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Adaptive radiations provide an excellent opportunity for studying the correlates and causes for the origin of biodiversity. In these radiations, species diversity may be influenced by either the ecological and physical environment, intrinsic lineage effects, or both. Disentangling the relative contributions of these factors in generating biodiversity remains a major challenge in understanding why a lineage does or does not radiate. Here, we examined morphological variation in body shape for replicate flocks of Nicaraguan Midas cichlid fishes and tested its association with biological and physical characteristics of their crater lakes. We found that variability of body elongation, an adaptive trait in freshwater fishes, is mainly predicted by average lake depth (N = 6, P < 0.001, R2 = 0.96). Other factors considered, including lake age, surface area, littoral zone area, number of co‐occurring fish species, and genetic diversity of the Midas flock, did not significantly predict morphological variability. We also showed that lakes with a larger littoral zone have on average higher bodied Midas cichlids, indicating that Midas cichlid flocks are locally adapted to their crater lake habitats. In conclusion, we found that a lake's habitat predicts the magnitude and the diversity of body elongation in repeated cichlid adaptive radiations.  相似文献   

Choice of mate in the Midas cichlid, Cichlasoma citrinellum (Günther, 1864), has been examined from a number of perspectives, proceeding from general species attributes to individual differences.
The Midas cichlid discriminates against closely-related, highly-similar Cichlasoma , and recognizes sex, probably chemically in both cases. It is polychromatic and changes from the normal (N) pattern to gold (G) or even white at almost any age. Gold colouration inhibited attack and made it difficult to mate an N female with a G male; the inhibiting effect was cancelled by using a larger N female.
Because the Midas cichlid is also biparentally monogamous, early experience could easily influence later choice of mate. G females of G × G parents preferentially spawned adjacent to G males; N females of N × N spawned mainly before N males. N females of G × G pairs, however, showed no preference.
Groups of females were reared by all four combinations of two colours and two sexes, or by no parents. Females reared by identically pure-coloured parents responded most to males of those colours, whereas females raised by mixed-colour parents did not discriminate. Females reared without parents preferred N males. Regardless of their own or their parents' colour, juveniles spent more time with N juveniles and behaved less aggressively towards them, compared to G juveniles.
Fish were offered a choice among potential mates that differed in aggressiveness, size or breeding experience. Males did not choose on the basis of those traits. Females preferred large, aggressive, experienced males. Pairs with large aggressive males more readily kept a breeding territory, and aggressive experienced males guarded young more effectively. All females were equally aggressive in protecting their young.  相似文献   

Labile maturation and sex determination should be advantageous where the probability of finding a mating partner is unpredictable. Here we tested the hypothesis that the presence of a potential mating partner induces maturation and sex determination in a coral-dwelling fish, Gobiodon erythrospilus. In natural populations at Lizard Island (Great Barrier Reef), single individuals were less likely to be mature than paired individuals and they matured at a larger size, indicating plasticity in the timing of maturation. By manipulating group structure we demonstrated that both the timing of maturation and the sex of maturing individuals are socially controlled. Single juveniles did not mature, but maturation was rapidly induced by the presence of an adult partner. In addition, sex determination was found to be labile, with juveniles maturing into the opposite sex of the partner encountered. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental demonstration of social induction of maturation in conjunction with labile sex determination at maturation in vertebrates. This flexibility enables individuals to maximize their reproductive success in an environment where the timing of mate acquisition and the sex of their future partner are unpredictable.  相似文献   

The populations of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-producing cells within the preoptic area (POA) and terminal nerve (TN) of the brain have been suggested as the neuronal systems mediating social control of sex and gonadogenesis in sequentially hermaphroditic teleosts. In the present study, the number and soma size of GnRH-immunoreactive (GnRH-ir) cells in the POA and TN were studied in male, female and juvenile individuals of the dusky anemonefish (Amphiprionmelanopus), a species which displays both male to female sex change and socially controlled sexual maturation. The results showed that the number of POA (but not TN) GnRH-ir cells differ significantly between sexual phases, with males displaying higher cell numbers than both females and juveniles. Soma sizes of POA and TN GnRH-ir cells were larger in females than in males and juveniles. However, this relationship was fully explained by differences in body size. The results indicate that high POA GnRH cell numbers are part of a masculinizing mechanism and support the hypothesis that the POA GnRH cell population plays a central role in initiating or mediating the process of socially induced gonadal and/or behavioural transformations in sequential hermaphrodites. Accepted: 9 June 1997  相似文献   

Sex biases in adult aggression have been well studied and commonly arise when resources which affect survival or lifetime reproductive success are less abundant or more valuable for individuals of one sex. Despite the prevalence of sex biases in adult aggression, evidence for sex biases in juvenile aggression is scant. Here, we present evidence for female‐biased juvenile aggression in cooperatively breeding pied babblers (Turdoides bicolor). Unlike most cases of non‐lethal sibling aggression, juvenile aggression in pied babblers does not seem to be determined by food availability. Instead, we found that juvenile aggression was related to adult dispersal patterns. This study shows that females that were more aggressive as juveniles attempted dispersal earlier than less aggressive females. Potential explanations for the association between juvenile aggression and adult dispersal patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Through non-genetic maternal effects, mothers can tailor offspring phenotype to the environment in which young will grow up. If juvenile and adult ecologies differ, the conditions mothers experienced as juveniles may better predict their offspring's environment than the adult environment of mothers. In this case maternal decisions about investment in offspring quality should already be determined during the juvenile phase of mothers. I tested this hypothesis by manipulating juvenile and adult maternal environments independently in a cichlid fish. Females raised in a poor environment produced larger young than females raised without food limitations, irrespective of the feeding conditions experienced during adulthood. This maternal boost was due to a higher investment in eggs and to faster larval growth. Apparently, mothers prepare their offspring for similar environmental conditions to those they encountered as juveniles. This explanation is supported by the distribution of these fishes under natural conditions. Juveniles live in a different and much narrower range of habitats than adults. Therefore, the habitat mothers experienced as juveniles will allow them to predict their offspring's environment better than the conditions in the adult home range.  相似文献   

19 juvenile members of known genealogies in two wild baboon groups were studied over a 16-month period to compare the ontogeny of agonistic experience and dominance relations for males and females. Juveniles of all age-sex classes were disproportionately likely to receive aggression from and submit to adult males per unit of time spent in proximity. This pattern intensified with increasing juvenile age. With age, juvenile females more often submitted to unrelated adult females from higher-ranking families, whereas this was not true for juvenile males. All juveniles received aggression from older group members more often during feeding than was expected by chance. High rates of agonistic interaction with unrelated adult females accounted for old juvenile females (3–5.5 years-old) interacting agonistically more frequently than male age peers and young juveniles of either sex (1–2.5 years-old). Adult females were also more aggressive toward females among young juveniles, suggesting that adult females target females among juveniles for aggression and resistance to rank reversal. Within juvenile age groups, males dominated all females and all younger males, irrespective of maternal dominance status. Dominance relations among female age-peers were generally isomorphic with relations among their mothers. No juvenile targeted any older male for rank reversal. Males targeted all older females, whereas females typically targeted only older females from families lower-ranking than their own. The strong sexual dimorphism in adult body size in baboons may explain why juvenile males' dominance relations with peers and adult females are not structured along lines of family membership as is true for the less dimorphic macaques. Acquisition of higher agonistic status probably allows juveniles of both sexes to increase their success in within-group feeding competition during late stages of juvenility, which, in turn, could affect important life-history traits such as age at menarche and adult body size.  相似文献   

While acoustic communication has been described in adults of various fish species, our knowledge about the ontogeny of fish sound production is limited. In adults, sound signals are known to be involved during aggressive interactions. However, aggressive behaviour may appear early in the life of fishes due to the possible competition for food and space. If acoustic signals are used to send information to competitors, sounds are likely to play a role during interactions between juvenile fish as well. The apparition and evolution of sound production were monitored in a group of juveniles of the cichlid fish Metriaclima zebra from hatching to 4months of age. In addition, the link between vocalizations and agonistic behaviour was studied during dyadic interactions at three different ages. Sounds production appeared to be present early in the development of this fish and increased along with the number of aggressive behaviours. Recorded sounds consisted, in juveniles, in isolated pulses showing a decrease in frequency and duration as the fish grew. In adults, sounds became bursts of pulses but the transition from isolated to repetitive pulses was not observed. These results are compared to the existing literature on sound production ontogeny in fishes.  相似文献   

Variation in size among fishes can have important ecological consequences. The origin and persistence of variation in size among a cohort of juvenile prickly sculpin, Cottus asper, was explored experimentally by manipulating the size variability in juvenile fish and the presence of conspecific adult fishes in a factorial design. I found that adult fish significantly suppressed the growth and survivorship of juveniles, while the variance treatment alone had no effect on growth or survivorship. The presence of adults was also associated with a decrease in size variability in the high variance treatment. An analysis of juvenile growth patterns revealed no evidence for size dependent growth or temporal correlations in growth (`growth autocorrelation'), and are consistent with a lack of amplification of size variance through time. Juvenile C. asper appear to have been feeding on a relatively homogeneous resource and utilizing those resources similarly. Thus, patterns of individual growth and the presence of adult conspecifics may both serve to dampen size differences in this coastal fish species.  相似文献   

Many species of fishes are aggressive when placed in small aquaria. Aggression can negatively affect the welfare of those individuals toward whom it is directed. Animals may behave aggressively in order to defend resources such as food, shelter, mates, and offspring. The decision to defend depends on the distribution of resources and on ecological factors such as number of competitors, amount of available space, and amount of habitat complexity. This study tested the effects of these factors on aggression in a common aquarium fish, the Midas cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus). The study found that time spent behaving aggressively was not associated with small-scale differences in group size or available space. Aggression was significantly lower in a large aquarium with a complex habitat. Aquaria of sizes typically used in the companion animal (pet) hobby did not provide optimal welfare for cichlids housed with aggressive conspecifics. The public should be aware that this and similar species require larger aquaria with complex habitat, which elicit more natural behavior.  相似文献   

Many species of fishes are aggressive when placed in small aquaria. Aggression can negatively affect the welfare of those individuals toward whom it is directed. Animals may behave aggressively in order to defend resources such as food, shelter, mates, and offspring. The decision to defend depends on the distribution of resources and on ecological factors such as number of competitors, amount of available space, and amount of habitat complexity. This study tested the effects of these factors on aggression in a common aquarium fish, the Midas cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus). The study found that time spent behaving aggressively was not associated with small-scale differences in group size or available space. Aggression was significantly lower in a large aquarium with a complex habitat. Aquaria of sizes typically used in the companion animal (pet) hobby did not provide optimal welfare for cichlids housed with aggressive conspecifics. The public should be aware that this and similar species require larger aquaria with complex habitat, which elicit more natural behavior.  相似文献   

Juveniles from three species of Hawaiian gobiid fishes climb waterfalls as part of an amphidromous life cycle, allowing them to re-penetrate adult upstream habitats after being swept out to the ocean upon hatching. The importance of climbing for juvenile stream gobies is well established, but adult fish in upstream island habitats also face potential downstream displacement by periodic disturbances. Thus, retention of climbing ability could be advantageous for adult stream gobies. Climbing performance might be expected to decline among adults, however, due to the tendency for mass-specific muscular power production to decrease with body size, and a lack of positively allometric growth among structures like the pelvic sucker that support body weight against gravity. To evaluate changes in waterfall-climbing ability with body size in Hawaiian stream gobies, we compared climbing performance and kinematics between adults and juveniles from three species: Awaous guamensis , Sicyopterus stimpsoni and Lentipes concolor . For species in which juveniles climbed using 'powerbursts' of axial undulation, adult performance and kinematics showed marked changes: adult A. guamensis failed to climb, and adult L. concolor used multiple pectoral fin adductions to crutch up surfaces at slow speeds, rather than rapid powerbursts. Adult S. stimpsoni , like juveniles, still used oral and pelvic suckers to 'inch' up surfaces and climbed at speeds comparable to those of juveniles. However, unlike juveniles, adult S. stimpsoni also add pectoral fin crutching to every climbing cycle. Thus, although powerburst species appear to be particularly susceptible to size-related declines in waterfall-climbing performance, the addition of compensatory mechanisms prevents the loss of this novel function in some species.  相似文献   

Ecological specialization is common on coral reefs and almost certainly contributes to the high diversity of fishes and invertebrates associated with reefs. Here, the recruitment pathway of an endemic Gulf of California fish, the Browncheek Blenny, Acanthemblemaria crockeri (Teleostei: Chaenopsidae), which specializes as an adult on vacant invertebrate tests or tubes, is reported. Like most reef fishes, Browncheek Blennies have a planktonic larval stage that leaves the reef and later settles on suitable habitat as a fully developed juvenile. These blennies follow a clear, “two-step” recruitment pathway, however, and do not reside in invertebrate tests until reaching an adult body size. Individual juveniles and adults were observed for 3 min intervals in order to develop average time budgets for this species. Members of both sexes and all post-settlement life-history stages were included in the analysis. The difference in habitat use by post-settlement juveniles and adults is striking; the average juvenile spends none of its time inside a test, and the average large adult spends all of its time inside a test. Using data on intermediate-sized individuals, the behavioral change associated with invading a test was determined to be size-cued, and it occurs between 20 and 30 mm standard length. Changes in feeding and predator avoidance behaviors are also associated with the ontogenetic shift from life in the open to life in a shelter. Addition of artificial shelters demonstrated the essential role of access to this specialized resource in the population regulation of adults but not juveniles of these blennies.  相似文献   

Volcanic crater lakes are isolated habitats that are particularly well suited to investigating ecological and evolutionary divergence and modes of speciation. However, the mode, frequency, and timing of colonization of crater lakes have been difficult to determine. We used a statistical comparative phylogeographic approach, based on a mitochondrialDNA dataset, to infer the colonization history of two Nicaraguan crater lakes by populations of genetically and ecologically divergent cichlid lineages: Midas (Amphilophus cf. citrinellus complex) and moga (Hypsophrys nematopus). We compared estimates of diversity among populations within the two cichlid lineages and found that Midas were the most genetically diverse. From an approximate Bayesian computation analysis, we inferred that the crater lakes were each founded by both cichlid lineages in single waves of colonization: Masaya 5800 ± 300 years ago and Xiloá 5400 ± 750 years ago. We conclude that natural events are likely to have a dominant role in colonization of the crater lakes. Further, our findings suggest that the higher species richness and more rapid evolution of the Midas species complex, relative to other lineages of fishes in the same crater lakes, cannot be explained by earlier or more numerous colonization events.  相似文献   

Juvenile hamsters are typically less vulnerable to social subjugation than adults, although they will avoid aggressive individuals in some situations. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which social subjugation stimulates fear- or anxiety-like behavior in juvenile hamsters in both social and non-social contexts. Social context testing was conducted in a Y-maze while the non-social context apparatus consisted of an open field arena and a lat-maze. In the Y-maze, subjects were exposed to an unfamiliar aggressive adult hamster. Compared with non-subjugated controls, subjugated juveniles spent significantly more time in the area furthest from the aggressive adult stimulus. In addition, socially stressed animals were more likely to avoid the arm of the maze containing the social stimulus. When they did walk in the arm containing the social stimulus, subjugated individuals were more likely to ambulate slowly. Subjugated hamsters also performed fewer olfactory investigations in the proximity of the unfamiliar aggressive individual. Despite these behavioral differences detected between groups during testing in a social context, we observed no differences between groups in the open field and lat-maze. This suggests that the effects of subjugation observed in the Y-maze are specific to exposure to a social context and that social subjugation in juvenile hamsters does not result in a generalized state of fear. Instead, subjugated juveniles learned to avoid adult males and were otherwise behaviorally similar to non-subjugated controls.  相似文献   

Determining the genetic bases of adaptations and their roles in speciation is a prominent issue in evolutionary biology. Cichlid fish species flocks are a prime example of recent rapid radiations, often associated with adaptive phenotypic divergence from a common ancestor within a short period of time. In several radiations of freshwater fishes, divergence in ecomorphological traits — including body shape, colour, lips and jaws — is thought to underlie their ecological differentiation, specialization and, ultimately, speciation. The Midas cichlid species complex (Amphilophus spp.) of Nicaragua provides one of the few known examples of sympatric speciation where species have rapidly evolved different but parallel morphologies in young crater lakes. This study identified significant QTL for body shape using SNPs generated via ddRAD sequencing and geometric morphometric analyses of a cross between two ecologically and morphologically divergent, sympatric cichlid species endemic to crater Lake Apoyo: an elongated limnetic species (Amphilophus zaliosus) and a high‐bodied benthic species (Amphilophus astorquii). A total of 453 genome‐wide informative SNPs were identified in 240 F2 hybrids. These markers were used to construct a genetic map in which 25 linkage groups were resolved. Seventy‐two segregating SNPs were linked to 11 QTL. By annotating the two most highly supported QTL‐linked genomic regions, genes that might contribute to divergence in body shape along the benthic–limnetic axis in Midas cichlid sympatric adaptive radiations were identified. These results suggest that few genomic regions of large effect contribute to early stage divergence in Midas cichlids.  相似文献   

The prevalence of major habitat shifts in tropical fishes between juvenile and adult stages (ontogenetic shifts) in one of the northernmost coral reefs in the world (Kudaka Island, Japan) is given. The comparative analysis of spatial distribution of juveniles v . adults highlighted four ontogenetic patterns: no change in habitat use between juveniles and adults (five species), a decrease in the number of habitats used by adults compared to juveniles (three species), an increase in the number of habitats used during the adult stage (four species) and use of nursery areas by juveniles followed by extensive movements to different adult habitats (three species). The comparative analysis of fish distribution over time ( i.e. during three consecutive settlement months) showed that 84% of species had temporal consistency in ontogenetic patterns of habitat use.  相似文献   

In Xenopus laevis frogs, sex differences in adult laryngeal synapses contribute to sex differences in vocal behavior. This study explores the development of sex differences in types of neuromuscular synapses and the development and hormone regulation of sex differences in transmitter release. Synapses in the juvenile larynx have characteristics not found in adults: juvenile muscle fibers can produce subthreshold or suprathreshold potentials in response to the same strength of nerve stimulation and can also produce multiple spikes to a single nerve stimulus. Juvenile laryngeal muscle also contains the same synapse types (I, II, and III) as are found in adult laryngeal muscle. The distribution of laryngeal synapse types in juveniles is less sexually dimorphic than the distribution in adults. Analysis of quantal content indicates that laryngeal synapses characteristically release low amounts of transmitter prior to sexual differentiation. Quantal content values from male and female juveniles are similar to values for adult males and are lower than values for adult females. When juveniles are gonadectomized and treated with exogenous estrogen, quantal content values increase significantly, suggesting that this hormone may increase transmitter release at laryngeal synapses during development. Gonadectomy alone does not affect quantal content of laryngeal synapses in either sex. Androgen treatment decreases quantal content in juvenile females but not males; the effect is opposite to and smaller than that of estrogen. Thus, muscle fiber responses to nerve stimulation and transmitter release are not sexually dimorphic in juvenile larynges. Transmitter release is strengthened, or feminized, by the administration of estradiol, an ovarian steroid hormone. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Most demersal species of damselfish (family Pomacentridae) are territorial herbivores that aggressively chase other fishes away from their nests. This study investigates whether the aggressive territorial damselfish, Stegastes leucostictus, modifies behaviours and home range area use in a less aggressive, non-territorial species, the slippery dick wrasse, Halichoeres bivittatus (family Labridae). Damselfishes and wrasses are ubiquitous and abundant members of coral reef fish assemblages around the world; hence, this study has broader implications beyond the two Caribbean species chosen for this study. A manipulative field experiment consisted of transplanting one or three S. leucostictus into artificial shelters positioned within adult or adjacent to juvenile H. bivittatus home ranges. The introduction of damselfish had little effect on the size of home range areas of juvenile or adult wrasses, but had a significant effect on the location of their home ranges. The damselfish also affected adult microhabitat use but did not affect use by juveniles. In addition, there was an increase in damselfish-wrasse interactions that resulted in a significant reduction in the amount of time adult wrasses could spend foraging or in a foraging assemblage. It was concluded that aggressive interactions with territorial damselfish affect individual H. bivittatus space use and may consequently affect the spatial distribution of H. bivittatus populations.  相似文献   

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