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To explain cotransport function, the "alternating access" model requires that conformational changes of the empty transporter allow substrates to bind alternatively on opposite membrane sides. To test this principle for the GAT1 (GABA:Na+:Cl-) cotransporter, we have analyzed how its charge-moving partial reactions depend on substrates on both membrane sides in giant Xenopus oocyte membrane patches. (a) "Slow" charge movements, which require extracellular Na+ and probably reflect occlusion of Na+ by GAT1, were defined in three ways with similar results: by application of the high-affinity GAT1 blocker (NO-711), by application of a high concentration (120 mM) of cytoplasmic Cl-, and by removal of extracellular Na+ via pipette perfusion. (b) Three results indicate that cytoplasmic Cl- and extracellular Na+ bind to the transporter in a mutually exclusive fashion: first, cytoplasmic Cl- (5-140 mM) shifts the voltage dependence of the slow charge movement to more negative potentials, specifically by slowing its "forward" rate (i.e., extracellular Na+ occlusion); second, rapid application of cytoplasmic Cl- induces an outward current transient that requires extracellular Na+, consistent with extracellular Na+ being forced out of its binding site; third, fast charge-moving reactions, which can be monitored as a capacitance, are "immobilized" both by cytoplasmic Cl- binding and by extracellular Na+ occlusion (i.e., by the slow charge movement). (c) In the absence of extracellular Na+, three fast (submillisecond) charge movements have been identified, but no slow components. The addition of cytoplasmic Cl- suppresses two components (tau < 1 ms and 13 micros) and enables a faster component (tau < 1 micros). (d) We failed to identify charge movements of fully loaded GAT1 transporters (i.e., with all substrates on both sides). (e) Under zero-trans conditions, inward (forward) GAT1 current shows pronounced pre-steady state transients, while outward (reverse) GAT1 current does not. (f) Turnover rates for reverse GAT1 transport (33 degrees C), calculated from the ratio of steady state current magnitude to total charge movement magnitude, can exceed 60 s(-1) at positive potentials. 相似文献
Neurotransmitter transporters are reported to mediate transmembrane ion movements that are poorly coupled to neurotransmitter transport and to exhibit complex "channel-like" behaviors that challenge the classical "alternating access" transport model. To test alternative models, and to develop an improved model for the Na+- and Cl--dependent gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transporter, GAT1, we expressed GAT1 in Xenopus oocytes and analyzed its function in detail in giant membrane patches. We detected no Na+- or Cl--dependent currents in the absence of GABA, nor did we detect activating effects of substrates added to the trans side. Outward GAT1 current ("reverse" transport mode) requires the presence of all three substrates on the cytoplasmic side. Inward GAT1 current ("forward" transport mode) can be partially activated by GABA and Na+ on the extracellular (pipette) side in the nominal absence of Cl-. With all three substrates on both membrane sides, reversal potentials defined with specific GAT1 inhibitors are consistent with the proposed stoichiometry of 1GABA:2Na+:1Cl-. As predicted for the "alternating access" model, addition of a substrate to the trans side (120 mM extracellular Na+) decreases the half-maximal concentration for activation of current by a substrate on the cis side (cytoplasmic GABA). In the presence of extracellular Na+, the half-maximal cytoplasmic GABA concentration is increased by decreasing cytoplasmic Cl-. In the absence of extracellular Na+, half-maximal cytoplasmic substrate concentrations (8 mM Cl-, 2 mM GABA, 60 mM Na+) do not change when cosubstrate concentrations are reduced, with the exception that reducing cytoplasmic Cl- increases the half-maximal cytoplasmic Na+ concentration. The forward GAT1 current (i.e., inward current with all extracellular substrates present) is inhibited monotonically by cytoplasmic Cl- (Ki, 8 mM); cytoplasmic Na+ and cytoplasmic GABA are without effect in the absence of cytoplasmic Cl-. In the absence of extracellular Na+, current-voltage relations for reverse transport current (i.e., outward current with all cytoplasmic substrates present) can be approximated by shallow exponential functions whose slopes are consistent with rate-limiting steps moving 0.15-0.3 equivalent charges. The slopes of current-voltage relations change only little when current is reduced four- to eightfold by lowering each cosubstrate concentration; they increase twofold upon addition of 100 mM Na+ to the extracellular (pipette) side. 相似文献
Lucie Parent Stéphane Supplisson Donald D. F. Loo Ernest M. Wright 《The Journal of membrane biology》1992,125(1):63-79
Summary The results of the accompanying electrophysiological study of the cloned Na+/glucose cotransporter from small intestine (Parent, L., Supplisson, S., Loo, D.D.F., Wright, E.M. (1992) J. Membrane Biol.
125:49–62) were evaluated in terms of a kinetic model. The steady-state and presteady-state cotransporter properties are described by a 6-state ordered kinetic model (mirror symmetry) with a Na+:MDG stoichiometry of 2. Carrier translocation in the membrane as well as Na+ and sugar binding and dissociation are treated as a function of their individual rate constants. Empty carrier translocation and Na+ binding/ dissociation are the only steps considered to be voltage dependent. Currents were associated with the translocation of the negatively charged carrier in the membrane. Negative membrane potential facilitates sugar transport. One numerical solution was found for the 14 rate constants that account quantitatively for our experiment observations: i.e., (i) sigmoidal shape of the sugar-specific current-voltage curves (absence of outward currents and inward current saturation at high negative potentials), (ii) Na+ and voltage dependence of K
and i
, (iii) sugar and voltage dependence of K
and i
, (iv) presteady-state currents and their dependence on external Na+, MDG and membrane potential, and (v) and carrier Na+ leak current. We conclude that the main voltage effect is on carrier translocation. Na+ ions that migrate from the extracellular medium to their binding sites sense 25 to 35% of the transmembrane voltage, whereas charges associated with the carrier translocation experiences 60 to 75% of the membrane electrical field. Internal Na+ ion binding is not voltage dependent. In our nonrapid equilibrium model, the rate-limiting step for sugar transport is a function of the membrane potential, [Na]0 and [MDG]0. At 0 mV and at saturating [Na]0 and [MDG]0, the rate-limiting step for sugar transport is the empty carrier translocation (5 sec–1). As the membrane potential is made more negative, the empty carrier translocation gets faster and the internal Na+ dissociation becomes increasingly rate limiting. However, as [Na]0 is decreased to less than 10 mm, the rate-limiting step is the external Na+ ions binding in the 0 to –150 mV potential range. At 0 mV, the external Na+ dissociation constant KNa is 80 mm and decreases to 24 mm at –150 mV. The external sugar dissociation constant KNaS is estimated to be 200 m and voltage independent. Finally, the internal leak pathway (CNa2 translocation) is insignificant. While we cannot rule out a more complex kinetic model, the electrical properties of the cloned Na+/glucose cotransporter are found to be adequately described by this 6-state kinetic model.We are grateful to Drs. A. Berteloot, S. Ciani, and J.-Y. Lapointe for stimulating discussions and thank our colleagues for comments. L.P. was recipient of a post-doctoral fellowship from the Medical Research Council of Canada. This work was supported by a grant from the U.S. Public Health Service DK 19567. 相似文献
Identity of SMCT1 (SLC5A8) as a neuron-specific Na+-coupled transporter for active uptake of L-lactate and ketone bodies in the brain 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Martin PM Gopal E Ananth S Zhuang L Itagaki S Prasad BM Smith SB Prasad PD Ganapathy V 《Journal of neurochemistry》2006,98(1):279-288
SMCT1 is a sodium-coupled (Na(+)-coupled) transporter for l-lactate and short-chain fatty acids. Here, we show that the ketone bodies, beta-d-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate, and the branched-chain ketoacid, alpha-ketoisocaproate, are also substrates for the transporter. The transport of these compounds via human SMCT1 is Na(+)-coupled and electrogenic. The Michaelis constant is 1.4 +/- 0.1 mm for beta-d-hydroxybutyrate, 0.21 +/- 0.04 mm for acetoacetate and 0.21 +/- 0.03 mm for alpha-ketoisocaproate. The Na(+) : substrate stoichiometry is 2 : 1. As l-lactate and ketone bodies constitute primary energy substrates for neurons, we investigated the expression pattern of this transporter in the brain. In situ hybridization studies demonstrate widespread expression of SMCT1 mRNA in mouse brain. Immunofluorescence analysis shows that SMCT1 protein is expressed exclusively in neurons. SMCT1 protein co-localizes with MCT2, a neuron-specific Na(+)-independent monocarboxylate transporter. In contrast, there was no overlap of signals for SMCT1 and MCT1, the latter being expressed only in non-neuronal cells. We also demonstrate the neuron-specific expression of SMCT1 in mixed cultures of rat cortical neurons and astrocytes. This represents the first report of an Na(+)-coupled transport system for a major group of energy substrates in neurons. These findings suggest that SMCT1 may play a critical role in the entry of l-lactate and ketone bodies into neurons by a process driven by an electrochemical Na(+) gradient and hence, contribute to the maintenance of the energy status and function of neurons. 相似文献
Horst Onken Kai Graszynski Wolfgang Zeiske 《Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology》1991,161(3):293-301
Summary Single gill lamellae from posterior gills of Chinese crabs (Eriocheir sinensis) were isolated, separated into halves and mounted in a modified Ussing chamber. Area-related short-circuit current (Isc) and conductance (Gtot) of this preparation were measured. Epithelial cells were impaled with microelectrodes through the basolateral membrane and cellular potentials (Vi under open- and Vsc under short-circuit conditions) as well as the voltage divider ratios (Fi, Fo) were determined.With NaCl salines on both sides an outside positive PDte (22±2 mV) and an Isc (-64±13 A·cm-2) with a polarity corresponding to an uptake of negative charges (inward negative) were obtained. Trough-like potential profiles were recorded across the preparation under open- as well as short-circuit conditions (Vo=-101±5 mV, external bath as reference; Vi=-78±2 mV, internal bath as reference; Vsc=-80±2 mV, extracellular space as reference). The voltage divider ratios of the external (apical membrane plus cuticle) and internal (basolateral membrane) barrier were Fo=0.92±0.01 and Fi=0.08±0.01, respectively. To investigate a Cl--related contribution to the above parameters, Na+-free solutions in the external bath (basolateral NaCl-saline) were used. Inward negative Isc under these conditions almost completely depended on external Cl-. Elimination of Cl- in the external bath reversed Isc, and Gtot decreased substantially. Concomitantly, Vsc depolarised and Fo increased. Cl--dependent current and conductance showed saturation kinetics with increasing external [Cl-]. Addition of 20 mmol·1-1 thiocyanate to the external bath had similar, although less pronounced, effects as Cl- substitution. Equally, external SITS (1 mmol·1-1) inhibited the current and, concomitantly, Gtot decreased substantially. Addition of 1 mmol·1-1 acetazolamide to, and omission of NaHCO3 from, the basolateral bath resulted in a decrease of Isc while Gtot remained unchanged. The Cl--channel blocker DPC inhibited Isc almost completely when added to the basolateral saline, whereas Gtot decreased moderately; however, Vsc depolarised without significant change of Fi. Ouabain had no influence on Isc and Gtot. Increasing the basolateral [K+] resulted in a decrease in Isc, while Gtot was not affected. At the same time Vsc largely depolarised and Fi decreased. Addition of the K+-channel blocker Ba++ (5 mmol·1-1) to the basolateral solution resulted in a two-step alteration of the transepithelial (Isc, Gtot) and cellular (Vsc, Fi) parameters. The results are discussed with regard to (i) the mechanisms responsible for active transbranchial Cl- uptake, and (ii) the technical improvement of being able to perform transport studies with crab gill preparations in an Ussing chamber.Abbreviations
o, i
voltage divider ratio for external (o) and internal (i) barrier, respectively
conductance related to the external [Cl-]
total tissue conductance
short-circuit current related to the external [Cl-]
short-circuit current
transepithelial potential difference
resistance of the microelectrode
4-acetamido-4-isothiocyanato-stilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid
o, i
open-circuit voltage across the external (o) and internal (i) barrier, respectively
intracellular potential under short-circuit conditions 相似文献
Summary The kinetics of Na+ and K+ transport across the membrane of large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) were determined at two pH's when transport was induced by (221)C10-cryptand (diaza-1,10-decyl-5-pentaoxa-4,7,13,16,21-bicyclo [8.8.5.] tricosane) at various temperatures, and by nonactin at 25°C and (222)C10-cryptand at 20 and 25°C. The rate of Na+ and K+ transport by (221)C10 saturated with the cation and carrier concentrations. Transport was noncooperative and exhibited selectivity for Na+ with respect to K+. The apparent affinity of (221)C10 for Na+ was higher and less pH-dependent than that for K+, and seven times higher than that of (222)C10 for K+ ions (20.5vs. 1.7 kcal·mole–). The efficiency of (221)C10 transport of Na+ was pH-and carrier concentration-dependent, and was similar to that of nonactin; its activation energy was similar to that for (222)C10 transport of K+ (35.5 and 29.7 kcal · mole–1, respectively). The reaction orders in cationn(S) and in carrierm(M), respectively, increased and decreased as the temperature rose, and were both independent of carrier or cation concentrations; in most cases they varied slightly with the pH.n(S) varied with the cation at pH 8.7 and with the carrier for Na+ transport only, whilem(M) always depended on the type of cation and carrier. Results are discussed in terms of the structural, physico-chemical and electrical characteristics of carriers and complexes. 相似文献
Katarina S. Krinulović Vesna M. Vasić 《Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry》2013,28(4):459-465
The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of [PdCl4]2 ? , [PdCl(dien)]+ and [PdCl(Me4dien)]+ complexes on Na+/K+-ATPase activity. The dose-dependent inhibition curves were obtained in all cases. IC50 values determined by Hill analysis were 2.25 × 10? 5 M, 1.21 × 10? 4 M and 2.36 × 10? 4 M, respectively. Na+/K+-ATPase exhibited typical Michelis-Menten kinetics in the presence of Pd(II) complexes. Kinetic parameters (Vmax, Km) derived using Eadie–Hofstee transformation indicated a noncompetitive type of Na+/K+-ATPase inhibition. The inhibitor constants (Ki) were determined from Dixon plots. The order of complex affinity for binding with Na+/K+-ATPase, deducted from Ki values, was [PdCl4]2 ? >[PdCl(dien)]+>[PdCl(Me4dien)]+. The results indicated that the potency of Pd(II) complexes to inhibit Na+/K+-ATPase activity depended strongly on ligands of the related compound. Furthermore, the ability of SH-donor ligands, l-cysteine and glutathione, to prevent and recover the Pd(II) complexes-induced inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase was examined. The addition of 1 mM l-cysteine or glutathione to the reaction mixture before exposure to Pd(II) complexes prevented the inhibition by increasing the IC50 values by one order of magnitude. Moreover, the inhibited enzymatic activity was recovered by addition of SH-donor ligands in a concentration-dependent manner. 相似文献
Mannoury la Cour C Hanoun N Melfort M Hen R Lesch KP Hamon M Lanfumey L 《Journal of neurochemistry》2004,89(4):886-896
The functional properties of GABA(B) receptors were examined in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) and the hippocampus of knock-out mice devoid of the 5-HT transporter (5-HTT-/-) or the 5-HT(1A) receptor (5-HT(1A)-/-). Electrophysiological recordings in brain slices showed that the GABA(B) receptor agonist baclofen caused a lower hyperpolarization and neuronal firing inhibition of DRN 5-HT cells in 5-HTT-/- versus 5-HTT+/+ mice. In addition, [(35)S]GTP-gamma-S binding induced by GABA(B) receptor stimulation in the DRN was approximately 40% less in these mutants compared with wild-type mice. In contrast, GABA(B) receptors appeared functionally intact in the hippocampus of 5-HTT-/-, and in both this area and the DRN of 5-HT(1A)-knock-out mice. The unique functional changes of DRN GABA(B) receptors closely resembled those of 5-HT(1A) autoreceptors in 5-HTT-/- mice, further supporting the idea that both receptor types are coupled to a common pool of G-proteins in serotoninergic neurons. 相似文献
Agarwal D Goodison S Nicholson B Tarin D Urquidi V 《Differentiation; research in biological diversity》2003,71(2):114-125
The multi-step nature of metastasis poses difficulties in both design and interpretation of experiments to unveil the mechanisms causing the process. In order to facilitate such studies, we have previously derived a pair of breast tumor cell lines that originate from the same breast tumor but which have diametrically opposite metastatic capabilities. In this system, the monoclonal cell line M-4A4 is metastatic to the lungs of athymic mice, whereas clone NM-2C5 is equally tumorigenic but non-metastatic. Here, we report that representational difference analysis (RDA) of cDNA obtained from the two clonal populations revealed an increased expression of tyrosinase-related protein-1 (TYRP-1) and the matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) genes in the non-metastatic cell line. RNA and protein analyses in cultured cells and in primary xenograft tissues confirmed that the non-metastatic cell line expresses TYRP-1 and MMP-8 at levels that are at least 20-fold higher than the metastatic counterpart. Other members of the MMP family (MMP-9 and MMP-2) and the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) were found to be expressed at similar levels in both populations. The effects of MMP-8 and TYRP-1 on in vitro invasion and migration were assessed in cells whose expression of these genes was altered by stable transduction with sense and antisense constructs. Specific down-regulation of MMP-8 in non-metastatic NM-2C5 cells resulted in a 2.5-fold increased capacity to invade through Matrigel. Unlike other members of the matrix metalloproteinase family, MMP-8 has not previously been implicated in the processes of tumorigenesis or metastasis. The successful identification of two proteins that are differentially expressed in these matched clonal cell lines and the tumors that they produce demonstrates the feasibility of using this approach to search for genes that are associated with aberrant differentiation toward metastatic behavior. 相似文献
W L Jungers 《American journal of physical anthropology》1988,76(2):227-231
New stature estimates are provided for A.L.288-1 (Australopithecus afarensis) based on (1) the relationship between femur length and stature in separate samples of human pygmies and pygmy chimpanzees and (2) model II regression alternatives to standard least-squares methods. Estimates from the two samples are very similar and converge on a value of approximately 3'6" for "Lucy." These results are compared to prior estimates and extended to other small-bodied hominids such as STS-14 and O.H.62. A new foot-to-stature ratio is also estimated for A.L.288-1, and its potential biomechanical significance for gait is evaluated in comparison to other groups. 相似文献
Madhulika Chandra Jamshid Shirani Vitaliy Shtutin Louis M Weiss Stephen M Factor Stefka B Petkova Marcos Rojkind Jose A Dominguez-Rosales Linda A Jelicks Stephen A Morris Murray Wittner Herbert B Tanowitz 《International journal for parasitology》2002,32(2):207-215
Verapamil has been shown to attenuate the extent of myocardial injury in murine models of chronic Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Infected mice treated with verapamil have significantly lower myocardial expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase and cytokines and substantially less inflammatory infiltrate and myocyte necrosis at necropsy. In the present study, we examined the cardiac structural and functional correlates of verapamil treatment in CD1 mice infected with the Brazil strain of T. cruzi using serial transthoracic echocardiography. There were four groups: uninfected- untreated control, uninfected-verapamil-treated, infected-untreated control, and infected-verapamil-treated. Verapamil was given in drinking water (1 gm/l) continuously from the day of infection for a total of 120 days. Mice were evaluated at baseline, 40 and 150 days p.i. Mice in the untreated-infected group compared with the mice in the infected-verapamil-treated group showed thinning of the left ventricular wall (0.84 +/- 0.02-vs-0.92 +/- 0.04, P<0.05 mm), increase in the left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (3.27 +/- 0.15-vs-2.74 +/- 0.05 mm, P<0.05) and reduction in percent fractional shortening (37 +/- 2-vs-53 +/- 4%, P<0.05). No differences in these parameters were noted among mice in the uninfected-untreated and uninfected-verapamil-treated groups. Furthermore, right ventricular dilation was more severe in mice from the infected-untreated group as compared with those in the infected- verapamil-treated group (visual grade 1.9 +/- 0.4-vs-1.0 +/- 0.2, P<0.05). At necropsy, the extent of myocardial injury, as determined histologically, was significantly greater in the infected-untreated mice. These data provide cardiac structural and functional correlates for the previously observed cardioprotective effects of verapamil in chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy. 相似文献
The development of habitat suitability models requires a large amount of data which are rarely available. In this case, researchers need to get information on the ecological features of the studied species, based on the opinion of experts or on the literature, to construct a qualitative model. However, such models cannot be rigorously evaluated, as in most cases absence points are not available. In this paper, we assess the habitat suitability for a vulnerable insectivorous plant, Pinguicula crystallina Sibth. et Smith subsp. hirtiflora (Ten.) Strid (Lentibulariaceae) in the Campania region. Our aim was to develop an expert-based, presence-only model in support of possible conservation actions. Topographic and geological features of this species suggested by the literature were used in our model. Both the Boyce index and field surveys were chosen to evaluate the model's reliability. During field surveys, 31 absence sites and 1 new presence site were identified, and differences between sites with regard to water chemistry and quality were investigated, water being an element in the species habitat. Factors that affect reliability of the model, such as the lack of a large amount of information on the species and the limited spatial resolution of geographical information system data, are discussed. 相似文献
Nimisha Singh 《Carbohydrate research》2010,345(12):1641-2336
[3+2] Cycloaddition of 5-azido-5-deoxy-1,2-O-isopropylidene-α-d-xylofuranose with 1,3-diphenyl-prop-3-enones, followed by oxidation of the intermediate triazolines in a tandem manner, led to the regioselective formation of 4-benzoyl-1-(5-deoxy-1,2-O-isopropylidene-α-d-xylofuranos-5-yl)-5-phenyl-1H-1,2,3-triazoles in moderate to good yields. 相似文献
Carl N. Sprung Yan-Ping Wang Douglas L. Miller Donald D. Giannini Nauduri Dhananjaya William J. Bodell 《Mutation research》2001,484(1-2):77-86
We have investigated the genotoxic effects of 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-nitrosourea (HENU). We have chosen this agent because of its demonstrated ability to produce N7-(2-hydroxyethyl) guanine (N7-HOEtG) and O6-(2-hydroxyethyl) 2′-deoxyguanosine (O6-HOEtdG); two of the DNA alkylation products produced by 1,3-bis (2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU). For these studies, we have used the Big Blue Rat-2 cell line that contains a lambda/lacI shuttle vector. Treatment of these cells with HENU produced a dose dependent increase in the levels of N7-HOEtG and O6-HOEtdG as quantified by HPLC with electrochemical detection. Treatment of Big Blue Rat-2 cells with either 0, 1 or 5 mM HENU resulted in mutation frequencies of 7.2±2.2×10−5, 45.2±2.9×10−5 and 120.3±24.4×10−5, respectively. Comparison of the mutation frequencies demonstrates that 1 and 5 mM HENU treatments have increased the mutation frequency by 6- and 16-fold, respectively. This increase in mutation frequency was statistically significant (P<0.001). Sequence analysis of HENU-induced mutations have revealed primarily G:C→A:T transitions (52%) and a significant number of A:T→T:A transversions (16%). We propose that the observed G:C→A:T transitions are produced by the DNA alkylation product O6-HOEtdG. These results suggest that the formation of O6-HOEtdG by BCNU treatment contributes to its observed mutagenic properties. 相似文献
The interfacial interactions of a toxic trace metal, Pb, with a surface modified by a marine film-forming bacterium, Psedomonas atlantica, were predicted by a structured biofilm model used in conjunction with a chemical speciation model. The validity of the integrated model was tested for batch and continuous operations. Dynamic responses of the biophase due to transient lead concentration increases were also stimulated. The reasonable pre dictions achieved by the model demonstrate its utility in describing trace metal distributions in complex systems where the adsorption properties of inorganic surfaces are modified by adherent bacteria production of extracellular polymers. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
Two nematode species of the genus Enchodelus Thorne, 1939, one new and one known from Arctic polar deserts were studied. Enchodelus makarovaesp. n. is an amphimictic species, characterised by females with body length of 1.57-2.00 mm, lip region 15-17.5 μm wide, amphid duplex, odontostyle 38-43 μm long or 2.3-2.8 times lip region diam. Odontophore with flanges, 1.2-1.4 times as long as odontostyle; pharynx length 320-377 μm, pharyngeal expansion 113-130 μm long or 32-37% of total pharynx length; female genital system amphidelphic, uterus tripartite, pars refringens vaginae with two trapezoid sclerotisations, vulva a transverse slit (V=45-51%); tail bluntly conoid (25-35 μm, c=45.8-70.3, c'=0.6-0.9 in females, and 29-33 μm, c=46.4-58.9, c'=0.7-0.8 in males). Males with 65-74 μm long spicules and 10-12 spaced ventromedian supplements. Additional information for Enchodelus groenlandicus is provided, this being a new geographic record for the Putorana Plateau, Russian Arctic. 相似文献
Mohamed-Salah I. Abaza Colin R. Young M. Zouhair Atassi 《Journal of Protein Chemistry》1992,11(5):445-454
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) of predetermined specificity were prepared by immunizing with a free (i.e., not conjugated to any carrier) synthetic peptide representing region 15–22 (site 1) of sperm whale myoglobin (SpMb). The cross-reactions of Mb variants with three mAbs were studied in order to determine whether such interactions are influenced by substitutions outsde the site. Finback whale Mb, which has no substitutions within region 15–22, showed lower cross-reactivity and relative binding affinity than the reference antigen, SpMb. Bottle-nose Atlantic dolphin myoglobin (BdMb) and badger myoglobin (BgMb), although they have identical substitutions within region 15–22 (Ala-15 to Gly and Val-21 to Leu), showed very different binding properties. The cross-reaction of BdMb was quite comparable to that of SpMb, while that of BgMb was much lower. Since the two proteins have identical structures in regions 15–22, the differences in their cross-reactivities are readily attributed to the effects of substitutions outside this region. Another pair of myoglobins, horse myoglobins (HsMb) and chicken myoglobin (ChMb), also have two identical substitutions (Ala-15 to Gly and Val-21 to Ile) within region 15–22, but possessed different cross-reactivity. The results indicate that the reaction of mAbs, whose specificity is precisely known and predetermined by the immunizing free peptide, can be markedly affected by substitutions outside the indicated binding region on the protein. 相似文献