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Neostriatal neurons may undergo events of spontaneous synchronization as those observed in recurrent networks of excitatory neurons, even when cortical afferents are transected. It is necessary to explain these events because the neostriatum is a recurrent network of inhibitory neurons. Synchronization of neuronal activity may be caused by plateau-like depolarizations. Plateau-like orthodromic depolarizations that resemble up-states in medium spiny neostriatal neurons (MSNs) may be induced by a single corticostriatal suprathreshold stimulus. Slow synaptic depolarizations may last hundreds of milliseconds, decay slower than the monosynaptic glutamatergic synaptic potentials that induce them, and sustain repetitive firing. Because inhibitory inputs impinging onto MSNs have a reversal potential above the resting membrane potential but below the threshold for firing, they conform a type of “shunting inhibition”. This work asks if shunting GABAergic inputs onto MSNs arrive asynchronously enough as to help in sustaining the plateau-like corticostriatal response after a single cortical stimulus. This may help to begin explaining autonomous processing in the striatal micro-circuitry in the presence of a tonic excitatory drive and independently of spatio-temporally organized inputs. It is shown here that besides synaptic currents from AMPA/KA- and NMDA-receptors, as well as L-type intrinsic Ca2+- currents, inhibitory synapses help in maintaining the slow depolarization, although they accomplish the role of depressing firing at the beginning of the response. We then used a NEURON model of spiny cells to show that inhibitory synapses arriving asynchronously on the dendrites can help to simulate a plateau potential similar to that observed experimentally. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

It was often reported and suggested that the synchronization of spikes can occur without changes in the firing rate. However, few theoretical studies have tested its mechanistic validity. In the present study, we investigate whether changes in synaptic weights can induce an independent modulation of synchrony while the firing rate remains constant. We study this question at the level of both single neurons and neuronal populations using network simulations of conductance based integrate-and-fire neurons. The network consists of a single layer that includes local excitatory and inhibitory recurrent connections, as well as long-range excitatory projections targeting both classes of neurons. Each neuron in the network receives external input consisting of uncorrelated Poisson spike trains. We find that increasing this external input leads to a linear increase of activity in the network, as well␣as an increase in the peak frequency of oscillation. In␣contrast, balanced changes of the synaptic weight of␣excitatory long-range projections for both classes of postsynaptic neurons modulate the degree of synchronization without altering the firing rate. These results demonstrate that, in a simple network, synchronization and firing rate can be modulated independently, and thus, may be used as independent coding dimensions. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We attempt to summarize the properties of cortical synaptic connections and the precision with which they select their targets in the context of information processing in cortical circuits. High-frequency presynaptic bursts result in rapidly depressing responses at most inputs onto spiny cells and onto some interneurons. These 'phasic' connections detect novelty and changes in the firing rate, but report frequency of maintained activity poorly. By contrast, facilitating inputs to interneurons that target dendrites produce little or no response at low frequencies, but a facilitating-augmenting response to maintained firing. The neurons activated, the cells they in turn target and the properties of those synapses determine which parts of the circuit are recruited and in what temporal pattern. Inhibitory interneurons provide both temporal and spatial tuning. The 'forward' flow from layer-4 excitatory neurons to layer 3 and from 3 to 5 activates predominantly pyramids. 'Back' projections, from 3 to 4 and 5 to 3, do not activate excitatory cells, but target interneurons. Despite, therefore, an increasing complexity in the information integrated as it is processed through these layers, there is little 'contamination' by 'back' projections. That layer 6 acts both as a primary input layer feeding excitation 'forward' to excitatory cells in other layers and as a higher-order layer with more integrated response properties feeding inhibition to layer 4 is discussed.  相似文献   

Using a realistic model of activity dependent dynamical synapse, which includes both depressing and facilitating mechanisms, we study the conditions in which a postsynaptic neuron efficiently detects temporal coincidences of spikes which arrive from N different presynaptic neurons at certain frequency f. A numerical and analytical treatment of that system shows that: (1) facilitation enhances the detection of correlated signals arriving from a subset of presynaptic excitatory neurons, and (2) the presence of facilitation yields to a better detection of firing rate changes in the presynaptic activity. We also observed that facilitation determines the existence of an optimal input frequency which allows the best performance for a wide (maximum) range of the neuron firing threshold. This optimal frequency can be controlled by means of facilitation parameters. Finally, we show that these results are robust even for very noisy signals and in the presence of synaptic fluctuations produced by the stochastic release of neurotransmitters.  相似文献   

Noise-induced complete synchronization and frequency synchronization in coupled spiking and bursting neurons are studied firstly. The effects of noise and coupling are discussed. It is found that bursting neurons are easier to achieve firing synchronization than spiking ones, which means that bursting activities are more important for information transfer in neuronal networks. Secondly, the effects of noise on firing synchronization in a noisy map neuronal network are presented. Noise-induced synchronization and temporal order are investigated by means of the firing rate function and the order index. Firing synchronization and temporal order of excitatory neurons can be greatly enhanced by subthreshold stimuli with resonance frequency. Finally, it is concluded that random perturbations play an important role in firing activities and temporal order in neuronal networks.  相似文献   

Effects of time delay on the local and global synchronization in small-world neuronal networks with chemical synapses are investigated in this paper. Numerical results show that, for both excitatory and inhibitory coupling types, the information transmission delay can always induce synchronization transitions of spiking neurons in small-world networks. In particular, regions of in-phase and out-of-phase synchronization of connected neurons emerge intermittently as the synaptic delay increases. For excitatory coupling, all transitions to spiking synchronization occur approximately at integer multiples of the firing period of individual neurons; while for inhibitory coupling, these transitions appear at the odd multiples of the half of the firing period of neurons. More importantly, the local synchronization transition is more profound than the global synchronization transition, depending on the type of coupling synapse. For excitatory synapses, the local in-phase synchronization observed for some values of the delay also occur at a global scale; while for inhibitory ones, this synchronization, observed at the local scale, disappears at a global scale. Furthermore, the small-world structure can also affect the phase synchronization of neuronal networks. It is demonstrated that increasing the rewiring probability can always improve the global synchronization of neuronal activity, but has little effect on the local synchronization of neighboring neurons.  相似文献   

Neuron transmits spikes to postsynaptic neurons through synapses. Experimental observations indicated that the communication between neurons is unreliable. However most modelling and computational studies considered deterministic synaptic interaction model. In this paper, we investigate the population rate coding in an all-to-all coupled recurrent neuronal network consisting of both excitatory and inhibitory neurons connected with unreliable synapses. We use a stochastic on-off process to model the unreliable synaptic transmission. We find that synapses with suitable successful transmission probability can enhance the encoding performance in the case of weak noise; while in the case of strong noise, the synaptic interactions reduce the encoding performance. We also show that several important synaptic parameters, such as the excitatory synaptic strength, the relative strength of inhibitory and excitatory synapses, as well as the synaptic time constant, have significant effects on the performance of the population rate coding. Further simulations indicate that the encoding dynamics of our considered network cannot be simply determined by the average amount of received neurotransmitter for each neuron in a time instant. Moreover, we compare our results with those obtained in the corresponding random neuronal networks. Our numerical results demonstrate that the network randomness has the similar qualitative effect as the synaptic unreliability but not completely equivalent in quantity.  相似文献   

This report continues our research into the effectiveness of adaptive synaptogenesis in constructing feed-forward networks which perform good transformations on their inputs. Good transformations are characterized by the maintenance of input information and the removal of statistical dependence. Adaptive synaptogenesis stochastically builds and sculpts a synaptic connectivity in initially unconnected networks using two mechanisms. The first, synaptogenesis, creates new, excitatory, feed-forward connections. The second, associative modification, adjusts the strength of existing synapses. Our previous implementations of synaptogenesis only incorporated a postsynaptic regulatory process, receptivity to new innervation (Adelsberger-Mangan and Levy 1993a, b). In the present study, a presynaptic regulatory process, presynaptic avidity, which regulates the tendency of a presynaptic neuron to participate in a new synaptic connection as a function of its total synaptic weight, is incorporated into the synaptogenesis process. In addition, we investigate a third mechanism, selective synapse removal. This process removes synapses between neurons whose firing is poorly correlated. Networks that are constructed with the presynaptic regulatory process maintain more information and remove more statistical dependence than networks constructed with postsynaptic receptivity and associative modification alone. Selective synapse removal also improves network performance, but only when implemented in conjunction with the presynaptic regulatory process. Received: 20 August 1993/Accepted in revised form: 16 April 1994  相似文献   

Excitatory and inhibitory synaptic coupling can have counter-intuitive effects on the synchronization of neuronal firing. While it might appear that excitatory coupling would lead to synchronization, we show that frequently inhibition rather than excitation synchronizes firing. We study two identical neurons described by integrate-and-fire models, general phase-coupled models or the Hodgkin-Huxley model with mutual, non-instantaneous excitatory or inhibitory synapses between them. We find that if the rise time of the synapse is longer than the duration of an action potential, inhibition not excitation leads to synchronized firing.  相似文献   

Recent experimental data from the rodent cerebral cortex and olfactory bulb indicate that specific connectivity motifs are correlated with short-term dynamics of excitatory synaptic transmission. It was observed that neurons with short-term facilitating synapses form predominantly reciprocal pairwise connections, while neurons with short-term depressing synapses form predominantly unidirectional pairwise connections. The cause of these structural differences in excitatory synaptic microcircuits is unknown. We show that these connectivity motifs emerge in networks of model neurons, from the interactions between short-term synaptic dynamics (SD) and long-term spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP). While the impact of STDP on SD was shown in simultaneous neuronal pair recordings in vitro, the mutual interactions between STDP and SD in large networks are still the subject of intense research. Our approach combines an SD phenomenological model with an STDP model that faithfully captures long-term plasticity dependence on both spike times and frequency. As a proof of concept, we first simulate and analyze recurrent networks of spiking neurons with random initial connection efficacies and where synapses are either all short-term facilitating or all depressing. For identical external inputs to the network, and as a direct consequence of internally generated activity, we find that networks with depressing synapses evolve unidirectional connectivity motifs, while networks with facilitating synapses evolve reciprocal connectivity motifs. We then show that the same results hold for heterogeneous networks, including both facilitating and depressing synapses. This does not contradict a recent theory that proposes that motifs are shaped by external inputs, but rather complements it by examining the role of both the external inputs and the internally generated network activity. Our study highlights the conditions under which SD-STDP might explain the correlation between facilitation and reciprocal connectivity motifs, as well as between depression and unidirectional motifs.  相似文献   

We studied the synchronous behavior of two electrically-coupled model neurons as a function of the coupling strength when the individual neurons are tuned to different activity patterns that ranged from tonic firing via chaotic activity to burst discharges. We observe asynchronous and various synchronous states such as out-of-phase, in-phase and almost in-phase chaotic synchronization. The highest variety of synchronous states occurs at the transition from tonic firing to chaos where the highest coupling strength is also needed for in-phase synchronization which is, essentially, facilitated towards the bursting range. This demonstrates that tuning of the neuron’s internal dynamics can have significant impact on the synchronous states especially at the physiologically relevant tonic-to-bursting transitions.  相似文献   

By using a single compartment biophysical model of a fast spiking interneuron the synchronization properties of a pair of cells, coupled by electrical and inhibitory synapses, are investigated. The inhibitory and excitatory synaptic couplings are modeled in order to reproduce the experimental time course of the corresponding currents. It is shown that increasing the conductance value of the electrical synapses enhances the synchronization between the spike trains of the two cells. Moreover, increasing either the decay time constant of the inhibitory current or the firing frequency of the cells favours the emergence of synchronous discharges.  相似文献   

外周感觉神经元通过动作电位序列对信号进行编码,这些动作电位序列经过突触传递最终到达脑部。但是各种脉冲序列如何通过神经元之间的化学突触进行传递依然是一个悬而未决的问题。研究了初级传入A6纤维与背角神经元之间各种动作电位序列的突触传递过程。用于刺激的规则,周期、随机脉冲序列由短簇脉冲或单个脉冲构成。定义“事件”(event)为峰峰问期(intefspike interval)小于或等于规定阈值的最长动作电位串,然后从脉冲序列中提取事件间间期(interevent interval,IEI)。用时间,IEI图与回归映射的方法分析IEI序列,结果表明在突触后输出脉冲序列中可以检测到突触前脉冲序列的主要时间结构特征,特别是在短簇脉冲作为刺激单位时。通过计算输入与输出脉冲序列的互信息,发现短簇脉冲可以更可靠地跨突触传递由输入序列携带的神经信息。这些结果表明外周输入脉冲序列的主要时间结构特征可以跨突触传递,在突触传递神经信息的过程中短簇脉冲更为有效。这一研究在从突触传递角度探索神经信息编码方面迈出了一步。  相似文献   

Short-term synaptic plasticity acts as a time- and firing rate-dependent filter that mediates the transmission of information across synapses. In the avian auditory brainstem, specific forms of plasticity are expressed at different terminals of the same auditory nerve fibers and contribute to the divergence of acoustic timing and intensity information. To identify key differences in the plasticity properties, we made patch-clamp recordings from neurons in the cochlear nucleus responsible for intensity coding, nucleus angularis, and measured the time course of the recovery of excitatory postsynaptic currents following short-term synaptic depression. These synaptic responses showed a very rapid recovery, following a bi-exponential time course with a fast time constant of ~40 ms and a dependence on the presynaptic activity levels, resulting in a crossing over of the recovery trajectories following high-rate versus low-rate stimulation trains. We also show that the recorded recovery in the intensity pathway differs from similar recordings in the timing pathway, specifically the cochlear nucleus magnocellularis, in two ways: (1) a fast recovery that was not due to recovery from postsynaptic receptor desensitization and (2) a recovery trajectory that was characterized by a non-monotonic bump that may be due in part to facilitation mechanisms more prevalent in the intensity pathway. We tested whether a previously proposed model of synaptic transmission based on vesicle depletion and sequential steps of vesicle replenishment could account for the recovery responses, and found it was insufficient, suggesting an activity-dependent feedback mechanism is present. We propose that the rapid recovery following depression allows improved coding of natural auditory signals that often consist of sound bursts separated by short gaps.  相似文献   

The precise mapping of how complex patterns of synaptic inputs are integrated into specific patterns of spiking output is an essential step in the characterization of the cellular basis of network dynamics and function. Relative to other principal neurons of the hippocampus, the electrophysiology of CA1 pyramidal cells has been extensively investigated. Yet, the precise input-output relationship is to date unknown even for this neuronal class. CA1 pyramidal neurons receive laminated excitatory inputs from three distinct pathways: recurrent CA1 collaterals on basal dendrites, CA3 Schaffer collaterals, mostly on oblique and proximal apical dendrites, and entorhinal perforant pathway on distal apical dendrites. We implemented detailed computer simulations of pyramidal cell electrophysiology based on three-dimensional anatomical reconstructions and compartmental models of available biophysical properties from the experimental literature. To investigate the effect of synaptic input on axosomatic firing, we stochastically distributed a realistic number of excitatory synapses in each of the three dendritic layers. We then recorded the spiking response to different stimulation patterns. For all dendritic layers, synchronous stimuli resulted in trains of spiking output and a linear relationship between input and output firing frequencies. In contrast, asynchronous stimuli evoked non-bursting spike patterns and the corresponding firing frequency input-output function was logarithmic. The regular/irregular nature of the input synaptic intervals was only reflected in the regularity of output inter-burst intervals in response to synchronous stimulation, and never affected firing frequency. Synaptic stimulations in the basal and proximal apical trees across individual neuronal morphologies yielded remarkably similar input-output relationships. Results were also robust with respect to the detailed distributions of dendritic and synaptic conductances within a plausible range constrained by experimental evidence. In contrast, the input-output relationship in response to distal apical stimuli showed dramatic differences from the other dendritic locations as well as among neurons, and was more sensible to the exact channel densities. Action Editor: Alain Destexhe  相似文献   

Recent experimental results imply that inhibitory postsynaptic potentials can play a functional role in realizing synchronization of neuronal firing in the brain. In order to examine the relation between inhibition and synchronous firing of neurons theoretically, we analyze possible effects of synchronization and sensitivity enhancement caused by inhibitory inputs to neurons with a biologically realistic model of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. The result shows that, after an inhibitory spike, the firing probability of a single postsynaptic neuron exposed to random excitatory background activity oscillates with time. The oscillation of the firing probability can be related to synchronous firing of neurons receiving an inhibitory spike simultaneously. Further, we show that when an inhibitory spike input precedes an excitatory spike input, the presence of such preceding inhibition raises the firing probability peak of the neuron after the excitatory input. The result indicates that an inhibitory spike input can enhance the sensitivity of the postsynaptic neuron to the following excitatory spike input. Two neural network models based on these effects on postsynaptic neurons caused by inhibitory inputs are proposed to demonstrate possible mechanisms of detecting particular spatiotemporal spike patterns. Received: 15 April 1999 /Accepted in revised form: 25 November 1999  相似文献   

Linking synaptic plasticity with behavioral learning requires understanding how synaptic efficacy influences postsynaptic firing in neurons whose role in behavior is understood. Here, we examine plasticity at a candidate site of motor learning: vestibular nerve synapses onto neurons that mediate reflexive movements. Pairing nerve activity with changes in postsynaptic voltage induced bidirectional synaptic plasticity in vestibular nucleus projection neurons: long-term potentiation relied on calcium-permeable AMPA receptors and postsynaptic hyperpolarization, whereas long-term depression relied on NMDA receptors and postsynaptic depolarization. Remarkably, both forms of plasticity uniformly scaled synaptic currents evoked by pulse trains, and these changes in synaptic efficacy were translated into linear increases or decreases in postsynaptic firing responses. Synapses onto local inhibitory neurons were also plastic but expressed only long-term depression. Bidirectional, linear gain control of vestibular nerve synapses onto projection neurons provides a plausible mechanism for motor learning underlying adaptation of vestibular reflexes.  相似文献   

Spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP), a widespread synaptic modification mechanism, is sensitive to correlations between presynaptic spike trains and it generates competition among synapses. However, STDP has an inherent instability because strong synapses are more likely to be strengthened than weak ones, causing them to grow in strength until some biophysical limit is reached. Through simulations and analytic calculations, we show that a small temporal shift in the STDP window that causes synchronous, or nearly synchronous, pre- and postsynaptic action potentials to induce long-term depression can stabilize synaptic strengths. Shifted STDP also stabilizes the postsynaptic firing rate and can implement both Hebbian and anti-Hebbian forms of competitive synaptic plasticity. Interestingly, the overall level of inhibition determines whether plasticity is Hebbian or anti-Hebbian. Even a random symmetric jitter of a few milliseconds in the STDP window can stabilize synaptic strengths while retaining these features. The same results hold for a shifted version of the more recent "triplet" model of STDP. Our results indicate that the detailed shape of the STDP window function near the transition from depression to potentiation is of the utmost importance in determining the consequences of STDP, suggesting that this region warrants further experimental study.  相似文献   

We construct and analyze a model network of the pyloric rhythm of the crustacean stomatogastric ganglion consisting of an oscillator neuron that inhibits two reciprocally inhibitory follower neurons. We derive analytic expressions that determine the phase of firing of the follower neurons with respect to the oscillator. An important aspect of the model is the inclusion of synapses that exhibit short-term synaptic depression. We show that these type of synapses allow there to be a complicated relationship between the intrinsic properties of the neurons and the synapses between them in determining phase relationships. Our analysis reveals the circumstances and ranges of cycle periods under which these properties work in concert with or independently from one another. In particular, we show that phase maintenance over a range of oscillator periods can be enhanced through the interplay of the two follower neurons if the synapses between these neurons are depressing. Since our model represents the core of the oscillatory pyloric network, the results of our analysis can be compared to experimental data and used to make predictions about the biological network.  相似文献   

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