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Unshadowed myosin molecules: STEM mass-maps of myosin heads.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Myosin molecules were directly visualized without heavy metal shadowing by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) under low dose conditions. The general appearance and dimensions of heavy metal-free molecules were similar to those of shadowed myosin, either after freeze-drying without or air-drying with glycerol. Two characteristic configurations of myosin head regions were found, a first type showing two pear-shaped heads with narrow necks and a second type showing two heads connected by an extra mass in the central regulatory domain where the light chains are located. The mass of the latter type (mol. wt. = 265 +/- 39 kd) is in excellent accordance with biochemical data whereas the mass of the first type is somewhat lower (mol. wt. 219 +/- 44 kd).  相似文献   

Four different preparations of skeletal subfragment-1, denoted in this report as S1(Aa), S1(Ab), S1(Ba), and S1(Bb), and two different preparations of cardiac subfragment-1, denoted as S1(A) and S1(B), were obtained as described in our recent report (J. Biochem. 97, 965, 1985). (i) The four preparations were obtained from chicken breast myosin trinitrophenylated with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonate in the absence of inorganic pyrophosphate (-PPi), and they were all shown to be trinitrophenylated. Addition of PPi caused change in the absorption spectra of trinitrophenyl(TNP)-S1(Aa) and TNP-S1(Ba), but not in those of TNP-S1(Ab) and TNP-S1(Bb). (ii) The two preparations of S1 were obtained from cardiac myosin trinitrophenylated either in the absence (-) or presence (+) of PPi. S1(B) was trinitrophenylated, whereas S1(A) was not. Specifically emphasized is the observation that the yield of cardiac S1(A) was practically equal to that of cardiac S1(B). On the basis of these results, we propose the hypothesis of "two iso-myosins with non-identical heads," which is essentially a combination of the hypothesis of isoenzymes and that of non-identical heads.  相似文献   

Calculation of the size of the power stroke of the myosin motor in contracting muscle requires knowledge of the compliance of the myofilaments. Current estimates of actin compliance vary significantly introducing uncertainty in the mechanical parameters of the motor. Using x-ray diffraction on small bundles of permeabilized fibers from rabbit muscle we show that strong binding of myosin heads changes directly the actin helix. The spacing of the 2.73-nm meridional x-ray reflection increased by 0.22% when relaxed fibers were put into low-tension rigor (<10 kN/m(2)) demonstrating that strongly bound myosin heads elongate the actin filaments even in the absence of external tension. The pitch of the 5.9-nm actin layer line increased by approximately 0.62% and that of the 5.1-nm layer line decreased by approximately 0.26%, suggesting that the elongation is accompanied by a decrease in its helical angle (approximately 166 degrees) by approximately 0.8 degrees. This effect explains the difference between actin compliance revealed from mechanical experiments with single fibers and from x-ray diffraction on whole muscles. Our measurement of actin compliance obtained by applying tension to fibers in rigor is consistent with the results of mechanical measurements.  相似文献   

Light chain phosphorylation is the key event that regulates smooth and non-muscle myosin II ATPase activity. Here we show that both heads of smooth muscle heavy meromyosin (HMM) bind tightly to actin in the absence of nucleotide, irrespective of the state of light chain phosphorylation. In striking contrast, only one of the two heads of unphosphorylated HMM binds to actin in the presence of ADP, and the heads have different affinities for ADP. This asymmetry suggests that phosphorylation alters the mechanical coupling between the heads of HMM. A model that incorporates strain between the two heads is proposed to explain the data, which have implications for how one head of a motor protein can gate the response of the other.  相似文献   

There is controversy concerning the shape and length of myosin heads. In the present paper we try to analyse the data and to draw clear conclusions in this field. When the myosin heads are isolated (S1) from the rest of the molecule, their length is approximately 12 nm and their shape is close to that of a prolate ellipsoid with an axial ratio approximately 2.3 (in solution) or close to that of a comma when attached to F-actin (with a length of 12-13 nm). When the myosin heads are observed on a whole molecule, their length is approximately 19 nm and they are pear-shaped. Here we suggest that all these observations are compatible. We believe that, for a whole myosin molecule, a large part of the head-rod joint (S1/S2 joint) is measured with the head, owing to a particularly heavy staining or shadowing of this joint. On the other hand, S1 is probably built up of a head part plus the S1/S2 joint, which is not revealed by the usual techniques (hydrodynamics, X-ray and neutron scattering). Finally, the comma shape would be related to a flexible part in the head region of S1, which is significantly bent when S1 is attached to F-actin, but which would be less bent for S1 in solution. A similar bending also occurs in crystalline S1.  相似文献   

From comparative studies of the association with polymeric actin of the bifunctional species heavy meromyosin and its monofunctional constituents, information about the relative freedom of these paired elements can be derived. An isotherm for the former binding process is presented which involves, as an experimentally determinable parameter, the local concentration of a second segment after the first of a pair is attached to the lattice. From combined data for these two association reactions a value of 10−4 M is obtained for this quantity. The large degree of segmental flexibility reported for the free heavy meromyosin is still manifested in the association with actin.  相似文献   

On the flexibility of myosin in solution.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J F Curry  S Krause 《Biopolymers》1991,31(14):1677-1687
Rabbit skeletal muscle myosin from the same rabbit was prepared by two different methods, and then purified by either Sephadex or hydroxylapatite chromatography. The resulting myosin samples were analyzed in 2-10 mM sodium pyrophosphate solutions at pH 9 using transient electric birefringence. The birefringence decay signals were fitted using a Fortran program called DISCRETE and two relaxation times, 49.7 +/- 5.6 and 11.2 +/- 2.5 microseconds, were determined. These relaxation times were independent of the method of myosin preparation, the method of myosin purification, the concentration of sodium pyrophosphate between 2 and 10 mM, the concentration of myosin between 0.08 and 1.59 mg/mL, and the temperature between 4.0 and 20.0 degrees C, after correction to 20.0 degrees C. The longer relaxation time is consistent with a rigid, linear myosin molecule. The shorter relaxation time is consistent with myosin that has a completely flexible hinge region in the myosin tail. Both relaxation times are inconsistent with the previously reported single relaxation time of myosin obtained by fitting the birefringence decay data to only 90% of the decay signal. By forcing some of the birefringence decay data in the presence work to fit 90% of the decay signal with a single relaxation time, approximately the same relaxation time as previously reported was obtained.  相似文献   

Myosin was extracted and partially purified from the head portion of spermatozoa of the starfish, Asterias amurensis. The sperm myosin showed a specific Ca2+-activated ATPase [EC] activity of 0.2 mumoles Pi/min/mg at high ionic strength and pH 6.5. It resembled egg myosin in forming thick filaments, becoming attached to actin filaments. subunit composition, and serological properties.  相似文献   

The interaction of a series of bifunctional reagents with skeletal muscle myosin has been studied. In the di-imido ester series dimethylmalonimidate failed to generate any cross-linked species, whereas the adipic and higher analogues gave dimers of myosin heavy chains. Analysis of free amino groups after reaction with these reagents and with the reducible species dimethyldithiobis(propionimidate) showed that no more than two to three cross-links per molecule were introduced. By contrast, the bifunctional reducible acylating agent, dithiobis(succinimidylpropionate), reacted with annihilation of about 10% of the amino groups under mild conditions that precluded the formation of intermolecularly linked species. Digestion of the intramolecularly cross-linked myosin with papain, followed by analysis of the fragments by gel electrophoresis, revealed extensive cross-linking between the globular heads of the myosin molecules. The subfragment 1 dimers regenerated subfragment 1 on reduction, as shown by the electrophoretic mobility and amino acid analysis. The extent of cross-linking, and therefore presumably the average relative orientation or freedom of the two heads, was unaffected by the addition of ADP and calcium ions. The internally cross-linked myosin retains practically its full calcium-activated adenosine triphosphatase activity, but in contrast to native myosin is soluble even at very low ionic strength. Circular dichroism measurements show that the alpha helical conformation is undisturbed in cross-linked myosin, but the sedimentation coefficient is considerably higher than that of the native protein, possibly due to freezing of the heads in a "closed" configuration. The light chaiins are not cross-linked to the heavy chains, except under extreme conditions that leads to intermolecular cross-linking and inactivation. The presence of calcium ions protects dithiobisnitrobenzoate light chains against degradation by papain.  相似文献   

Myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) is a multifunctional regulatory protein of smooth muscle contraction [IUBMB Life 51 (2001) 337, for review]. The well-established mode for its regulation is to phosphorylate the 20 kDa myosin light chain (MLC 20) to activate myosin ATPase activity. MLCK exhibits myosin-binding activity in addition to this kinase activity. The myosin-binding activity also stimulates myosin ATPase activity without phosphorylating MLC 20 [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 (1999) 6666]. We engineered an MLCK fragment containing the myosin-binding domain but devoid of a catalytic domain to explore how myosin is stimulated by this non-kinase pathway. The recombinant fragment thus obtained stimulated myosin ATPase activity by V(max)=5.53+/-0.63-fold with K(m)=4.22+/-0.58 microM (n=4). Similar stimulation figures were obtained by measuring the ATPase activity of HMM and S1. Binding of the fragment to both HMM and S1 was also verified, indicating that the fragment exerts stimulation through the myosin heads. Since S1 is in an active form regardless of the phosphorylated state of MLC 20, we conclude that the non-kinase stimulation is independent of the phosphorylating mode for activation of myosin.  相似文献   

It is known that ternary complexes of myosin subfragment 1 (S1) with ADP and the Pi analogs beryllium fluoride (BeFx) and aluminum fluoride (AlF4-) are stable analogs of the myosin ATPase intermediates M* x ATP and M** x ADP x Pi, respectively. Using kinetic approaches, we compared the rate of formation of the complexes S1 x ADP x BeFx and S1 x ADP x AlF4- in the absence and in the presence of F-actin, as well as of the interaction of these complexes with F-actin. We show that in the absence of F-actin the formation of S1 x ADP x BeFx occurs much faster (3-4 min) than that of S1 x ADP x AlF4- (hours). The formation of these complexes in the presence of F-actin led to dissociation of S1 from F-actin, this process being monitored by a decrease in light scattering. The light scattering decrease of the acto-S1 complex occurred much faster after addition of BeFx (during 1 min) than after addition of AlF4- (more than 20 min). In both cases the light scattering of the acto-S1 complex decreased by 40-50%, but it remained much higher than that of F-actin measured in the absence of S1. The interaction of the S1 x ADP x BeFx and S1 x ADP x AlF4- complexes with F-actin was studied by the stopped-flow technique with high time resolution (no more than 0.6 sec after mixing of S1 with F-actin). We found that the binding of S1 x ADP x BeFx or S1 x ADP x AlF4- to F-actin is accompanied by a fast increase in light scattering, but it does not affect the fluorescence of a pyrene label specifically attached to F-actin. We conclude from these data that within this time range a "weak" binding of the S1 x ADP x BeFx and S1 x ADP x AlF4- complexes to F-actin occurs without the subsequent transition of the "weak" binding state to the "strong" binding state. Comparison of the light scattering kinetic curves shows that S1 x ADP x AlF4- binds to F-actin faster than S1 x ADP x BeFx does: the second-order rate constants for the "weak" binding to F-actin are (62.8 +/- 1.8) x 10(6) M-1 x sec-1 in the case of S1 x ADP x AlF4- and (22.6 +/- 0.4) x 10(6) M-1 x sec-1 in the case of S1 x ADP x BeFx. We conclude that the stable ternary complexes S1 x ADP x BeFx and S1 x ADP x AlF4- can be successfully used for kinetic studies of the "weak" binding of the myosin heads to F-actin.  相似文献   

In an activated muscle, binding sites on the thin filament and myosin heads switch frequently between different states. Because the status of the binding sites influences the status of the heads, and vice versa, the binding sites and myosin heads are dynamically coupled. The functional consequences of this coupling were investigated using MyoSim, a new computer model of muscle. MyoSim extends existing models based on Huxley-type distribution techniques by incorporating Ca2+ activation and cooperative effects. It can also simulate arbitrary cross-bridge schemes set by the researcher. Initial calculations investigated the effects of altering the relative speeds of binding-site and cross-bridge kinetics, and of manipulating cooperative processes. Subsequent tests fitted simulated force records to experimental data recorded using permeabilized myocardial preparations. These calculations suggest that the rate of force development at maximum activation is limited by myosin cycling kinetics, whereas the rate at lower levels of activation is limited by how quickly binding sites become available. Additional tests investigated the behavior of transiently activated cells by driving simulations with experimentally recorded Ca2+ signals. The unloaded shortening profile of a twitching myocyte could be reproduced using a model with two myosin states, cooperative activation, and strain-dependent kinetics. Collectively, these results demonstrate that dynamic coupling of binding sites and myosin heads is important for contractile function.  相似文献   

P Graceffa 《Biochemistry》1999,38(37):11984-11992
It has been proposed that during the activation of muscle contraction the initial binding of myosin heads to the actin thin filament contributes to switching on the thin filament and that this might involve the movement of actin-bound tropomyosin. The movement of smooth muscle tropomyosin on actin was investigated in this work by measuring the change in distance between specific residues on tropomyosin and actin by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) as a function of myosin head binding to actin. An energy transfer acceptor was attached to Cys374 of actin and a donor to the tropomyosin heterodimer at either Cys36 of the beta-chain or Cys190 of the alpha-chain. FRET changed for the donor at both positions of tropomyosin upon addition of skeletal or smooth muscle myosin heads, indicating a movement of the whole tropomyosin molecule. The changes in FRET were hyperbolic and saturated at about one head per seven actin subunits, indicating that each head cooperatively affects several tropomyosin molecules, presumably via tropomyosin's end-to-end interaction. ATP, which dissociates myosin from actin, completely reversed the changes in FRET induced by heads, whereas in the presence of ADP the effect of heads was the same as in its absence. The results indicate that myosin with and without ADP, intermediates in the myosin ATPase hydrolytic pathway, are effective regulators of tropomyosin position, which might play a role in the regulation of smooth muscle contraction.  相似文献   

The initial rates of tryptic digestion at the 50/20-kDa junction in myosin and myosin subfragment 1 were determined for the free proteins and their complexes with actin in the presence and absence of MgATP. The proteolytic reactions were carried out at 24 degrees C and under ionic strength conditions (mu) adjusted to 35, 60, and 130 mM. The percentages of myosin heads and myosin subfragment 1 bound to actin in the presence of MgATP were calculated from the rates of proteolysis for each set of digestion experiments. In all cases, the myosin heads in the synthetic filaments showed greater binding to actin than myosin subfragment 1. This binding difference was most prominent (3-fold) at mu = 130 mM. The binding of heavy meromyosin (HMM) to actin in the presence of MgADP was measured at 4 degrees C by ultracentrifugation and the proteolytic rates methods. Ultracentrifugation experiments determined the fraction of HMM molecules bound to actin in the presence of MgADP, whereas the proteolytic measurements yielded the information on the fraction of HMM heads bound to actin. Taken together, these measurements show that a significant fraction of HMM is bound to actin with only one head in the presence of MgADP under ionic conditions of 180 and 280 mM.  相似文献   

Regulation of the enzymatic activity of heterotrimeric smooth muscle myosin phosphatase (SMMP) by MgATP was examined using phosphorylated myosin (P-myosin), heavy meromyosin (P-HMM), subfragment-1 (P-S1), and 20 kDa myosin light chain (P-MLC(20)) as substrates. The activity toward P-myosin and P-HMM was dose-dependently reduced by MgATP, whereas that toward P-S1 or P-MLC(20) was unchanged. The reduction was mainly due to a decrease in the affinity of SMMP for the substrate with the unchanged maximum activity. This regulation is entirely new in the respect that the responsible molecule is the substrate, not SMMP. Because P-myosin derived from myosin stored in 50% glycerol at -20 degrees C was insensitive to MgATP, the proper integrity of P-myosin is required. Coexisting myosin did not affect this regulation, but it inhibited the SMMP activity in the absence of MgATP. With P-myosin, the enzyme activity was biphasically steeply dependent on the ionic strength. This requires that determinations are conducted with a fixed ionic strength. The Q(10) value was about 2, which was quite similar to that for myosin light chain kinase. These results suggest that the rate of dephosphorylation of P-myosin is lowered at rest, but that it may reach a value comparable to the rate of phosphorylation of myosin in the sarcoplasm with the increased level of P-myosin during muscle activation. This regulation by MgATP may underlie the "latch mechanism" in some respects.  相似文献   

To analyze the control of self tolerance to tissue-specific Ag, we have constructed C57BL/6 (H-2b) transgenic mice that express allogeneic class II (I-Ad) molecules exclusively on pancreatic islet cells. By a number of criteria, including I-Ad mRNA, and tissue and cell surface I-Ad protein levels, the islet cells appear to be expressing levels of I-Ad similar to B lymphocytes. Although one of the transgenic lines that expresses only the beta-chain occasionally displays slightly elevated glucose levels, this hyperglycemia is not enhanced when alpha and beta are coexpressed, allowing for cell surface I-Ad expression. None of the mice examined has demonstrated any autoimmune reaction to the I-Ad+ islet cells. Despite this apparent lack of recognition of the I-Ad+ islet cells, these animals demonstrate no reduction in the in vitro MLR generated to the same MHC molecule. Therefore, these mice remain functionally tolerant to the transgene product without inactivating those T cells that can recognize this same MHC molecule in vitro.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic cytosolic chaperonins are large heterooligomeric complexes with a cylindrical shape, resembling that of the homooligomeric bacterial counterpart, GroEL. In analogy to GroEL, changes in shape of the cytosolic chaperonin have been detected in the presence of MgATP using electron microscopy but, in contrast to the nucleotide-induced conformational changes in GroEL, no details are available about the specific nature of these changes. The present study identifies the structural regions of the cytosolic chaperonin that undergo conformational changes when MgATP binds to the nucleotide binding domains. It is shown that limited proteolysis with trypsin in the absence of MgATP cleaves each of the eight subunits approximately in half, generating two fragments of approximately 30 kDa. Using mass spectrometry (MS) and N-terminal sequence analysis, the cleavage is found to occur in a narrow span of the amino acid sequence, corresponding to the peptide binding regions of GroEL and to the helical protrusion, recently identified in the structure of the substrate binding domain of the archeal group II chaperonin. This proteolytic cleavage is prevented by MgATP but not by ATP in the absence of magnesium, ATP analogs (MgATPyS and MgAMP-PNP) or MgADP. These results suggest that, in analogy to GroEL, binding of MgATP to the nucleotide binding domains of the cytosolic chaperonin induces long range conformational changes in the polypeptide binding domains. It is postulated that despite their different subunit composition and substrate specificity, group I and group II chaperonins may share similar, functionally-important, conformational changes. Additional conformational changes are likely to involve a flexible helix-loop-helix motif, which is characteristic for all group II chaperonins.  相似文献   

To characterize elastic properties and geometrical parameters of individual, whole myosin molecules during their interaction with actin we sparsely adsorbed myosin molecules to nanometer-sized microspheres. Thermally driven position fluctuations of these microspheres were recorded with the three-dimensional detection scheme of the photonic force microscope. Upon binding of single myosin molecules to immobilized actin filaments in the absence of ATP, these thermally driven position fluctuations of the microspheres change significantly. From three-dimensional position fluctuations stiffness and geometrical information of the tethering molecule can be derived. Axial stiffness was found to be asymmetric, approximately 0.04 pN/nm for extension, approximately 0.004 pN/nm for compression. Observed stiffness of whole myosin molecules is much less than estimated for individual myosin heads in muscle fibers or for single-molecule studies on myosin fragments. The stiffness reported here, however, is identical to stiffness found in other single-molecule studies with full-length myosin suggesting that the source of this low stiffness is located outside the myosin head domain. Analysis of geometrical properties of tethering myosin molecules by Brownian dynamics computer simulations suggests a linker length of approximately 130 nm that is divided by a free hinge located approximately 90 nm above the substrate. This pivot location coincides with myosin's hinge region. We demonstrate the general applicability of thermal fluctuation analysis to determine elastic properties and geometrical factors of individual molecules.  相似文献   

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