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A kinetic analysis of the labeling of the methylated components of messenger RNA and heterogeneous nuclear RNA in mouse L cells indicates that the 5′ terminal cap I structures (m7GpppXmpYp) of mRNA are derived from 5′ terminal cap structures of hnRNA. Most of the hnRNA caps are conserved during processing, whereas only a portion of the internal m6A residues in hnRNA are conserved. The cap II structures (m7GpppXmpYmpZp), which constitute the 5′ termini of some mRNAs, arise by a “secondary” methylation that occurs after the mRNAs have entered the cytoplasm. This secondary methylation is apparently restricted to a particular subclass of mRNAs having a high frequency of pyrimidine nucleotides at position Y, a composition at position X which differs from that of the bulk of the cap I-terminated mRNAs, and a relatively slow rate of turnover.  相似文献   

Wei H  Mei YA  Sun JT  Zhou HQ  Zhang ZH 《Cell research》2003,13(1):21-28
Swelling-activated Cl^- currents,I(Cl,swell),were measured during hyposmotic shock in white Leghorn embryonic chick heart cells using the whole-cell recording of patch-clamp technique.Genistein,an inhibitor of protein tyrosine kinase(PTK),suppressed I(Cl,swell).Under isosmotic condition phorbol 12-myristate 13-actetate(PMA),and activator of PKC,elicited the Cl^- current similar to that in hyposmotic solution,whereas hyposmotic shock did not elicit I(Cl,swell) in chelerythrine chloride(an inhibitor of PKC)-treated cells,Confocal microscopy experiments using FITC-phalloidin as a fluorescent label of F-actin showed that the actin network was moved from cortical region of the cell to the center after hyposmotic shock as compared with the image under isosmotic condition,When the cells were treated with cytochalasin B(CB)or cytochalasin D(CD)under isosmotic condition the disruption of the F-actin integrity was observed,and I(C,l,swell). The results suggested that the role of PTK,probably receptor tyrosine kinase,for regulation of I(Cl,swell) appeared to be at upstream site related to the role of F-actin.Then PKC signal pathway was activated somehow and finally change in the polymerization state of cytoskeleton led to activate the swelling-activated Cl^- channels.These results demonstrate clearly that PTK,PKC and F-actin are important factors for regulation of I(Cl,swell),in embryonic chick heart cells as compared with often controversial results reported in different cell types.  相似文献   

The methyl ester of m7G5′ p was synthesized by a carbodiimide-catalyzed reaction of G5′ p with methanol followed by dimethylsulfate alkylation. Comparative spectral analyses indicated that m7Gp · methyl ester retained the rigid conformation characteristic of the messenger RNA cap analog, m7G5′ p but not its strong inhibitory activity against initiation of capped mRNA translation. Attachment of reovirus mRNA to wheat germ ribosomes, crosslinking of capbinding protein to the 5′-end of oxidized mRNA, and stimulation by this protein of capped mRNA translation in HeLa cell extract were all several-fold more sensitive to inhibition by m7G5′ p than to m7Gp · methyl ester. Conversion of the esterified analog to m7G5′ p by digestion with venom phosphodiesterase restored completely the ability to inhibit initiation complex formation. The results indicate that structural features of the 5′-terminal m7G cap of mRNA over and above preferred conformation are recognized during eukaryotic protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Storage of whole retinas from the embryonic chick for 24 h at 4 °C resulted in increased basal levels of glutamine synthetase (GS) during subsequent incubation at 37 °C in the absence of cortisol. GS levels in these retinas maintained initially at 4 °C (CS), in many cases, exceeded GS levels in cortisol-induced whole retinas incubated solely at 37 °C. The increase in basal GS activity is seen within 48 h of the transfer of the retinas from 4 to 37 °C. If cortisol (0.001 μg/ml = 2.8 nm or 0.01 μg/ml = 28 nm) is added during the last 24 h of culture to CS retinas subsequently transferred to 37 °C, levels of GS are attained that are higher than those in the corresponding retinas cultured continually at 37 °C. However, the activity ratios (GS specific activity in cortisol-treated retinas/GS specific activity in retinas not exposed to cortisol) are similar for CS retinas and those maintained at 37 °C throughout. Monolayers of retinal cells display similar basal and cortisol-induced levels of GS independent of treatment. Retinal monolayers maintained at 4 °C for 24 h and subsequently incubated at 37 °C do not exhibit increases in either basal or cortisol-induced levels of GS over those in monolayers maintained at 37 °C throughout. The CS-promoted increase in the basal and cortisol-induced GS activity of whole retinas is eliminated by enzymatic dispersion of the retina just prior to 37 °C culture of the cells as monolayers. Both basal and cortisol-induced GS levels in the latter monolayers resemble those in retinal cells kept as monolayers throughout.  相似文献   

1. 5'-Nucleotidase activity was obtained in a soluble form after treatment of a particulate fraction from Ehrlich ascites-tumour cells with deoxycholate. The relative rates of hydrolysis of 6-thioinosine 5'-phosphate, UMP, AMP, CMP, GMP, IMP, xanthosine monophosphate, thymidine monophosphate and 2',3'-AMP were 180, 129, 100, 93, 83, 79, 46, 41 and 3 respectively. 2. Values found for the Michaelis constant were: AMP, 67+/-12mum; IMP, 111+/-8mum; GMP, 93mum. 3. ATP and thymidine triphosphate were competitive inhibitors of AMP hydrolysis (inhibitor constants 0.4 and 4.8mum respectively); UTP, GTP and CTP were mixed competitive and non-competitive inhibitors. Thymidine triphosphate was a competitive inhibitor of IMP hydrolysis (inhibitor constant 14.4mum) and ATP, UTP and GTP showed mixed competitive and non-competitive inhibition. 4. ATP, thymidine triphosphate, UTP, GTP and CTP did not completely inhibit hydrolysis of AMP, IMP and UMP; the concentrations of ATP required to inhibit AMP and IMP hydrolysis by 50% were 12 and 230mum respectively. 5. Non-hyperbolic curves relating activity to UMP concentration were obtained in the presence and absence of triphosphates. 6. After fractionation on Sephadex G-200 columns a single peak of 5'-nucleotidase activity (particle weight 120000-125000) was obtained with AMP, IMP and GMP as substrates. UMP hydrolysis was catalysed by enzyme in this peak and in two slower peaks corresponding to apparent particle weights of 32000 and 16000; a single component (particle weight 120000), reacting with UMP and insensitive to UTP inhibition, was obtained when the column was eluted with buffer containing 1mm-UMP. 7. The possible significance of the results in the regulation of tumour-cell 5'-nucleotidase is discussed.  相似文献   

The histidine derivative diphthamide occurs uniquely in eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (EF-2), and is the specific target for the diphtheria toxin mono(ADP-ribosyl)transferase. The first step in diphthamide biosynthesis may involve the transfer of an aminocarboxypropyl moiety from S-adenosylmethionine to the imidazole ring of histidine in EF-2, to yield 2-(3-carboxy-3-aminopropyl)histidine and 5′-deoxy-5′-methylthioadenosine (MeSAdo). As the possible nucleoside product of the initial reaction in the diphthamide biosynthetic pathway, MeSAdo could be an inhibitor of diphthamide formation. In the present experiments, we have analyzed the effects of MeSAdo on diphthamide synthesis in a MeSAdo phosphorylase-deficient mutant murine lymphoma cell line (R1.1, clone H3). As measured by susceptibility to diphtheria toxin-induced ADP-ribosylation, MeSAdo inhibited the formation of diphthamide in EF-2. The inhibition was not due to a nonspecific effect on protein synthesis. Indeed, exogenous MeSAdo substantially protected the lymphoma cells from the lethal effects of diphtheria toxin. These results suggest that MeSAdo can specifically modulate the biosynthesis of diphthamide in EF-2 in murine malignant lymphoma cells.  相似文献   

Two different twodimensional cellulose thinlayer separations for blocked, methylated mRNA 5-termini are described. They allow rapid analysis even of complex mixtures of mRNA cap structures on the basis of their methyl group content and base composition. These simple procedures are especially useful for the analysis of [3H-methyl]-labeled mRNA in combination with tritium fluorography. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the methylated cap structures of in vitro labeled Vaccinia core mRNA is presented. The presence of methylated cap structures in Vaccinia RNA increases the in vitro translation efficiency of methylated Vaccinia RNA over Vaccinia RNA transcribed in the absence of a methyl group donor.  相似文献   

When Ac(2)-l-Lys-d-Ala-d-Ala and either meso-diaminopimelic acid or Gly-l-Ala are exposed to the exocellular dd-carboxypeptidase-transpeptidase of Streptomyces R61, transpeptidation reactions yielding Ac(2)-l-Lys-d-Ala-(d)-meso- diaminopimelic acid and Ac(2)-l-Lys-d-Ala-Gly-l-Ala occur concomitantly with the hydrolysis of the tripeptide into Ac(2)-l-Lys-d-Ala. The proportion of the enzyme activity which can be channelled in the transpeptidation and the hydrolysis pathways depends upon the pH and the polarity of the environment. Transpeptidation is favoured both by increasing the pH and by decreasing the water content of the reaction mixtures. Kinetics suggest that the reactions proceed through an ordered mechanism in which the acceptor molecule (meso-diaminopimelic acid or Gly-l-Ala) binds first to the enzyme. Both acceptors behave as non-competitive inhibitors of the hydrolysis pathway. Transpeptidation is inhibited by high concentrations of Gly-l-Ala but not by high concentrations of meso-diaminopimelic acid. The occurrence on the enzyme of an additional inhibitory binding site for Gly-l-Ala is suggested.  相似文献   

DNA3′pp5′G caps synthesized by the 3′-PO4/5′-OH ligase RtcB have a strong impact on enzymatic reactions at DNA 3′-OH ends. Aprataxin, an enzyme that repairs A5′pp5′DNA ends formed during abortive ligation by classic 3′-OH/5′-PO4 ligases, is also a DNA 3′ de-capping enzyme, converting DNAppG to DNA3′p and GMP. By taking advantage of RtcB''s ability to utilize certain GTP analogs to synthesize DNAppN caps, we show that aprataxin hydrolyzes inosine and 6-O-methylguanosine caps, but is not adept at removing a deoxyguanosine cap. We report a 1.5 Å crystal structure of aprataxin in a complex with GMP, which reveals that: (i) GMP binds at the same position and in the same anti nucleoside conformation as AMP; and (ii) aprataxin makes more extensive nucleobase contacts with guanine than with adenine, via a hydrogen bonding network to the guanine O6, N1, N2 base edge. Alanine mutations of catalytic residues His147 and His149 abolish DNAppG de-capping activity, suggesting that the 3′ de-guanylylation and 5′ de-adenylylation reactions follow the same pathway of nucleotidyl transfer through a covalent aprataxin-(His147)–NMP intermediate. Alanine mutation of Asp63, which coordinates the guanosine ribose hydroxyls, impairs DNAppG de-capping.  相似文献   

After cells were labeled by brief exposure to 3H-methyl-L-methionine, the majority of labeled 5′ terminal cap I (m7GpppN1mpN2p) oligonucleotide structures were in nuclear RNA (hnRNA) molecules ~750 nucleotides or less in length. After longer label times, the proportion of cap I structures in nuclear molecules longer than mRNA rose to approximately 60% of the total, but approximately 40% of the cap I structures were still in molecules shorter than ~750 nucleotides. The cap I structures in both long and short hnRNA chains contained all four 2′ methylated nucleotides in the N1 position in about the same proportion as in mRNA. None of the large hnRNA molecules could be demonstrated to contain 5′ pppXp termini; the only such terminus in high molecular weight RNA was pppAp which was decreased markedly by low doses of actinomycin and is presumably the terminus of pre-rRNA. These results raise the possibilities that hnRNA chains can initiate with any of the four nucleotides, that capping occurs very close to or at the start of hnRNA chain synthesis and that approximately 40% of the hnRNA chains may be prematurely terminated.  相似文献   

The photo-oxidative effect of sunlight on the tryptophan residues of proteins and on free tryptophan is described. Evidence is presented that the indole ring is split to yield N'-formylkynurenine. The possible relation of this photo-oxidative change to changes in the lens proteins of brown cataracts is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Nucleoside-5-triphosphates such as 5-ATP and 5-GTP can be produced efficiently and continuously from 3-mononucleotides such as 3-AMP and 3-GMP by a series of processes consisting of two reaction phases using dried cells of Candida sp. N-25-2 (a hydrocarbon assimilating yeast). Moreover, incidentally to the 5-triphosphates, free uracil is yielded almost stoichiometrically from 3-CMP and 3-UMP which, as is well known, are main concomitant products depolymerized from RNA. Uracil is then also available for many usage.  相似文献   

5′-Methylthioadenosine and four 5′-alkylthiotubercidins were tested for their ability to inhibit polyamine synthesis in vitro and to decrease polyamine concentration and prevent growth of baby-hamster-kidney (BHK21) cells. 5′-Methylthioadenosine and 5′-methylthiotubercidin decreased the activity of spermidine synthase from brain to roughly the same extent, whereas brain spermine synthase was much more strongly inhibited by 5′-methylthioadenosine compared with 5′-methylthiotubercidin. These nucleoside derivatives also inhibited the growth of BHK21 cells and increased the concentration of putrescine. 5′-Methylthioadenosine decreased cellular spermine concentration, whereas 5′-methylthiotubercidin lowered the concentration of spermidine. The activities of ornithine decarboxylase and S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase were enhanced in cells grown in the presence of 5′-methylthiotubercidin. The growth inhibition produced by these nucleoside derivatives was not reversed by exogenous spermidine or spermine. 5′-Ethylthiotubercidin, 5′-propylthiotubercidin and 5′-isopropylthiotubercidin did not appreciably inhibit spermidine or spermine synthase in vitro or decrease the cellular polyamine content, but effectively prevented the growth of BHK21 cells. All nucleoside derivatives at concentrations of 0.2–1 mm caused a rapid inhibition of protein synthesis. It is concluded that the growth inhibition produced by 5′-methylthioadenosine and 5′-alkylthiotubercidins was not primarily due to polyamine depletion but other target sites, for instance the cellular nucleotide pool, cell membranes etc. must be considered.  相似文献   

The effect of isoproterenol, norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin on the accumulation of adenosine 3,5-monophosphate (cAMP) was studied in homogeneous neuronal cultures from 8-day chick embryo hemispheres. Among the catecholamines, isoproterenol had a more pronounced effect on the accumulation of cAMP. Norepinephrine and dopamine were considerably less potent and serotonin was ineffective. The response of neuronal cells to isoproterenol was inhibited by propranolol, suggesting that the cAMP increase was mediated by -adrenergic receptors. Maximally effective concentration of isoproterenol (10 M) produced a 2.5-fold increase in cAMP content which is in contrast to the much greater cAMP response elicited by isoproterenol in chick brain tissue. These results suggest that in chick embryo hemispheres the nonneuronal cells are the major sites of the effect of -adrenergic agonists. The low responsiveness of the cAMP-generating system found in neuronal cultures in interpreted as reflecting either the number of -adrenergic receptors or the regulation of -adrenergic receptors and adenylate cyclase at the membrane level.  相似文献   

Summary Cytochemical localization of 5- nucleotidase (AMPase) has been investigated in the parotid acinar cells of rats at various stages of exocytic secretion induced by an administration of isoproterenol (IPR).In the resting stage, the acinar cells show AMPase activity located on the baso-lateral and luminal plasmalemma, and in the earliest secretory stage the luminal plasma membranes are devoid of the enzymatic activity. However, these particular regions exhibit AMPase activity during the advanced stages of secretion, and the AMPase positive membranes become absorbed into the cytoplasm by endocytic activity. The absorbed membrane components then seem to be degraded by the action of lysosomes.The intracellular fate of the endocytic vacuoles has been examined by the aid of ferritin particles introduced retrogradely through ductal lumina. Ferritin containing vacuoles are distributed in the cytoplasm, and these droplets change into secondary lysosomes. No tracer particles are recognized in the internal space of the Golgi lamella and its associated vesicles.The results suggested that in the exocytic secretion of parotid acinar cells, AMPase originating from plasma membrane intermingles with the membranes derived from secretion granules, and is translocated into cytoplasm by an endocytic mechanism. The internalized membrane components are, at least partly, degraded by lysosome action.  相似文献   

Summary Growth of choriocarcinoma cells in the presence of 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd) results in a 30- to 40-fold increase in alkaline phosphatase activity. The effect of BrdUrd is specific for phosphatase with an alkaline pH optimum. The induction by BrdUrd is probably not due to the production of an altered enzyme, since the induced enzyme resembles the basal enzyme in thermal denaturation and kinetic properties. Enzyme induction can be prevented by thymidine but not by deoxycytidine or deoxyuridine. The induction of alkaline phosphatase appears to require incorporation of the BrdUrd into cellular DNA. The presence of BrdUrd in the growth medium is not necessary for alkaline phosphatase induction in proliferating cells containing: BrdUrd-substituted genomes. However, enzyme induction and maintenance of the induced levels of alkaline phosphatase in nonproliferating cells containing BrdUrd-substituted DNA requires the presence of the analogues in the medium. The induction of alkaline phosphatase by BrdUrd in probably an indirect process.  相似文献   

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