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Potential role of the rice OsCCS52A gene in endoreduplication   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Su'udi M  Cha JY  Jung MH  Ermawati N  Han CD  Kim MG  Woo YM  Son D 《Planta》2012,235(2):387-397
In eukaryotes, the cell cycle consists of four distinct phases: G1, S, G2 and M. In certain condition, the cells skip M-phase and undergo endoreduplication. Endoreduplication, occurring during a modified cell cycle, duplicates the entire genome without being followed by M-phase. A cycle of endoreduplication is common in most of the differentiated cells of plant vegetative tissues and it occurs extensively in cereal endosperm cells. Endoreduplication occurs when CDK/Cyclin complex low or inactive caused by ubiquitin-mediated degradation by APC and their activators. In this study, rice cell cycle switch 52 A (OsCCS52A), an APC activator, is functionally characterized using the reverse genetic approach. In rice, OsCCS52A is highly expressed in seedlings, flowers, immature panicles and 15 DAP kernels. Localization studies revealed that OsCCS52A is a nuclear protein. OsCCS52A interacts with OsCdc16 in yeast. In addition, overexpression of OsCCS52A inhibits mitotic cell division and induces endoreduplication and cell elongation in fission yeast. The homozygous mutant exhibits dwarfism and smaller seeds. Further analysis demonstrated that endoreduplication cycles in the endosperm of mutant seeds were disturbed, evidenced by reduced nuclear and cell sizes. Taken together, these results suggest that OsCCS52A is involved in maintaining normal seed size formation by mediating the exit from mitotic cell division to enter the endoreduplication cycles in rice endosperm.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) are involved in the control of cell cycle progression. Plant A-type CDKs are functional homologs of yeast Cdc2/Cdc28 and are expressed throughout the cell cycle. In contrast, B-type CDK (CDKB) is a family of mitotic CDKs expressed during the S/M phase, and its precise function remains unknown. Here, we identified two B2-type cyclins, CycB2;1 and CycB2;2, as a specific partner of rice CDKB2;1. The CDKB2;1-CycB2 complexes produced in insect cells showed a significant level of kinase activity in vitro, suggesting that CycB2 binds to and activates CDKB2. We then expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fused CDKB2;1 and CycB2;2 in tobacco BY2 cells to investigate their subcellular localization during mitosis. Surprisingly, the fluorescence signal of CDKB2;1-GFP was tightly associated with chromosome alignment as well as with spindle structure during the metaphase. During the telophase, the signal was localized to the spindle midzone and the separating sister chromosomes, and then to the phragmoplast. On the other hand, the CycB2;2-GFP fluorescence signal was detected in nuclei during the interphase and prophase, moved to the metaphase chromosomes, and then disappeared completely after the cells passed through the metaphase. Co-localization of CDKB2;1-GFP and CycB2;2-GFP on chromosomes aligned at the center of the metaphase cells suggests that the CDKB2-CycB2 complex may function in retaining chromosomes at the metaphase plate. Overexpression of CycB2;2 in rice plants resulted in acceleration of root growth without any increase in cell size, indicating that CycB2;2 promoted cell division probably through association with CDKB2 in the root meristem.  相似文献   

利用同源克隆的方法得到水稻的泛素连接酶APC/C辅助激活子CDH1的同源基因 OsCCS52B.通过蛋白质序列分析发现OsCCS52B 和苜蓿及拟南芥中的AtCCS52B(细胞周期转换开关基因)基因同源性最高;RNA原位杂交实验研究发现,OsCCS52B基因在减数分裂期间的表达存在一个高-低-高的波动变化.由于OsCCS52B表达变动的这个模式和减数分裂M-M(细胞分裂-细胞分裂)的转化过程中对受CDH1调控的细胞周期激酶CDKA活性的要求相一致,所以推测水稻的OsCCS52B基因参与了水稻减数分裂M-M转换期间对染色体复制的调控.同时,RNA原位杂交实验显示,OsCCS52B在核内复制旺盛的组织如根尖分生组织和穗下节的分生区和伸长区表达强烈,证明OsCCS52B可能参与了水稻的核内复制.  相似文献   

CDK-cyclin complexes are the universal drivers of cell cycle transitions. Progression through G(1) and transition to S-phase, thereby initiating genome duplication, requires the concerted action of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)-cyclin complexes on specific targets. These targets belong to at least two major regulatory networks: the retinoblastoma-related (RBR)/E2F pathway and complexes that are responsible for the initiation of DNA replication. The G(1) phase is central to the integration of signals that regulate both the exit from the cell division cycle to differentiation and the reactivation of cell proliferation. Cellular factors that are involved in these pathways play a role in regulating cell size and number, and organogenesis. As a consequence, they are also involved in determining plant architecture.  相似文献   

Cells of the weakly CD14 positive human B cell line RPMI 8226, clone 1, will mobilize NF-kappaB (p50/p65 and p50/p50) proteins and produce TNF mRNA when stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). When such cells are precultured with a low amount of LPS (50-250 ng/ml) for 3 - 4 days followed by a secondary stimulation with a high dose of LPS (1 microg/ml) then the cytokine expression is strongly reduced, i. e. the cells have become tolerant. Western blot analysis of proteins of the NF-kappaB/rel family demonstrates cytoplasmic p50 and p65 for naive B cells plus a low level of p52. While with tolerance induction the pattern of p50 and p65 proteins remains essentially unchanged, the LPS tolerant 8226 cells show a dramatic increase of both p52 protein and its p100 precursor in the cytosol. This p52 is found strongly upregulated in Western blots of extracts from purified nuclei of tolerant cells. Also, gelshift analysis with the -605 kappaB motif of the human TNF 5'-region shows an additional high mobility complex in LPS tolerant cells -a complex that is supershifted with an anti-p52 antibody. Functional analysis with the -1064 TNF 5'-region in front of the luciferase reporter gene demonstrates that transactivation of the TNF promoter is strongly reduced in tolerant cells. Also, overexpression of p52 will suppress activity of TNF promoter reporter gene constructs. Taken together these data show that tolerance to LPS in the human RPMI 8226 B cell line involves upregulation of the p52 (NF-kappaB2) gene, which appears to be instrumental in the blockade of TNF gene expression.  相似文献   

The culture supernatants of Con A-activated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBM) contained at least two regulatory factors upon B cell proliferation. One was B cell growth factor (BCGF), which activated antigen-stimulated B cells to proliferation and clonal expansion, and the other was its inhibitory factor, arbitrarily named B cell growth inhibitory factor (BIF). This BIF inhibited the effect of BCGF on anti-mu-stimulated B cells or the monoclonal mature B cell line (CLL-T.H.) obtained from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of B cell-type chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients, which were activated only with BCGF and without adding other proliferating stimuli (e.g., anti-mu). BIF activity was detected in the 24 hr culture supernatants of Con A-activated human PBM in FCS containing medium and also in serum-free RPMI 1640 medium. This substance with BIF activity could not be derived from FCS. Con A-induced BIF (m.w. of 80,000 and an isoelectric point of pH 5.4) was analyzed by Sephadex G-200 gel filtration and chromatofocusing. BIF was stable at pH 2.0 and at 56 degrees C for 30 min. Partially purified BIF had no effect on cell viability and almost no interferon activity (less than 1 IU/ml). BIF with high titer had a slight but significant inhibition on TCGF-dependent T cell growth and on PHA or Con A responses, but the extent of these inhibitions was far less than that of BCGF-dependent B cell growth. Absorption of BIF with Con A blasts made its inhibition on T cell growth even less. On the other hand, BIF activity could not be absorbed with Con A blasts but was almost absorbed with large numbers of CLL-T.H. cells. BIF had almost no inhibitory effect on the proliferation of a mouse fibroblast cell line (NIH 3T3), a mouse myeloma cell line (NS-1), human lymphoid cell lines (MOLT-4, HSB-2, and Daudi), or a human myeloid cell line (K-562). BIF-producing cells were estimated to be T cells and were identified as T8+ T cells. On the other hand, Con A-induced BCGF was demonstrated to be produced predominantly by T4+ T cells. These results show that human B cell proliferation is regulated by interaction between T4+ and T8+ cells via soluble factors, namely BCGF and BIF, respectively.  相似文献   

A subclone of a human B lymphoblastoid cell line, CESS-2, spontaneously secreted a kind of BCDF (B-BCDF) in their culture supernatant without any stimulation. B-BCDF induced IgG and IgM secretions in human B lymphoblastoid cell lines, CESS cells and CL-4 cells, respectively. BCDF-responsive CESS cells expressed IgG on their surface, whereas CESS-2, which were able to secrete B-BCDF, did not express surface IgG. B-BCDF could induce Ig-secretion in SAC-stimulated low density peripheral B cells, but did not induce Ig secretion in nonstimulated B cells. B-BCDF did not show any IL 2, BCGF, or gamma-interferon activities. B-BCDF was highly purified by gel filtration on an AcA-34 column, by chromatofocusing and ion exchange chromatography on an HPLC system, and by gel filtration on an HPLC column. Highly purified preparations showed a single protein band in SDS-PAGE analysis. The m.w. and isoelectric points of the factor were 20,000 and pH 5.1 to 5.2, respectively. The minimum protein amount required for Ig induction in B cell lines was 16 ng/ml.  相似文献   

Drought is one of the most significant abiotic stresses that influence plant growth anddevelopment.Expression analysis revealed that OsNRT1.3,a putative nitrate transporter gene in rice,wasinduced by drought.To confirm if the OsNRT1.3 promoter can respond to drought stress,a 2019 bpupstream sequence of OsNRT1.3 was cloned.Three OsNRT1.3 promoter fragments were generated by5′-deletion,and fused to the β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene.The chimeric genes were introduced into riceplants.NRT2019::GUS,NRT1196::GUS and NRT719::GUS showed similar expression patterns in seeds,roots,leaves and flowers in all transgenic rice,and GUS activity conferred by different OsNRT1.3 promoterfragments was significantly upregulated by drought stress,indicating that OsNRT1.3 promoter responds todrought stress and the 719 bp upstream sequence of OsNRT1.3 contains the drought response elements.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein B (SP-B) enhances lipid insertion into the alveolar air/liquid interface upon inhalation. The aim of this study was (i) to apply a palette of tests for a detailed biochemical and biophysical characterization of SP-B and (ii) to use these tests to compare native SP-B with a fluorescent (Bodipy) SP-B analog. The method of labeling was fast and resulted in a covalent fluorophore-protein bond. The ability of both proteins to spread a surfactant film on top of a buffer surface was determined in a spreading tray using the Wilhelmy plate technique to allow detection of alterations in surface tension and calculation of spreading velocities. In a captive bubble surfactometer surface tensions of spread films were measured. Similar biophysical properties were found for both native and Bodipy-labeled SP-B. It is concluded that the combination of tests used allows detection of small differences in structure and activity between the two proteins.  相似文献   

The plastid terminal oxidase (PTOX) is a plastohydroquinone:oxygen oxidoreductase that shares structural similarities with alternative oxidases (AOX). Multiple roles have been attributed to PTOX, such as involvement in carotene desaturation, a safety valve function, participation in the processes of chlororespiration and setting the redox poise for cyclic electron transport. We have investigated a homogenously pure MBP fusion of PTOX. The protein forms a homo-tetrameric complex containing 2 Fe per monomer and is very specific for the plastoquinone head-group. The reaction kinetics were investigated in a soluble monophasic system using chemically reduced decyl-plastoquinone (DPQ) as the model substrate and, in addition, in a biphasic (liposomal) system in which DPQ was reduced with DT-diaphorase. While PTOX did not detectably produce reactive oxygen species in the monophasic system, their formation was observed by room temperature EPR in the biphasic system in a [DPQH2] and pH-dependent manner. This is probably the result of the higher concentration of DPQ achieved within the partial volume of the lipid bilayer and a higher Km observed with PTOX-membrane associates which is ≈ 47 mM compared to the monophasic system where a Km of ≈ 74 μM was determined. With liposomes and at the basic stromal pH of photosynthetically active chloroplasts, PTOX was antioxidant at low [DPQH2] gaining prooxidant properties with increasing quinol concentrations. It is concluded that in vivo, PTOX can act as a safety valve when the steady state [PQH2] is low while a certain amount of ROS is formed at high light intensities.  相似文献   

A fission yeast B-type cyclin functioning early in the cell cycle.   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
A Bueno  H Richardson  S I Reed  P Russell 《Cell》1991,66(1):149-159
We have cloned a fission yeast gene, cig1+, encoding a 48 kd product that is most similar to cyclin B proteins. The cig1+ protein has a "cyclin box" approximately 40% identical to B-type cyclins of other species, but lacks the "destruction box" required for proteolysis of mitotic cyclins. Deletion of cig1+ had no observable effect on cell viability or progression through G2 or M phase, but instead caused a marked lag in the progression from G1 to S phase. G1 constituted approximately 70% of the cell cycle in cig1 deletion strains, as compared with less than 10% in cig1+ strains. Constitutive cig1+ overexpression was lethal, causing cessation of growth and arrest in G1. Expression of cig1+ failed to rescue an S. cerevisiae strain lacking CLN Start cyclins. Thus, cig1+ identifies a new class of B-type cyclin acting in G1 or S phase that appears to be functionally distinct from all previously described cyclin proteins.  相似文献   

A human T cell line, Peer, that expresses the T cell helper phenotype produces discrete activation and growth factors for tonsillar B cells. The B cell activation factor produced by Peer is biochemically and physiologically distinct from other lymphokines known to enhance B cell proliferation, namely, interleukin 1, interleukin 2, interferon, and previously characterized B cell growth factors (BCGF). The BCGF produced by Peer is functionally similar to previously described BCGF but has a m.w. of approximately 30,000 daltons. The identification and characterization of a T cell-derived activation factor that can induce apparently resting (Go phase) B cells to enter S phase in the absence of an exogenous first signal has important implications in the additional dissection of the complex steps in the human B cell cycle.  相似文献   

Bone marrow stromal cells have well documented effects on the production of B lymphocytes, but whether or not stromal cell signals are involved in the pre-B to B cell transition is unclear. The potential of two stromal cell lines, S10 and S17, in this process was examined. Initial experiments, using a short term liquid culture, indicated that S10 and S17 stroma efficiently supported the generation of clonable B cells (B lymphocyte CFU) from their immediate precursors in fresh bone marrow. The contribution of macrophages and other accessory cells in those experiments was minimized through use of a colony assay system that permits the direct effects of stromal cell signals on single B cell progenitors to be evaluated. The results indicated that soluble mediators from the S10 and S17 lines could support colony formation from fresh or cultured surface Ig- bone marrow cells. Colonies supported by S17 stroma appeared on day 15 and contained cells that expressed the B220 Ag; surface IgM expression was never observed. S10 supported colonies appeared on day 7 and routinely included surface IgM+ cells. Individual colonies were capable of undergoing additional growth when picked and replated directly onto the different stroma. Those colonies replated onto S10 stroma generated surface IgM expressing cells in up to 60% of experiments, but colonies transferred onto the S17 cell line included B cells only 10% of the time. These data demonstrate that stromal cells alone can provide the signals necessary for generating a surface IgM+ B cell from precursors but that not all stromal cell lines are equally efficient at doing so.  相似文献   

Stromal cell lines derived from murine bone marrow support the growth of immature pre-B cells and produce cytokines that affect the growth and differentiation of other hematopoietic precursors. Conditioned medium (CM) from one such line (TC-1) stimulated marked proliferation of B cells previously activated by anti-Ig (anti-Ig blasts). Proliferation of anti-Ig blasts was not induced by purified cytokines known to be produced by TC-1 (CSF-1, GM-CSF, or G-CSF) or by IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, or IL-6. Furthermore, IL-2, IL-4, and IL-5, alone or in combination, failed to support proliferation or differentiation of anti-Ig blasts. TC-1 CM enhanced proliferation of B cells that were co-cultured with LPS, anti-Ig, or dextran sulfate; co-stimulation with anti-Ig was unaffected by the presence of monoclonal anti-IL-4. Proliferation of low, but not high, density B cells isolated from spleen was directly stimulated by TC-1 CM. These results suggest that bone marrow stromal cells produce a novel B cell stimulatory factor (BSF-TC) that induces proliferation of activated B cells.  相似文献   

Shih CH  Chu H  Tang LK  Sakamoto W  Maekawa M  Chu IK  Wang M  Lo C 《Planta》2008,228(6):1043-1054
Rice is a model system for monocot but the molecular features of rice flavonoid biosynthesis have not been extensively characterized. Rice structural gene homologs encoding chalcone synthase (CHS), chalcone isomerase (CHI), flavanone 3-hydroxylase (F3H), flavonoid 3′-hydroxylase (F3′H), dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR), and anthocyanidin synthase (ANS) were identified by homology searches. Unique differential expression of OsF3H, OsDFR, and OsANS1 controlled by the Pl w locus, which contains the R/B-type regulatory genes OSB1 and OSB2, was demonstrated during light-induced anthocyanin accumulation in T65-Plw seedlings. Previously, F3H genes were often considered as early genes co-regulated with CHS and CHI genes in other plants. In selected non-pigmented rice lines, OSB2 is not expressed following illumination while their expressed OSB1sequences all contain the same nucleotide change leading to the T64 M substitution within the conserved N-terminal interacting domain. Furthermore, the biochemical roles of the expressed rice structural genes (OsCHS1, OsCHI, OsF3H, and OsF3′H) were established in planta for the first time by complementation in the appropriate Arabidopsis transparent testa mutants. Using yeast two-hybrid analysis, OsCHS1 was demonstrated to interact physically with OsF3H, OsF3′H, OsDFR, and OsANS1, suggesting the existence of a macromolecular complex for anthocyanin biosynthesis in rice. Finally, flavones were identified as the major flavonoid class in the non-pigmented T65 seedlings in which the single-copy OsF3H gene was not expressed. Competition between flavone and anthocyanin pathways was evidenced by the significant reduction of tricin accumulation in the T65-Plw seedlings. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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