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Questions: Two hypotheses were tested: (1) physical features, such as wetland surface area and habitat diversity, together with water chemistry, are important determinants of species richness and composition of macrophyte assemblages and (2) species richness and composition of macrophyte assemblages differ between wetlands of different types (i.e., palustrine versus lacustrine) and between wetlands of different hydrologies (i.e. permanent versus intermittent). Location: A subtropical coastal plain segment (2500 km2) of southern Brazil. Methods: Quarterly collections were carried out in 15 wetlands (2004–2005) in southern Brazil. Differences in richness over time were tested using repeated measures ANOVA. Stepwise multiple regression was performed to investigate relationships between total richness and environmental variables. Significance of differences between wetland types and hydroperiods on species composition was verified by MRPP (Multi‐Response Permutation Procedure). The influence of the environmental variables on species composition was assessed using CCA (Canonical Correspondence Analysis). Results: Macrophyte species richness changed with time, was not significantly different between wetland types, but was higher in permanent wetlands than in intermittent ones. Area, habitat diversity and soluble reactive phosphorus concentration explained 76% of the variation in species richness. Species composition was different between permanent and intermittent wetlands, although it was not significantly different between wetland types. Area, habitat diversity and water chemistry explained 50.1% of species composition. Conclusions: Species richness and composition of wetland macrophytes were mainly determined by area, habitat diversity and hydroperiod. These results can be used for the development of conservation and management programs in southern Brazil.  相似文献   

  1. The coastal rivers of the São Paulo State in SE Brazil have different lengths and seawater influence. We evaluated whether: (1) environmental heterogeneity (EH) is associated with the species and life-form richness of aquatic macrophytes; and (2) EH and geographical distance influence species composition in these coastal rivers.
  2. We recorded the macrophyte species and life form occurrence and collected explanatory variables characterising the water, sediment, and river channel at 100 sampling sites over 8 rivers. We applied a principal component analysis to the explanatory variables and calculated the rivers' EH using the range of principal component 1 scores. We also determined the position of each river mouth along the coastline to measure the distance between the rivers. We used quasi-Poisson generalised linear models to evaluate the effects of EH on richness of species and life forms. To determine the effect of EH and geographical distance (Euclidean distance matrices) on the variation in species composition (Jaccard dissimilarity matrix) among the rivers, we applied multiple regressions on distance matrices.
  3. The most heterogeneous river had heterogeneity score about five times greater than the least heterogeneous river. Sediment salinity, river width, total phosphorus concentration of water and distance from river mouth were the most important variables contributing to the rivers' EH. We found that EH did not explain variation in species richness; however, it had a significant positive relationship with life-form richness. The effect of EH was greater than that of the geographical distance on the variation in species composition among the rivers. The pairs of rivers with the most similar EH were the most similar in species composition, but not all of them were geographically close.
  4. We conclude that EH influences life-form richness but does not influence species richness of aquatic macrophytes in the coastal rivers we studied; however, EH does influence species composition regardless of geographical distance among rivers.

Submerged freshwater macrophytes decline with increasing eutrophication. This has consequences for ecosystem processes in shallow lakes and ponds as macrophytes can reduce algal blooms under eutrophic conditions. We hypothesize that the productivity of submerged vegetation, biomass change under eutrophication and the suppression of algal blooms may be affected by macrophyte community composition. To test our hypothesis, we established three macrophyte community types in 36 fishless experimental ponds: one dominated by the oligotrophic species Chara globularis, one dominated by the eutrophic species Potamogeton pectinatus and a diverse vegetation which became co-dominated by Elodea nuttallii and C. globularis, and we fertilized half of the ponds.The macrophyte communities produced different amounts of biomass and they responded differently to fertilization. The community dominated by Potamogeton produced the lowest overall biomass, but was not affected by nutrient addition. The communities dominated by Chara and co-dominated by Elodea and Chara produced more than four-fold the amount of biomass produced in Potamogeton communities under oligotrophic conditions, but were strongly negatively affected by nutrient addition.Phytoplankton abundance did not differ significantly among the plant community types, but showed large variation within community types. There was a significant negative relationship between spring macrophyte biomass and the probability of summer algal blooms. The occurrence of algal blooms coincided with low daphnid densities and high pH (>10).We conclude that the macrophyte community composition, characterized by the dominant species, strongly affected the amount of biomass production as well as the short-term response of the vegetation to nutrient enrichment. Macrophyte community composition had no direct effect on algal blooms, but can affect the occurrence of algal blooms indirectly as these occurred only in ponds with low (<100 g/m2 DW) spring macrophyte biomass.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined how the biomass and species composition of aquatic plant communities relates to cottage development of Canadian Shield lakes. Within the North Kawartha Region of Ontario, we sampled the macrophyte communities at two water depths (0.5 m and 1.5 m) in lakes (n = 12) having a range of cottage densities (0-23 cottages km−1 of shoreline). Across all lakes, 39 species were found, with individual lake richness ranging from six to ten. Macrophyte biomass decreased with increasing cottage density, irrespective of depth (ANCOVA dev’t*depth p = 0.925). In contrast, only the shallower depth showed a relationship between cottage development and richness and diversity; highly developed lakes had three or fewer species and diversities less than 1.5. There was also a shift in structural plant type from floating leaf and emergent on undeveloped lakes to submersed and submersed low-lying on developed lakes. Ordination analysis demonstrated that cottage development (and to a lesser extent, lake area) was strongly correlated (p = 0.05) with community species composition in southern Ontario lakes. Our results thus demonstrate that the management of cottage development should minimize the loss of biomass and species richness of aquatic plants given the likely negative effects of these alterations on other taxa in littoral zones and foodwebs in lake ecosystems.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a nutrient cycling experiment in the Beijing Zoo that uses macrophytes as the added link to make a purification system. The whole system consisted of macrophyte cultivating area and no macrophyte area. By making up the different functional groups of aquatic plants, a multilevel cycling network is formed, which has a rather high purification capability. During the experimental period, the water quality of the Waterfowl Lake and the Peony Pavilion Lake improved significantly, with total nitrogen and total phosphorus reductions of up to 58 and 38%, respectively. Other parameters also confirmed the good purification effect of this system. The economic and social benefits met the requirement of the original design.  相似文献   

Potential community effects of nutrient enhancement are a topic of theoretical interest and increasing management concern in coastal marine systems. While increased nutrient levels may lead to increased microalgal production and biomass, studies have provided variable evidence regarding the existence of upward cascade effects on macrofauna. In benthic marine communities, limitation by predation or factors preventing recruitment response may contribute to weak coupling between resource availability and macrobenthos abundances. We conducted blocked nutrient addition and predator exclusion experiments in the intertidal of two estuaries that varied in background nutrient concentrations (Cape Fear and White Oak, southeastern North Carolina). Benthic community comparisons were also made among these and two other North Carolina estuaries to examine correlations in distribution patterns. Cape Fear, which had the highest background nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, also had highest ambient benthic microalgal biomass. There was no significant response of microalgal biomass to local nutrient additions in Cape Fear and only one macrofaunal taxon during one season exhibited abundance responses to nutrient additions. White Oak, with lower background nutrient levels, was characterized by significant microalgal responses to nutrient additions and significant macrofauna abundance responses for 50% of the species examined during summer experiments. However, all of these macrofauna declined in abundance with nutrient enhancement while biomass remained constant or significantly increased with nutrient additions. This suggests a complex response of macrofauna to nutrient additions in this estuary with greater biomass per individual but a corresponding decline in abundances. Top-down/bottom-up interactive effects were observed for haustoriid amphipods, which were uncommon or absent when predators had access, but exhibited strong biomass responses to nutrient enhancement when predators were excluded. These results support a growing body of literature that indicates the importance of background conditions in regulating benthic community responses to nutrient enhancement. However, responses may be complex with biomass per individual rather than densities being the primary response variable for some taxa and predator moderation of responses occurring for some taxa but not others.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study examines the capacity of establishment of a rare aquatic macrophyte, Luronium natans, within plant communities and habitat types in which it does not occur spontaneously. The species, generally limited to disturbed or nutrient‐poor habitats, was transplanted into a series of sites situated along natural gradients of disturbance (flush‐floods and intermittent sediment exposure) and sediment nutrient‐richness. The transplanted colonies were given a competition‐free establishment period. Colony dynamics of Luronium as well as size structure of the recolonizing macrophyte communities were monitored over three growing seasons. At the end of this period, transplanted colonies still persisted in five out of 12 transplantation sites. Apparently successful integration into the community occurred at both ends of the nutrient gradient, in periodically disturbed habitats. At intermediate to high nutrient richness Luronium maintained one of the highest cover values within the recolonizing community. The study supports previous presumptions that long‐term persistence of Luronium depends on processes limiting community biomass through occurrence of disturbance. But it also reveals the existence of suitable, yet not occupied habitats in which the species can persist as successfully as species from the local species pool. This finding modulates the presumption that Luronium's rarity is mainly caused by a weak competitive ability in the established phase. It thus rises questions about the species’ performance at other stages of its life cycle and on its dispersability.  相似文献   

Sequencing of the 5' end of the large ribosomal subunit (LSU rDNA) and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were combined to assess the impact of four annual Medicago species (Medicago laciniata, Medicago murex, Medicago polymorpha and Medicago truncatula) on the genetic diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, and on the relative abundance of representative AM fungal genotypes, in a silty-thin clay soil (Mas d'Imbert, France). Two hundred and forty-six Glomeromycete LSU rDNA sequences from the four plant species and the bulk soil were analysed. The high bootstrap values of the phylogenetic tree obtained allowed the delineation of 12 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), all belonging to Glomus. Specific primers targeting Glomeromycetes and major OTUs were applied to quantify their abundance by qPCR. Glomeromycetes and targeted OTUs were significantly more abundant in the root tissues than in the bulk soil, and the frequencies of three of them differed significantly in the root tissues of the different plant species. These differences indicate that, despite the absence of strict host specificity in mycorrhizal symbiosis, there was a preferential association between some AM fungal and plant genotypes.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that species diversity can enhance stability of community‐level biomass while simultaneously decreasing population‐level stability. Enrichment can theoretically destabilize communities but effects may become weaker with increasing diversity because of the inclusion of consumer‐resistant prey. Few experiments using direct manipulations of species diversity have tested these predictions. We used laboratory‐based aquatic food webs to examine the effects of species composition, diversity and enrichment on temporal variability of population‐ and community‐level biomass. We found weak effects of enrichment on population‐ and community‐level stability. However, diversity enhanced community‐level stability while species composition had no influence. In contrast, composition effects outweighed diversity effects when stability was measured at the population level. We found no negative effects of diversity on population‐level stability, in opposition to theory. Our results indicate that diversity can enhance stability in multitrophic systems, but effects vary with the scale of biological organization at which stability is measured.  相似文献   

A three-week mesocosm experiment was conducted in order to study the effects of bottom sediment and nutrient enrichment on phytoplankton and zooplankton community structure in the Archipelago Sea, northern Baltic Sea. The transparent polyethylene enclosures included the whole water column and varied in volume from 30 to 40 m3. There were two types of enclosures: some with natural sediment as a bottom and others with a plastic bottom. The experiment was a 2 × 2 factorial design with presence of sediment and nutrient enrichment as treatment factors. Both the sediment presence and nutrient enrichment significantly increased water nutrient concentrations and the rate of primary production. However, external nutrient enrichment and the presence of sediment stimulated the growth of different phytoplankton groups, indicating that the effect of sediment was not related to nutrient fluxes alone, but involved more complex interactions. External nutrient enrichment was primarily channelled to picoplanktonic cyanobacteria, the biomass of which increased four- to fivefold due to enrichment. The presence of sediment increased the biomass of cryptophytes, chrysophytes and prasinophytes, but decreased the biomass of N2-fixing cyanobacteria. Zooplankton biomass increased during the experiment, but was not affected by the treatments. The study shows that sediment plays a significant role in phytoplankton dynamics, underlining the importance of including sediment in shallow-water mesocosm experiments. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

This study analyzed macrophyte richness, biomass, and composition under flooding of brief duration (less than 3 days) and drawdown events over an annual cycle in a floodplain palustrine wetland in the south of Brazil. The study was carried out to test the hypothesis that floods of brief and very brief duration are not long enough to compromise the richness and the biomass of aquatic macrophytes and that the alternation between wet and drawdown phases may cause variations in the macrophyte richness and composition. A total of 26 aquatic macrophyte species were observed from April 2003 to May 2004: 13 species were observed during the wet phase, and 24 during the drawdown phase. The mean richness was higher during the drawdown phase than during the wet phase, however, the mean biomass was similar in both phases. Although macrophyte richness was not modified after the three flooding events, mean biomass was modified after two events. The number of macrophyte species of which the biomass was modified after the first flooding event increased with subsequent floods. These results illustrate the importance of the dynamics between brief floods and drawdown events to the aquatic plant community in floodplain wetlands in southern Brazil.  相似文献   

Song Biyu 《Hydrobiologia》2000,427(1):143-153
The species richness and seasonal development of planktonic ciliates were studied and compared in two shallow mesotrophic lakes, one covered with dense submerged macrophytes, the other macrophyte poor. Considerable differences in ciliate species composition, dominant taxa, abundance and biomass were observed. Ciliates were much more species rich in the macrophyte-rich lake, while they were more abundant numerically in the macrophyte-poor lake. Altogether, 96 species, included in 53 genera, 14 orders were identified. Among them, 80 species (included in 45 genera, 14 orders) observed from the macrophyte-rich lake, against 49 species (36 genera, 12 orders) were from the macrophyte-poor lake. In the macrophyte-rich lake, the mean abundance and biomass were 13.5 cells ml-1 and 547.10 g l-1 f.w.; abundance and biomass were higher in spring and winter; naked oligotrichs dominated total ciliate abundance and Peritrichida dominated the biomass. In the macrophyte-poor lake, ciliate mean abundance and biomass were 35.5 cells ml-1 and 953.39 g l-1 f.w.; abundances peaked in autumn; Scuticociliates dominated the abundance and Tintinnids dominated the biomass. Possible causes for the observed differences are discussed.  相似文献   

1. The issue of freshwater species being threatened by invasion has become central in conservation biology because inland waters exhibit the highest species richness per unit area, but apparently have the highest extinctions rates on the planet. 2. In this article, we evaluated the effects of an exotic, invasive aquatic grass (Urochloa subquadripara– tropical signalgrass) on the diversity and assemblage composition of native macrophytes in four Neotropical water bodies (two reservoirs and two lakes). Species cover was assessed in quadrats, and plant biomass was measured in further quadrats, located in sites where tropical signalgrass dominated (D quadrats) and sites where it was not dominant or entirely absent (ND quadrats). The effects of tropical signalgrass on macrophyte species richness, Shannon diversity and number of macrophyte life forms (a surrogate of functional richness) were assessed through regressions, and composition was assessed with a DCA. The effects of tropical signalgrass biomass on the likelihood of occurrence of specific macrophyte life forms were assessed through logistic regression. 3. Tropical signalgrass had a negative effect on macrophyte richness and Shannon and functional diversity, and also influenced assemblage composition. Emergent, rooted with floating stems and rooted submersed species were negatively affected by tropical signalgrass, while the occurrence of free‐floating species was positively affected. 4. Our results suggest that competition with emergent species and reduction of underwater radiation, which reduces the number of submersed species, counteract facilitation of free‐floating species, contributing to a decrease in plant diversity. In addition, homogenisation of plant assemblages shows that tropical signalgrass reduces the beta diversity in the macrophyte community. 5. Although our results were obtained at fine spatial scales, they are cause for concern because macrophytes are an important part of freshwater diversity.  相似文献   

The importance of aquatic vegetation to the ecologi-cal restoration has been recognized commonly bylimnolo-gists and lake managements[1—4].As to the ecologicalrestoration in eutrophicated lakes,it is of great signifi-cance to knowthe dynamic process of the ecosystemevo-lution in a macrophyte-dominated lake under the humanimpacts in historical period,to make it clear whether thecommunitystructure and ecological function would be af-fected bythe extension of the vegetation growth,tofind asolutionto remain ste...  相似文献   

The effect of prolonged (9 week) nutrient enrichment on the growth and photosynthetic rates of the zooxanthellate coral Stylophora pistillata was investigated. The main questions were: (1) what is the exposure time needed to induce measurable change in growth rate? (2) which are the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus required to cause changes in these rates? (3) what is the recovery potential of the corals after the nutrient stress? For this purpose, three tanks (N, P, NP) were enriched with ammonium (N), phosphorus (P) or both nutrients (NP), respectively. A fourth tank (C) served as a control. The growth of 40 nubbins (10 in each tank) was monitored during four periods: period 1 (nutrient-poor conditions), period 2 (10?μm NH4 and/or 2?μm PO4 enrichment), period 3 (20?μm NH4 and/or 2?μm PO4) and period 4 (nutrient-poor conditions). Period 4 was performed to study the recovery potential of corals after a nutrient stress. During period 1, growth rates remained constant in all tanks. In the P tank, growth rates declined during the two enrichment periods, with a total decrease of 60% by the end of period 3. In the N tank, growth rates remained nearly constant during period 2 but decreased in period 3 (60% decrease). In the NP tank, 50% and 25% decreases were observed during periods 2 and 3. At the end of the recovery period, a regain in growth rate was observed in the N and NP tanks (35 and 30% increase, respectively, compared with the rates measured at the end of period 3) and growth rates returned to 60% of the initial rates. By contrast, in the P tank, there was no regain in growth and a further decrease of 5% was observed. Rates of photosynthesis were often higher during the enriched than the nutrient-poor period (up to 150% increase). Corals with the highest percent increases in maximal gross photosynthetic rate (P g max ) had the smallest decreases in growth rate due to nutrient enrichment. In conclusion, high ammonium (20?μm) and relatively low phosphorus concentrations (2?μm) are required to induce a significant decrease in coral growth rate. The largest reduction was observed with both ammonium and phosphorus enrichment. The decrease in growth rate was rapid following nutrient enrichment, since a 10% decrease or more could be observed after the first week of treatment.  相似文献   

Macrophyte net primary productivity (NPP) is a significant but understudied component of the carbon budget in large Amazonian floodplains. Annual NPP is determined by the interaction between stem elongation (vertical growth) and plant cover changes (horizontal expansion), each affected differently by flood duration and amplitude. Therefore, hydrological changes as predicted for the Amazon basin could result in significant changes in annual macrophyte NPP. This study investigates the responses of macrophyte horizontal expansion and vertical growth to flooding variability, and its possible effects on the contribution of macrophytes to the carbon budget of Amazonian floodplains. Monthly macrophyte cover was estimated using satellite imagery for the 2003–2004 and 2004–2005 hydrological years, and biomass was measured in situ between 2003 and 2004. Regression models between macrophyte variables and river‐stage data were used to build a semiempirical model of macrophyte NPP as a function of water level. Historical river‐stage records (1970–2011) were used to simulate variations in NPP, as a function of annual flooding. Vertical growth varied by a factor of ca. 2 over the simulated years, whereas minimum and maximum annual cover varied by ca. 3.5 and 1.5, respectively. Results suggest that these processes act in opposite directions to determine macrophyte NPP, with larger sensitivity to changes in vertical growth, and thus maximum flooding levels. Years with uncommonly large flooding amplitude resulted in the highest NPP values, as both horizontal expansion and vertical growth were enhanced under these conditions. Over the simulated period, annual NPP varied by ca. 1.5 (1.06–1.63 TgC yr?1). A small increasing trend in flooding amplitude, and by extension NPP, was observed for the studied period. Variability in growth rates caused by local biotic and abiotic factors, and the lack of knowledge on macrophyte physiological responses to extreme hydrological conditions remain the major sources of uncertainty.  相似文献   


Since effects of alien invasive free-floating plants can be relevant in aquatic ecosystems, we investigated the non-native Lemna minuta impact on four aquatic animal groups: Hydra vulgaris (Coelenterates), Asellus aquaticus (Arthropods), Gambusia affinis (Fish), Bufo bufo tadpoles (Amphibians). An indoor experiment was conducted keeping animals in water held in tanks with L. minuta mats of 0.5 (WI1), 1.5?cm thick (WI2) and without mats (WOU). Water parameters (DO, DO%, pH) and animal responses (survival rate, vitality) were measured every 48?h (0–288?h). Treatments with mats showed significant impacts on animals which were more severe with increasing mat thickness. Strong decreasing of oxygen and pH associated with mat occurrence had a large impact on animals. In WI2 all individuals died within 144?h (H. vulgaris, B. bufo within 96h), while in WI1 there was a higher survival rate and vitality (excluding B. bufo died within 96?h) and in WOU no deaths. This evidence suggests L. minuta thick mats (≥1.5?cm) could have a high impact on animal biodiversity, especially reducing oxygenation level in aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

We build dynamic models of community assembly by starting with one species in our model ecosystem and adding colonists. We find that the number of species present first increases, then fluctuates about some level. We ask: how large are these fluctuations and how can we characterize them statistically? As in Robert May's work, communities with weaker interspecific interactions permit a greater number of species to coexist on average. We find that as this average increases, however, the relative variation in the number of species and return times to mean community levels decreases. In addition, the relative frequency of large extinction events to small extinction events decreases as mean community size increases. While the model reproduces several of May's results, it also provides theoretical support for Charles Elton's idea that diverse communities such as those found in the tropics should be less variable than depauperate communities such as those found in arctic or agricultural settings.  相似文献   

A mesocosm experiment was conducted “in situ” in a Chara dominated shallow lake near Valencia (Spain) to study top–down and bottom–up effects on rotifers by means of nutrient and fish additions. Both processes were important in determining rotifer abundance, biomass and diversity. A total of 36 mesocoms were established with triplicate treatment combinations of three fish levels (from no fish to 45 individuals of Gambusia holbrooki males) and four nutrient enrichment levels (from no additions to 10 mg l−1 nitrate-N and 1 mg l−1 phosphate-P). The main effect was a notable increase of planktonic and plant associated rotifers densities with fish. Rotifers benefited from mosquitofish predation on microcrustaceans and chironomids. The results showed a marked negative relationship between rotifer and cyclopoid abundances, indicating the importance of the predatory pressure of cyclopoids on rotifers. Effects on rotifer diversity were also evident, in general rotifer diversity decreased with nutrients and increased with fish. The effects of nutrients analysed at species level showed two contrasting density responses: an increase or a decrease with nutrients, which levelled off at high nutrient concentrations. High-level nutrient additions (from 5 mg l−1 nitrate-N and 0.5 mg l−1 phosphate-P) induced a switch to a turbid state with macrophyte disappearance. Most planktonic rotifer species, as well as plant associated ones, diminished when the turbid state was well established, especially in the mesocosms without fish. In the turbid mesocosms, relative abundance of plant-associated rotifers (as a whole) was higher than that of planktonic rotifers. The changes in rotifer species composition after the switch from a clear to a turbid water state are also described. Species of the genus Anuraeopsis, Trichocerca and Hexarthra, dominant in the clear water state, practically disappeared in the turbid water state, in which Proalides tentaculatus and Lecane nana were the main species. Guest editors: S. S. S. Sarma, R. D. Gulati, R. L. Wallace, S. Nandini, H. J. Dumont & R. Rico-Martínez Advances in Rotifer Research  相似文献   

Data demonstrating the effects of biological invaders on microbial communities and microbial processes are scarce, especially in marine environments. Research was conducted at Padilla Bay, Washington, to examine the effect that an invasive intertidal eelgrass, Zostera japonica Aschers & Graebn, has on rates of decomposition, microbial community composition, and the possible implications for associated ecosystem processes in this estuarine environment. A series of observational and experimental studies were conducted in beds of Z. japonica, beds of its native congener, Zostera marina, and mixed eelgrass beds. These studies assessed decomposition of invasive and native eelgrass, enumerated bacterial abundance, and examined sole source carbon usage (SSCU) by microbial assemblages. Z. japonica decomposed more rapidly than its native congener throughout the study period although rates of decomposition were variable. Microbial abundance did not differ among different vegetation compositions although differences in SSCU by microbial assemblages were detected among beds of invasive, native, and mixed eelgrass. These results indicate that this abundant invasive species can accelerate rates of decomposition and alter the associative decomposer community, which may lead to higher carbon and nutrient turnover within Padilla Bay.  相似文献   

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