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All methods of diet analysis in marine mammals, including hard part analysis (HPA), have biases affecting the accuracy of prey-species identification and frequency in the estimated diet due to differential consumption, digestion and retention. Using PCR amplification of specific prey DNA with species-specific primers, we developed a DNA-based method that complements HPA and provides an alternative means to detect prey from stomach contents of Harp Seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus). The target size that could be reliably amplified was determined using a digestion time-series of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) tissue in simulated seal stomachs. Various target lengths were trialed using general teleost primers; amplicons of approximately 800 bp or less were consistently obtained. Prey species-specific PCR primers for Atlantic Cod, Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) and Capelin (Mallotus villosus) were designed and tested with DNA from the stomach contents of 31 Harp Seals. Amplicons were obtained for all three species-specific primer sets. Amplification results compared with HPA revealed: (i) Atlantic Cod hard parts were found in five stomachs where no Atlantic Cod DNA amplified, suggesting that Atlantic Cod may be over-represented in the estimated diet, (ii) amplification of Arctic Cod DNA occurred for 17 stomachs, including all 12 stomachs with, and five stomachs without, Arctic Cod hard parts, and (iii) Capelin DNA amplified for four of five stomachs with Capelin hard parts and for one stomach without Capelin hard parts. We conclude that PCR amplification of specific prey DNA provides a viable means to complement Harp Seal diet analysis by HPA, but suggest that valuable information for quantitative diet analysis rests in a quantitative PCR approach.  相似文献   

The food and feeding habits of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) were studied in Lake Koka, Ethiopia, in May 2011 (dry month) and September 2011 (wet month). Three hundred and thirty eight nonempty stomach samples were analysed using frequency of occurrence and volumetric methods of analysis. Detritus, insects, macrophytes, zooplankton and fish were the dominant food categories by occurrence, and they occurred in 79.6%, 63.6%, 63.0%, 56.2% and 15.4% of the stomachs, respectively. Volumetrically, the above food items comprised 24.3%, 14.1%, 14.5%, 19.3% and 21.8% of the total volume of food categories. Phytoplankton and gastropods were of low importance, and they occurred in 28.7% and 8.6% of the stomachs, respectively. Their volumetric contributions were 3.2% and 2.8% of the total volume of food categories. During the dry month, fish, zooplankton, insects and detritus were important food categories, while during the wet month detritus, macrophytes, insects and gastropods were important. Smaller catfish diets were dominated by detritus, macrophytes and insects, whereas larger catfish shifted to fish and zooplankton. Based on the results, C. gariepinus was found to be omnivorous in its feeding habits in Lake Koka.  相似文献   

Amphibians are currently the most threatened group of vertebrates worldwide, and introduced fauna play a major role in their decline. The control of introduced predators to protect endangered species is often based on predation rates derived from diet studies of predators, but prey detection probabilities using different techniques are variable. We measured the detectability of frogs as prey, using morphological and DNA‐based diet analyses, in the stomachs and faeces of four mammal species that have been introduced to many areas of the world. Frogs (Litoria raniformis) were fed to rats (Rattus norvegicus and R. rattus), mice (Mus musculus) and hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus). DNA‐based analysis outperformed morphological analysis, increasing the prey detection rate from 2% to 70% in stomachs and from 0% to 53% in faeces. In most cases, utilizing either stomachs or faeces did not affect the success of prey DNA detection; however, using faeces extended the detectability half‐life from 7 to 21 h. This study is the first to measure prey DNA detection periods in mammalian stomachs, and the first to compare prey DNA detection periods in the stomachs and faeces of vertebrates. The results indicate that DNA‐based diet analysis provides a more reliable approach for detecting amphibians as prey and has the potential to be used to estimate the rate of predation by introduced mammals on endangered amphibians.  相似文献   

Stomach content data from 798 Pacific walruses ( Odobenus rosmarus divergens ) collected during 1952–1991 were analyzed using a method that evaluates the stage of digestion of prey remains. Non-molluscan prey taxa were not well represented in previous interpretations of walrus diet due to digestion biases. Stomach contents least affected by digestion (fresh stomachs) contained more prey taxa than stomachs of an unknown or more digested state. Bivalves, gastropods, and polychaete worms were the most frequent prey items in both the Bering and Chukchi seas, although bivalves occurred more frequently in stomachs from the Bering Sea and gastropods occurred more frequently in stomachs from the Chukchi Sea. Male and female walruses consumed essentially the same prey when in the same location. Using only fresh stomachs collected between 1975 and 1985, there was no significant difference between the proportion that contained mostly bivalves and the proportion that contained non-bivalve prey items. Earlier interpretations of a change in walrus diet in this period compared to the prior two decades may have been due to digestion as well as sampling biases. Current climatic changes may affect walrus's access to diverse, productive shallow water feeding areas.  相似文献   

During 11 March to 4 April 2002, the distribution of Barents Sea capelin Mallotus villosus along the coast of Finnmark, northern Norway, was covered four times by combining acoustic survey with trawling, synoptically and simultaneously sampling capelin and its main fish predators; cod Gadus morhua, haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus and saithe Pollachius virens. The surveys demonstrated how these gadoid predators were able to exploit such a short‐term abundance of forage fish. The predator aggregation as well as the stomach fullness and proportion of capelin in their diet followed the capelin spawning migration, increasing in areas and periods with increasing capelin abundance. Capelin clearly constituted most of the biomass in stomachs of cod (97%), haddock (87%) and saithe (96%). The stomach fullness was highest in cod and lowest in haddock, although in areas with low capelin abundance, saithe had more capelin in their stomachs. The total length (LT) of capelin in predator stomachs increased with predator LT, but the proportion of capelin in the diet was not influenced by predator LT. The capelin in predator stomachs was significantly smaller than capelin in the trawl hauls, also when compared within the same sex, indicating feeding selectivity towards weaker individuals. Female capelin, being significantly smaller than the males, predominated in the diet of haddock, whereas in cod and saithe the sex ratio was more equal. Male capelin predominated in the predator diet during the pre‐spawning period, whereas the females predominated as the spawning commenced. During the overall study period, most of the female capelin in predator stomachs was in a pre‐spawning or a spawning stage, whereas the majority of the males appeared to be spent. Regardless of sex, the percentage of spent, relative to pre‐spawning or spawning capelin in the diet of the predators, followed the capelin spawning dynamics, increasing with time as the spawning progressed.  相似文献   

Dietary analyses of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post-smolt stomachs collected from 2001 to 2005 in Penobscot Bay, Maine, U.S.A., have yielded insights into the feeding ecology of early marine phase post-smolts from different rearing origins. Most stomachs contained only one or two prey types, suggesting active prey selection. Post-smolts that lived in the river longer (i.e. from naturally reared and parr-stocked origins) were smaller and consumed more fishes than invertebrates compared to larger post-smolts that emigrated immediately post-stocking (i.e. from smolt-stocked origins). Naturally reared S. salar consumed c. 84% fishes and 16% crustaceans and parr-stocked S. salar consumed 64% fishes and 34% crustaceans. Stocked smolts consumed 48% fishes and 40% crustaceans. Differences in the type and quantity of consumed prey may be indicative of behavioural differences among rearing origins that influence post-smolt survival.  相似文献   

The giant arapaima (Arapaima sp.) has been described as a fish of change in Amazonia because of its important role in the conservation of floodplains, food security and income generation for rural communities. Nonetheless, despite the cultural, ecological and economic importance of arapaima, data on diet are scarce. Aiming to expand knowledge about arapaima diet in western Amazonia, scientific knowledge was integrated with the knowledge of local dwellers. During the low-water period (September 2018) and the falling-water period (June 2019), arapaima stomachs were collected from 11 floodplain lakes in the middle Juruá River. All fishes were measured [TL (total length)] and sexed. Food items from each stomach were categorized as fishes, invertebrates, plants and bone remains and weighed. Also, in the latter period, experienced local fishers were interviewed about arapaima feeding. This integrated approach revealed that young arapaima eat fish and invertebrates but adult arapaima eat fish of a wide range of species, which were mainly of low and intermediate trophic positions. This study reports the first case of cannibalism for arapaima and also shows that during the low-water period, many individuals had empty stomachs or only some small fish-bone remains and/or plant material. Arapaima sex and TL had no influence on the absence of prey in stomach contents. Overall, it can be concluded that local people had consistent ethnobiological knowledge of arapaima feeding ecology that could be useful within management projects in the region.  相似文献   


New data are reported on the diet of the long‐finned pilot whale, Globicephala melas, based on stomach contents recovered from whales involved in a mass stranding on Farewell Spit, Golden Bay, South Island, on 23 January 2008. The stomachs of 11 whales were examined, from which identifiable prey remains were recovered from six, four females and two males (3.1–5.4 m in length). Prey remains comprised exclusively cephalopod beaks (1–46 beaks per whale), attributed to two genera in two orders: arrow squid, Nototodarus spp. (Teuthoidea: Ommastrephidae), and common octopus, Pinnoctopus cordiformis (Octopoda: Octopodidae). The stomachs of eight whales were infested with parasitic nematodes, with two ulcerated; the stomachs of five whales did not contain any prey remains. These data complement and are comparable to the only other information available for this species from this region, reported from whales mass‐stranded at this same location in December 2005. Lower beak rostral length versus mantle length and biomass regression equations for Nototodarus spp. are reviewed, highlighting the importance of the use of species‐specific regression equations for reconstructing both cephalopod mantle length and biomass from lower beak remains in dietary studies.  相似文献   

1. We reviewed 110 published studies of badger diet or badger predation of birds. The studies covered most of the Eurasian badger's range, from Ireland east to Japan and from Sweden south to southern Spain. 2. Bird remains were recorded in 2038 cases out of a total 36699 samples of badger faeces and stomachs. The overall percentage frequency of occurrence of bird remains in badger faeces and stomachs was 5.55% for all studies combined, and 7.97% for UK studies. The remains of 45 bird species from 11 orders were recorded. 3. The percentage frequency of occurrence of birds in badger diet increased significantly with latitude. There was no significant relationship between the occurrence of birds in badger diet and season. 4. While the prevalence of birds in the diet of badgers is generally low, the studies reviewed here provide insufficient evidence to assess whether badger predation has an impact on bird populations at a national scale, and experimental approaches to this problem are required.  相似文献   


We report data on the stomach contents of the long‐finned pilot whale, Globicephala melas, recovered from a group of whales stranded on Ruakaka Beach, northeastern New Zealand, in November 2006. In nine whales for which identifiable stomach contents were recovered (three that stranded on 10 November and six that stranded on 11 November) prey remains comprised exclusively cephalopod beaks attributed to five squid species. The stomachs of a further two whales contained unidentifiable upper beaks only, while the stomachs of five whales were completely empty. No whale appeared to have been satiated immediately before stranding, given that the maximum biomass of prey recently consumed by any one whale was calculated to be <5 kg. All squids ingested represented oceanic species, found from 50 to 1000 m but more common towards the deeper end of this range. These data both complement and contrast with the only other dietary information available for this species in New Zealand waters, reported from stomach contents of whales stranded on Farewell Spit, South Island in December 2005.  相似文献   

Stomach contents and vertebrae from neonate and juvenile blacktip sharks Carcharhinus limbatus ( n = 334) were examined to describe their diet, feeding patterns and growth within the Timbalier–Terrebone Bay complex, LA, U.S.A. In the study area, both neonate and juvenile C. limbatus feed primarily on gulf menhaden Brevoortia patronus . However, based on the index of relative importance ( I RI), gulf menhaden constituted a larger portion of the diet of neonates (84·05 % I RI) than for juveniles (47·91 % I RI). An increase in the index of relative fullness between the afternoon and dusk time intervals and a large decrease in the percentage of empty stomachs between the night and early morning time intervals suggested that these fish exhibited a diel feeding pattern with crepuscular periods being the times of highest feeding activity. A higher percentage of empty stomachs (neonates 68% and juveniles 39%) and a significantly lower growth rate (age 0+ year C. limbatus , 0·62 mm day−1; age 1+ year fish, 0·89 mm day−1) could indicate that neonate C. limbatus are less efficient predators than older conspecifics.  相似文献   

A study investigating the influence of a low-level weir on the diets of three migratory percithyid species was undertaken on the Murrumbidgee River, Australia. A combination of fish community sampling and stomach flushing determined that Yanco Weir substantially impacted upon the abundance and feeding habits of golden perch Macquaria ambigua , Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii and trout cod Maccullochella macquariensis . The relative abundance of all three species was significantly greater downstream of the weir, where individuals attempting upstream migrations were obstructed. In areas of fish aggregations, some species displayed altered feeding strategies and exploited different prey taxa upstream and downstream of the weir. Diet overlap, and the proportion of individuals with empty stomachs, was also substantially greater from downstream zones. These results suggest that competition among species may be greater in areas of increased predator abundance and some species could be partitioning resources to minimize competitive interactions. Reducing accumulations of predatory species, by providing suitable fish passage facilities, would be an effective means to prevent such trophic interactions occurring at other low-level weirs.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of powan caught throughout the year from Loch Lomond and Loch Eck were examined. Adult powan in Loch Lomond fed mainly on planktonic Cladocera, switching to benthic food during December-April. Bosmina coregoni was the principal planktonic food with Daphnia hyalina an important late summer and autumn prey. Loch Eck powan fed throughout the year on chironomid larvae and Pisidium spp. from the benthos and ingested large amounts of non-food material. Mean dry weights of food in stomachs were correlated with water temperature in Loch Lomond but not in Loch Eck and were higher in powan from Loch Eck over most of the year.  相似文献   

Pacific sleeper sharks Somniosus pacificus were captured near Steller sea lion Eumetopias jubatus rookeries during the period when Steller sea lion pups are most vulnerable to Pacific sleeper shark predation (first water entrance and weaning). Analysis of stomach contents revealed that teleosts were the dominant prey in August and cephalopods were the dominant prey in May ( n = 198). Marine mammals were found in 15% of stomachs regardless of season, but no Steller sea lion tissues were detected. Molecular genetic analysis identified grey whale Eschrichtius robustus and harbour seal Phoca vitulina remains in some Pacific sleeper shark stomachs. Most mammals were cetacean and at least 70% of the cetaceans were probably scavenged. Although Pacific sleeper shark and Steller sea lion ranges overlapped, so predation could potentially occur, the diet study suggested that predation on Steller sea lions is unlikely, at least when pups first enter the water or during weaning. Harbour seals were infrequent prey and may have been consumed alive. Pacific sleeper sharks consume fast-swimming prey like Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus sp., most likely live animals rather than scavenged animals. Pacific sleeper sharks appeared to be opportunistic consumers of the available prey and carrion, feeding both on the bottom and in the water column, and their diet shifted to teleosts and cetacean carrion as the fish grew larger.  相似文献   

Sexual differences in the diet of the great cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis, were studied in four Greek wintering areas, the Amvrakikos Gulf, the Axios and Evros Deltas and the Messolonghi Lagoon, through the analysis of stomach contents. Great cormorants are birds sexually dimorphic in size, with males being generally larger than females. Although similar prey species were found in the stomachs of both sexes in all the studied areas, significant differences were observed with respect to the proportion of species taken. Male birds ate higher proportions of large fish species such as grey mullets, European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, and Prussian carp, Carassius gibelio, while female birds took higher proportions of smaller species such as big-scale sand smelt, Atherina boyeri, and black goby, Gobius niger. As a consequence, male great cormorants were found to feed on significantly larger prey than did females by means of fish standard length and body mass. There was no significant difference between the sexes in the mass of food found in stomachs.  相似文献   

Thirteen Weddell seals ( Leptonychotes weddellii ) were collected at Vestkapp, eastern Weddell Sea coast, in austral spring 1986. All stomachs contained partially digested food. The mean wet weight of stomach contents was 7.5 kg, 3.3% of the. mean body weight of the collected seals. Twelve fish species and three cephalopod species were identified from 372 left otoliths and 25 lower beaks, representing 58.4% of 679 total prey items obtained. Composition by number of total prey was: Chionodraco myersi (15.8%), Trematomus eulepidotus (10.0%), Pagetopsis maculatus (9.7%), Racovitzia glacialis (9.6%) and Cryodraco antarcticus (4.1%). Otoliths of the seven other fish species and beaks of the three cephalopod species together represented 9.1% of total prey numbers. The pooled wet weights calculated from 13 prey species (regressions for two octopod species were not available) amounted to 43.5 kg food mass and represented 44.7% of the combined food mass in all stomachs. Composition by mass was: C. myersi (44.5%), T. eulepidotus (19.8%), squid Psychroteuthis glacialis (8.5%), P. maculates (7.9%), C. antarcticus (7.1%) and R. glacialis (6.2%). The remaining 7 fish species together represented 5.8% by mass. Temporal variation in food availability was apparent. Midwater fish Pleuragramma antarcticum was the staple food of Weddell seals from the same area during the 1985 summer, whereas it was absent in the samples taken in spring 1986. Estimates of fish biomass from net hauls demonstrate a highly variable availability of pelagic food resources for top predators in the Vestkapp area.  相似文献   

Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are eaten by a number of bird species in southern Africa. Our database contained 545 species (excluding waterbirds and raptors), of which 179 species have been observed feeding on ants, or had ants in their stomachs. Ants are eaten by birds in all ecosystems, but the consumption of ants is disproportionately high in species that occur in arid ecosystems. The number of bird species eating ants increases in proportion to the number of bird species in any ecosystem, but it increases disproportionately with decreasing mean annual rainfall. There was a small, but not significant, difference in the proportion of ant-eating bird species between 502 resident species, of which 154 (30.6%) eat ants, and 47 nomadic species, of which 18 (38.2%) eat ants. Foraging behaviour and substrate, i.e. whether foraging in the air, from a perch or on the ground, significantly influenced the probability that ants would be included in the diet.  相似文献   

Blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus were the most abundant predator in the lagoons at Palmyra Atoll. They were evenly distributed throughout the lagoons, although there was some evidence of sexual segregation. Males reach sexual maturity between 940–1020 mm L T. Bird remains were found in some C. melanopterus stomachs. C. melanopterus at Palmyra appear to be smaller than those at other locations.  相似文献   

Stomach content analysis of four-spotted megrim Lepidorhombus boscii in the oligotrophic Aegean Sea revealed that specimens with fully filled stomachs were rarely encountered. The overall dietary breadth of the species appeared to increase in winter and spring, when stomachs fullness was reduced. The species exhibited a relatively high trophic diversity and could be considered a euryphagous carnivore preying mainly upon crustaceans. Decapod natants, namely Processa canaliculata and Alpheus glaber , dominated in terms of per cent mass, while mysids, represented mainly by Lophogaster typicus , were the most important dietary component in terms of per cent number. Isopods, amphipods and decapod brachyurans were also frequently encountered among stomach contents. Fishes were only ingested by larger specimens (>180 mm total length, L T); mouth gape dimensions increasing in larger specimens, enabled them to consume larger organisms. Discriminant function analysis showed that size and then sex of predators had the highest weight in discriminating the dietary groups produced by cluster analysis. Resource partitioning along the trophic dimension seemed to exist among smaller males and females (<110 mm L T), which also presented significant differences in their mouth gape dimensions. The study of the diel feeding pattern of the species demonstrated that foraging activity took place day and night, while observed qualitative differences might partly reflect variations in prey availability on a 24 h basis.  相似文献   

Diel feeding patterns of herring Clupea harengus and mackerel Scomber scombrus in the southern Gulf of St Lawrence were examined based on samples obtained by midwater trawling between 19 and 26 June 2001. Within 3 h time periods, stomach contents tended to be more similar between fish from the same tow than between fish from different tows. Thus, in contrast to previous diet studies, which have used individual fish stomachs as independent observations, tow was used as the experimental unit in statistical analyses in this study. Diel patterns in stomach fullness were identified using generalized additive models. Two peaks in stomach fullness occurred for herring, one in the morning and the other in the evening. Mackerel showed an increase in feeding intensity throughout the day with a peak in mid‐afternoon. The diel changes in stomach contents suggested rapid gastric evacuation rates for both species, especially for herring. The estimate of the instantaneous evacuation rate for herring was twice that for mackerel. Calanus copepods (mainly C. hyperboreus ), fishes (mainly capelin Mallotus villosus ) and euphausiids were the main prey found in the stomachs of both species. Calanus copepods dominated the diet of herring regardless of time period. They also dominated the diet of mackerel during the late afternoon, evening and night while fishes and euphausiids were dominant during the morning and early afternoon. These diel patterns emphasize the need for sampling throughout the day and night in order to estimate ration and diet composition for bioenergetic and ecosystem models.  相似文献   

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