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Sex determination in mammals is dependent on the presence of SRY, which codes for a protein with a DNA binding motif (the HMG-box domain). Here we analyze the evolution of SRY among seven genera of New World monkeys belonging to the family Cebidae. Estimates of the number of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions indicated the absence of positive selection acting on SRY evolution. The presence of indels at the C-terminus coding region in different genera and species maintained an open reading frame, indicating a selective pressure constraining the evolution of this coding region. Available data on the fertility of natural and captive interspecific hybrids failed to show any relationship between SRY evolution and speciation for the genera herein studied. Our phylogenetic arrangement for Cebidae genera was similar to previous topologies based on mitochondrial and autosomal DNA sequences. This arrangement also corroborated the division of Cebus into two species groups. However, for Callithrix the differences among SRY topology and those derived from autosomal and mitochondrial genes suggested a Y-chromosome ancestral polymorphism.  相似文献   

A phylogeographic study of Callicebus lugens was carried out based on cytochrome b DNA sequence data. Here, we report, for the first time, the distribution of C. lugens south of the Rio Negro, in Barcelos municipality (Amazonas State, Brazil), indicating that this river is not the southern boundary of the distribution of this species as previously proposed. Specimens from the north and south banks showed the same diploid number (2n = 16), while phylogenetic reconstructions based on maximum parsimony, distance, and maximum likelihood analyses grouped all specimens in a strongly supported clade comprising 2 separate lineages, in coincidence with their geographic distribution along riverbanks. Median-joining analysis showed a similar separation, with 22 transitions between the 2 groups, whereas time of divergence estimates indicated that the splitting of the C. lugens lineages occurred some 2.2 million years before present. Conservation strategies should take into consideration that this species might be sympatric with Callicebus torquatus at the south bank of Rio Negro.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of four marmoset species of the Callithrix jacchus group (C. aurita, C. kuhlii, C. geoffroyi, and C. penicillata) were investigated. The patterns of G-, C-, and NOR-bands of these karyotypes were compared with those of C. jacchus, previously described, in order to clarify the taxonomic relationships of this species group. All species present 2n = 46, 14 uni- and 30 biarmed autosomes, a median size submetacentric X chromosome, and the same NOR-band patterns. No rearrangement or constitutive heterochromatic variation differentiate these species, which differ only in the morphology of the Y chromosome. The data obtained indicate that, from the chromosomal point stand, the marmoset species of C. jacchus group constitute a homogeneous clade. Am J Primatol 41:53–60, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Five hundred forty-three blood samples from 15populations of the four genera of callitrichin primateswere studied electrophoretically. Polymorphism andgenetic distances were estimated for 20 loci, 13 of which were polymorphic. The lion tamarin(Leontopithecus) studied here exhibited theleast variability for these loci, while the monospecificCebuella showed the most. The genetic distancesobserved between Callithrix andCebuella genera support previous evidenceindicating a close taxonomic relationship between them.Genetic distance values obtained in this study alsosupport the synonimization of the kuhli form with Callithrix jacchuspenicillata.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of two taxa of genus Leontopithecus(rosalia and chrysomelas) are studied. Their G-, C- and NOR-banding patterns are compared with those of representatives of the genus Saguinus to determine chromosomal similarities and differences between the two genera and thus contribute to explaining phylogenetic relations between the tamarins. Leontopithecus, like the Saguinus, presents 2n = 46, 14 autosomes plus the Y acrocentric and 30 autosomes plus the X biarmed. No chromosomal rearrangement distinguishes the karyotypes of the representatives of genus Leontopithecus or genus Saguinus. The two genera are distinguished from each other by a paracentric inversion and pericentric inversions on at least four pairs of acrocentric autosomes, displacing the NORs of the small short arms in Leontopithecus to the proximal region of the long arms in Saguinus or vice versa. The tamarins are also distinguished by the distribution of noncentromeric constitutive heterochromatin. The data obtained indicate that the two tamarin genera are closely related chromosomally, suggesting that they probably originated from the same ancestral branch. Am. J. Primatol. 43:265–276, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A conspicuous accumulation of taste buds occurs in the rostral part of the plica sublingualis ("frenal lamella") of Alouatta and Aotus forming taste areas (area gustatoria) superficially situated in the oral mucous membrane. They are found in close vicinity to the orifices of the sublingual salivary glands, but are lacking in the aboral part of the plica sublingualis. They do not occur in all primate species studied. A taste area does not projects above the surface of the surrounding tissue like a papilla. The taste buds open not in crypts of furrows of the oral mucosa, but directly into the spatium sublinguale of the oral cavity proper. In the anterior part of the cavum oris proprium different kinds and very differentiated qualities of sensoral information are perceived (touch, olfaction, temperature). It is conceivable that the taste areas play an important role in perceiving fresh saliva, together with the other sensorial structures in this part of the mouth. This problem can be solved experimentally and by behavioral studies, In addition to its topographical relation to the tongue, the organon sublinguale of Callicebus is structurally very similar to the plica sublingualis of Aotus and Alouatta. Since a sublingua does not occur in New World monkeys, it can be concluded that this organ represents a plica sublingualis which became adherent to the undersurface of the tongue.  相似文献   

In order to study the intra- and interspecific variability of the 14/15 association in Platyrrhini, we analyzed 15 species from 13 genera, including species that had not been described yet. The DNA libraries of human chromosomes 14 and 15 were hybridized to metaphases of Alouatta guariba clamitans, A. caraya, A. sara, Ateles paniscus chamek, Lagothrix lagothricha, Brachyteles arachnoides, Saguinus midas midas, Leontopithecus chrysomelas, Callimico goeldii, Callithrix sp., Cebus apella, Aotus nigriceps, Cacajao melanocephalus,Chiropotes satanas and Callicebus caligatus. The 14/15 hybridization pattern was present in 13 species, but not in Alouatta sara that showed a 14/15/14 pattern and Aotus nigriceps that showed a 15/14/15/14 pattern. In the majority of the species, the HSA 14 homologue retained synteny for the entire chromosome, whereas the HSA 15 homologue displayed fragmented segments. Within primates, the New World monkeys represent the taxon with the highest variability in chromosome number (2n = 16 to 62). The presence of the HSA 14/15 association in all species and subspecies studied herein confirms that this association is the ancestral condition for platyrrhines and that this association has been retained in most platyrrhines, despite the occurrence of extensive inter- and intrachromosomal rearrangements in this infraorder of Primates.  相似文献   

With 33 recognized taxa, the tamarins, Saguinus spp., constitute the most diverse genus of New World monkeys (Platyrrhini), and are found almost exclusively within the Amazon basin. This diversity can be subdivided into three main morphological groups, based primarily on pelage characteristics, although there is also an ecologically important division between the small- and large-bodied forms (adult body weight ± 300 g vs. > 450 g, respectively). In the present study, the phylogenetic relationships among the large-bodied forms were analysed using the sequences of a fragment of the mitochondrial rRNA16S gene, from which 58 informative sites were identified. The analysis revealed the existence of four main lineages, three of which coincided with geographical and/or morphological patterns. However, Saguinus leucopus formed a highly distinct clade, contradicting expectations based on its morphology and distribution, but corroborating a previous study of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit I (ND1) gene. Whereas genetic differences between some closely related species were relatively small (< 1%), that observed between the two specimens of S. imperator was twice higher (± 2%), indicating the possible presence of distinct species within this taxon. Previous molecular clock analysis suggested that the earliest radiation event of the large-bodied tamarins occurred sometime in the lower Miocene, whereas the most recent events, such as the division of the closely related S. midas and S. niger would have occurred during the Pleistocene. Most of these events would thus have taken place before the formation of the present-day river system, which now constitutes a considerable barrier to gene flow among many populations.  相似文献   

Two families of tandemly repeated satellite DNAs were isolated from the neotropical primate Callimico goeldii (Goeldi's marmoset). One satellite, CgoA, is over 70% A+T and has a monomer length of 338 bp. The other satellite, CgoB, is 50% A+T and has a monomer length of 916 bp. Both CgoA and CgoB hybridize strongly with Callimico DNA, but not with the DNA of other new and old world primates. Based upon a neutral substitution rate of 1.5×10–9/site per year for primates, sequence data from 15 CgoA monomers indicate that the tandem array is at least 30 million years old. Since no other neotropical primate has amplified CgoA sequences, the data suggest that the ancestor of Callimico separated from the other neotropical primates at least 30 million years ago. This value is about fourfold larger than the value of 7–9 million years derived from immunological data by Sarich and Cronin (1980). Possible reasons for this discrepancy are discussed. On leave from: Genetics Section, Instituto Nacional do Cancer, Rio de Janeiro/Department of Genetics, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil  相似文献   

Two satellite DNAs, designated CapA and CapB, were isolated from the neotropical primate,Cebus apella. The satellites exhibit nonoverlapping distributions onC. apella chromosomes. CapA is a major component of interstitial regions of constitutive heterochromatin, a very large block of heterochromatin comprising most of the long arm of chromosome 11, and some telomeres. The CapA monomer has a length of about 1500 bp and appears recently to have undergone an amplification episode in theC. apella genome. CapA-like sequences are probably present in members of the family Cebidae (to whichC. apella belongs), but not in members of the family Callitrichidae (marmosets). CapB sequences can be detected at the centromeres of manyC. apella chromosomes, and similar sequences are present in all neotropical primates. The 342 bp CapB monomer shares 60%–64% sequence identity with several alpha satellite sequences of human origin. Because of its structure, sequence, and location, it appears that CapB is the New World primate homolog of Old World primate alpha satellite DNA.  相似文献   

Transpositions of primate-specific Alu elements were applied as molecular cladistic markers in a phylogenetic analysis of South American primates. Seventy-four human and platyrrhine loci containing intronic Alu elements were PCR screened in various New World monkeys and the human outgroup to detect the presence of orthologous retrotransposons informative of New World monkey phylogeny. Six loci revealed size polymorphism in the amplification pattern, indicating a shared derived character state due to the presence of orthologous Alu elements confirmed by subsequent sequencing. Three markers corroborate (1) New World monkey monophyly and one marker supports each of the following callitrichine relationships: (2) Callithrix and Cebuella are more closely related to each other than to any other callitrichine, (3) the callitrichines form a monophyletic clade including Callimico, and (4) the next living relatives to the callitrichines are Cebus, Saimiri, and Aotus.  相似文献   

Orthologous sequences of six nuclear genes were obtained for all recognized genera of New World monkeys (Primates: Platyrrhini) and outgroups to evaluate the phylogenetic relationships and to estimate divergence times. Phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed by maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian approaches. All methods resolved with 100% branch support genus-level relationships, except for the grouping of Aotus as a sister taxa of Cebus and Saimiri, which was supported by low bootstrap percentages and posterior probability. All approaches depict three monophyletic New World monkey families: Atelidae, Cebidae, and Pitheciidae; also within each family, all approaches depict the same branching topology. However, the approaches differ in depicting the relationships of the three families to one another. Maximum parsimony depicts the Atelidae and Cebidae as sister families next joined by the Pitheciidae. Conversely, likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic trees group families Atelidae and Pitheciidae together to the exclusion of Cebidae. Divergence time estimations using both local molecular clock and Bayesian approaches suggest the families diverged from one another over a short period of geological time in the late Oligocene-early Miocene.  相似文献   

Chromosomal localization of the telomeric sequence (TTAGGG)(n) in eight New World Primates (Platyrrhini) (Alouatta caraya, Alouatta palliata, Alouatta guariba clamitans, Aotus azarae, Ateles chamek, Cebus nigritus, Cebus paraguayanus, and Saimiri boliviensis) using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) with a peptide nucleic acid (PNA) pantelomeric probe and their possible relationship with the C-banding pattern were analyzed. FISH showed telomeric signals only at the terminal regions of chromosomes from all the species analyzed. Although all of them showed centromeric C+ bands and different size and location of extracentromeric C+ bands, none, except Aotus azarae exhibited (peri)centromeric interstitial telomere-like sequences (ITS). The presence of ITS in Aotus azarae was limited to one pair of submetacentric chromosomes and very likely represents telomeric sequences remaining after a fusion event of ancestral chromosomes during karyotype evolution. Therefore, our data indicate that the distribution of heterochromatin blocks do not correlate with the presence of ITS. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that simple ITS arrays with a few copies of the (TTAGGG)(n) sequence, not detectable by conventional FISH, might play a role in the karyotypic evolution of Ceboidea. Further FISH and molecular studies will be needed to confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   

A mandibular specimen from the Bolivian Early Oligocene is provisionally assigned toBranisella boliviana. The crown anatomy of the single preserved tooth, an M2, indicates platyrrhine affinities and several details of the broken jaw are suggestive of symphyseal fusion. Like the African Oligocene parapithecids,Branisella contrasts with extant anthropoids in the relative shallowness of its mandible.Branisella is the most ancient, and seemingly the most primitive, fossil platyrrhine monkey, lacking any of the derived features of the two major clades of modern ceboids. Taxonomically, it is best regarded as family incertae sedis.  相似文献   

The karyotype of one female Brachyteles arachinoides (E. Geoffroy, 1806) was studied. The specimen exhibited 62 chromosomes, which could be arranged in three clearly distinguishable groups: the first one including 5 pairs of subtelocentric chromosomes, the second one including 8 pairs of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes and the third one including 18 pairs of acrocentric chromosomes. The X chromosome pair could not be identified.This study was supported by grants from CNPq (SIP 04/011), Brazil.  相似文献   

Blood and saliva samples were collected from 84Aotus azarae boliviensis, 31Ateles paniscus chamek, 130Callicebus brunneus, 130Cebus apella, 117Pithecia irrorata irrorata, and 117Saimiri ustus. Saliva samples were investigated for human ABH antigens by the standard hemagglutination inhibition test. Two species,P. irrorata andC. brunneus showed monomorphism, presenting only the A blood group. Among the polymorphic species,A. paniscus andC. apella presented theO (30 and 3) and A (1 and 127) phenotypes, and the B (80) and AB (4) phenotypes were detected inA. azarae. S. ustus was the only species that presented all the four phenotypes. The observed distribution was as expected assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium to be present in those species that could be tested. The ABH substances were titrated and a comparison among species was made. Serum samples were used to detect natural antibodies and the results showed some disagreement between serum and saliva phenotypes.  相似文献   

The identity and taxonomic distribution of paranasal sinuses among living platyrrhines has remained a contentious issue (e.g., Cave [1967] Am J Phys Anthropol 26:277-288 vs. Hershkovitz [1977] Chicago: University of Chicago Press) largely because the ontogenetic data required for their detection and identification (e.g., Cave [1967]; Maier [2000] Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 99-132.) were not attainable without sacrificing valuable juvenile and subadult specimens. Non-invasive computed tomography (CT) scanning of ontogenetic series of skulls for 10 platyrrhine genera demonstrates the presence of maxillary and ethmoid sinuses, as well as homologs of the human sphenoid and frontal sinuses. Differences in the latter two sinuses between platyrrhines and hominoids highlight the need for early developmental data in establishing sinus homology. In particular, the identification of homologous recesses in the cartilaginous nasal capsule, from which sinuses later develop, emerges as the critical step. This developmental approach also reveals that the anterior and posterior ethmoid sinuses are each sets of serial homologs, a point which reconciles previous difficulties in establishing sinus homologies across mammalian orders (e.g., Paulli [1900] Gegenbaurs Morphol Jahrb 28:147-178, 179-251, 483-564).  相似文献   

The structure and evolution of the SEC1 gene were examined for the first time in New World primates of the genera Alouatta, Aotus, Ateles, Brachyteles, Callicebus, Callithrix, Cebus, Chiropotes, Lagothrix, Leontopithecus, Pithecia, Saguinus, and Saimiri. This gene has a high CG content (63.8%) and an estimated heterogeneous size ranging from 795 (Callithrix) to 1041 bp (Pithecia), due to numerous indel events. Similar to other fucosyltransferases, three conserved regions are shared by these primates, except for the callitrichines, Aotus and Pithecia, in which indel events resulted in premature stop codons that are related to the production of a supposedly non-functional protein. Phylogenetic analysis of the SEC1 gene, transition/transversion rates, and nucleotide sequence alignment support the hypothesis that primate SEC1 evolved by divergent evolution, and that the lack of activity in some lineages occurred independently at least twice in New World primates, once in the Aotus-Cebus-Callitrichinae group and again in Pithecia. Likelihood-based inference of ancestral states for the activity of SEC1 leads us to suppose that inactivation of SEC1 in the Callitrichinae was a result of a more complex series of events than in Pithecia.  相似文献   



The New World monkey (Platyrrhini) subfamily Pitheciinae is represented by the genera Pithecia, Chiropotes and Cacajao. In this work we studied the karyotypes of Pithecia irrorata (2n = 48) and Cacajao calvus rubicundus (2n = 45 in males and 2n = 46 in females) by G- and C-banding, NOR staining and chromosome painting using human and Saguinus oedipus whole chromosome probes. The karyotypes of both species were compared with each other and with Chiropotes utahicki (2n = 54) from the literature.  相似文献   

Chromosome studies in 20 Callithrix jacchus, 1 Callithrix flaviceps, and 1 Leontopithecus rosalia chrysomelas revealed evidence of chimerism in C. jacchus and L.r. chrysomelas, and the existence of a variant Y chromosome type in C. jacchus. Constitutive heterochromatin in C. jacchus was limited to the centromere region of the chromosome complement, and only in small amounts. A comparison between the G-band karyotypes of C. jacchus and L.r. chrysomelas showed clear similarities between species. Three structural rearrangements have probably occurred during phylogeny in the common ancestor from which these extant species later derived. The chromosome number of C. flaviceps was found to be 46.  相似文献   

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