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Summary The collicular recess organ and adjacent portions of the collicular recess were studied by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. In the collicular recess, the ventricular wall contains folds and is well vascularized. The adluminal ependymal cells generally bear kinocilia and microvilli on their ventricular surface. Among the cilia, many secretory droplets, some axons, and few supraependymal cells are seen. Various stages of apocrine ependymosecretion are observed. In addition to tanycytes, coelocytes are found scattered throughout the ependymal lining of the collicular recess. Coelocytes, characterized by lumina containing cilia and a few microvilli, are accumulated in ependymal and hypependymal positions of the collicular recess organ at the roof of the collicular recess.Supported by PHS grants NS 09914 and T32 CA09156. We thank Dean Wyrick and John McNeill, Jr., for their technical assistanceNRSA Postdoctoral Trainee  相似文献   

Summary Peculiar cells forming cysts were observed in the area postrema and sometimes also in the choroid plexus and the tela chorioidea near the area postrema, and were studied in detail by electron microscopy. The cytological features of the cyst cell and its junctional relationship to neighboring cells imply that cyst cells are derived from ependymal and choroid epithelial cells. The cyst cells usually contact directly the perivascular spaces of postremal, choroidal or pial capillaries, where the cytoplasm is often considerably attenuated. The cystic lumen is commonly filled with a flocculent material. The limiting membrane of the cystic lumen, which frequently bears cilia and microvilli, has the same thickness as the surface cell membrane. In many cases, the cyst is surrounded by the cytoplasm of a single cell. In some cases, however, two cells participate in the formation of the cyst, although one is only a slender process and joined by a zonula occludens with the main cyst cell. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) injected into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) space failed to enter the cystic lumen. A possible significance of the cyst in relation to the CSF and blood circulation was considered.  相似文献   

Summary The pineal gland in the possum is represented by a thickening in the wall of the pineal recess. A superficial pineal body and a pineal stalk are characteristically lacking.The ependyma related to the gland is specialized but differs markedly from the lining in other circumventricular organs in form and in surface morphology. Two distinct topographic zones have been recognized. In the middle is a mass of cells which form a prominent knobby-surfaced central zone. These cells are characterized by the absence of cilia, the paucity of microvilli and blebs and the presence of processes which overlap adjacent cells. A surface pattern formed of cell outlines was lacking. It is suggested that the central zone is lined by pinealocytes, supporting cells and the processes of both cell types. Most of the central zone is surrounded by an intermediate zone of variable width. The latter region has been observed to possess a circumventricular organ-type surface morphology. It is sparsely ciliated, almost totally covered by a carpet of microvilli and it exhibits a variety of surface specializations. Supraependymal cells and various transitory supraependymal cell processes are also present.Outside the specialized ependyma is the peripheral zone which like the regular ventricular lining is densely ciliated. Supraependymal processes are found among the clusters of cilia, or rarely, on the surface of the ciliary bed.Season and sex related differences in surface ultrastructure were not observed.  相似文献   

Summary The ventricular surface of the subfornical organ of the rabbit's brain was studied with scanning and transmission electron microscopic techniques. The ependymal covering was found to consist of hexagonal cells with convex apical surfaces. From the center of each cellular surface a single kinocilium up to 6 m in length protrudes into the liquor. It is usually covered with secretory material having the shape of pearlstrings. The surface aspect of the subfornical organ suggests secretion into the liquor by emptying of giant vacuoles which originate below the ependyma in nerve cells, move towards the surface, develop pressure while flattening their ependymal cover and finally erupt, leaving collapsed ependyma- and/or nerve cells bag on the surface of the organ. A second mechanism of more granular secretion by ependymal cells appears possible.We are indebted to Fräulein E. Östermann, Frau L. Schulze and Frau H. Zuther-Witzsch for excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopic investigations of the pulmonary epithelium of human foetuses reveal the occurrence of cells exhibiting fine-structural characteristics of polypeptide hormone producing APUD cells. Three types of cells were identified mainly on basis of the morphology of their secretory granules. Cells of type 1 have the appearance of monoamine storing cells and the dense core of vesiculated granules of these cells are reactive to argentaffine reaction performed directly on ultra-thin sections. Cells of type 2 contain granules of uniform shape and size and of rather homogeneous appearance. Besides in larger bronchial tubules these cells are localized in the epithelium of developing alveoli. Cells of type 3 with large osmiophilic granules tightly bound by a membrane are few and scattered. These cells are observed in larger bronchial tubuli only.  相似文献   

Summary The outgrowth of newborn rat cerebellum cultivated in the Maximow assembly was studied from the time of explanation until the end of the 1st week in vitro. Dynamic characteristics of migrating cells were investigated with time lapse microcinematography and with phase and interference contrast.Three types of cells were identified: bipolar fusiform cells, fibroblasts and macrophages. The ultrastructure of these cells as seen with scanning and transmission electron microscopes is described. Bipolar cells display the same characteristics as those of migrating granule cells in vivo. Differentiation of these cells towards neuronal types becomes evident at the end of the first week in vitro.Axonal as well as dendritic growth cones were examined, and their ultrastructural characteristics described. Attention is focussed into the abundance of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, which in supposed active growth has the form of thin cisternae, and, at rest or in retraction takes the form of large vesicles. In the latter case, filopodia disappear, and the tips of their processes acquire a bulbous shape.The authors acknowledge the support and advice of Dr. J. E. Gruner, and the expert technical assistance of Mrs F. Salomon for preparation of material, Mr. D. Le Cren for photographic work.  相似文献   

Summary The present study continues a previous investigation on the median eminence (EM) (Krisch et al., 1978). In rats with high levels of neurohormones (LHRH, vasopressin) a limited immunohistochemical labeling of perivascular tanycyte processes can be observed surrounding capillaries in the marginal region of the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis (OVLT) and in the inner part of the subfornical organ (SFO). This labeling extends from the perivascular space a short distance along the tanycyte processes. By conventional electron microscopy and by freeze-etching, tight junctions are demonstrated at a distance from the capillary lumen which corresponds to the borderline of the immunohistochemical labeling of perivascular tanycyte processes in light microscopic preparations. The tight junctions are arranged in several parallel and helical rows and correspond to those found in the median eminence. Consequently, the immunohistochemical labeling in the OVLT and in the SFO marks the intercellular cleft. In the circumventricular organs the immunostaining labels the extension of the perivascular space characterized by the hemal milieu. The perivascular space is separated off by tight junctions from the CSF-milieu of the adjacent neuropil. Furthermore, the present study demonstrates tight junctions in the marginal region of the area postrema (AP) between the perivascular processes of the tanycytes.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr. 569/2) and Stiftung VolkswagenwerkThe skillful technical assistance of Miss K. Bielenberg, Mrs. A. Hinz and Mrs. Helga Prien is thankfully acknowledged  相似文献   

Summary Transmission and scanning electron microscopy of the rat epithalamus shows a regional variation in the distribution of Supraependymal nerves (SN) which correlates well with Supraependymal yellow fluorescence reported by Richards et al. (1974). The medial habenular nucleus, the intercommissural and suprahabenular recesses, the habenular commissure and the fibrae periventriculares thalami have the greatest density of SN/100 m of ependymal surface. The floor of the suprahabenular and intercommissural recesses is covered by non-ciliated ependyma.The significance of these findings is discussed with respect to (1) a direct functional relationship of SN with ependyma, and (2) a possible participation of the non-ciliated ependyma of the suprahabenular and intercommissural recesses in secretory activity whereby the CSF serves as a vehicle for neuroendocrine communication.The author thanks Drs. Sanford Palay, Milton Brightman, and Constantino Sotelo for their advice in the preparation of nervous tissue for electron microscopy; Dr. Gunter Bahr for the use of scanning electron microscopy facilities; and Messrs. Cyril Wingfield and Walter Engler and Mrs. Michie Vane for their technical support  相似文献   

Summary The ependyma lining the lateral recess of the third ventricle of the teleost inferior lobe has been studied by light and electron microscopy, including Golgi impregnation methods. As many as five different cell types appear to line the ventricle, but some of these may be similar cells in different stages of activity. One cell type contains small dense-cored vesicles and appears to have processes extending into deeper portions of the lobe. Golgi preparations reveal subependymal cells with apical processes extending to the ventricle and basal extensions which may reach the pial surface. The present observations are discussed in relation to similar studies in other fishes, amphibians and mammals. Possible functions for the various cells observed are suggested.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of luminal surface of clearly identified portions of uriniferous tubules has been studied by scanning electron microscopy to elucidate some controversies concerning the topography of certain surface formations. The results show a characteristic pattern of the luminal surface in the region of Henle's loop, which was assumed by previous authors, to belong to the collecting tubule. Furthermore it is demonstrated that no cilia are present within the terminal portion of the collecting tubules.  相似文献   

Summary The appearance and localization of LHRH were studied in the developing hypothalamus of perinatal rats using the unlabelled antibody method. By light microscopy, immunoreactive LHRH was first detected as brown dots on day 18.5 of gestation in the OVLT and on day 19.5 in the median eminence, respectively. When the median eminence was examined by the preembedding immunohistochemistry technique for electron microscopy, the occurrence of immunoreactive LHRH fibers could be demonstrated on day 18.5. These fibers were thin and very occasionally encountered near the surface of the lateral regions of the median eminence. The axoplasm contained a few immunopositive secretory granules and also extragranular immunoreactive products. With development, a gradual increase was noted both in number and size of nerve fibers with a concomitant accumulation of secretory granules within the axoplasm.A possible physiological significance of LHRH is discussed in relation to the onset of hypothalamo-hypophysial system in fetal life.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) was studied in the rat and mouse brain by means of light and electron microscopic immunohistochemistry using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. An immunoreactive product to LHRH antiserum was found near the blood vessels of the vascular organ of the lamina terminalis. In the arcuate nucleus-median eminence region, an immunoreactive material occurred bilaterally in the hypothalamic tissue around the tuberoinfundibular sulci. Electron microscopy revealed that immunoreactive fibers observed light microscopically contain numerous granules 100–130 nm in diameter. No immunoreactive product was located in the tanycytes of the median eminence, the perikarya of hypothalamic neurons, and the parenchyma of several circumventricular organs (subfornical organ, subcommissural organ, pineal organ, area postrema).Supported by grants from the Ministry of Education of Japan and the Ford Foundation  相似文献   

Summary Light microscopy and transverse electron microscopy has been employed to study the olfactory organs in 82 specimens of freshwater adapted young and homing adult Baltic sea trout Salmo trutta trutta L. In both sensory and indifferent epithelium the olfactory mucosa has scattered cells of a type that has not been described in any olfactory organ before. They are called labyrinth cells and are characterized by an extensive, turtuous, interconnected tubular system of smooth endoplasmatic reticulum intimately connected with numerous mitochondria. This cell type is similar to chloride and other cells which probably are involved in electrolyte transport in fish gills and pseudobranch, the rectal gland in elasmobranchs and the nasal gland in reptiles and birds. It is suggested that the olfactory organ in fish is serially homologous with the pseudobranch.Thanks are due to Prof. Dr. Gunnar Bloom, Section of Histology, University of Umeå for interesting discussions. The author also wish to acknowledge the technical facilities and assistance in the use of the electron microscope to Miss Karin Ekström and Miss Marianne Borg. The research was supported by grant 2389-11, 13 and 15 from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council.  相似文献   

An investigation of ageing in human costal cartilage   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Changes in human costal cartilage with increasing age (2–81 years) have been studied in the optical and electron microscope using routine and histochemical techniques.Concurrent with increasing age, chondrocytes undergo degeneration which is characterized initially by the accumulation of lipidic material within cells and, subsequently, by the formation of a halo around degenerating chondrocytes. The halo material is composed of electron dense bodies, amorphous material, and collagen fibrils. Both electron dense bodies and the amorphous material are of cellular origin and they have similar histochemical responses.Using histochemical techniques in the optical and in the electron microscope, it has been shown that chondroitin sulfate decreases with increasing age, while a hyaluronidase resistant material (presumably keratan sulfate) increases, initially in the central zone, and subsequently in the peripheral zones. Hyaluronidase resistant material is minute or absent in the central zone of aged cartilage.The genesis of collagen fibrils progresses from thin unbanded collagen-like fibrils in the pericellular lacunae of chondrocytes in young specimens to thick fibrils (sometimes in excess of 0.5 ) with a period of 640 Å in ageing cartilage. Aggregation of collagen fibrils seems to be related at least initially to the preponderance of matrix granules and beaded filaments which have been shown to originate intracellularly in vacuoles formed in degenerating mitochondria. Both of these structures contain glycosaminoglycans and, with increasing age, glycosaminoglycans decrease while collagen fibrils aggregate. In old age, the amorphous material, and possibly the content of disrupting electron dense bodies, seem to give origin to some collagen fibrils. This and other mechanisms of formation of collagen fibrils have been observed and they are discussed.Calcification of the matrix increases with increasing age and this agrees with previous findings.Supported by grants from the Italian National Research Council. — The authors are indebted to Miss Giuliana Silvestrini and to Mr. Lucio Virgilii for their expert and extensive technical assistance. — To Dr. A. Ascenzi, Director 1° Istituto di Anatomia e Istologia Patologica, and to Dr. C. Cavallero, Director, 2° Istituto di Anatomia e Istologia Patologica, Università di Roma, the senior author would like to express his appreciation for the use of equipment and facilities pursuant to this investigation, while on sabbatical leave from the University of California, Irvine, College of Medicine. — We wish to extend our thanks to the Italian National Research Council for supporting this study.On sabbatical leave from the University of California, Irvine, College of Medicine.  相似文献   

Summary The nigro-neostriatal projection was investigated in albino rats and cats with silver impregnation, fluorescence histochemistry and electron microscopy. After unilateral stereotactic electrolysis in the substantia nigra the dopamine fluorescence of ipsilateral neostriatum is markedly reduced. As shown by silver impregnation and electron microscopy, fine terminals and axons are degenerated in the same region. These observations suggest that the nigro-neostriatal pathway may be composed of the fine dopaminergic axons of the nerve cells of unilateral substantia nigra.Dedicated to Professor K. Goerttler on his 75th birthday. — This work was supported by a research grant from the Ministry of Education, Japan.  相似文献   

Summary Immunoreactive prolactin (IMP) has been localized in the male rat brain using the soluble peroxidase-anti-peroxidase (PAP) technique. In normal untreated animals, reaction product was seen in choroid plexus (CP) and in ependymal cells of the ventricular lining with heaviest concentrations of positively staining cells in the 3rd ventricle near the subcommisural organ (SCO), in the lateral ventricles near the subfornical organ (SFO), and in the 4th ventricle near the area postrema (AP). IMP was also present in numerous ependymal cells resembling tanycytes in the cerebral aqueduct, central canal of the spinal cord at the level of the AP, the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT) and the floor of the infundibular recess. Immunoreactive cells resembling neurons were localized within the substance of the AP, SCO, and OVLT. IMP was also present in fibers of the zona externa of the median eminence and infundibular stalk; a few cells of the pars tuberalis contained reaction product. Hypophysectomized rats and bromocriptine-treated rats exhibited a similar staining pattern except that bromocriptine treatment eliminated IMP from most CP cells. Hypophysectomy, bromocriptine or estrogen treatment enhanced staining for IMP in cells of the pars tuberalis; estrogen treatment or hypophysectomy produced an increase in the number and distribution of immunoreactive cells as well as increased density of reaction product in cells of the medial habenular nucleus. The functional relevance of prolactin in these locations in the brain, the possible routes of transport of prolactin from the pituitary gland to the central nervous system, and the strong suggestion of extra-pituitary sites of synthesis of a prolactin-like hormone are discussed.  相似文献   

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