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The fate of patatin mRNA was investigated in slices of potatotuber since this mRNA appeared to be a potential example ofa preexisting mRNA that is involved in the rapid formation ofpolysomes which occurs in such slices. Levels of patatin, whichis the major storage protein in mature potato tubers, decreasedslightly during the first 4 h after slicing but remained constantfor the next 44 h. Analysis of products of in vitro translationshowed that patatin mRNA was present and stable in the tubercells even after several months of storage. The translationalactivity of patatin mRNA relative to total translational activityin total cellular RNA fraction increased transiently duringthe first hour and then decreased rapidly to undetectable levelswithin 6 h. By contrast, the activity in polysomal RNA fractiondecreased immediately after slicing. The difference betweenthe relative activities of patatin mRNA in total and polysomalRNA fractions during the first hour suggests that the extentof incorporation of patatin mRNA into polysomes was not in directproportion to its abundance in the cells of the slices. Additionof actinomycin D to the slices did not prevent the transientincrease in the translational activity of patatin mRNA in totalRNA fraction at 1 h, indicating that the transient increasewas not due to synthesis of patatin mRNA de novo after slicing.However, the inhibitor prevented the degradation of patatinmRNA in the slices. This result indicates that the synthesisof new mRNAs is necessary for the degradation of patatin mRNA. 1Present address: Aburahi Laboratories, Shionogi and Co., Ltd.,Koka-cho, Shiga, 520-34 Japan (Received June 30, 1989; Accepted May 9, 1990)  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic polysomal and non-polysomal mRNA-associated proteincomplexes were isolated from, and characterized in, developingsomatic and zygotic embryos of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.).35S-methionine-labelled intact embryos were irradiated withultraviolet light (UV) in situ to cross-link mRNA and proteinsoccurring within one bond length, and the polysomal and non-polysomalfractions were extracted. Then the mRNA-protein complexes wereisolated from the fractions and separated using two cycles ofaffinity chromatography on an oligo(dT)-cellulose column. Followingdigestion with RNase A and T1 and micrococcal nuclease, mRNA-associatedproteins were separated by SDS-PAGE. Several polypeptides of 15–150 kDa were associated withthe polysomal and non-polysomal (ribonucleoprotein, mRNP) fractionsof alfalfa embryos after UV-cross-linking. Many of the polypeptidesassociated with the polysomal and non-polysomal mRNAs were qualitativelysimilar, although their concentration in the two fractions wasdifferent. However, some developmentally stage-specific polypeptideswere found to be associated with the non-polysomal mRNA fractionduring the early stages of embryogenesis (precotyledonary) ofsomatic embryos. Thus the presence of mRNPs during embryogenesishas been demonstrated, and proteins intimately associated withthe mRNAs identified. Key words: Embryogenesis, translational control, protein synthesis, messenger ribonucleoproteins, alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)  相似文献   

The stability of polysome-associated mRNA in potato tuber discsin the early stage of aging was examined by pulse-chase labelingexperiments and the change in the translational capacity ofthe RNA was studied using a wheat germ translation system. Theincorporation of pulse-fed 3H-uridine into polysomal RNA wasnot arrested immediately after the addition of actinomycin Dto the tissue, but increased by 25% during 4 hr of chasing.The radioactivity in the polysomal RNA then decreased by only30% of the value at the 4th hr during the next 9 hr in the presenceof actinomycin D. The remaining radioactivity in the polysomalRNA was stable at least for 18 hr. The proportion of radioactivityin polyadenylated RNA to that in non-polyadenylated RNA didnot vary appreciably during the chasing period. Non-polyadenylatedRNA of high molecular weight degraded faster than that of lowmolecular weight, but polyadenylated RNA did not show such size-selectivedegradation. The translational capacity of the polysomal RNAalso decreased by about 23% within 9 hr during the period ofinhibited RNA synthesis. In vivo experiments of 14C-leucineincorporation into proteins in the absence of RNA synthesissuggested that stable polysome-associated mRNA was actuallyfunctioning in the cells. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisof the in vitro translation products indicated that mRNA codingfor polypeptides with relatively high molecular weights turnedover slightly faster than those for low molecular weight polypeptides. 1Present address: Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Facultyof Horticulture, Chiba University, Matsudo 271, Japan. (Received May 12, 1982; Accepted August 26, 1982)  相似文献   

A large portion of newly formed mRNA transported into the cytoplasmwas found as free mRNPs with discrete S-values of 50-55S, 35-38Sand 22-26S in roots of elongated pea seedlings, in contrastto the younger embryo axis, in which most of the newly formedmRNA was associated with the polysomes. Nitta's finding withVicia seedlings, that free mRNPs contain lesser amounts of oligo(dT)-boundpoly(A)-segments (9), was confirmed by analyzing RNAs from thepolysomes and free mRNPs from elongated pea seedling roots thathad been labeled with 3H-adenosine under the selective inhibitionof rRNA synthesis by 5-FU. A clear difference was observed betweenthe young embryo axis and the elongated seedling root in thedistribution of 3H-adenosine-labeled mRNA in the microsomal(P-30) and postmicrosomal (S-30) fractions. The relative ratioof radioactivity associated with the microsomes was lower inseedling roots. The decrease during germination of the percentof the labeled whole cell RNA binding to the Millipore filter,reported in a previous paper, was proved to be the consequenceof reduced polyadenylation of poly(A)-segments after 3H-adenosine-labeledRNA had been treated with RNase A and RNase T1 and analyzedon polyacrylamide gels. The evidence showed a close correlationbetween the accumulation of free mRNPs and reduced growth ofpoly (A)-segments in the mRNA of seedling roots. The relationshipbetween the ability of mRNPs to associate with the endoplasmicreticulum and the degree of polyadenylation of mRNA is discussed. (Received January 16, 1979; )  相似文献   

By direct somatic embryogenesis in vitro a clone of asepticplantlets can be raised from a single immature embryo of Trifoliumrepens (white clover) within about 6 weeks of pollination. Embryoidsare induced directly from intact zygotic embryonic tissue ona culture medium containing 0·025 or 0·05 mg 1–1BAP and 1·0 g 1–1 yeast extract. Similar directsomatic embryogenesis has also been achieved for Trifolium pratense(red clover) and Medicago sativa (lucerne). Applications ofembryo propagation by direct somatic embryogenesis are discussed,particularly in relation to multiple screening of host genotypesfor analysis of host/pathogen and legume/Rhizobium interactions. Trifolium repens L., Trifolium pratense L., Medicago sativa L., clover, lucerne, tissue culture, embryoid, somatic embryogenesis, legumes  相似文献   

The effects of Na application on growth and nitrate reductaseactivity of seven C4 plant species, Zea mays, Echinochloa crus-galli,Panicum miliaceum, Panicum coloratum, Panicum dichotomiflorum,Panicum maximum and Chloris gayana were studied. Except forZ. mays and P. miliaceum, Na application enhanced growth significantly,and concurrent increases in nitrate reductase activities weredetected in Panicum coloratum, Panicum dichotomiflorum, Panicummaximum and Chloris gayana. 1Present address: International Research Institute, Ciba GeigyJapan Ltd., Takarazuka, Hyogo 665, Japan. 2Present address: Photobiology Lab., Research Institute forFood Science, Kyoto Univ., Uji, Kyoto 611, Japan. (Received May 2, 1988; Accepted August 22, 1988)  相似文献   

The activity of shikimate: NADP oxidoreductase [EC 1. 1. 1.25] in sweet potato root tissue increased soon after slicing.Enzyme preparations obtained from both sliced tissue and fromfresh tissue probably contained a single enzyme component, andthey showed identical chromatographical behaviour. Km values of the enzyme for NADP and shikimate were 1.0x10–4Mand 1.3 x 10–3M, respectively. Enzyme activity was potentlyinhibited by SH-inhibitors such as p-chloromercuribenzoate andoxidized glutathione. Enzyme activity was affected neither by mononucleotides suchas ATP, ADP and AMP, divalent cations, Mg++, Ca++ and Mn++,nor by metabolites such as tryptophan, phenylalanine, tyrosineand t-cinnamic acid which are involved in aromatic compoundsyntheses. The enzyme rapidly lost its activity. This inactivation reactionshowed a time course consisting of two steps of the first-orderreaction. The inactivated enzyme preparation was not reactivatedby thiol compounds such as cysteine, 2-mercaptoethanol and glutathione,although these reagents, to a certain extent, protected theenzyme from inactivation. The results suggest that denaturationof the enzyme protein was involved in inactivation of the enzyme. 1Part 74 of the phytopathological chemistry of sweet potatowith black rot and injury. 2Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Tokyo Metropolitan University, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. (Received August 5, 1968; )  相似文献   

Aging of actively growing, etiolated pea Pisum sativum L. var Alaska plants was initiated by removing the plumules of plants in the third internode stage, and applying lanolin to the cut apices of otherwise intact plants. During the subsequent 4-day aging period, several degenerative events occurred in this apical 10-millimeter region. Ribosomal RNA and messenger RNA contents declined, polyribosomes disaggregated, and the protein synthesizing capacity of the polysomes decreased.

Two-dimensional, silver-stained protein patterns revealed that aging altered the relative amounts of specific cellular proteins accumulated in vivo. In addition, polypeptide patterns generated by cell-free translation of total and polysomal RNA, isolated from unaged and aged tissues, showed major modifications. More than 200 spots could be resolved by two-dimensional gel fluorography of translation products using RNA from fresh tissues. Of these 200 spots, about eight appeared or increased when total RNA from aged tissue was used, and about 58 disappeared or declined. When polysomal RNA from aged tissue was used as template, about 12 spots appeared or increased, whereas about 64 disappeared or decreased. In general, the products which increased after aging were lower molecular weight and those that decreased were higher molecular weight.


Total ribosomes (monosomes plus polysomes) isolated from woundedpea epicotyls are more efficient at supporting protein synthesisin a wheat germ S30 system (containing wheat ribosomes) thanare total ribosomes from aged (control) pea tissue. This increasedefficiency is seen when enriched large polysomes, almost devoidof monosomes, are used to program a wheat germ S300 system,from which the wheat germ ribosomes have been removed. Reactionsprimed by enriched polysomes from wounded tissue, but not agedtissue, continue for at least 30 min, suggesting that reinitiationis occurring during the reaction, albeit in the initial absenceof monosomes from wheat or pea. Wheat germ ribosomes, but notmonosomes from either aged or wounded pea tissue, are able totranslate pea poly(A) RNA and globin mRNA. Aurintricarboxylicacid reduces protein synthesis in a rather indiscriminate manner,whereas, pactamycin seems to have an inhibitory effect specificfor initiation, and it is much more effective on wounded thanon control tissue polysomes. We interpret these results to implythat polysomal ribosomes from wounded tissue are more efficientat initiation than are polysomal ribosomes from control tissueor than non-polysomal ribosomes (monosomes) from either tissue. (Received May 7, 1985; Accepted July 4, 1985)  相似文献   

Scagliarini, S., Pupillo, P. and Valenti, V. 1988. Isoformsof NADP-dependent malic enzyme in tissues of the greening maizeleaf.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 1109–1119. The compartmentation of the isoforms of NADP-dependent malicenzyme (E.C. [EC] ) has been studied in cell-free extractsand in enzymatically-isolated protoplasts of mesophyll tissue(MT) and bundle sheath (BS) strands of greening maize leaves.The etiolated leaf of 10-d-old seedlings contains a cytosolicisozyme with a pl of 5.4 ?0.1 at low specific activity (s.a,45 ? 3 nmol min–1 mg–1 protein), found both in MTand BS. The green leaf on the other hand contains the dominantBS chloroplast isozyme with pl 4.6 ? 0.2 at a s.a, of 370 ?40 nmol min–1 mg–1 protein (3.2 ? 0.5 µmolmin–1 mg–1 chl) and a minor, previously undescribedisoform with pl 6.5 ? 0.1 also localized in the BS at a s.a.of 38 ? 6 nmol min–1 mg–1 protein. Green MT protoplastshave only traces of pl 4.6 isozyme. After illumination of dark-grown seedlings, the total leaf activityshows a rapid increase (1.5-fold within 2 h), attributed mainlyto the pl 5.4 isozyme of MT protoplasts and BS strands. Thisis followed by a large increase of enzyme activity due to thecontinued rise of pl 5.4 isozyme for about 24 h and, after aninitial lag of a few hours, to the accumulation of pl 4.6 isozyme.After 18 h illumination, pl 4.6 and 5.4 isozyme activities tendto decline in the MT whereas they are still increasing in theBS, particularly the former. This pl 4.6 species has becomethe major one by 48 h illumination. The final pattern of greenleaves is established around 96 h light, when the chloroplastisozyme has attained its maximum level, the pl 5.4 isozyme ofBS strands has been superceded by the pl 6.5 species (also supposedto be cytosolic) and MT protoplasts retain little residual activity.Some metabolic implications of the changing pattern of NADP-dependentmalic isozymes during maize leaf greening are discussed. Key words: C4, isozymes, malic enzyme, photodifferentiation, Zea mays  相似文献   

RNA synthesis is activated in the cells of the plant embryo very soon after the start of seed imbibition. We previously reported that mainly heterogeneous nuclear RNA is synthesized in the radicle of Zea mays embryo during the first hours of germination. The present study was undertaken in order to detect the time of appearance of the newly synthesized messenger RNA in the polysomes of germinating maize axes.

Free polysomes were prepared from embryonic axes rehydrated for 2 hours in the presence of radioactively labeled uridine. These polysomes were shown to be labeled and to contain labeled particles sedimenting, after dissociation with EDTA, in the 10S to 40S region of a sucrose gradient. The labeled polysomal RNA migrates heterogeneously in a gel with a mean size corresponding to about 16S, and 60% of these molecules are polyadenylated.

The data indicate that the newly synthesized RNA associated with the polysomes after 2 h of germination consists of messenger RNA molecules. Analysis of the polysomes prepared 0.5 and 1 h after the start of imbibition suggests that translation of the newly synthesized messenger RNA probably occurs within the 1st hour of imbibition of the isolated axis, thus well before the completion of the initial water uptake.


The intracellular K+ concentration and its change in mung bean[Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] root tips were investigated non-invasivelywith 39K nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy using a membraneimpermeable shift reagent, dysprosium (III) tripolyphosphate[Dy(PPPi)7–2]. The K+ resonance was shifted to highermagnetic field in proportion to the concentration of the shiftreagent. In addition to a reference capillary peak for measuringthe K+ concentration, two well-resolved peaks (intra- and extracellularK+ resonances) were observed in the 39K NMR spectra of mungbean root tips. The intracellular K+ concentration was determinedto be 41 mM, which was similar to the value obtained by flamephotometry. When 20 mM KCl was added to the external medium,the intensity of the intracellular K+ resonance gradually increasedand the net K+ uptake rate was calculated to be 4.1 micromolesper gram fresh weight per hour. After removal of KCl from theperfusion medium, the intracellular K+ concentration considerablydecreased. With 31P NMR method, 2.5 mM Dy(PPPj)7–12 and20 mM KCl had little effect on the ATP level in the cells. Wehave indicated that the 39K NMR method can be used to determinethe K+ levels and net fluxes of the K+ transport in perfusedroot tips successively. (Received April 6, 1988; Accepted September 29, 1988)  相似文献   

Intact tubers of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Irish Cobblerand an interspecific hybrid between S. tuberosum and S. demissumcv. Rishiri) contain a very low activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl(HMG)-CoA reductase. The activity increased first in responseto slicing, and again in response to additional treatments suchas inoculation with an incompatible race of Phytophthora infestans,application of a hyphal wall component of the fungus or HgCl2solution, and then decreased. Both the first and the secondincreases in activity in response to slicing and additionaltreatment with a hyphal wall component to elicit phytoalexinproduction were inhibited by blasticidin S. Properties of HMG-CoAreductase induced by slicing and by additional treatment withHgCl2 or fungal inoculation were investigated. 2 Present address: Faculty of Home Economics, Nagoya Women'sUniversity, Shioji-cho, Mizuho, Nagoya 467, Japan.  相似文献   

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