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The Cenomanian Smail Marl Formation in the Bellezma and Aures mountains of northeastern Algeria is well exposed and rich in macroinvertebrates, including cephalopods. Twenty-five ammonite species and two nautiloid species from the Thénièt El Manchar, Djebel Metrassi and Djebel Bouarif sections are described and seven assemblage zones proposed as provisional working units: Mantelliceras mantelli–Sharpeiceras laticlavium Assemblage Zone (lower Cenomanian), Mantelliceras dixoni Assemblage Zone (uppermost lower Cenomanian), Cunningtoniceras inerme Assemblage Zone (lower middle Cenomanian), Acanthoceras rhotomagense and Acanthoceras cf. rhotomagense Assemblage Zone (middle middle Cenomanian), Acanthoceras amphibolum Assemblage Zone (upper middle Cenomanian), Acanthoceras jukesbrownei Assemblage Zone (uppermost middle Cenomanian), and Neolobites vibrayeanus Assemblage Zone (lower upper Cenomanian). The lower Cenomanian Mantelliceras mantelli–Sharpeiceras laticlavium Zone is subdivided into the Submantelliceras aumalense, Sharpeiceras schlueteri and Mantelliceras saxbii subzones. The base of the middle Cenomanian is marked by the disappearance of species of Mantelliceras and the appearance of the scleractinian coral Aspidiscus cristatus (Lamarck, 1801), associated with Cunningtoniceras inerme (Pervinquière, 1907). The middle Cenomanian contains abundant A. cristatus and species of Acanthoceras, i.e., A. cf. rhotomagense (Defrance in Brongniart, 1822), A. jukesbrownei (Spath, 1926) and A. amphibolum Morrow, 1935. An ammonite zonal scheme is then applied to the Cenomanian exposed in the Bellezma-Aures mountains located on the southern Tethys margin in Algeria.  相似文献   

The Tireo Group in the eastern Central Cordillera (Dominican Republic) is part of the Jarabacoa Block, composed of a Pacific-type Jurassic ocean floor (Loma La Monja, overlain by the El Aguacate ribbon Chert), intruded and overlain by an early CLIP (Carribean Large Igneous Province)-type plateau, the Duarte Complex, which is in turn unconformably overlain by arc-type rocks of the Tireo Group. This group exhibits a 3-km thick sequence of arc-related volcanic and volcano-sedimentary rocks, including tuffaceous chert and mudstone studied for radiolarians in this paper. The Siete Cabezas Formation, considered to be the last Campanian–Maastrichtian CLIP-type volcano-sedimentary sequence, overlies the Tireo Group. A controversy about earlier radiolarian dating of the Tireo Group, considered until now as part of the Siete Cabezas Formation, encouraged us to study a well-exposed section located 3 km NE of Pedro Brand village. Seven samples of laminated siliceous mudstones and cherts yielded around 40 common and well-preserved radiolarian taxa. Based on maximum ranges of taxa published in several regional zonations and on a comparison with a Turonian–Coniacian sample calibrated by planktonic foraminifera (the Deva Beds from Romania), we determine a Turonian–Coniacian age for the Pedro Brand section. A 40Ar–39Ar whole rock age of 75.1 ± 1.1 Ma, obtained in a basalt dyke crosscutting the radiolarian bearing rocks, provides a Late Campanian consistent minimum age for the pelagic–hemipelagic Pedro Brand section. Including the re-interpretation of earlier radiolarian work, we conclude that the studied rocks of the Tireo Group are older than the Maastrichtian 40Ar–39Ar ages on plagioclase of the Siete Cabezas Formation. The studied dyke in the Pedro Brand section geochemically resembles the overlying Siete Cabezas and Pico Duarte basalts and could be a feeder dyke of those. However, a tectonic superposition of the Siete Cabezas cannot be excluded, since earlier 40K–40Ar basalt ages of this unit are Aptian–Albian and Cenomanian–Turonian. The Jarabacoa Block is considered as the most complete outcrop section of Pacific ocean crust overlain by a first (Aptian–Albian) phase of CLIP-type activity, followed by the development of a Cenomanian–Santonian intraoceanic arc, which is in turn overlain by a late Campanian–Maastrichtian CLIP-like phase.  相似文献   

The complete late Campanian–Maastrichtian succession of the South Atlantic reference DSDP Site 525A has been investigated to establish a detailed record of calcareous nannofossil biohorizons. A complete holostratigraphy of the core is presented for this interval and allows for global correlations to other Tethyan and Boreal reference sections for that interval. The new study allows for proposing a new time scale with a tie of Tethyan and Boreal nannofossil zonations. A new subzonation is proposed for the late Campanian UC16 Zone in the Tethyan Realm and the last occurrences of Uniplanarius trifidus and Zeugrhabdotus praesigmoides are demonstrated as markers of the Campanian–Maastrichtian boundary. The difference between cumulative first and last occurrences reflects the turnover dynamics of calcareous nanoplankton in the South Atlantic and highlights 6 major events. Five of them appear well related to major changes in sea-surface temperatures whereas the sixth event is likely the expression of a global decrease in primary productivity in the late Maastrichtian. Surprisingly, the turnover dynamics in calcareous nannoplankton appears completely unrelated to that observed in planktic foraminifera which shows only 4 major events with different timings. The two groups thus seem to have responded either very differently to similar environmental constraints or to different direct environmental constraints in the photic zone, although caused by the same global changes in climate.  相似文献   

The heteromorph ammonite Pravitoceras sigmoidale from the Upper Cretaceous Seidan Formation (Izumi Group) in south‐west Japan is frequently encrusted by sessile anomiid bivalves. Fossils of P. sigmoidale with anomiids are often concentrated at the top of or just above turbidite sandstones. Projecting retroversal hooks and apertures of P. sigmoidale are usually intact, and some individuals are associated with jaw apparatuses near apertures. Anomiids are found on both sides and ventral peripheries of P. sigmoidale conchs, attached predominantly to body chambers. These modes of occurrence suggest that the encrustation by anomiids occurred not on post‐mortem floating or sunken carcasses but on live conchs and that these organisms were rapidly buried by turbidity current deposits shortly after death. Attachment to both flanks and ventral peripheries of the retroversal hooks may indicate that at least adult individuals of P. sigmoidale did not lie on the sea floor and did not drag their body chambers. It is suggested that fully mature individuals of this ammonite species lived for a long period of time after having formed the retroversal hook because a few generations of anomiids have colonized a single body chamber. Such colonization by anomiids is also observed on Didymoceras awajiense, which is considered to be the closely related ancestral species of P. sigmoidale. This anomiid–heteromorph ammonite commensal relationship might continue to persist in descendants during the course of evolution of these heteromorph ammonites.  相似文献   

Well-preserved Cretaceous (Albian–Turonian) radiolarians were extracted from radiolarian-bearing chert olistoliths of the Monagroulli Member within the Moni Mélange (Campanian-Maastrichtian, Southern Cyprus). Four assemblages were distinguished: Middle Albian–Lower Cenomanian (Thanarla spoletoensis Zone), Upper Albian–Lower Cenomanian (Thanarla spoletoensis Zone, Dorypyle? anisa Subzone), lowermost Turonian (base of Alievium superbum Zone) and Lower Turonian (Alievium superbum Zone). The radiolarian assemblages are diverse and have taxonomic composition similar to coeval assemblages of Italy and Spain. The sediments of the Monagroulli Member differ from coeval rocks of the Mamonia Complex (western Cyprus) by the more common presence of radiolarian cherts and may have been formed in the distal part of a continental margin with less input of clastic material. A new spicular radiolarian genus Cyprothamnus with 2 new species (C. multifurcatus and C. moniensis) is described from the Lower Turonian strata.  相似文献   

Cretaceous carbonate successions of the Bangestan Group, such as the Sarvak and Ilam formations, are among the most prolific hydrocarbon reserves of the Middle East. However, relatively little is known about their detailed palaeontology and biostratigraphy. Moreover, due to lithological similarity of these carbonate formations recognition of their boundaries in subsurface studies is problematic. To investigate these units, biostratigraphic analyses were carried out on nearly 1100 m of cores, including core plug samples and thin sections prepared from five giant and supergiant oilfields in the northern and southern Dezful Embayment, SW Iran. Accordingly, 59 species of foraminifera (assigned to 43 genera) as well as 11 species of non-foraminifera (10 genera) were recognized. As a result, three biozones were identified, which in stratigraphic order are: Nezzazata-Alveolinids Assemblage Zone; Moncharmontia apenninica-Nezzazatinella-Dicyclina Assemblage Zone; and Rotalia skourensis-algae Assemblage Zone. These are compared with the Wynd's (1965) biozonation scheme, previously introduced in the Zagros area, and a revised scheme is presented. Accordingly, a Cenomanian–Turonian age and a Coniacian–Campanian age are envisaged for the Upper Sarvak and Ilam formations, respectively. In our new biostratigraphic scheme, the Sarvak–Ilam formations boundary is considered to be located above the Moncharmontia apenninica-Nezzazatinella-Dicyclina Assemblage Zone (equivalent of Valvulammina-Dicyclina Assemblage Zone of Wynd, 1965), that is Turonian in age. This zone is bounded by two palaeoexposure surfaces, which correspond approximately to the C–T boundary transitional interval and a post-Turonian, which can be possibly assigned to the Coniacian. Significant sedimentological features of these disconformities include bauxitic–lateritic horizons, karstified profiles and solution-collapsed breccias. Geochemical signatures of these meteorically altered surfaces are also considered to calibrate biofacies and biozones. Finally, we compared our new biozonation scheme with other studies in neighboring areas of SW Iran and the Middle East.  相似文献   

Radiolarians and planktonic foraminifers were studied from a series of continuous outcrops of the Upper Cretaceous (upper Campanian) Kannaviou Formation near Sarama Village (southwestern Cyprus). The composite study section has a narrow stratigraphic interval that covers the upper Campanian, with a total thickness of more than 70 m. The Amphipyndax tylotus (radiolarian) Zone is found within the study section. According to foraminiferal data the studied interval corresponds to the middle-upper Campanian age (from Contusotruncana plummerae Zone to the lower part of Gansserina gansseri Zone).  相似文献   

A combined magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic study has been performed on the Maastrichtian Senpohshi Formation in eastern Hokkaido Island, northern Japan, which is an approximately 1300 m thick section mainly composed of hemipelagic mudstone. The identification of magnetic polarity was possible at 51 horizons, whereby four magnetozones were recognized. These magnetozones were correlatable to geomagnetic polarity chrons C31r to C30n, suggesting that the age of the Senpohshi Formation is spanning from middle to upper part of the Maastrichtian (ca. 69–67 Ma).The magnetostratigraphy of the Senpohshi Formation established in this study enables a direct age correlation to the Maastrichtian successions in other regions. Thus, this detailed chronology of the formation contributes to paleontological studies of the Maastrichtian in the North Pacific region. For instance, this magnetostratigraphic age assessment implies the following: (1) the stratigraphic range of the ammonite Pachydiscus flexuosus contains polarity chrons from the lower part of C31r to the lower part of C31n, (2) the first occurrence (FO) of the calcareous nannofossil Nephrolithus frequens in the North Pacific region is correlatable to polarity chron C30n or below, and (3) the FO of the bivalve “Inoceramusawajiensis is located within polarity chrons from C31r to the upper part of C31n. This suggests that the inoceramid extinction event in the North Pacific region might have occurred during polarity chrons from C31r to the upper part of C31n (ca. 70.5–67.8 Ma), which is 2.3–5.0 Myr prior to the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary. The trend of the Maastrichtian faunal turnover in the North Pacific is well consistent with those of other regions, brings a new evidence for understanding the global faunal turnover in the Maastrichtian, just before Cretaceous/Paleogene mass extinction.  相似文献   

The first high-resolution integrated biostratigraphic study for Santonian/Campanian sediments of the Tabin section in the Kurdistan Region, northeast Iraq is provided. The study, based on 28 closely spaced samples, combines data from planktic foraminifers (25 species), calcareous nannofossils (32 species) and two ammonite genera in the Kometan Formation, marking the Santonian/Campanian boundary (S/C boundary) in the Kurdistan Region. In the absence of the crinoid Marsupites testudinarius, the proposed boundary marker, secondary markers such as calcareous nannofossils, planktic foraminifers and ammonites, have been used to establish a multi-stratigraphic biozonation for the late Santonian–early Campanian duration. Based on the occurrences of calcareous nannofossils, three biozones are identified — Lucianorhabdus cayeuxii (late Santonian), Calculites obscurus (latest Santonian–earliest Campanian), and Broinsonia parca parca (early Campanian). Seven calcareous nannofossil bioevents and three planktic foraminiferal bioevents are also identified. The Santonian/Campanian boundary is marked by: (a) the LO (Last Occurrence) of the planktic foraminifera D. asymetrica, (b) the FOs (First Occurrence) of the calcareous nannofossil species B. parca parca and B. parca constricta, (c) the extinction of several planktic foraminiferal species of Dicarinella and Marginotruncana, (d) the abundance and diversification of the planktic foraminifera genera, Globotruncana and Globotruncanita at the beginning of the Campanian, and (e) the disappearance of the ammonite genus Texanites, 0.5 m below (i.e., at 19 m) the disappearance of all Dicarinella and Marginotruncana species in the study section. Similar to several other Tethyan sections, the FO of B. parca parca is above the LOs of D. concavata and D. asymetrica; the LO of D. asymetrica is used here to mark the S/C boundary  相似文献   

Biostratigraphical high-resolution analyses and quantitative data confirm that deposition is continuous across the K-Pg transition in several sections in Tunisia (El Kef, stratotype section) and Spain (Agost and Caravaca sections) located in the Tethyan realm and the Bidart sections in the Atlantic realm, without any relevant hiatus. The Upper Maastrichtian assemblages of planktic foraminifera from these sections are largely dominated by small biserial heterohelicids. They are associated to common species having planispiral test (i.e. globigerinelloids), trochospiral test (i.e. hedbergellids, rugoglobigerinids globotruncanids), to rare triserial heterohelicids (i.e. guembelitriids) and trochospiral species showing tubulospines (i.e. schackoinids). Stratigraphical ranges of these diverse taxa through the late Maastrichtian in the Tethyan and Atlantic realms show very few changes in the planktonic foraminiferal assemblages and most of the species are present in the Abathomphalus mayaroensis biozone. By our high-resolution sampling and the intensive research for the A. mayaroensis index species in the uppermost Maastrichtian samples, we confirm that this species is omnipresent up to the top of the Maastrichtian. Therefore, A. mayaroensis is present in almost all samples which are late Maastrichtian in age, but this species became very scarce in the uppermost Maastrichtian samples. This scarceness could be due to a climate cooling. A sharp decrease in relative abundance of the deep dwellers species, like as Abathomphalus intermedius and A. mayaroensis as well as in other keeled globotruncanids is observed at the studied sections from the Tethyan realm (indicative of low latitude) across the latest Maastrichtian. At the K/Pg boundary, all the globotruncanids disappeared. They are considered specialists living in tropical-subtropical deep seawater habitat. At this boundary, large and ornate heterohelicids also disappeared. Therefore, all the studied sections show that about 90 % of the Maastrichtian species became extinct according to a catastrophic mass extinction pattern. Only about 10 % crossed the K/Pg boundary and survived during the earliest Danian. The minor difference in the number of disappeared taxa is related to their latitude location or environment paleodepth. The changes in the species relative abundance, observed in the successive planktic foraminiferal assemblages, make it possible to recognize the Acme-stage 0 typical of the upper Maastrichtian interval. It is characterized by the highest species richness of Globotruncanids and heterohelicids specialists of tropical to subtropical marine conditions, the Acme-stage 1 typical of the Guembelitria cretacea Zone, and in particular of the Hedbergella holmdelensis Subzone dominated by “opportunists” species belonging to Guembelitria, the Acme-stage 2 which corresponds to the Pv. eugubina Zone dominated mainly by specimens belonging to Palaeoglobigerina and Parvularugoglobigerina and the Acme-stage 3 which characterizes mainly the Ps. pseudobulloides Zone dominated by biserial species belonging to Chiloguembelina and Woodringina.  相似文献   

An isolated track from the latest Campanian–Maastrichtian Wapiti Formation (Alberta) is tentatively identified as a pterosaur manus print. The basic digital formula (digit I < digit II < digit III) is consistent with the plesiomorphic condition in pterosaurs. The track measures 25.5 cm in length, making it the largest putative pterosaur manus print (estimated wingspan 7.7 m) from North America. Although precise chronostratigraphic data are lacking, sedimentary evidence indicates the track comes from a mid‐ to late Campanian fluvial deposits that accumulated approximately 400 km from the closest shoreline within a high‐latitude (65°N) setting.  相似文献   

The lithostratigraphy, calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, carbon‐ and oxygen‐isotope stratigraphy and gamma‐ray profile are presented for the Skælskør‐1 core, eastern Denmark. The correlation of carbon isotopes to Gubbio (Italy) and ODP Site 762C (Indian Ocean) provides the chronostratigrahical framework of the core through a tie to magnetostratigraphy. Two new carbon‐isotope excursions are defined for the uppermost Maastrichtian of the core and prove useful for long‐distance correlation. Twenty stratigraphic tie‐points are used for correlation of the upper Campanian–Maastrichtian interval by combining carbon‐isotope and gamma‐ray variations. Significant dissimilarities in the gamma‐ray profiles of the Danish Basin cores preclude the sole use of this tool for basin‐scale correlations. Bulk oxygen‐isotopes and semi‐quantitative abundance changes in the warm‐water calcareous nannofossil Watznaueria barnesiae and the cool‐water Kamptnerius magnificus highlight the following past changes in sea‐surface temperatures (SSTs): relatively warm late Campanian SSTs, cooling across the Campanian–Maastrichtian boundary and through the early Maastrichtian, warming across the early–late Maastrichtian transition, cooling in the late Maastrichtian, intense warming in the latest Maastrichtian chron C29r, followed by a very short episode of cooling immediately before the Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary. The late Campanian–Maastrichtian evolution in sea water temperatures inferred from the Danish Basin is similar to that delineated at tropical latitude oceanic sites.  相似文献   

A re-examination of the specimens that were identified as Biradiolites minor Pojarkova from the late Campanian to early Maastrichtian middle member of the Yigeziya Formation of southwestern Tarim Basin reveals that they should be assigned to the genus Glabrobournonia Morris and Skelton. Glabrobournonia is a genus of radiolitids characterized by indented radial bands, salient ridges on the shell margins and absence of fine ribs on the surface of the right valve. Apart from southwestern Tarim Basin, Glabrobournonia minor (Pojarkova) has also been recorded from the late Campanian of Fergana and Alai basins. The central Asian, late Campanian to early Maastrichtian G. minor differs from the late Campanian to Maastrichtian, eastern Arabian type species Glabrobournonia arabica Morris and Skelton in the flat left valve and an additional fourth ridge on the junction of the dorsal and posterior sides of the right valve. Biradiolites ingens (Des Moulins) could be the direct ancestor of Glabrobournonia. The paleogeographic distribution of Glabrobournonia suggests that this genus dispersed to central Asia from the late Campanian time, becoming widely distributed in the eastern Tethyan region rather than endemic to eastern Arabia. Correspondingly, specimens belonging to Gyropleura yielded from the same bed as G. minor in southwestern Tarim Basin, are similar to the specimens which were attributed to the eastern Arabian Gyropleura sp.; Campanian to early Maastrichtian Osculigera specimens described from the Yigeziya Formation are comparable with those known from the Campanian–Maastrichtian of Iran, Afghanistan and eastern Arabia. The similarity of the rudist assemblages between central Asia and eastern Arabia suggests a faunal connection and affinity between the north and south margins of the eastern Tethyan realm during Campanian to early Maastrichtian times.  相似文献   

The Campanian–lower Eocene sedimentary succession in the Kharga Oasis yields rare cephalopods that have so far received little attention. Eight cephalopod species; six nautiloids and two ammonites, are identified in the study area. The nautiloids are referred to five genera in three families. All nautiloid species are recorded from the Paleocene and Eocene rocks, two of which are described as new, as follows: Cimomia kurkurensis nov. sp. and Deltoidonautilus hassani nov. sp. The two ammonite species are Libycoceras ismaelis (von Zittel, 1884) and Baculites ovatus Say, 1820, representing the families Sphenodiscidae and Baculitidae, respectively. Baculites anceps of Quaas (1902, non Lamarck, 1822) from the Maastrichtian of the Western Desert of Egypt is here assigned to Baculites ovatus. The palaeobiogeography of these species is studied in detail.  相似文献   

The scarcity of records of Early Paleocene radiolarians has meant that while radiolarian biostratigraphy is firmly established as an important tool for correlation, there has been a long-standing gap between established zonations for the Cretaceous and from latest Paleocene to Recent. It has also led to considerable speculation over the level of faunal change across the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary. Consequently, the discovery of rich and diverse radiolarian assemblages in well-delineated K/T boundary sections within siliceous limestones of the Amuri Limestone Group in eastern Marlborough, New Zealand, is of great significance for biostratigraphy and K/T boundary research.This initial report is restricted to introducing a new latest Cretaceous to mid Late Paleocene zonation based on the radiolarian succession at four of these sections and a re-examination of faunas from coeval sediments at DSDP Site 208 (Lord Howe Rise). Three new Paleocene species are described:Amphisphaera aotea, Amphisphaera kina andStichomitra wero. Six new interval zones are defined by the first appearances of the nominate species. In ascending order these are:Lithomelissa? hoplites Foreman (Zone RK9, Cretaceous),Amphisphaera aotea n. sp. (Zone RP1, Paleocene),Amphisphaera kina n. sp. (RP2),Stichomitra granulata Petrushevskaya (RP3),Buryella foremanae Petrushevskaya (RP4) andBuryella tetradica (RP5). Good age control from foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils permits close correlation with established microfossil zonations. Where age control is less reliable, radiolarian events are used to substantially improve correlation between the sections.No evidence is found for mass extinction of radiolarians at the end of the Cretaceous. However, the K/T boundary does mark a change from nassellarian to spumellarian dominance, due to a sudden influx of actinommids, which effectively reduces the relative abundance of many Cretaceous survivors. An accompanying influx of diatoms in the basal Paleocene of Marlborough, together with evidence for an increase of total radiolarian abundance, suggests siliceous plankton productivity increased across the K/T boundary. Possible causes for this apparently localised phenomenon are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

记述产自西藏南部仲巴县的一个中国目前所知最年轻的菊石群 ,含 2科 4属 6种 ,其中 4新种。据菊石群面貌和它们所产出的层位可以划分出上、下两个组合带 :上部Pachydiscuscf.hidakaensis Libycoceraszhongbaense组合带 ;下部Manambolitescujiangdingensis M .pivaeteaui组合带。产菊石的曲贝亚组的下段和上段的中、下部(82F5 0及其以下层位 )为晚Campanian期 ,上段上部 (即 82F5 2及其以上层位 )为早Maastrichtian期。  相似文献   

A high-resolution stratigraphy has been developed for the interval encompassing the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary (CTBI), by means of several lithological, biological and geochemical events. This work entails the study of two sections selected on the base of the completeness of their sedimentary record and their contrasting paleogeographical setting: (1) The Rock Canyon Anticline section west of Pueblo, Colorado, (US Western Interior Basin), which is the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) candidate for the base of the Turonian stage, as well as the reference section for the ammonite biostratigraphy of the CTBI; and (2) The wadi Bahloul section in Central Tunisia which is the best and complete section spanning this time interval in the southern Tethyan Margin. These sections record similar biogeochemical events that can be correlated over a great distance.Several important biological and geochemical events determined in these sections relative to the ammonite zonation of the CTBI are listed below in chronological order from old to young: 1. FO (first occurrence) of Sciponoceras gracile-Metoicoceras geslinianum ammonite Assemblage-Zone, 2. δ13C peak I, 3. LO (last occurrence) of Rotalipora cushmani, 4. “Heterohelix shift”, 5. FO of the ammonites Pseudaspidoceras pseudonodosoides and Neocardioceras juddii, 6. δ13C peak II, 7. δ13C peak III, 8. LO of Cenomanian ammonites (Ps. pseudonodosoides and N. juddii), 9. LO of Anaticinella, 10. FO of Turonian ammonites (Watinoceras devonense, base of the Turonian stage), 11. “filament event”, 12. FO of Pseudaspidoceras flexuosum, 13. FO of the Tethyan Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica, 14. FO of Mammites nodosoides, 15. FO of the Western Interior H. helvetica.In the two sections, the Cenomanian-Turonian (C/T) boundary, as defined by the ammonite biostratigraphy, is placed within an interval about 50 cm thick. This interval is termed here as the C/T boundary “precision interval”. The δ13C peak III slightly precedes the precision interval. The genus Anaticinella planktic foraminifer disappears in the middle part of this interval. The “filament event” occurs just above it and is coeval with the first occurrence of Turonian ammonites. These events are useful for placing the C/T boundary precision interval in absence of ammonite markers.Comparing ammonite and planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy we have dated and correlated changes occurring in planktic foraminiferal assemblages. On this base, as an important result, we have demonstrated the diachroneity of the FO of Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica and the variable duration of the Whiteinella archaeocretacea PRZ.  相似文献   

Maastrichtian Foraminifera from the sedimentary beds at Ain Mdeker are recorded and identified. The fauna examined is found to be clearly Tethyan in composition. On the basis of this fauna, four planktic foraminiferal zones, the Globotruncana falsostuarti Zone, the Rugotruncana gansseri Zone, the Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone and the Globotruncana falsocalcarata Zone are distinguished in the Maastrichtian of the sequence studied. These zones are futher compared with the zones established in equivalent strata in the sequence at El Kef, the most complete sequence in Tunisia. In addition to the index species only the biostratigraphically most important species from the fauna studied are illustrated.  相似文献   

Study of several marine Santonian-Campanian successions from Sakhalin Island, Far East Russia, has revealed that evolution of the ammonites and inoceramid bivalves proceeded at different rates after the major faunal turnover at the (locally defined) Santonian-Campanian boundary. Sometimes changes in the inoceramid assemblages were more frequent and rapid than changes in the ammonite assemblages, and sometimes vice versa. Significant levels of inoceramid turnover and radiation events have been identified at the (locally defined) Santonian-Campanian and lower-upper Campanian boundaries. Changes in ammonite and inoceramid diversity, and in the proportions of endemic and cosmopolitan species, were investigated in the context of the local relative sea-level curve and inferred environmental changes. In Far East Russia, the main ammonite and inoceramid radiation after the local Santonian-Campanian faunal turnover occurred in the early Late Campanian Pachydiscus (P.) aff. egertoni ammonite Zone and the coeval Schmidticeramus schmidti inoceramid Zone. This condensed interval of ammonite and inoceramid maximum diversity provides a perfect stratigraphic marker that is recognizable in Sakhalin, North-East Russia and Japan. The succession of Santonian-Campanian assemblages identified in Sakhalin enabled the establishment of seven ammonite and six inoceramid zones, which correlate relatively well with those of North-East Russia and Japan. The problems of placing the Santonian-Campanian boundary in Sakhalin and in the adjacent Japanese island of Hokkaido are reviewed.  相似文献   

The Montagne Noire (southern France) possesses one of the most complete Cambrian successions in the western peri-Gondwana margin and might provide a good stratigraphic reference for both regional charts and international correlations. However, to date, the lower Cambrian succession of the northern Montagne Noire has been supposed to be devoid of biostratigraphically significant fossils. The complex tectonostratigraphic framework of the area (a range divided into Axial Zone, northern and southern Montagne Noire) exacerbated problems related to regional correlations and palaeogeographic reconstructions. As a result, the chronostratigraphic context of the lower Cambrian of northern Montagne Noire is still uncertain and stratigraphic reports have broadly relied on putative lithostratigraphic correlations with the southern Montagne Noire. The purpose of this study is to characterise, for the first time, the fossil record of carbonate beds and lenses of the northern Montagne Noire occurring at the top of the siliciclastic-dominated Marcory Formation, in order to provide regional bio- and chronostratigraphic constraints on lower Cambrian strata. Moreover, this study is aimed at improving international chronostratigraphic correlation. Carbonate beds and lenses cropping out along the Orque Cliff, in the Mélagues thrust slice, were investigated. They yielded a faunal assemblage constituted of molluscs (Igorella cf. ungulata and Igorella moncereti n. sp.), hyoliths (Conotheca brevica), chancelloriids (Archiasterella cf. pentactina and Allonnia sp.) and tommotiids (Lapworthella rete). L. rete is recorded in upper Meishucunian (Cambrian Stage 3) strata of the Yangtze Platform (South China) where it is used as index fossil of the Cambrian Stage 3 Sinosachites flabelliformisTannuolina zhangwentangi Assemblage Zone. Therefore, the presence of this tommotiid provides evidence that the studied carbonate beds and lenses are Cambrian Age 3 (Atdabanian according to the Siberian chart). The upper part of the Marcory Formation in the Mélagues slice, dated as Cambrian Stage 3, might represent a lateral equivalent of the mixed (carbonate-siliciclastic) Pardailhan Formation defined in the southern Montagne Noire.  相似文献   

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