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Synaptic and spike responses of neurons were studied in a two-layered model based on a study of the structure of the neuronal net of the defensive reflex in snails [4], using a technique of simultaneous application of two equal stimuli. When the points of application of the two stimuli were brought closer together the bimodal distribution of synaptic and spike responses of the efferent neurons of the model gradually changed into unimodal. The character of quantitative changes in synaptic and spike responses of neurons of the model, as the points of application of the two stimuli move closer together, reflects well the character of changes in effector responses of the snail's foot under experimental conditions as the distance between the two simultaneously acting tactile stimuli is reduced. After removal of the CNS, responses of contraction of the foot muscles of the snail become less accurate (they have a more diffuse maximum). It is suggested that the difference between functions of the central and peripheral nerve nets in molluscs lies in differences in the degree of accuracy of performance of the reflex response.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 604–610, November–December, 1983.  相似文献   

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is increasingly used to investigate mechanisms of brain functions and plasticity, but also as a promising new therapeutic tool. The effects of rTMS depend on the intensity and frequency of stimulation and consist of changes of cortical excitability, which often persists several minutes after termination of rTMS. While these findings imply that cortical processing can be altered by applying current pulses from outside the brain, little is known about how rTMS persistently affects learning and perception. Here we demonstrate in humans, through a combination of psychophysical assessment of two-point discrimination thresholds and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), that brief periods of 5 Hz rTMS evoke lasting perceptual and cortical changes. rTMS was applied over the cortical representation of the right index finger of primary somatosensory cortex, resulting in a lowering of discrimination thresholds of the right index finger. fMRI revealed an enlargement of the right index finger representation in primary somatosensory cortex that was linearly correlated with the individual rTMS-induced perceptual improvement indicative of a close link between cortical and perceptual changes. The results demonstrate that repetitive, unattended stimulation from outside the brain, combined with a lack of behavioral information, are effective in driving persistent improvement of the perception of touch. The underlying properties and processes that allow cortical networks, after being modified through TMS pulses, to reach new organized stable states that mediate better performance remain to be clarified.  相似文献   

Plasticity studies suggest that behavioral relevance can change the cortical processing of trained or conditioned sensory stimuli. However, whether this occurs in the context of natural communication, where stimulus significance is acquired through social interaction, has not been well investigated, perhaps because neural responses to species-specific vocalizations can be difficult to interpret within a systematic framework. The ultrasonic communication system between isolated mouse pups and adult females that either do or do not recognize the calls' significance provides an opportunity to explore this issue. We applied an information-based analysis to multi- and single unit data collected from anesthetized mothers and pup-naïve females to quantify how the communicative significance of pup calls affects their encoding in the auditory cortex. The timing and magnitude of information that cortical responses convey (at a 2-ms resolution) for pup call detection and discrimination was significantly improved in mothers compared to naïve females, most likely because of changes in call frequency encoding. This was not the case for a non-natural sound ensemble outside the mouse vocalization repertoire. The results demonstrate that a sensory cortical change in the timing code for communication sounds is correlated with the vocalizations' behavioral relevance, potentially enhancing functional processing by improving its signal to noise ratio.  相似文献   

The relationship between 10 components of somatosensory evoked potentials (EPs) and pain discrimination in man was studied using Signal Detection Theory (SDT) psychophysics. Two painful electrical stimuli were delivered to the right index finger in random order over all trials. EPs were recorded from the scalp at the contralateral primary somatic projection area while subjects performed SDT discrimination. The stimulus-response combination was classified into 4 categories according to SDT response: hits, misses, false alarms (FAs) and correct rejections (CRs). The amplitudes and peak latencies of EPs in 4 categories were compared with each other. EPs associated with hits and FAs had significantly greater amplitude at P 190, N 220 and P 270 than those associated with misses and CRs, while there was no change in the amplitude of other components. The amplitude of these 3 components systematically increased with an increase in the magnitude of subjective response. Peak latencies of all components were not related to the response categories. These results indicate that the amplitude of the 3 last components may be concerned with the pain evaluating system in the brain.  相似文献   

We compared whisking movement patterns during acquisition of tactile detection and object discrimination under conditions in which (a) head movements are excluded and (b) exposure to tactile discriminanda is confined to the large, moveable vibrissae (macrovibrissae). We used optoelectronic instrumentation to track the movements of an individual whisker with high spatio-temporal resolution and a testing paradigm, which allowed us to dissociate performance on an “indicator” response (lever pressing) from the rat's “observing” responses (discriminative whisking). We analyzed the relation between discrimination performance and whisking movement patterns in order to clarify the process by which the indicator response comes under the stimulus control of information acquired by the rat's whisking behavior. Whisking patterns over the course of task acquisition differed with task demands. Acquisition of the Detection task was correlated with modulation of only one whisking movement parameter - total number of whisks emitted, and more whisking was seen on trials in which the discriminandum was absent. Discrimination between a sphere and cube differing in size and texture was correlated with a reduction in whisk duration and protraction amplitude and with a shift towards higher whisking frequencies. Our findings confirm previous reports that acquisition of tactile discriminations involves modulation by the animal of both the amount and the type of whisking. In contrast with a previous report (Brecht et al., 1997), they indicate that rats can solve tactile object detection and discrimination tasks (a) using only the large, motile mystacial vibrissae (macrovibrissae) and (b) without engaging in head movements.We conclude that the functional contribution of the macrovibrissae will vary with the nature of the task and the conditions of testing.  相似文献   

We compared whisking movement patterns during acquisition of tactile detection and object discrimination under conditions in which (a) head movements are excluded and (b) exposure to tactile discriminanda is confined to the large, moveable vibrissae (macrovibrissae). We used optoelectronic instrumentation to track the movements of an individual whisker with high spatio-temporal resolution and a testing paradigm, which allowed us to dissociate performance on an "indicator" response (lever pressing) from the rat's "observing" responses (discriminative whisking). We analyzed the relation between discrimination performance and whisking movement patterns in order to clarify the process by which the indicator response comes under the stimulus control of information acquired by the rat's whisking behavior. Whisking patterns over the course of task acquisition differed with task demands. Acquisition of the Detection task was correlated with modulation of only one whisking movement parameter-total number of whisks emitted, and more whisking was seen on trials in which the discriminandum was absent. Discrimination between a sphere and cube differing in size and texture was correlated with a reduction in whisk duration and protraction amplitude and with a shift towards higher whisking frequencies. Our findings confirm previous reports that acquisition of tactile discriminations involves modulation by the animal of both the amount and the type of whisking. In contrast with a previous report (Brecht et al., 1997), they indicate that rats can solve tactile object detection and discrimination tasks (a) using only the large, motile mystacial vibrissae (macrovibrissae) and (b) without engaging in head movements. We conclude that the functional contribution of the macrovibrissae will vary with the nature of the task and the conditions of testing.  相似文献   

Davison IG  Ehlers MD 《Neuron》2011,70(1):82-94
Odors are initially encoded in the brain as a set of distinct physicochemical characteristics but are ultimately perceived as a unified sensory object--a "smell." It remains unclear how chemical features encoded by diverse odorant receptors and segregated glomeruli in the main olfactory bulb (MOB) are assembled into integrated cortical representations. Combining patterned optical microstimulation of MOB with in vivo electrophysiological recordings in anterior piriform cortex (PCx), we assessed how cortical neurons decode complex activity patterns distributed across MOB glomeruli. PCx firing was insensitive to single-glomerulus photostimulation. Instead, individual cells reported higher-order combinations of coactive glomeruli resembling odor-evoked sensory maps. Intracellular recordings revealed a corresponding circuit architecture providing each cortical neuron with weak synaptic input from a distinct subpopulation of MOB glomeruli. PCx neurons thus detect specific glomerular ensembles, providing an explicit neural representation of chemical feature combinations that are the hallmark of complex odor stimuli.  相似文献   

Studies show that while the cortical mechanisms of two-dimensional (2D) form and motion processing are similar in touch and vision, the mechanisms of three-dimensional (3D) shape processing are different. 2D form and motion are processed in areas 3b and 1 of SI cortex by neurons with receptive fields (RFs) composed of excitatory and inhibitory subregions. 3D shape is processed in area 2 and SII and relies on the integration of cutaneous and proprioceptive inputs. The RFs of SII neurons vary in size and shape with heterogeneous structures consisting of orientation-tuned fingerpads mixed with untuned excitatory or inhibitory fingerpads. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the neurons to cutaneous inputs changes with hand conformation. We hypothesize that these RFs are the kernels underlying tactile object recognition.  相似文献   

Current opinion holds that human colour vision is mediated primarily via a colour-opponent pathway that carries information about both wavelength and luminance contrast (type I). However, some authors argue that chromatic sensitivity may be limited by a different geniculostriate pathway, which carries information about wavelength alone (type II). We provide psychophysical evidence that both pathways may contribute to the perception of moving, chromatic targets in humans, depending on the nature of the visual discrimination. In experiment 1, we show that adaptation to drifting, red-green stimuli causes reductions in contrast sensitivity for both the detection and direction discrimination of moving chromatic targets. Importantly, the effects of adaptation are not directionally specific. In experiment 2, we show that adaptation to luminance gratings results in reduced sensitivity for the direction discrimination, but not the detection of moving chromatic targets. We suggest that sensitivity for the direction discrimination of chromatic targets is limited by a colour-opponent pathway that also conveys luminance-contrast information, whereas the detection of such targets is limited by a pathway with access to colour information alone. The properties of these pathways are consistent with the known properties of type-I and type-II neurons of the primate parvocellular lateral geniculate nucleus and their cortical projections. These findings may explain the known differences between detection and direction discrimination thresholds for chromatic targets moving at low to moderate velocities.  相似文献   

Previous studies in our laboratory have shown that even short-term separation of preweanling rat pups from the mother produces adverse effects in the pup. These include alterations in ornithine decarboxylase activity and in the secretion of growth hormone and corticosterone. The present study demonstrates that while intermittent heavy stroking effectively reverses or prevents all the changes associated with maternal deprivation neither kinesthetic nor vestibular stimulation affects these responses. The results verify earlier findings from this laboratory indicating that tactile interactions between rat pups and their mother modulate pup physiology and provide experimental support for the hypothesized role of tactile stimuli on early infant development.  相似文献   

Macaca nemestrina monkeys were trained to indicate the location of suprathreshold tactile stimuli delivered to the glabrous skin of either foot. The testing paradigm involved self-initiated trials (a bar press), followed by 10-Hz stimulation at one of six locations (e.g., on the distal phalanx of the second toe on the left foot), providing the opportunity for the animal to press one of six buttons located on a facing panel. The buttons were positioned on a picture of a monkey's feet at locations corresponding to the skin loci that were stimulated on different trials. If the animal first pressed the button corresponding to the position stimulated, liquid reward was delivered; responses to any other button terminated stimulation without reward, requiring initiation of another trial for the opportunity to receive reinforcement. The localization errors for normal monkeys were reliably greater along the mediolateral dimension of the foot than they were proximodistally. For example, stimulation of the tip of toe 4 elicited responses to the button at the tip of toe 2 on 25% of the trials, as compared with only 10% errors between the tip of toe 4 and the pad at the base of toe 4. Following unilateral interruption of the dorsal spinal columns at an upper thoracic level, the capacity for absolute tactile localization was unchanged over months of testing. The greater localization accuracy along the proximodistal axis of the foot remained after dorsal column transection. In order to evaluate neural substrates of localization by monkeys, single-neuron receptive field (RF) sizes and distributions within the first somatosensory (SI) cortex were examined to determine the overlap or separation of the representations of different points on glabrous skin. The sample of neurons that provided the RF data was obtained in previous investigations of unanesthetized, neuromuscularly blocked Macaca fascicularis monkeys. Analysis of RF overlap revealed that greater than 50% of cytoarchitectural area 1 units that responded to stimulation of one digit tip also responded to another digit or to the pad at the base of a digit. These large RFs seem poorly suited to subserve a high degree of spatial localization and are compatible with the frequent localization errors by the monkeys in the behavioral experiments. However, the area 1 RF data do not explain the tendency of these animals to exhibit better localization accuracy along the proximodistal axis than along the mediolateral axis of the volar foot.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The ability of observers to detect temporal gaps in bursts of sinusoids or bursts of band-limited noise was measured to assess the temporal acuity of Pacinian (P) and non-Pacinian (NP) tactile information processing channels. The P channel was isolated by delivering high frequency sinusoids or high frequency noise through a large 1.5-cm2 contactor to the thenar eminence. The NP channels were isolated from the P channel by delivering these stimuli as well as stimuli with lower frequencies through a small 0.01-cm2 contactor to the same site. Gap detection thresholds were higher for gaps in noise than for gaps in sinusoids but did not differ among conditions designed to isolate P and NP channels. The finding that temporal acuity does not differ among channels supports the hypothesis that, after termination of a stimulus, the P and NP channels exhibit the same amount of neural persistence. Also consistent with this hypothesis are the earlier findings that the enhancement of the sensation magnitude of a stimulus by a prior stimulus (Verrillo and Gescheider, Percept Psychophys 18: 128-136, 1975) and the duration of sensation after the termination of a stimulus (Gescheider et al., J Acoust Soc Am 91: 1690-1696, 1992) are independent of stimulus frequency. One important implication of this hypothesis, if true, is that the presence of temporal summation in the P channel and its absence in the NP channels, results, not from the lack of neural persistence in the NP channels, but instead, in marked contrast to the P channel, from the lack of a mechanism for integrating persistent neural activity over time.  相似文献   

The ability of observers to detect temporal gaps in bursts of sinusoids or bursts of band-limited noise was measured to assess the temporal acuity of Pacinian (P) and non-Pacinian (NP) tactile information processing channels. The P channel was isolated by delivering high frequency sinusoids or high frequency noise through a large 1.5-cm2 contactor to the thenar eminence. The NP channels were isolated from the P channel by delivering these stimuli as well as stimuli with lower frequencies through a small 0.01-cm2 contactor to the same site. Gap detection thresholds were higher for gaps in noise than for gaps in sinusoids but did not differ among conditions designed to isolate P and NP channels. The finding that temporal acuity does not differ among channels supports the hypothesis that, after termination of a stimulus, the P and NP channels exhibit the same amount of neural persistence. Also consistent with this hypothesis are the earlier findings that the enhancement of the sensation magnitude of a stimulus by a prior stimulus (Verrillo and Gescheider, Percept Psychophys 18: 128–136, 1975) and the duration of sensation after the termination of a stimulus (Gescheider et al., J Acoust Soc Am 91: 1690–1696, 1992) are independent of stimulus frequency. One important implication of this hypothesis, if true, is that the presence of temporal summation in the P channel and its absence in the NP channels, results, not from the lack of neural persistence in the NP channels, but instead, in marked contrast to the P channel, from the lack of a mechanism for integrating persistent neural activity over time.  相似文献   

Characteristics of extra- and intracellular responses of 57 neurons in the vibrissal projection zone of the first somatosensory area of the cat cortex were investigated. The intensity of both excitatory and inhibitory unit responses was found to diminish during successive stimulation of different parts of the receptive fields in the direction from center toward periphery. Usually, when central parts of receptive fields were stimulated, inhibition in the unit responses was postexcitatory, whereas when peripheral parts were stimulated inhibition could precede excitation. The possibility of an increase in the role of interaction between excitatory and inhibitory processes arising in neurons in response to vibrissal stimulation with an increase in the distance from center to periphery of receptive fields of single cortical cells is discussed. Neurons found during one insertion of the microelectrode were seen to have common center for their receptive fields, but the diameters of the receptive fields of individual neurons could differ significantly. Moreover, during such vertical insertions responses of neurons with primary inhibition to the stimuli presented were recorded.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 124–130, March–April, 1980.  相似文献   

Pei YC  Hsiao SS  Craig JC  Bensmaia SJ 《Neuron》2011,69(3):536-547
How are local motion signals integrated to form a global motion percept? We investigate the neural mechanisms of tactile motion integration by presenting tactile gratings and plaids to the fingertips of monkeys, using the tactile analogue of a visual monitor and recording the responses evoked in somatosensory cortical neurons. The perceived directions of the gratings and plaids are measured in parallel psychophysical experiments. We identify a population of somatosensory neurons that exhibit integration properties comparable to those induced by analogous visual stimuli in area MT and find that these neural responses account for the perceived direction of the stimuli across all stimulus conditions tested. The preferred direction of the neurons and the perceived direction of the stimuli can be predicted from the weighted average of the directions of the individual stimulus features, highlighting that the somatosensory system implements a vector average mechanism to compute tactile motion direction that bears striking similarities to its visual counterpart.  相似文献   

This study examined selective attention to tactile dimensions by combining a selective cueing paradigm with a test of integrality. In Experiment 1, subjects selectively attended to changes in the frequency or duration of pairs of vibrotactile stimuli and identified the higher frequency or longer duration stimulus. In Experiment 2, using surface gratings in an identical experimental procedure, subjects identified the rougher or longer duration stimulus. In both experiments, greater performance accuracy was found on trials where the cue correctly (valid) predicted the changing dimension, vs incorrectly (invalid) cued or no-cue (neutral) trials. More errors on the invalidly vs neutrally cued trials show the cost of focal attention. Increases in performance on validly vs neutrally cued trials show a benefit of filtering irrelevant stimuli in the cued conditions. Results effectively demonstrate focal attention to tactile features. Tests of integrality, in terms of the effects of correlated change in both dimensions, showed no redundancy gain for either vibrotactile or grating tasks, suggesting that frequency and roughness are separable from stimulus duration. Interference of negative correlated change for frequency but not roughness discriminations may be explained by differences in task difficulty.  相似文献   

To understand how information is coded in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) we need to decipher the relationship between neural activity and tactile stimuli. Such a relationship can be formally measured by mutual information. The present study was designed to determine how S1 neuronal populations code for the multidimensional kinetic features (i.e. random, time-varying patterns of force) of complex tactile stimuli, applied at different locations of the rat forepaw. More precisely, the stimulus localization and feature extraction were analyzed as two independent processes, using both rate coding and temporal coding strategies. To model the process of stimulus kinetic feature extraction, multidimensional stimuli were projected onto lower dimensional subspace and then clustered according to their similarity. Different combinations of stimuli clustering were applied to differentiate each stimulus identification process. Information analyses show that both processes are synergistic, this synergy is enhanced within the temporal coding framework. The stimulus localization process is faster than the stimulus feature extraction process. The latter provides more information quantity with rate coding strategy, whereas the localization process maximizes the mutual information within the temporal coding framework. Therefore, combining mutual information analysis with robust clustering of complex stimuli provides a framework to study neural coding mechanisms related to complex stimuli discrimination.  相似文献   

This study examined selective attention to tactile dimensions by combining a selective cueing paradigm with a test of integrality. In Experiment 1, subjects selectively attended to changes in the frequency or duration of pairs of vibrotactile stimuli and identified the higher frequency or longer duration stimulus. In Experiment 2, using surface gratings in an identical experimental procedure, subjects identified the rougher or longer duration stimulus. In both experiments, greater performance accuracy was found on trials where the cue correctly (valid) predicted the changing dimension, vs incorrectly (invalid) cued or no-cue (neutral) trials. More errors on the invalidly vs neutrally cued trials show the cost of focal attention. Increases in performance on validly vs neutrally cued trials show a benefit of filtering irrelevant stimuli in the cued conditions. Results effectively demonstrate focal attention to tactile features. Tests of integrality, in terms of the effects of correlated change in both dimensions, showed no redundancy gain for either vibrotactile or grating tasks, suggesting that frequency and roughness are separable from stimulus duration. Interference of negative correlated change for frequency but not roughness discriminations may be explained by differences in task difficulty.  相似文献   

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