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Abstract Many current wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) harvest models assume density-independent population dynamics. We developed an alternative model incorporating both nonlinear density-dependence and stochastic density-independent effects on wild turkey populations. We examined model sensitivity to parameter changes in 5% increments and determined mean spring and fall harvests and their variability in the short term (3 yr) and long term (10 yr) from proportional harvesting under these conditions. In the long term, population growth rates were most sensitive to poult:female ratios and the form of density dependence. The nonlinear density-dependent effect produced a population that maximized yield at 40% carrying capacity. The model indicated that a spring or fall proportional harvest could be maximized for fall harvest rates between 0% and 13% of the population, assuming a 15% spring male harvest and 5% spring illegal female kill. Combined spring and fall harvests could be maximized at a 9% fall harvest, under the same assumptions. Variability in population growth and harvest rates increased uncertainty in spring and fall harvests and the probability of overharvesting annual yield, with growth rate variation having the strongest effect. Model simulations suggested fall harvest rates should be conservative (≤9%) for most management strategies.  相似文献   

Australia’s lobster fisheries are relatively small in volume (9500t) compared with global production (289,000t), but are the country’s most valuable in terms of both overall production and value of export (2014 Gross Value of Production of $610 million AUD). Further, they support commercial, recreational and indigenous fishers along most of the continent’s coastline. Here we review similarities and key differences between these lobster fisheries, based on biological characteristics, fishery data collection, assessment and management methods, and supply chain considerations. A diverse range of palinurid lobsters occur in Australia, but only three genera, distributed across eight different management jurisdictions, support significant fisheries. Catches of western rock lobster Panulirus cygnus dominate landings (61%), followed by southern rock lobster Jasus edwardsii, tropical lobster Panulirus ornatus and the eastern rock lobster Sagmariasus verreauxi. Large-scale environmental influences such as climate change are impacting on these fisheries in similar or different ways forcing new management and raising the need for greater resilience in current supply chains. Although these are separate fisheries, the integrated nature of the dominant Chinese export markets suggests potentially important economic and market-related interactions. Our overview highlights the critical role of continued monitoring of recruitment pulses, in combination with robust harvest strategies, to ensure that harvests respond adequately and fisheries achieve biological and economic sustainability. Approaches that also include socio-cultural considerations (triple bottom line) are important given many fisheries include indigenous Australians. Our integrated analysis of Australian lobster fisheries highlights differences and similarities with spiny lobster fisheries worldwide and lessons from opportunities, including adapting to new free trade agreements, enhancing the reputation of wild lobsters as a whole, sharing expertise, and better alignment of supply and demand.  相似文献   

In central Europe, both brown trout Salmo trutta and European grayling Thymallus thymallus are threatened native salmonid species with high value in recreational angling and nature conservation. On the other hand, rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis are intensively stocked non-native species of high angling value but no value for nature conservation. This study tested if harvest rates of native salmonids are negatively correlated to intensive stocking and harvest rates of non-native salmonids in inland freshwater recreational fisheries. Data were collected from 250 fishing sites (river and stream stretches) over 13 years using mandatory angling logbooks. Logbooks were collected from individual anglers by the Czech Fishing Union in the regions of Prague and Central Bohemia, Czechia (central Europe) and processed by the author of this study. In result, anglers harvested 200,000 salmonids with total weight of 80 tons over 13 years. Intensive stocking of multiple salmonid species lead to slightly lower harvests of native salmonids. Inversely, intensive harvests of multiple salmonid species lead to slightly higher harvest of native salmonids. Recapture rates of stocked salmonids were relatively low (0.6%–3.7%), proving fish stocking moderately ineffective. Since the effects of non-native salmonid stocking and harvest rates on native salmonid harvest were significant but not strong, it is suggested that rivers and streams that support fishing for non-native salmonids still support fishing for native salmonids. However, this idea does not apply for fishing sites with really high intensity of non-native salmonid stocking – harvest rates of natives were very low on these fishing sites.  相似文献   

Recreational fisheries that use rod and reel (i.e., angling) operate around the globe in diverse freshwater and marine habitats, targeting many different gamefish species and engaging at least 220 million participants. The motivations for fishing vary extensively; whether anglers engage in catch-and-release or are harvest-oriented, there is strong potential for recreational fisheries to be conducted in a manner that is both responsible and sustainable. There are many examples of recreational fisheries that are well-managed where anglers, the angling industry and managers engage in responsible behaviours that both contribute to long-term sustainability of fish populations and the sector. Yet, recreational fisheries do not operate in a vacuum; fish populations face threats and stressors including harvest from other sectors as well as environmental change, a defining characteristic of the Anthropocene. We argue that the future of recreational fisheries and indeed many wild fish populations and aquatic ecosystems depends on having responsible and sustainable (R&S) recreational fisheries whilst, where possible, addressing, or at least lobbying for increased awareness about the threats to recreational fisheries emanating from outside the sector (e.g., climate change). Here, we first consider how the concepts of R&S intersect in the recreational fishing sector in an increasingly complex socio-cultural context. Next, we explore the role of the angler, angling industry and decision-makers in achieving R&S fisheries. We extend this idea further by considering the consequences of a future without recreational fisheries (either because of failures related to R&S) and explore a pertinent case study situated in Uttarakahand, India. Unlike other fisheries sectors where the number of participants is relatively small, recreational angling participants are numerous and widespread, such that if their actions are responsible, they have the potential to be a key voice for conservation and serve as a major force for good in the Anthropocene. What remains to be seen is whether this will be achieved, or if failure will occur to the point that recreational fisheries face increasing pressure to cease, as a result of external environmental threats, the environmental effects of recreational fishing and emerging ethical concerns about the welfare of angled fish.  相似文献   

Non-random mortality associated with commercial and recreational fisheries have the potential to cause evolutionary changes in fish populations. Inland recreational fisheries offer unique opportunities for the study of fisheries induced evolution due to the ability to replicate study systems, limited gene flow among populations, and the existence of unexploited reference populations. Experimental research has demonstrated that angling vulnerability is heritable in Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides, and is correlated with elevated resting metabolic rates (RMR) and higher fitness. However, whether such differences are present in wild populations is unclear. This study sought to quantify differences in RMR among replicated exploited and unexploited populations of Largemouth Bass. We collected age-0 Largemouth Bass from two Connecticut drinking water reservoirs unexploited by anglers for almost a century, and two exploited lakes, then transported and reared them in the same pond. Field RMR of individuals from each population was quantified using intermittent-flow respirometry. Individuals from unexploited reservoirs had a significantly higher mean RMR (6%) than individuals from exploited populations. These findings are consistent with expectations derived from artificial selection by angling on Largemouth Bass, suggesting that recreational angling may act as an evolutionary force influencing the metabolic rates of fishes in the wild. Reduced RMR as a result of fisheries induced evolution may have ecosystem level effects on energy demand, and be common in exploited recreational populations globally.  相似文献   

Remains of jawed polychaetes were recovered from stomach contents of queen triggerfish ( Balistes vetula L.) collected by spearing from Came Bow Cay, Belize, Central America. Jaws in the nereidids, glycerids, and arabellids recovered are perfectly preserved, and might be passed by the fish without noticeable alteration. Jaws in the onuphids are fully articulated, but the outer wall-layer has been digested away, leaving only the inner aragonitic layer intact. A low fossilization potential for onuphid jaws is indicated, consistent with laboratory studies of jaw composition. Based on literature accounts, fish predation may have a considerable influence on polychaete jaw (scolecodont) assemblages in sediment.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to update information regarding the status of shovelnose sturgeon fisheries. Although a substantial amount of shovelnose sturgeon research has been conducted in the past decade, the study purpose was not to provide a comprehensive review of the literature; the primary interest was in the status, trends, and management of Scaphirhynchus platorynchus fisheries in North America. Biologists were surveyed in all 24 states within the native distribution of the species; results indicate that commercial harvest is currently permitted in eight states, recreational harvest is allowed in 13 states, and that regulations vary within rivers and jurisdictional boundaries. Although recreational exploitation of shovelnose sturgeon is thought to be low and not a significant threat to populations, commercial harvest is a major concern in states with a commercial fishery. In the last decade harvest has increased in all states with commercial shovelnose sturgeon fisheries, but recent implementation of regulations has decreased harvest in some states. Approximately half of the states with extant shovelnose sturgeon populations conduct routine monitoring of the species, and the understanding of shovelnose sturgeon populations is increasing.  相似文献   

Modern salmon hatcheries in Southeast Alaska were established in the 1970s when wild runs were at record low levels. Enhancement programs were designed to help rehabilitate depressed fisheries and to protect wild salmon stocks through detailed planning and permitting processes that included focused policies on genetics, pathology, and management. Hatcheries were located away from significant wild stocks, local sources were used to develop hatchery broodstocks, and juveniles are marked so management can target fisheries on hatchery fish. Initially conceived as a state-run system, the Southeast Alaska (SEAK) program has evolved into a private, non-profit concept centered around regional aquaculture associations run by fishermen and other stakeholders that pay for hatchery operations through landing fees and sale of fish. Today there are 15 production hatcheries and 2 research hatcheries in SEAK that between 2005 and 2009 released from 474 to 580 million (average 517 million) juvenile salmon per year. During this same period commercial harvest of salmon in the region ranged from 28 to 71 million salmon per year (average 49 million). Contributions of hatchery-origin fish to this harvest respectively averaged 2%, 9%, 19%, 20%, and 78% for pink, sockeye, Chinook, coho, and chum salmon. Both hatchery and wild salmon stocks throughout much of Alaska have experienced high marine survivals since the 1980s and 1990s resulting in record harvests over the past two decades. Although some interactions between hatchery salmon and wild salmon are unavoidable including increasing concerns over straying of hatchery fish into wild salmon streams, obvious adverse impacts from hatcheries on production of wild salmon populations in this region are not readily evident.  相似文献   

This study describes a recreational fishing method focused on marine catfish, Genidens barbus (Endangered-EN), through the adoption of its eggs as a natural bait during its reproductive period in southern Brazilian ecosystems. Male G. barbus perform parental care, collecting eggs released by females after the fertilization process. Owing to this male behavioural pattern during the reproductive period, these individuals are easily caught in recreational fisheries that use eggs of the same species as a natural bait. The current adoption of G. barbus eggs as bait may intensify the fishing pressure on its populations.  相似文献   

A large body of evidence suggests that there is a significant underconsumption of omega-3, long-chain, polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) and that this is the cause of multiple chronic diseases and developmental aberrations. The scope for increasing omega-3 LC-PUFA consumption from seafood is limited because global wild fisheries are unable to increase their harvests, and aquaculture fisheries currently rely on wild fisheries as a source of LC-PUFAs. Agricultural production of oils is highly efficient and has the potential to be sustainable. The transfer of genes from marine microalgae and other microorganisms into oilseed crops has shown that the production of terrestrial omega-3 LC-PUFA oils is indeed possible. The specifications of these oils or whole seeds for use in human and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) aquaculture nutrition are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: Synchrony is an important component of wildlife population dynamics because it describes spatial pattern in temporal population fluctuations. The strength and spatial extent of synchrony can provide information about the extrinsic and intrinsic forces that shape population structure. Wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) populations undergo annual fluctuations, possibly due to variation in weather during the reproductive season. To determine if spring weather plays a role in synchronizing wild turkey populations, we used a modified Mantel-type spatial autocorrelation procedure to measure the synchrony in fall wild turkey harvest data collected in 443 townships from 1990 to 1995 and compared this to the pattern of synchrony in spring weather variables (May rainfall and temp) over the same period. We measured correlation using Spearman correlation coefficients between the total fall harvests from 1990 to 1995 for each pair of townships, and sorted pairs into 6 50-km distance intervals. We calculated a mean correlation coefficient for each interval and estimated its P-value using resampling. We found moderately significant synchrony in the fall harvest (rs = 0.12-0.34, P < 0.008) among township pairs <150 km apart, but no significant synchrony beyond this distance. In contrast, both May temperature (r = 0.82-0.90, P < 0.001) and rainfall (r = 0.49-0.76, P < 0.001) were strongly synchronized across all 6 distance intervals. Visual inspection of time series in the wild turkey fall harvest suggests that populations may be synchronized in some years when weather promotes high reproductive success (i.e., a synchronized growth peak) and asynchronous in other years. Knowledge of the spatial dynamics of wild turkey populations will aid wildlife managers in estimating population change, setting harvest quotas, and managing habitat.  相似文献   

Predictions on the efficacy of marine reserves for benefiting fisheries differ in large part due to considerations of models of either intra- or inter-cohort population density regulating fish recruitment. Here, I consider both processes acting on recruitment and show using a bioeconomic model how for many fisheries density dependent recruitment dynamics interact with harvest costs to influence fishery profit with reserves. Reserves consolidate fishing effort, favoring fisheries that can profitably harvest low-density stocks of species where adult density mediates recruitment. Conversely, proportion coastline in reserves that maximizes profit, and relative improvement in profit from reserves over conventional management, decline with increasing harvest costs and the relative importance of intra-cohort density dependence. Reserves never increase profit when harvest cost is high, regardless of density dependent recruitment dynamics. I quantitatively synthesize diverse results in the literature, show disproportionate effects on the economic performance of reserves from considering only inter- or intra-cohort density dependence, and highlight fish population and fishery dynamics predicted to be complementary to reserve management. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Patrick Scaps 《Hydrobiologia》2002,470(1-3):203-218
The common ragworm Hediste diversicolor inhabits the shallow marine and brackish waters in the North Temperate Zone of the Atlantic. This infaunal species builds U or Y-shaped burrows in the soft sediments. H. diversicolor is gonochoristic and remains atokous throughout its life. Due to the facility of harvesting of individuals by hand and their maintenance, this species represents a good biological material for experimental studies. In consequence, the common ragworm served as a model for endocrine control of reproduction in Polychaeta and played a fundamental role in the study of immune defence in Polychaeta.Life history characteristics (longevity, spawning season, feeding tactics and growth) and population dynamics (sex ratio, density and biomass) vary greatly according to geographical location of the populations. In addition, inter-population morphological, biochemical and physiological differences have been noticed in individuals from different areas and different environmental conditions in the same areas and could be related to the limited dispersal capacity of the species. H. diversicolor interacts with its environment. The construction of burrows by individuals increases the sediment–water interface. When they ventilate their burrows, individuals verticalize oxic zones into the sediment and promote microbial and meiofaunal growth alongside their burrows. Moreover, the common ragworm is a species of commercial interest because of its use as bait in recreational fishing and as food in aquaculture. In order to alleviate environmental pressure caused by excessive demand over optimal sustainable yield of bait fisheries, intensive aquaculture has been proposed. The common ragworm could be also used as biomonitor of pollution in estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   

The present work provides the first evidence of polychaete worms as passive vectors of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in the transmission of white spot disease to Penaeus monodon broodstocks. The study was based on live polychaete worms, Marphysa spp., obtained from worm suppliers/worm fishers as well as samples collected from 8 stations on the northern coast of Tamilnadu (India). Tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon broodstock with undeveloped ovaries were experimentally infected with WSSV by feeding with polychaete worms exposed to WSSV. Fifty percent of polychaete worms obtained from worm suppliers were found to be WSSV positive by 2-step PCR, indicating high prevalence of WSSV in the live polychaetes used as broodstock feed by hatcheries in this area. Of 8 stations surveyed, 5 had WSSV positive worms with prevalence ranging from 16.7 to 75%. Polychaetes collected from areas near shrimp farms showed a higher level of contamination. Laboratory challenge experiments confirmed the field observations, and > 60% of worms exposed to WSSV inoculum were proved to be WSSV positive after a 7 d exposure. It was also confirmed that P. monodon broodstock could be infected with WSSV by feeding on WSSV contaminated polychaete worms. Though the present study indicates only a low level infectivity in wild polychaetes, laboratory experiments clearly indicated the possibility of WSSV transfer from the live feed to shrimp broodstock, suggesting that polychaete worms could play a role in the epizootiology of WSSV.  相似文献   

Wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) are a prolific species and valuable game animal throughout the United States. Stochastic simulations are commonly used to inform harvest management, and we used simulation to test performance of fall harvest management that included 1-, 3-, and 5-year cycles of population assessment and updating of harvest targets, respectively. To assess robustness of our conclusions, we replicated analyses across 18 combinations of model parameters that included population productivity (3 levels), sex-specific vulnerability to fall harvest (3 levels), and magnitude of spring harvest (2 levels). Performance of multi-year cycles, measured using abundance of males and annual harvest, depended on the context of model parameters that interacted to determine responses of populations to harvest. One- and 3-year cycles had similar performance so long as female harvests were less than or equal to male harvests. However, when harvest of females was greater than males, or when 5-year regulation cycles were implemented, there was greater risk due to nonlinear population responses to increased harvest. For example, nonlinearity resulted in thresholds where declines to abundance and harvest could occur with small increases to harvest rates, and thus the sustainability of fall harvests was less robust for multi-year cycles with time-lagged assessment and decision making. Moreover, the harvest rate resulting in threshold responses depended on model parameters and often occurred within the range of harvest rates recommended by earlier modeling studies (7–15%). Our results imply that multi-year cycles can be a viable approach to harvest management. Monitoring that provides information on sex-specific harvest is recommended, however, to determine if nonlinear population responses should be anticipated. Ideally, information on population-specific vital rates would also be available to allow managers to avoid harvest rates near thresholds that are expected to result in population declines. © The Wildlife Society, 2019  相似文献   

The current state of many freshwater fish stocks worldwide is largely unknown but suspected to be vulnerable to exploitation from recreational fisheries and habitat degradation. Both these factors, combined with complex ecological dynamics and the diffuse nature of inland fisheries could lead to an invisible collapse: the drastic decline in fish stocks without great public or management awareness. In this study we provide a method to address the pervasive knowledge gaps in regional rates of exploitation and habitat degradation, and demonstrate its use in one of North America’s largest and most diffuse recreational freshwater fisheries (Ontario, Canada). We estimated that 1) fish stocks were highly exploited and in apparent danger of collapse in management zones close to large population centres, and 2) fish habitat was under a low but constant threat of degradation at rates comparable to deforestation in Ontario and throughout Canada. These findings confirm some commonly held, but difficult to quantify, beliefs in inland fisheries management but also provide some further insights including 1) large anthropogenic projects greater than one hectare could contribute much more to fish habitat loss on an area basis than the cumulative effect of smaller projects within one year, 2) hooking mortality from catch-and-release fisheries is likely a greater source of mortality than the harvest itself, and 3) in most northern management zones over 50% of the fisheries resources are not yet accessible to anglers. While this model primarily provides a framework to prioritize management decisions and further targeted stock assessments, we note that our regional estimates of fisheries productivity and exploitation were similar to broadscale monitoring efforts by the Province of Ontario. We discuss the policy implications from our results and extending the model to other jurisdictions and countries.  相似文献   

The Winnebago System, Wisconsin, supports one of the largest self sustaining stocks of lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens , in North America. Winter spearing harvest of the Winnebago sturgeon population has been actively regulated since 1903 and actively assessed since the 1940's. While historic population assessments have shown a steady increase in sturgeon densities in the system, recent surveys indicated overexploitation of adult females. From 1991–97, 13714 sturgeon were assessed through harvest and spawning surveys to characterize the status of the current population, and historical data from DNR files were reassembled and analyzed to discern population trends over the last 40 years. A summary of management actions since 1903 was completed and reviewed in the context of long term population trends. 1991–97 annual harvests averaged 1337 sturgeon with adult females comprising 46% of the annual harvests from 1991–96 and 34% of the harvest in 1997 following a reduction in the minimum size limit. With the higher size limit, estimated annual exploitation of adult females was 2 to 3 times higher than that of adult males. Historic harvest and population trends showed the benefits of conservative bag limits and harvest season lengths combined with strict law enforcement, and habitat protection, which resulted in an estimated 58% reduction in the annual harvest between 1955 and 1965 and a four fold increase in legal stock densities from 1955 to 1990. The analyses of the historic data reinforced the necessity of standardized long term harvest and population assessments for effective management of sturgeon populations and fisheries. Public involvement is also identified as an integral component to effective sturgeon management.  相似文献   

Over-exploitation of wildlife is a significant threat to global biodiversity, but addressing the sustainability of harvests can be difficult when trade is conducted illegally. The wildlife trade is driven chiefly by consumer demand, largely in developed nations (but increasingly in Asia), and more species are traded to meet international demand for pets than for any other purpose. We surveyed traders of amphibians and reptiles in the Indonesian provinces of Maluku, West Papua and Papua between September 2010 and April 2011. We recorded 5,370 individuals representing 52 species collected solely for the pet trade. At least 44?% were either fully protected or had not been allocated a harvest quota, making their harvest and trade illegal. Approximately half were listed within the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Trade operates via a complex chain, with hunters receiving little income compared to middlemen and exporters. Examination of Indonesian harvest quotas for amphibians and reptiles suggests limited knowledge of species distributions, with quotas often set for species in provinces where they do not occur. Illegal trade is due, partly, to an inadequate understanding of the species being traded and is facilitated by poor monitoring and enforcement at key trade hubs. As a first step to combatting illegal trade, and to better understand the effects of harvest on wild populations, we recommend the need for increased monitoring and enforcement, improving the knowledge base of species traded and educating consumers about the effects their demand for pets has on these species.  相似文献   

The enhancement of bait for the control of grass-cutting ants was investigated using two species of grass-cutting ant, Atta bisphaerica (Forel) and Atta capiguara (Gon?alves) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Bait was applied in loose piles to obtain a direct relationship between ant attraction and bait harvest. Enhancement with alarm pheromone compounds significantly increased the attractiveness and harvest of bait under certain conditions. A large proportion of the ants attracted to the enhanced bait were minor workers. These ants rarely transport bait because of their small size, and so it may be possible to increase the effect of bait enhancement by using smaller bait granules. Foragers of A. capiguara were less inclined to transport citrus-pulp bait than were those of Atta laevigata (Fr. Smith), a species that also harvests dicotyledonous plants. This emphasizes the importance of developing a bait matrix that is more acceptable to grass-cutting species. Nevertheless, the results suggest that alarm pheromone compounds have significant potential to improve the efficacy of baits for the control of grass-cutting ants.  相似文献   

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