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The nature of the nascent DNA-membrane complexes isolated from synchronized HeLa cells was examined. It was found that membrane-associated DNA is not the result of repair replication. A study of the stability of the complexes to various degradative agents and enzymes suggest that the DNA is associated with a structure which is composed of a lipoprotein. An examination of the physical structure of this DNA indicates that it might be a "nicked" duplex with a base content similar to that of the bulk DNA.  相似文献   

An intracellular effect of nickel(II) which may be involved in its carcinogenic action is the alteration of normal DNA-protein binding. This effect of ionic nickel was studied in Chinese hamster ovary cells using several chromatin isolation methods in combination with SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. DNA from cells incubated with (35S)-methionine or (35S)-cysteine to radiolabel protein was prepared by three methods: (solation of nuclei or nucleoids followed by chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (24:1 v/v) extraction and in some cases an additional extraction in the absence or presence of 2M NaCl, 40 mM EDTA or SDS; by isopycnic centrifugation through Cs2SO4 gradients containing 0.8% sarkosyl, 2.2 MCs2SO4, 1 mM NaCl and 10 mM EDTA; or by chromatin disaggregation and denaturation using 9 M urea, 2% 2-mercaptoethanol, 4% Nonidet P-40 +/- 2 M NaCl. DNA from nickel-treated cells consistently had more (35S)-methionine radioactivity associated with it than did DNA from untreated cells. This radioactivity was resistant to ribonuclease but sensitive to protease. Differential extraction using denaturing agents and high ionic strength followed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that most of the tightly bound proteins were nonhistone chromosomal proteins, and possibly histone 1. The enhancement of DNA-protein binding from nickel-treated cells was disrupted by SDS, suggesting that nickel ions do not function as classical bifunctional crosslinking agents. Since regulation of DNA replication and gene expression is dependent upon DNA-protein interactions, the effect of nickel in altering the extent of DNA-protein binding may interfere with this regulation and may contribute to the carcinogenic activity of nickel compounds.  相似文献   

We have used three approaches to studying the interaction of lambda Int protein with bacteriophage attachment site DNA, POP': location of binding sites by retention of DNA fragments in a filter binding assay, reconstruction of a binding site by DNA synthesis and protection of a binding site from an exonuclease. Retention of restriction fragments on nitrocellulose filters in the presence of Int protein was used to locate binding sites. A high affinity binding site lies in P' between base pairs -6 and +173 from the center of the common core sequence, and low affinity sites are found in the 200 base pair region left of position -6. Reconstruction of the high affinity binding site region from the right using primed DNA synthesis and testing for filter binding in the presence of Int protein shows that sequences sufficient for tight binding of Int protein lie to the right of position +66. When attachment site DNA is protected by bound Int protein against digestion by exonuclease III, four Int dependent protection bands are seen in positions +58, +68, +79 and +88. This can be interpreted either as showing that four Int protein monomers bind to the high affinity region in series, or as evidence for wrapping of the DNA around Int protein, leading to structural changes resembling those occurring to DNA in nucleosomes.  相似文献   

The nuclear orphan receptor OR1 has been shown to bind as a heterodimer with retinoid X receptor (RXR) to direct repeat 4 (DR4) response elements. It remained unclear, however, whether this represents the only or the optimal binding site for this receptor. Therefore, we performed a DNA binding site selection assay that allows the identification of novel DNA binding sites for OR1 in an unbiased manner. While OR1 alone was not able to select a specific sequence from the pool of oligonucleotides, the OR1/RXR heterodimer selected a highly conserved DR1 element, termed DR1s, with two AGGTCA motifs spaced by one adenosine. The functional activity of the consensus binding site was verified in transient transfection assays and corroborated by in vitro studies. Based on the sequence of the consensus DR1s, we located putative natural binding sites in the 5'-promoter flanking regions of the rat S14 gene and the rat cholecystokinin type A receptor gene. Furthermore, we could show that although the OR1/RXR heterodimer has a distinct binding orientation on a DR4 element, it is able to bind in both orientations to the DR1s element. The OR1 paralog LXRalpha does not bind as a heterodimer with RXR to the DR1s element, indicating that these receptors, despite their homology, are involved in the regulation of different sets of genes.  相似文献   

Olivomycin is taken up efficiently by HeLa cells and by rat fibroblast cells at 38.5 °C, but not by BHK cells. On irradiation with light of 425 nm wavelength, the nuclei of living cells that have taken up olivomycin fluoresce. When olivomycin complexes with DNA in solution, the emission spectrum broadens and shifts, the excitation wavelength maximum shifts up 15 nm, and the fluorescence polarization increases. In HeLa and fibroblast cells, the fluorescence characteristics indicate that olivomycin is entirely complexed to DNA, and its rotational mobility indicates that it is complexed to DNA in regions where other components of the chromatin offer no steric hindrance.  相似文献   

Lomax ME  Cunniffe S  O'Neill P 《Biochemistry》2004,43(34):11017-11026
Ionizing radiation induces clustered DNA damage sites which have been shown to challenge the repair mechanism(s) of the cell. Evidence demonstrating that base excision repair is compromised during the repair of an abasic (AP) site present within a clustered damage site is presented. Simple bistranded clustered damage sites, comprised of either an AP-site and 8-oxoG or two AP-sites, one or five bases 3' or 5' to each other, were synthesized in oligonucleotides, and repair was carried out in xrs5 nuclear extracts. The rate of repair of an AP-site when present opposite 8-oxoG is reduced by up to 2-fold relative to that when an AP-site is present as an isolated lesion. The mechanism of repair of the AP-site shows asymmetry, depending on its position relative to 8-oxoG on the opposite strand. The AP-site is rejoined by short-patch base excision repair when the lesions are 5' to each other, whereas when the lesions are 3' to one another, rejoining of the AP-site occurs by both long-patch and short-patch repair processes. The major stalling of repair occurs at the DNA ligase step. 8-OxoG and an AP-site present within a cluster are processed sequentially, limiting the formation of double-strand breaks to <4%. In contrast, when two AP-sites are contained within the clustered DNA damage site, both AP-sites are incised simultaneously, giving rise to double-strand breaks. This study provides new insight into understanding the processes that lead to the biological consequences of radiation-induced DNA damage and ultimately tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae chl1 mutants have a significant increase in the rate of chromosome missegregation. CHL1 encodes a 99 kDa predicted protein with an ATP binding site consensus, a putative helix–turn–helix DNA binding motif, and homology to helicases. Using site-directed mutagenesis, I show that mutations that are predicted to abolish ATP binding in CHL1 inactivate its function in chromosome segregation. Furthermore, overexpression of these mutations interferes with chromosome transmission of a 125 kb chromosome fragment in a wild-type strain. Polyclonal antibodies against CHL1 show that CHL1 is predominantly in the nuclear fraction of S.cerevisiae. CHL1 function is more critical for the segregation of small chromosomes. In chl1Δ1/chl1Δ1 mutants, artificial circular or linear chromosomes <150 kb in size exhibit near random segregation (0.12 per cell division), whereas all chromosomes tested >225 kb were lost at rates (5 × 10–3 per cell division) comparable to that observed for endogenous chromosome III. These results reveal an important role for ATPases/DNA helicases in chromosome segregation. Such enzymes may alter DNA topology to allow loading of proteins involved in maintaining sister chromatid cohesion.  相似文献   

Physical parameters, describing the state of chromatinized DNA in living mammalian cells, were revealed by in situ fluorescence dynamic properties of ethidium in its free and intercalated states. The lifetimes and anisotropy decays of this cationic chromophore were measured within the nuclear domain, by using the ultra-sensitive time-correlated single-photon counting technique, confocal microscopy, and ultra-low probe concentrations. We found that, in living cells: 1) free ethidium molecules equilibrate between extracellular milieu and nucleus, demonstrating that the cation is naturally transported into the nucleus; 2) the intercalation of ethidium into chromatinized DNA is strongly inhibited, with relaxation of the inhibition after mild (digitonin) cell treatment; 3) intercalation sites are likely to be located in chromatin DNA; and 4) the fluorescence anisotropy relaxation of intercalated molecules is very slow. The combination of fluorescence kinetic and fluorescence anisotropy dynamics indicates that the torsional dynamics of nuclear DNA is highly restrained in living cells.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms that lead to replication fork blocks (RFB) and the means to bypass them is important given the threat that they represent for genome stability if inappropriately handled. Here, to study this issue in mammals, we use integrated arrays of the LacO and/or TetO as a tractable system to follow in time a process in an individual cell and at a single locus. Importantly, we show that induction of the binding by LacI and TetR proteins, and not the presence of the repeats, is key to form the RFB. We find that the binding of the proteins to the arrays during replication causes a prolonged persistence of replication foci at the site. This, in turn, induces a local DNA damage repair (DDR) response, with the recruitment of proteins involved in double-strand break (DSB) repair such as TOPBP1 and 53BP1, and the phosphorylation of H2AX. Furthermore, the appearance of micronuclei and DNA bridges after mitosis is consistent with an incomplete replication. We discuss how the many DNA binding proteins encountered during replication can be dealt with and the consequences of incomplete replication. Future studies exploiting this type of system should help analyze how an RFB, along with bypass mechanisms, are controlled in order to maintain genome integrity.  相似文献   

J Thacker 《Mutation research》1989,220(2-3):187-204
Integrating DNA vectors, encoding selectable recombinant genes, were used to assess rejoining and recombination in wild-type mammalian cells and their ionising radiation-sensitive mutants. To provide a simple model of an important radiation-induced lesion - the DNA double-strand break - the vectors were cut with restriction endonucleases at specific single sites. If these breaks were made in the coding sequence of a selectable gene, the fidelity of the rejoin/recombination process could be measured by survival of vector-transformed cells in selective medium. Rejoining was assessed using vectors without internal homologies, while recombination was measured using pairs of fragments or deletion vectors carrying homologous regions. Initial experiments were made with vectors carrying a single selectable gene but, to overcome potential artefacts, 2-gene vectors were then constructed where one gene acts as a linked marker and (unbroken) control for the other (broken) gene. Available data are reviewed to show that, compared to their respective wild-type counterparts: (1) an ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) cell line and the hamster irs1 mutant show a consistent reduction in the fidelity of rejoining double-strand breaks (while the hamster mutants irs2, irs3, xrs series, and EM9 show wild-type fidelity); (2) the hamster EM9 mutant shows a reduction in ability to recombine homologous vector fragments (while the A-T line and probably the xrs mutants show show wild-type abilities); and (3) the xrs mutants show a reduction in overall transformation frequency with vector DNA, whether broken or not, while the other mutants tested show approximately wild-type frequencies. A critical account of the techniques and data is given, together with speculations on the molecular nature of the processes which are defective in these mutants, leading to radiosensitivity.  相似文献   

Human serum contains an ultrafiltrable factor (350 < M.V. < 700) which stimulates sulphation activities of native, or purified somatomedin A of either small or high molecular weight. The factor is heat stable, resists protease hydrolysis but is destroyed by strong acidic hydrolysis. It is not extractible by chloroform. It restores somatomedin activities of conserved fractions and allows good conditions of bioassays of purified fractions. This factor is not a known amino-acid, a polyamine, vitamin A, zinc, T4 or T3. It stimulates somatomedin activity equally if added together with the somatomedin, or if added before (and removed) the adding of somatomedin.  相似文献   

Preferential binding of DNA primase to the nuclear matrix in HeLa cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Studies of the spatial organization of DNA replication have provided increasing evidence of the importance of the nuclear matrix. We have previously reported a relationship between rates of DNA synthesis and the differential binding of DNA polymerase alpha to the nuclear matrix over the S-phase. We now report the detection of DNA primase bound to the HeLa nuclear matrix. Matrix-bound primase was measured both indirectly, by the incorporation of [32P]dAMP into an unprimed single-stranded template, poly(dT), and directly, by the incorporation of [3H]AMP into matrix DNA. Characteristics of this system include a requirement for ATP, inhibition by adenosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate), a primase inhibitor, and insensitivity to aphidicolin and alpha-amanitine, inhibitors of polymerase alpha and RNA polymerase, respectively. Subcellular quantification of primase and polymerase alpha activity revealed that while most (approximately 72%) primase activity is bound to the matrix, only a minority (approximately 32%) of polymerase alpha activity is matrix-bound. Treatment of the nuclear matrix with beta-D-octylglucoside allowed the solubilization of approximately 54% of primase activity and approximately 39% of the polymerase alpha activity. This data provides further evidence of a structural and functional role for the nuclear matrix in DNA replication. The ability to solubilize matrix-bound replicative enzymes may prove to be an important tool in the elucidation of the spatial organization of DNA replication.  相似文献   

In animals, the nuclear envelope disassembles in mitosis, while budding and fission yeast form an intranuclear spindle. Ultrastructural data indicate that basidiomycetes, such as the pathogen Ustilago maydis, undergo an 'open mitosis'. Here we describe the mechanism of nuclear envelope break-down in U. maydis. In interphase, the nucleus resides in the mother cell and the spindle pole body is inactive. Prior to mitosis, it becomes activated and nucleates microtubules that reach into the daughter cell. Dynein appears at microtubule tips and exerts force on the spindle pole body, which leads to the formation of a long nuclear extension that reaches into the bud. Chromosomes migrate through this extension and together with the spindle pole bodies leave the old envelope, which remains in the mother cell until late telophase. Inhibition of nuclear migration or deletion of a Tem1p-like GTPase leads to a 'closed' mitosis, indicating that spindle pole bodies have to reach into the bud where MEN signalling participates in envelope removal. Our data indicate that dynein-mediated premitotic nuclear migration is essential for envelope removal in U. maydis.  相似文献   

Nuclear factor I (NFI) is a site-specific DNA binding protein required for the replication of adenovirus type 2 DNA in vitro and in vivo. To study sequence requirements for the interaction of NFI with DNA, we have measured the binding of the protein to a variety of synthetic sites. Binding sites for NFI (FIB sites) were previously shown to contain a consensus sequence composed of 2 motifs, TGG (Motif 1), and GCCAA (Motif 2), separated by a 6 or 7bp spacer region. To assess conserved sequences in the spacer region and flanking sequences which affect NFI binding, we have isolated clones from oligonucleotide libraries that contain the two motifs flanked by 3 degenerate nucleotides and separated by degenerate spacer regions of 6 or 7 nucleotides. With a 6bp spacer region, a strong bias exists for a C or A residue in the first position of the spacer. Sites with a 7bp spacer region contain a G and C or A residue at the first and second positions, respectively, of the spacer, but also possess conserved residues at other positions of the site.  相似文献   

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