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Leishmania amazonensis and Leishmania braziliensis are the main causal agents of anergic diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis and hyperergic mucosal leishmaniasis in man, respectively. In this work we demonstrate that intramuscular vaccination of BALB/c mice with whole antigens of L. amazonensis (LaAg) but not L. braziliensis (LbAg) results in increased susceptibility to cutaneous leishmaniasis. LaAg vaccination resulted in an increased capacity of the draining lymph nodes to produce IL-10 and TGF-beta during antigen recall responses. In vitro cultivation with LaAg but not LbAg induced increased apoptosis of CD8+ T cells. Following infection with L. amazonensis, LaAg-vaccinated mice produced significantly more TGF-beta and a higher serum IgG1/IgG2a antibody ratio compared with LbAg-vaccinated and non-vaccinated animals. The association of TGF-beta with enhanced susceptibility to infection was confirmed in mice co-vaccinated with LaAg and neutralizing anti-TGF-beta antibodies. Upon parasite challenge, these animals developed much smaller lesion sizes and parasite burdens, comparable with non-vaccinated controls. The disease-promoting effect of LaAg vaccination is not a general event, as in contrast to BALB/c, the disease outcome in C57Bl/6 mice was unaltered. Together, these findings indicate that species-specific components of L. amazonensis activate overt TGF-beta production that predisposes more susceptible individuals to aggravated disease following vaccination.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated the critical role of IL-10 in susceptibility to cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania major and Leishmania donovani, respectively. To determine whether IL-10 also plays a similar role in the susceptibility and pathogenesis of cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by the New World species, L. mexicana and L. amazonensis, we analyzed their course of infection in IL-10-deficient BALB/c mice and their wild-type counterparts. Although IL-10-deficient mice infected with either L. mexicana or L. amazonensis failed to control the lesion progression, we did observe consistently lower levels of infection in IL-10(-/-) mice compared with wild-type BALB/c mice. We also observed increased IFN-gamma and NO production and higher levels for IL-12p40 and IL-12Rbeta(2) mRNA in cells from IL-10(-/-) mice compared with cells from BALB/c mice. The mRNA levels for IL-4, which increased significantly in both IL-10(-/-) and BALB/c mice, were comparable. When treated with anti-IL-4 mAb, IL-10(-/-) mice resolved the infection more effectively and had significantly fewer parasites in their lesions compared with similarly treated BALB/c mice. These findings suggest that IL-10, although not the dominant mediator of susceptibility of BALB/c mice to infection with L. mexicana and L. amazonensis, does play a significant role in regulating the development of a protective Th1-type response. However, effective resolution of infection with these New World parasites requires neutralization of both IL-4 and IL-10.  相似文献   

Leishmania chagasi and Leishmania amazonensis are the etiologic agents of different clinical forms of human leishmaniasis in South America. In an attempt to select candidate antigens for a vaccine protecting against different Leishmania species, the efficacy of vaccination using Leishmania ribosomal proteins and saponin as adjuvant was examined in BALB/c mice against challenge infection with both parasite species. Mice vaccinated with parasite ribosomal proteins purified from Leishmania infantum plus saponin showed a specific production of IFN-γ, IL-12 and GM-CSF after in vitro stimulation with L. infantum ribosomal proteins. Vaccinated mice showed a reduction in the liver and spleen parasite burdens after L. chagasi infection. After L. amazonensis challenge, vaccinated mice showed a decrease of the dermal pathology and a reduction in the parasite loads in the footpad and spleen. In both models, protection was correlated to an IL-12-dependent production of IFN-γ by CD4+ and CD8+ T cells that activate macrophages for the synthesis of NO. In the protected mice a decrease in the parasite-mediated IL-4 and IL-10 responses was also observed. In mice challenged with L. amazonensis, lower levels of anti-parasite-specific antibodies were detected. Thus, Leishmania ribosomal proteins plus saponin fits the requirements to compose a pan-Leishmania vaccine.  相似文献   

The worldwide presence of Leishmania parasites increases in the poorest regions. Current leishmaniasis treatments are unsatisfactory due to resistance development, side effects and cost. Herein, we describe the in vitro activity of artemisinin (ART), artemether (ATM), artesunate (ATS) and dihydroartemisinin (DHA) against Leishmania amazonensis. Selected compounds were assayed in the animal model of cutaneous leishmaniasis in BALB/c mice. On intracellular amastigotes, similar activity (p > 0.05) was observed for ART, ATM and ATS (IC50 = 15.0–19.2 μM), which were inferior (p < 0.05) respect to reference endoperoxide ascaridole (IC50 = 11.5 ± 1.0 μM) and superior (p < 0.05) compared with reference drug Glucantime® (IC50 = 30.1 ± 9.0 μM). In contrast, DHA (IC50 = 38.5 ± 4.7 μM) showed higher IC50 values (p < 0.05) than other artemisinins and ascaridole, but similar (p > 0.05) than Glucantime®; while deoxyartemisinin caused smaller inhibition (IC50 = 88.9 ± 5.2 μM). Selectivity indexes of >13, 6, 11 and 1 were obtained for ART, ATM, ATS and DHA, respectively. In addition, the potential effect of ART and ATS was also demonstrated in the murine model, causing a significant reduction (p < 0.05) of the lesion size and parasite load regarding untreated animals and treated with vehicle. Effects of both artemisinins were comparable (p > 0.05) with Glucantime® and ascaridole-treated mice. In particular, artemisinin is recommended to further studies, which could be an advantage over the ascaridole endoperoxide and could be useful in endemic areas of parasite resistance to antimonials.  相似文献   

Autophagy is the primary mechanism of degradation of cellular proteins and at least two functions can be attributed to this biological phenomenon: increased nutrient supply via recycling of the products of autophagy under nutrient starvation; and antimicrobial response involved in the innate immune system. Many microorganisms induce host cell autophagy and it has been proposed as a pathway by which parasites compete with the host cell for limited resources. In this report we provide evidence that the intracellular parasite Leishmania amazonensis induces autophagy in macrophages. Using western blotting, the LC3II protein, a marker of autophagosomes, was detected in cell cultures with a high infection index. Macrophages infected with L. amazonensis were examined by transmission electronic microscopy, which revealed enlarged myelin-like structures typical late autophagosome and autolysosome. Other evidence indicating autophagy was Lysotracker red dye uptake by the macrophages. Autophagy also occurs in the leishmaniasis skin lesions of BALB/c mice, detected by immunohistochemistry with anti-LC3II antibody. In this study, autophagy inhibitor 3-methyladenine (3MA) reduced the infection index, while autophagy inductors, such as rapamycin or starvation, did not alter the infection index in cultivated macrophages, suggesting that one aspect of the role of autophagy could be the provision of nutritive support to the parasite.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of the platelet activation factor (PAF) receptor (PAFR) in the outcome of infection with Leishmania amazonensis. PAFR deficient (PAFR(-/-)) mice were infected with L. amazonensis and the course of infection was followed. We found that PAFR(-/-) mice in the C57BL/6 background were more susceptible to infection with L. amazonensis than the wild-type controls, as seen both by lesion size and parasite number at the site of infection. Interferon (IFN)-gamma production was delayed in PAFR(-/-) mice, and lower levels of Ccl5 were found in lesions. Expression of nitric oxide synthase-2 mRNA was found impaired in PAFR(-/-) associated with higher levels of arginase-1 mRNA. Moreover, higher levels of antibodies were produced in response to L. amazonensis by PAFR(-/-) mice. We conclude that signaling through the PAFR is essential for the ability of the murine host to control L. amazonensis infection by driving an adequate immune response.  相似文献   

Leukotrienes (LTs) are known to be produced by macrophages when challenged with Leishmania, but it is not known whether these lipid mediators play a role in host defense against this important protozoan parasite. In this study, we investigated the involvement of LTs in the in vitro and in vivo response to Leishmania amazonensis infection in susceptible (BALB/c) and resistant (C3H/HePAS) mice. Pharmacologic or genetic deficiency of LTs resulted in impaired leishmanicidal activity of peritoneal macrophages in vitro. In contrast, addition of LTB4 increased leishmanicidal activity and this effect was dependent on the BLT1 receptor. LTB4 augmented NO production in response to L. amazonensis challenge, and studies with a NO synthesis inhibitor revealed that NO was critical for the enhancement of macrophage leishmanicidal activity. Interestingly, macrophages from resistant mice produced higher levels of LTB4 upon L. amazonensis challenge than did those from susceptible mice. In vivo infection severity, as assessed by footpad swelling following s.c. promastigote inoculation, was increased when endogenous LT synthesis was abrogated either pharmacologically or genetically. Taken together, these results for the first time reveal an important role for LTB4 in the protective response to L. amazonensis, identify relevant leishmanicidal mechanisms, and suggest that genetic variation in LTB4 synthesis might influence resistance and susceptibility patterns to infection.  相似文献   



Drug resistance is a major problem in leishmaniasis chemotherapy. RNA expression profiling using DNA microarrays is a suitable approach to study simultaneous events leading to a drug-resistance phenotype. Genomic analysis has been performed primarily with Old World Leishmania species and here we investigate molecular alterations in antimony resistance in the New World species L. amazonensis.

Methods/Principal Findings

We selected populations of L. amazonensis promastigotes for resistance to antimony by step-wise drug pressure. Gene expression of highly resistant mutants was studied using DNA microarrays. RNA expression profiling of antimony-resistant L. amazonensis revealed the overexpression of genes involved in drug resistance including the ABC transporter MRPA and several genes related to thiol metabolism. The MRPA overexpression was validated by quantitative real-time RT-PCR and further analysis revealed that this increased expression was correlated to gene amplification as part of extrachromosomal linear amplicons in some mutants and as part of supernumerary chromosomes in other mutants. The expression of several other genes encoding hypothetical proteins but also nucleobase and glucose transporter encoding genes were found to be modulated.


Mechanisms classically found in Old World antimony resistant Leishmania were also highlighted in New World antimony-resistant L. amazonensis. These studies were useful to the identification of resistance molecular markers.  相似文献   

The parasitic protozoan Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis alternates between mammalian and insect hosts. In the insect host, the parasites proliferate as procyclic promastigotes and then differentiate into metacyclic infective forms. The meta 1 gene is preferentially expressed during metacyclogenesis. Meta 1 expression profile determination along parasite growth curves revealed that the meta 1 mRNA level peaked at the early stationary phase then decreased to an intermediate level. No correlation was observed between meta 1 expression and infectivity. Conversely, infectivity correlated with the increase of apoptotic cells in the late stationary phase.  相似文献   

A comparative study of proteolytic enzymes and cell-surface protein composition in virulent and avirulent Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis promastigote forms was carried out using one- and two-dimensional dodecyl sulfate sodium-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The surface iodinated protein profiles showed two major polypeptides of 65-60 and 50-47 kDa that were expressed in both virulent and avirulent promastigote forms. However, minor quantitative differences were observed in the cell-surface profile between the avirulent and virulent promastigotes. These included polypeptides of 115, 52, 45, 32, and 25 kDa that were preferentially expressed in the virulent forms. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE showed an accentuated expression of acidic polypeptides; some of them differentially expressed in the promastigote forms analyzed. Live parasites treated with glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-specific phospholipase C (PLC) from Trypanosoma brucei and immunoprecipitated with the cross-reacting determinant (CRD) antibody recognized three major polypeptides of 65-60, 52, and 50-47 kDa, hence suggesting that these peptides were anchored to the plasma membrane domains through GPI anchor. Moreover, the polypeptides of 65-60 and 52 kDa were also recognized by the gp63 antiserum. Several metalloproteinase activities were similar in both virulent and avirulent promastigote forms, whereas cysteine proteinase activities, sensitive to E-64, were preferentially expressed in virulent promastigotes. These results suggest that cell-surface polypeptides and intracellular cysteine proteinases might play an important role in the virulence of L. (L.) amazonensis.  相似文献   

Two strains of mice selected according to extreme phenotypes of susceptibility and resistance to oral tolerance (TS and TR mice, respectively) were infected with 1 x 10(7) Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes and studied comparatively. TS mice developed a minor pathology while permitting parasite growth with the presence of increased IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-gamma, and lower NO and IL-2 levels and delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH). In contrast, in TR mice, footpad swelling was increased but parasite growth was reduced. They produced lower IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-gamma but increased NO, IL-2 levels, DTH, activated spleen macrophages and periarteriolar lymphoid sheaths. The results suggest that the tolerogenic TS mouse profile, with higher IL-10 production, impaired lesion development but also avoided macrophage leishmanicidal activity, maintaining in this manner a silent parasite load. On the other hand, the TR mouse profile contributed to lesion progression with controlled parasite load. To directly address the influence of oral tolerance on infection, mice were gavaged with OVA, and 7 days afterwards were infected and challenged to bystander suppression with OVA in the same footpad. In TR mice gavaged with 25 mg OVA the inflammatory lesion was largely enhanced, while with 5 mg OVA the lesion was diminished. In TS mice the footpad swelling was always lower. However, the bystander effect did not modify the establishment of infection; and similarly to the control non-bystander mice, parasite clearance was maintained in TR and prevented in TS mice. Therefore, a better comprehension of immunoregulation of innate and adaptive immunity in the early stages of infection is necessary for the development of protocols preventing inflammation and contributing to the elimination of parasites.  相似文献   

Leishmania is an intracellular parasite in vertebrate hosts, including man. During infection, amastigotes replicate inside macrophages and are transmitted to healthy cells, leading to amplification of the infection. Although transfer of amastigotes from infected to healthy cells is a crucial step that may shape the outcome of the infection, it is not fully understood. Here we compare L. amazonensis and L. guyanensis infection in C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice and investigate the fate of macrophages when infected with these species of Leishmania in vitro. As previously shown, infection of mice results in distinct outcomes: L. amazonensis causes a chronic infection in both strains of mice (although milder in C57BL/6), whereas L. guyanensis does not cause them disease. In vitro, infection is persistent in L. amazonensis-infected macrophages whereas L. guyanensis growth is controlled by host cells from both strains of mice. We demonstrate that, in vitro, L. amazonensis induces apoptosis of both C57BL/6 and BALB/c macrophages, characterized by PS exposure, DNA cleavage into nucleosomal size fragments, and consequent hypodiploidy. None of these signs were seen in macrophages infected with L. guyanensis, which seem to die through necrosis, as indicated by increased PI-, but not Annexin V-, positive cells. L. amazonensis-induced macrophage apoptosis was associated to activation of caspases-3, -8 and -9 in both strains of mice. Considering these two species of Leishmania and strains of mice, macrophage apoptosis, induced at the initial moments of infection, correlates with chronic infection, regardless of its severity. We present evidence suggestive that macrophages phagocytize L. amazonensis-infected cells, which has not been verified so far. The ingestion of apoptotic infected macrophages by healthy macrophages could be a way of amastigote spreading, leading to the establishment of infection.  相似文献   

The immunomodulatory properties of lipophosphoglycans (LPG) from New World species of Leishmania have been assessed in Leishmania infantum and Leishmania braziliensis, the causative agents of visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis, respectively. This glycoconjugate is highly polymorphic among species with variation in sugars that branch off the conserved Gal(β1,4)Man(α1)-PO4 backbone of repeat units. Here, the immunomodulatory activity of LPGs from Leishmania amazonensis, the causative agent of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis, was evaluated in two strains from Brazil. One strain (PH8) was originally isolated from the sand fly and the other (Josefa) was isolated from a human case. The ability of purified LPGs from both strains was investigated during in vitro interaction with peritoneal murine macrophages and CHO cells and in vivo infection with Lutzomyia migonei. In peritoneal murine macrophages, the LPGs from both strains activated TLR4. Both LPGs equally activate MAPKs and the NF-κB inhibitor p-IκBα, but were not able to translocate NF-κB. In vivo experiments with sand flies showed that both stains were able to sustain infection in L. migonei. A preliminary biochemical analysis indicates intraspecies variation in the LPG sugar moieties. However, they did not result in different activation profiles of the innate immune system. Also those polymorphisms did not affect infectivity to the sand fly.  相似文献   

A model of skin infection with Leishmania amazonensis with low doses of parasites is compared to infection with high doses of L. amazonensis and low and high doses of Leishmania major. C57BL/6 mice were infected with 103 or 10(6) parasites in the ear and the outcome of infection was assessed. The appearance of lesions in mice infected with 103 parasites was delayed compared to mice infected with 10(6) Leishmania and parasites were detectable at the infection site before lesions became apparent. Mice infected with L. amazonensis displayed persistent lesions, whereas infection with L. major spontaneously healed in all groups, although lymphocytes persisted at the site of infection after healing. Macrophages persisted only in L. amazonensis-infected mice. High-dose L. amazonensis-infected mice produced lower levels of IFN-γ and TNF than mice infected with L. major. No correlation between the persistence of parasites and IL-10 levels and the production of nitric oxide or urea by macrophages was found. We conclude that infection with low doses of L. amazonensis in the dermis changes the course of infection by delaying the appearance of lesions. However, low-dose infection does not change the outcomes of susceptibility and cytokine production described for subcutaneous infection with high numbers of parasites.  相似文献   

The roles of IL-10 and IL-4 receptor signaling were evaluated in a murine model of Leishmania major infection. In previous studies the L. major substrain LV39 caused progressive, nonhealing lesions in BALB/c mice deficient for IL-4R alpha-chain (IL-4R alpha), while substrain IR173 was highly controlled. To explore whether IL-10 is responsible for inducing susceptibility to LV39, wild-type and IL-4R alpha(-/-) mice were treated with anti-IL-10R mAb, and in a genetic approach, the IL-4R alpha(-/-) mice were crossed with BALB/c IL-10(-/-) mice. In contrast to the lack of resistance conferred by IL-4R alpha gene deletion, partial resistance to LV39 was conferred by IL-10 gene deletion or treatment of BALB/c mice with anti-IL-10R mAb. Lesion sizes and LV39 parasite numbers were further and dramatically reduced in both anti-IL-10R-treated IL-4R alpha(-/-) mice and IL-4R alpha x IL-10 double knockouts. Anti-IL-10R mAb treatment further suppressed parasite growth in IL-4R alpha(-/-) mice infected with L. major IR173. Production of IFN-gamma was only increased relative to wild-type or littermate controls in IL-4R alpha(-/-) mice with complementary defects in IL-10. Comparisons of IFN-gamma-treated infected macrophages in vitro indicated that LV39 required 25- to 500-fold greater concentrations of IFN-gamma than IR173-infected macrophages to achieve a similar efficiency of parasite killing. These studies suggest that regardless of parasite substrain, IL-10 is as important as IL-4/IL-13 in promoting susceptibility to L. major and even more so for those substrains that are relatively resistant to IFN-gamma mediated killing.  相似文献   

Purinergic receptors are expressed throughout the respiratory system in diverse cell types. The efficiency of mucus clearance in the airways, the cascade leading to tissue injury, and inflammation are modulated by autocrine/paracrine release of nucleotides and signaling by purinergic receptors. We assessed the role of purinergic receptors in innate host defense of the lung in vivo by infecting mice deficient in P2Y1, P2Y2, or both receptors with intratracheal instillation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. After P. aeruginosa challenge, all double knockout (P2Y1/P2Y2-/-) mice succumbed within 30 h of challenge, whereas 85% of the wild-type mice survived. Thirty-three percent of wild-type mice survived beyond 96 h. Single knockout mice, P2Y1-/-, or P2Y2-/-, exhibited intermediate survivals. Twenty-four hours following intratracheal instillation of a sublethal dose of P. aeruginosa, the level of total protein in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was 1.8-fold higher in double knockout than in wild-type mice (P < 0.04). Total cell count in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids at 4 h and levels of IL-6 and macrophage inflammatory protein-2 in lung homogenates at 24 h postchallenge were significantly reduced in P2Y1/P2Y2-/- mice relative to wild-type mice. These findings suggest that purinergic receptors exert a protective role against infection of the lungs by P. aeruginosa by decreasing protein leak and enhancing proinflammatory cytokine response.  相似文献   

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