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Summary Two characteristic new species and one new genus are described from the Late Triassic of Idaho (Wallowa Terrane):Brochidiella idahoensis n. gen., n. sp. andPtychostoma ornata n. sp.Brochidiella is only known from western North America.Ptychostoma is present in the Carnian of the European Alps (Tethys) and is widespread in the western part of the North American continent (Panthalassa). Late Triassic gastropod faunas from the accreted terranes of North America are poorly known but hold a great potential for future palaeobiogeographic reconstructions.  相似文献   

Triassic radiolarians were studied from a limestone/chert succession of the Dzhangisu and Boztere formations, Southeastern Pamirs, Republic of Tajikistan. The middle part of the Dzhangisu Formation is characterized by a Late Anisian assemblage with Eptingium nakasekoi Kozur and Mostler, Archaeospongoprunum bispinosum Kozur and Mostler, A. mesotriassicum mesotriassicum Kozur and Mostler, Paroertlispongus multispinosus Kozur and Mostler, P. rarispinosus Kozur and Mostler and Hozmadia rotunda (Nakaseko and Nishimura) that belongs either to the upper part of the Tetraspinocyrtis laevis Zone or to the Spongosilicarmiger transitus Zone (Kozur, 2003). The lowermost part of the Boztere Formation is characterized by a Late Ladinian assemblage with Muelleritortis cochleata (Nakaseko and Nishimura), M. expansa (Kozur and Mostler), Spongoserrula rarauana Dumitrica that corresponds to the M. cochleata Zone. Pamirian localities have a transitional position between the Western Tethys (Alpine–Mediterranean region) and the Eastern Tethys–Pacific junction (Southern China and Thailand). The assemblages are Tethyan in affinity.  相似文献   

Two radiolarian assemblages were recovered from upper Norian strata of the Kotel’nyi Island (Russia); the first assemblage, from the Monotis zabaikalica Subzone (lower part of Upper Norian), is represented by Betraccium inornatum Blome, Dumitricaella (?) parva Sugiyama, Ferresium titulense Blome and 24 other species; the second assemblage, from the Monotis subcircularis Subzone (upper part of Upper Norian), is represented by Crucella sp. cf. C. angulosa Carter, Kahlerosphaera acris Bragin, K. sp. cf. K. parvispinosa Kozur & Mostler, Pseudohagiastrum crassum (Carter) and 11 other species. Both assemblages have common taxa with Upper Norian and Rhaetian radiolarian assemblages of British Columbia and they display clear Boreal features: low taxonomic diversity, abundance of taxa known from high-latitude regions, absence or rare presence of taxa known from low-latitude areas. The presence of early representatives of nassellarian genera Droltus and Parahsuum is very distinctive. Six new species are described: Pseudohagiastrum spinosum nov. sp., Cantalum boreale nov. sp., Plafkerium carteri nov. sp., Droltus guttaeformis nov. sp., Laxtorum blomei nov. sp., L. glacialis nov. sp.  相似文献   

The recently discovered late Triassic vertebratelocality at Chulabhorn Dam (North-Eastern Thailand) has yielded incomplete remains (jaw fragments and teeth) of phytosaurs, which are apparently indicative of a form related to Belodon and Rutiodon. They can be interpreted as showing that in the late Triassic North-Eastern Thailand was already biogeographically part of Laurasia.  相似文献   


Oribotritia contortula n. sp., O. contraria n. sp., O. teretis n. sp., Rhysotritia bifurcata n. sp., Microtritia contraria n. sp., M. glabrata n. sp., Hoplophthiracarus bisulcus n. sp., Austrophthiracarus pulchellus n. sp., and Notophthiracarus claviger n. sp. are described from New Zealand.

The genera of Oribotritia Jacot, Rhysotritia Märkel & Meyer, Hoplophthiracarus Jacot, and Austrophthiracarus Balogh & Mahunka are new records for New Zealand.  相似文献   

The article describes part of the Entactinaria radiolarians from a very rich and well-preserved radiolarian assemblage extracted from a lower Tithonian sample (Mue 22) collected from the Mühlheim Member of the Mörnsheim Formation of southern Germany. With a single exception (genus Odoghertites nov. gen.), all other Entactinaria described are of primitive type, that is their initial spicules are not differentiated into an apical and a basal group and are not connected by arches to form a heteropolar “microsphere”. They have been assigned to five families, four of which are new (Isometractiniidae, Triumbraculidae, Hollandocachoniidae, Odoghertitidae), 10 new genera (Isometractinia, Triumbraculum, Tardentactinia, Lententactinia, Hollandocachonia, Sphaerentofurca, Stylentofurca, Zuegelifurca, Spongentofurca, Odoghertites), and 19 new species. One of the new species comes from the lower Bajocian of Oregon. A new skeletal structural term, support structure, is introduced as a special type of connection between the primary spines and the macrosphere or cortical shell.  相似文献   

Terebratulide brachiopods are found throughout the New Zealand Mesozoic, and by the Jurassic are second only to rhynchonellides in abundance and diversity. Only two species have been described from the Late Jurassic, Kutchithyris hendersoni Marwick, 1953 and Holcothyris (?) kaiwaraensis Campbell, 1965. In this study, one new genus and 14 new species are described, and three additional forms placed in open nomenclature.Nearly all the material comes from the Murihiku Terrane on the west coast of the North Island south of Auckland, and most from a small number of shellbeds with diverse faunas. Two key localities for Middle Jurassic (Bajocian–Bathonian) brachiopods are Opuatia Cliff at Port Waikato, and a quarry in the Marokopa Valley. Two species of fairly large terebratulide, Loboidothyris waitomoensis n. sp. and L. grantmackiei n. sp. are tentatively assigned to the genus Loboidothyris. A further species which may also belong to this genus, L. awakinoensis n. sp. is found in the Awakino Valley to the south. Two species of Zeilleria, Z. opuatiaensis n. sp. and Z. waiohipaensis n. sp. and one of Aulacothyris, A. waikatoensis n. sp. are also recognised. A new species of Kutchithyris, K. marokopaensis n. sp., less strongly folded than K. hendersoni, is also present.Captain King's Shellbed is a metre-thick Oxfordian shellbed that can be traced from Kawhia to the Awakino Valley. It has a rich and diverse fauna in which terebratulides are prominent. Kutchithyris hendersoni is the most abundant, followed by Crispithyris nauarchus n. gen. n. sp. The fauna also includes the same two species of Zeilleria as in the Middle Jurassic, and the costellate terebratulide Terebratulina leeae n. sp.Brachiopods are much less common in the later part of the Jurassic (Kimmeridgian and Tithonian). A further species of Kutchithyris, K. challinori n. sp., a second species of Terebratulina, T. putiensis n. sp. and one of Zeilleria (Z. sp.) are present. A rare form is the small subcircular Disculina mancenidoi n. sp. Holcothyris kaiwaraensis is known only from the Late Jurassic Pahau Terrane of North Canterbury, but a second species of Holcothyris, H. campbelli n. sp. is present in the Late Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian of the Kawhia area.Aulacothyris, Terebratulina, and Zeilleria are cosmopolitan. Kutchithyris and Holcothyris are Tethyan. Loboidothyris is more widely distributed but generally Tethyan. Disculina is described from Southern England and France, but has since been recognised in the Caucasus and Japan, and may also have a Tethyan distribution.  相似文献   

This paper presents a newly found fauna of Ladinian (Middle Triassic) radiolarians from the Hong Hoi Formation of the Lampang Group, Sukhothai Zone, northern Thailand. The Ladinian age determined by the radiolarian fauna concords with the age previously determined by mollusks. The study section consists of intercalated sandstone and shale in the lower part and a thick conglomerate in the upper part. The radiolarian-bearing siliceous beds are intercalated within the lower unit. The lithic sandstone of the lower unit consists mainly of volcanic rock fragments, quartz, and feldspar, whereas the thickly bedded conglomerate of the upper unit is characterized by abundant gravel-sized clasts of volcanic rock and limestone. These lithic features of the study section suggest that during deposition the Hong Hoi Formation was located near a supply of volcanic materials. A forearc basin close to the Sukhothai Arc would be the most suitable environment for the deposition. The Ladinian age determined by the radiolarian fauna supports the occurrence of intensive volcanic activity within the Sukhothai Arc during the Middle Triassic.  相似文献   

Ostracod association from the Upper Triassic (Tropites dilleri zone of the Carnian stage) of the sedimentary succession (Mufara Formation) exposed along the east side of Monte Scalpello (Catenanuova, central eastern Sicily) has been studied for the first time. The specimens, silicified, are rare but well preserved and often consist of complete carapaces. They belong to eight families: Healdiidae, Cavellinidae, Bairdiidae, Acratiidae, Bythocyprididae, Pontocyprididae, Judahellidae, Glorianellidae. Twenty-three taxa have been listed; the family Bairdiidae is the most represented among all the others with fifteen species. Four species are new: Bairdia scaliae n. sp., Acratia maugerii n. sp., “Anchistrocheles” gemmellaroi n. sp. and Judahella? montanarii n. sp. Other species are left in open nomenclature because of the lack of specimens.  相似文献   

Mathis WN  Sueyoshi M 《ZooKeys》2011,(114):29-40
Two new species of the genus Cyamops (Diptera: Periscelididae), the first from New Zealand, are described. The two newly described species are: Cyamops alessandrae and Cyamops crosbyi. A key to the genera of the subfamily Stenomicrinae and to the species of Cyamops from the Australasian/Oceanian Region and detailed illustrations of structures of the male terminalia are provided.  相似文献   

Part of a large capitosaurid skull, similar to that of Cyclotosaurus posthumus from the Upper Triassic of Germany, has been discovered in the upper part of the Huai Hin Lat Formation near Chulabhorn (Nam Phrom) Dam. This discovery is consistent with the presumed Norian age of this formation. Although the phylogeny of the Capitosauridae is still unclear, the group of Upper Triassic Cyclotosaurus species to which C. posthumus belongs is monophyletic and seems to be known only from Laurasia or Northwestern Gondwana (Morocco). The occurrence of C. cf. posthumus in Thailand is consistent with the hypothesis previously put forward, that this part of Southeast Asia was bound to Laurasia in Mesozoic times.  相似文献   

Bedded chert and siliceous shale successions previously regarded as the Silurian–Devonian rock units, distributed in the Nong Prue area, northwest of Kanchanaburi, western Thailand, yielded Lopingian (upper Permian) and Lower–Middle Triassic radiolarians. We found chert breccia layers in northern Nong Prue area, mainly consisting of angular to sub-angular chert clasts with matrices of silt-sized chert grains and clay minerals. We discriminated uppermost Pennsylvanian–Lopingian (upper Carboniferous–upper Permian) and Middle Triassic radiolarian-bearing chert clasts from four different levels of the chert breccia; 28 species of 15 genera with one radiolarian gen. et sp. indet. are identified. On the basis of sedimentary characteristics of the chert breccia, we suggest that the chert breccia is of sedimentary origin. The radiolarian assemblages reported here, together with previously known lithological and paleontological evidence, further indicate that the chert breccia was deposited in the Paleotethys with chert clasts derived from fine grained siliceous rocks in the continental margin to deep ocean basin of the Sibumasu Terrane.  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2019,105(4):287-293
This paper describes the collection of isolated orangutan fossil teeth identified in the newly excavated material from Tham Prakai Phet, a site located in the Chaiyaphum Province in northeast Thailand. The collection is composed of 18 isolated teeth belonging to Pongo. The morphology of the upper and lower teeth is similar to that of fossil and extant orangutans from mainland Indochina and Indonesia. Only the wrinkles on the occlusal surface are less pronounced and sometimes simpler than extant orangutans. The dimensions of the teeth fall in the range of variation of fossil and extant specimens, but the distribution of the crown areas of the Tham Prakai Phet specimens fall above the mean value observed for extant orangutans. This new collection of continental orangutans confirms the persistence of this taxa in this part of Thailand up to the late Pleistocene, and provides new data useful for understanding the evolution of this hominoid and advance in the reconstitution of the evolutionary lineage of Pongo. The size of the sample from Tham Prakai Phet is not sufficient to determine an accurate taxonomic attribution; pending the increase of the current sample, we attribute the material to Pongo sp. (Pongo aff. weidenreichi).  相似文献   

We describe two entelodontid upper premolars that were recovered from the late Eocene of the Krabi coal mine in southern Thailand. The size and morphology of the material suggest that it can be referred to Entelodon aff. Egobiensis, a species known from the late Eocene to the early Oligocene of northern Asia and southern China. The Thai material documents for the first time the southernmost occurrence of entelodontids in Asia during the Paleogene and also suggests that Eocene Southeast Asian mammal localities might potentially yield further entelodontid remains mostly associated with selenodont ungulates.  相似文献   

During the Triassic in Europe, the Germanic Basin extended from England in the west to the eastern border of Poland in the east. Although cephalopods are common in some Middle Triassic (Muschelkalk) horizons, there still persists a gap in the palaeontological record of the eastern part of the Germanic Basin, notably in the lowermost parts of the Lower Muschelkalk, spanning the latest Olenekian-Aegean interval. The present contribution attempts to fill this gap by presenting the first ammonoid (ceratitid Beneckeia sp.) and nautiloids (Germanonautilus cf. dolomiticus and G. cf. salinarius) from the Lower Gogolin Beds (Upper Silesia, Poland). These Germanonautilus are the oldest nautiloids found in the entire Germanic Basin.  相似文献   

In the present article, we study the proboscidean remains from three upper Miocene localities of Northern Greece: Thermopigi (Serres), Neokaisareia (Pieria) and Platania (Drama). The material from the Turolian locality of Thermopigi includes only postcranial specimens. The morphological features of the scapula indicate the presence of the deinotheriid Deinotherium sp., whereas the rest of the specimens are morphologically distinct from Deinotherium and can be referred to Elephantimorpha indet. The material from Neokaisareia consists of a partial skeleton of a single individual and is attributed to the mammutid Mammut sp. (M. obliquelophus?). This taxon is known in Greece from the early–middle Turolian. The Platania proboscidean belongs to the tetralophodont amebelodontid Konobelodon cf. atticus. The genus Konobelodon was already present during the Vallesian of the wider area, but the lower tusk of the Platania shovel-tusker presents some morphological and metrical differences from the Vallesian representative, yet it has also smaller dimensions in its deciduous dentition than the morphologically similar Turolian specimens. The type locality of K. atticus is Pikermi (Attica, Greece), correlated to the middle Turolian, but the known biostratigraphic range of this species covers the entire Turolian. Platania is possibly correlated close to the Vallesian/Turolian boundary and the possible record of this species could document one of its earliest occurrences.  相似文献   


The Old World cydnid genus Chilocoris Mayr is recorded from the Australasian region for the first time. A key is provided separating Chilocoris from Centrostephus Horvath and Parachilocoris Horvath. A new species, Chilocoris neozealandicus, is described from New Zealand, along with habitus drawing and illustrations of diagnostic characters.  相似文献   

Two curculionid weevils, Orthochaetes setiger (Beck, 1817) and Exomias pellucidus (Boheman, 1834) are recorded in New Zealand for the first time. The former has a wide distribution through the eastern South Island, while the latter has so far only been located in a single suburban garden in Dunedin. Both species are polyphagous and flightless. Although neither is expected to cause notable economic damage, their potential to invade native ecosystems makes them worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   

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