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1. Measurements were made at 12 degrees K of the electron-paramagnetic-resonance (e.p.r.) spectra of submitochondrial particles from Candida utilis cells grown under conditions that alter the amount of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase (EC 2. Iron-limited growth decreases the extent of iron-sulphur e.p.r. signals to undetectable values that are less than 1 percent of those normally found with glycerol-limited growth. 3. Small but significant signals attributable to the NADH dehydrogenase were detected in submitochondrial particles from sulphate-limited cells. 4. Measurements made on submitochondrial particles prepared from these and other phenotypically modified cells lead us to conclude that the presence of low-temperature e.p.r.-detectable iron-sulphur centres attributable to the NADH dehydrogenase are necessary but not sufficient for the coupling of ATP synthesis to the NADH dehydrogenase reaction in the mitochondrial membrane of C. utilis. 6. The amplitude of the g=2.01 signal observed in non-reduced submitochondrial particles is approximately tenfold diminished by iron limitation but not significantly altered by sulphate limitation.  相似文献   

Candida utilis was grown on acetate in chemostat cultures that were, successively, carbon and ammonia-limited (30° C; pH 5.5). With carbon(acetate)-limited cultures, the specific rate of oxygen consumption (q O 2) was not a linear function of the growth rate but was markedly stimulated at the higher dilution rates, thus effecting a marked decrease in the Y O value. This increased respiration rate, and decreased yield value, correlated closely with a marked increase in the extracellular acetate concentration. Under ammonia-limiting conditions, very low Y O values were found, generally comparable with those found with carbon-limited cultures growing at the higher dilution rates, but these varied markedly with the extracellular acetate concentration. Thus, when the unused acetate concentration was raised progressively from about 5 g/l to about 21 g/l, the Y O value decreased non-linearly from 11.4 to 5.8. When the extracellular acetate concentration was further increased to 25 g/l, growth was inhibited and the culture washed out. This relationship between respiration rate and the extracellular concentration of unused acetate was also markedly influenced by the culture pH value. Thus, with a fixed extracellular acetate concentration (16±2g/l) and dilution rate (0.14 h–1), lowering the culture pH value progressively from 6.9 to 5.1 effected a marked and progressive increase in the respiration rate. Further lowering of the culture pH to 4.8, however, caused a complete collapse of respiration. In contrast to this situation, progressively lowering the pH value of an acetatelimited culture from 6.9 to 4.5 affected only slightly the culture respiration rate, and growth was possible even at a pH value of 2.5. These results are discussed in the context of the possible mechanisms whereby acetate exerts its toxic effect on the growth of C. utilis.  相似文献   

Growth of Escherichia coli K12 in a chemostat was limited by sulphate concentrations lower than 300 muM. The synthesis of extracellular polysaccharide and a change in morphology accompanied sulphate-limited growth. Growth yields with respect to the amount of glycerol or oxygen consumed were sixfold and twofold lower respectively under these conditions than when growth was limited by glycerol. Sulphate-limited cells lacked the proton-translocating oxidoreduction segment of the electron-transport chain between NADH and the cytochromes, and particles prepared from these cells lacked the energy-dependent reduction of NAD+ by succinate, DL-alpha-glycerophosphate or D-lactate, suggesting the loss of site-I phosphorylation. Glycerol-limited cells contained cytochrome b556, b562 and o, ubiquinone and low concentrations of menaquinone. Sulphate limitation resulted in the additional synthesis of cytochromes d, a1, b558 and c550; the amount of ubiquinone was decreased and menaquinone was barely detectable. Non-haem iron and acid-labile sulphide concentrations were twofold lower in electron-transport particles prepared from sulphate-limited cells. Recovery of site-I phosphorylation could not be demonstrated after incubating sulphate-limited cells with or without glycerol, in either the absence or presence of added sulphate. The loss of site-I phosphorylation in sulphate-limited cells is discussed with reference to the accompanying alterations in cytochrome composition of such cells. Schemes are proposed for the functional organization of the respiratory chains of E. coli grown under conditions of glycerol or sulphate limitation.  相似文献   

A modified nucleoside has been isolated from the first position of the anticodon of Torulopsis utilis tRNAPro. It was identified to be an uridine derivative, 5-carbamoylmethyluridine from analyses of its UV, 1H-NMR, and secondary ion mass spectra.  相似文献   

The inhibition of succinate- and NADH-oxidase activities of submitochondrial particles by 4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenantroline was studied. The inhibition was shown to increase when the particles were pretreated with SH-reagents. The treatment of submitochondrial particles with ethanol in the presence of 1,10-phenantroline resulted in a complete inactivation of succinate oxidase and succinate: tetramethyl-n-phenyldiamine reductase; the succinate PMS reductase activity was only partially inhibited after such treatment. It is concluded that tetramethyl-n-phenyldiamine and phenazine metasulfate react with different sites of the succinate dehydrogenase complex. The changes in the properties of submitochondrial particles after ethanol--phenantroline treatment are apparently due to the effect of non-polar solvent rather than to the extraction of non-haem iron.  相似文献   

The effect of soybean oil and glucose on the growth of Torulopsis bombicola and sophorose lipid production in continuous culture was investigated. As the dilution rate in 100 g/l glucose and 100 g/l soybean oil medium was increased, the dry cell weight and sophorose lipid concentration decreased. Sophorose lipid productivity, however, was maximum at a dilution rate of 0.03 h−1. The cell yield from glucose and the sophorose lipid production from soybean oil were approximately constant regardless of the dilution rate. The specific consumption rate of soybean oil was closely related to the specific production rate of sophorose lipid. These results suggest that soybean oil was used only for sophorose lipid production whereas glucose was used only for cell mass and maintenance. When the soybean oil concentration was varied at fixed dilution rate in 100 g/l glucose medium, a high concentration of soybean oil was found to inhibit sophorose lipid production. Received: 9 January 1997 / Received revision: 5 March 1997 / Accepted: 13 April 1997  相似文献   

Intracellular accumulation of zinc by Candida utilis NRRL-Y-7634 was mediated by an energy-and temperature-dependent, highly specific process exhibiting saturation kinetics. In zinc-supplemented medium, uptake occured only during the lad and late-exponential phases; this type of transport did not occur with zinc in bacteria nor with iron in either yeast or bacteria. Cells of C. utilis did not possess a zinc-efflux system; they could reduce their level of intracellular zinc only by dilution of the metal into daughter cells. Zinc-deficient organisms accumulated 12 times more zinc than did cells of the same culture age grown in zinc-supplemented medium. The varied, but experimentally reproducible levels of intracellular zinc that occured in response to the physiological and environmental parameters had no detectable effects on respiration, rate of growth, total cell yield, or cell viability. Neither the mechanism underlying the cyclic accumulation of sinc nor the function of such behaviour are understood.  相似文献   

The influence of the growth rate on outer membrane protein composition and enterobactin production was studied with Klebsiella pneumoniae grown under conditions of iron limitation in chemostats. More enterobactin was produced at fast (D = 0.4 h-1) and slow (D = 0.1 h-1) growth rates in continuous cultures than in either logarithmic- or stationary-phase batch cultures. When the growth rate was controlled under conditions of carbon limitation and the iron level was reduced to 0.5 microM, the iron-regulated outer membrane proteins and enterobactin were induced at the fast growth rate. At the slow growth rate, although the iron-regulated outer membrane proteins were barely visible, a significant level of enterobactin was still produced. These results suggest that under conditions of either carbon or iron limitation, the growth rate can influence the induction of the high-affinity iron uptake system of K. pneumoniae. Other outer membrane proteins, including a 39-kilodalton peptidoglycan-associated protein, were found to vary with the growth rate and nutrient limitation.  相似文献   

1. Mitochondria prepared from Torulopsis utilis grown in a chemostat with iron-limited growth were found to lack energy conservation but not electron flow in that segment of the respiratory chain leading from intramitochondrial NADH to the cytochromes [i.e. the site 1 segment (Lehninger, 1964)]. 2. Site 1 energy conservation was present in mitochondria prepared from cells grown under conditions of limitation by glycerol, ammonium and magnesium. Phosphate-limited growth resulted in mitochondrial preparations without respiratory control. 3. Mitochondria from cells grown under conditions of iron limitation were insensitive to the respiratory inhibitor piericidin A, whereas sensitivity was present in mitochondria prepared from glycerol-, ammonium-, magnesium- or phosphate-limited cells. 4. These observations are considered to provide indirect evidence for a role of non-haem iron in the mechanism of energy conservation and also piericidin A sensitivity in T. utilis mitochondria. 5. A readily constructed and inexpensive pH-measuring and -controlling circuit is described for use with continuous-culture apparatus.  相似文献   

1. The aerobic incubation of iron-deficient Torulopsis utilis cells for 12h under non-growing conditions results in the recovery by mitochondria of the previously absent site 1 energy conservation and sensitivity to piericidin A. 2. The recovery of piericidin A sensitivity but not site 1 is prevented by the presence of cycloheximide (100mug/ml) in the medium used for aerobic incubation of the cells. Rotenone sensitivity behaved similarly. 3. Chloramphenicol, erythromycin and tetracycline were without effect on the recovery of site 1 and piericidin A sensitivity. 4. Inclusion of (59)Fe in the growth medium can be used as the basis for a highly sensitive assay for non-haem iron. 5. Iron-limited growth of T. utilis lowers the concentration of both non-haem iron and acid-labile sulphide of submitochondrial particles by over 20-fold compared with the ;normal' situation with iron-supplemented glycerol-limited growth. 6. Increases in the non-haem iron and acid-labile sulphide concentrations of submitochondrial particles occur when site 1 and piericidin A sensitivity are recovered. The increase is approximately halved by the presence of cycloheximide. 7. The non-haem iron of T. utilis submitochondrial particles does not exchange with added iron. 8. Continuous culture of T. utilis at the transition between glycerol- and iron-limitation results in cells where mitochondria possess site 1 energy conservation but lack piericidin A sensitivity. 8. It is concluded, in contrast with widely held views to the opposite, that energy conservation at site 1 does not require electron flow to proceed through a piericidin A- or rotenone-sensitive route. 9. Restriction of the iron supplied to growing T. utilis to a concentration just above that required for growth limitation demonstrates that a 10- to 20-fold decrease of the ;normal' non-haem iron concentration of both cells and mitochondria is without effect on the growth yield per unit of carbon source. Submitochondrial particles prepared from such iron-restricted but otherwise functionally normal cells have a non-haem iron concentration of about 0.5-0.8ng-atom/mg of protein. It is concluded that the concentration of iron-sulphur protein required for normal function by the respiratory chain is close to the concentrations of cytochromes and flavoproteins.  相似文献   

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