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The level of RNase activity in human interferon preparations was examined. Although sequential purification of interferon resulted in nearly a 300-fold increase in specific activity, RNase-specific activity remained more or less constant. The implications of this finding for the analyses of the mode of action of interferon are discussed.  相似文献   

An endonuclease activity shown to be associated with Friend leukemia virus has been characterized using double-stranded phi X174 DNA as substrate. In the presence of Mg2+, the endonuclease activity was able to convert supercoiled circular DNA duplexes to the relaxed form by introducing single-stranded nicks into the DNA. Most of the nicked DNA duplexes contained only one nick per strand, since unit length DNA was the predominant species obtained when the nicked DNA was analyzed by alkaline sucrose gradient centrifugation. The regions into which the nick could be introduced were evenly distributed around the circular DNA molecule. When Mn2+ was substituted for Mg2+ in the reaction mixture, the number of nicks introduced into circular DNA duplexes by the virus associated endonuclease was greatly increased. In contrast to circular duplexes, linear duplexes and single-stranded DNA functioned poorly as substrates for the virus-associated enzyme. The Friend leukemia virus-associated endonuclease activity is with respect to these characteristics very similar to the endonuclease activity associated with the p32 protein of the avian myeloblastosis virus [1]. The molecular weight of the Friend leukemia virus endonuclease was estimated by gel filtration on a Sephacryl S-200 column to be about 45 000.  相似文献   

Preparations of human leukocyte interferon obtained by multi-stage purification procedure exhibited ribonuclease activity with the optimum at pH 7.0--7.5. The enzyme possessed the endonuclease action mechanism. Most substances studied for their effect on the RNA-ase activity in human interferon preparations showed many of them to act on the enzyme in the same way as on other ribonucleases. However, dithioerythritie, a reducing agent for disulfide bounds, activated the ribonuclease in the interferon preparation, as distinct from the pancreatic ribonuclease, which was inhibited by this preparation. Patterns of protein and RNA-ase distribution were obtained by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel.  相似文献   

Some properties of the protein kinase activity associated with neurofilaments isolated from the brain stem and spinal cord of rats have been investigated. The activity had an apparent Km for ATP of 20 microM, a pH optimum of 8.0 and phosphorylated both serine and threonine residues in neurofilament proteins. Cyclic AMP had no effect on the in vitro reaction and casein was a preferred exogenous substrate in comparison to histone. Phosphopeptide mapping of the 145 kDa subunit from neurofilaments phosphorylated in the presence and absence of microtubule proteins indicated that the neurofilament-associated activity was distinct from the microtubule-associated protein kinase. Limited proteolysis of neurofilaments with chymotrypsin indicated that the enzyme activity was not associated with a domain of the 200 kDa subunit which may form the side-arm projections on neurofilaments.  相似文献   

The size distribution of radiolabeled mouse C-243 cell poly-A containing RNA, and SV40 DNA was analyzed electrophoretically before and after incubation with high concentrations of electrophoretically pure murine fibroblast interferon. Using this sensitive assay, no evidence for any nuclease activity directly associated with interferon could befound, under a wide variety of incubation conditions.  相似文献   

Homing endonucleases are enzymes that catalyze the highly sequence-specific cleavage of DNA. We have developed an in vivo selection in Escherichia coli that links cell survival with homing endonuclease-mediated DNA cleavage activity and sequence specificity. Using this selection, wild-type and mutant variants of three homing endonucleases were characterized without requiring protein purification and in vitro analysis. This selection system may facilitate the study of sequence-specific DNA cleaving enzymes, and selections based on this work may enable the evolution of homing endonucleases with novel activities or specificities.  相似文献   

An easy yet sensitive assay has been developed for the detection of endonuclease activities. The method involves the use of agarose gel electrophoresis to resolve intact homogeneous nucleic acid substrate from degradation products resulting from a small number of nucleolytic breaks. The assay is quantitative when a radioactively labeled nucleic acid is used as substrate, and it is as sensitive in the measurement of nuclease activity as is zone sedimentation in sucrose gradients. The assay can detect as few as 1.4 nicks, on the average, per substrate molecule. Its advantage over previous methods of analysis is the ease with which large numbers of samples can be handled while still retaining a high degree of sensitivity. The method is demonstrated with single-stranded DNA substrate, but it can be easily modified to detect endonuclease degradation of double-stranded DNA or degradation of RNA substrate.  相似文献   

Heat-stable calmodulin immunoreactivity and bioactivity were detected in crude preparations of various types of human, murine and chicken interferons (IFNs). Calmodulin containing HuIFN-alpha was retained on a trifluorophenothiazine-Sepharose column. The two activities were separated by serial elutions with 50 microM Ca2+ (HuIFN-alpha) followed by 2 mM EGTA (calmodulin). While maintaining its full antiviral activity, calmodulin free HuIFN-alpha inhibited enhancement of Ca2+-ATPase activity in vitro by authentic purified eukaryote calmodulin. These results indicate that IFNs are calmodulin-binding proteins and that the secretion of both IFNs and calmodulin occurs from IFN-induced cells.  相似文献   

An enzyme activity specific for UV-DNA1 was found in the extract of Bacillus subtilis(Marburg 168). The enzyme preparation obtained from the extract by ammonium sulfate precipitation acts on UV-DNA endonucleolytically and induces single strand breaks. The number of single strand breaks introduced in DNA is proportional to UV dose.  相似文献   

DNA endonuclease activities associated with melanoma cell chromatin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chromatin-associated DNA endonucleases, extracted from Cloudman mouse melanoma cell nuclei, were separated on isoelectric focusing into seven fractions in two widely separated groups pH 3.4–5.4 and 7.5–9.3, each active on calf thymus DNA. All fractions in the former group, pI's 3.4, 4.4 and 5.4, produced at least one single-strand scission per molecule on circular duplex phage PM2 DNA, and transformed circular single-stranded phage fd DNA into linear strands of uniform length. In the second group there was no detectable activity against PM2 DNA, but two fractions pI's 7.5 and 8.0 were active on fd DNA as above, whereas the other two, pI's 8.5 and 9.0 transformed fd DNA into a number of different sized, discrete segments. These results indicate that, even allowing for possible enzymatic identity of some of the isoelectrically separated forms, at least three different DNA endonucleases are associated with mouse melanoma cell chromatin.  相似文献   

The effect of mouse interferon on the bactericidal activity of macrophages against pyogenic cocci was examined. Mouse peritoneal macrophages were cultivated with Staphylococcus aureus in vitro and viable Staphylococcus was recovered by treatment of the mixed macrophage-bacteria culture with sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) solution. Results showed that S. aureus was phagocytized and killed by the macrophages. Mouse L cell interferon enhanced the bactericidal activity of macrophages. A mouse brain interferon preparation also enhanced this activity. However, heat-inactivated L cell interferon and heterologous rabbit RK-13 cell interferon and human leukocyte interferon did not enhance it. This suggests that interferon enhances the bactericidal activity of macrophages against S. aureus.  相似文献   

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