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Using FRET in bulk and on single molecules, we assessed the structural role of histone acetylation in nucleosomes reconstituted on the 170 bp long Widom 601 sequence. We followed salt-induced nucleosome disassembly, using donor–acceptor pairs on the ends or in the internal part of the nucleosomal DNA, and on H2B histone for measuring H2A/H2B dimer exchange. This allowed us to distinguish the influence of acetylation on salt-induced DNA unwrapping at the entry–exit site from its effect on nucleosome core dissociation. The effect of lysine acetylation is not simply cumulative, but showed distinct histone-specificity. Both H3- and H4-acetylation enhance DNA unwrapping above physiological ionic strength; however, while H3-acetylation renders the nucleosome core more sensitive to salt-induced dissociation and to dimer exchange, H4-acetylation counteracts these effects. Thus, our data suggest, that H3- and H4-acetylation have partially opposing roles in regulating nucleosome architecture and that distinct aspects of nucleosome dynamics might be independently controlled by individual histones.  相似文献   

Cytosine methylation at the 5-carbon position is an essential DNA epigenetic mark in many eukaryotic organisms. Although countless structural and functional studies of cytosine methylation have been reported, our understanding of how it influences the nucleosome assembly, structure, and dynamics remains obscure. Here, we investigate the effects of cytosine methylation at CpG sites on nucleosome dynamics and stability. By applying long molecular dynamics simulations on several microsecond time scale, we generate extensive atomistic conformational ensembles of full nucleosomes. Our results reveal that methylation induces pronounced changes in geometry for both linker and nucleosomal DNA, leading to a more curved, under-twisted DNA, narrowing the adjacent minor grooves, and shifting the population equilibrium of sugar-phosphate backbone geometry. These DNA conformational changes are associated with a considerable enhancement of interactions between methylated DNA and the histone octamer, doubling the number of contacts at some key arginines. H2A and H3 tails play important roles in these interactions, especially for DNA methylated nucleosomes. This, in turn, prevents a spontaneous DNA unwrapping of 3–4 helical turns for the methylated nucleosome with truncated histone tails, otherwise observed in the unmethylated system on several microseconds time scale.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA is packaged in chromatin, a dynamic fiber variable in size and compaction. In chromatin, repeating nucleosome units wrap 145–147 DNA basepairs around histone proteins. Genetic and epigenetic regulation of genes relies on structural transitions in chromatin which are driven by intra- and inter-nucleosome dynamics and modulated by chemical modifications of the unstructured terminal tails of histones. Here we demonstrate how the interplay between histone H3 and H2A tails control ample nucleosome breathing motions. We monitored large openings of two genomic nucleosomes, and only moderate breathing of an engineered nucleosome in atomistic molecular simulations amounting to 24 μs. Transitions between open and closed nucleosome conformations were mediated by the displacement and changes in compaction of the two histone tails. These motions involved changes in the DNA interaction profiles of clusters of epigenetic regulatory aminoacids in the tails. Removing the histone tails resulted in a large increase of the amplitude of nucleosome breathing but did not change the sequence dependent pattern of the motions. Histone tail modulated nucleosome breathing is a key mechanism of chromatin dynamics with important implications for epigenetic regulation.  相似文献   

Multiscale modeling of nucleosome dynamics   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Nucleosomes form the fundamental building blocks of chromatin. Subtle modifications of the constituent histone tails mediate chromatin stability and regulate gene expression. For this reason, it is important to understand structural dynamics of nucleosomes at atomic levels. We report a novel multiscale model of the fundamental chromatin unit, a nucleosome, using a simplified model for rapid discrete molecular dynamics simulations and an all-atom model for detailed structural investigation. Using a simplified structural model, we perform equilibrium simulations of a single nucleosome at various temperatures. We further reconstruct all-atom nucleosome structures from simulation trajectories. We find that histone tails bind to nucleosomal DNA via strong salt-bridge interactions over a wide range of temperatures, suggesting a mechanism of chromatin structural organization whereby histone tails regulate inter- and intranucleosomal assemblies via binding with nucleosomal DNA. We identify specific regions of the histone core H2A/H2B-H4/H3-H3/H4-H2B/H2A, termed “cold sites”, which retain a significant fraction of contacts with adjoining residues throughout the simulation, indicating their functional role in nucleosome organization. Cold sites are clustered around H3-H3, H2A-H4 and H4-H2A interhistone interfaces, indicating the necessity of these contacts for nucleosome stability. Essential dynamics analysis of simulation trajectories shows that bending across the H3-H3 is a prominent mode of intranucleosomal dynamics. We postulate that effects of salts on mononucleosomes can be modeled in discrete molecular dynamics by modulating histone-DNA interaction potentials. Local fluctuations in nucleosomal DNA vary significantly along the DNA sequence, suggesting that only a fraction of histone-DNA contacts make strong interactions dominating mononucleosomal dynamics. Our findings suggest that histone tails have a direct functional role in stabilizing higher-order chromatin structure, mediated by salt-bridge interactions with adjacent DNA.  相似文献   

The dynamics of nucleosomes containing either canonical H3 or its centromere-specific variant CENP-A were investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. The simulations showed that the histone cores were structurally stable during simulation periods of 100 ns and 50 ns, while DNA was highly flexible at the entry and exit regions and partially dissociated from the histone core. In particular, approximately 20–25 bp of DNA at the entry and exit regions of the CENP-A nucleosome exhibited larger fluctuations than DNA at the entry and exit regions of the H3 nucleosome. Our detailed analysis clarified that this difference in dynamics was attributable to a difference in two basic amino acids in the αN helix; two arginine (Arg) residues in H3 were substituted by lysine (Lys) residues at the corresponding sites in CENP-A. The difference in the ability to form hydrogen bonds with DNA of these two residues regulated the flexibility of nucleosomal DNA at the entry and exit regions. Our exonuclease III assay consistently revealed that replacement of these two Arg residues in the H3 nucleosome by Lys enhanced endonuclease susceptibility, suggesting that the DNA ends of the CENP-A nucleosome are more flexible than those of the H3 nucleosome. This difference in the dynamics between the two types of nucleosomes may be important for forming higher order structures in different phases.  相似文献   

The nucleosome complex of DNA wrapped around a histone protein octamer organizes the genome of eukaryotes and regulates the access of protein factors to the DNA. We performed molecular dynamics simulations of the nucleosome in explicit water to study the dynamics of its histone-DNA interactions. A high-resolution histone-DNA interaction map was derived that revealed a five-nucleotide periodicity, in which the two DNA strands of the double helix made alternating contacts. On the 100-ns timescale, the histone tails mostly maintained their initial positions relative to the DNA, and the spontaneous unwrapping of DNA was limited to 1–2 basepairs. In steered molecular dynamics simulations, external forces were applied to the linker DNA to investigate the unwrapping pathway of the nucleosomal DNA. In comparison with a nucleosome without the unstructured N-terminal histone tails, the following findings were obtained: 1), Two main barriers during unwrapping were identified at DNA position ±70 and ±45 basepairs relative to the central DNA basepair at the dyad axis. 2), DNA interactions of the histone H3 N-terminus and the histone H2A C-terminus opposed the initiation of unwrapping. 3), The N-terminal tails of H2A, H2B, and H4 counteracted the unwrapping process at later stages and were essential determinants of nucleosome dynamics. Our detailed analysis of DNA-histone interactions revealed molecular mechanisms for modulating access to nucleosomal DNA via conformational rearrangements of its structure.  相似文献   

The process of coordinated DNA replication and nucleosome assembly, termed replication-coupled (RC) nucleosome assembly, is important for the maintenance of genome integrity. Loss of genome integrity is linked to aging and cancer. RC nucleosome assembly involves deposition of histone H3–H4 by the histone chaperones CAF-1, Rtt106 and Asf1 onto newly-replicated DNA. Coordinated actions of these three his-tone chaperones are regulated by modifications on the histone proteins. One such modification is histone H3 lysine 56 acetylation (H3K56Ac), a mark of newly-synthesized histone H3 that regulates the interaction between H3–H4 and the histone chaperones CAF-1 and Rtt106 following DNA replication and DNA repair. Recently, we have shown that the lysine acetyltransferase Gcn5 and H3 N-terminal tail lysine acetylation also regulates the interaction between H3–H4 and CAF-1 to promote the deposition of newly-synthesized histones. Genetic studies indicate that Gcn5 and Rtt109, the H3K56Ac lysine acetyltransferase, function in parallel to maintain genome stability. Utilizing synthetic genetic array analysis, we set out to identify additional genes that function in parallel with Gcn5 in response to DNA damage. We summarize here the role of Gcn5 in nucleosome assembly and suggest that Gcn5 impacts genome integrity via multiple mechanisms, including nucleosome assembly.Key words: Gen5, Rtt109, chromatin, nucleosome assembly, genome integrity  相似文献   

The ATPase ISWI is the catalytic core of several nucleosome remodeling complexes, which are able to alter histone–DNA interactions within nucleosomes such that the sliding of histone octamers on DNA is facilitated. Dynamic nucleosome repositioning may be involved in the assembly of chromatin with regularly spaced nucleosomes and accessible regulatory sequence elements. The mechanism that underlies nucleosome sliding is largely unresolved. We recently discovered that the N-terminal ‘tail’ of histone H4 is critical for nucleosome remodeling by ISWI. If deleted, nucleosomes are no longer recognized as substrates and do not stimulate the ATPase activity of ISWI. We show here that the H4 tail is part of a more complex recognition epitope which is destroyed by grafting the H4 N-terminus onto other histones. We mapped the H4 tail requirement to a hydrophilic patch consisting of the amino acids R17H18R19 localized at the base of the tail. These residues have been shown earlier to contact nucleosomal DNA, suggesting that ISWI recognizes an ‘epitope’ consisting of the DNA-bound H4 tail. Consistent with this hypothesis, the ISWI ATPase is stimulated by isolated H4 tail peptides ISWI only in the presence of DNA. Acetylation of the adjacent K12 and K16 residues impairs substrate recognition by ISWI.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic chromosomal DNA is assembled into regularly spaced nucleosomes, which play a central role in gene regulation by determining accessibility of control regions. The nucleosome contains ∼147 bp of DNA wrapped ∼1.7 times around a central core histone octamer. The linker histone, H1, binds both to the nucleosome, sealing the DNA coils, and to the linker DNA between nucleosomes, directing chromatin folding. Micrococcal nuclease (MNase) digests the linker to yield the chromatosome, containing H1 and ∼160 bp, and then converts it to a core particle, containing ∼147 bp and no H1. Sequencing of nucleosomal DNA obtained after MNase digestion (MNase-seq) generates genome-wide nucleosome maps that are important for understanding gene regulation. We present an improved MNase-seq method involving simultaneous digestion with exonuclease III, which removes linker DNA. Remarkably, we discovered two novel intermediate particles containing 154 or 161 bp, corresponding to 7 bp protruding from one or both sides of the nucleosome core. These particles are detected in yeast lacking H1 and in H1-depleted mouse chromatin. They can be reconstituted in vitro using purified core histones and DNA. We propose that these ‘proto-chromatosomes’ are fundamental chromatin subunits, which include the H1 binding site and influence nucleosome spacing independently of H1.  相似文献   

Gene expression in eukaryotes depends upon positioning, mobility and packaging of nucleosomes; thus, we need the detailed information of the human nucleosome core particle (NCP) structure, which could clarify chromatin properties. Here, we report the 2.5 Å crystal structure of a human NCP. The overall structure is similar to those of other NCPs reported previously. However, the DNA path of human NCP is remarkably different from that taken within other NCPs with an identical DNA sequence. A comparison of the structural parameters between human and Xenopus laevis DNA reveals that the DNA path of human NCP consecutively shifts by 1 bp in the regions of superhelix axis location −5.0 to −2.0 and 5.0 to 7.0. This alteration of the human DNA path is caused predominantly by tight DNA–DNA contacts within the crystal. It is also likely that the conformational change in the human H2B tail induces the local alteration of the DNA path. In human NCP, the region with the altered DNA path lacks Mn2+ ions and the B-factors of the DNA phosphate groups are substantially high. Therefore, in contrast to the histone octamer, the nucleosomal DNA is sufficiently flexible and mobile and can undergo drastic conformational changes, depending upon the environment.  相似文献   

Förster resonance energy transfer was used to monitor the dynamic conformations of mononucleosomes under different chromatin folding conditions to elucidate the role of the flexible N-terminal regions of H3 and H4 histones. The H3 tail was shown to partake in intranucleosomal interactions by restricting the DNA breathing motion and compacting the nucleosome. The H3 tail effects were mostly independent of the ionic strength and valency of the ions. The H4 tail was shown to not greatly affect the nucleosome conformation, but did slightly influence the relative population of the preferred conformation. The role of the H4 tail varied depending on the valency and ionic strength, suggesting that electrostatic forces play a primary role in H4 tail interactions. Interestingly, despite the H4 tail’s lack of influence, when H3 and H4 tails were simultaneously clipped, a more dramatic effect was seen than when only H3 or H4 tails were clipped. The combinatorial effect of H3 and H4 tail truncation suggests a potential mechanism by which various combinations of histone tail modifications can be used to control accessibility of DNA-binding proteins to nucleosomal DNA.  相似文献   

We have studied the sample concentration-dependent and external stress-dependent stability of native and reconstituted nucleosomal arrays. Whereas upon stretching a single chromatin fiber in a solution of very low chromatin concentration the statistical distribution of DNA length released upon nucleosome unfolding shows only one population centered around approximately 25 nm, in nucleosome stabilizing conditions a second population with average length of approximately 50 nm was observed. Using radioactively labeled histone H3 and H2B, we demonstrate that upon lowering the chromatin concentration to very low values, first the linker histones are released, followed by the H2A-H2B dimer, whereas the H3-H4 tetramer remains stably attached to DNA even at the lowest concentration studied. The nucleosomal arrays reconstituted on a 5 S rDNA tandem repeat exhibited similar behavior. This suggests that the 25-nm disruption length is a consequence of the histone H2A-H2B dimer dissociation from the histone octamer. In nucleosome stabilizing conditions, a full approximately 145 bp is constrained in the nucleosome. Our data demonstrate that the nucleosome stability and histone octamer integrity can be severely degraded in experiments where the sample concentration is low.  相似文献   

Histone variant Htz1 substitution for H2A plays important roles in diverse DNA transactions. Histone chaperones Chz1 and Nap1 (nucleosome assembly protein 1) are important for the deposition Htz1 into nucleosomes. In literatures, it was suggested that Chz1 is a Htz1–H2B-specific chaperone, and it is relatively unstructured in solution but it becomes structured in complex with the Htz1–H2B histone dimer. Nap1 (nucleosome assembly protein 1) can bind (H3–H4)2 tetramers, H2A–H2B dimers and Htz1–H2B dimers. Nap1 can bind H2A–H2B dimer in the cytoplasm and shuttles the dimer into the nucleus. Moreover, Nap1 functions in nucleosome assembly by competitively interacting with non-nucleosomal histone–DNA. However, the exact roles of these chaperones in assembling Htz1-containing nucleosome remain largely unknown. In this paper, we revealed that Chz1 does not show a physical interaction with chromatin. In contrast, Nap1 binds exactly at the genomic DNA that contains Htz1. Nap1 and Htz1 show a preferential interaction with AG-rich DNA sequences. Deletion of chz1 results in a significantly decreased binding of Htz1 in chromatin, whereas deletion of nap1 dramatically increases the association of Htz1 with chromatin. Furthermore, genome-wide nucleosome-mapping analysis revealed that nucleosome occupancy for Htz1p-bound genes decreases upon deleting htz1 or chz1, suggesting that Htz1 is required for nucleosome structure at the specific genome loci. All together, these results define the distinct roles for histone chaperones Chz1 and Nap1 to regulate Htz1 incorporation into chromatin.  相似文献   

Nucleosome structure and stability affect genetic accessibility by altering the local chromatin morphology. Recent FRET experiments on nucleosomes have given valuable insight into the structural transformations they can adopt. Yet, even if performed under seemingly identical conditions, experiments performed in bulk and at the single molecule level have given mixed answers due to the limitations of each technique. To compare such experiments, however, they must be performed under identical conditions. Here we develop an experimental framework that overcomes the conventional limitations of each method: single molecule FRET experiments are carried out at bulk concentrations by adding unlabeled nucleosomes, while bulk FRET experiments are performed in microplates at concentrations near those used for single molecule detection. Additionally, the microplate can probe many conditions simultaneously before expending valuable instrument time for single molecule experiments. We highlight this experimental strategy by exploring the role of selective acetylation of histone H3 on nucleosome structure and stability; in bulk, H3-acetylated nucleosomes were significantly less stable than non-acetylated nucleosomes. Single molecule FRET analysis further revealed that acetylation of histone H3 promoted the formation of an additional conformational state, which is suppressed at higher nucleosome concentrations and which could be an important structural intermediate in nucleosome regulation.  相似文献   

Activation of cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) through sensing cytosolic double stranded DNA (dsDNA) plays a pivotal role in innate immunity against exogenous infection as well as cellular regulation under stress. Aberrant activation of cGAS induced by self-DNA is related to autoimmune diseases. cGAS accumulates at chromosomes during mitosis or spontaneously in the nucleus. Binding of cGAS to the nucleosome competitively attenuates the dsDNA-mediated cGAS activation, but the molecular mechanism of the attenuation is still poorly understood. Here, we report two cryo-electron microscopy structures of cGAS–nucleosome complexes. The structures reveal that cGAS interacts with the nucleosome as a monomer, forming 1:1 and 2:2 complexes, respectively. cGAS contacts the nucleosomal acidic patch formed by the H2A–H2B heterodimer through the dsDNA-binding site B in both complexes, and could interact with the DNA from the other symmetrically placed nucleosome via the dsDNA-binding site C in the 2:2 complex. The bound nucleosome inhibits the activation of cGAS through blocking the interaction of cGAS with ligand dsDNA and disrupting cGAS dimerization. R236A or R255A mutation of cGAS impairs the binding between cGAS and the nucleosome, and largely relieves the nucleosome-mediated inhibition of cGAS activity. Our study provides structural insights into the inhibition of cGAS activity by the nucleosome, and advances the understanding of the mechanism by which hosts avoid the autoimmune attack caused by cGAS.Subject terms: Cryoelectron microscopy, Pattern recognition receptors  相似文献   

DNA and core histones are hierarchically packaged into a complex organization called chromatin. The nucleosome assembly protein (NAP) family of histone chaperones is involved in the deposition of histone complexes H2A/H2B and H3/H4 onto DNA and prevents nonspecific aggregation of histones. Testis-specific Y-encoded protein (TSPY)–like protein 5 (TSPYL5) is a member of the TSPY-like protein family, which has been previously reported to interact with ubiquitin-specific protease USP7 and regulate cell proliferation and is thus implicated in various cancers, but its interaction with chromatin has not been investigated. In this study, we characterized the chromatin association of TSPYL5 and found that it preferentially binds histone H3/H4 via its C-terminal NAP-like domain both in vitro and ex vivo. We identified the critical residues involved in the TSPYL5–H3/H4 interaction and further quantified the binding affinity of TSPYL5 toward H3/H4 using biolayer interferometry. We then determined the binding stoichiometry of the TSPYL5–H3/H4 complex in vitro using a chemical cross-linking assay and size-exclusion chromatography coupled with multiangle laser light scattering. Our results indicate that a TSPYL5 dimer binds to either two histone H3/H4 dimers or a single tetramer. We further demonstrated that TSPYL5 has a specific affinity toward longer DNA fragments and that the same histone-binding residues are also critically involved in its DNA binding. Finally, employing histone deposition and supercoiling assays, we confirmed that TSPYL5 is a histone chaperone responsible for histone H3/H4 deposition and nucleosome assembly. We conclude that TSPYL5 is likely a new member of the NAP histone chaperone family.  相似文献   

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