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Hyaluronan catabolism: a new metabolic pathway   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A new pathway of intermediary metabolism is described involving the catabolism of hyaluronan. The cell surface hyaluronan receptor, CD44, two hyaluronidases, Hyal-1 and Hyal-2, and two lysosomal enzymes, beta-glucuronidase and beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase, are involved. This metabolic cascade begins in lipid raft invaginations at the cell membrane surface. Degradation of the high-molecular-weight extracellular hyaluronan occurs in a series of discreet steps generating hyaluronan chains of decreasing sizes. The biological functions of the oligomers at each quantum step differ widely, from the space-filling, hydrating, anti-angiogenic, immunosuppressive 10(4)-kDa extracellular polymer, to 20-kDa intermediate polymers that are highly angiogenic, immuno-stimulatory, and inflammatory. This is followed by degradation to small oligomers that can induce heat shock proteins and that are anti-apoptotic. The single sugar products, glucuronic acid and a glucosamine derivative are released from lysosomes to the cytoplasm, where they become available for other metabolic cycles. There are 15 g of hyaluronan in the 70-kg individual, of which 5 g are cycled daily through this pathway. Some of the steps in this catabolic cascade can be commandeered by cancer cells in the process of growth, invasion, and metastatic spread.  相似文献   

The primary features of cancer are maintained via intrinsically modified metabolic activity, which is characterized by enhanced nutrient supply, energy production, and biosynthetic activity to synthesize a variety of macromolecular components during each passage through the cell cycle. This metabolic shift in transformed cells, as compared with non-proliferating cells, involves aberrant activation of aerobic glycolysis, de novo lipid biosynthesis and glutamine-dependent anaplerosis to fuel robust cell growth and proliferation. Here, we discuss the unique metabolic characteristics of cancer, the constitutive regulation of metabolism through a variety of signal transduction pathways and/or enzymes involved in metabolic reprogramming in cancer cells, and their implications in cancer diagnosis and therapy.  相似文献   

A ten microsecond molecular dynamics simulation of a kallikrein-related peptidase 7 peptide complex revealed an unexpected change in binding mode. After more than two microseconds unrestrained sampling we observe a spontaneous transition of the binding pose including a 180° rotation around the P1 residue. Subsequently, the substrate peptide occupies the prime side region rather than the cognate non-prime side in a stable conformation. We characterize the unexpected binding mode in terms of contacts, solvent-accessible surface area, molecular interactions and energetic properties. We compare the new pose to inhibitor-bound structures of kallikreins with occupied prime side and find that a similar orientation is adopted. Finally, we apply in silico mutagenesis based on the alternative peptide binding position to explore the prime side specificity of kallikrein-related peptidase 7 and compare it to available experimental data. Our study provides the first microsecond time scale simulation data on a kallikrein protease and shows previously unexplored prime side interactions. Therefore, we expect our study to advance the rational design of inhibitors targeting kallikrein-related peptidase 7, an emerging drug target involved in several skin diseases as well as cancer.  相似文献   



Monoacylglycerol acyltransferases (MGATs) are predominantly associated with lipid absorption and resynthesis in the animal intestine where they catalyse the first step in the monoacylglycerol (MAG) pathway by acylating MAG to form diacylglycerol (DAG). Typical plant triacylglycerol (TAG) biosynthesis routes such as the Kennedy pathway do not include an MGAT step. Rather, DAG and TAG are synthesised de novo from glycerol-3-phosphate (G-3-P) by a series of three subsequent acylation reactions although a complex interplay with membrane lipids exists.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We demonstrate that heterologous expression of a mouse MGAT acyltransferase in Nicotiana benthamiana significantly increases TAG accumulation in vegetative tissues despite the low levels of endogenous MAG substrate available. In addition, DAG produced by this acyltransferase can serve as a substrate for both native and coexpressed diacylglycerol acyltransferases (DGAT). Finally, we show that the Arabidopsis thaliana GPAT4 acyltransferase can produce MAG in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using oleoyl-CoA as the acyl-donor.


This study demonstrates the concept of a new method of increasing oil content in vegetative tissues by using MAG as a substrate for TAG biosynthesis. Based on in vitro yeast assays and expression results in N. benthamiana, we propose that co-expression of a MAG synthesising enzyme such as A. thaliana GPAT4 and a MGAT or bifunctional M/DGAT can result in DAG and TAG synthesis from G-3-P via a route that is independent and complementary to the endogenous Kennedy pathway and other TAG synthesis routes.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is a gastric peptide, discovered by Kojima et al. (1999) [55] as a result of the search for an endogenous ligand interacting with the “orphan receptor” GHS-R1a (growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1a). Ghrelin is composed of 28 aminoacids and is produced mostly by specific cells of the stomach, by the hypothalamus and hypophysis, even if its presence, as well as that of its receptors, has been demonstrated in many other tissues, not least in gonads. Ghrelin potently stimulates GH release and participates in the regulation of energy homeostasis, increasing food intake, decreasing energy output and exerting a lipogenetic effect. Furthermore, ghrelin influences the secretion and motility of the gastrointestinal tract, especially of the stomach, and, above all, profoundly affects pancreatic functions. Despite of these previously envisaged activities, it has recently been hypothesized that ghrelin regulates several aspects of reproductive physiology and pathology. In conclusion, ghrelin not only cooperates with other neuroendocrine factors, such as leptin, in the modulation of energy homeostasis, but also has a crucial role in the regulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary gonadal axis. In the current review we summarize the main targets of this gastric peptide, especially focusing on the reproductive system.  相似文献   

Elementary mode analysis is a useful metabolic pathway analysis tool to identify the structure of a metabolic network that links the cellular phenotype to the corresponding genotype. The analysis can decompose the intricate metabolic network comprised of highly interconnected reactions into uniquely organized pathways. These pathways consisting of a minimal set of enzymes that can support steady state operation of cellular metabolism represent independent cellular physiological states. Such pathway definition provides a rigorous basis to systematically characterize cellular phenotypes, metabolic network regulation, robustness, and fragility that facilitate understanding of cell physiology and implementation of metabolic engineering strategies. This mini-review aims to overview the development and application of elementary mode analysis as a metabolic pathway analysis tool in studying cell physiology and as a basis of metabolic engineering.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is a gastric peptide, discovered by Kojima et al. (1999) [55] as a result of the search for an endogenous ligand interacting with the “orphan receptor” GHS-R1a (growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1a). Ghrelin is composed of 28 aminoacids and is produced mostly by specific cells of the stomach, by the hypothalamus and hypophysis, even if its presence, as well as that of its receptors, has been demonstrated in many other tissues, not least in gonads. Ghrelin potently stimulates GH release and participates in the regulation of energy homeostasis, increasing food intake, decreasing energy output and exerting a lipogenetic effect. Furthermore, ghrelin influences the secretion and motility of the gastrointestinal tract, especially of the stomach, and, above all, profoundly affects pancreatic functions. Despite of these previously envisaged activities, it has recently been hypothesized that ghrelin regulates several aspects of reproductive physiology and pathology. In conclusion, ghrelin not only cooperates with other neuroendocrine factors, such as leptin, in the modulation of energy homeostasis, but also has a crucial role in the regulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary gonadal axis. In the current review we summarize the main targets of this gastric peptide, especially focusing on the reproductive system.  相似文献   

Rat aortic endothelium is differentiated regionally for three signal pathways capable of regulating the cGMP content of the underlying smooth muscle. Formation of nitric oxide (NO) from L-arginine and of glutamate from L-leucine increase cGMP; however, formation of prostaglandin H2 (PGH2) decreases cGMP. All three have peak activity in the windkessel area just distal to the aortic arch and decrease peripherally. We report evidence that the biochemical route of the leucine-to-glutamate (Leu-->Glu) pathway is via metabolism of leucine to acetyl CoA, that the controlling reaction of the pathway is mediated by the branched chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase complex (BCDC), and that glutamate formation via the Leu-->Glu pathway is a major source of aortic segment free glutamate in vitro. Interruption of the pathway by treatment of precontracted rat aortic rings in vitro with each of three classes of inhibitors (leucine analogs, competitors for the BCDC reaction, or inhibitors of L-glutamate transport) enhances contractile responses. The enhancement requires an intact endothelium and is not owing to reductions in NO formation. The results support the hypothesis that the Leu-->Glu pathway functions in the regulation of aortic contractility and compliance.  相似文献   

Loayza D  de Lange T 《Cell》2004,117(3):279-280
Telomerase is known to preferentially elongate the shortest telomeres in a cell. Using an elegant yeast assay, Texeira et al. (2004 [this issue of Cell]) address what aspect of telomerase action is regulated by telomere length: the frequency or the extent of telomere elongation. They show that short telomeres are elongated more frequently than long telomeres, arguing that telomeres switch between two states, one that allows telomere extension and one that does not.  相似文献   

A new metabolic pathway, known as the mannitol cycle, has been identified in the coccidian parasite Eimeria tenella. It appears that this pathway may be important for the production and utilization of energy reserves for the parasite. This pathway has not been found in any other animal system and was previously thought to be unique to fungi.  相似文献   

Mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is a master regulator of cell growth and autophagy. Its activity is regulated by the availability of amino acids and growth factors. The activation of mTORC1 by growth factors, such as insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), is mediated by tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) 1 and 2 and Rheb GTPase. Relative to the growth factor-regulated mTORC1 pathway, the evolutionarily ancient amino acid-mTORC1 pathway remains not yet clearly defined. The amino acid-mTORC1 pathway is mediated by Rag GTPase heterodimers. Several binding proteins of Rag GTPases were discovered in recent studies. Here, we discuss the functions and mechanisms of the newly-identified binders of Rag GTPases. In particular, this review focuses on SH3 binding protein 4 (SH3BP4), the protein recently identifed as a negative regulator of Rag GTPases.  相似文献   

In Aspergillus nidulans the pathway involving cystathionine formation is the main one for homocysteine synthesis. Mutants lacking cystathionine gamma-synthase or beta-cystathionase are auxotrophs suppressible by: (i) mutations in the main pathway of cysteine synthesis (cysA1, cysB1, and cysC1), (ii) mutations causing stimulation of cysteine catabolism (su101), and (iii) mutations in a presumed regulatory gene (suAmeth). A relative shortage of cysteine in the first group of suppressors causes a derepression of homocysteine synthase, the enzyme involved in the alternative pathway of homocysteine synthesis. A similar derepression is observed in the suAmeth strain. Homocysteine synthesized by this pathway serves as precursor for cysteine and methionine synthesis. A mutant with altered homocysteine synthase is a prototroph, indicating that this enzyme is not essential for the fungus.  相似文献   

N-type inactivation in voltage-gated K+ (Kv) channels is a widespread means to modulate neuronal excitability and signaling. Here we have shown a novel mechanism of N-type inactivation in a Caenorhabditis elegans Kv channel. The N-terminal sequence of KVS-1 contains a domain of 22 amino acids that resembles the inactivation ball in A-type channels, which is preceded by a domain of eighteen amino acids. Wild type KVS-1 currents can be described as A-type; however, their kinetics are significantly (approximately 5-fold) slower. When the putative inactivation ball is deleted, the current becomes non-inactivating. Inactivation is restored in non-inactivating channels by diffusion of the missing inactivation domain in the cytoplasm. Deletion of the domain in front of the ball speeds inactivation kinetics approximately 5-fold. We conclude that KVS-1 is the first example of a novel type of Kv channel simultaneously possessing an N-inactivating ball preceded by an N inactivation regulatory domain (NIRD) that acts to slow down inactivation through steric mechanisms.  相似文献   

工业微生物代谢途径调控的基因敲除策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基因敲除技术是一项重要的分子生物学技术,在工业微生物代谢工程中具有广泛应用。以下从基因敲除技术的遗传重组原理出发,总结了基因敲除策略的类型、特征和应用,重点介绍了采用线性双链DNA的λRed同源重组系统、使用环状质粒载体介导的单交换或双交换同源重组策略以及采用转座酶介导的转座重组等几种主要的基因敲除方法,进一步展望了基因敲除技术的发展前沿和应用前景。  相似文献   

In the present work, we have studied the kinetic properties of the catalytic domain of CtBP1, a co-repressor belonging to the d-2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase family and known to reduce pyruvate in the presence of NADH. CtBP1 acted on a variety of alpha-keto acids, for which it displayed biphasic curves with inhibition at elevated concentrations, as observed with other dehydrogenases of the same family. Based on catalytic efficiencies, the best substrate was 2-keto-4-methylthiobutyrate, an intermediate of the methionine salvage pathway. It was about 20-fold better than 2-ketoisocaproate and glyoxylate, and 80-fold better than pyruvate. From these data we conclude that 2-keto-4-methylthiobutyrate may be an important regulator of CtBP activity, possibly linking gene repression to the activity of the methionine salvage and spermine synthesis pathways.  相似文献   

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