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Investigations have been carried out to establish the enzymatic properties and specificities of the neuraminidase of cultured human fibroblasts. Homogenates of these cells cleaved the actylated derivative of neuraminic acid from fetuin, N-acetylneuraminyllactose and 2-(3' methoxyphenyl)-N-acetyl-alpha-neuraminic acid. Maximum activity occurred between pH 4.2 and 4.6 in sodium acetate buffer. The Km values were 3.6 . 10(-4) M, 3.0 . 10(-3) M and 1.1 . 10(-3) M, respectively, against fetuin, N-acetylneuraminyllactose and 2-(3'methoxyphenyl)-N-acetyl-alpha-neuraminic acid. Against the first two substrates, the rate of hydrolysis fell below the expected value as the cell homogenate was diluted with water or 10 mM NaCl. Dilution with 8 mg/ml bovine serum albumin prevented the deviation and yielded the expected linear decrease. After the first 2-h incubation, the rate of hydrolysis decreased from the initial linear rate. The enzyme(s) was partially or completely inactivated by sonication at 20 kHz, freeze-thaw treatment, incubation at 52 degrees C or storage for 48 h at -70 degrees C. Suspension of the fibroblasts in water for 10 min at room temperature, followed by homogenization with a tissue grinder, yielded preparations that were suitable for the assay of the neuraminidase activity.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood lymphocytes were surface-iodinated, treated with neuraminidase from Vibrio cholerae and lysed with non-ionic detergent. In addition, surface membrane fractions were isolated from surface-iodinated cells in the absence of detergents and treated with neuraminidase after membrane isolation. The effect of neuraminidase treatment on the membrane proteins was studied by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. One surface-labelled protein of 45 000 molecular weight which is characterized by its association with the detergent-resistant matrix of the cells and by its specific enrichment in an isolated membrane fraction, was found to be particularly sensitive to neuraminidase treatment both of intact cells and isolated membranes. A prominent labelled protein of apparent molecular weight of 60 000 is observed in the soluble fraction after neuraminidase treatment of intact cells. The analogous protein is detected when isolated membrane fractions are treated with neuraminidase.  相似文献   

Desialylation of human red blood cells (RBC) by Vibrio cholerae neuraminidase (VCN) was found to produce cells with electrophoretic properties which were inconsistent with the view of simple loss of N-acetylneuraminic acid (NANA) as the sole effect of VCN treatment. Modification of human RBC with 50--350 U VCN/10(10) RBC for one hour at 37 degrees C releases 90-100% of the NANA and produces a progressive decrease towards zero in their electrophoretic mobilities when measured in 0.15 M NaCl (pH 7.2) at 25 degrees C. The appearance of positive groups on the desialylated cells was indicated by the VCN-treated cells displaying positive mobilities below approximately pH 5.5 and increased negative mobilities at approximately pH 9 as well as substantial increases in their mobility at neutral pH following treatment with formaldehyde. Adsorption of about 95% of the VCN activity at 0 degrees C to the RBC did not produce any significant change in their electrophoretic mobilities thus indicating that the observed changes in the electrophoretic properties of the RBC following VCN treatment could not be attributable to adsorption of VCN. These studies indicate that the cationic charge groups which appear at the electrophoretic surface of the RBC after VCN treatment are probably of endogenous origin. It is suggested that this alteration rather than simple NANA release may operate to shorten the in vivo survival time of desialylated red cells.  相似文献   

A rapid method for mass isolation of intact nuclei from Amoeba proteus has been developed. By this procedure, which includes a novel way of recovering nuclei during the filtration step, about 40% of the nuclei in the starting suspension of 4 to 5 × 106 cells can be recovered within 70 min. A typical suspension of purified nuclei consists of 93% intact nuclei, 5.6% food-waste pellets, 0.4% membranes, and 1.0% extracellular debris.  相似文献   

Structural and physiological osmotic adaptations of freshwater protozoa are reviewed using Amoeba proteus as an example. A particular emphasis is given to the contractile vacuole. Recent results on the effects of exogenous ATP and vasopressin on the contractile vacuole are also presented.  相似文献   

The mechanism of transferrin uptake by reticulocytes was investigated using rabbit transferrin labelled with 125I and 59Fe and rabbit reticulocytes which had been treated with trypsin, Pronase or neuraminidase. Low concentrations of the proteolytic enzymes produced a small increase in transferrin and iron uptake by the cells. However, higher concentrations or incubation of the cells with the enzymes for longer periods caused a marked fall in transferrin and iron uptake. This fall was associated with a reduction in the proportion of cellular transferrin which was bound to a cell membrane component solubilized with the non-ionic detergent, Teric 12A9. The effect of trypsin and Pronase on transferrin release from the cells was investigated in the absence and in the presence of N-ethylmaleimide which inhibits the normal process of transferrin release. It was found that only a small proportion of transferrin which had been taken up by reticulocytes at 37 degrees C but nearly all that taken up 4 degrees C was released when the cells were subsequently incubated with trypsin plus N-ethylmaleimide, despite the fact that about 80% of the 59Fe in the cells was released in both instances. Neuraminidase produced no change in transferrin and iron uptake by the cells. These experiments provide evidence that transferrin uptake by reticulocytes requires interaction with a receptor which is protein in nature and that following uptake at 37 degrees C, most of the transferrin is located at a site unavailable to the action of proteolytic enzymes. The results support the hypothesis that transferrin enters reticulocytes by endocytosis.  相似文献   

A number of reducing agents used for removing the excess of periodate in the reaction of the neuraminidase (EC activity measuring by the thiobarbituric acid technique were compared. The toxic reagent sodium arsenite may be replaced by a 20% solution of ascorbic acid. The modified technique of the neuraminidase activity determining can be used in case of both high-molecular weight substrate ovomucin and low-molecular weight substrate-glycomacropeptide from milk whey.  相似文献   

During 7 days of incubation in vitro the trophozoite stage of the free-living soil amoeba, Acanthamoeba polyphaga, phagocytized and killed 78-97% of the cells of three strains of Cryptococcus neoformans. With one strain, incubation time was increased to nine days and 99% of the yeast cells were killed. It was calculated that during 4-9 days of incubation a single trophozoite phagocytized and killed a daily average of 84 yeast cells. The lethal effect of A. polyphaga on C. neoformans may represent a biological control mechanism in nature. Some of the surviving cells of C. neoformans developed into colonies containing pseudohyphae; these pseudolhyphal forms may be a biological 'escape hatch'.  相似文献   

The possible role of membrane sialic acid in the action of ACTH was investigated in rat adrenal cells. After treatment with neuraminidase, the cells showed a diminished steroidogenic response to ACTH while the response to cyclic AMP and dibutyryl cyclic AMP was unaffected. 11β-hydroxylation of deoxycorticosterone (DOC) was also not impaired. Dose response curves for three ACTH peptides (ACTH1–39′, ACTH1–24 and ACTH1–10) with neuraminidase treated cells suggest that sialic acid residues on the glycoproteins of the plasma membrane may either impart affinity to the plasma membrane for ACTH molecule or facilitate transmission of the signal arising from ACTH-receptor interaction to the catalytic site of adenyl cyclase.  相似文献   

Studies on neuraminidase activity of the rabbit endometrium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Muggleton & Danielli [6] reported that the normally immortal Amoeba proteus could be switched into a state of limited lifespan by restricting their food intake for several weeks so as to preclude division. Upon return to normal feeding, these cells were reportedly no longer immortal, but were only capable of a limited, unspecified number of divisions before the resulting clone died out. Attempts to duplicate these results with our present ameba stocks have resulted in failure. It appears that the presence of this phenomenon is variable and the life-spanned state may no longer be present in these cultures. An extended period on a maintenance diet which precludes division may sometimes have effects on cell viability for several generations but it no longer results in a general limitation of lifespan. Further work on this phenomenon must involve rigorous proof that the phenomenon is indeed present in the ameba being used.  相似文献   

The neuraminidase associated with the bifunctional protein, hemagglutinin-neuraminidase, of influenza virus has been characterized. The enzyme has a pH optimum of 4.5, does not require Ca2+ and is inactivated (98%) by incubation at 50 degrees C. The enzyme has a Km of 2.00 X 10(-3) M and 0.06 X 10(-3) M with the substrates 2-(3-methoxyphenyl)-N-acetylneuraminic acid and fetuin, respectively. The Ki is 400 X 10(-6) with the inhibitor 2-deoxy-2,3-dehydro-N-acetylneuraminic acid. The incorporation of labeled cysteine, valine and leucine in the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein is different from that of viral neuraminidase. A comparison of the properties of the neuraminidase associated with protein hemagglutinin-neuraminidase with that of viral neuraminidase or sialidase showed that the former is biochemically different and an antigenically distinct enzyme. The unique feature of the new enzyme is that it has the hemagglutinin activity as well. The two biological activities could not be separated from each other in all systems used. Apparently, protein hemagglutinin-neuraminidase is genetically transferable and it is detectable in a laboratory recombinant virus E-2971 (H3 Aichi X N7). These results suggest that protein hemagglutinin-neuraminidase is a unique surface protein of the influenza virus A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2).  相似文献   

Matrex gel red A purified follicular fluid has been used to study whether or not this material contains sialic acid residues and their importance in maintaining the biological activity of inhibin both in vitro and in vivo. It appears that sialic acid is present in these preparations and can be released either by neuraminidase treatment of acid hydrolysis. The addition of intact and desialylated inhibin-containing material to isolated rat pituitary cells in culture gives similar inhibition of LHRH-induced FSH release of these cells indicating that sialic acid is not required for inhibin activity in vitro. The injection of intact inhibin preparations leads to a reduction of the uterine weight increase seen in immature female mice primed with human chorionic gonadotropin. By contrast, the inhibition of this uterine weight increment by 80% desialylated inhibin-containing material is significantly reduced, suggesting that sialic acid residues play an important role in maintaining the biological activity of inhibin in vivo.  相似文献   

The four major isoelectric forms of human liver neuraminidase (with pI values between 3.4 and 4.8) have been isolated by preparative isoelectric focusing and characterized with regard to their substrate specificity using glycoprotein, glycopeptide, oligosaccharide and ganglioside natural substrates. All forms exhibited a rather broad linkage specificity and were capable of hydrolyzing sialic acid glycosidically linked alpha 2-3, alpha 2-6 and alpha 2-8, although differential rates of hydrolysis of the substrates were found for each form. The most acidic form 1 (pI 3.4) was most active on sialyl-lactose, whereas form 2 (pI 3.9) and 3 (pI 4.4) were most active on the more hydrophobic ganglioside substrates. Form 4 (pI 4.8) was most active on the low-Mr hydrophilic substrates (fetuin glycopeptide, sialyl-lactose). Each form was less active on the glycoprotein fetuin than on a glycopeptide derived from fetuin. Organelle-enriched fractions were prepared from fresh human liver tissue and neuraminidase activity on 2'-(4-methylumbelliferyl)-alpha-D-N-acetylneuraminic acid was recovered in plasma membrane, microsomal, lysosomal and cytosolic preparations. Isoelectric focusing of the neuraminidase activity recovered in each of these preparations resulted in significantly different isoelectric profiles (number, relative amounts and pI values of forms) for each preparation. The differential substrate specificity of the isoelectric forms and the different isoelectric focusing profiles of neuraminidase activity recovered in subcellular-enriched fractions suggest that specific isoelectric forms with broad but defined substrate specificity are enriched at separate sites within the cell.  相似文献   

Neuraminidase (acylneuraminyl hydrolase, EC activity in fibroblast homogenates was measured by a rapid and simple assay with a synthetic substrate. The activity of neuraminidase in virus transformed hamster fibroblasts was increased over the normal counterpart. In addition, the differential activity seen using the synthetic substrate and fetuin made it possible to detect an enzyme activity hitherto not described. The advantages of this assay for metabolic screening are discussed.  相似文献   

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