch, have been isolated from various cold environments, such as sea ice, glaciers, subglacial lakes, and marine sediments. However, the total diversity of polysaccharide-degrading culturable bacteria in Kongsfjorden, Arctic Ocean, remains unexplored. In the study reported here, we tested 215 cold-adapted heterotrophic bacterial cultures (incubated at 4 and 20 °C, respectively) isolated from Kongsfjorden, for the production of cold-active extracellular polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, including amylase, pectinase, alginase, xylanase, and carboxymethyl (CM)-cellulase. Our results show that 52 and 41% of the bacterial isolates tested positive for extracellular enzyme activities at 4 and 20 °C, respectively. A large fraction of the bacterial isolates (37% of the positive isolates) showed multiple extracellular enzyme activities. Alginase and pectinase were the most predominantly active enzymes, followed by amylase, xylanase, and CM-cellulase. All isolates which tested positive for extracellular enzyme activities were affiliated to microbial class Gammaproteobacteria. The four genera with the highest number of isolates were Pseudomonas, followed by Psychrobacter, Pseudoalteromonas, and Shewanella. The prevalence of complex polysaccharide-degrading enzymes among the isolates indicates the availability of complex polysaccharide substrates in the Kongsfjorden, likely as a result of glacial melting and/or macroalgal load. In addition, the observed high functional/phenotypic diversity in terms of extracellular enzyme activities within the bacterial genera indicates a role in regulating carbon/carbohydrate turnover in the Kongsfjorden, especially by reducing recalcitrance.  相似文献   

Coralline algae (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) that form rhodoliths are important ecosystem engineers and carbonate producers in many polar coastal habitats. This study deals with rhodolith communities from Floskjeret (78°18′N), Krossfjorden (79°08′N), and Mosselbukta (79°53′N), off Spitsbergen Island, Svalbard Archipelago, Norway. Strong seasonal variations in temperature, salinity, light regime, sea-ice coverage, and turbidity characterize these localities. The coralline algal flora consists of Lithothamnion glaciale and Phymatolithon tenue. Well-developed rhodoliths were recorded between 27 and 47 m water depth, while coralline algal encrustations on lithoclastic cobbles were detected down to 77 m water depth. At all sites, ambient waters were saturated with respect to both aragonite and calcite, and the rhodolith beds were located predominately at dysphotic water depths. The rhodolith-associated macrobenthic fauna included grazing organisms such as chitons and echinoids. With decreasing water depth, the rhodolith pavements were regularly overgrown by non-calcareous Polysiphonia-like red algae. The corallines are thriving and are highly specialized in their adaptations to the physical environment as well as in their interaction with the associated benthic fauna, which is similar to other polar rhodolith communities. The marine environment of Spitsbergen is already affected by a climate-driven ecological regime shift and will lead to an increased borealization in the near future, with presently unpredictable consequences for coralline red algal communities.  相似文献   

Polychaetes are one of the most important groups of benthic organisms in marine ecosystems. They dominate on the Arctic shelf and play an important role in ecosystem functioning. This study focuses on the polychaete biodiversity and their distribution patterns in Hornsund, an open glacial fjord, in western Spitsbergen and provides important baseline data for future studies of temporal fluctuations in benthic fauna. The main aim of this study was to assess how the polychaete abundance, biomass, diversity, community structure, and function vary along the Hornsund fjord’s axis, in relation to the environmental factors. Eighty-eight polychaete taxa were identified; an average density was 457 ind. m?2 ± 237.5 SD. Three assemblages were distinguished (INNER, MIDDLE, and OUTER) along the fjord axis, reflecting the intensity of glacial disturbance. A clear division between the highly disturbed inner part of the fjord (Brepollen) and the less impacted middle and outer parts was observed. Continuous gradients in abundance, biomass, and diversity were found with all those values diminishing toward the inner region of the fjord. The polychaete assemblages' indices were significantly correlated with bottom temperature, sediment characteristics (grain size), and distance to the glacier (longitude). No significant correlations were found with depth or total organic carbon content. Carnivore and motile surface deposit feeding polychaete species dominated in the areas close to the glaciers, while the OUTER community was dominated by carnivores and surface sessile and discretely motile species, and had more complex trophic structure, with multiple species representing different functional groups including carnivores, sessile, discretely motile, and motile surface deposit feeders and motile burrowers.  相似文献   

Sipuncula is a relatively species poor and generally rarely investigated phylum; nonetheless, it may play a considerable role in the ecosystem. During this study sipunculan species distribution patterns in four fjords of west Spitsbergen (Kongsfjorden, Hornsund, Isfjorden and van Mijenfjorden) were examined. Material was collected during ten cruises undertaken from 1997 to 2006. A total of 381 samples were taken at 132 stations located in the four fjords and, a total number of 920 sipunculans specimens were found in 114 of those samples. The highest sipunculan species richness was observed in Hornsund (six species), followed by Kongsfjorden and Isfjorden (five species in each fjord). Sipunculan fauna in all fjords was strongly dominated by Golfingia vulgaris (80% of all sipunculan individuals in Kongsfjorden), and Golfingia margaritacea (84% in van Mijenfjorden and 40% in Hornsund) or Nephasoma diaphanes (54% in Isfjorden). Locally, sipunculans were found in high densities (max. 62 ind. 0.1 m−2 and up to 11% of macrobenthic densities) and biomass (max. 110.87 g 0.1 m−2 and up to 80% of total fauna biomass). At such sites, sipunculans may play an important role in bioturbation of sediments and as a food source for higher trophic levels. Sipunculans did not occur within close proximity of the glacier where they might be eliminated due to high sedimentation rate and low amounts of organic matter. Because of their importance in benthic systems, a need to include sipunculans in routine macrobenthic surveys is emphasized.  相似文献   

Kongsfjorden is a glacial fjord in the Arctic that is influenced by both Atlantic and Arctic water masses. In the present report retrievable heterotrophic bacteria isolated from two distinct zones (outer and inner fjord) of Kongsfjorden was studied during summer to fall of 2012. 16S rRNA gene sequences of the retrievable heterotrophic bacteria corresponded to γ-proteobacteria (13 phylotypes), α-proteobacteria (3 phylotypes), Bacteroidetes (4 phylotypes) and Actinobacteria (2 phylotypes). The heterotrophic bacterial community structure was fundamentally different in different months which could be linked to changes in the water masses and/or phytoplankton bloom dynamics. It is hypothesized that monitoring the retrievable heterotrophic bacterial assemblage in the fjord would give valuable insights into the complex ecological role they play under extreme and dynamic conditions.  相似文献   

Marine birds are important predators in the marine ecosystem, and dietary studies can give useful information about their feeding ecology, food webs and oceanographic variability. The aim of this study was to increase our understanding of the diet and trophic level of the seabirds breeding in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. We have used fatty acids and stable isotopes, both of which integrate diet information over space and time, to determine trophic relationships in marine food webs. Fatty acid compositions of muscle from Little auk (Alle alle), Brünnich’s guillemot (Uria lomvia), Black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), Northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) and Glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus) were determined and compared with their prey species. Canonical analysis (CA) showed that fatty acid composition differed among the five seabird species. Little auk, Black-legged kittiwake and Northern fulmar had high levels of the Calanus markers 20:1n9 and 22:1, indicating that these seabirds are a part of the Calanus food chain. Brünnich’s guillemot differed from the other species with much lower levels of 20:1n9 and 22:1. Brünnich’s guillemot is a pursuit diver feeding on fish and amphipods deeper in the water column, below 30 m. Glaucous gull also differed from the other seabird species, with a larger variation in the fatty acid composition indicating a more diverse diet. Trophic level analysis placed Little auk at the lowest trophic level, Brünnich’s guillemot and Black-legged kittiwake at intermediate levels and Glaucous gull and Northern fulmar at the highest trophic level.  相似文献   

The effect of hypo‐ and hypersaline treatments on the effective quantum yield of photosystem II was comparatively studied with a pulse amplitude modulated fluorometer (PAM) in the brown algal species Alaria esculenta, Fucus distichus, Laminaria digitata, Laminaria solidungula, Saccharina latissima (formerly Laminaria saccharina) and Saccorhiza dermatodea collected in the Arctic Kongsfjorden (Spitsbergen). While the euryhaline F. distichus was not affected at all by salinities ranging from 5 to 60 psu, A. esculenta, S. latissima and L. solidungula exhibited under hyposaline conditions strong loss of pigments (bleaching) or even high mortality reflecting stenohaline features. In contrast to the latter species, L. digitata and S. dermatodea survived all salinities, but showed reduced photosynthetic activities at the lowest and highest salt treatments and hence, can be characterized as stenohaline‐euryhaline organisms. The data are discussed in terms of vertical zonation (eulittoral versus sublittoral habitat), in terms of interactive effects with other abiotic factors such as temperature and in terms of the species‐specific acclimation potential.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic diversity of the marine bacterioplankton in Kongsfjorden (Spitsbergen) was investigated by 16S rRNA gene analysis. Community fingerprint analysis by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis revealed that there was no apparent difference of bacterioplankton community composition between sampling locations in the fjord. A higher biodiversity was observed in bottom water of station 3 in the central part of the fjord. By 16S rRNA gene clone library analysis, sequences detected both in surface and bottom water of station 3 fell into eight putative divisions, including Proteobacteria (Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta), Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Verrucomicrobia and unidentified bacteria, in addition to chloroplasts of algae. Sequences representing Planctomycetes were only observed in bottom water. Compared to the preponderance of clones representing Gammaproteobacteria (36.5%) and Alphaproteobacteria (29.4%) in bottom water, Alphaproteobacteria (43.6%) and algae (27.7%) constituted two dominant fractions in surface water. Cloned sequences showed 82.1–100% similarity to those described sequences. It suggests that, attributing to the influence of ocean currents as well as freshwater input in the summer, the bacterial community in Kongsfjorden may consist of a mixture of cosmopolitan and uniquely endemic phylotypes.  相似文献   

The Kongsfjorden, an Arctic fjord is experiencing warming due to increased input of Atlantic water masses. High-throughput sequencing was performed to examine bacterial diversity from the outer and inner zone of the fjord in summer and fall of 2012. A total of 11,999 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were assigned into 19 known phyla and 5 genera incertae sedis. Significant variation (p = 0.001, n = 4) was observed between the bacterial community structure of outer and inner fjord while variation between summer and fall was minimum. Proteobacteria was the most abundant phylum (55.9-61.0%) in summer and fall. The most dominant alphaproteobacterial member of this phylum (OTU 263 Pelagibacteriaceae) contributed maximum to the observed dissimilarity between the outer and inner fjord community. Characterised by relatively fresher and warmer water, glacial meltwater input could be a major source of predominance of OTU 6968 Flavobacteriaceae, OTU 5552 Psychrobacter, OTU 7148 Sphingomonadales and OTU 5011 Loktanella in the inner fjord in summer. Thus, the significant variation in the bacterioplankton community composition of outer and inner fjord indicates strong and localized influence of glacial melt water in shaping the community structure.  相似文献   

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