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We analyzed a lacustrine sediment core covering the Holocene from Lake Einstaken, Nordaustlandet, for its fossil Cladocera (Crustacea) with an aim to reconstruct past aquatic communities in this environmentally extreme and unexplored region. In the analysis, we encountered remains (carapaces, ephippia, headshields, and postabdomens) of an unknown chydorid (Chydoridae, Aloninae) species during two separate periods in the early Holocene. The remains had some comparable morphological characters with the European Alona guttata s.str. Sars, 1862 and with the glacial relict Alona werestschagini Sinev, 1999, but they differed clearly from the previous species; the headshield had broadly rounded rostrum and narrow fornices, the ephippium was heavily pigmented and reticulated, and the postabdomen had convex dorsal and ventral margins. The postabdomen had evidently similar morphology with Alona bergi R?en, 1992, which has been described, although inadequately, from arctic Canada and northern Greenland. We conclude, based on the morphology of the postabdomen, that the unknown remains belong to species closely resembling A. bergi, named here Alona cf. bergi, and assume that the species, whether the true A. bergi or some other cryptic species of the A. guttata group, is a postglacial relict of the high arctic adapted to cold climate. Herewith, we emphasize the need for extensive biogeographical investigations into both fossil and intact specimens of chydorids in the arctic.  相似文献   

Presently the inter-generic structure of the Ilyocryptus Sars, 1862 is not clear, and we regard as `sordidus-like' all the species with (1) incomplete moulting, (2) valves without lateral horns or other remarkable structures, (3) non-distal position of anus on postabdomen, (4) long lateral setae on the postabdomen, which reaches the anus; (5) single or doubled teeth on preanal margin of postabdomen. Available material on sordidus-like forms of Ilyocryptus Sars, 1862 (Anomopoda, Branchiopoda) from North America was investigated. We also analyzed a limited amount of material similar to I. sordidus s. str., but not enough to be presented now. Three other conventional species were found and redescribed: the exclusively North American I. gouldeni Williams, 1978, as well as I. cuneatus?tifter, 1988 and I. spinosus?tifter, 1988, both described earlier from Europe. An original analysis of the differences between all species was performed. A new sordidus-like species, I. bernerae n. sp., from a single locality in South Carolina, U.S.A., is described. The main diagnostic features of this new species within sordidus-like members of the Ilyocryptusare: thin and sharp dorsal keel; exclusively single preanal teeth, greatly increasing in size in basal direction; lateral setae on postabdomen, not decreasing in size basad; absence of denticles on base of postabdomen; complete absence of any denticles on distal and middle portion of ventral margin of postabdominal claws; distalmost spine on claw base longer than basalmost; bases of antennules compressed against each other (although not touching); slightly different armature of two sides of lateral swimming setae; presence of small hooks on tips of lateral swimming setae; distal segments of setae on trunk of limb I setulated only in basal portion; sensillum on gnathobase II curved.  相似文献   

Juan C. Paggi 《Hydrobiologia》1989,182(3):239-248
A new species of Ilyocryptus Sars from several localities in River Paraná basin, is described and figured. By the presence of a lateral process on the valves I. paranaensis n.sp. resembles I. cornutus Mordukhai-Boltovskoi & Chircova, but it shows several morphological differences in the shape and the armature of the postabdomen and in the antennal formula.  相似文献   

A new genus (Celsinotum) and three new species are described from intermittent athalassic saline waters in the Paroo region of northwest New South Wales, which have TDS varying from 2.8 to 14.0 g l-1. The species are large, thin, high-bodied, and have a pronounced keel on the shell but not on the head. The marginal armature of the postabdomen consists entirely of clusters of fine spinules. Most strikingly, the males have 12 terminal aesthetascs on the antennule, and in addition have 5 or 6 equally long accessory aesthetascs arising laterally. Alona taraporevalae from India presumably also has this character, but a comparison of the two species indicates they are not closely related.The taxa bear a general similarity to Alona diaphana from Australia, but a close comparison shows that they, too, are unrelated. A. diaphana has a prominent spine arising from the basal segment of the antennal exopod, the two IDL (= inner distal lobe) setae on trunklimb I have a much coarser setulation distally than in Celsinotum, and on the postabdomen the postanal portion is always considerably longer than the anal, and the marginal armament consists of single setae distally and clusters of only a few setae proximally. Besides, the species is smaller, the body is wider and less high, and the shell although weakly ridged is not keeled. The male has 9 terminal aesthetascs and no accessory lateral ones.In athalassic saline waters around the world the number of anomopod species declines negative exponentially in relation to salinity. Many of the freshwater species persist into the 3 to 10 range without any difficulty, some occur in abundance up to 30, and a few even extend into the hypersaline range. Chydorids, though, except for a very few species, do not tolerate salinities higher than about 15, and none of them seem adapted to these salinities and confined to them. Celsinotum, though, possibly is so adapted, as it did not occur in other basins of the region with lower salinities, and it is not presently known from other regions.Having different but closely related congeneric taxa in nearby lakes of the same region seems surprising. The three species of Celsinotum are very similar in most details of morphology, but they vary significantly in body proportions, the number of denticle clusters on the postanal portion of the postabdomen, and in such seemingly minor details as the amount of expansion of the labral plate. Such taxonomic differentiation, which has been observed in other groups of organisms as well, is believed to have arisen from the extreme temporal isolation of these waterbodies, those in the Paroo region normally containing water only once every 5 to 20 years.  相似文献   

Alexey A. Kotov 《Hydrobiologia》2003,490(1-3):147-168
The aim of the present article was to contribute to the systematics of the leydigi-like species of Leydigia consisting of a few (probably 3) formal species with: (1) a large basal spine on the postabdominal claw (as long as claw thickness at the base); (2) a short setulation at anterior margin of labral keel; (3) no longitudinal striation on the female valves; (4) at least three lateral setae in each fascicle on the postabdomen; (5) three large lateral setae on exopodite III. The morphology of L. leydigi (Schoedler, 1863) and L. louisi Jenkin, 1934 are redescribed, and type material of L. macrodonta Sars, 1916 is studied. In contrast to previous suggestions (Jenkin, 1934; Smirnov, 1971), I found that: (1) L. louisi is a valid species, not a subspecies of L. macrodonta; (2) L. macrodonta is not a member of the L. leydigi-group. The third member of leydigi-group, Leydigia macrodonta longiseta Chen Shou-zhong, 1992, was described from China. It is not a subspecies of L. macrodonta, but a relative of L. leydigi; most probably, it is a valid species, but this opinion must to be confirmed by examination of original Asian material. In this article, the presence of L. leydigi in Palearctic only, and that of L. louisi in only Africa was confirmed. A new subspecies of L. louisi, found in Mexico, will be reported separately.  相似文献   

Two new species of Cladocera were found during an intensive study of Malaysian zooplankton. Macrothrix malaysiensis sp. nov. is unique in the genus in possessing a characteristic posterodorsal spine on the carapace. The structure of the antennules is also diagnostic. Alona freyi sp. nov. closely resembles A. verrucosa Sars and A. rigidicaudis (Smirnov). However, it can be diagnosed by the characteristic head shield, labral plate, ventral setae and the structure of the postabdomen.  相似文献   

The group of hyponeustonic daphniid cladocera previously known under the generic name Scapholeberis is raised to the rank of a subfamily (Scapholeberinae) and contains two genera, Megafenestra n.gen. (2 species), and Scapholeberis s.s. (7 species and one subspecies). The characters upon which this revision is based are: structure of the rostrum, structure of the first antennae, structure of trunk limbs 1, 2, and 5, presence and nature of headpore(s), structure of the ventral rim of the valves, armature of the distal rim of the valves, structure of the postabdomen and its end-claws. Males were examined in all but two species, and proved to be more primitive than females and much less diagnostic than in the Chydoridae. It also appeared that the shape and armature of the postabdomen are less important taxonomical tools than heretofore supposed. In more than half of the species, it is of generalised shape and hardly usable beyond the species-group level. The same, although less drastically, holds true for the P1 of males. Of greatest diagnostic value at the species level are the shape of the rostrum and the armature of the valve margins. A phylogeny of the subfamily is proposed, with Megafenestra as the more primitive genus, closely allied to Ceriodaphnia, and within Scapholeberis, S. mucronata as the most apomorphic species. In biogeographical respect, no species is cosmopolitan, although their ranges may be of continental dimensions. Species and populations appear to concentrate in the temperate and continental climate belts of the northern hemisphere, but more research in the southern hemisphere is needed. A key for the identification of all species is given.  相似文献   

Previously only a single species of Ilyocryptus Sars , 1862 (Cladocera: Anomopoda: Ilyocryptidae) was reported from Thailand, I. spinifer Herrick , 1882. However, our examination of numerous samples from this country resulted in the discovery of four other species of Ilyocryptus. Ilyocryptus thailandensis sp. nov. is described from two adjacent water bodies in Uttaradit Province, North Thailand. It has at least two characters which distinguish it from any other species of the Ilyocryptus: (1) a row of lateral setae reaching medial anus, and continuing along preanal margin up to base of the postabdomen; (2) a large projection bearing the sensory setae, situated on the coxal region of antenna II. It appears to be a rare species, may be, endemic of the North Thailand.  相似文献   

1. We describe the interactions during mating in Chydorus sphaericus, a cyclical parthenogenetic anomopod. Mating behaviour is more complex than previously assumed, with evidence for a diffusible chemical to which males react at the onset of mating, for reproductive isolation, and for postcopulatory mate guarding. 2. During mating, the male and female form a ‘mating cross’ that may be maintained for several hours, while copulation itself typically lasts less than a minute. Furthermore, males invariably attach to the right valve of females. Copulation involves intromission of the postabdomen between the valves, so that the gonopores approach the left ovarium. 3. This behaviour is reflected in the morphology of both sexes: males have a specialised anterior valve margin, postabdomen, first limb and rostrum, under selective pressure for successful mate guarding and copulation, while gamogenetic females have asymmetric ovaries, and a species‐specific setulation of the valves. Males of the structurally related Chydorus ovalis react to the presence of C. sphaericus, but fail to dock to females, suggesting a lock‐antilock element in the reproductive isolation of both species. 4. The morphological and ethological adaptations in C. sphaericus suggest that there is a strong selective pressure on mating behaviour in this cyclical parthenogen and specifically towards the formation of the ‘mating cross’.  相似文献   

Hünefeld, F. and Beutel, R.G. 2011. The female postabdomen of the enigmatic Nannochoristidae (Insecta: Mecopterida) and its phylogenetic significance. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00: 1–8. External and internal features of the female postabdomen of Nannochorista neotropica are described in detail. The conditions found in females of Nannochoristidae come closest to the ground plan of Mecopterida. This lineage is characterised by telescoping postabdominal segments, a presumptive autapomorphic feature that is modified in some antliophoran groups, but displayed by the nannochoristid species in a typical manner. More potential autapomorphies of Mecopterida, all present in Nannochoristidae, are the neo‐formation of an intersegmental muscle, a transverse muscle spanning between the genital appendages of segment VIII, a muscle connecting these appendages and the genital chamber and the loss of an intersegmental muscle. Plesiomorphic features of Nannochoristidae are the presence of paired genital appendages on segments VIII and IX. Information on the egg‐depositing substrates of the females is not available. The telescoping postabdomen is suitable for oviposition in soft substrates such as moist soil, or rotten plant materials in the riparian zone, and this is possibly a ground‐plan feature of Mecopterida. The results of recent phylogenetic analyses based on morphological data support a placement of Nannochoristidae in Antliophora, whereas the exact position of the group remains ambiguous. No characters of the female postabdomen were found supporting the monophyly of Mecoptera as conventionally circumscribed, that is Nannochoristidae + Boreidae + Pistillifera.  相似文献   

Sinev  Artem Y. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,437(1-3):197-202
As in most other Chydoridae, Alona affinis has two juvenile instars in both sexes and development of the male is similar to that of previously studied species. Several interesting traits were found in the development of the first trunk limb. Males with abnormal morphology in sex-linked characters and ephippial females with a postabdomen similar to that of the adult male are described.  相似文献   

The evolution of groundwater Cladocera   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Cladocera occur in various types of groundwater, but are most common in the underflow of rivers. Numerous surface water species occasionally venture into groundwater; some chydorids are more common in groundwaters than in surface waters; at least three groups within Alona, finally, have evolved exclusive groundwater species. The latter show few obvious adaptations to the subterranean habitat, except loss of an eye or total blindness. Some, however, have conserved an array of primitive characters (e.g. on the end-claw of the postabdomen, and the setation of the valve rims) which suggest that the physical protection and relative constancy of the hyporheic has permitted the survival of some ancient taxa.  相似文献   

Koen Martens 《Hydrobiologia》1991,218(2):127-131
The male of Sclerocypris tuberculata (Methuen), thus far unknown, is here described. Relying on the morphology of the copulatory appendages and of the prehensile palps, it appears that this taxon belongs to a separate species group, together with S. zelaznyi and perhaps also S. sarsi. There are some interesting sexual dimorphic characters in the valve morphology: males have shorter valves with a dorsal margin which runs nearly parallel to the ventral one (more elongated valves with sloping dorsal margin in females) and there is lobe-like projection of the valve margin on the ventro-caudal corner of the LV in females which is lacking in the male. Furthermore, the female genital region has a very aberrant morphology, and all specimens from the present collection possess the tuberculated and noded valves.  相似文献   

K. Lundin 《Zoomorphology》1997,117(2):81-92
 The fine morphology of epidermal ciliary structures in four species of the Nemertodermatida and four species of the Acoela was studied, with emphasis on Meara stichopi (Nemertodermatida). The cilium of M. stichopi has a distal shelf and is proximally separated from the basal body by a cup-shaped structure. The bottom of the cup consists of a bilayered dense plate, or basal plate. The basal body consists of peripheral microtubule doublets continuous with those of the cilium. In the upper part of the basal body, the doublets are set at an angle and are anchored to the enclosing cell membrane by Y-shaped structures. The lower part of the basal body tapers eventually. The striated main rootlet arises on the anterior face of the basal body, initially like a flattened strap, and continues along the basal body shaped as a tube which further down becomes solid. The hour-glass-shaped posterior rootlet arises on the posterior face of the basal body. Contrary to the main rootlet, the striations in the proximal part of the posterior rootlet run parallel to the microtubule doublets of the basal body. A pair of microtubule bundles lead from the posterior rootlet to the two main rootlets in the hind ciliary row, and follow these to their lower tip. In the other species of the Nemertodermatida studied, the structure of the ciliary basal body and the ciliary rootlets is similar to that of M. stichopi. Structural differences in the species of the Acoela are that the lowermost end of the basal body is narrow and bent forwards, the proximal part of the main rootlet is trough-shaped, the main rootlet is accompanied by a pair of lateral rootlets and the posterior rootlet with associated microtubule bundles is thin. The epidermal ciliary structures in species of the Nemertodermatida and Acoela have a number of shared characters which are unique within the Plathelminthes. However, almost all of these characters are found in Xenoturbella bocki (Xenoturbellida), and some even in species of other ”phyla” of the ”lower” Metazoa. Hence, these characters cannot be considered apomorphic for the Acoelomorpha. A character seemingly present only in species of the Nemertodermatida and Acoela is the bilayered dense plate. This feature might represent an autapomorphic character state for the Acoelomorpha. Accepted: 7 March 1997  相似文献   

Three Cocconeis Ehrenberg species, epiphytic on the leaves of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, were studied by light and electron microscopy. A new species, C. pseudonotata, is described which is closely related to C. notata Petit and C. diruptoides Hustedt. Gross morphology and the presence of a sigmoid raphe and sternum are the characters shared by the three species, whereas the central areas of sternum and raphe-sternum valves, and the stria and areola densities are the main distinctive characters for the species when observed by light microscopy. Scanning and transmission electron microscopic observations revealed that the fine structure of areolae must be also considered in order to identify the species. Comparison among the three species has been carried out by observations on material from our samples, as well as on the type material of C. diruptoides and cleaned samples from the Hustedt collection. The study also provides new information on the geographical distribution of these species.  相似文献   

Sinev  Artem Y. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,464(1-3):113-119
Investigation of Sars' type material reveals that South American Alona iheringi Sars, 1901 (Chydoridae, Anomopoda, Branchiopoda) is a good species, not a synonym of A. rustica Scott, 1895 as was presumed before. A. iheringi is redescribed from the type material. It shows characteristic features of the costata-group, such as transverse lateral head pores and a peculiar shape of the male postabdomen. It is closely related to A. rustica, but differs from it by the morphology of the main head pores, of the III–V trunk limbs, and of the valves.  相似文献   

Juan C. Paggi 《Hydrobiologia》1992,231(3):141-151
I. elegans n.sp. from the Parana River, northeastern Argentina is proposed and its morphological features are compared with those of the apparently related I. agilis. Its outstanding characteristics are the long 2rd to 5th setae of ventral margin of the valves, the rudimentary nature of defensive setae, the low number of spines in the preanal lobe of postabdomen and the unequality of the length of the setae in the outer distal lobe of first trunk limbs.Finding of this new species suggests that I. agilis would be a complex of species and its records should be revised.  相似文献   

The parthenogenetic female of a new anomopod crustacean, Notothrix halsei gen. n. et sp. n., is described from Lake Angove and found in five other sites in SW Australia. Although macrotrichid-like at first glance, a detailed morphological study including thoracic appendages revealed a set of primitive characters and similarities with primitive families, in particular with the Eurycercidae and Acantholeberidae. Ancestral traits of Notothrix gen. n. comprise: (i) a single large head pore; (ii) second maxilla; (iii) incomplete dorsal merger of valves; (iv) second antenna with a three- and a four-segmented branch; (v) six trunk limbs; (vi) two setae on a sixth endite in the first limb, vs. complete row of posterior setae on the second limb; (vii) large number of setae on exopodites III–V; (viii) well-developed gnathobase V; and (ix) massive postabdomen with wide, telson-like terminus between end-claws that show complex spinulation but no basal spine. Analysis of the complete 18S (SSU) rRNA gene sequence including taxa from all but four anomopod families and using Ctenopoda as an outgroup, confirms our separation of the new taxon, the Nototrichidae fam. n. Although different alignments resulted in different trees, the analyses confirm an isolated position of Notothrix , which has the shortest SSU rRNA gene length known for anomopods. However, the phylogenies derived from a comparison of 18S rRNA gene sequences between families of the order Anomopoda, does not resolve the descent of the various family groups.  相似文献   

European populations of Daphnia similis Claus have been compared with populations from tropical Asia. Daphnia similoides n. sp. from tropical Asia was described as the sibling species of D. similis. The female has characteristic neonate, postabdomen, head, and ephippium. The male has characteristic rostrum, antennules, and the distalmost part of the postabdomen. The D. similis group was compared with D. carinata s. str. Australian populations.  相似文献   

Igor Hudec 《Hydrobiologia》1990,190(1):33-42
Moina weismanni Ishikawa is reported from Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Yugoslavia. The species was formerly synonymized with Moina micrura Kurz, based on parthenogenotic females. In both species, parthenogenetic females have a characteristic postabdomen, antennules (characters formerly regarded as typical for a variety of M. micrura), and ephippium. Wales are quite different. Examined populations of both species are similar in length-to-width ratio. M. weismanni is typical for small, eutrophic but permanent, and for large temporary water bodies. M. micrura is restricted to the plankton.  相似文献   

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