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Here we provide a detailed analysis of the first complete sequence of a mating event for the endangered scalloped hammerhead shark, Sphyrna lewini. This analysis is based on a mating event recorded at Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica, where large schools of hammerhead sharks are frequently encountered. S lewini mating sequence can be characterized by: (1) an open water encounter, (2) pre-copulatory biting, (3) grabbing of pectoral fin/copulation, (4) free fall, (5) separation and (6) following. Based on this single observation we found that only one male appears to be involved in a copulation cycle and that mating took place in a high current zone potentially to favor respiration when both individuals are unable to swim. This observation highlights the difficulty in observing mating behavior for this species since mating is likely to occur in open waters.  相似文献   

Despite its worldwide distribution and vulnerable status, knowledge on the biology and ecology of the smooth hammerhead Sphyrna zygaena in the temperate NE Atlantic is very scarce. Here, we reveal intra-annual fluctuations in S. zygaena abundance in the Portuguese southwestern coast, using sightings data collected on board whale watching boats over five years (2010–14; excluding winter months). Moreover, we investigated how shark abundance is related to local environmental conditions. We describe the first smooth hammerhead “hotspot” in the NE Atlantic, and we show a recurrent pattern of occurrence during the warmer summer and autumn months (from July to October) near Sagres and Martinhal Bay and islands. Intra-annual variations in abundance were significantly associated with sea surface temperature and negatively related with upwelling index and chlorophyll a, suggesting horizontal movements linked to the seasonal changes. Hence, hammerheads moved inshore during the warmer periods (with low primary productivity), due to either direct influence of temperature in their movements or indirect influence in prey distribution. This hammerhead “hotspot” may constitute a nursery ground for S. zygaena, nevertheless, our data does not allow us to prove or refute such claim. Future telemetry-based studies should be conducted to fully understand hammerhead movements and habitat preferences, and to evaluate this “hotspot” as a critical habitat for this predator.  相似文献   

Drosophila, a dipteran insect, has been found to be the best biological model for different kinds of studies. D melanogaster was first described by Meigen in 1830, is most extensively studied species of the genus Drosophila and a number of investigations employing this species have been documented in areas such as genetics, behaviour, evolution, development, molecular biology, ecology, population biology, etc. Besides D. melanogaster, a number of other species of the genus Drosophila have also been used for different kinds of investigations. Among these, D. ananassae, a cosmopolitan and domestic species endowed with several unusual genetic features, is noteworthy. Described for the first time from Indonesia (Doleschall 1858), this species is commonly distributed in India. Extensive research work on D. ananassae has been done by numerous researchers pertaining to cytology, genetics, mutagenesis, gene mapping, crossing-over in both sexes, population and evolutionary genetics, behaviour genetics, ecological genetics, sexual isolation, fluctuating asymmetry, trade-offs etc. Genome of D. ananassae has also been sequenced. The status of research on D. ananassae at global level is briefly described in this review. Bibliography on this species from different countries worldwide reveals that maximum contribution is from India.  相似文献   

Lake Tanganyika, the second-oldest and second-deepest lake in the world, harbors an impressive cichlid fish fauna counting about 250 endemic species that are characterized by a great level of ecological, morphological, and behavioral specialization. This study describes and compares cichlid fish communities at two rocky shores with differential human impact in the south of Lake Tanganyika. Species inventories and depth-dependent abundances were elaborated. About 41 and 46 sympatric cichlid species were recorded in the two study sites, respectively. Variabilichromis moorii was the most abundant species (29–60% of total number of fishes), followed by Aulonocranus dewindti (3–19%), Tropheus moorii (12%), Ophthalmotilapia ventralis (4–10%), Eretmodus cyanostictus (6–11%), and Cyathopharynx furcifer (0.01–9%). All other species had abundances below 5%. It further emerged that large cichlids such as Petrochromis species, Cyathopharynx furcifer, and Lobochilotes labiatus were very rare at one location, with frequencies of 0.55% or less. Territorial sizes of three particularly abundant species, Variabilichromis moorii, Aulonocranus dewindti, and Tropheus moorii, were assessed by behavioral observations. We distinguished between territorial core areas and total defended area, yielding average core areas between 0.4 (V. moorii) and 1.6 m2 (T. moorii), and total defended areas averaging for each species between 1.6 (V. moorii) and 5.0 m2 (A. dewindti) with no significant differences between the two study sites. The data on individual densities are also relevant for evolutionary studies, in that they allow more accurate calculations of effective population sizes.  相似文献   

Primates play a fundamental role as seed dispersers, particularly in tropical rainforests. Because defaunation and fragmentation are leading several primate species to local extinction, it is fundamental to understand the role of primates as effective seed dispersers. Here we present a systematic review of studies of seed dispersal by primates in a biodiversity hotspot, the Atlantic Forest of South America, to 1) highlight gaps in our knowledge, 2) determine species richness and proportion of seed species dispersed, and 3) test the relationship between primate body size and the size of dispersed species. Our review found 79 studies of the diet of six ecospecies (Callithrix, Leontopithecus, Callicebus, Sapajus, Alouatta, Brachyteles) but only 20 of these report information on seed dispersal, and none of these are on Callithrix or Callicebus. We found a strong bias in the distribution of species and regions, with most of the studies concentrated in southeastern Brazil. All ecospecies dispersed a large proportion of the seed species they handled (72.1–93.6%). Brachyteles dispersed the highest diversity of plants (N = 73), followed by Sapajus (N = 66), Leontopithecus (N = 49), and Alouatta (N = 26). Although we found no significant relationship between primate body size and the size of seeds dispersed, Brachyteles disperse a higher diversity of large-seeded species than smaller-bodied primates. These results suggest that the local extinction of large primate species may lead to dramatic changes in the plant community, as many large-seeded plants are inaccessible to smaller arboreal frugivores. We propose guidelines for future research on primate seed dispersal to enable the evaluation of seed dispersal effectiveness and to improve our understanding of the fundamental role of primates in this key ecosystem process.  相似文献   

The prey preference of polyphagous predator, green lacewing (Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi (Esben-Petersen)) was evaluated against five prey aphids viz., mustard aphid (Lipaphis erysimi), green peach aphid (Myzus persicae), cabbage aphid (Brevicorynebrassicae), black bean aphid (Aphis craccivora), spirea aphid (Aphis spiraecola) of agriculture importance and compared with eggs of Corcyracephalonica (Stainton). Lacewing larvae preferred Myzus persicae most followed by Brevicorynebrassicae. The highest growth index (8.31), larval survival (94.50 %), larval weight (10.45 mg), pupal weight (8.78 mg), faster multiplication rate (0.051) and fecundity (183.4 per gravid female) of the predator were recorded on M. persicae. However, the chrysopid reared on Corcyra eggs performed best in all biological parameters and fitness, than on aphid preys. This study explores the possibilities of selecting the most suitable prey aphid species for its exploitation as supplement for mass multiplication of chrysopid during off-season or unavailability of Corcyra eggs.  相似文献   

The dynamics of body mass growth were studied in nestlings of 22 semialtricial and altricial bird species based on materials collected in seven regions of Russia in the years 1976–2013. The bird species belong to four orders and 13 families. The results of the study indicate the nonuniform growth of nestlings in different bird species. Of the species investigated, only seven were found to reach or exceed the mass of adult birds. Over the nestling period, the nestlings of open-nesting species, such as the hooded crow (Corvus cornix), rook (Corvus frugilegus), magpie (Pica pica), fieldfare (Turdus pilaris), song thrush (Turdus philomelos), and goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis), do not reach the weight of adult birds and their growth continues after they leave the nest. In closed-nesting species, only the nestlings of the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) reach or exceed the definitive mass, whereas the nestlings of the jackdaw (Corvus monedula), starling (Sturnus vulgaris), wryneck (Jynx torquilla), tree sparrow (Passer montanus), and great tit (Parus major) continue to grow after leaving the nest. The body mass of birds on the day of their hatching and before their departure from the nests and the mass of adult birds depend on the nesting type, duration of the nestling period, size groups of species, and their definitive size. The average specific growth rate of body mass and its maximum values for different species are also associated with these factors. The maximum specific growth rate in small-sized and medium-sized bird species was observed on the 0–1st days of life; in large bird species, on the 2nd–4th days. The specific growth rate did not depend on the type of nesting, but it was inversely related to the duration of the nestling period and the definitive sizes of birds.  相似文献   

Invasive species cause huge damages to ecology, environment and economy globally. The comprehensive understanding of invasion mechanisms, particularly genetic bases of micro-evolutionary processes responsible for invasion success, is essential for reducing potential damages caused by invasive species. The golden star tunicate, Botryllus schlosseri, has become a model species in invasion biology, mainly owing to its high invasiveness nature and small well-sequenced genome. However, the genome-wide genetic markers have not been well developed in this highly invasive species, thus limiting the comprehensive understanding of genetic mechanisms of invasion success. Using restriction site-associated DNA (RAD) tag sequencing, here we developed a high-quality resource of 14,119 out of 158,821 SNPs for B. schlosseri. These SNPs were relatively evenly distributed at each chromosome. SNP annotations showed that the majority of SNPs (63.20%) were located at intergenic regions, and 21.51% and 14.58% were located at introns and exons, respectively. In addition, the potential use of the developed SNPs for population genomics studies was primarily assessed, such as the estimate of observed heterozygosity (H O ), expected heterozygosity (H E ), nucleotide diversity (π), Wright’s inbreeding coefficient (F IS ) and effective population size (Ne). Our developed SNP resource would provide future studies the genome-wide genetic markers for genetic and genomic investigations, such as genetic bases of micro-evolutionary processes responsible for invasion success.  相似文献   

Freshwater mussels of the order Unionida have been dramatically declining globally. Despite their ecological importance, conservation of these animals has been hindered by unresolved taxonomy and a lack of data on the distribution and status of populations, especially in southern Europe. Although the Italian Peninsula has been noted as a centre of endemism and one of the major refugia of the glacial ages for several taxa, few studies have been performed on the genetic diversity of Unionida. Most importantly, the taxonomic status of several freshwater mussel populations of the Italian Peninsula is still unresolved. Here we present the first comprehensive dataset for the Unionida of the region spanning Italy and the coastal Croatian region (west of the Dinaric Alps). In total, 191 specimens were collected (85 Anodonta, 64 Unio, 17 Microcondylaea bonellii and 25 Sinanodonta woodiana) from 34 sites across the Italian Peninsula and coastal Croatian river basins for molecular identification (COI, 16S and 28S). Genetic analyses were performed to understand major phylogenetic and phylogeographic patterns. Seven species were detected: three Anodonta species (A. anatina, A. cygnea and A. exulcerata), two Unio species (U. mancus and U. elongatulus), Microcondylaea bonellii, and the invasive Sinanodonta woodiana. The presence of three endemic species (A. exulcerata, U. elongatulus and M. bonellii) confirms the importance of the region as a centre of endemism for freshwater mussels. The Apennine Mountains act as an important biogeographic barrier.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about pollination and other aspects of the reproductive biology of bamboos, but wind pollination is assumed to be the rule, at least in woody bamboos. Documenting the reproductive biology of woody bamboos is a complex task due to the long periods of time between flowering cycles, which range from 3 to 120 years. Insects visiting Guadua paniculata and G. inermis flowers were collected in the field. Scanning electron micrographs were taken of the visiting insects. Four species of bees, three from tribe Meliponini (Geotrigona acapulconis, Plebeia frontalis and Trigona fulviventris) and one from tribe Apini (Apis mellifera), along with a syrphid fly (Toxomerus teligera) were found visiting bamboo flowers. Some species of Hemiptera were also found feeding on the flowers, such as Neortholomus jamaicensis (Lygaeidae), or preying on the flower visitors (Apiomerus pictipes (Reduviidae)). Insects visiting bamboo inflorescences may facilitate the release of pollen grains into the air, promoting outcrossing and genetic flow among the individuals of the flowering bamboo populations.  相似文献   



Traditional raft (jangada), piúba wood raft (jangada de pau de piúba), six-log raft (jangada de seis paus), and wooden raft (jangada de pau) are some of the names given to the traditional Brazilian watercrafts created from the buoyancy of bound logs. The traditional raft is a watercraft used and built by artisan fishermen who have, throughout generations, kept and improved knowledge related to this practice and the use of the plant species they need as raw materials. Active groups of these fishermen and their watercrafts are distributed along 200?km of the coast of the state of Bahia. The fishermen interviewed in this study are at the southern limit of distribution for the use of this type of vessel.


This study aimed to characterize the use of the arboreal species applied in the construction of the traditional raft in the municipalities of Uruçuca, Ilhéus, and Canavieiras in the southern State of Bahia, Brazil. For this purpose, structured and semi-structured interviews were individually conducted with 36 fishermen, and walking tours were conducted with specialists in the construction of the watercraft.


We observed that the raftsmen use 21 species to construct the traditional raft. The features of the wood, such as density, flexibility, and availability, are the main criteria applied to choose the arboreal species. Some species are preferred, such as pau de jangada (Apeiba tibourbou) and biriba (Eschweilera ovata), which are the most frequently employed in watercraft manufacturing.


The southern Bahia population is familiar with the different tree species that are linked to their fishing activities. The main link between the fishermen and the useful species is present in the practice of raft construction. Currently, the restricted access to raw materials limits this practice, which consequently results in the cultural erosion of this community.

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), an amphibian fungal pathogen, has infected >500 species and caused extinctions or declines in >200 species worldwide. Despite over a decade of research, little is known about its invasion biology. To better understand this, we conducted a museum specimen survey (1910–1997) of Bd in amphibians on 11 California islands and found a pattern consistent with the emergence of Bd epizootics on the mainland, suggesting that geographic isolation did not prevent Bd invasion. We propose that suitable habitat, host diversity, and human visitation overcome isolation from the mainland and play a role in Bd invasion.  相似文献   

A critical analysis of literature data on the distribution, morphology, and phylogeography of the Arctic lamprey (Lethenteron camtschaticum) and five species of marine and anadromous fish such as navaga (Eleginus navaga), pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax dentex), Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii), and pond smelt (Hypomesus olidus) has been performed. The results show that all these species have colonized Northern European seas, distributing along the Arctic coastline of Eurasia after the glacier retreat. The reasons that the dispersal of these species in the Atlantic Ocean may be impeded (preference for a cold environment, competition, and decrease of the evolutionary potential) are discussed.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the characteristics of chlorophyll fluorescence were studied in the bark of several species of trees originating in various climatic zones: Siberian cedar (Pinus sibirica), larch (Larix sibirica), eastern arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis), pendent white birch (Betula pendula), wild black cherry (Padus virginiana), horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), red oak (Quercus rubra), Manchurian catalpa (Catalpa bungei), linden (Tilia cordata), goat willow (Salix caprea), Amur cherry (Padus maackii), and apple Korichnaya (Malus domestrica B.). Tree bark has a sufficient amount of chlorophyll for measuring the parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence throughout the year. The relative yield of the variable fluorescence of chlorophyll (F v/F m) can be used to assess seasonal changes in the physiological state of various trees.  相似文献   

Loons (family Gaviidae) breed in small ponds and lakes across Arctic landscapes and are high level predators in the lake ecosystems. As such, they may serve as sentinel species, warning humans of alterations in habitat and ecosystem integrity in a region that is undergoing vast change due to climate warming. Here, we characterized the abundance and habitat use of four arctic breeding species of loons in the plains and surrounding mountains of western Chukotka, Russia. Loon surveys were conducted on foot and by boat from 2009–2015. Loon species differed in their use of the four lacustrine habitat types within the study area. In yedoma habitat, the yellow-billed loon (Gavia. adamsii) was the most abundant (0.593 birds/km2); on fluvial plain habitat, Pacific loons (G. pacifica) outnumbered other loons (0.701 birds/km2); mountain valleys were inhabited similarly by pacifica (0.354 birds/km2) and red-throated loons (G.stellata; 0.307); and maritime tundra was used only by pacifica (1.13) and Arctic loons (G. arctica; 0.553). G. adamsii was not observed in mountain valleys or maritime tundra. Mountainous portions of rivers were predominantly occupied by stellata and pacifica, and lowland rivers by stellata, pacifica and arctica. There was a significant difference in the size of lakes occupied by the four congeners. The largest loon, adamsii, occupied the largest lakes (0.69 km2), 80% larger than lakes utilized by pacifica (0.39 km2) and arctica (0.38 km2), and 35 times larger than stellata (0.02 km2). Most lakes were occupied by a single loon species (125/162, 77.2%).  相似文献   

Although chondrichthyans are conspicuously present in shallow waters, many ecological aspects of neritic species in the Humboldt Current System remain unknown. This study provides a first assessment of the diet of seven commercially exploited and understudied sympatric chondrichthyans inhabiting nearshore habitats off the central coast of Peru: four stingrays (Hypanus dipterurus, Myliobatis peruvianus, M. chilensis, and Urotrygon chilensis), a guitarfish (Pseudobatos planiceps), a smooth-hound shark (Mustelus mento), and a chimaera (Callorhinchus callorynchus). A total of 166 stomachs were examined between 2012 and 2015 and prey items were pooled for the total of years for analysis. Although our analysis did not account for inter seasons variability, our results suggest diet partitioning among species, except for the stingrays’ group. A diet based on soft-bottom polychaetes and fish was shared by H. dipterurus, M. peruvianus, and M. chilensis, while soft-bottom polychaetes and crabs were more important in U. chilensis. The smooth-hound shark and guitarfish exhibited a diet dominated by crabs, and the chimaera consumed mainly hard-bottom mollusks. Foraging habitat estimations distinguished two main habitats of association: Benthic, including the stingray U. chilensis, the chimaera, and the smooth-hound shark; and benthic-demersal, including the guitarfish, and the rest of stingrays. A pattern of feeding specialization was observed for H. dipterurus, P. planiceps, and C. callorynchus. Preliminary trophic level estimations based on diet composition placed these species as secondary consumers. Intraspecific dietary variation was assessed for P. planiceps and H. dipterurus as their sampled sizes allowed meaningful comparisons. The diet of P. planiceps varied from small to large sizes but not for H. dipterurus. No differences were detected on diet composition between males and females in either species. Despite the limited temporal resolution, this study provides the first insights of chondrichthyans predatory activity, suggesting diet partitioning among the species of this assemblage in a nearshore habitat of the central coast of Peru. Enhancing the temporal resolution of this type of studies would improve our knowledge on trophic functioning in the Humboldt Current ecosystem.  相似文献   

The cultured aerobic copiotrophic bacteria and fungi from food-free digestive tracts of Aporrectodea caliginosa, Lumbricus terrestris, and Eisenia fetida earthworms, soil (compost), and fresh earthworm excrements were investigated. The microorganisms were isolated on nutrient media and identified by sequencing the fragments of bacterial 16S rRNA and fungal 28S rRNA (D1/D2 domain) gene sequences with subsequent phylogenetic analysis. Bacteria isolated from the digestive tracts of earthworms belonged to the families Aeromonadaceae, Comamonadaceae, Enterobacteriaceae, Flavobacteriaceae, Moraxellaceae, Pseudomonadaceae, and Sphingobacteriaceae (Bacteroidetes), as well as Actinobacteria. For five strains, namely Ochrobactrum sp. 341-2 (α-Proteobacteria), Massilia sp. 557-1 (β-Proteobacteria), Sphingobacterium sp. 611-2 (Bacteroidetes), Leifsonia sp. 555-1, and a bacterium from the family Microbacteriaceae, isolate 521-1 (Actinobacteria), the similarity to known 16S rRNA sequences was 93–97%; they therefore, probably belong to new species and genera. Bacterial groups isolated from the digestive tracts of earthworms were significantly different from those isolated from soil and excrements. Some bacterial taxa occurred in different sections of A. caliginosa intestine and in intestines of different earthworm species; however, the overall composition of bacterial communities in these objects is different. Existence of bacterial groupings symbiotically associated with intestines is proposed. Among the fungi, Bjerkandera adusta and Syspastospora parasitica were isolated from the cleaned digestive tracts as light-colored, sterile mycelium, as well as Geotrichum candidum, Acremonium murorum (A. murorum var. felina), Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus candidus, A. versicolor, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Rhizomucor racemosus, Mucor hiemalis, Fusarium (F. oxysporum, Fusarium sp.), and Penicillium spp. These fungi survive for a long time in the earthworm’s digestive environment. Investigation of the functional characteristics and role in the host organism is required to confirm the symbiotic status of the microorganisms associated with the earthworm digestive tract.  相似文献   

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