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During a prospective epidemiological study of gastrointestinal health effects associated with the consumption of drinking water produced by reverse-osmosis domestic units, a correlation was demonstrated between the bacterial counts on R2A medium incubated at 35 degrees C and the reported gastrointestinal symptoms in families who used these units. A univariate correlation was found with bacterial counts on R2A medium at 20 degrees C but was confounded by the bacterial counts at 35 degrees C. Other variables, such as family size and amount of water consumed, were not independently explanatory of the rate of illness. These observations raise concerns for the possibility of increased disease associated with certain point-of-use treatment devices for domestic use when high levels of bacterial growth occur.  相似文献   

During a prospective epidemiological study of gastrointestinal health effects associated with the consumption of drinking water produced by reverse-osmosis domestic units, a correlation was demonstrated between the bacterial counts on R2A medium incubated at 35 degrees C and the reported gastrointestinal symptoms in families who used these units. A univariate correlation was found with bacterial counts on R2A medium at 20 degrees C but was confounded by the bacterial counts at 35 degrees C. Other variables, such as family size and amount of water consumed, were not independently explanatory of the rate of illness. These observations raise concerns for the possibility of increased disease associated with certain point-of-use treatment devices for domestic use when high levels of bacterial growth occur.  相似文献   

Pellet softening reactors are used in centralized and decentralized drinking water treatment plants for the removal of calcium (hardness) through chemically induced precipitation of calcite. This is accomplished in fluidized pellet reactors, where a strong base is added to the influent to increase the pH and facilitate the process of precipitation on an added seeding material. Here we describe for the first time the opportunistic bacterial colonization of the calcite pellets in a full-scale pellet softening reactor and the functional contribution of these colonizing bacteria to the overall drinking water treatment process. ATP analysis, advanced microscopy, and community fingerprinting with denaturing gradient gel electrophoretic (DGGE) analysis were used to characterize the biomass on the pellets, while assimilable organic carbon (AOC), dissolved organic carbon, and flow cytometric analysis were used to characterize the impact of the biological processes on drinking water quality. The data revealed pellet colonization at concentrations in excess of 500 ng of ATP/g of pellet and reactor biomass concentrations as high as 220 mg of ATP/m(3) of reactor, comprising a wide variety of different microorganisms. These organisms removed as much as 60% of AOC from the water during treatment, thus contributing toward the biological stabilization of the drinking water. Notably, only a small fraction (about 60,000 cells/ml) of the bacteria in the reactors was released into the effluent under normal conditions, while the majority of the bacteria colonizing the pellets were captured in the calcite structures of the pellets and were removed as a reusable product.  相似文献   

A prospective study of fungal and bacterial flora of burn wounds was carried out from February 2004 to February 2005 at the Burns Unit of Hospital Regional da Asa Norte, Brasília, Brazil. During the period of the study, 203 patients were treated at the Burns Unit. Wound swab cultures were assessed at weekly intervals for four weeks. Three hundred and fifty four sampling procedures (surface swabs) were performed from the burn wounds. The study revealed that bacterial colonization reached 86.6% within the first week. Although the gram-negative organisms, as a group, were more predominant, Staphylococcus aureus (28.4%) was the most prevalent organism in the first week. It was however surpassed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa form third week onwards. For S. aureus and P. aeruginosa vancomycin and polymyxin were found to be the most effective drugs. Most of the isolates showed high level resistance to antimicrobial agents. Fungi were found to colonize the burn wound late during the second week postburn, with a peak incidence during the third and fourth weeks. Species identification of fungi revealed that Candida tropicalis was the most predominant, followed by Candida parapsilosis. It is crucial for every burn institution to determine the specific pattern of burn wound microbial colonization, the time-related changes in the dominant flora, and the antimicrobial sensitivity profiles. This would enable early treatment of imminent septic episodes with proper empirical systemic antibiotics, without waiting for culture results, thus improving the overall infection-related morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

Marine particles in the ocean are exposed to diverse bacterial communities, and colonization and growth of attached bacteria are important processes in the degradation and transformation of the particles. In an earlier study, we showed that the initial colonization of model particles by individual bacterial strains isolated from marine aggregates was a function of attachment and detachment. In the present study, we have investigated how this colonization process was further affected by growth and interspecific interactions among the bacteria. Long-term incubation experiments showed that growth dominated over attachment and detachment after a few hours in controlling the bacterial population density on agar particles. In the absence of grazing mortality, this growth led to an equilibrium population density consistent with the theoretical limit due to oxygen diffusion. Interspecific interaction experiments showed that the presence of some bacterial strains ("residents") on the agar particles either increased or decreased the colonization rate of other strains ("newcomers"). Comparison between an antibiotic-producing strain and its antibiotic-free mutant showed no inhibitory effect on the newcomers due to antibiotic production. On the contrary, hydrolytic activity of the antibiotic-producing strain appeared to benefit the newcomers and enhance their colonization rate. These results show that growth- and species-specific interactions have to be taken into account to adequately describe bacterial colonization of marine particles. Changes in colonization pattern due to such small-scale processes may have profound effects on the transformation and fluxes of particulate matter in the ocean.  相似文献   

After chloroform fumigating an arable soil, the relative abundance of phylotypes belonging to only two phyla (Actinobacteria and Firmicutes) and two orders [Actinomycetales and Bacillales (mostly Bacillus)] increased in a subsequent aerobic incubation, while it decreased for a wide range of bacterial groups. It remained to be seen if similar bacterial groups were affected when an extreme alkaline saline soil was fumigated. Soil with electrolytic conductivity between 139 and 157 dS m?1, and pH 10.0 and 10.3 was fumigated and the bacterial community structure determined after 0, 1, 5 and 10 days by analysis of the 16S rRNA gene, while an unfumigated soil served as control. The relative abundance of the Firmicutes increased in the fumigated soil (52.8 %) compared to the unfumigated soil (34.2 %), while that of the Bacteroidetes decreased from 16.2 % in the unfumigated soil to 8.8 % in the fumigated soil. Fumigation increased the relative abundance of the genus Bacillus from 14.7 % in the unfumigated soil to 25.7 %. It was found that phylotypes belonging to the Firmicutes, mostly of the genus Bacillus, were dominant in colonizing the fumigated alkaline saline as found in the arable soil, while the relative abundance of a wide range of bacterial groups decreased.  相似文献   

AIMS: An evaluation was made of the prevalence of Legionella species in hot water distribution systems in the city of Bologna (Italy) and their possible association with bacterial contamination (total counts and Pseudomonadaceae) and the chemical characteristics of the water (pH, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Total Organic Carbon, TOC). METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 137 hot water samples were analysed: 59 from the same number of private apartments, 46 from 11 hotels and 32 from five hospitals, all using the same water supply. Legionella species were detected in 40.0% of the distribution systems, L. pneumophila in 33.3%. The highest colonization was found in the hot water systems of hospitals (93.7% of samples positive for L. pneumophila, geometric mean: 2.4 x 10(3) CFU l(-1)), followed by the hotels (60.9%, geometric mean: 127.3 CFU l(-1)) and the apartments with centralized heating (41.9%, geometric mean: 30.5 CFU l(-1)). The apartments with independent heating systems showed a lower level of colonization (3.6% for Legionella species), with no evidence of L. pneumophila. Correlation analysis suggests that copper exerts an inhibiting action, while the TOC tends to favour the development of L. pneumophila. No statistically significant association was seen with Pseudomonadaceae, which were found at lower water temperatures than legionellae and in individual distribution points rather than in the whole network. CONCLUSIONS: The water recirculation system used by centralized boilers enhances the spreading of legionellae throughout the whole network, both in terms of the number of colonized sites and in terms of CFU count. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Differences in Legionella colonization between types of buildings are not due to a variation in water supply but to other factors. Besides the importance of water recirculation, the study demonstrates the inhibiting action of copper and the favourable action of TOC on the development of L. pneumophila.  相似文献   

We measured endotoxin and bacterial levels in tap water, in water purified by reverse osmosis, and in dialysate samples over a 4-month period in a new 10-bed renal dialysis unit. Water treated by reverse osmosis is conducted to the 10 stations through 111 m of piping composed of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). All determinations were made prior to the opening of the unit and after the system was purged for 35 h with all bedside station taps open. Formaldehyde disinfection of the piping system was attempted with a recommended protocol after 11 weeks by feeding 2.5 liters of 37% formaldehyde (0.85%, vol/vol) into the delivery system. Prior to water purging, 24 ng of endotoxin per ml was detected. This level decreased to 2.0 ng of endotoxin after the purging. Levels of endotoxin remained below 1.0 ng of endotoxin per ml throughout the duration of the study. In contrast, the level of viable microorganisms recovered from the treated water was approximately 3.5 X 10(4) CFU/100 ml. Even after disinfection of the system, there was no significant decrease in culturable bacteria from the water even though endotoxin levels were lower. Species isolated from the renal dialysis system were predominately pseudomonads, whereas species isolated from the tap water were Bacillus and Flavobacterium species. ABS provides a surface suitable for long-term colonization and growth of bacteria. Currently recommended decontamination protocols are ineffective in removing potentially pathogenic bacteria from ABS pipes and thus constitute an increased risk to patients undergoing dialysis.  相似文献   

The study was aimed at investigating the predispositions of the patients chronically treated with hemodialysis to nose and skin colonization with potentially pathogenic bacteria. The study involved 41 patients chronically hemodialysed and patients treated at the Department of Renal diseases or out-patient clinic (30 individuals). Smears from the nose and throat were taken from all patients and used for bacteriologic tests. In case of hemodialysed patients material for bacteriologic tests was additionally taken from the skin at the site of arterio-venous fistula and groin. It was found, that patients chronically treated with hemodialyses are more frequently colonized with enteric bacilli and coagulase-positive staphylococci that both hospitalized patients and those treated in out-patient clinic. No relationship between the presence of coagulase-positive staphylococci in the nose and throat and on the skin was seen despite such suggestions of other authors.  相似文献   

We measured endotoxin and bacterial levels in tap water, in water purified by reverse osmosis, and in dialysate samples over a 4-month period in a new 10-bed renal dialysis unit. Water treated by reverse osmosis is conducted to the 10 stations through 111 m of piping composed of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). All determinations were made prior to the opening of the unit and after the system was purged for 35 h with all bedside station taps open. Formaldehyde disinfection of the piping system was attempted with a recommended protocol after 11 weeks by feeding 2.5 liters of 37% formaldehyde (0.85%, vol/vol) into the delivery system. Prior to water purging, 24 ng of endotoxin per ml was detected. This level decreased to 2.0 ng of endotoxin after the purging. Levels of endotoxin remained below 1.0 ng of endotoxin per ml throughout the duration of the study. In contrast, the level of viable microorganisms recovered from the treated water was approximately 3.5 X 10(4) CFU/100 ml. Even after disinfection of the system, there was no significant decrease in culturable bacteria from the water even though endotoxin levels were lower. Species isolated from the renal dialysis system were predominately pseudomonads, whereas species isolated from the tap water were Bacillus and Flavobacterium species. ABS provides a surface suitable for long-term colonization and growth of bacteria. Currently recommended decontamination protocols are ineffective in removing potentially pathogenic bacteria from ABS pipes and thus constitute an increased risk to patients undergoing dialysis.  相似文献   

Bacterial biofilms have been observed and reported on food and food-processing surfaces and can contribute to increased risks for product quality and food safety. The colonization of fruit and vegetables by pectynolitic bacteria like Pseudonomas fluorescens attributable to conditions such as soft rot, can also manifest as biofilms. A developed biofilm structure can provide a protective environment for pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes reducing the effectiveness of sanitisers and other inhibitory agents. Understanding the colonization of bacteria on leaf surfaces is essential to the development of a better understanding of the leaf ecology of vegetable products. Studies of microbial colonization of leaf surfaces have been conducted using SEM and more recently using confocal microsocpy techniques. In the current study, a Leica TCS NT laser scanning confocal microscope was used to investigate biofilm formation using vital fluorescence staining on intact vegetable leaves. Reflection contrast and fluorescence three-dimensional imaging successfully delineated bacterial and biofilm morphology without disturbing the bacterial or leaf surface structure. The results demonstrate the presence and development of biofilm on the surface of lettuce. The biofilms appeared to originate on the cuticle in distinct micro-environments such as in the natural depression of the stomata, or in the intercellular junction. Bacteria also adhered to and developed biofilm colonies within an hour of contact and with clean stainless steel surfaces. Our study investigates the progression of biofilm formation from leaf colonization, and will assist in characterising the critical mechanisms of plant/host interaction and facilitate the development of improved preservation, sanitising and packaging strategies for minimally processed vegetable products.  相似文献   

Bacterial colonization of the digestive tract and the skin was studied over a 3-week period in a group of 10 germfree HRS mice using Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Sequential utilization of two strains allowed us to carry out six assays and to show the presence of interference phenomena during colonization of the skin. When P. aeruginosa was given after challenge with S. aureus or S. epidermidis, it did not colonize the skin. If the first challenge was done with P. aeruginosa, this bacteria was eliminated within 10 days by S. aureus and S. epidermidis on the skin, but it succeeded in colonizing the digestive tract. When the first challenge was done with S. aureus, colonization of the skin and the digestive tract with S. epidermidis was prevented, whereas these two species were found in association when S. aureus was given in second place. None of the in vitro assays (mixed culture, bacteriocin production, adherence inhibition, antimicrobial activity) could explain the in vivo observations.  相似文献   

Animals are colonized by complex bacterial communities. The processes controlling community membership and influencing the establishment of the microbial ecosystem during development are poorly understood. Here we aimed to explore the assembly of bacterial communities in Hydra with the broader goal of elucidating the general rules that determine the temporal progression of bacterial colonization of animal epithelia. We profiled the microbial communities in polyps at various time points after hatching in four replicates. The composition and temporal patterns of the bacterial communities were strikingly similar in all replicates. Distinct features included high diversity of community profiles in the first week, a remarkable but transient adult-like profile 2 weeks after hatching, followed by progressive emergence of a stable adult-like pattern characterized by low species diversity and the preponderance of the Betaproteobacterium Curvibacter. Intriguingly, this process displayed important parallels to the assembly of human fecal communities after birth. In addition, a mathematical modeling approach was used to uncover the organizational principles of this colonization process, suggesting that both, local environmental or host-derived factor(s) modulating the colonization rate, as well as frequency-dependent interactions of individual bacterial community members are important aspects in the emergence of a stable bacterial community at the end of development.  相似文献   

J M Conly  L Klass  L Larson  J Kennedy  D E Low  G K Harding 《CMAJ》1986,134(4):363-366
Pseudomonas cepacia has become a prominent epidemic nosocomial pathogen over the past 15 years. Between December 1982 and September 1983 it was isolated from 29 patients in two intensive care units (ICUs) at one hospital. Twelve infections--five bacteremias, four pneumonias and three urinary tract infections--occurred. Most of the isolates (25/29) were from the respiratory tract, and most (23/29) had the same antibiogram as the only environmental isolate, which was cultured from a contaminated ventilator thermometer, a previously unrecognized source of nosocomial infection. The ventilator thermometers were calibrated in a bath whose water had not been changed for months and contained P. cepacia. Despite elimination of this reservoir, P. cepacia was eradicated from the ICUs only after intensive infection control efforts were instituted.  相似文献   

益生菌可改善机体微生态平衡,在促进营养吸收、控制肠道感染和调节免疫功能等方面具有特殊的功效,但存在胃肠道环境难定植、口服生物利用度低等问题。生物被膜是多个细菌黏附于非生物或生物表面,分泌胞外聚合物(extracellular polymeric substances),并将自身包裹其中形成的一种有组织的细菌集团,包含胞外多糖(exopolysaccharides,EPS)、蛋白质、胞外DNA(extracellular deoxyribonucleic acid, eDNA)和脂质等多种组成成分,是一个具有三维立体空间结构的聚集体。被膜状态的益生菌较浮游菌在抗逆性、对抗病原菌和调节免疫功能等方面具有明显优势,这些特点为新型益生菌的开发提供了新的研究思路。本文阐述了被膜状态益生菌的优势,重点介绍了促进益生菌生物被膜形成的活性物及其形成机制,简述了益生菌生物被膜的安全性问题。当前,益生菌生物被膜的研究尚处于起步阶段,希望本文能为该领域未来的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The origin, structure, and composition of biofilms in various compartments of an industrial full-scale reverse-osmosis (RO) membrane water purification plant were analyzed by molecular biological methods. Samples were taken when the RO installation suffered from a substantial pressure drop and decreased production. The bacterial community of the RO membrane biofilm was clearly different from the bacterial community present at other locations in the RO plant, indicating the development of a specialized bacterial community on the RO membranes. The typical freshwater phylotypes in the RO membrane biofilm (i.e., Proteobacteria, Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides group, and Firmicutes) were also present in the water sample fed to the plant, suggesting a feed water origin. However, the relative abundances of the different species in the mature biofilm were different from those in the feed water, indicating that the biofilm was actively formed on the RO membrane sheets and was not the result of a concentration of bacteria present in the feed water. The majority of the microorganisms (59% of the total number of clones) in the biofilm were related to the class Proteobacteria, with a dominance of Sphingomonas spp. (27% of all clones). Members of the genus Sphingomonas seem to be responsible for the biofouling of the membranes in the RO installation.  相似文献   

Bacterial polyesters containing branched poly(beta-hydroxyalkanoate) units   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Pseudomonas oleovorans was grown on mixtures of methyloctanoates with n-octanoate. Polymers were also obtained from organisms grown on pure 7-methyloctanoate, but not from pure 5- or 6-methyloctanoate. The polyesters obtained from 7-methyloctanoate and from its mixtures with n-octanoate contained units with the methyl branches in the pendant group, as did the copolymers from the mixtures of 5- and 6-methyloctanoate with n-octanoate. The methyl branched repeating units contained two diastereomers, and the 13C-n.m.r. spectra of these polymers indicated that the 5-methyloctanoate units had a higher content of one of the two isomers, but not in the 6-methyloctanoate units. The weight average molecular weights of the copolyesters produced were in the range of 220,000 to 410,000, with Mw/Mn ratios of 1.7 to 1.9.  相似文献   

The acquisition of the human oral bacterial flora follows a relatively well known sequence of succession that can be influenced by various host factors. These factors have not been studied in the mouse. In the present work, we followed the bacterial colonization of the oral cavity of mice from birth, and tested our mouse model for its suitability in studying the influence of weaning and puberty on the indigenous oral bacterial flora. We observed that the first colonizers were staphylococci, followed by lactobacilli. The proportions of these two predominant bacteria fluctuated for a period of 30–50 days, but evolved towards the proportions previously observed among the indigenous bacterial species of 6–8 week-old BALB/c male mice (predominantly Lactobacillus murinus and Staphylococcus aureus). The weaning period significantly altered the equilibrium among the oral bacterial flora. This equilibrium was not significantly modified during puberty. Offprint requests to: M.C. Lavoie  相似文献   

Bacteria colonize reactive minerals in soils where they contribute to mineral weathering and transformation. So far, the specificity, patterns and dynamics of mineral colonization have rarely been assessed under natural conditions. High throughput Illumina sequencing was employed to investigate the bacterial communities assembling on illite and goethite during exposure to natural grassland soils. Two different types of organic carbon sources, simple carbon compounds representing root exudates and detritus of two dominant grassland plant species were applied, and their effects on the temporal dynamics of bacterial communities were investigated. The observed temporal patterns suggest that the surfaces of de novo exposed minerals in soils drive the establishment of bacterial communities and override the effect of the type of carbon sources and of other environmental properties. Mineral colonization was selective and specific bacterial sequence variants exhibited distinct colonization patterns, among which early, intermittent, and late colonizers could be distinguished. Based on our results, soil minerals are not only colonized by specific bacterial communities but enable a succession of different bacterial communities. Our results thereby expand the concept of the mineralosphere and provide novel insights into mechanisms of community assembly in the soil ecosystem.  相似文献   

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