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Some Bacillus subtilis strains demonstrate a high degree of pHV14 and pP1251 plasmid integration into the chromosome (1.10(-1]. According to the data of genetical analysis the plasmids are integrated into several regions of the same chromosome. A significant plasmid amplification in the composition of chromosome is observed when breeding on an increasing chloramphenicol concentration (20-300 micrograms/ml). Both tandem repetitions and single plasmid DNA copies and their fragments are found in the bacterial chromosomal DNA.  相似文献   

Stable gene amplification in the chromosome of Bacillus subtilis   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
We constructed five different structures, consisting of a genetic marker flanked by directly repeated sequences 2-4 kb long, in the Bacillus subtilis chromosome. When a selective pressure was applied amplification of the marker and one of the repeats was observed in all cases. Amplification was not detected with two markers which were not flanked by the repeated sequences. The maximum amplification level observed with the different structures varied between 5 and 50. The size of the most amplified structure corresponded to 7.5% of the chromosome. Amplification was stable upon growth of cells under non-selective conditions. Each copy of an amplified gene was expressed with equal efficiency. These results indicate that chromosomal gene amplification may be useful for constructing genetically engineered B. subtilis strains.  相似文献   

Designed gene amplification on the Bacillus subtilis chromosome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We previously reported the cloning of a 1.6 kb HindIII fragment (containing the junction of the repeating unit) from chromosomal DNA of Bacillus subtilis strain B7 in which tandem amplification of a 16 kb region occurred, and the induction of B7-type gene amplification by competence transformation with this cloned fragment. Based on this result, we designed, on the B. subtilis chromosome, a gene amplification of the 22 kb repeating unit containing the alpha-amylase structural gene (amyE), the tunicamycin-resistance gene (tmrB) and the shikimate kinase structural gene (aroI). We cloned only two short DNA fragments from both termini of the 22 kb region, constructed a junction structure of the designed repeating unit on pBR327 and transformed a B. subtilis wild-type strain by this constructed plasmid. As a result, we succeeded in obtaining tunicamycin-resistant (Tmr) transformants in which the designed gene amplification of 22 kb occurred on the chromosome. The Tmr transformants showed high productivity of alpha-amylase and shikimate kinase. The copy number of the repeating unit was estimated to be 10-20. This system may provide an effective means of amplifying long (greater than 20 kb) DNA regions on the chromosome.  相似文献   

Chromosomal-DNA amplification in Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Tetracycline-resistant (Tetr) mutants RAD1, RAD2, RAD6, and RAD7 were isolated from Bacillus subtilis BC92 after protoplasting, polyethylene glycol treatment, and regeneration on a medium containing tetracycline. The Tetr phenotype in RAD1, RAD2, and RAD6 was very stable with less than 5% loss of resistance after 30 generations of growth in the absence of selection. Of the four isolates, three contained amplified chromosomal DNA closely associated with the Tetr phenotype. The intensity of restriction fragments present in HindIII and EcoRI digests of chromosomal DNA from RAD1, RAD6, and RAD7 indicated the presence of tandemly duplicated DNA. Disparity in the size and number of amplified fragments suggested that the tandemly duplicated DNA is different in all three isolates. The sizes of the duplicated DNA present in RAD1, RAD6, and RAD7 were estimated to be 10, 19, and 20 kilobases, respectively. No amplified DNA was detected in RAD2. Results of transductional-mapping studies with PBS1 showed that the tetracycline resistance (tet) loci of RAD1, RAD2, and RAD6 all mapped near the origin of chromosomal replication and close to the guaA locus. Amplified DNA characteristic of RAD1 and RAD6 was cotransduced with the tet locus. Cotransfer of amplified DNA with the guaA locus or other nearby loci in the absence of tet was not observed. In every case, loss of Tetr was accompanied by loss of amplified DNA. A possible explanation for the occurrence of the amplified DNA is presented.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis chromosome.   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文

Structures consisting of a genetic marker (erythromycin or kanamycin resistance, thymidylate synthetase) flanked by 3.4-kilobase direct repeats (pBR322 sequences) were inserted in 12 different locations of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome. Recombination between the repeats was followed by the loss of the genetic marker. Recombination frequencies found in different locations varied from 1.2 X 10(-5) to 40 X 10(-5) per cell generation. Such differences were highly significant (P less than 0.001).  相似文献   

Amplification of plasmid pGG10 inserted into the Bacillus subtilis chromosome is described. The possibility of the 3.2 kb fragment of eucaryotic (wheat) DNA to be amplified within the bacterial genome is shown. The models explaining this phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

Gene amplification in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
A strain of Bacillus subtilis that carries in its genome a staphylococcal chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene (from pC194) responds to growth at different concentrations of chloramphenicol by an alteration in the number of copies per genome of the sequences encoding the gene. Growth at 20 micrograms chloramphenicol ml-1 results in a 15-fold amplification of the sequences, whereas growth in the absence of chloramphenicol results in their loss. The mechanism of in situ amplification probably has much in common with that involved in 'R factor transitioning'. The hybridization procedures that have been used for accurately determining the number of copies of the amplified DNA sequences are potentially useful for plasmid copy number determination. The findings reported here also provide a potentially useful alternative to more conventional cloning strategies that are based on autonomous plasmids in B. subtilis. The particular advantages that can be envisaged include enhanced stability of the cloned sequences and control of the number of copies that are present.  相似文献   

To test the effects of theta-type replication on homologous DNA recombination, we integrated in the chromosome of Bacillus subtilis a structure comprising a conditional replication region and direct repeats of ∼ 4 kb. The replicon was derived from a broad-host-range plasmid, pAMβ1, which replicates by a unidirectional theta mechanism and is thermosensitive. The direct repeats were derived from plasmid pBR322 and flanked the chloramphenicol-resistance gene of plasmid pC194. Recombination between the repeats could therefore lead to a loss of the resistance gene or the appearance of additional repeats. The integrated replicon was active at the permissive temperature, and ∼ 25% of the integrated plasmids could be isolated as Y-shaped molecules after restriction, having a branch at the replication origin. Replicon activity stimulated recombination four- to fivefold, as estimated from the proportion of chloramphenicol-sensitive cells at the restrictive and permissive temperature, and also led to the appearance of additional direct repeats. We conclude that theta-type replication stimulates homologous recombination and suggest that many or even most recombination events between long homologous sequences present in a bacterial genome may be the consequence of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Replication terminus of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Bidirectional replication of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome terminates at a point on the circular chromosome which is symmetrically opposite to the replication origin. Since replication rates are similar in both "halves" of the chromosome, termination presumably occurs at the meeting point of the two replication forks. To investigate whether the DNA sequence of this region of the chromosome contributes to the termination event, we have determined the latest replicating region of a chromosome in which this DNA sequence is no longer symmetrically opposite to the origin. The merodiploid strain GSY1127 has a very large nontandem duplication (approximately 25% of the total chromosome length) in the left-hand half of the chromosome, so that size and symmetry of this chromosome are grossly different from those of normal strains. We have examined the replication order of genetic markers in this strain by measuring subtilis terminal marker for replication remains a terminal marker in the merodiploid, i.e., replicates later than a marker situated symmetrically opposite to the replication origin. These results were supported by replication orders determined by pulse-density transfer experiments during synchronous replication. The data obtained indicate that there is a preferred site for the termination of replication in the B. subtilis chromosome.  相似文献   

Autoradiography of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Bidirectional chromosome replication in Bacillus subtilis 168.   总被引:21,自引:16,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Density transfer analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid from Bacillus subtilis 168 thy spores germinating in 5-bromouracil medium shows the order of replication of genetic markers to be: purA16, cysA14, sacA, ctrA, (narB, arol), dal, (hisA1, purB6), (tre-12, thr-5), (argA, aroG, argC4), (metC, leu-8, pheA), (ura-1, aroD), lys-1, (trpC, metB, ilvA, citB, citK, gltA). The precise order of transfer of markers within parentheses could not be determined in these experiments. Taken together with new PBS1 transduction data presented here and in the accompanying paper of J. Lepesant-Kejzlarová, J.-A. Lepesant, J. Walle, A. Billaut, and R. Dedonder (1975), the results can be resolved in terms of a symmetric, fully bidirectional mode of chromosome replication with a replication origin close to the purA16 marker and a terminus in the region of the gltA, citK loci, diametrically opposed to the origin. A new genetic map of the B. subtilis 168 chromosome is presented.  相似文献   

The instability of reiterated sequences in the Bacillus subtilis chromosome that was previously reported (M. Young, J. Gen. Microbiol. 130:1613-1621, 1984) results from the presence of a truncated pC194 replication origin together with an intact replication protein A gene in the amplified DNA. Removal of the truncated pC194 replication origin or inactivation of replication protein A stabilizes reiterated sequences, whereas provision of replication protein A in trans destabilizes them. We suggest that residual activity of protein A at the truncated replication origin generates single-stranded DNA, which stimulates recombination between repeated sequences and thus destabilizes amplified structures.  相似文献   

We have examined three mutants of Bacillussubtilis temperature sensitive in DNA initiation and one temperature sensitive in DNA elongation, in order to investigate whether these lesions can cause or can result in a detachment of the membrane-bound chromosomal region.Our results argue against any effect of the mutations examined on the association between the chromosome and the membrane.  相似文献   

In Bacillus subtilis, chromosome dimers that block complete segregation of sister chromosomes arise in about 15% of exponentially growing cells. Two dedicated recombinases, RipX and CodV, catalyze the resolution of dimers by site-specific recombination at the dif site, which is located close to the terminus region on the chromosome. We show that the two DNA translocases in B. subtilis, SftA and SpoIIIE, synergistically affect dimer resolution, presumably by positioning the dif sites in close proximity, before or after completion of cell division, respectively. Furthermore, we observed that both recombinases, RipX and CodV, assemble on the chromosome at the dif site throughout the cell cycle. The preassembly of recombinases probably ensures that dimer resolution can occur rapidly within a short time window around cell division.  相似文献   

Sporulation in Bacillus subtilis is an attractive system in which to study the translocation of a chromosome across a membrane. Sporulating cells contain two sister chromosomes that are condensed in an elongated axial filament with the origins of replication anchored at opposite poles of the sporangium. The subsequent formation of a septum near one pole divides the sporangium unequally into a forespore (the smaller compartment) and a mother cell. The septum forms around the filament, trapping the origin-proximal region of one chromosome in the forespore. As a consequence, the trapped chromosome transverses the septum with the remainder being left in the mother cell. Next, SpoIIIE assembles at the middle of the septum to create a translocase that pumps the origin-distal, two-thirds of the chromosome into the forespore. Here, we address the question of how the DNA translocase assembles and how it localizes to the septal midpoint. We present evidence that DNA transversing the septum is an anchor that nucleates the formation of the DNA translocase. We propose that DNA anchoring is responsible for the assembly of other SpoIIIE-like DNA translocases, such as those that remove trapped chromosomes from the division septum of cells undergoing binary fission.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis 168 dna-1 chromosome was labelled during sporulation with [3H]thymine for five minutes immediately before termination of replication. The isolated radioactive DNA was cleaved with BamHI (or SalI) and the resulting restriction fragments separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The individual fragments, fractionated into a series of slices cut from the gel, were then cleaved with SalI (or BamHI) and the double-digest fragments identified by electrophoresis and fluorography. All major fragments and most minor ones present in a whole double-digest were assigned to BamHI and SalI parents. Such information enabled the construction of an unambiguous restriction map of 150 X 10(3) bases of the approximately 250 X 10(3) bases of DNA labelled in the five minutes. In conjunction with published data on the order of replication of restriction fragments as termination is approached, it was clear that most (105 X 10(3) bases) of the mapped DNA was replicated by a major fork moving in one direction towards a BamHI 24.8 X 10(3) base fragment. The 45 X 10(3) bases extending to the other side of this region were labelled only slightly, and presumably was replicated by a fork that approached the other in an opposite direction until its progress was blocked or severely impeded within this region at a site, referred to as terC, sometime (less than 5 min) earlier. The regions of the map replicated in the final 2.5 and 1.0 minute by the major fork were also identified.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence limits of the leading and lagging strands in the arrested clockwise replication fork at the terminus of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome have been investigated. On the basis of hybridization to synthetic oligonucleotides corresponding to known positions in the terminus region sequence it has been shown that neither the leading nor lagging strands, as they approach terC, traverse the distal inverted repeat, IRI. But a small fraction of the leading strands pass through the proximal inverted repeat, IRII. This is consistent with IRI being the functional inverted repeat in arresting the clockwise fork. But most of the forks appear to stop at least 100 nucleotides short of IRI, and at various positions extending over a distance of at least 100 nucleotides.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis B7, a mutant which acquired gene amplification of the amyE-tmrB region, showed, as a result, hyperproductivity (about a 5- to 10-fold increase) of alpha-amylase and tunicamycin resistance. The mutational character was transferred to recipient cells by competence transformation. A 14-kilobase (kb) EcoRI chromosomal DNA fragment of strain B7 was found to have the transforming activity. We cloned a 6.4-kb EcoRI fragment on a phage vector lambda Charon 4A through a spontaneous deletion of 7.6 kb from the 14-kb fragment and subcloned a 1.6-kb HindIII fragment on pGR71. The cloned 6.4-kb EcoRI and 1.6-kb HindIII fragments retained the transforming activity of inducing gene amplification of the amyE-tmrB region. At the junction point (J) of the repeating units (16 kb), the tmrB gene was linked to a DNA region (M) located 4 kb upstream of amyE. The essential structure of the cloned, transforming (gene amplification-inducing) DNA was deduced to be that around J. The subcloned 1.6-kb HindIII fragment that retained the transforming activity was shown to be almost solely composed of the tmrB-J-M region. In addition, the DNA sequence around J was determined.  相似文献   

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